Spelling suggestions: "subject:"examination"" "subject:"eexamination""
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Kognitiv svikt og sikkerhet i trafikken : vurdering av helsekrav og ergoterapeutens rolle / Cognitive impairment and road safety : Assessment of health requirements and the occupational therapists roleFleitscher, Hilde January 2012 (has links)
Hensikt: Hensikten med studien var todelt. Den ene delen tok sikte på å belyse hvordan manved screeningkunne finne ut om personer med kognitiv svikt oppfyller helsekravene for fortsatt å kunne kjøre bil. Den andre delen så på ergoterapeutens rolle og kunnskapsgrunnlag i slike førerkortvurderinger. Metode:Tverrsnittsstudie hvor den ene delen varbygd på data fra 99 pasientjournaler med fokus på to nevropsykologiske tester(NorSDSA og UFOV)og en praktisk kjøretest(P-Drive). Den andre delen varbygd på data fra en webbasert spørreundersøkelse sendt ut til 1857 norske ergoterapeuter. Resultat:UFOV hadde signifikant korrelasjon med utfall i praktisk kjøretest, høy sensitivitet og høy PPV, slik at ved en ikke-godkjent UFOV er det grunn til å fortsette med praktisk kjøretest. NorSDSA hadde lav sensitivitet, men høy spesifisitet som indikerer atde som får godkjent på NorSDSA bør fortsette med en praktisk kjøretest.I praktisk kjøretest var det skår på kjørehandlingene «Løser problem, «Reaksjon» og «Oppmerksomhet mot venstre» som hadde størst sammenheng med resultatet av førerkortvurderingen. Det varfå ergoterapeuter i Norge som haddeførerkortvurderinger som sittarbeidsområde. Informantene i undersøkelsen opplevde at de kunne haen sentral rolle i å vurdere helsekravene for førerkort, men at de mangletbåde kunnskap, gyldige og pålitelige metoder og nasjonale retningslinjer for slike vurderinger. Konklusjon:Fra et folkehelseperspektiv, er utfordringentidlig å identifisere sjåfører med økt risiko, uten unødig begrense andre. Studien viser at det er behov for både å gjennomføre nevropsykologiske tester samt praktisk kjøretesti vurdering av helsekrav for personer med kognitiv svikt.Det er behov for mer forskning på området, og dessutenbehov for å utarbeide nasjonale retningslinjer.Ergoterapeutene oppfattet sinrolle i førerkortvurderinger som sentral med spesielt praktisk kjøretestsom et viktig bidrag. / Aim: The aim of thestudy was dual. First, itsought to determine whether individuals with cognitive impairments meet health requirements fordrivingsafety. Second, itexaminedthe role of occupational therapists and their knowledge of driver assessments. Method:For part 1, across-sectional study was applied, based partly on data from 99 patient records,focusing on two neuropsychological tests (NorSDSA and UFOV) and on-roaddriver performancetest(P-Drive). The second part wasbased on data from an online survey sent to 1.857 Norwegian occupational therapists. Result:UFOV had significant correlation with outcome in P-Drive, high sensitivity, and high PPV. A failed UFOV indicates a reason to continue with an on-roadtest. NorSDSA had low sensitivity but high specificity and high PPV. Passing NorSDSA indicates a reason to continue with an on-road test. The items in P-Drive that had the highest correlation with the result of the driving assessment were problem solving,reaction, and attention to the left.Few occupational therapists in Norway were involved in driving assessment. Survey participants felt that they might play a central role in assessing the health requirements for driving but lacked the knowledge, valid and reliable methods, and national guidelines for driving assessments. Conclusion: From a public health perspective, the challenge is to identify at-risk drivers as early as possible, without unnecessarily restricting other drivers. This study shows a need for conducting neuropsychological tests and for a practical driving test to assess people with cognitive impairment. This area requires further study, just as there is a need for national guidelines.Occupational therapists perceived a central role for them in driving assessment. They believed they could contribute most effectively through a driving test. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-50-8</p>
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Tsilhqut'in ejectives: A descriptive phonetic studyHam, SooYoun 08 May 2008 (has links)
Stops are one of the most common sounds across languages of the world. Among these pervasive sounds, ejectives form a unique group that is distinguishable from other types of stops. Their particular mechanism of articulation, such as larynx raising and unusually high oral pressure, separates them from the others. More interestingly, a listener perceives them differently and makes a distinction from non-ejective, or pulmonic, stops. What is it that we perceive when hearing ejectives? Do we perceive certain acoustic cues or auditory qualities that are part of their distinctive phonetic nature? Are these phonetic characteristics always distinctive? In other words, is our perception of the ejectives always consistent without any variation at the phonetic level?
Motivated by these questions and from my recent exposure to Tsilhqut’in ejectives, I set out to pursue a phonetic investigation of these intriguing sounds. The present study is composed of two main analyses. One is an acoustic analysis that
instrumentally examines a dataset of ejective and non-ejective stops in the Tsilhqut’in language with respect to acoustic dimensions such as Voice Onset Time (VOT) in order to compare all the stop classes in terms of their acoustic properties. Such a comparison helps to phonetically characterize the ejectives within the language. The acoustic measures also enable us to compare the characteristics of Tsilhqut’in ejectives with those in other languages, based on previously reported acoustic correlates. In order to determine the characteristics of ejectives across languages, Tsilhqut’in ejectives were compared with ejectives in different languages (e.g., Inguish). The other analysis is auditory, whereby I have examined how I perceived a subset of the ejectives taken out of the whole dataset and compared my auditory judgments with the acoustic measurements in order to find any correlation between results from the two analyses.
The findings of the study indicate that Tsilhqut’in ejectives do not follow a traditional binary typology of ejectives. That is, they are neither strong nor weak, as is often claimed in the literature. They are congruent with what recent studies (e.g., Warner 1996) have found of ejectives in other languages – phonetic variability. This means that the dichotomy cannot account for the variability in ejectives at the phonetic level and that an optimal way of classifying ejectives across languages still awaits discovery.
To the best of my knowledge, no other phonetic study has been conducted on Tsilhqut’in ejectives prior to the current study. Moreover, there has been little research or documentation carried out on any other phonetic aspects or sounds of this Athabaskan language. I expect that this instrumental study will contribute to the field of linguistics by adding new phonetic knowledge about such a rarely studied language, and I also expect
the present study to play a role in the understanding of language learning and of language revitalization around the world.
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Führt Studium ohne Abitur zu geringerem Studienerfolg?Brändle, Tobias, Lengfeld, Holger 20 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Im Jahr 2009 sind die deutschen Hochschulen für beruflich qualifizierte Bewerber ohne schulische Hochschulzugangsberechtigung geöffnet worden. Der Beitrag fragt, inwiefern sich diese nicht-traditionellen Studierenden hinsichtlich des Studienerfolgs von traditionellen
Studierenden mit Abitur unterscheiden. Auf der Basis von Überlegungen zu Kompetenzunterschieden aufgrund unterschiedlicher Bildungsverläufe und der kulturellen Schließung des akademischen Feldes für Personen mit niedrigerer sozialer Herkunft bilden wir Hypothesen zu Leistungsunterschieden. Diese überprüfen wir anhand von Studien- und Prüfungsleistungsdaten von 4.224 B.A.-Studierenden eines Fachbereichs einer deutschen Universität. Die Analysen zeigen, dass nicht-traditionelle Studierende im Vergleich zu Personen mit Abitur im ersten Studienjahr 7,4 Prozent weniger Lehrveranstaltungen bestehen, eine um ein Fünftel geringere Wahrscheinlichkeit aufweisen, das Studium innerhalb eines Zeitraums von mindestens neun Semestern zu beenden und das Studium mit einem durchschnittlich um 0,15 Notenpunkte schlechteren Endergebnis abschließen. Aufgrund der spezifischen Bedingungen des analysierten Fachbereichs schlussfolgern wir, dass diese Leistungsunterschiede in der Breite der deutschen Hochschullandschaft stärker ausgeprägt sein müssten als in dem untersuchten spezifischen Fall.
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Beginning and Intermediate Piano Students' Experiences Participating in Evaluative PerformancesMitchell, Nancy Eleanor Christel 18 December 2012 (has links)
Evaluative performances, such as festivals and conservatory examinations, frequently play a large role in formal piano study. Many teachers and parents assume that requiring students to participate in these evaluations will result in several benefits, including increased discipline and motivation, exposure to a balanced and rigorous music curriculum, and access to helpful feedback from expert adjudicators and examiners. However, not all students experience positive outcomes as a result of their participation in evaluative performances. Using a multi-method approach that incorporates grounded theory and narrative inquiry, this research provides insight into how beginning and intermediate piano students experience participating in festivals and examinations and what factors contribute to the quality of students’ experiences.
Positive experiences with evaluative performances are characterized by positive emotional outcomes, meaningful music learning, and the development of a strong musical identity. The theoretical model developed through this research presents several important contributors to students’ positive experiences with evaluative performances, including students’ understandings, values, and goals related to music learning, and their abilities and inclinations as performers. The entire learning process must take place within a supportive relational context. When students have positive experiences with evaluative performances, their self-efficacy is heightened. They also experience self-determination regarding their music studies and their involvement in evaluative performances. The self-efficacy and self-determination that follow students’ success and positive experiences motivate further involvement in music study.
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Cordon Sanitaire or Healthy Policy? How Prospective Immigrants with HIV are Organized by Canada’s Mandatory HIV Screening PolicyBisaillon, Laura 26 January 2012 (has links)
Since 2002, the Canadian state has mandatorily tested applicants for permanent residence for HIV (Human immune deficiency virus). The policy and practices associated with this screening have never been critically scrutinized. Authoritative claims about what happens in the conduct of the immigration medical examination are at odds with the experience of immigrant applicants living with HIV. This is the analytic entry point into this inquiry that is organized within the theoretical and methodological frame offered by institutional ethnography and political activist ethnography. Analysis is connected to broader research literatures and the historical record.
The goal of this study is to produce detailed, contextualized understandings of the social and ruling relations that organize the lives of immigrants to Canada living with HIV. These are generated from the material conditions of their lives. An assumption about how organization happens is the social and reflexive production of knowledge in people’s day-to-day lives through which connections between local and extra-local settings are empirically investigable. I investigate the organization of the Canadian immigration process. How is this institutional complex ordered and governed? How is immigration mandatory HIV testing organized, and with what consequences to HIV-positive applicants to Canada? This is a text-mediated organization where all the sites are connected by people’s work and the texts they circulate. The positive result of an immigration HIV test catalyzes the state’s collection of medical data about an applicant. These are entered into state decision-making about the person’s in/admissibility to Canada.
I focus on a key component of the immigration process, which is medical examination and HIV testing with this, along with the HIV test counselling practices that happen (or not) there. The reported absence of the latter form of care causes problems and contradictions for people. This investigation adopts the standpoint of these persons to investigate their problems associated with HIV testing. The main empirically supported argument I make is that the Canadian state’s ideological work related to the HIV policy and mandatory screening ushers in a set of institutional practices that are highly problematic for immigrants with HIV. This argument relies on data collected in interviews, focus groups, observations, and analysis of texts organized under Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (S.C., 2001, c. 27) and textually mediated, discursively organized concepts that shape people’s practice. Canadian immigration medical policy makers should make use of these findings, as should civil society activists acting on behalf of immigrants to Canada living with HIV. I make nine specific recommendations for future action on HIV and immigration in Canada.
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Controle da Hanseníase: Detecção precoce através do exame de contatos e avaliação do tratamento dos pacientes submetidos a 12 doses de poliquimioterapia (PQT/OMS) / Leprosy control: early detection by surveillance of contacts and treatment of multibacillary patients treated with multidrug therapy - (12 doses/WHO)Anna Maria Sales 28 April 2011 (has links)
O diagnóstico precoce e o tratamento são imprescindíveis para o controle da hanseníase, pois visam eliminar o mais precocemente possível as fontes de transmissão. O principal critério de cura da doença é o tempo de tratamento, relacionado às doses fixas da poliquimioterapia. O tempo de tratamento dos pacientes multibacilares foi reduzido de 24 para 12 doses em até 18 meses em 1998. Os objetivos desta tese foram: avaliar a detecção de casos de hanseníase entre os contatos dos pacientes e avaliar fatores de risco associados à piora das incapacidades físicas nos pacientes após a alta do tratamento poliquimioterápico com as 12 doses mensais. Dois artigos foram elaborados. O primeiro artigo avaliou características dos pacientes com hanseníase e de seus contatos associadas ao risco de adoecimento entre os contatos. O segundo artigo avaliou fatores de risco relacionados à piora das incapacidades físicas dos pacientes com hanseníase
multibacilar, submetidos ao tratamento com 12 doses fixas da poliquimioterapia. Os resultados mostraram que o risco para hanseníase, relacionado aos contatos foi o tipo de convivência com o caso índice. Entre os fatores dos casos índices, a carga
bacilar foi o único associado ao adoecimento dos contatos. Além desses fatores, os contatos que apresentam relação de consangüinidade com o caso índice e os contatos dos pacientes com menor nível de escolaridade mostraram maior chance
de se apresentarem doentes no momento do diagnóstico do caso índice. A cicatriz BGC e a vacina recebida após o diagnóstico do caso índice contribuíram independentemente como fatores de proteção. A neuropatia piorou em 40% dos
pacientes durante o período de 10 anos após a alta do tratamento. Esta piora foi associada à presença de incapacidades físicas e ao número de lesões cutâneas no
momento do diagnóstico assim como à presença de neurite durante o acompanhamento. / Early diagnosis and treatment are essential for the control of leprosy disease, since they aim to eliminate as soon as possible sources of transmission. The main criterion for cure of the disease is the treatment time, related to fixed doses of multidrug therapy. The duration of treatment of multibacillary patients was reduced from 24 to 12 doses up to 18 months in 1998. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the detection of leprosy among contacts of patients and to evaluate risk factors
associated with worsening of physical disability in patients after discharge from the treatment with 12 monthly doses. Two articles have been prepared. The first article evaluated characteristics of leprosy patients and their contacts related to risk of disease among the contacts. The second article evaluated risk factors related to the worsening of the physical disabilities of patients with multibacillary leprosy, undergoing treatment with fixed doses of 12 multidrug therapy. The results showed that the risk for leprosy among contacts was related to the type of relationship with the index case. Among the factors of the index cases, the bacterial load was the only factor associated with the disease among contacts. Besides these factors, the contacts that are related to consanguinity with the index case and contacts of patients with lower education level showed a greater chance of presenting patients at diagnosis of the index case. The scar and the BGC vaccine received after the
diagnosis of the index case contributed independently as protective factors. Neuropathy worsened in 40% of patients during the 10 years after the discharge of treatment. This worsening was associated with the presence of physical disabilities and number of lesions at time of diagnosis as well as the presence of neuritis during monitoring.
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Um diagnóstico sobre a influência que os diferentes modelos de seleção exercem sobre a diferenciação de candidatos em concursos públicosRaunheitti, Vivian Távora 22 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Vivian Raunheitti (vivian.raunheitti@fgv.br) on 2017-01-31T17:58:27Z
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UM DIAGNÓSTICO SOBRE A INFLUÊNCIA QUE OS DIFERENTES MODELOS DE SELEÇÃO EXERCEM SOBRE A DIFERENCIAÇÃO DE CANDIDATOS EM CONCURSOS PÚBLICOS.pdf: 1346833 bytes, checksum: a283cd7c9a2d3fb605223fa443cadee7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2017-02-02T17:44:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
UM DIAGNÓSTICO SOBRE A INFLUÊNCIA QUE OS DIFERENTES MODELOS DE SELEÇÃO EXERCEM SOBRE A DIFERENCIAÇÃO DE CANDIDATOS EM CONCURSOS PÚBLICOS.pdf: 1346833 bytes, checksum: a283cd7c9a2d3fb605223fa443cadee7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-09T13:59:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Previous issue date: 2016-12-22 / The present work aims to evaluate the influence that different methods of selection exert over the differentiation of candidates in public examinations organized by FGV Projetos. Three stages were considered for this study: the objective written test, the discursive written test and the evaluation of titles. In the attempt towards deepening of public selection process, FGV Projetos has been formulating, in its exams, questions that require the necessary skills to perform a specific public function. In this sense, based on the obtained results, an individual and joint diagnosis of selection models currently applied were achieved The study also intends to be a guideline for the recruitment processes, establishing as a criterion of influence the weighted average of the grades of each stage of selection, the performance of one stage in relation to the other and the classification of the candidates on the final results. In order to achieve this, the candidates should undergo judicious evaluations, with different stages pertinent to the specifics of the position. The present work had a quali-quantitative nature, used a non-random sampling of the public examinations, realized by FGV Projects for the Administration area and adopted, as a data collection instrument, the documentary investigation of the opening announcements and the collection of secondary data of the results of 20 (twenty) selective processes executed and homologated between the years of 2013 and 2016. Finally, the socioeconomic and -demographic aspects of the candidates in comparison with their final position in the process were associated. The subjects of this study were those enrolled in the process who were present on the objective written test and / or the discursive written test, applying for Public Examinations for administrative areas, all of higher education level, segmented by the same field of knowledge. / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a influência que os diferentes métodos de seleção exercem sobre a diferenciação dos candidatos nos concursos públicos organizados pela FGV Projetos. Foram consideradas para este estudo três etapas: a prova escrita objetiva, a prova escrita discursiva e a avaliação de títulos. A FGV Projetos, com o objetivo de contribuir na seleção de quadros públicos de qualidade, tem formulado, nos concursos por ela realizados, questões que exijam o conhecimento necessário acerca das competências para o exercício de determinada função pública. Nesse sentido, com base nos resultados obtidos, procurou-se realizar um diagnóstico isolado e conjugado dos modelos de seleção já aplicados. Esse estudo tem como intuito o aprofundamento do processo de seleção pública, estabelecendo como critério de influência a média ponderada das notas das etapas, do rendimento de uma etapa em relação à outra e da classificação dos candidatos sobre os resultados finais. Para atingir tal objetivo, os candidatos devem ser submetidos a avaliações criteriosas com etapas que possuam pertinência com as especificidades do cargo. O trabalho teve natureza quali-quantitativa, utilizou uma amostragem não-aleatória de concursos na área de Administração e adotou, como instrumento de coleta de dados, a investigação documental dos editais de abertura, e o levantamento de dados secundários dos resultados de 20 (vinte) processos seletivos executados e homologados entre os anos de 2013 e 2016. Por fim, foi avaliada a associação do perfil socioeconômico e demográfico dos candidatos sobre o processo de seleção. Os sujeitos desse estudo foram os inscritos que estavam presentes às provas escritas objetiva e/ou discursiva para os cargos da área de administração, todos de nível superior, segmentados pelos mesmos campos de conhecimento.
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Nádorová onemocnění prsu, děložního hrdla a varlat - epidemiologie, screening a prevence / Breast, cervical and testicular cancer - epidemiology, screening and preventionAltová, Anna January 2018 (has links)
The main concern of this thesis are breast, cervical and testicular cancer with focus on their epidemiology, screening and prevention. The epidemiological situation in Czechia and selected member states of EU is described by using indicators of incidence and mortality. The first main goal of this thesis is to analyze breast and cervical cancer screening coverage as well as the coverage by regular gynecologist check ups by using data from VZP health insurance company. It has been found that the breast cancer screening coverage rates are influenced by age structure. Cervical cancer screening coverage and gynecologist check-up coverage grow from 2009 to 2017. The other main task was to find out about knowledge of self-examination of Czech young people by using the data from questionnaires from educational programme "Healthy balls". Health knowledge among these students was low. There were found some differences in health behaviour and health literacy between gender and age groups.
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Supplementary tuition in Mathematics: exploring the industry in the Eastern CapeCoetzee, J. 30 November 2008 (has links)
This study explored and evaluated the prevalence of supplementary tuition in the teaching and learning of Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy in some high-performing schools of the East London district in the Eastern Cape. The study followed a descriptive survey design to address the research problem. Data were gathered using questionnaires for grade 11 learners and high school Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy teachers. The learners were the first group to be taught the Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy learning programme of the new National Curriculum Statement (NCS).
The results showed that a fair number of learners (about 48%) were not satisfied with their performance in Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy and a large number of the learners (about 90%) considered a good pass in Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy as important, particularly for their future careers. A substantial proportion of learners (42%) expressed concern about the amount of school time allocated to Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy, and thought that this factor hampered the successful completion of the syllabus. Teachers who happened to be adequately qualified and experienced enough, struggled to complete the Grade 11 Mathematics syllabus in time and were concerned about misconceptions carried from lower classes. Teachers also expressed some concern about learners' lack of commitment to Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy. Learners seemingly took supplementary tuition as a way of overcoming their learning challenges. Of the three forms of supplementary tuition (i.e. private tuition, vacation classes and revising model/former examination papers) commonly available in the district, revising examination papers was preferred (about 83%) followed by private tuition at 81% and lastly vacation school. Learners spent 1.67 hours per week on average on supplementary tuition. More Mathematics learners (about 34%) than Mathematical Literacy learners (about 6%) make use of supplementary tuition. Based on these findings, it was concluded that supplementary tuition is not unique to schools that perform poorly, and even at high performing schools, factors exist which influence learners to take supplementary tuition. / MATH, SCIENCE and TECH EDU / MSC (MATHS,SCIENCE OR T/EDU)
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Prevenção do câncer bucal: desenvolvimento e avaliação de um website educacional / Prevention of oral cancer: development and evaluation of an educational websiteAbranches, Denise Caluta [UNIFESP] 30 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-22T20:50:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2010-06-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Introdução: No Brasil, o Instituto Nacional do Câncer (INCA) estima que haverá 14.120 novos casos de câncer bucal em 2010, sendo 10.330 em homens e 3.790 em mulheres. A maioria dos cânceres de boca infelizmente só é diagnosticada em fase tardia. O autoexame bucal, por representar uma estratégia simples e eficaz na identificação precoce das lesões cancerizáveis e do câncer bucal, deveria ser feito periodicamente, sobretudo por indivíduos do grupo de risco. Objetivo: Desenvolver e avaliar um website educacional no intuito de promover a prevenção e a identificação precoce das lesões cancerizáveis e do câncer bucal. Método: Foram desenvolvidos um website com conteúdo educacional sobre o câncer bucal, um questionário de conhecimento e um vídeo do autoexame bucal. A avaliação do website baseou-se em uma amostra n=100 dividida em dois grupos. O grupo G1 foi avaliado pré e pós navegação no website, e o grupo G2 não teve acesso ao conteúdo do website. Ambos os grupos executaram o autoexame bucal e registraram seus achados clínicos, que foram comparados com os achados clínicos dos dentistas. Resultados: O website desenvolvido foi intitulado “Website Educacional da Prevenção do Câncer Bucal”. A análise estatística mostrou que os grupos G1 e G2 eram homogêneos quanto ao conhecimento prévio sobre o câncer bucal. Entretanto, o G1 mostrou diferença significante (p<0,01) sobre o conhecimento pós navegação no website. Já a análise de concordância entre os grupos versus dentistas apresentou alta concordância para o G1 e fraca concordância para o G2. Conclusões: O website desenvolvido mostrou-se uma eficiente ferramenta educacional quanto ao ganho de conhecimento sobre o câncer bucal e propiciou eficaz reprodutibilidade do autoexame bucal. / Introduction: In Brazil, the National Cancer Institute (INCA) estimates there will be 14,120 new cases of oral cancer in 2010, with 10,330 men and 3,790 women. Unfortunately, most mouth cancers are only diagnosed in late stage. The oral self-examination represents a simple and effective strategy for early identification of precancerous lesions and oral cancer, and should be done periodically, especially for individuals in risk groups. Objective: To develop and evaluate an educational website aimed at promoting prevention and early detection of cancerous lesions and oral cancer. Method: A website with educational content on oral cancer, a survey of knowledge and a video of oral self-examination have been developed. The website evaluation was based on a sample n = 100, divided into two groups. Group 1(G1) was evaluated before and after browsing the website, and the group 2(G2) did not have access to the website content. Both groups performed the oral self-examination and recorded their clinical findings, which were compared with dentists clinical findings. Results: The developed website was named "Educational Website for Oral Cancer Prevention." Statistical analysis showed that G1 and G2 were homogeneous with respect to prior knowledge about oral cancer. However, G1 showed a significant difference (p <0.01) on knowledge after browsing the website. However, analyzing the agreement between the groups versus dentists, it was found high concordance for G1 and poor agreement for G2. Conclusions: The website proved to be an effective educational tool for gain of knowledge about oral cancer and provided effective reliability of oral self-examination. / TEDE / BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações
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