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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förintelsen närvaro i nuet : En studie om hur minnen från ett traumatiskt förflutet lever kvar hos vuxna barn till Förintelseöverlevande. / The Presence of the Holocaust in Present Time : A Study of how Memories from a Traumatic Past Continuously Lives on with Grown Children of Holocaust Survivors.

Nordblad, Harald January 2023 (has links)
This masters thesis examines children of Holocaust survivors otherwise known as second-generation survivors. The aim is to research how memories from a traumatic past, which affected the survivor’s parents during the Holocaust, lives on and continues to affect the lives of those who were not there to experience them. The study examines the life stories presented by children of Holocaust survivors in Swedish journalist and author Bernt Hermele’s podcast Överlevarna –Andra generationen (English translation Survivors – Second-Generation). The study approaches the second-generation survivor’s life stories via a theoretical framework that combines Jörn Rüsens theory of historical narrative and Marianne Hirsch concept of postmemory. By using this new theoretical approach to children of survivor’s life stories the study manages to investigate how the past become and remain important for children of survivors. From the analysis several results surrounding how, the past remains relevant can be discerned. Firstly, that the second-generation survivors in Sweden exhibits a postmemory. This postmemory however should not always be interpreted as traumatic and does not over necessarily overshadow other joyful family memories. The children of survivors negotiate their identity as second-generation survivors and there is no uniform answer to what it actually means to be a second-generations survivor. The main identity discussed by the second-generation is their Jewish identity. However, their Jewish identity does not mainly come from religious beliefs but rather from their relationship to their parents and their parent’s behaviour during childhood. Due to their postmemory, some second-generation survivors show a continuous search for their parents and their parent’s stories. In lack of answers, they use experiences from the present that can be interpreted and applied on their parents for increased understanding of them. This phenomenon can be referred to as postmemory-continuity. Lastly the act of telling and retelling their own and their parent’s stories is presented as a meaningful act for second-generation survivors. This is due to the fact that telling becomes a way to resist and prevent antisemitism and racism and increase tolerance insociety in the future.

Från överlevande till kvarleva - Teorier med muntlig historia och empatisk förståelse i fokus

Wendin Täck, Åsa, Lerman, Joel January 2010 (has links)
Elevers empatiska förståelse och handlingsberedskap mot förtryck och rasism är intimt förknippad med den inlevelse som kan skapas med stöd av vittnesskildringar. Lärdomar vi kan dra av Förintelsen är därför ett viktigt stöd för att forma en kulturell norm för utbildning och pedagogik vilken vilar på samhällets värdegrund: demokrati, mänskliga rättigheter, tolerans och tålamod samt opposition mot rasism och totalitära ideologier. Detta examensarbete beskriver teorier om möjligheter och risker med olika sätt att hantera historia och ger förslag på hur Förintelseöverlevandes berättelser kan föras vidare in i framtiden. Den teoretiska basen är ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv på den muntliga historiens användningsområden, dess pålitlighet och betydelse som källa samt vittnesmålens möjlighet att utveckla empatisk förståelse. Uppsatsen tar upp svårigheten att vittna och problematik i mötet mellan avsändare och mottagare, med hänsyn till möjligheten att förmedla vittnesmål med rörliga bilder för att möjliggöra empatisk förståelse. / Students’ empathic comprehension and ability to act against oppression and racism are intimately related to the insight which can be acquired from watching the testimonies of Holocaust survivors. The lesson that can be learned from the Holocaust gives a solid support in the shaping of a cultural norm for educational and pedagogical purpose, this norm is based on the fundamental moral values of society: democracy, human rights, tolerance, patience and resistance towards racism and totalitarian ideologies. This study has a theoretically based perspective and result in a concrete suggestion of how one might carry on the subject matter of the testimonies from Holocaust survivors into the future.The base of the theoretical discussion employs a hermeneutical perspective to examine the usefulness, trustworthiness and significance of oral history as a source. This hermeneutical perspective is also utilized in analyzing how the testimonies can be used to develop an empathic understanding out of a theoretical model. The essay discusses the hardship of testifying and the difficulties that surface in the communication between speaker and interlocutor. Ultimately the essay theorizes concerning the use of testimonies conveyed through motion pictures and how these should be analyzed to achieve empathic comprehension.

Att bevara den brutala sanningen sann: En komparativ studie av förringande, urskuldande och förnekande av Förintelsen i svensk och i tysk rätt. / Keeping the brutal truth true: A comparative study of trivialising, condoning and denying of the Holocaust in Swedish and German law.

W. Todtenhaupt, Lukas January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Förintelsen i grundskolans läroböcker / The Holocaust in primary school textbooks

Nilsson, Sanna, Olsson, Josefin January 2023 (has links)
The aim with this research is to investigate how Primary school textbooks present and describe the Holocaust. The purpose of looking at how the Holocaust is portrayed in Swedish school textbooks gives us a perspective and knowledge that can be useful in our own profession as teachers. The method we have used is a text analysis created by Niklas Ammerts, called the four representations models. These are ascertaining, explainable, analytic/reflective, and normative. We analyzed six textbooks from three different publishers, spanning from the year 2003 to 2021, to see if any changes had happened in the portrayal of the Holocaust in Swedish schoolbooks.   The textbooks we analyzed were mainly based on just explaining basic facts with little to no explanation to why things happened. The newer books have more explanation in them than the older ones, however just barely.

Skolans etikundervisning och Förintelsen : en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Jonsson, Jennifer January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats var att med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer undersöka hur undervisningen om Förintelsen kunde se ut i högstadiets SO-undervisning och i gymnasiet. Undersökningen avsåg <em>vad,</em> <em>hur </em>och <em>varför </em>verksamma lärare och en överlevare beredde plats för Förintelsen i sin undervisning, samt hur det etiska respektive historiska perspektivet lyftes fram. Intervjuerna visade på att samtliga informanter menade att de etiska aspekterna av Förintelsen hade ett högt diskussionsvärde, ett något högre sådant än de historiska. Samtliga lärare påtalade att upplevelser och vittnesskildringar i förintelseundervisningen inspirerade och fick eleverna att förstå att de själva har en möjlighet att påverka hur samhället kan se ut i framtiden. Högstadielärarna tenderade att ha en mer fostrande syn på sin undervisning än vad gymnasielärarna hade, men samtliga lärare verkade vara överens om att alla som verkar inom skolan skall ta avstånd från antidemokratiska värderingar – på ett eller annat sätt.</p>

Skolans etikundervisning och Förintelsen : en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Jonsson, Jennifer January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer undersöka hur undervisningen om Förintelsen kunde se ut i högstadiets SO-undervisning och i gymnasiet. Undersökningen avsåg vad, hur och varför verksamma lärare och en överlevare beredde plats för Förintelsen i sin undervisning, samt hur det etiska respektive historiska perspektivet lyftes fram. Intervjuerna visade på att samtliga informanter menade att de etiska aspekterna av Förintelsen hade ett högt diskussionsvärde, ett något högre sådant än de historiska. Samtliga lärare påtalade att upplevelser och vittnesskildringar i förintelseundervisningen inspirerade och fick eleverna att förstå att de själva har en möjlighet att påverka hur samhället kan se ut i framtiden. Högstadielärarna tenderade att ha en mer fostrande syn på sin undervisning än vad gymnasielärarna hade, men samtliga lärare verkade vara överens om att alla som verkar inom skolan skall ta avstånd från antidemokratiska värderingar – på ett eller annat sätt.

Vårdpersonals erfarenheter av att vårda äldre personer med demenssjukdom som har upplevt psykiskt trauma : en kvalitativ intervjustudie / Health care professionals' experience of caring for elderly with dementia who have experienced psychological trauma : a qualitative interview study

Båkman, Kajsa January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Förintelsen i vitögat : Konstverket Yolocaust som retoriskt projekt i formandet av ett kollektivt minne

Monserrat Forssén, Clara January 2017 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker konstverket Yolocaust som retoriskt projekt i formandet av det kollektiva minnet som omger Förintelsen. Det provokativa konstverket aktualiserar kulturella förhållningssätt till Förintelsemonumentet i Berlin och minnesplatser i allmänhet, exempelvis vilka beteenden som är gångbara och hur man framställer sig själv. Bland annat diskuteras ämnen som selfiekultur, självframställning och heliga minnen. Begrepp som används för att tolka konstverket är skammande, sakralisering, heterotopi, intertextualitet, parodi, remediering och hypermediacy.

Att ta ansvar för historien : Elevers historiska tänkande kring Förintelsen / Take Responsibility for History : Students’ Historical Thinking and the Holocaust

Andersson, Mikaela January 2020 (has links)
The Holocaust is an important part of Swedish history teaching. It tends to exemplify human rights violations and has become a means to educate students to be better citizens. Swedish studies have often focused on students’ historical consciousness. This study aims to examine students’ historical thinking about the Holocaust. Three questions are addressed; how students express substantive knowledge, how students express procedural concepts, and how do students express moral aspects about the Holocaust. The material was created during the authors’ teaching practice (in Swedish VFU) and consists of 28 students’ texts. To analyze the material qualitative content analysis was used. Procedural concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence, historical agency and, moral aspects, were also used as tools to interpret students’ texts about what was the cause of the Holocaust. The results show that students made implicit references to different procedural concepts when describing how the Holocaust happened. Students often referred to anti-Semitism, Adolf Hitler, and the developed train system as causes for the Holocaust. They tended to understand Hitler as the founder of anti-Semitism and Nazism. He was described to convince the German people to vote for him. Structures and agency of other actors, therefore, disappeared leading to a shallow understanding of the Holocaust. The author of the study argues for a Holocaust education that uses Alice Pettigrews’ concept of “powerful knowledge” and Gert Biestas’ notion of qualification, socialization, and subjectification, to develop students’ moral and civic understanding.

Att förmedla det som aldrig fick ske : Fem lärares reflektioner om folkmordet i Srebrenica. / To convey what was never allowed to happen : Five teachers' reflections on the genocide in Srebrenica.

Pasanbegovic, Dennis January 2023 (has links)
The genocide in Srebrenica is described as "UN's darkest hour" and is the largest genocide in modern time after the Holocaust. 2020 marks the 25th year anniversary since the genocide took place in Srebrenica.  The purpose of this study is to answer how history teachers present genocide in their teaching and how teachers discuss the genocide in Srebrenica. This study is based on a qualitative method through data collection that is obtained from interviews with five different teachers who work in Swedish schools. The study's theoretical frame of reference is based on historical awareness, use of history and non-use of history to promote understanding of teaching choices and teaching methods. This study presents that the teachers use students' emotions through discussions and movies when depicting genocide. The Holocaust is presented as the premiss of the teaching regarding genocide. The genocide in Srebrenica is only mentioned or exemplified in connection with, and in relation to, other genocides such as the Holocaust. The teachers confirm that there is a lack of time, uncertainty, and knowledge regarding the genocide in Srebrenica. The consequence of this is that a large part of the society neither relates to nor barely knows about this genocide. Europe's and the UN's biggest stain becomes hidden, and the victims do not get the attention and justice they deserve. When ignorance exists in relation to the genocide in Srebrenica, we will not be able to reach the message that is often associated with The Holocaust - Never again.

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