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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Bazanella, Deise Daiana Gugeler 02 March 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In the 1970 s, Brazilian marginal poetry broadened the communicative levels of the poetic text in order to attract more readers. To achieve that, it questioned the traditional procedures of modern lyric poetry, thus making explicit a series of changes in contemporary sensitivity and creating difficulties to established critical approaches. In this period of paradigms rupture we find the poet Zuca Sardan, whose book, Ás de Colete (originally published in 1979 and re-edited by Editora da Unicamp in 1994), is the object of reflection in this work. Aiming at discussing some of its characteristics, I propose a reading based on the concept of antipoetry, which helps to understand the sardanian poem as a hybrid discourse based on some of its most prominent aspects: image, humor and communicative form (effect of the strategic use of resources commonly associated to prose), conjugated in order to produce a revealing and unusual estrangement effect on the reader s perception. / Nos anos 70, a poesia marginal brasileira ampliou os níveis de comunicabilidade do texto poético no intuito de atrair mais leitores. Para isso, questionou os procedimentos tradicionais da poesia lírica moderna, explicitando uma série de mudanças na sensibilidade dos sujeitos contemporâneos e criando dificuldades para as formas consagradas de abordagem crítica. Nesse período de ruptura de paradigmas situa-se o poeta Zuca Sardan, cujo livro, Ás de Colete (originalmente publicado em 1979 e reeditado pela Editora da Unicamp em 1994), é o objeto de reflexão deste trabalho. No intuito de discutir algumas de suas características, proponho uma leitura a partir do conceito de antipoesia, que ajuda a compreender o poema sardaniano como discurso híbrido com base em alguns de seus aspectos mais proeminentes: imagem, humor e forma comunicável (efeito do uso estratégico de recursos comumente associados à prosa), os quais se coadunam de modo a produzir um revelador e inusitado efeito de estranhamento sobre a percepção sensível do leitor.

O grotesco em uma busca de efeitos de sentido de estranhamento

Nascimento, Amanda Caroline Zavataro do 10 July 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:19:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 amandaAV.pdf: 1956955 bytes, checksum: 726c769bb22d75ff984a0d82b74e2f67 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-07-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study investigates the effects of meaning related to estrangement that can lead to images being considered grotesque. the project began by identifying authors who have dealt with the theme of the grotesque within different theoretical frameworks and at different times and went on to study the principles and concepts of discursive semiotics, with the objective of organizing sources of meaning creation. four images by different authors were chosen in order to define a corpus for analysis. these were a scene from the film el laberinto del fauno , by guillermo del toro - 2006; a painting by the canadian marianna gartner, entitled diablo baby iii - 2006; a digital photograph by the north-american maggie taylor, entitled girl in a bee dress 2004, which was used in the opening to the 2005 tv series ghost whisperer , and a scene from the 2004 video by anna natale o banquete . each image was analyzed using a model proposed by sandra ramalho (1998; 2006). after these analyses had been completed, they were in turn analysed in comparison with each other, seeking to identify intertextual isotopes, within the plane of expression (figurative isotopes) and the plane of content (thematic isotopes). thus, taking the images as the source of data, an attempt was made to identify recurring elements,procedures and/or figures that could be classified as causing estrangement / Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo acerca de efeitos de sentido de estranhamento, os quais podem fazer com que certas imagens visuais ou audiovisuais possam ser consideradas grotescas. foi feito um levantamento de autores filiados a diversas matrizes teóricas, distanciados no tempo, os quais têm em comum a abordagem do tema denominado grotesco. para sustentar a busca desses efeitos de sentido, foram adotados princípios e conceitos derivados da semiótica discursiva. com o intuito de delimitar um corpus de análise foram escolhidas quatro imagens, de distintos autores, quais sejam: uma cena do filme o labirinto do fauno , de guillermo del toro (2006); uma pintura da canadense marianna gartner, intitulada diablo baby iii (2006); uma fotografia digital da norte-americana maggie taylor, intitulada girl in a bee dress (2004), usada na abertura da série de tv ghost whisperer (2005), e uma cena do vídeo o banquete , de anna natale (2004). foram elaboradas leituras, verbais, escritas, de cada umas destas imagens, usando um modelo proposto por sandra ramalho (1998; 2006). após as leituras, foi feita uma análise comparativa entre elas, na busca de isotopias intertextuais, no plano de expressão (isotopias figurativas) e no plano de conteúdo (isotopias temáticas). por este meio, procurou-se identificar elementos constitutivos, procedimentos relacionais ou figuras recorrentes que pudessem ser classificadas como deflagradoras do efeito de sentido de estranhamento, tendo como fontes de dados, portanto, as imagens estudadas

Family Estrangement and Hospital Readmission Rates Among Severely Mentally Ill Adults

Gunnels, Jenna Audrey Lynn 14 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Föräldraalienation : Barn som tvingas lämna en förälder – En kvalitativ forskningsstudie

Billevik, Sanna, Anell, Frida January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka fenomenet föräldraalienation ur ett professionellt perspektiv. Fokuset är på hur professionella som arbetar med barn och familjer kan se en distinktion mellan konsekvenserna och beteendet hos barn, vid berättigat avståndstagande och föräldraalienation, samt dilemmat som finns i användandet av föräldraalienation. Studien undersöker även hur dessa professionella kan hantera ärenden där föräldraalienation förekommer. För att besvara de två övergripande frågeställningarna har fem semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts. I studien har bekvämlighetsurval, målinriktat urval samt snöbollsurval använts för att finna intervjupersonerna. Intervjuerna har sedan tematiseras och analyserats med ett abduktivt tillvägagångssätt. Resultatet diskuteras även i relation till generell systemteori och ekologisk systemteori.   Resultatet av studien visar att det saknas en kunskapsgrund kring fenomenet och att det därmed finns en brist i strategier över hur professionella arbetar med dessa typer av ärenden. Däremot finns en kunskap kring barns agerande vid konflikter och våld. Denna kunskap kan överföras till arbetet med föräldraalienation, då de beteenden som skiljer sig kan skapa en distinktion. / The aim of this study was to examine the phenomenon of parental alienation from a professional perspective. The focus was on how professionals that work with children and families can see a distinction between the consequences and actions of children when there is estrangement and parental alienation, as well as the dilemma in using parental alienation. The study also examines how professionals handle cases when there is parental alienation. Five semi-structured interviews have been conducted to answer the studies two main questions. A convenience sample, a goal-oriented sample, and a snowball sample were used to find the participants. The interviews were then thematized and analysed with an abductive approach. The results are also discussed in relation to general systems theory, and ecological systems theory.   The study's results show a lack of knowledge surrounding the phenomenon, and therefore there is a deficiency in strategies on how professionals work with these kinds of cases. However, there is knowledge about how children act in conflicts and when there is domestic violence. This knowledge is assumed to be transferable in working with alienated children, since the actions that differentiate can create a distinction.


DANIELLA ROCHA CLARK 24 June 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação busca construir um diálogo entre a escritora brasileira Clarice Lispector, nascida na Ucrânia e naturalizada brasileira, e Agnès Varda, cineasta belga radicada na França. Enquanto a primeira estabeleceu uma mudança de paradigma na prosa de ficção brasileira, produzindo imagens a partir da escrita, a segunda se tornou uma referência do cinema ensaístico em todo o mundo, usando o texto de suas narrações em off para expandir o significado das cenas que preenchiam a tela. A análise de suas obras revela pontos de intersecção na construção de suas narrativas: ambas cultivam um olhar especulador e formas semelhantes de estranhamento e deslocamento, partindo do fragmento para falar do todo e enfocando os que estão à margem. Esta dissertação tem também como objetivo identificar traços como flexibilidade e apagamento da ideia de roteiro e de linearidade, tanto temporal quanto da trama como um fio que se possa seguir. / [en] This thesis intends to build a dialogue between the Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector, born in Ukraine and naturalized Brazilian, and Agnès Varda, a Belgian filmmaker based in France. While the first established a paradigm shift in Brazilian fiction, producing images from writing, the second became a reference of essayistic cinema worldwide, using her narrative texts in off to expand the meaning of the scenes that filled the screen. The analysis of their work reveals points of intersection in the construction of their narratives: they both cultivate a curious look and similar forms of estrangement and displacement, starting from the fragment to speak of the whole and focusing on those who are on the edge. This thesis also seeks to identify aspects such as flexibility and dissolution of the idea of script and linearity, both temporal or as a plot that can be followed.


[pt] Esta dissertação examina a fronteira entre a prática do design e a da produção cenográfica, tendo como referência a produção cênica da ópera. Argumenta-se aqui que tanto a prática do design quanto a do produtor cenográfico são formas de trabalho, situando-as segundo a categoria fundamental de Marx em que o trabalho é a base da constituição da vida social na humanidade. Logo, significa dizer que ambas as atividades estão submetidas às transformações e o estranhamento a que o trabalho passou na consolidação da sociedade burguesa. Defende-se neste trabalho a noção da sociedade burguesa como uma sociedade espetacular, na qual a produção cultural é orientada por uma crescente submissão do capital cultural ao capital econômico. Percebe-se a prática do design como um resultado da divisão social do trabalho na sociedade burguesa, em que sua função é a de reorganizar a produção industrial e submetê-la às demandas dessa sociedade, através da gestão da produção estranhada e da configuração simbólica pautada pela diferenciação e produção de novos valores de troca. Situa-se a ópera como um produto social da cultura da Idade Moderna, cuja função social está na organização do teatro lírico, importante espaço social das elites ocidentais durante esse período, que, com a sociedade burguesa, passa por um processo de comodificação e transformação em mercadoria cultural. A produção cenográfica, originalmente, um saber fazer artesanal, logo não estranhando, passa a ser fragmentado e alienado na figura da direção cênica moderna, ou seja, do diretor de arte, voltando para gestão da cena e diferenciação da mesma. Conclui-se que ambas essas práticas culturais, mesmo que distintas, se aproximam historicamente devido à sua submissão ao estranhamento e aos impactos subsequentes do mesmo. / [en] In this work we examine the barriers between the design praxis and scenography production, based on the scenic production of opera. Both the design praxis and the scenography production are defended here as forms of labor, which means that these practices are analyzed on the lens of Marx fundamental category, where labor operates as the constitutional basis of social life and humankind. This also means that both these praxes are submitted to the transformations and contradictions that characterize the labor category in the bourgeois society. Especially that of the industrial division of labor and its consecutive estrangement, so as it s impacts on cultural production and social life. The concept of bourgeois society defended in this work is that of a spectacular society, where cultural production is the result of a constant growing domination of economic capital value over cultural capital value. Here, the praxis of design is comprehended as the result of such division of labor, as presented above, where its function resides in reorganizing the industrial production in order to subdue it, to this new social demands, by the managing of its estragemented production and by constantly configuring new forms of symbolic differentiation and exchange values. Opera is presented here as a social product of Modern Period culture, and its social function residing in the organization of the lyric theatre, an important social space for the occidental elites in that period, a space that was commodified and transformed into cultural merchandise with the bourgeois society. The scenographic production is also presented as an artisanal and not estragemented labor practice in its origin, and sees its transformation with the appearance of the modern cenic direction, and the set designer. A labour practice that also resides in symbolic differentiation and commodified configuration. It concludes that both praxis of design and scenography production, although distinct, shares a common moment in history due to both submission to the estrangement phenomenon and its social impacts.

Les Rapports internationaux de la France en matière d'immigration / International relations of France's immigration

Samba-Vouka, Maria-Nadege 03 July 2012 (has links)
En recherchant la maîtrise des flux migratoires, la France entretient des rapports avec l'Union européenne, les pays européens, les pays d'émigration et les organisations non gouvernementales. Deux points essentiels apparaissent dans cette analyse des rapports internationaux de la France. Le premier concerne l'élaboration d'une politique migratoire de l'Union européenne révélant un cadre de négociations difficiles. La mise en œuvre de cette politique dépend des intérêts particuliers de chaque Etat membre. Le deuxième porte sur les coopérations bilatérales d'une efficacité incertaine donnant priorité aux contrôles des flux migratoires sans prendre en compte les attentes des différentes parties contractantes. Parallèlement à la mise en place de ces rapports, les instruments juridiques internationaux dégagent un ensemble de droits protégeant les étrangers. Progressivement, la France est ainsi obligée de s'aligner sur la jurisprudence européenne qui est plus protectrice à l'égard des ressortissants étrangers. / In looking for the control of migratory flows, France maintains relationships with the European Union, the European countries, the countries of emigration and the non-governmental organizations. Two mains points appear in this analysis of the French international relationships. The first one concerns the elaboration of a migratory policy of the European Union which shows a framework of difficult negotiations. The implementation of this policy depends on the particular interests of every member state. The second point is about the bilateral cooperations of an uncertain efficiency giving priority to the controls of migratory flows without taking into account the expectations of the various contracting parties. At the same time as the setting up of these relationships, the international legal instruments highlight a set of rights that protect the foreigners. Gradually, France is then compelled to align itself with the European jurisprudence which is more protective towards the foreign nationals.

Compreensão oral no livro didático: o enigma da alteridade e o estranhamento do inglês como língua estrangeira / Listening comprehension in textbooks: the enigma of alterity and the estrangement of English as a foreign language

Marques, Beatriz Herdy Raminelli 12 February 2019 (has links)
O ensino de língua inglesa conta com manuais que prescrevem metodologias para abordar as atividades de compreensão oral. No entanto, no contato com alunos durante a prática docente, percebemos que apesar das prescrições metodológicas muitos aprendizes permanecem com dificuldades na realização seja dos exercícios de compreensão oral do livro didático, seja das provas de proficiência. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar o funcionamento das atividade de compreensão auditiva a partir de uma perspectiva semântico-discursiva (ORLANDI, 1983; CORACINI, 1999; PÊCHEUX, 1990), dos estudos culturais (WOODWARD, 2000) e dos estudos pós-coloniais (ANCHIMBE; ANCHIMBE, 2005) e com apoio de conceitos da psicanálise tais como o Outro/outro, o estranho (unheimlich) e o enigma, que empregamos como metáfora das noções de inconsciente e recalque (FREUD, 1996; LACAN, 1998; KOLTAI, 1998). Desse modo, refletimos acerca do livro didático, do papel do professor de inglês e das representações de compreensão auditiva nos dizeres dos alunos e professores entrevistados. / There is a variety of manuals for the teaching of the English language which prescribe Several methodologies in order to address listening comprehension activities. However, by the contact with students during the teaching practice, we realized that despite the strategies many learners still have difficulties in performing either the listening comprehension exercises from textbooks, or the proficiency tests. Thus, the purpose of this research is to analyze the functioning of listening comprehension activities from a semantic-discursive perspective (ORLANDI, 1983; CORACINI, 1999; PÊCHEUX, 1990), cultural studies (WOODWARD, 2000), postcolonial studies (ANCHIMBE, ANCHIMBE, 2005) and based on psychoanalytical concepts such as other/Other, uncanny (unheimlich) and enigma which we use as a metaphor for the notions of unconscious and repression (FREUD, 1996; LACAN, 1998; KOLTAI, 1998). Therefore, we discuss the textbook, the role of the English teacher and the representations of listening comprehension in the speech of the students and teachers interviewed.

Le contrat à distance : notion et régime, étude comparative (droit français et droit libanais) / The distance contract : concept and regime, a comparative study (french and lebanese laws)

Maroudis, Marguerite 20 September 2013 (has links)
Le contrat à distance a connu un véritable essor avec l'intrusion des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication qui ont suscité un passage accéléré du catalogue à l'écran et une révolution commerciale dont la vente à distance et essentiellement la cyber-vente constitue son point d'observation privilégié. L'initiative législative européenne, française et libanaise existante n'a pas été, malheureusement, à la hauteur du progrès technologique. D'une part, elle délimite le contrat à distance en tant qu'un contrat de droit de la consommation et non en tant qu'un contrat de droit commun. D'autre part, elle relie le rapport de force économique déséquilibré entre les parties contractantes à leurs qualités respectives (consommateur et professionnel) et non au défaut de négociation qui précède la conclusion du contrat à distance. Il convient, dès lors, de proposer une étude comparative simultanée qui permet de reconsidérer le contrat à distance à la lumière de la période qui précède sa conclusion en fournissant des solutions pour les lacunes et disparités juridiques existantes dans les droits positifs français et libanais et dans les directives européennes, afin de démontrer que le contrat à distance en tant qu'un contrat d'adhésion ou de gré à gré est un contrat de droit commun qui bénéficie d'un régime propre. En mettant en jeu diverses branches du droit, cette étude comparative permet ainsi de cerner ce régime juridique propre du contrat à distance afin de dégager sa notion. / The distance contract knew a real development with the intervention of the new information and communication technologies which aroused an accelerated passage from the catalog to the screen and a commercial revolution of which the remote sale and essentially the e-commerce establish its privileged point of observation. The existing European, French and Lebanese legislative initiative was not, unfortunately, as high as the technological progress. On one hand, it bounds the distance contract as a contract of consumer law and not as a contract of common law. On the other hand, it connects the economic balance of power unbalanced between the contracting parties to their respective qualities (consumer and professional) and not to the defect of negotiation which precedes the conclusion of the distance contract. It is advisable, from then on, to propose a simultaneous comparative study which allows to reconsider the distance contract in the light of the period which precedes its conclusion by supplying solutions for the gaps and the existing legal disparities in the French and Lebanese substantive laws and in the European directives, to demonstrate that the distance contract as a contract of membership or by mutual agreement is a contract of common law which benefits from a appropriate regime. By involving diverse branches of the law, this comparative study allows to encircle this appropriate legal regime of the distance contract to release its notion.


Aguiar, Daura Maria Guimarães 03 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T11:07:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DAURA MARIA GUIMARAES AGUIAR.pdf: 1153241 bytes, checksum: d9ba967a6b63ae403a7d9451aa7aba89 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-03 / This paper conducts a study of the work Cicatrizes do Risco ou Crepúsculo das Luzes, by Cida Rodrigues , published in 2001, dealing with themes that relate to the fragmentation of human being in time and space, his reminiscences of childhood and distressing obsession with writing. The act of writing is a kind of exorcism of what will be inside this moment that speaks for itself, through the first person of the verb and, sometimes, is shown by an omniscient narrator, capable of stripping the most covert thoughts of this character not shown in full and not allowed to touch. Other times, shown by the lyrical voice of the fragments that make up the "Moments " (chapters) that make up the work, the corpus of this work. This dissertation also is an attempt to reveal the estrangement caused at the outset, the "Moments" that open each part of the work under study, as well as a typical writing postmodernity, marked by the mixture of literary genres moving freely between prose and poetry, and these are presented in many different ways, making the result of the trial set of literary writing. / O presente trabalho realiza um estudo da obra Cicatrizes do Risco ou Crepúsculo das Luzes, de Cida Rodrigues, publicada em 2001, tratando de temas que se relacionam à fragmentação do ser no tempo e no espaço, suas reminiscências da infância e a angustiante obsessão pela escrita. O ato de escrever representa uma espécie de exorcismo do que vai por dentro deste ser que ora fala por si mesma, através da primeira pessoa do verbo e, ora, é mostrada por um narrador onisciente, capaz de desnudar os mais encobertos pensamentos desta personagem que não se mostra por inteiro e não se deixa tocar. Outras vezes, revela-se pela voz do eu lírico nos fragmentos que compõem os Instantes (capítulos) que constituem a obra, corpus deste trabalho. Esta dissertação é, ainda, uma tentativa de revelar o estranhamento provocado, logo de início, pelos Instantes que abrem cada parte da obra em estudo, bem como por uma escrita típica da pós-modernidade, marcada pela mistura de gêneros literários transitando livremente entre a prosa e a poesia, sendo que estas se apresentam das mais variadas formas, fazendo configurar o resultado da experimentação da escrita literária.

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