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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les fictions commentaires ˸ spéculations référentielles au tournant du XXIe siècle (Bolaño, Danielewski, Senges) / Commentary fictions ˸ Speculative reference in contemporary novels

Verlingue, Cyril 07 December 2018 (has links)
Sous la catégorie de « fictions commentaires », cette thèse compare des romans au second degré, dont le processus fictionnel s’ancre dans la glose d’une œuvre première plus que dans la représentation référentielle. À rebours de l’intertexte destiné à s’intégrer et à nourrir la création, les fictions commentaires reposent plutôt sur une hypertextualité hétérogène, ainsi que sur des dispositifs enchâssés d’écriture, de lecture et d’édition. Avec les expérimentations de Mark Z. Danielewski (House of Leaves), les facéties de Pierre Senges (Fragments de Lichtenberg) ou les enquêtes de Roberto Bolaño (2666), l’écriture devient herméneutique, déchiffrement d’un manuscrit perdu, recherches bio-bibliographiques. Mais ces œuvres secondes ne sont pas nécessairement refermées sur elles-mêmes : en multipliant les références fragmentaires à leurs sources, que ce soit par l’annotation, l’allusion ou la représentation seconde, elles modifient en effet leur rapport à la référence, à la manière dont la fiction se construit sur un fondement implicite. Une figuration au second degré est en effet distincte de celle qui part d’un « cadre de référence », qu’il soit pensé comme le monde « tel qu’il est » ou considéré comme relevant de la perception, de constructions langagières ou de connaissances scientifiques. Les fictions commentaires interrogent donc les conditions de la représentation littéraire lorsqu’elle ne s’appuie plus seulement sur des figurations subjectives mais bien sur un objet qui obéit arbitrairement (mais sûrement) à ses propres règles. Elles substituent à la représentation mimétique d’un monde extralinguistique, la signification d’une œuvre déjà constituée. Ce déplacement ne constitue pourtant pas une simple abolition du référent. De cadre implicite et nécessairement dogmatique, la référence devient un substrat explicite, matériel et mobile, un point de départ contingent. Il devient possible de la soumettre à la variation, au doute, à la dés-illusion. Dans les fictions commentaires, le référent devient donc spéculatif. Notre travail voudrait penser ce transfert à l’aune des philosophies spéculatives contemporaines, telles qu’elles sont par exemple portées par Quentin Meillassoux, Graham Harman ou Tristan Garcia. En prenant le parti des choses, ces penseurs s’efforcent de débusquer l’absence de nécessité des lois physiques du monde. En effet, dans l’ontologie objet-orientée les choses hors de leurs représentations sont souvent pensées selon leur contingence. Les fictions commentaires réfèrent surtout à des objets – les œuvres premières – qu’elles commentent, glosent et modifient. Elles pourraient dès lors être conçues comme la figuration des virtualités présentes au cœur du réel et plus seulement comme l’image de possibles stipulés ou fantasmés. Dans cette perspective, il s’agira donc d’explorer le monde figuré par la littérature spéculative. / This dissertation intends to outline and study “commentary fictions,” or novels that comment on other works rather than represent a referential reality. Against intertextual assimilation, these fictions “of the second degree” rely on a hypertextual basis, and depict the writing, reading and editing processes. As demonstrated in Mark Z. Danielewski’s experimentations (House of Leaves), Pierre Senges’ wit (Fragments de Lichtenberg) and Roberto Bolaño’s investigations (2666), reading literary fiction becomes an act of hermeneutical or bio-bibliographical research. However, these secondary novels are not necessarily enclosed within a self-referential framework: their relationship with reference, i.e. the way fiction is built on the implicit, is amended by a multiplicity of fragmentary references to their sources. A second-degree representation is indeed different from one that follows a “frame of reference”, either considered as the world “itself” or as its perceptions, verbal constructions or scientific descriptions. Commentary fictions look into the conditions of a literary representation that is no longer a subjective depiction, but rather a mere object with its own random – but defined – rules. Mimetic representations of extralinguistic worlds are replaced by significations of already finished works. This shift does not yet lead to the end of referential reality. Formerly a dogmatic frame, the reference is converted into an explicit, concrete and movable layer: it is now a contingent background. In commentary fictions, variation, doubt and dis/illusion are bound to a reference that becomes, in short, speculative. One could easily associate this idea with certain contemporary philosophical trends, as found in the works of Quentin Meillassoux, Graham Harman or Tristan Garcia, amongst others. Indeed, their attempt to “think the thing outside the thought” leads to an absence of necessity. Their attention to things allows an object-oriented ontology which relies on a speculation of the world’s contingence. Commentary fictions could therefore be regarded as representations of a virtual reality more so than stipulations of possible worlds. This work, then, aims to explore the world’s figuration (or representation in the second degree) in speculative literature.

Lérudition à Rome (IIe s. av. J.-C. IIe s. ap. J.-C.)/Scholarship in Rome (IIBC-IIAD). Étude sémantique des mots eruditus, curiosus et antiquarius et de leurs familles

Istasse, Nathaël 05 June 2008 (has links)
Sans parler de son histoire universelle encore à écrire, il savère que, dans lhistoire des idées et au regard dautres pans de la culture antique et romaine comme léducation, le thème de lérudition fait figure de parent pauvre dans les études modernes, de quelque nature quelles soient. Nous nous proposons ici, en complément de travaux historico-littéraires tels que ceux de Sandys ou de Pfeiffer sur la scholarship antique et dans la lignée de recherches existantes sur philologos/philologus , scholastikos/scholasticus ou docere , détudier plus particulièrement la notion dérudition dans lAntiquité et spécialement à Rome, du IIe s. av. J.-C. au IIe s. ap. J.-C., par le biais dun examen du lexique y afférent. Concrètement, nous nous sommes livré à un examen exhaustif des termes antiquarius; curiosus, curiositas et curiose; eruditus, eruditio, erudite, ainsi que des autres formes verbales derudire relatives au sujet. Par ailleurs, étudier sémantiquement une notion, quelle quelle soit, à Rome et à cette période, mérite et réclame, selon nous, une étude in utraque lingua. Se livrer à une dichotomie entre grec et latin serait tomber dans le piège des catégories modernes et négliger la réalité de lImperium Romanum. Cest pourquoi nous joignons à la présente recherche deux études exhaustives sur archaiologein et philarchaios destinées à offrir un autre regard contemporain sur la notion de « goût du passé ».

Religion, erudition, and enlightenment : histories of paganism in eighteenth-century Scotland

Loughlin, Felicity Perpetua January 2018 (has links)
The history of paganism captivated many scholars in eighteenth-century Europe, and was brought into some of the greatest philosophical and religious debates of the age. 'Paganism' was a term that encapsulated a variety of religious beliefs and practices in the ancient and modern worlds, categorically defined through their shared distinction from the Abrahamic traditions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Although research has been carried out into the historical study of paganism in eighteenth-century England and in many areas of continental Europe, histories of paganism produced in contemporary Scotland have largely been overlooked. This thesis aims to recover this forgotten dimension of Scottish historical scholarship by examining histories of paganism written by eighteenth-century Scots. It demonstrates that these writings provide valuable insights into Scottish intellectuals' attitudes towards religion and its history in the age of Enlightenment, and illuminate the ideas and scholarly practices that underpinned them. Part One examines the first half of the eighteenth century, exploring the writings of Robert Millar (1672-1752), Andrew Ramsay (1686-1743), Archibald Campbell (1691-1756), and Thomas Blackwell (1701-1757). It is shown that their approach to pagan religious history was founded in humanist scholarship and erudition; their findings were derived from the study of ancient texts, modern works of scholarship, and reports of modern pagans. It is demonstrated that this shared methodology did not translate into uniformity of interpretation. Pagan beliefs were variously regarded as manifestations of idolatry, as reflections of revealed religious truth, or as allegories of ancient philosophical wisdom; for some, paganism was soul-destroying, for others it was a crucial support for popular morality. It is argued, however, that each author provided a conjectural account of the origins of paganism, based on their perception of the earliest ages of human history, and their conception of the fabric of human nature. It is emphasised that, contrary to prevailing historiographical interpretations of the European study of paganism, the Scottish engagement with pagan religious history did not undermine contemporaries' attitudes towards the authority of the Christian Revelation or their perception of the superiority of Christianity. Part Two addresses the second half of the century, the age of the 'High Enlightenment'. It focuses on the natural histories of religion produced by the celebrated historians of the age, David Hume (1711-1776) and William Robertson (1721-1793). These works are generally regarded as the product of a new approach to historiography, which applied the science of human nature and society to the study of the origins and development of religious belief. It is argued here that these works in fact display remarkable continuity with the objectives, concepts, and scholarly practices that informed earlier histories of paganism. In framing their accounts of the natural development of religious belief, Hume and Robertson appealed to the evidence of the pagan past. A new emphasis on the stages of social and cognitive development supplemented, rather than replaced, the use of humanist scholarship, erudition, and conjecture in the study of pagan religious history. Nor did natural histories of religion necessarily threaten the privileged status of revealed Christianity. The thesis thus problematises the sharp division often drawn between the 'early' and 'high' phases of the Scottish Enlightenment, and questions the extent to which Scottish conceptions of religion and its history were radically transformed during the eighteenth century.

Decadent Rome in the literature of Decadence: Antiquity, Enlightenment, and Barbey d'Aurevilly

Rogosic, Sandra 27 November 2018 (has links)
How is it that the Roman decadence, a derogatory term during the Enlightenment, became the fundamental aesthetic reference for a nineteenth century literary movement? Focusing on the intersections of literature, politics, religion, science and art history, this dissertation adopts a diachronic approach to decadence, read against a backdrop mobilizing twentieth century philosophers Vladimir Jankelevitch and Michel Serres. Decadence (Latin cadere, to fall) first designated the fall of the Roman Empire and a falling away from its political, moral and aesthetic norms. Drawing on Petronius and Baudelaire, I crystallize three ways in which philosophers, scholars (“érudits”), and poets faced the troubling notion of the fall : they observe its occurrence, restore its ruins, or praise its beauty. With this in mind, the dissertation closely analyzes eighteenth century topoi that conceive decadence as political instability (Montesquieu, Gibbon), moral corruption (Rousseau, de Maistre), and architectural imbalance (Diderot, Seroux d’Agincourt). The principal emphasis is on the semantic and stylistic value assigned to the term “decadence”. These interdiscursive readings disclose the displacement of decadent topoi : shifting from one context to another, they narrate the fall of the Roman Empire and remain inscribed in the literary production of Decadence. Whereas the Enlightenment underlines the edifying dimension of the Roman example, nineteenth century authors, lapsing into original sin and propelled by thermodynamic loss, salute the expression of the fall. Barbey d’Aurevilly’s writings reveal consistent historical, structural and textual references to Roman topoi, caught up in the arrested completion of political and mechanical cycles. Furthermore, his dandyism and ultramontanism conjure up the Roman conflict, while recurring fragments, maculae and lacunae destabilize the architectural balance of his texts. The Literature of Decadence emerges as an artificial intervention that suspends the irreparable fall, enlightening the political, moral and technological turmoil of the Second Empire with those of the Roman Empire. In returning Decadence back to its Roman origins, and tracing their configuration in the age of Enlightenment, this dissertation unravels a formative, yet frequently overlooked component of nineteenth century literature and aesthetics.

Entre le livre et la lampe ˸ représentations et usages de l'érudition chez Pierre Michon, W.G. Sebald et Antonio Tabucchi / Representations and uses of erudition in Pierre Michon's, W.G. Sebald's and Antonio Tabucchi's work

Toubert, Victor 29 April 2019 (has links)
Prenant notre point de départ dans l’étude du rapport fantastique avec le savoir mis en évidence par Michel Foucault à propos du travail littéraire de Flaubert, nous voudrions nous interroger sur les modalités proprement contemporaines des rapports entre les écrivains et les savoirs, et tenter de caractériser précisément ces rapports dans la littérature européenne contemporaine, en nous appuyant sur les œuvres de Pierre Michon, W.G. Sebald et Antonio Tabucchi. À l’aide d’une définition pragmatique des savoirs, nous commençons par une étude des représentations de l’érudition dans la fiction, en nous concentrant sur divers personnages, secondaires ou plus importants, qui jouent tous des rôles d’intercesseurs dans la production, la transmission et la diffusion des savoirs. S’ils fonctionnent bien d’un certain côté comme des figures de l’érudition, images idéales de savoirs efficaces, ces personnages portent aussi des critiques des savoirs établis et des hiérarchies qui lui sont associées. Les lieux associés aux savoirs, bibliothèques et musées en particulier, sont également abordés selon cet angle polémique. La seconde partie de notre travail s’attache à l’étude des usages des savoirs par les écrivains que nous avons choisis, en fournissant des éléments pour une poétique des textes littéraires contemporains construits sur un rapport à l’érudition. Leur écriture seconde, s’appuyant sur une grande variété de textes, s’approprie de nombreux savoirs. Nous étudions successivement les diverses modalités des usages des paroles rapportées, que cela soit à travers l’oralité, par des citations, ou la présence des langues étrangères, pour montrer les usages particuliers des savoirs que font nos écrivains. En opposition à un usage postmoderne de l’érudition, une érudition inquiète, mettant au centre de sa dynamique une mise en commun du sens, se fait jour. / Beginning with the fantastic relation with knowledge highlighted by Michel Foucault regarding Gustave Flaubert’s literary work, we would like to bend over the contemporary modalities of the relations between knowledge and literary writers, and try to precisely characterize theses relations in contemporary European literature, basing our work on the examples of Pierre Michon, W.G. Sebald and Antonio Tabucchi. A pragmatic definition of knowledge helps us to begin with a study of the representations of erudition in the fiction, focusing upon various characters, who play an intermediary role in the production, transmission or diffusion of knowledge. If on one hand they operate as figures of erudition, ideals representations of effective knowledge, these characters on the other hand carry with them some critics of the established knowledges and the hierarchy that are associated with them. The places associated with knowledge, libraries or museums, are also studied in this polemic approach. The second part of our work studies the uses of knowledge done by the writers chosen, giving some elements for a poetic study of the contemporary literary texts that are written in a relation with knowledge. Their secondary writing, built on a wide variety of texts, assimilates various knowledges. We study successively the diverse modalities of the uses of the words reported, by the relation between the literary text and the orality, the quotations, or the presences of foreign languages, to highlight the original uses of knowledge done by our writers. Opposing a postmodern use of erudition, emerges an anxious and restless erudition, concerned by the sharing of meaning and the community it constitutes.

"feueilleter papiers, quotter cayers" : La citation au regard de l'érudito ludere des fictions rabelaisiennes / "Feueilleter papiers, quotter cayers" : quotation and erudition in rabelaisian fictions

Cappellen, Raphaël 05 December 2013 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur l'interaction entre la citation et l'érudition dans l'oeuvre de Rabelais à partir d'une approche construite sur l'idée que l'écriture rabelaisienne repose sur un jeu constant avec l'érudition qu'elle mobilise. Dans la première partie, deux sources relevant du genre des miscellanées, utilisées par Rabelais comme des réservoirs à citations, sont analysées de manière systématique : les traités juridiques de son ami fontenaisien André Tiraqueau et les Adages d'Érasme. Après cette analyse génétique, nous nous penchons en deux temps sur la manière dont l'érudition sert et se trouve incarnée par la représentation fictionnelle. D'un côté, l'espace de la bibliothèque est un des lieux majeurs de l'espace fictif ; de l'autre, les personnages forment une communauté d'érudits aux idiomes distincts. Est analysée dans un dernier temps, la question du genre des « romans » rabelaisiens et en particulier des Tiers et Quart Livres. La dette générique envers le genre des miscellanées, du commentaire philologique, est mise en avant. Rabelais a écrit ses Lectiones antiquae sous la forme d'une narration comique. L'erudito ludere fondateur de son écriture a été reçu comme tel, ce que peut démontrer in fine un retour sur l'histoire de la réception de Rabelais du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle / This study focuses on the interaction between quotation and erudition in Rabelais's work. For this purpose, we follow the idea that rabelaisian writing is built on a constant play with the erudition it mobilizes. In the first part, two sources coming within the genre of miscellanies, used by Rabelais as collections of quotations, are analysed : the legal treatises of his close friend, André Tiraqueau, and the erasmian Adagia. After this genetic part, the study explores the ways erudition improves and is represented in the fiction. Firstly, the library is shown as a major place in the fictional world. Secondly, the characters are forming a community of scholars with distinct idioms. Finally, the question of the gender of rabelaisian « novels » is asked, and particularly for the Third and Fourth Books of Pantagruel. Rabelais seems to be inspired by the aesthetics of the miscellanies and of philological commentaries. He wrote his Lectiones antiquae under the form of a comic narration. The erudito ludere, principle of his writing, has been recognized by his readers as a historical study of Rabelais's reception from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century can finally show

La poétique de Nicolas Petit (c. 1497-1532) un renouveau de l'écriture poétique néo-latine à Paris et à Poitiers, dans le cercle de François Rabelais / Nicolas Petit’s Poetics (c. 1497-1532). A Renewal of the neo-latin poetic Writing in Paris and in Poitiers, in François Rabelais’s Circle

Laimé, Arnaud 24 November 2011 (has links)
Nicolas Petit (c. 1497-1532), originaire de Normandie, étudia et enseigna au collège de Montaigu à Paris (c. 1510-c. 1522). Ce collège avait mauvaise réputation auprès des humanistes qui le disaient hostile au Bonae Literae, mais la modernité de sa poésie (Elegiae de redemptione humana, Paris, Jean Petit, 1517, en collaboration avec Jean Des Fossés ;Sylvae. Arion, Gornais, Barbaromachia cum aliquot hymnis, Paris, Jean de Gourmont, 1522)contredit ces représentations traditionnelles. Petit partit ensuite à Poitiers étudier le droit ; il yfréquenta les cercles littéraires et devint ami du poète rhétoriqueur Jean Bouchet et du jeune François Rabelais.Cette thèse consiste d’une part en l’édition, l’annotation, la traduction des Sylvae et des Elegiae de redemptione humana (1er volume). Un second volume contient une étude du contexte intellectuel du collège de Montaigu qui s’appuie sur la lecture des oeuvres produites dans et autour de ce collège ; j’entame ensuite une étude littéraire des Sylvae (imitation deStace, influence d’Ange Politien, nature pré-rabelaisienne des textes de Petit) ; je termine en analysant l’influence de la poésie de Petit sur les oeuvres de J. Bouchet et F. Rabelais. Dans chacune de ces parties, j’appuie ma réflexion sur un panorama général de la littérature néo-latine du temps, pour mieux situer Petit dans son contexte intellectuel et littéraire. / Nicolas Petit (c. 1497-1532), from Normandy, studied and taught in the college of Montaiguin Paris (c. 1510-C. 1522). This college had bad reputation among the Humanists who said itwas hostile to Bonae Literae, but the modernity of Petit’s poetry (Elegiae de redemptionehumana, Paris, Jean Petit, 1517, in collaboration with Jean Des Fossés ; Sylvae. Arion,Gornais, Barbaromachia cum aliquot hymnis, Paris, Jean de Gourmont, 1522) contradictsthose traditional representations. Afterwards, Petit went to Poitiers (c. 1522-1532) to studylaw ; there, he frequented the literary circles and became friend with the Rhetoriqueur poetJean Bouchet and the young François Rabelais.This Ph. D. consists in the edition, annotation and traduction of the Sylvae and of the Elegiaede redemptione humana (1st volume). A second volume contains a study of the intellectualbackground of the college of Montaigu which bases on a reading of the texts written in andaround this college ; then I begin a literary study of the Sylvae (imitation of Stace, influenceof Angelo Poliziano, pre-rabelaisian nature of Petit’s texts) ; in the last part, I analyze theinfluence of Petit’s poetry on Jean Bouchet’s works and also on Rabelais’s ones. In each partof my study, I base my reflection on a general overview of neo-latine literature of the time, inorder to insert Petit in his intellectual and literary background.

A catarse teatral na formação humana

Cunha, Fabricio Moraes 23 July 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:01:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabricio Moraes Cunha.pdf: 1113794 bytes, checksum: d12423013854d79f0d7a9fd34b3c3894 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-23 / Com base em uma pesquisa de cunho eminentemente teórico-bibliográfica, a contribuição que segue visa abordar a relação entre o teatro e a formação humana, sob ótica da Teoria Crítica da Sociedade. O problema a que se deseja responder tem que ver com a possibilidade de o processo catártico, motivado pelo teatro, inspirar uma formação a contrapelo dos ditames educacionais vinculados à lógica do mercado. O principal objetivo é entender em que medida a experiência com o teatro, capaz de despertar a dimensão catártica, pode contribuir para a ampliação da formação humana. O conceito de formação humana adotado vincula-se à concepção de Bildung presente especialmente na obra do filósofo Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno (1903-1969). O objetivo específico, nessa primeira etapa do trabalho, foi apreender até que ponto o conceito de catarse tem sido referência nesses estudos e como, no ambiente acadêmico, tem ocorrido esse diálogo entre teatro e educação, tendo como mediação a experiência catártica. Entretanto, além de conhecermos os diferentes sentidos do termo catarse, é importante identificar as características do tipo de educação que defendemos em nossa hipótese. Por isso, o segundo objetivo específico do trabalho corresponde a compreender a proposta da educação voltada para a emancipação com base nos pressupostos teóricos do filósofo Theodor Adorno. O trajeto metodológico parte de um breve detour conceitual em obras de referência (dicionários gerais e especializados) das áreas de filosofia, artes e teatro e, em seguida, focaliza uma revisão de literatura, com ênfase nos trabalhos acadêmicos publicados por pesquisadores do campo educacional em diálogo com a área de estudos sobre o teatro. Como forma de estabelecer um contraponto entre os pressupostos adornianos e o atual contexto histórico-social, assumimos também o objetivo específico de analisar aspectos do tipo de catarse estimulada pela sociedade atual e suas consequências para os processos de formação humana. Por fim, investigamos como outro tipo de catarse, especificamente estética e promovida pela arte teatral, pode servir para uma educação emancipadora com base na teoria estética de Adorno / Based on a theoretical-bibliographical research, this dissertation aims to investigate the relationship between theater and human formation, in a perspective of Critical Theory of Society. The main goal is to understand how the experience with the theater, capable to rouse the cathartic dimension, can contribute with the growth of human formation. The issue that needs answer is related with the possibility of the cathartic process, motivated by the theater, to inspire a formation opposed to the educational commands linked to the logic of the market. The concept of human development adopted is linked to the concept of Bildung in the philosophical tradition of Theodor W. Adorno. The methodological course starts with a brief conceptual detour in reference works (general and specialized dictionaries) in the areas of philosophy, arts and theater, and then focuses on a literature review, with emphasis on academic papers published by researchers in the educational area and the dialogue with the area of theater studies. The specific goal in this first stage of the work was to understand how the concept of catharsis has been reference in these studies and how, in the academic environment, this has been dialogue between theater and education, knowing that the cathartic experience is the mediation. However, besides knowing the different meanings of catharsis , is important to identify the characteristics of education types that we support in our hypothesis. Therefore, the second specific objective of the work is to understand the educational proposal towards emancipation based on the conceptual framework of Theodor Adorno. As a way to establish a counterpoint between Adorno s assumptions and the current socio-historical context, we also assume the specific purpose of analyzing aspects of the kind of catharsis stimulated by current society and its consequences for the processes of human development. Finally, we investigated how other kind of catharsis, specifically aesthetic and promoted by theatrical art, can serve to Emancipatory Education based on Adorno s Aesthetic Theory

Das belas-letras ao arquivo documental: os escritos biográficos da Academia Real das Ciências de Lisboa (1788-1835)

Oliveira Júnior, José Alves de 05 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Onia Arantes Albuquerque (onia.ufg@gmail.com) on 2018-10-18T15:06:53Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - José Alves de Oliveira Júnior - 2018.pdf: 1511024 bytes, checksum: a8fdba0bb00152f006e04a8d4e501927 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-10-19T10:49:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - José Alves de Oliveira Júnior - 2018.pdf: 1511024 bytes, checksum: a8fdba0bb00152f006e04a8d4e501927 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-19T10:49:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - José Alves de Oliveira Júnior - 2018.pdf: 1511024 bytes, checksum: a8fdba0bb00152f006e04a8d4e501927 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-10-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Thais paper examines the rhetoric and the introduction of documentary criticism in the biographical writing of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Lisbon. This group, created in the reign of Queen Maria I in 1779, instituted in its program the writing of Vidas, Elogios Históricos e Memórias Históricas that served to narrate the life of historical personages of the kingdom and the deceased partners of the institution. In this context, biographical writings were valued for their ability to extol the history of "great men" and their moralizing efficacy. In this research, we conceive the biographies of the Academy as traditional forms of representation of the past, incorporated into the Illustrated regime of writing history in the passage from the eighteenth to the nineteenth century. Having the historiographic text as object, we problematize the writing of history in its conceptual and methodological aspects, emphasizing the textual construction and the forms of validation of the historiographic discourse. Considering this, we elucidate the incorporation of the biographical writings of the Academy to the regime of scholarly historicity, showing how rhetoric and erudition focused on the construction of certain notions of historical evidence. We verified the relation between the biographical writings and the project of Philosophical History elaborated by the members of the association, indicating the coexistence of different notions of history in the biographical writing. In the Academy, history would be conditioned by different traditions and movements, being able to be understood at the same time as gender, science and experience of the time. / O presente trabalho examina a retórica e a introdução da crítica documental na escrita biográfica da Academia Real das Ciências de Lisboa. Essa agremiação, criada no reinado da rainha D. Maria I em 1779, instituiu em seu programa a escrita de Vidas, Elogios Históricos e Memórias Históricas que serviam para narrar a vida de personagens históricos do reino e dos sócios falecidos da instituição. Nesse contexto, os escritos biográficos eram valorizados por sua capacidade de enaltecer a história dos “grandes homens” e pela sua eficácia moralizante. Nessa pesquisa, concebemos as biografias da Academia como formas tradicionais de representação do passado, incorporadas ao regime Ilustrado de escrita da história na passagem do século XVIII para o XIX. Tendo o texto historiográfico como objeto, problematizamos a escrita da história em seus aspectos conceituais e metodológicos, dando ênfase à construção textual e às formas de validação do discurso historiográfico. A partir disso, elucidamos a incorporação dos escritos biográficos da Academia ao regime de historicidade erudito, evidenciando de que modo a retórica e a erudição incidiam na construção de determinadas noções de evidência histórica. Verificamos ao final, a relação entre os escritos biográficos e o projeto de História Filosófica elaborado pelos membros da associação, indicando a coexistência de distintas noções de história na escrita biográfica. Na Academia, a história estaria condicionada por distintas tradições e movimentos, podendo ser entendida ao mesmo tempo como gênero, ciência e experiência do tempo.

As contribuições da educação crítica para a emancipação do sujeito toxicômano / The contributions of critical education for the emancipation of theindividual drug addict

Pinto, Rômulo Fabriciano Gonzaga 09 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2016-06-08T21:01:11Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Rômulo Fabriciano Gonzaga Pinto - 2016.pdf: 3161864 bytes, checksum: b25a4f221b11e6074ae502a2cc371b6a (MD5) license_rdf: 19874 bytes, checksum: 38cb62ef53e6f513db2fb7e337df6485 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-06-09T11:17:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Rômulo Fabriciano Gonzaga Pinto - 2016.pdf: 3161864 bytes, checksum: b25a4f221b11e6074ae502a2cc371b6a (MD5) license_rdf: 19874 bytes, checksum: 38cb62ef53e6f513db2fb7e337df6485 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-09T11:17:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Rômulo Fabriciano Gonzaga Pinto - 2016.pdf: 3161864 bytes, checksum: b25a4f221b11e6074ae502a2cc371b6a (MD5) license_rdf: 19874 bytes, checksum: 38cb62ef53e6f513db2fb7e337df6485 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-09 / This work is linked to the line of research "Cultural and Educational Processes". This is a survey based on the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School, from critical conception of non-formal education in the public health field. The research problem was developed by the question: How Body conceptions of, health and happiness are built socio-historically and what are their possible relationship with the formation of the subject drug addict The research technique used was the hermeneutic perspective with document analysis, from the theoretical framework. The general objective of this research was to understand the historical development of body categories, health and happiness, as well as other social mediations in the process of formation of the subject drug addict. Already the specific objectives were: to list, from the thought of Plato and Descartes, the elements for understanding the development of body categories, health and happiness; exhibit in dialogue with Foucault the history and development of health policies, their relationship with psychiatry and forms of care in the health field in the early modern era, reflect the Frankfurtian critical theory about the development of category instrumental reason and erudition human linked to the formation of the subject drug addict; understand Freud malaise in civilization, the specifics of the subject drug addict with psychoanalysis olivensteiniana prohibitionist drug policy, list the health care forms constituted as opposed to asylum-asylum policy in the twentieth century and XXI and the educational possibilities arising therefrom that may contribute to the emancipation of the subject drug addict by adorniana. A research critical theory originated from the therapeutic-pedagogical experience in mental health services in Goiânia, as well as the need to research, study and reflection of a field still little theoretical production. Therefore, we analyzed the documents that regulate the teaching process of Physical Education in CAPS-AD, aiming to present possible solutions to the construction of a critical education project in the public health service which can contribute to the emancipation of the subject drug addict. We conclude that, despite the limitations and contradictions, there is a possibility of therapeutic-critical pedagogical intervention in the field of public health which could help to the emancipation of the subject drug addict in the way of criticality. / Este trabalho está vinculado à linha de pesquisa “Cultura e Processos Educacionais”. Trata-se de uma pesquisa realizada com base nos pressupostos teórico-metodológicosda Teoria Crítica da Escola de Frankfurt, a partir de concepção crítica de educação não-formal no campo da saúde pública.O problema de pesquisa foi desenvolvido pela seguinte pergunta: Como as concepções de corpo, saúde e felicidade são construídas sócio-historicamente e quais são suas possíveis relações com a formação do sujeito toxicômano?Atécnica de pesquisa utilizada foi a perspectiva hermenêutica com análise documental, a partir do referencial teórico. Como objetivo geral, esta pesquisa consistiu em compreender o desenvolvimento histórico das categorias corpo, saúde e felicidade, assim como outras mediações sociais no processo de formação do sujeito toxicômano.Já os objetivos específicos foram: elencar, a partir do pensamento de Platão e Descartes, os elementos para se compreender o desenvolvimento das categorias corpo, saúde e felicidade; expor em diálogo com Foucault ahistóriaedesenvolvimento das políticas de saúde, sua relação com a psiquiatria e as formas de cuidado no campo da saúde no início da era moderna;refletircom a teoria crítica frankfurtianaacerca do desenvolvimento da categoria razão instrumental e da semiformação humana vinculada à formação do sujeito toxicômano;entenderem Freudo mal-estar na civilização, as especificidades do sujeito toxicômanocom a psicanálise olivensteinianapolítica proibicionista das drogas;elencar as formas de cuidado em saúde constituídas em contraposição à política asilar-manicomial nos séculos XX e XXI e as possibilidades educativas daí oriundas que possam contribuir para a emancipação do sujeito toxicômanopor meio da teoria crítica adorniana.A pesquisa teve origem a partir da experiência terapêutico-pedagógica nos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial no município de Goiânia, bem como a necessidade de investigação, estudo e reflexão de um campo com ainda pouca produção teórica. Para tanto, analisamos os documentos que normatizam os processos pedagógicos da Educação Física nos CAPS-AD, objetivando apresentar possíveis saídas para a construção de um projeto de educação crítica neste serviço de saúde pública que possa contribuir para a emancipação do sujeito toxicômano. Conclui-se que, apesar dos limites e contradições, existe a possibilidade de intervenção terapêutico-pedagógica crítica no campo da saúde pública que pode corroborar para aemancipação do sujeito toxicômano no caminho da criticidade.

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