Spelling suggestions: "subject:"alu"" "subject:"valu""
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Köpmännens sunda handel : En fallstudie utifrån köpmannen Thunströms kvarlämnade räkenskap i Falun, perioden 1906-1914 och 1918-1922Rooth, Marcus January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Slamfärger och dess miljöpåverkanJakobsson, Erik January 2007 (has links)
<p>The paint market of today is a jungle whit an enormous range of different paint types; there all has different properties and different compositions, some with big influence on the environment and some whit less influence on the environment. It could even be difficult for an expert to always know what should be used on which surface and what would be the best out of the environmental point of view.</p><p>This work is not intended as a total review of all the manufactures range of colours; only as a deeper dissertation about distemper paint in general, in particular Falu Red Paint. Whit focuses on the environmental issues.</p><p>The work is especially for those who are ready to paint but don’t know what paint they should chose and people that has a interest in paint and environment, perhaps it also could be of interest for professional painters even when there probably isn’t any big news for them. The information is compiled from the Internet and downloaded brochures from the Internet.</p>
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Landsbygdsutveckling genom medborgarinvolvering : En kvalitativ fallstudie för att undersöka de föreningsaktivas uppfattning kring medborgarinvolvering genom kommunala initiativ på landsbygden i Falu kommun / Rural Development through Citizen Involvement : A qualitative case study to investigate active citizens perception of citizen involvement through municipal initiatives in rural areas in the municipality of FalunJarl, Marica, Glans, Sanna January 2024 (has links)
The demographic and structural changes which have taken place in Sweden have brought challenges to its rural areas. Sweden's growth policy has been influenced by neoliberal growth concepts, which has led to a change in the responsibility of service. The need for citizen involvement to maintain services in rural areas has increased, where the citizens are to a greater extent attributed responsibility for the development in rural areas.The municipality of Falun has large rural areas where residents living outside the urban area have felt that they have not been prioritized in previous decision-making. The government of the municipality has therefore strategically been working on strengthening the identity and faith of the citizens living in rural parts through the foundation ”Fritidens främjande i Falu kommun” with the aim of developing leisure activities for children and young people in rural areas. As regard of this basis, we ask questions such as; What makes active citizens in rural areas of Falun municipality get involved in developing the local area? How do citizens active in associations experience the ascribed responsibility for the development of leisure activities in rural areas and What added values can we see that the government of the municipality's initiative for citizen involvement has contributed to the local communities in Falun?The intention has been to investigate how the municipality of Falun’s initiative for citizen involvement in rural development has been experienced by those who are active in associations and what effects the foundation has contributed to the districts. Through qualitative semi-structured interviews and a thematic analysis, we wanted to gain an increased understanding based on nine respondents' experiences. The active citizens described the foundation has brought values such as pride, increased commitment to the community and the feeling that the rural perspective has been prioritized in decision-making. There were also perceived to be some challenges with the citizen-driven projects, where the active citizens described lack of time in addition to the main employment, limited resources and a wish for increased collaboration. In spite of this, the impression is given that the members of the association experienced great gratitude to the municipality of Falun for the initiative with the foundation, which has made it possible for association life for children and young people to develop in the local community. / Demografiska och strukturella förändringar som ägt rum i Sverige har medfört utmaningar för landsbygderna. Sveriges politik har influerats av nyliberala tillväxtkoncept, något som har lett till ett ansvarsskifte av service. Behovet av medborgares involvering för att upprätthålla service på landsbygden har blivit alltmer tydlig, där de i större utsträckning tillskrivs ansvar för landsbygdsutveckling.Falu kommun har en stor andel landsbygdsareal där invånare bosatta utanför tätorten har upplevt att de inte blivit prioriterade vid tidigare beslutsfattande. Kommunen har därför arbetat för att stärka kommundelarnas identitet och framtidstro genom stiftelsen för ”Fritidens främjande i Falu kommun” med syftet att utveckla fritidsaktiviteter för barn och unga på landsbygden. Med detta som grund ställer vi oss frågor som; Vad är det som gör att föreningsaktiva medborgare på landsbygden i Falu kommun engagerar sig för att utveckla den lokala bygden? Hur upplever föreningsaktiva medborgare det tillskrivna ansvaret för utveckling av fritidsaktiviteter på landsbygden och vilka mervärden kan vi se att kommunens initiativ till medborgarinvolvering har bidragit med till de lokala bygderna i Falu kommun?Avsikten har varit att undersöka hur Falu kommuns initiativ för medborgarinvolvering upplevts av de som är föreningsaktiva samt vilka effekter stiftelsen haft på landsbygderna. Genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer och tematisk analys ville vi få en ökad förståelse utifrån nio respondenters upplevelser av projekt drivna genom initiativet med stiftelsen. De föreningsaktiva beskrev värden som stolthet, ökat engagemang i bygden och upplevelsen av att landsbygdsperspektivet prioriterats vid beslutsfattande. Det upplevdes också finnas vissa hinder med de medborgardrivna projekten. De föreningsaktiva beskrev utmaningar som avsåg brist på tid, begränsade resurser och en önskan om forum för samverkan. Intrycket är ändå att de föreningsaktiva upplever stor tacksamhet till kommunen för initiativet med stiftelsen som möjliggjort att föreningslivet för barn och unga utvecklats i bygden.
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Idyllen som krossas : En kvalitativ studie om hur lokalpress och kvällspress gestaltar en bygd efter ett mord / When death strikes in the local community : A critical discourse analysis of how the local newspaper and the tabloids portrays the local community after a murderAndersson Bergström, Maria, Hällgren, Emma January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how the local newspapers (Barometern, Falu-kuriren, Hudiksvalls tidning, Skaraborgs Allehanda) and the tabloid (Aftonbladet) portray the local community in a village after a murder occured and how it affects the image of the village over time. In this study we therefore studied four different murders that occured in small swedish villages. We analysed how the newspapers construct the imagined community after the murder and what similarities and differences they have. In this study we applied the critical discourse analysis and in total we investigated twelve articles that all had social constructions and therefore were relevant for the study. The results show that both the local newspapers and the tabloid Aftonbladet portrayed that the murders had a huge impact on the community. The safe place that they once knew is gone and therefore they seek support in each other and stand united. The victim gets more space in the articles than the perpetrator. We also discovered that you don’t have to live in the village to be a part of the community as long as you show compassion. The difference showed that the local newspapers only included the locals to mourn while the evening paper included the whole nation to be a part of the imagined community.
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Den som inte sett gruvan, har inte sett Sverige : En studie om förutsättningarna för efterbehandling, kulturarvsprocesser och återanvändning i Aitikgruvan med utgångspunkt i Falu gruva. / They who have not seen the mine, have not seen Sweden : A study on the conditions for mine reclamation, heritagisation and reuse of the Aitik mine using the Falun mine as a reference point.Klein, Bizzy January 2019 (has links)
Den här studien utgår ifrån två svenska koppargruvor varav den ena, Aitik i Gällivare, är idrift och den andra, Falu gruva, stängde 1992. Studiens syfte är att undersöka förutsättningarna för att använda Falu gruva som modell för den framtida avvecklingen av Aitik, med särskilt avseende på efterbehandling, kulturarvsprocesser och återanvändning. Inom ramen för kulturarvsprocesser och återanvändning beaktas särskilt lärande.Metodansatsen är kvalitativ och den teoretiska utgångspunkten är att en gruva kan ses som ett stort sociotekniskt system bestående av artefakter och sociala komponenter. Genom intervjuer med representanter från Falu gruvas ägare och Aitiks ägare samt från Gällivare kommun genererades data. Data från intervjuerna samt från en mindre dokumentstudieut gjorde studiens resultat. Detta analyserades tematiskt och diskuterades utifrån uppsatsens teoriavsnitt. Resultatet visar att Aitik kan utvecklas vid en framtida avveckling och att Falu gruva i vissa avseenden kan användas som modell för denna process. Bland annat kan Falu gruva användas som modell för Aitik avseende utbildning som en del av återanvändning, där Aitikkan lära av Falu gruva genom att inte göra samma misstag som gjorts där. Resultatet visar emellertid också att samhällena Gällivare och Falun skiljer sig mycket åt, både vad gäller samhällsidentitet och samhällets relation till gruvan. Slutsatsen av den här studien är att aspekter såsom att betrakta artefakter som en resurs; gruvans roll i samhället; samt vem som definierar kulturarv är centrala för att kunna använda Falu gruva som modell för Aitikmed hänsyn till lärande. / This study is about two Swedish copper mines, Aitik in Gällivare which is still in use and theFalun mine, which closed in 1992. The aim of this study is to explore the prerequisites for using the Falun mine as a model for the future closure of the Aitik mine, with regards specifically to mine reclamation, heritagisation and reuse. In particular, the aspect of learning within the heritagisation and reuse framework is discussed. A qualitative research method has been used and the theoretical starting point is that a mine can be seen as a large technological system consisting of artifacts and social components. Data has been collected through interviews with representatives from the Falun mine owners, the Aitik mine owners and from the local government of Gällivare. This data, along with data from a limited document study, made up the results of this study. The results were then analyzed thematically and discussed against the theoretical frameworks used in this study. The results show that Aitik can be developed post-closure and that the Falun mine can, ins ome regards, be used as a model for this development process. Among other aspects, theFalun mine can be used as a model for Aitik for education as a part of reusing the mine, where Aitik can learn from the Falun mine by not making the same mistakes that were made there. However, the results show that the Gällivare and Falun societies are different in terms of identity and in their relations towards the mines. The conclusion of this study is that aspects such as regarding artifacts as resources; the mine’s role in society; and who determines what a cultural heritage is, are all important in order to use the Falun mine as a model for Aitik from an educational perspective.
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Barocktakstolar i Sverige : en byggnadsteknisk och arkitektonisk dokumentation och analys / Baroque roof trusses in Sweden : a structural and architectural documentation and analysisStåhlkrantz, Simon, Möller, Ossian January 2019 (has links)
Arbetet behandlar takstolar från 1500-, 1600- och 1700-tal i barockstil. Syftet är att undersöka och analysera barocktakstolar samt bidra till en ökad kunskap inom området. Målet är att presentera byggnadsteknisk information om barocktakstolar i Sverige, att presentera en jämförelse mellan svenska barocktakstolar och att presentera en byggnadsteknisk dokumentation av barocktakstolen i Kalmar Rådhus. Undersökningens metoder bestod av litteraturstudie, dokumentstudie, en analysmodell för historiska takkonstruktioner, en byggnadsundersökning och uppmätning med laserskanning samt en framtagning av geometrimodell och beräkningsunderlag. Resultatet av arbetet visar en ökad kunskap om hur barocktakstolar i Sverige är konstruerade, att det finns karakteristiska drag mellan både svenska takkonstruktioner såväl som mellan svenska och europeiska. / This thesis treat roof trusses from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries in Baroque style. The purpose is to investigate and analyze baroque roof trusses and to contribute to an increased knowledge in this field. The aim is to present a survey and building technical information of baroque roof trusses in Sweden, to present a comparison between Swedish baroque roof trusses and to present a building technical documentation of the baroque roof truss in the City Hall of Kalmar. The research methods consisted of a literature study, document study, an analysis model for historical roof constructions, a building survey and measurement with laser scanning as well as a development of a geometry model and calculation basis. The result of this work shows an increased knowledge of how baroque roof trusses in Sweden are designed, that there are characteristic features between both Swedish roof constructions as well as between Swedish and European.
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”Jag bara utgår ifrån att dom finns på Facebook” : En kvalitativ studie om hur Falu Energi & Vatten bör kommunicera med unga vuxna / ”I assume that I can find them on Facebook” : A qualitative study on how Falu Energi & Vatten ought to communicate with young adultsHagdahl, Frida January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate which communication strategies and channels the mu- nicipal company Falu Energi & Vatten should use in order to become more efficient in com- municating with citizens between 18 to 29 years old. The company is owned by the munici- pality of Falun and manages community services in electricity, district heating, fresh water, sewerage, metropolitan area network and waste disposal. The following theories have been used in the study: convergence culture, digital natives, information overload, communication strategies and uses & gratifications theory. The methods used in the study are 4 focus group interviews and one informant interview. The members of the focus groups where within the age range 18-29 years and lived in the city of Falun. Each focus group included four partici- pants and the groups were divided based on four different forms of housing; student homes, rental apartments, owned apartments and own villas. The informant interview was conducted with the director of communication at Falu Energi & Vatten. The empirical material was col- lected during the 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th of November 2014. The results of the study shows that media habits among young adults have changed which has led to a non-correspondence in relation to how Falu Energi & Vatten communicates. Due to this Falu Energi & Vatten needs to make changes in their communication strategy, add new channels to their media mix and in some cases reduce the use of others. Falu Energi & Vatten must actively work to both dis- seminate information and make information available in order to reach this age group. The result also shows that the significantly increased media output has led to a desire for personal- ized communication, which means that Falu Energi & Vatten should review the possibility to offer more targeted information. Last but not least, a clear result is that the company should use Facebook for communication with young adults as the majority of the participants wish to communicate with the company through this particular channel. Facebook can be used both to disseminate information but also to facilitate information retrieval and dialogue.
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