Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fängelse"" "subject:"ifängelse""
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The greatest Illusion of mankind : A critical review of the financialsystemHolmstedt, Matthias, Golubnic, Tatiana January 2009 (has links)
“Money is controlled by a market; I trust the government has control. I do not think you are right, of course the government has the control and they would not do like this, it cannot be true that my savings is not real, I work hard for them! But just stop it I just do not want to make these kinds of questions to myself; I just need a house, go traveling and have some fun, I do not want to go around and worrying”.(Anonym comment) This comment by a person with university degree in business and middle manager at one of the larger Swedish companies, when discussing the thesis you are about to read, without the person having reading it in advance, actually seems representative for the overall knowledge about what is really going on in the financial system today and the willingness of people question it. The knowledge you will obtain and the result you will experience after finished your reading is challenges of basic “taken for granted assumptions” of businessmen, academics or people in general within the society today, for the purpose of understanding the system and its role in society. You will experience a unique critical presentation of the financial system today, and also discover that this knowledge about the financial system is not a knowledge the majority should possess, even one of the important principles of the system might be just that the majority do not possess this knowledge. The financial system, when the time of writing, suffer from large global problems. This thesis is examining the foundation of the system, such as the concept of money, and the forces and principles within the system. The research goes from how the system has developed historically to how it is constructed and maneuvered today. Money is described as trading tools which value is only an illusion of value for persons in the society. The financial system is further broken down into three different subsystems in order to understand the term financial system. From the perspective of the three subsystems the financial system is described as a deceiving system fooling the participants that they possess value in forms of bank notes and coins. Further the thesis shifts the focus to how the system looks today by categorizing actors and tools in the system, how state authorities is trying to maneuver the system and create a network model of the Swedish financial system, the conclusion became that no one can escape the system and do not have a chance not to enter the system, the chapter also reveals how no one really has the power to control and influence the system. Finally the thesis provides foundations for the reader to make his own opinion if the gambling within the system has been taken to long, if the financial system could be labeled as a pyramid scheme, if the system has provided more benefits than drawbacks to society and finally some speculation in consequences if the system would crash and speculation of how historians in the future would describe the present version of the financial system. But before starting reading, think about the message from the director Alan Alda: “Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won’t come in” (Citation: Alan Alda, Quoteland, n.d)
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Brott och straff utanför tjänsten som saklig grund för uppsägning eller laga grund för avskedMagnusson, Jesper January 2011 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda rättsläget kring en arbetstagares brottslighet utanför tjänsten, samt ett avtjänande av fängelsestraff, som saklig grund för uppsägning eller laga grund för avsked. För ett avsked krävs ett grovt åsidosättande av åligganden gentemot arbetsgivaren, medan en uppsägning kan bli aktuell vid ringa företeelser. Jag har använt mig av den traditionella rättsdogmatiska metoden i denna uppsats för att tolka, utreda och fastställa gällande rätt inom mitt ämnesval. För att slippa göra allt för stora generaliseringar och få fram ett ändamålsenligt resultat som besvarar min frågeställning på bästa möjliga sätt, har jag valt att inrikta mig på brott inom kategorierna våldsbrott, sexualbrott och narkotikabrott. Brott utanför tjänsten kan utgöra både saklig grund för uppsägning och laga grund för avsked. Det krävs emellertid att vissa faktorer är uppfyllda för att brottet ska kunna läggas som grund för uppsägning eller avsked. Faktorer som arbetstagarens position på företaget, yrket, vem brottet är riktat emot och den fortsatta lämpligheten är faktorer som AD tar hänsyn till vid våldsbrott. Positionen på företaget och yrket är omständigheter som AD ofta tar hänsyn till. Förtroendepositioner på företag samt yrken som kräver allmänhetens förtroende, till exempel präster, har betydligt lägre toleransnivå vid brott utanför tjänsten än andra yrken. Gällande sexualbrott är det extra allvarligt om brottet är riktat mot någon annan arbetstagare på arbetsplatsen, även om det sker utanför tjänsten. Vad gäller narkotikabrott går det att identifiera att AD tar hänsyn till andra faktorer, såsom arbetstagarens psykiska hälsa, ålder och levnadsförhållanden med mera. Vissa narkotikabrott bli därmed till en viss grad ursäktade med hänsyn till arbetstagarens personliga omständigheter, och ett starkare anställningsskydd vid narkotikabrott gentemot vålds- och sexualbrott kan fastställas. Även fängelsestraff kan utgöra saklig grund för uppsägning eller laga grund för avsked. Omständigheter som AD tar hänsyn till och utreder är bland annat arbetstagarens person, arbetsuppgifter, hur grovt brottet varit, återfallsrisken för brottsligheten samt arbetsgivarens möjligheter att ersätta dennes tjänst under avtjänandet av fängelsestraffet. / Abstract The purpose of this essay is to investigate the legal situation regarding an employee’s crime outside the service and an imprisonment, as legal grounds for termination or dismissal of the employment contract. For a dismissal it requires a serious breach of the duties, while a termination may be applicable even for minor violations of the employee. Furthermore, I have used the law of dogmatic approach to identify and investigate my subject, but also to answer my questions asked in this essay in an appropriate way. To avoid generalizations and to come to conclusions regarding crime outside the service as a termination or dismissal, I have chosen to focus on crimes in the categories of violence, sex and drug-related offenses. Offences outside the service may constitute both termination and dismissal of the employee. However, it requires that certain circumstances are met for that the offence can be classified as grounds for either termination or dismissal. These factors are the employee’s positions in the company, the employees profession, whom the crime is directed against and the continued suitability of the employee. The position, or the profession the employee has, is something that the labour court often takes into account. Positions of trust or professions that require “public trust”, such as priest, have a lower level of tolerance compared to other professions. Regarding sex-crimes, it is especially serious if the crime is directed against any other employee in the workplace. As for drug offenses, the labour court takes other factors into account, such as the employee’s mental health, age and living conditions. Therefore, some drug-related crimes are excused and a stronger protection of employee’s that commit a drug related crime can be identified, compared to violence- and sexual crimes. Imprisonment may constitute legal grounds for both termination and dismissal of the employee. Circumstances that the labour court takes into account are, for instance, the employee’s personal, the job, how serious the offense was, the risk of recidivism, but also the employer’s opportunity to resolve the employee’s absence from work.
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Kvinnor, kriminalitet och könsmaktsordning : En kvalitativ studie om återanpassningsarbete på Färingsöanstalten ur ett genusperspektiv / Women, criminality and gendered power structures : A qualitative study about reentry strategies at Färingsö's women prison from a gender perspectiveFolcker, Emelie January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explore women’s needs when reentering society after having served a sentence at the female prison Färingsö, outside Stockholm and whether those needs are being met in the reentry strategies that are being provided. Parallel to this the thesis also examines if there, based on nonconformity and gender theories, is a socially constructed representation of women maintained in the rehabilitation work. The method of this thesis applied semi-structured interviews and used snowball sampling to expand the network of informants to obtain the data necessary. Totally five interviews were carried out. Previous research has shown that women in prison have much more complex problems than men and that there is a need for reentry strategies that take gender in account. The results showed that in terms of being able to reenter back in society, women needed help to structure a previously chaotic life. This by getting individual counseling, housing, employment, adequate rehabilitation programs, education and being able to build a network outside the prison, as this could function as a safety net when being released and reentering back into society. The women also pointed out that there is a need for better information and more individual planning, especially in relation to the release from prison. In regards to the question whether there is socially constructed representation of women held in the reentry strategies this could mainly be seen in the work women get to do in prison, such as knitting, sewing and packing baby-bags. This correlates with a normative femininity where the woman is seen as a person with high moral and a nurturing nature. The result also showed that women in prison act in response to societal normative messages about how a woman should be.
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Orsak till återfall i kriminalitet : Ur ett kvinnligt perspektivOlsson, Rickard January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa kvinnors situation efter frigivning. Vad är det som får kvinnor att återfalla i brott? Hur upplever kvinnor hinder och möjligheter efter avtjänat fängelsestraff? Suzanne Kordon och Anna Wetterqvists ”Gärningsmannen är en kvinna” och Ingrid Landers ”Den flygande maran”, är de studier och teorier kring kvinnor som hamnat snett i tillvaron som utgör basen för den teoretiska utgångspunkten jag har i min uppsats, social konstruktionism för att vara mer exakt. För att ge ytterligare förståelse av fenomenet har det presenterats en del litteratur från Erving Goffman. Mina sju respondenter är alla återfallsförbrytare, trots olika insatser har de återfallit i brott, enligt analysen står svaret att finna i att identifikationen som avvikande har rotat sig för starkt.
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"Alla borde få en chans till..." : En kvalitativ studie om före detta intagnas upplevelserBerton, Marie, Matteinen, Pauliina January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att få insikt i före detta intagnas upplevelse av sitt fängelsestraff samt sin återgång till det fria samhället. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar som lydde; hur påverkas individen av sitt fängelsestraff och hur har individen återanpassats i samhället efter fängelsevistelsen, delades resultatet upp i två avsnitt som rör tiden i fängelset och tiden efter fängelset. Urvalet bestod av sex män som har avtjänat ett fängelsestraff i Sverige, de var mellan 25-60 år. Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visar att fängelsestraff påverkar individerna både psykiskt och fysiskt på ett negativt vis. Resultatet visar även att individens inre motivation är av stor vikt när det gäller återanpassning till samhället. För att återanpassning ska ske på ett tillfredsställande vis är det av vikt att samhällsstödet erbjuds i rätt tid. / This study aimed to get insight in former inmates’ experiences, about their imprisonment and their re-entry into the free society. To answer the aim, the following questions were formulated; how does imprisonment affect the individual and how has the individual re-entered the society after imprisonment. The studies result was divided in two larger themes that concerned the time in prison and the time after. The selection for the study was six men that have been imprisoned in Sweden; they were between 25-60 years. Data was collected through semistructured interviews. The results show that imprisonment affect the individual in a negative way, both physical and psychological. The results also show that individuals inner motivation is very important when they re-entry the society and social support needs to be available to the former inmates in the right time.
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"Wow, nu har jag äntligen gjort nånting som det förväntas av en förälder att göra" : En studie av Godnattsagor inifrån. / "Wow, now I've at least done something that a parent is expected to do" : A study of Godnattsagor inifrånAlzén, Sara January 2019 (has links)
This master's thesis examines how the social activity of the library with books and literature can strengthen the contact between imprisoned fathers and their children. The project Godnattsagor inifrån has been studied from three different perspectives, the library, criminal authorities and the prisoners with their children. Interviews were conducted with the different actors of the project. The perspective social constructivism and the concept literacy practice were used to analyze the interviews and the project. In the prison reading program Godnattsagor inifrån the fathers choose a story from a children’s storybook and read the text, the story is recorded on a CD and sent to the child on the outside. The project attempts to create or strengthen the bonds between fathers and children with help of reading experiences. The fathers take part in a study circle where they are introduced to the library activities and practice how to read out loud to their children. This also includes reading and appreciating literature for themselves. I have noticed that Godnattsagor inifrån can inspire children to be reading people. It has also been noticed that the project can have the same impact on the prisoner´s identity. The cooperation between the prison, the library and the families increase the possibilities for both the children and their fathers. My knowledge contribution is to show how important reading is and why. What happens to the individual when given the opportunity to read? This is a two years master´s thesis in Library and Information Science.
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Kvinnor i häktet och fängelset i Kalmar : En studie om kvinnors brott i Kalmar / Women in custody and prison in Kalmar : A study of women's crimes in KalmarLindén, Kevin January 2021 (has links)
In this essay, we take a step into Kalmar prison that was constructed in 1852 and explore how many women were enrolled in the prison's church records between the years 1852 to 1883. This is then put into perspective to the more national statistics that are available. The main source material is the Swedish Prison and Probation Service's church books and the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics' own reports from the years 1852 to 1883. The conclusion is that there is a big difference in terms of male and female representation in the statistics. The suggestive humanization of the prison environment, combined with the innovations and societal changes of the industrial revolution, results in a drastic reduction in the total number of female prisoners represented in the prison church records at the end of the study.
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Mammabarnanstalt : Barn i fängelse - bra för barnet, bra för mamman, bra för samhälletEdwards Mannheimer, Rebecca January 2011 (has links)
Synen på vad som är bäst för barnet då modern sitter på anstalt har förändrats. Det har visat sig att det bästa för barnet i många fall är att stanna hos sin moder trots fängelsevistelse, snarare än att separeras och placeras i fosterhem vilket tidigare varit den rådande uppfattningen. Mitt förslag är ett ställningstagande i en nu rådande het debatt.
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Hur påverkas barn och unga av en förälders frihetsberövande : En litteraturstudie med fokus på anknytningsteori och stigma / How are Children and Youths Affected by a Parents Detention : A literature study focusing on attachment theory and stigmaLarsson, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Varje år är det omkring 8000 minderåriga barn och unga i Sverige som påverkas av att ha minst en förälder som är frihetsberövad i fängelse. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att undersöka hur relationen mellan barn och en förälder påverkas av frihetsberövandet och hur omgivningens syn på barn och unga med en frihetsberövad förälder påverkar barnen. För att besvara syftet undersöks två frågeställningar som följer; ”hur påverkas barns uppväxt och bandet mellan barn och deras förälder av förälderns frihetsberövande i fängelse?” och ”hur påverkas barn och unga med en förälder i fängelse av omgivningens syn?”. Studien utgår ifrån 12 vetenskapliga artiklar som analyseras utifrån Bowlbys anknytningsteori och Goffmans begrepp stigma. Resultat visar på att barn och unga med en frihetsberövad förälder riskerar att dagligen utsättas för stigma av omgivningen som för barnen främst uppenbarar sig i skolan. På grund av stigmat väljer många barn att hemlighålla deras förälders frihetsberövande vilket kan skapa en stor oro för barnet. Resultat visar även på att en trygg anknytning mellan barn och förälder kan vara en skyddsfaktor för barnet i separationen från föräldern. Slutligen resulterar studien i forskning som visar på att många barn och unga upplever känslor som utanförskap, oro och ångest vilket tenderar att leda till att barnen utvecklar en skadlig psykisk ohälsa. / Every year around 8,000 minor children and youths in Sweden are affected by having at least one parent who is deprived of their liberty in prison. The purpose of this literature study is to examine how the relationship between children and a parent is affected by the parents deprivation of liberty and the society’s view of children and youths with a custodial parent affects the children. To answer the purpose of the studie, two questions are examined that follows; ”how are children’s childhood and the relationship between children and their parents affected by the parents deprivation of liberty in prison?” and ”how are children and youths with a parent in prison affected by the view of the society?”. The study is based on 12 scientific articles that are analyzed based on Bowlby’s attachment theory and Goffman’s concept of stigma. Results show that children and youths with a custodial parent risk being exposed to stigma by the society daily, which for the children mainly manifests itself in school. Due to stigma many children choose to keep their parents detention secret which can create a great concern for the child. Results also show that a secure attachment between children and their parent can be a protective factor for the child in the separation from the parent. Finally the study results in research that shows that many children and youths experience emotions such as exclusion, concern and anxiety which tends to lead to children developing an adverse mental illness.
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Själavård som en del av kriminellas rehabilitering : En studie om religiösa resurser som en del av den etablerade rehabiliteringsverksamheten / Pastoral care as part of the rehabilitation of criminals : A studie on religious resources as part of the established rehabilitation activitiesEckerström, Moa January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to see how religious resources and prison staff can promote and support the inmate to religious commitment as part of their rehabilitation process. The questions asked to delineate how the availability of religious resources looks like in the institutions and how prison staff and religious actors can promote religious commitment as well as how religious resources, staff and religious actors can contribute to promoting positive changes and creating a meaningful existence for the inmates. The method that has been used is semi-structured interviews where six religious representatives have been interviewed. The theoretical framework used consists of a sociological and an existential input. Previous research has shown that there is a lack of studies on religion in prisons and therefore I want to contribute to that research. The essay shows that religious resources can play a big role for the inmates and that the humane function is of great importance. It also shows that the availability of religious practice has shortcomings that limit the chance to pursue religious practice.
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