Spelling suggestions: "subject:"external dffects"" "subject:"external coeffects""
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Incorporating external effects in economic evaluation : the case of smokingTrapero-Bertram, Marta January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explore methods to incorporate external effects on decision making of public health programmes in a UK setting, using smoking cessation as an example. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) methodological guidance for evaluating public health programmes is missing the incorporation of external effects. Therefore there is a need for considering their incorporation in such evaluations and to assess what are the appropiate methods to do so. Smoking cessation is an example where epidemiological evidence of external effects exists but has not generally been incorporated into economic evaluation. This thesis therefore focused in measuring the impact, in terms of costs and QALYs lost, of the incorporation of passive smoking, smoking during pregnancy and transmission of smoking behavior into economic evaluation of smoking cessation programmes previously developed to inform policy. A static Markov model is used to incorporate passive smoking and smoking during pregnancy, whereas transmisison of smoking behaviour is incorporated through a dynamic model. The findings show that some external effects can be incorporated without a system dynamic model, when this does occur, a static Markov model may be used to account for external effects in economic evaluation. Sometimes, to incorporate external effects, the model needs a change of population. Because smoking cessation interventions are generally highly cost-effective, the incorporation of external effects does not appear to change policy decisions, but there is a clear impact on the magnitude of the ICER. Passive smoking and smoking during pregnancy have higher impact in terms of costs and QALYs lost than transmission of smoking behaviour. Our discussion considers the validity of the methods used; how much the decision making process would be affected considering or not external effects on economic evaluation of smoking cessation interventions; and other valuation approaches for external effects, such as contingent valuation.
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Essays in Economics of ScienceSaha, Subhra Baran 17 October 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Konsumenters betalningsvilja för Kravmärkningen : En analys av faktorer som påverkar konsumenters betalningsvilja av utvalda livsmedelsvaror / Consumers willingness to pay for the ecolabel Krav : An analysis of the factors affecting consumers willingness to pay for selected groceriesAldén, Emma, Linnéa, Andersson January 2019 (has links)
Kravmärkningen existerar för att främja ekologisk framtagning av livsmedel, märkningen har existerat länge och vuxit till att bli ett välkänt varumärke. Hur väl märkningen fungerar för att påverka konsumtionen är något som är värt att studera närmare. Kravmärkta varor är generellt dyrare att producera och får därmed ett dyrare pris på marknaden. Därför krävs det att konsumenter har en vilja att betala för detta. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka huruvida denna betalningsvilja faktiskt existerar hos studenter. Vi har inkluderat teorier för inkomstelasticitet, priselasticitet, externa effekter och nudging. Tillsammans med tidigare forskning har det diskuterats kring faktorer som påverkar studenters betalningsvilja. En enkätundersökning har även genomförts för att granska studenters kunskaper om Kravmärkningen samt testa deras betalningsvilja för specifikt utvalda konventionella respektive Kravmärkta livsmedel. Utöver enkätundersökningen har information samlats in genom en mailkorrespondens med butikschefen på Maxi ICA Stormarknad Linköping för att få mer kunskap kring eventuella strategier livsmedelsbutiken använder sig av. Studien visar att studenterna generellt är väl informerade om existensen av Krav som miljömärke, dock är kunskaperna låga rörande Krav:s arbete och syfte. Vi har observerat att det generellt är färre individer som väljer Kravmärkt framför konventionellt, resultatet skiljer sig dock för olika livsmedel. Faktorn inkomst har vi observerat flera samband gällande, då de högre inkomstintervallen verkar vara synonymt med den högsta angivna betalningsviljan för Bregott. För äggen däremot syns inget tydligt samband mellan högre inkomstintervall och högre betalningsvilja. Ytterligare en faktor som har stor påverkan på betalningsviljan är pris, då större prisskillnader mellan konventionellt och Kravmärkt resulterat i att fler väljer det konventionella alternativet. Individuella preferenser som visat att konsumenten väljer att prioritera miljömärkningar visar att en viss kännedom existerar, men skillnad mellan kännedom och faktiskt agerande föreligger. Vilket även tidigare forskning styrker. Preferenser styr inte konsumtionen i samtliga fall, utan pris verkar vara största influerade faktorn. Detta kan grunda sig i omständigheterna, som bland annat i denna studie skulle kunna vara att urvalspopulationen består av studenter. / The ecolabel Krav exists to promote organic food production. The label has existed for a long time and has grown to be a well-recognized brand. How well the label works to influence consumption is something worth investigate more closely. Since the ecolabeled food are generally more expensive to produce, and thus get a higher market price, consumers must have a desire to pay the higher price. The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the willingness to pay actually exists among students. The included theories are income elasticity, price elasticity, external effects and nudging. These together with previous research have discussed the factors concerning consumers behavior. A survey has also been conducted to examine students knowledge concerning the ecolabel Krav, and to test their willingness to pay for selected conventional and Krav labelled groceries. In addition to the survey, information has been collected through an email correspondence with the store manager at Maxi ICA Stormarknad Linköping to get information about possible strategies the grocery store use. The study shows that consumers are well informed about the existence of Krav as an ecolabel, but the knowledge is poor regarding the work Krav is performing and the purpose of it. We have generally observed that there are fewer individuals choosing the ecolabel Krav over conventional, the result differs between groceries. We have observed several connections regarding the factor income, the higher income ranges seem to be a synonym with the highest willingness to pay for Bregott. For the eggs, we cannot see any clear connection between the higher income ranges and the higher willingness to pay. Another factor that has high impact on the willingness to pay is the price, when a bigger price difference between conventional and Krav groceries exist, this results in a connection that more individuals chose the conventional option. Individual preferences of ecolabels show that a certain awareness exist, but that there is a difference in awareness and action. Which previous research strengthens. Preferences does not determine consumption in all cases, instead price seems to be the deciding factor. This can be based on the selected population which are students.
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Ärade Statsminister 2,0 : Breven till statsministern om den ekonomiska politiken / Honourable Prime Minister : Letters to the Prime Minister regarding economic policyNilsson, Henrik, Andersson, Matilda January 2015 (has links)
Vilka ekonomiska frågor ligger närmast de svenska brevskrivarnas hjärtan? Två svenska professorer, Becker och Jonung undersökte detta 1998. Denna studie undersöker i ett världsunikt data set innehållande 536 brev adresserade till statsminister Fredrik Reinfeldt under hans mandatperiod 2006-2014. Genom undersökningen ges en övergripande bild av brevskrivarnas mest centrala frågor rörande ekonomi. Utgångspunkten ligger i att undersöka skillnader i fördelningen av brev mellan denna och tidigare studie. Med hypotestest påvisas skillnader och där dess eventuella bakomliggande faktorer undersöks vidare. Detta görs genom en granskning av media och arbetslöshetens påverkan på brevskrivarna. Svaren blev tvetydliga, media har visserligen en påverkan, men i princip negligerbar. För arbetslösheten återfanns inget samband. Detta kopplas samman med den bedömning författarna gjorde angående att de flesta av brevskrivarna är pensionärer. / What economic issues are closest to the Swedish correspondents´ hearts? In 1998 two Swedish professors, Becker and Jonung, examined what these issues could conceivably be. This study examines a unique data set consisting of 536 letters addressed to the Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt during his length in office, 2006-2014. By doing so, a general view of correspondents´ most central economic issues appears. The aim of this study is to compare these two, to see if changes in correspondents´ opinions has emerged. Differences between the studies have been shown through hypothesis testing, and it´s underlying factors are examined further. This is done through an examination of media and employment. Results indicate that media has a slightly positive effect on correspondents´ opinions, something that could not be concluded by the rate of unemployment due to the fact that most incoming letters probably are written by senior citizens.
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Essays on job turnover, productivity and state-local financeAndersson, Linda January 2002 (has links)
This thesis consists of four self-contained papers on job turnover, productivity and state- local finance. Paper [I] deals with the determinants of the rate of job turnover defined as the change in distribution of employment between and within industries in Swedish manufacturing. The rate of inter-industry job turnover is driven by the dispersion of profit changes among industries. Shifts in international competitiveness among industries seem to play a central role in the explanation of this pattern. The rate of intra-industry job turnover has been higher in industries with many small plants, low profit margins and high import penetration. Paper [II] analyzes the impact of openness on total factor productivity (TFP) growth. Using Swedish industry level data the results show that economically integrated industries tend to be more engaged in research and development (R&D) and have more entry and exit activity than other industries. The domestic R&D intensity does not contribute to the TFP growth rate. Instead, the results imply that openness to international markets, which helps facilitate technology spillovers, has a significant impact on the growth rate. There is also some evidence suggesting that producers exiting the market are less productive, implying that such exits will increase the average productivity of the industry concerned. The purpose of Paper [III] is to design and implement a test of whether the external effect from tax base sharing among local and regional governments is internalized via the intergovernmental transfer system. The test is based on the observation that if the external effect is internalized, an increase in the income tax rate at one level of government will induce the other level to reduce its income tax rate by the corresponding amount, leaving the effective tax rate unchanged. By using panel data for the Swedish local and regional public sectors, we estimate the reaction function for the local income tax rate. The results imply that an increase in the regional income tax rate induces the municipalities in the region to decrease their income tax rates. In addition, we are able to reject the null hypothesis that the external effect from tax base sharing is internalized. Paper [IV] concerns risk-sharing, in terms of how the central government smooths personal income among municipalities via the tax and transfer systems. Using Swedish panel data, the results show that the national tax and transfer systems mitigate an adverse shock to income of one krona so that disposable income falls by 67 öre, on average. However, there are large differences across regions, where the effect on disposable income varies between 32 and 78 öre in the krona. / digitalisering@umu
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Hur bör koldioxidläckage förebyggas i EU ETS? / How should Carbon leakage be prevented in the EU ETS?Danielsson, Micaela January 2020 (has links)
Carbon leakage occurs when globally exposed industries face increased costs, for instance due to stricter climatic policies, while other industries on the global market are not. Although the intention of stricter climate requirements is good, they risk having the opposite effect, as emissions are moved from one country to another. Since the consequences of emissions are the same regardless of where they are caused, the total amount of emissions will remain unchanged, or increase due to transportation or less ambitious climate policies in the new country. In the European Union Emission Trading System (EU ETS), carbon leakage is a present issue, thus there are methods to identify and compensate industries at risk. The main approach of compensation has been to allocate allowances for free. However, the first two trading periods have resulted in a large surplus of allowances, which have caused low prices on carbon emissions. Since the system is now becoming more ambitious, an accurate analysis on carbon leakage is essential. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze in what ways these methods can be improved to enable the system to become more ambitious, without risking leakage. The result shows that the procedures used are not specific enough. Numerous reports and studies presented in my study, show that some industries are over compensated, whereas others are under compensated. Today, carbon intensity is one of the main measurements used to identify industries at risk. However, the EU must pay closer attention to the industries that have invested in renewable energy sources (as a result of the EU ETS incentive structure) and consequently have significantly lower carbon dioxide content in their emissions. These industries are also at risk of leakage due to increased total expense. In conclusion, this study shows that the methods used to identify industries at risk can be improved to prevent leakage. When altering them, not only will the analysis be more accurate, but it will also render a more precise allocation of allowances for free for those at true risk.
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Verkehrsökologische Schriftenreihe12 April 2016 (has links)
Ziel der „Verkehrsökologischen Schriftenreihe“ ist es, die Forschungsergebnisse der Professur für Verkehrsökologie (TU Dresden) und ausgewählte studentische Arbeiten einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen. Damit möchten wir einerseits die fachliche Diskussion zu Problemstellungen einer nachhaltigen Mobilitätsentwicklung und anderseits den offenen Zugang zu Wissen und Informationen unterstützen. Thematisch greift die Schriftenreihe dabei die folgenden Forschungsschwerpunkte der Professur auf:
a) Nachhaltige Verkehrsentwicklung: Auswirkungen, Verfahren, Konsequenzen
b) Klimaschutz, Energie und CO2 im Verkehr
c) Luftreinhaltung & Lärm, Emissionsfaktoren und reale Fahrmuster
d) Externe Kosten und Nutzen des Verkehrs, Kostenwahrheit und Internalisierung
e) Rad- und Fußverkehr
f) Umweltbildung, Monitoring und Evaluation
g) Soziale Exklusion und Umweltgerechtigkeit im Verkehrsbereich
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Verkehrsökologische Schriftenreihe12 April 2016 (has links)
Ziel der „Verkehrsökologischen Schriftenreihe“ ist es, die Forschungsergebnisse der Professur für Verkehrsökologie (TU Dresden) und ausgewählte studentische Arbeiten einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen. Damit möchten wir einerseits die fachliche Diskussion zu Problemstellungen einer nachhaltigen Mobilitätsentwicklung und anderseits den offenen Zugang zu Wissen und Informationen unterstützen. Thematisch greift die Schriftenreihe dabei die folgenden Forschungsschwerpunkte der Professur auf:
a) Nachhaltige Verkehrsentwicklung: Auswirkungen, Verfahren, Konsequenzen
b) Klimaschutz, Energie und CO2 im Verkehr
c) Luftreinhaltung & Lärm, Emissionsfaktoren und reale Fahrmuster
d) Externe Kosten und Nutzen des Verkehrs, Kostenwahrheit und Internalisierung
e) Rad- und Fußverkehr
f) Umweltbildung, Monitoring und Evaluation
g) Soziale Exklusion und Umweltgerechtigkeit im Verkehrsbereich
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