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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilisation of the financial intelligence centre as a crime intelligence source

Mostert, Derick 11 1900 (has links)
The research was conducted as a result of the researcher‟s concern that the possibility exists that members of the different law enforcement agencies in South Africa might have a misconception about the mandate and functions of the Financial Intelligence Centre. If such a misconception in fact exists, it poses a huge challenge towards fruitful co-operation among the Centre and the different law enforcement agencies. The researcher identified certain practical problems, namely, that investigators are not aware of the types of intelligence that the Centre could provide them with, and that investigators might not be informed about the specific procedures to follow when they need to request intelligence from the Centre. The research has shown that, in the past, the Centre has been a useful source of crime intelligence concerning a range of predicate offences including narcotics, fraud and tax related crimes. The research has further found that, although the majority of participants gained a lot of experience in law enforcement and investigations, they had limited awareness about the Financial Intelligence Centre and its functions. This research project studied the utilisation of the Financial Intelligence Centre as a crime intelligence source. / Police Practice / M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation)

Anmärkningar i revisionsberättelsen : Vad anmärker revisorn på innan konkurser?

Larsson, Tobias, Stenberg, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Revisionsbranschen är en starkt reglerad bransch och styrs i dagsläget av många lagar som har som avsikt att värna om intressenter samt ge riktlinjer om god redovisningssed. Trots att dessa lagar existerar, är det många företag i obestånd som manipulerar bokföringen, vilket gör revisorns arbete att granska bokföringen mycket viktigt. Att företag får anmärkning på bokföringen är inte ovanligt och det kan finnas många orsaker till att företag som gått i konkurs får revisionsanmärkningar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka revisionsanmärkningar i ett företags sista årsredovisning innan konkurs. Vidare är syftet att undersöka om det finns något samband mellan företagens storlek och antal revisionsanmärkningar. I studien har den kvantitativa metoden använts där ett urval på 350 företag som gick i konkurs under 2015 och som haft revisor valts ut. Revisionsberättelser från dessa 350 har därefter samlats in från databasen Retriver för att sedan analyseras. Den genomförda studien visar att 61 % av alla företag har fått åtminstone en anmärkning i revisionsberättelsen. Enligt studiens empiriska material är den vanligaste anmärkningen att bolaget inte i rätt tid och med rätt belopp har redovisat samt betalt mervärdesskatt, avdragen skatt eller sociala avgifter. Därefter är det vanligt att årsredovisningen inte har upprättats i sådan tid att det varit möjligt att hålla årsstämma inom sex månader efter räkenskapsårets utgång och att en kontrollbalansräkning inte har upprättats. Det som vidare framkommit i studien är att i 22 % av företagen har revisorn anmärkt på företagets fortlevnad. Genom en analys av det empiriska materialet har det även framkommit att det finns ett samband mellan företagets storlek och antal anmärkningar då större företag får färre anmärkningar än vad mindre företag får. / The audit industry is highly regulated and controlled of many laws that seeks to protect stakeholders and to provide guidelines for companies so they can use generally accepted accounting principles. Although these laws exist, many companies in insolvency manipulates records, making the work of the auditor to review the accounts very important. That companies get notes on their accounting is not uncommon and it might be different causes to this. The purpose of this study is to investigate auditors notes in a company's last annual report before the bankruptcy. Furthermore, the purpose is to investigate whether there is any correlation between company size and number of notes. In this study, the quantitative method is used where a sample of 350 companies that went bankrupt in 2015 and who had an auditor has been selected. Audit reports from these 350 companies have been collected from the database Retriever and then analyzed. The survey shows that 61 % of all companies have gotten at least one note in the audit report. According to the study's empirical material, the most common complaint is that the company hasn’t, in the right time and with the right amount reported and paid tax, deducted tax or social security contributions. Next, it is common that the annual accounts have been prepared in such time that it has been impossible to hold the annual general meeting within six months after the financial years ending. The third commmon note in the audit report is that a company hasn’t done a balance sheet for liquidation. What further emerged from the study is that in 22 % of the companies the auditor have criticized the company's going concern. Through an analysis of the empirical material, it has also emerged that there is a correlation between company size and number of notes as larger companies get fewer notes from accountants than smaller companies gets.

Policing financier transnational : les cellules de renseignement financier au cœur de la lutte contre le financement du terrorisme

Berg, Julien 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

銀行法背信罪之研究 / The research of the crime of trust breaching under the Banking Act

唐士淵, Tang, Shih Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
銀行法第一百二十五條之二之背信罪係於民國八十九年修正公布,當時之立法背景係因重大金融弊案陸續發生,嚴重損害銀行利益,並危及國家金融秩序,立法者遂在嚴懲金融犯罪之氛圍下,制定銀行法背信罪。其後於民國九十三年修正銀行法背信罪時,除提高法定刑外,並新增以犯罪所得達一億元作為加重刑度之要件,並新增訂銀行法第一百二十五條之四第三項,犯罪所得利益超過罰金最高額及損及金融市場穩定之加重處罰規定。 銀行法背信罪在性質上屬於金融犯罪之一種,其所侵害者係「金融市場秩序」,而「金融市場秩序」屬於具有刑法意義之超個人法益,其內涵即是社會大眾對於金融制度之信賴,與刑法背信罪單純保護財產法益不同。當「金融市場秩序」此一超個人法益受到侵害時,最終受害的仍是參與其中的每個人的整體財產法益。 銀行法背信罪與刑法背信罪規定幾乎雷同,而普通刑法有背信罪,特別刑法亦有背信罪規範之立法模式,與日本刑法背任罪及會社法特別背任罪之立法模式亦相同,故參照我國刑法背信罪構成要件、日本學說及實務見解,解析我國銀行法背信罪之構成要件:行為主體「銀行負責人」,依公司法及銀行之組織章程而來認定;「職員」,係指與銀行存有僱傭關係,領有報酬並為銀行處理事務者;「違背職務」在判斷上,應從銀行負責人或職員之職務內容、範圍、法律規定、內部規章及社會上之一般通念等各方面加以綜合判斷;「財產上損害」應從經濟及法律之觀點檢視銀行的整體財產之總值有無減少而論;「主觀故意」不限於直接故意,未必故意之情形亦屬之;「不法意圖」指得利意圖及損害意圖,行為人僅須具有兩種不法意圖之一者即可。 我國銀行法背信罪在立法上採重刑化思維,忽略法益位階及比例原則,並有重複加重處罰之嫌;將銀行負責人及職員同列為行為主體更為不當之立法。參酌日本立法例及檢視我國實務判決後,仍建議以修法為解決之道。

Förebyggandet av förskingring : i ideella föreningar / Prevention of embezzlement : in non-profit organizations

Kööhler, Fanny, Kling, Stefan, Lundgren, Björn January 2017 (has links)
När forskningsöversikten utfördes hittades få artiklar som berörde både ideella föreningar och förebyggandet av ekonomiska oegentligheter. Syftet med studien blev därmed att finna kontrollmekanismer för styrelsen att använda sig av i ideella föreningar. Studien visar att; kunskapen i en styrelse och strukturen i en styrelse är nyckelfunktioner för att motverka förskingring. Studien beskriver lösningar för ideella föreningar hur att minska möjligheten till ekobrott. Faktorerna har tagits fram genom intervjuer från ideella föreningar som blivit utsatta för någon form av förskingring. Faktorerna är också summan av tidigare studier inom samma område. Rapporten är en tvärsnittsstudie där författarna har samlat in data och information från flera olika håll för att kunna finna olika mönster. Rapporten beskriver begreppen intern kontroll, firmatecknare, kompetens, extern revision, visselblåsning och berättande redovisning. Nämnda begrepp benämns i rapporten som kontrollmekanismer, vilka hjälper till att förebygga förskingring och kontrollera finanser i ideella föreningar. Även om styrelsen i en ideell förening idag är fungerande, kan kontrollmekanismerna hjälpa medlemmarna/styrelsemedlemmarna att få en större förståelse för styrelsens uppgift. I analysen och diskussionen resoneras fördelar och nackdelar kring förbättringsfaktorerna. Upptäckterna kommer från intervjuer gjorda på de olika ideella föreningar och de brister som visades från styrelserna. I analysen och diskussionen tas även fram nya synvinklar som inte fått utrymme tidigare i rapporten för att ytterligare belysa vikten av fortsatt forskning inom vårt specifika område. / When the research review was conducted, no studies for non-profit organizations were found to prevent financial irregularities. The purpose of this study was to try to create a document that help the board in a non-profit organization by finding factors to prevent financial misappropriation. It is found in this survey that; knowledge in the board and structure of the board is key functions in order to avoid financial irregularities. These factors have been pointed out through interviews; where non-profit associations have been subjected to different types of misappropriations. The factors are also a result from analysis of previous research within the field. This study is based on a qualitative cross-sectional study where the writers collected data and information from more than one case in order to find different types of patterns. The study was helped by several semi- structured interviews in order to achieve its purpose. This paper describes the concepts; internal control, authorized signatory, competence, external audit, whistleblowing and narrative accounting. These concepts were analysed and developed later as improvement factors, factors that the board of a non-profit organisation can use. Even if the non-profit association has a fully functioning board today, the improvement factors can help the members to receive even greater understanding of the board’s mission. In the conclusion, the various improvement factors are presented as a result from analysis of the theoretical framework as well as from the empirical study. The factors are the findings of what was missing or not utilized well by the representatives in the case study. The authors find that if non-profit associations use these tools, preferably in combination of with each other, one can avoid being subjected to misappropriations in the non-profit association. New arguments for future studies arises in the analysis and discussion to show the importance of this field. This study is written in Swedish.

Utilisation of the financial intelligence centre as a crime intelligence source

Mostert, Derick 11 1900 (has links)
The research was conducted as a result of the researcher‟s concern that the possibility exists that members of the different law enforcement agencies in South Africa might have a misconception about the mandate and functions of the Financial Intelligence Centre. If such a misconception in fact exists, it poses a huge challenge towards fruitful co-operation among the Centre and the different law enforcement agencies. The researcher identified certain practical problems, namely, that investigators are not aware of the types of intelligence that the Centre could provide them with, and that investigators might not be informed about the specific procedures to follow when they need to request intelligence from the Centre. The research has shown that, in the past, the Centre has been a useful source of crime intelligence concerning a range of predicate offences including narcotics, fraud and tax related crimes. The research has further found that, although the majority of participants gained a lot of experience in law enforcement and investigations, they had limited awareness about the Financial Intelligence Centre and its functions. This research project studied the utilisation of the Financial Intelligence Centre as a crime intelligence source. / Police Practice / M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation)

Den etiska banken : En kvalitativ studie om hur bankverksamheter hanterar etiska utmaningar som kan uppstå när AI används för ett bekämpa finansiell brottslighet

Eriksson, Tove, Klint, Louise January 2023 (has links)
Allt fler banker tillämpar artificiell intelligens (AI) i syfte att bekämpa finansiell brottslighet. Med den ökade användningen av AI uppkommer etiska utmaningar som banker behöver hantera för att säkerställa en god etik vid nyttjande av AI vid finansiell brottsbekämpning. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka ställningstaganden som ligger till grund för hur banker som använder AI hanterar etiska utmaningar inom finansiell brottslighet. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer för insamling av empiri samt en litteraturstudie för att besvara frågeställningen. En tematisk analys har gjorts för hur banker hanterar etiska utmaningar vid nyttjandet av AI för att bekämpa finansiell brottslighet, vilket ledde till följande slutsatser: banker hanterar etik både på individuell och organisatorisk nivå genom att undvika partiskhet, följa lagkrav, vara transparenta gentemot kunder att de övervakas samt följa upp beslut fattade av AI. Studiens resultat diskuteras utifrån etiska förhållningssätt såsom utilitarism, pliktetik och dygdetik. / More and more banks are applying artificial intelligence (AI) to fight financial crime. With the increased use of AI, ethical challenges arise that banks need to handle in order to ensure good ethics when using AI when fighting financial crime. The purpose of the study was to investigate which stances are the basis for how banks that use AI handle ethical challenges in financial crime. The study is based on a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews to gather empirical evidence and a literature study to answer the research question. A thematic analysis has been made of how banks deal with ethical challenges when using AI to fight financial crime, which led to the following conclusions: banks deal with ethics both at an individual and organizational level by avoiding bias, complying with legal requirements but using the exceptions that exist for combating money laundering, being transparent to customers that they are being monitored, following up on decisions made by AI. The study's results are discussed based on different ethical approaches such as utilitarianism, duty ethics and virtue ethics.

Combating financial crime : evaluating the prospect of a whole-of-government approach

Botha, André Eduan 28 June 2018 (has links)
Tax crimes, money laundering and other financial crimes threaten the strategic, political and economic interests of developed and developing countries. The problems encountered by the researcher, is the broad and vague meaning of financial crime compounded by the confusing and ill-considered use of the term by law- and policymakers, politicians, government agencies, agency officials and practitioners weakening effective communication about the phenomenon. The literature shows that given the complexity and multi-faceted nature of financial crime, combating financial crime in all its facets cannot be undertaken by investigative agencies acting in isolation. This study was undertaken with the aim to describe and systematically categorise financial crime and evaluate the prospect of using a Whole-of-Government approach as a framework to harness the capacity of the existing government agencies to combat financial crime more effectively. The research was underpinned by a pragmatic paradigm allowing the researcher to apply a qualitative research methodology using an exploratory and evaluation research design. A detailed review of the literature available nationally and internationally was conducted to establish a conceptual and practical understanding of the issues under investigation. An interview schedule with predetermined questions was developed, pre-tested and administered to participants who are active practitioners involved in combating financial crime in the primary government agencies responsible for combating financial crime based on a purposive sample. The data obtained from the literature and participants were analysed, interpreted and thematically listed according to the frequency with the aim of identifying and comparing similarities and differences between the data. The data was used to develop a system to categorise financial crime systematically based on descriptors used to describe the meaning and application of the term financial crime and to propose practical methods practises and models to combat financial crime more effectively. This research indicates that financial crime can be systematically categorised according to descriptors of the unlawful conduct and that the whole of government approach is a viable approach to combat financial crime more effectively according to the available models for arranging Whole-of-Government work. / Police Science / D.Litt. et Phil. (Police Science)

L'enquête judiciaire en matière économique et financière : une réforme nécessaire / Judicial inquiry in economic and financial matters : a necessary reform

Parisien, Bruno 14 December 2018 (has links)
Environ vingt milliards d’euros, tel est le coût de la délinquance économique et financière en France. Phénomène proche de la criminalité organisée et pourtant toujours mal défini, délinquance atypique aux caractères spécifiques, elle demeure un espace où seuls quelques initiés parviennent à déjouer les malversations commises par des criminels précurseurs quant à leur modes opératoires. Gangrène du système socio-économique, elle tend à être appréhendée aujourd’hui dans l’hexagone, mais les réformes successives et novatrices ne sont pas synonymes d’une répression adaptée. Si le système judiciaire s’est doté de dispositifs de lutte fondés sur la spécialisation de plusieurs juridictions pénales, l’enquête judiciaire, berceau de toute répression, demeure majoritairement soumise aux règles de procédures du droit commun. Comme l’attestent les retours d’expériences, à une criminalité d’exception s’opposent des pouvoirs d’investigations basiques pourtant susceptibles d’être améliorés par l’adaptation de dispositifs éprouvés. / Twenty billions : that is the cost of financial and economic crime in France. This is close to organised crime, but it still remains an ill-defined phenomenon, an atypical delinquency with specific features, an area where only few initiate persons succeed in twarthing misbehaviours committed by pioneer criminals in regard to the modus operandi they use. Financial and economic crime plagues the social and economic system, and although this tends to be contained in France, successive and innovative reforms haven’t ensured a more appropriate criminal justice response. Judicial system has been provided with specialized penal courts, but judicial inquiry, the cradle of fight against crime, still remains subject to ordinary criminal procedural rules. As feedbacks show, basic investigation powers contrast with exceptional delinquency, whereas they could be improved by the adaptation of the tested investigation devices.

金融犯罪之訴訟策略 —以我國證券交易法操縱市場案件為中心 / The Litigation Strategy for Financial Crime —Focus on The Cases of Market Manipulation of Securities Exchange Act in Taiwan

莊凱如 Unknown Date (has links)
金融犯罪近年來日益受學者與實務界之重視,而我國證券交易 法既以「發展國民經濟、保障投資」為目的,證券市場是否依自然 供需法則自由運作,而不受人為操縱行為破壞價格決定機制,顯得 至為重要。 我國證券交易法明文禁止操縱市場行為,違反者除民事損害賠 償責任外,尚有刑事處罰,且刑度非輕。操縱市場雖屬於相對抽象 之一種禁止類型,但法院實務上已經累積為數不少之判決,然而因 案件內容繁雜、法條構成要件不夠明確......等因素,造成法律見解難 以統一之現象,進而使得辯護工作難度增加。 本文擬從比較法上,參考外國法對操縱市場行為禁止之類型及 方式,檢視我國證券交易法中關於操縱市場之立法過程與構成要 件,並蒐集大量法院判決,整理分析被告提出之各式抗辯,回顧法 院判決中之見解、判斷,期待能更深入問題之核心,裨對實務工作 者能有所助益。 / Financial crimes are increasingly valued by academics and practitioners in recent years. Securities and Exchange Act in Taiwan is securities market operate freely in accordance with the law of natural supply and demand without undermining the mechanism of price determination by human manipulation so important. Securities and Exchange Act in Taiwan expressly prohibited for market manipulation and penalize who breach of regulation. They must bear civil liability for damages and seriously criminal penalties. Although market manipulation may be very abstract sometimes, court practice has accumulated a large number of judgments. However, it’s still a big challenge for attorneys due to the different opinions in practice. The relevant provisions of this order the United States, England and China on different types of legislation about manipulation, in order to find the difference of among the Securities and Exchange Law of Taiwan, as a reference to amend acts of manipulation. By studying cases selected our Court and trying to analyze how the various defenses affect the court decision.

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