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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Könsförhållanden i fattigvården kring sekelskiftet 1900 : En studie av mäns och kvinnors villkor i Nyköpings fattigstuga och arbetshus

Lundell, Anton January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Religion som resurs eller resistans? : Kristendomen som argumentationsverktyg i tidskrifterna Dagny och Morgonbris perioden 1904–1913

Eliasson, Alva January 2023 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om hur religion användes i argumentationen hos den tidiga kvinnorörelsen. Uppsatsen fokuserar på perioden 1904–1913 och jämför användandet av religion som argumentationsverktyg hos två olika kvinnotidskrifter, den socialdemokratiska Morgonbris och den mer borgerliga Dagny. Syftet är att undersöka om religion användes som resurs eller resistans i argumentationen kring religionen i sig samt två för samtiden aktuella sociala frågor: prostitutionen och fattigvården/välgörenheten.  Kvinnorörelsen hade börjat etableras redan under andra halvan av 1800-talet men det tidiga 1900-talet såg en intensifiering i engagemang som med tiden ledde fram till den kvinnliga rösträtten. Under denna period börjar kvinnor uttrycka åsikter om fler olika ämnen i fler olika kanaler.  Undersökningen tar sin utgångspunkt i Inger Hammars forskning som menar att tidigare forskning om kvinnorörelsen varit ”religionsblind” och inte tillräckligt betonat vikten som religionen hade för kvinnlig frigörelse och hur det utnyttjades i kvinnornas argumentation. Hammar undersöker andra halvan av 1800-talet och jag ville i denna undersökning visa hur dessa tendenser även fanns kvar under 1900-talet.  Undersökningen visar att religionen användes aktivt i båda tidskrifternas argumentation och att det fortfarande fanns ett värde i den, trots en ökad sekularisering i samhället. Undersökningen visar även att det fanns likheter i hur tidskrifterna använde religionen i argumentationen, trots sina skilda politiska åsikter, men även stora olikheter.

Fattigvården i Praktiken : En undersökning av Lycksele sockens fattigvård 1823-1873 / Poor Relief in Practice : A study of Lycksele parish poor relief 1823-1873

Schöld, Jack January 2017 (has links)
The poor relief has been, since the early Middle Ages, the church´s responsibility.  The poor would be treated in a good Christian way. Some regulations were introduced during the 1600-1700s that had some effects on the care of the poor. In 1847 a new Poor Law Regulation was introduced. It was in a time when Sweden struggled with an increasing poverty. This law included the first changes in 200 years. Even though the regulations during 1700 century gave every parish the right to decide on the methods of how to provide the necessary care , it still was the responsibility of the parish. As a consequence, there were many local variations of how the poor relief was practiced in the country. This essay examines how Lycksele parish designed their poor relief and what local and external factors affected it in the years of 1823-1873.  This period of time was marked by crop failures, parish breakout, social changes and new laws to adapt to those circumstances. The result of the investigation present that local factors had a bigger impact on the poor relief than the external factors. The most important factor was the crop failure periods that occurred three times and forced the parish to develop new methods to help the people in need. / Fattigvården var sedan tidig medeltid varit kyrkans angelägenhet, med kristlig barmhärtighet skulle de fattiga vårdas. Fattigvården var varje sockens eget ansvar. Det tillkom några förordningar under 1600-1700-talet som delvis reglerade fattigvården. 1847 tillämpades en ny fattigvårdsförordning, den första på över 200 år. I en tid som var präglad av ökad fattigdom i Sverige. 1800-talets förordningar gav socken mycket frihet, fortfarande skulle fattigvården vara sockens angelägenhet. Varje socken skulle lämna nödvändig vård och det sätt som passade socken bäst. Därför fanns det många lokala variationer, hur fattigvården skulle praktiseras i landet.   Denna uppsats har undersökt hur Lycksele socken utformade sin fattigvård och vilka faktorer som påverkade utformningen. 1823-1873 är den tidperiod som har undersökts, lokalt innehöll perioden tre missväxtperioder och sockenutbrytning. Nationellt var tiden präglad av samhällsförändring och nya lagar som skulle anpassa till det nya samhället. Uppsatsen fokuserar på vilka lokala faktorer tillsammans de yttre faktorer som påverkade vilka försörjningssätt som kunde ges av sockens fattigvård. Dessutom undersöks vilka faktorer som hade störst betydelse för fattigvårdens utformning. Resultatet blev att de lokala faktorerna hade störst påverkan på utformningen. Störst effekt hade missväxtperioderna som inträffade tre gånger vilket framtvingade nya åtgärder efter varje missväxt. Under tidsperioden skulle missväxt, ökad fattigdom och nya förordningar hanteras utav socken för att kunde lämna nödvändig hjälp till socknens fattiga.

På gränsen till fattigvård : En studie om arbetsmarknadspolitik och socialbidrag

Ulmestig, Rickard January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Fosterbarnsindustri eller människokärlek : Barn, familjer och utackorderingsbyrån i Stockholm 1890-1925

Sköld, Johanna January 2006 (has links)
Many Swedish children grew up in foster homes at the turn of the twentieth century. Contemporary medical professionals described foster care as an economic business: a foster child industry. The aim of this study is to analyze whether fostering could be seen as a market, which circumstances that gave rise to such market, and what happened to fostering in Stockholm when foster care was regulated in 1890–1925. Generation, gender and class are key concepts for this analysis. The study deals with approximately 400 children and 800 potential foster homes that were in contact with the Out-placement Bureau in Stockholm, run by the city’s Poor Relief Committee. Sources from the bureau is combined with material from Stockholm’s historical database. The thesis addresses questions on how and why children became foster children, what motivated people to be foster parents, how foster parents were selected and how the foster stay turned out from the child’s perspective. The placement of children could be done in various ways at this time in history. Previous research has mainly focused on state and philanthropic institutions which arranged formal foster homes. Individual persons who arranged informal foster homes for their children, have been less visible. It is concluded from this study that many children already lived in foster homes when the poor relief authorities got involved. It is argued that informal fostering was a form of child care used by single working class mothers. A reciprocal system, where children were placed within their mothers’ social network, was common. The Poor Relief was used to uphold this reciprocal system. This system limited the supply of children in need for fostering with strangers. At the same time there was a great demand for non-familiar foster children amongst potential foster parents outside Stockholm. Economic and demographic factors as well as norms, values and morals constituted and regulated the foster child market.

Fattigvården i Eskilstuna 1883-1913 : en undersökning av fattigpenningen 1883-1913

Olsson, Anders January 2013 (has links)
In this essay I will analyze how the poor relief was used in Eskilstuna during the years of 1883 to 1913. In the records over who took allowance from the authorities it will also be mention the year of birth, which block the person lived in, sometimes if that person had any children, and if the person was a women it was often written down what profession the (often dead) husband have had when he was alive, or as an alternative what the fathers profession had been and finally its notified how much the person had every month in allowance. I want to see how the poor relief changed over time. I will do four close checkups, i choose the years 1883, 1893, 1903 and 1913. I will read in the records and compare how many it was that needed the poor relief for that year and further on I will mark out where these people was living in Eskilstuna city. For that propose I will use a map from 1890 and mark out every block in town that received the allowance. It will also be apparent how many persons that received the money from every block. With these maps I will create a easy overlooking view over which areas over Eskilstuna that was the most needed for poor relief. And then I can compare over time if a certain area of Eskilstuna always was poor or if it changed. And also I will be able to see if the number of people that needed that allowance increased when times got worse and the number decrease when times get better, in short - if the number of needed followed with the national economics situation in general. Further on I will look how much each person did receive in average and if possible try to go down to a individual level.

Lite trasig och lite knasig : En kultur- och mediehistorisk undersökning om avvikelse, original och skildringen av Trasfröken under sent 1800-tal i Sverige

Wiberg, Linda January 2020 (has links)
På slutet av 1800-talet blir den fattiga Augusta Dorothea Eklund på grund av sin egenhet utnämnd till ett original och tilldelades öknamnet Trasfröken. Ett stigma som fram till idag lever vidare i form av medierapportering kring det verkliga förhållande att hennes kranium fortfarande vilar på KI – ännu märkt Trasfröken. Denna uppsats huvudsakliga syfte var att undersöka hur skildrandet av en fattig och egensinnig kvinna såg ut i svenska dagstidningar under perioden 1895–1899 genom att exemplifiera med Trasfröken. Men de teoretiska utgångspunkterna om stigma och teckentolkning som system, analyseras materialet med en inramad metod av kultur- och mediehistoriskt perspektiv och textanalys, för att syna och förstå vilka samtida föreställningsvärldar och kunskaper som yttrades och låg till grund för konstruktion och skildring av en kvinnlig avvikare. Resultaten visar att föreställningar om ras och renlighet blir framträdande i materialet, som lyfter tecken om beteenden och utseendet kring Trasfröken som smutsig, trasig, primitiv och omänsklig. I dagstidningarna florerade föreställningsvärldar och kunskaper om social- och fattigvård, rasbiologisk utveckling, förädling av människan, underhållning, psykisk (o)hälsa och framstegstankar om det stora hemmet och medborgarfostran. Även syns hur ett stadsoriginal skapas av sin omgivning, men också av sig själv. Att original blev till eftersom det fanns utrymme för parallella tankemodeller, då normer förutsätter normbrytare. Ett annat viktigt resultat är hur utrymmet för sinnessjukdomar i 1800-talets samhälle blir synligt genom skildringen av Trasfröken i dagstidningarna, och att det är omgivningen som hade kontrollen och makten att bestämma när någon ansågs vara sinnessjuk och behövde vård, men att det kunde finnas ett vårdglapp för egensinniga kvinnor om de uppfattades som harmlösa. De samspelande kategorierna och olika tankemodellerna i samhället resulterade i glidningar mellan utformade ramverk för vård av samhällets fattiga och sjuka. Ett original ansågs självständigt och skulle, trots bristen på anhöriga och spår av fattigdom, vara ofarlig och klara sig själva. Uppsatsens tydligaste slutsats är således hur ambivalent omgivningen förhöll sig gentemot ett original, som samtidigt skildrades som en ensam och fattig kvinna och svarar på hur konstruktionen av avvikelse kunde te sig i media under sent 1800-tal i Sverige.

Fattigvårdens lokala organisation under 1800- talet och 1900- talets början : En jämförande fallstudie kring Tjällmo i Östergötland

Lindholm, Carina January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

En jämförande analys över arbetsstugorna : -i Karlstad och Borås 1899-1928 ur ett genusperspektiv / A comperative analysis of workhouses : -in Karlstad and Borås from 1899-1928 from a gender perspective

Andersson, Jemima January 2016 (has links)
This study examines how gender and the gender order used to be reproduced in “the kind of workhouses known as “arbetsstugor” in Swedish” in Karlstad and Borås 1899-1928. What ideologies and general notions of gender were expressed in their activities? I have made a comparative analysis of the workhouses in Karlstad and Borås using what is known as contextual contrasts. This method is used to test theories and hypotheses about what is locally unique or features that are shared between places. The hypothesis tested in the study is based on Hirdman's theory of gender contracts and “the law of separation” and it was formulated on the assumption that the traditionally more conservative Borås would also have a stricter policy on gender separation than the traditionally more liberal Karlstad.     This study examines how gender and the gender order used to be reproduced in “the kind of workhouses known as “arbetsstugor” in Swedish” in Karlstad and Borås 1899-1928. What ideologies and general notions of gender were expressed in their activities? I have made a comparative analysis of the workhouses in Karlstad and Borås using what is known as contextual contrasts. This method is used to test theories and hypotheses about what is locally unique or features that are shared between places. The hypothesis tested in the study is based on Hirdman's theory of gender contracts and “the law of separation” and it was formulated on the assumption that the traditionally more conservative Borås would also have a stricter policy on gender separation than the traditionally more liberal Karlstad.     This study examines how gender and the gender order used to be reproduced in “the kind of workhouses known as “arbetsstugor” in Swedish” in Karlstad and Borås 1899-1928. What ideologies and general notions of gender were expressed in their activities? I have made a comparative analysis of the workhouses in Karlstad and Borås using what is known as contextual contrasts. This method is used to test theories and hypotheses about what is locally unique or features that are shared between places. The hypothesis tested in the study is based on Hirdman's theory of gender contracts and “the law of separation” and it was formulated on the assumption that the traditionally more conservative Borås would also have a stricter policy on gender separation than the traditionally more liberal Karlstad.     This study examines how gender and the gender order used to be reproduced in “the kind of workhouses known as “arbetsstugor” in Swedish” in Karlstad and Borås 1899-1928. What ideologies and general notions of gender were expressed in their activities? I have made a comparative analysis of the workhouses in Karlstad and Borås using what is known as contextual contrasts. This method is used to test theories and hypotheses about what is locally unique or features that are shared between places. The hypothesis tested in the study is based on Hirdman's theory of gender contracts and “the law of separation” and it was formulated on the assumption that the traditionally more conservative Borås would also have a stricter policy on gender separation than the traditionally more liberal Karlstad.     This study examines how gender and the gender order used to be reproduced in “the kind of workhouses known as “arbetsstugor” in Swedish” in Karlstad and Borås 1899-1928. What ideologies and general notions of gender were expressed in their activities? I have made a comparative analysis of the workhouses in Karlstad and Borås using what is known as contextual contrasts. This method is used to test theories and hypotheses about what is locally unique or features that are shared between places. The hypothesis tested in the study is based on Hirdman's theory of gender contracts and “the law of separation” and it was formulated on the assumption that the traditionally more conservative Borås would also have a stricter policy on gender separation than the traditionally more liberal Karlstad.

Vadstena krigsmanshus : En studie av den svenska kronans inrättning för sårade och gamla soldater cirka 1640–1780 / The Veteran’s Home in Vadstena : A study of the Swedish Crown’s institution for wounded and old soldiers, ca 1640–1780

Petersson, Erik January 2017 (has links)
Den här avhandlingen handlar det underhåll till sårade och gamla soldater som den svenskastatsmakten organiserade under tidigmodern tid. Undersökningen tar sin utgångspunkt i den tid närstatsmakten började organisera mer omfattande hjälp för soldater, vilket var slutet på Gustav Vasasoch under Erik XIV:s regeringstid i mitten av 1500-talet. Motiven till att statsmakten organiseradehjälp för en del soldater var att dessa skulle ha offrat sin hälsa och arbetsförmåga i kronans tjänst, menså länge statsmakten fortsatte att vara relativt löst organiserad var även hjälpen till soldaterna avganska liten omfattning. Det ändrades under Gustav II Adolfs regering då planerna på att skapa ettkrigsmanshus i Vadstena etablerades, vilka senare genomfördes efter hans död och institutionen kundeta emot de första soldaterna senast 1640. I krigsmanshuset fick ett trettiotal soldater med familjeruppehälle, samtidigt som soldater boende i andra delar av landet fick stöd från krigsmanshuskassansom också administrerades från Vadstena. Mot slutet av 1600-talet blev kassan proportionellt merbetydelsefull än krigsmanshuset och runt år 1700 försörjde kassan flera tusen soldater runtom i riket.1700-talet innebar stora förändringar, bland annat genom att krigen blev färre, att krigaryrket intelängre var lika attraktivt som karriärväg för adelsmän och att statsmakten utvecklade andra mer civiladelar. Behovet av ett krigsmanshus fanns till sist inte längre och institutionen i Vadstena stängde förboende våren 1784, men kassan fanns kvar in på 1970-talet. / This dissertation focuses on the maintenance of wounded and old soldiers organized by the Swedishstate in the Early Modern Period. The thesis starts at the time when the government began to organizemore help for soldiers, which was the end of Gustav Vasa’s reign and during that of his son Erik XIVin the mid-16th century. The reasons why the government organized help for some soldiers weremainly that the soldiers would have sacrificed their health and ability to work in their service of theCrown. But as long as the government continued to be relatively loosely organized, the aid to thesoldiers remained on a relatively small scale. This changed under the reign of Gustav II Adolf (ruled1611–1632) when plans for the establishment of the Veteran's Home in Vadstena were established.These plans were later executed after his death and the institution was able to welcome the firstsoldiers by 1640. At the Veteran's Home, some 30 soldiers were kept with families while othersoldiers lived in their home parishes in other parts of the country and were supported by the Veteran’sFund, which was also administered in Vadstena. Towards the end of the 17th century, the fund becameproportionally more important than the Veteran’s Home and around 1700 the fund delivered support toseveral thousand soldiers. The 18th century meant major changes in society, including fewer wars, thatbecoming an officer was no longer as attractive as career path for the nobility, and that the governmentdeveloped other more civilian functions. The need for a Veteran’s Home was no longer the same underthose circumstances and the Veteran’s Home closed for residents in the spring of 1784, but the fundremained until the 1970s.

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