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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O impacto e as estratégias de coping de indivíduos em comunidades afetadas por desastres naturais / The impact and the coping strategies in individuals on the communities affected by natural disasters

Krum, Fernanda Menna Barreto January 2007 (has links)
O impacto sofrido por indivíduos e por comunidades atingidas por desastres naturais gera inúmeras respostas emocionais, bem como esforços para lidar com o evento. Esses esforços são as estratégias de coping utilizadas no enfrentamento de uma situação estressora. Para investigar essas estratégias pela perspectiva do coletivo, foram selecionados representantes de famílias, residentes de um município atingido por um tornado. Foi aplicada a técnica do grupo focal através de um encontro com 5 participantes afetados por esse evento. As perguntas norteadoras foram: Como foi para vocês ter passado pela situação do desastre? O que vocês fizeram para enfrentá-lo? O levantamento dos dados foi feito através da análise de conteúdo e os resultados apontaram categorias de coping que incluíram busca por suporte social, resolução de problemas, evitação, apoio na religião e busca por significado. Categorias acerca das reações ao desastre também foram identificadas como físicas, emocionais e do contexto social propriamente dito. / The impact on the community and its individuals affected by natural disasters are responsible for a variety of emotional responses, creating an urgent need for efforts to deal with such event. These efforts are the coping strategies used for the adaptation to a stressful situation. To investigate these strategies on the collective perspective, householders within families living in the regions affected by the natural disasters were selected. The focus group technique was used in one meeting, including 5 participants who had been victims of such event. The guiding questions were: How was to have been through the disaster situation? What did you do to cope with it? The final data were analyzed through the content analysis and the results appointed coping categories which included seeking for social support, problem solving, avoidance, religion support and searching for meaning. Moreover, categories concerning the reactions towards the disaster were also identified as physical, emotional and the social context itself.

Sistemática para aprimorar ambientes organizacionais direcionados a inovações / Method to improve organizational environments driven to innovations

Manica, Carlo Rossano January 2015 (has links)
Diferenciar-se no competitivo mercado global exige que as empresas sejam cada vez mais inovadoras. Considerando que as inovações são desenvolvidas por pessoas interagindo em certo espaço, buscou-se por pesquisas sobre esses ambientes de inovação. Como os trabalhos detectados apenas diagnosticavam os ambientes e não faziam proposições de como aperfeiçoá-los, o presente estudo visa preencher essa lacuna, propondo uma sistemática para aprimorar os ambientes de inovação. Como forma de atingir esse objetivo, foram identificadas, por meio da busca teórica, nove dimensões que contemplam esses complexos ambientes. Para cada dimensão foi criada uma série de perguntas, culminando em um questionário com 40 indagações. Ele foi respondido quali-quantitativamente por 30 desenvolvedores de inovações de cinco grandes empresas. De posse do conjunto de dados daí oriundos, foram realizadas análises estatísticas como suporte para as demais análises. Para uma das análises foi adotada a técnica de Grupo Focal (GF), o qual foi composto por pessoas da alta gestão das empresas pesquisadas e por professores estrangeiros. Visando auxiliar a condução do GF, foi desenvolvido um jogo especificamente para esse fim. Como forma de verificar se ao menos duas dimensões apresentavam resultados significativamente diferentes para a soma de rankings foi utilizado o teste de Kruskall Wallis. O resultado do teste evidenciou que as dimensões Liderança e Autonomia apresentaram notas significativamente mais altas que as dimensões Processos e Recursos. Como parte final importante, a sistemática propõe um Guia de Diretrizes, embasado nas ideias expostas pelos autores estudados, pelos respondentes do questionário e pelos participantes do GF. Compreende-se que toda e qualquer empresa pode adequar a sistemática e aprimorar seus ambientes organizacionais direcionados a inovações. / Differentiate themselves in the competitive global market requires companies to be more innovative. Considering that innovations are developed by people interacting in a certain space, it searched for researches about these innovation environments. As the works detected only diagnosed environments and made no proposals for how to improve them, this study aims to fill this gap by proposing a system to improve the innovation environments. In order to achieve this goal, nine dimensions that address these complex environments have been identified through the theoretical search. For each dimension a series of questions was created, culminating in a questionnaire with 40 questions. The questionnaire was answered in a qualitative and quantitative way by 30 innovation developers within five large companies. Based on derived data set, statistical analysis were performed as support for other analysis. In order to perform the analysis it was adopted the Focus Group technique (FG), which was composed of people from the top management of those companies surveyed and foreign teachers. Aiming to assist the conduct of the FG, a game was developed specifically for this purpose. In order to check whether at least two dimensions had significantly different results for the sum of rankings was used the Kruskal-Wallis test. The test result showed that the dimensions Leadership and Autonomy had significantly higher scores than the dimensions Processes and Resources. As an important final part, the method proposes a Guide of Directives, based on the ideas exposed by the studied authors, by the respondents of the questionnaire and the participants of the FG. It is understood that any company can tailor the method and improve organizational environments driven to innovations.

Föräldrars erfarenheter av läsningens betydelse efter besök inom barnhälsovården / Parents' experiences of reading importance after visiting child health care

Krantz Ahlstrand, Evelina, Svahn, Sara January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Barnhälsovårdens mål är att främja och följa barnets hälsa, utveckling, välbefinnande och livssituation. I hälsosamtal med föräldrar lägger barnhälsovårdssköterskan grunden för en god språkutveckling. Vikten av bokläsning och det språkliga samspelet inom familjen har betydelse för barnets språkutveckling. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva föräldrars erfarenheter av läsningens betydelse för barn efter besök/språkinformation inom barnhälsovården. Metod: Två semistrukturerade fokusgruppsintervjuer med föräldrar genomfördes. Intervjumaterialet analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Dataanalysen resulterade i två kategorier: kunskap och engagemang samt fem underkategorier. Resultat: Föräldrarna har kunskap om hur läsning påverkar barnet. Tidsbrist är ett bekymmer och äldre syskons bokläsning prioriteras. Barnhälsovårdssköterskans konkreta exempel på läsning av en barnbok och upplägget av besöket påverkar hur informationen mottages. Språkinformation inspirerar att läsa för sitt barn med åldersanpassade böcker. Föräldrar anser att hälsosamtalet inte ger ny information och att barnet inte är intresserad av att bli läst för. Slutsats: Information om språkutveckling och läsning inspirerar föräldrar att börja läsa med barnet. Tidsbrist, syskon och osäkerhet från förälder hur man läser åldersinriktat påverkar dock föräldrarna att behålla familjens tidigare läsvanor. / Background: The aim of child health care is to promote and follow the child’s health, development, well-being and life situation. Through health dialogue with parents, the child health nurse lays the foundation for a good language development. Reading books and the linguistic interplay within the family are significant factors in the child’s language development.Purpose: The purpose was to describe parents' experiences of reading importance to children after visiting/language information in child health care. Method: Two semi-structured interviews consisting of focus groups of parents were carried out. The interviews were analysed using a qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach. The data analysis resulted in two categories: knowledge and commitment, as well as five sub-categories.Results: Parents do possess knowledge on how reading affects the child. Lack of time was presented as one concern and older siblings were being prioritised for bookreading. The child health nurse´s concrete examples of reading children’s books and the setup of the visit affect how the information is received. Language information leads to inspiration for reading to your child using age group-adapted books. Parents are under the impression that the health dialogue does not provide any new information, and that the child is not interested in being read to.Conclusion: Information about language development and reading inspires parents to start reading to the child. Lack of time, siblings and insecurities from the parents’ side on how to read in an age group-adapted way affect parents in their ability to maintain previous family reading habits. / Språklust

O impacto e as estratégias de coping de indivíduos em comunidades afetadas por desastres naturais / The impact and the coping strategies in individuals on the communities affected by natural disasters

Krum, Fernanda Menna Barreto January 2007 (has links)
O impacto sofrido por indivíduos e por comunidades atingidas por desastres naturais gera inúmeras respostas emocionais, bem como esforços para lidar com o evento. Esses esforços são as estratégias de coping utilizadas no enfrentamento de uma situação estressora. Para investigar essas estratégias pela perspectiva do coletivo, foram selecionados representantes de famílias, residentes de um município atingido por um tornado. Foi aplicada a técnica do grupo focal através de um encontro com 5 participantes afetados por esse evento. As perguntas norteadoras foram: Como foi para vocês ter passado pela situação do desastre? O que vocês fizeram para enfrentá-lo? O levantamento dos dados foi feito através da análise de conteúdo e os resultados apontaram categorias de coping que incluíram busca por suporte social, resolução de problemas, evitação, apoio na religião e busca por significado. Categorias acerca das reações ao desastre também foram identificadas como físicas, emocionais e do contexto social propriamente dito. / The impact on the community and its individuals affected by natural disasters are responsible for a variety of emotional responses, creating an urgent need for efforts to deal with such event. These efforts are the coping strategies used for the adaptation to a stressful situation. To investigate these strategies on the collective perspective, householders within families living in the regions affected by the natural disasters were selected. The focus group technique was used in one meeting, including 5 participants who had been victims of such event. The guiding questions were: How was to have been through the disaster situation? What did you do to cope with it? The final data were analyzed through the content analysis and the results appointed coping categories which included seeking for social support, problem solving, avoidance, religion support and searching for meaning. Moreover, categories concerning the reactions towards the disaster were also identified as physical, emotional and the social context itself.

Reelaboração do treinamento admissional de enfermeiro na unidade de terapia intensiva / Redesigning the nurse admission training process at an intensive care unit

Sarah Marilia Bucchi 23 April 2009 (has links)
O processo de treinamento e desenvolvimento de recursos humanos é um importante instrumento para a gerência e para a assistência, os estudos encontrados acerca do treinamento em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) estão relacionados, principalmente, à realização de técnicas assistenciais. Reconhecendo a relevância do preparo do enfermeiro para atuação em UTI e sabendo da valorização que o grupo de enfermeiros da UTI de um hospital privado do município de São Paulo atribui ao processo de treinamento admissional, esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida na Instituição, Hospital Campo de Estudo (HCE). Assim, constituíram-se como objetivos desse estudo: analisar o processo de treinamento admissional do enfermeiro na UTI, na perspectiva dos enfermeiros da UTI do HCE; reelaborar o processo de treinamento admissional de enfermeiro na UTI, na perspectiva dos enfermeiros da UTI do HCE e definir o perfil do enfermeiro instrutor do treinamento admissional do enfermeiro. A fim de alicerçar essa reelaboração nos valores e necessidades expressas por esse grupo, optou-se pelo método de investigação, da pesquisa-ação. A técnica de coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de grupo focal, constituído de 11 enfermeiros com mais de três anos nessa UTI. Foram realizadas seis reuniões, totalizando dez horas de trabalho. Ainda, na coleta de dados, foram divulgados os relatórios-síntese dessas reuniões possibilitando a participação dos demais 18 enfermeiros da UTI que responderam aos questionários dirigidos, desse modo, houve contribuição de todo o coletivo estudado. Essa estratégia possibilitou a concretização da tarefa do grupo para além da proposta inicial de reelaboração do processo de treinamento. Em consonância ao perfil desejado para o enfermeiro dessa UTI, ora estabelecido pelo grupo, foram também descritos o conceito, os objetivos, as estratégias, a duração e as metas a serem alcançadas pelo enfermeiro recém-admitido. Para tal, foram construídos o novo instrumento, o fluxograma, o memento e a descrição do perfil do enfermeiro instrutor. Além do trabalho desenvolvido, a pesquisa promoveu no grupo e na pesquisadora a reflexão sobre aspectos intervenientes ao processo educativo, bem como acerca da identidade do grupo caracterizada pelo papel assistencial, pela autonomia de ação e, conseqüente, reconhecimento junto à equipe multiprofissional, o que facilitou, de modo coerente, a reelaboração do processo de treinamento admissional do enfermeiro da UTI-HCE / The human resource training and development process is an important instrument for management and care-providers. Studies regarding Intensive Care Unit (ICU) training relate especially to the performance of care-providing techniques. This research was developed at a Study Field Hospital (SFH) considering the importance of a nurses training process for performing at an ICU and knowing how ICU nursing staff value the admission training process at a private practice hospital in the city of São Paulo. Study objectives were to: analyze the ICU-nurse admission training process from the SFH ICU nurses standpoint; redesign the ICU-nurse admission training process from the SFH ICU nurses standpoint; and determine the educator-nurse profile for the ICU-nurse admission training process. In order to support this redesigning within the values and needs expressed by the group, the investigational method of action research was adopted. The data collection technique performed was based on a focus group composed of 11 nurses who have worked at this SFH ICU for more than three years. Six meetings were held in a total of ten working hours. Furthermore, during data collection, summarized meeting reports were issued allowing 18 other ICU nurses who answered the guided questionnaires to participate and therefore the whole group under study contributed. This strategy warranted concretization of the groups task further than the initially proposed redesigning of the training process. In agreement with the desired nurse profile for the ICU, now established by the group; concept, objectives, strategies, duration, and goals to be met by a recently-hired nurse were also described. For such, a new instrument, flow-chart, guideline and educator-nurse profile description were conceived. In addition to the work developed, this research fostered both in the group and the investigator a reflection on intervening aspects of the educational process as well as of the group identity, characterized by the care-providing role, autonomy to act and consequent recognition by the multi-professional team which coherently facilitated the redesigning of the nurse admission training process at the SFH ICU

Aplicabilidade do grupo focal para avaliação do conforto em pesquisas de usabilidade em moda / Applicability of the focal point for the assessment of comfort in usability research at Fashion Group.

Camila Osugi Cavalcanti de Alencar 03 June 2014 (has links)
Para o lançamento de novos produtos na área do Design de Moda, os designers utilizam conceitos de ergonomia durante as etapas de formatação do produto. A pesquisa tem como objetivo introduzir na metodologia projetual a preocupação ergonômica, visando à adequação do design no que diz respeito à usabilidade e ao conforto. O estudo trata das relações entre Moda, Design e Metodologia para compreensão da importância da Ergonomia no auxílio dos projetos de Design de Moda. A proposta é sistematizar por meio da metodologia de Grupo Focal as questões ergonômicas na fase projetual de produtos por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica e de reflexões extraídas, constatando-se sua aplicabilidade ao permitir que o designer a partir de uma análise qualitativa dos dados captados nas discussões com o público-alvo proporcione um produto mais satisfatório ao usuário. / For the launch of new products in the area of Fashion Design, designers use concepts of ergonomics through the steps of formatting the product. The research aims at introducing a methodology projetual ergonomic concern, aiming at adapting the design with regard to usability and comfort. The study deals with the relationship between Fashion, Design and Methodology for understanding the importance of ergonomics in aid of Fashion Design projects. The proposal is to systematize through focus group methodology ergonomic issues in projetual phase products through a literature review and reflections drawn, though there is its applicability by allowing the designer from a qualitative analysis of the data captured in discussions with the audience provides the user a more satisfactory product.


MARCIO PEZZELLA FERREIRA 09 May 2007 (has links)
[pt] O Brasil é hoje um mercado potencial para os vinhos da América Latina. Ao contrário de tradicionais produtores como França, Itália, Argentina e Chile, onde a tendência de consumo da bebida é de queda, no Brasil há significativo potencial de crescimento. O consumo anual per capita de vinho no Brasil é de aproximadamente 2 litros per capta ao ano, enquanto em outros países da Europa esse consumo pode alcançar a casa das dezenas de litros. Este trabalho tem como objetivo explorar os fatores motivadores e/ou inibidores do consumo do vinho no Brasil, em especial no Rio de Janeiro. Tem como base a experiência do consumo nas ocasiões em que o pesquisado pode exercer seu poder de escolha na compra dos vinhos a serem consumidos. Essa abordagem visa identificar e compreender hábitos capazes de influenciar na escolha e consumo de vinhos, procurando identificar ocasiões, locais, motivações e freqüência de seu consumo. A pesquisa visa também conhecer associações feitas com o vinho, conhecendo as principais variáveis que influenciam no seu consumo, identificando ainda locais habituais de compra e fontes de informação relacionadas a esta bebida. / [en] Nowadays Brazil is a potential market to Latin American wines. Different from traditional producers like France, Italy, Argentina and Chile, where the wine consumption is decreasing, in Brazil exists a significant potential of growth. The annual Brazilian wine consumption per capita is approximately 2 liters. In some European countries this consumption can be up to thirty times higher. The objective of this work is to explore the factors that can motivate or inhibit the wine consumption in Brazil, especially in Rio de Janeiro. It is based on occasions that the consumer can chose the wine that will be tasted. This approach intends to identify and better understand the habits that can influence the wine selection, trying to map consumption occasions, places, motivations and frequency. This research also intends to better understand mental links about wine and identify common purchasing places and information sources used by consumers.

"We saw it too" : Två generationers publikundersökning av de traditionella mediernas rapportering från #metoo-kampanjen

Hallén Almroth, Martin, Greenberg, Sarah January 2018 (has links)
At the end of 2017 the hashtag #metoo swept through swedish media and engaged both private households, rulers and professions in the process. This study examines two different generations to look at their similarities and differences when it comes to how they’ve reacted to the news reporting on #metoo. By using semi-structured focus groups this study has analysed these generations opinions on media reporting, generation issues and gender. The results show that there´s differences in some ways, but there’s also similarities. Both groups agree to the facts that their generation is a cause to their thoughts and beliefs in this subject, and the knowledge when it comes to social media has a huge impact in how they respond to  media reporting. The fact that the groups has grown up during different eras results in a disparity in in their values which is a factor to why they interpret the reporting differently. The older group were more critical to the reporting while the younger group meant that the ones who were portrayed in media deserved it. A similarity for both groups was the belief of that the reporting, despite how they felt about it, has affected people's way of thinking and will hopefully, according to the focus groups, lead to something good.

”[…]har gjort en plansch så måste man ju berätta och visa” : - En diskursanalytisk studie av mellanstadieelevers föreställningar och attityder till muntlig framställning i svenskämnet / If you’ve made a poster, you got to show and tell. : A discourse-analytic study of Swedish secondary school pupils’ conceptions and attitudes towards oracy in Swedish language studies.

Lilliehöök, David January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to take a closer look at attitudes concerning education using oral presentations as the main activity in Swedish language studies in a Swedish secondary school. To accomplish this, the study aimed to answer the following questions: • In what way do four groups of secondary school students talk about oral presentations in Swedish language studies? • Which preconceptions and attitudes to oral presentations do the student express? • Which discourses are actualized in the discussions and how are these constructed? Secondary school pupils were used as a primary source of knowledge here through the use of four semi-structured focus group discussions. Students were asked questions about their understanding of what the essence of oral presentations is, as well as their experiences, feelings and what expectations they felt were placed on them by their teachers. The material shows a discourse composed of a mixture of excitement and fear. The pupils attribute to the creative side to planning presentations and using esthetic or even electronic media to excitement but also express anxiousness regarding the permanence of spoken word and the stress of potentially making a fool of oneself in front of their peers.

Působení mezikulturních modelů v reklamě / Effect of intercultural models in advertising

Maliňáková, Lucia January 2017 (has links)
The present thesis deals with the topic of intercultural models in advertising. The theoretical part is concerned with the definition and characteristics of culture and cultural dimensions. It also describes and compares the Hofstede model and the GLOBE model. It defines the concept of advertising and its aims and means. The methodology section describes the design of focus group interviews that are used in the practical part of the thesis. The aim of this work is to compare the consistency of opinions of respondents on the TV commercials presented with the Hofstede model. In its sub-goals, the work aims to identify the attributes of advertisements that respondents are most addressed by, and to select the most appropriate advertisement for the Czech market based on evaluation of the respondents.

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