Spelling suggestions: "subject:"folkhälsovetenskap"" "subject:"folkhälsovetenskap10""
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Tuberkulose blandt børn og unge i arktis : set fra et grønlandsk perspektiv / Tuberculosis among children and youth in the arctic : from a Greenlandic point of viewSkifte, Turid Bjarnason January 2008 (has links)
Introduktion: Tuberkulose er fortsat en sygdom, man skal tage alvorligt i Grønland. Forekomsten er høj med 150-200 tilfælde per 100.000 indbyggere årligt, hvoraf 20-30 % er børn og unge. Trods BCG-vaccination af nyfødte samt en ihærdig indsats med hensyn til kontaktopsporing, behandlings-kontrol, forebyggelse og smitteopsporing har incidensen været vedvarende høj i de seneste 10 år. Formål: at undersøge, hvordan forekomsten af TB blandt børn og unge i Grønland havde udviklet sig fra 1988-92 og til 2002-06. Videre at sammenligne TB incidensen blandt grønlændere med inuitbefolk-ningerne i Alaska og Canada med særligt fokus på territoriet Nunavut, hvor den største andel af canadiske inuit bor. Endelig var det formålet at belyse om de TB-ramte børn og unge adskilte sig fra andre på tilsvarende alderstrin, set i relation til social baggrund og levevilkår, samt endelig at opgøre dækningen af BCG. Materiale og metode: Anmeldelser af TB tilfælde fra 1988-92 og fra 2002-06 blev sammenlignet. Registerdata fra Alaska og Canada blev sammenholdt med data fra Grønland til belysning af forekomsten af TB blandt inuit. Data fra et case-control studie foretaget i perioden fra 1.marts 2004 til 28.februar 2007 bestående af anmeldeskemaer, spørgeskemaer til belysning af sociale forhold og levevilkår samt oplysning om BCG-vaccination fra journaler blev analyseret. Resultater og konklusion: TB incidensen var fra 1988-92 til 2002-06 steget fra 67 til 141 tilfælde pr. 100.000/år. Størst stigning sås blandt børn og unge, idet den forholdsmæssige andel af 0-19 årige steg med 6 %. En stigende andel af TB tilfælde i byerne syntes snarere at være forårsaget af flytning fra bygd til by i de hårdest ramte distrikter end et ændret smittemønster. Inuit i de undersøgte arktiske regioner har stærkt forhøjet TB incidens i forhold til den øvrige befolkning, og incidensen var højest i Grønland. Andelen af TB syge i alderen 0-19 årige var i Grønland 27 %, kun overgået af Nunavut (33 %). De vanskelige levevilkår er fælles for inuit i Nunavut og Grønland, men årsagerne til smittespredning er komplekse. Resultaterne af case-control studiet var pga. den lille population ikke statistisk signifikante, men tyder på en sammenhæng mellem levevilkår og TB, såsom højt antal beboere pr. m² og rygning, som også fundet af andre. Studiet indikerer en beskyttende effekt af BCG hos mindre børn (<10 år). Mange smittede og syge børn er et tegn på aktiv smittespredning, og de smittede børn vil være kilde til fremtidens TB. Der derfor god grund til at følge udviklingen blandt børn og unge nøje, samt at igangsætte initiativer for at bremse fortsat smittespredning. / Introduction: Tuberculosis is still a disease to be taken seriously in Greenland. The occurrence is high with 150-200 cases yearly per 100,000 inhabitants, 20-30 % of these are children and young people. The latest 10 years the incidents have been high continuously, in spite of BCG-vaccination of new-borns, and a persistent effort as regards contact tracing, control of treatment, preventive interventions, and tracking sources of infection. Objective: To examine how the occurrence of TB among children and young people in Greenland has developed from 1988-92 and up till 2002-06. Further to compare the TB incidence among Greenlanders to that among Inuit populations in Alaska and Canada, with special focus on the territory of Nunavut, where the largest share of Canadian Inuit live. Furthermore, it was the intention to examine whether the TB-infected children and young people differed from the population in general at the same age level, in relation to social background and living-conditions, and finally to estimate the coverage of BCG. Material and method: Notifications of TB-cases from l988-92 and from 2002-06 were compared. Register data from Alaska and Canada were related to data from Greenland to illustrate the occurrence of TB among Inuit people. Data from a case-control carried out in the period from March 2004 to February 2007 were analysed, consisting of notification forms, questionnaires regarding social conditions and living-conditions, plus information about BCG from case records. Results and conclusion: The TB-incidence from 1988-92 to 2002-06 increased from 67 to 141 incidents per l00,000. The largest increase was seen among children and young people, as the relative share of 0-19 yearers increased by 6 %. An increasing share of TB incidents in the towns seemed more likely to have been caused by migration from settlement to town in the districts most affected, rather than by a changed pattern of infection. In the arctic regions examined, Inuit people have a strongly increased TB-incidence compared to the remaining population, and the incidence was highest in Greenland. In Greenland 27 % of TB patients were at the age of 0-19 years, and only surpassed by Nunavut (33 %). Difficult living-conditions are common for Inuit in Nunavut and in Greenland, but the causes of the spread of infection are complex. Because of the small population involved, the results of the case-control study were not statistically significant, but they indicate a correlation between living-conditions and TB, such as crowding and smoking, as also found by others. The study indicates a protective effect of BCG on small children (< 10 years). Occurrence of many infected and ill children indicates active spreading of the disease, and the infected children will be the source of TB of the future. Therefore, it is advisable to follow the development among children and young people closely, and to launch initiatives to prevent further dissemination of infection. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-41-2</p><p></p><p></p>
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SAUNA – Den folkhälsovetenskapliga kärnan i den finska bastu / SAUNA –The essence of the Finnish sauna from a public health perspectiveSiitonen, Eva January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet är att beskriva och analysera hur finländarna upplever bastubadandets påverkan på livskvaliteten. Frågeställning är hur upplever finländaren att det starkt kulturbundna och vardagliga bastubadandet påverkar deras hälsa med tonvikt på livskvalitet? Finlands befolkning är ca. 5,1 miljoner invånare och det finns över 2 miljoner bastun (Statistikcentralen 2004). Finländaren badar bastu i medeltal 1-2 gånger i veckan. (Nyholm opublicerat material) Bastun har alltid varit en del av det finska levnadssättet. Den hör traditionellt till den finska kulturen och är en älskad nationell stolthet. I den finska traditionen har bastun använts för hälsa, arbetsförmåga och hygien (Tähkä et al. 1970). Datainsamling sker via intervju. Som intervjumetod väljes den i antropologin använda kvalitativa The long interview (McCracken 1988). Intervjumetoden beskrivs i fyra steg: Genomgång av analytiska kategorier, genomgång av kulturella kategorier, upptäckande av kulturella kategorier och upptäckande av analytiska kategorier. Metoden tillåter forskaren att utnyttja kompetensen av sin egen kultur. Det leder till mera relevanta frågeställningar, mera kompetent lyssnande och datainsamling med en ökad sensitivitet. En syntes av det teoretiska perspektivet, litteraturgenomgången och intervjuerna har lett till följande hypoteser som enligt forskningsdesignen kan testas vid ett senare forskningstillfälle: Bastun tillhör det finska levnadssättet. De flesta finländare använder bastu som preventivt, hälsofrämjande och som vård av olika krämpor. Bastu har en positiv inverkan på den fysiska, psykiska och sociala hälsan och därmed på livskvaliteten. Bastubadandet är en kulturupplevelse. Bastubadandet är i rätt miljö en naturupplevelse. Ritualer i bastubadande ger trygghet / The overall aim of the study is to describe and analyse how the Finns experience of the sauna affects their quality of life. The study question is how Finns experience the culturally significant sauna bathing affect their health with emphasize on quality of life. The Finnish population is approx. 5,1 million inhabitants and there are more than 2 million saunas (Statistikcentralen 2004). The Finns take a sauna on average 1-2 times a week. (Nyholm, unpublihshed material) Sauna has always been a part of the Finnish way of life. Traditionally it belongs to the Finnish culture and is a dearly loved source of national pride. Traditionally the sauna has been used for health, capacity for work and hygiene. (Tähkä et al. 1970). The method used is The long interview (McCracken 1988). The method can be described in four steps: Review of Analytic Categories, Review of Cultural Categories, Discovery of Cultural Categories and Discovery of Analytic Categories. This method allows investigators to exploit familiarity with their own culture so that they may design better questions, listen more skilfully and analyze data with greater sensitivity. A synthesis of the theoretical perspective, review of the literature and the interviews can be summarised by the following statements: Sauna is part of the Finnish way of life. Most Finns use the sauna as preventive, promotive and as a cure for different ailments. The sauna has a positive effect on physical, psychological and social health and therefore on the quality of life. The sauna is a cultural experience. Taking a sauna can be a way of experiencing nature. The rituals around sauna give a feeling of security. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-17-7</p>
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Health Communication –a health content analysis of the main national Swedish newspapers from a Public Health perspective. / Hälsokommunikation – en innehållsanalys av de största svenska dagstidningarna ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv.Catalán Matamoros, Daniel Jesús January 2006 (has links)
The mass media are a powerful way to disseminate health information to the entire population. Newspapers are the media with most impact in Sweden and can convey health news and breakthroughs more thoroughly than television or radio, and more quickly than magazines. Newspapers in Sweden have a high amount of readers compared with other European countries. The purpose of this essay is to analyse the space related to health found in the Swedish newspapers and to discuss what readers consume about health. This study is based on an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, inductive reasoning and quantitative scientific approach. The sample was constituted by daily editions from three major Swedish newspapers selected during one month –Svenska Dagbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Göteborgs-Posten. The main findings show that newspapers included 2.4% on the average of health contents (HC), being Svenska Dagbladet the one with most publications (3.3%). HC used to be published within the first pages, the median is in page 13 and the main mode in page 4. 81.3% of all contents were written by journalists, and, in 73.6% of all contents, writers used sources of information. Most frequent topics were 25 about cancer, 19 about alcohol, 19 about euthanasia and 19 about sick leave at work. Besides, contents dealt with the following main public health areas: 105 with health management, 100 with health policy and 90 with epidemiology. Newspapers in Sweden are clear ways of delivering health information to the population and they might influence to Public Health. Therefore, it’s a need to increase the number of health specialist journalists / Massmedia är ett av de viktigaste medlen att informera allmänheten om hälsofrågor. I Sverige är morgontidningar det mest trovärdiga mediet och kan informera om hälsonyheter med mer noggrannhet än TV eller radio och snabbare än veckotidningar. Dagstidningar har i Sverige en större mängd läsare än de flesta länder i Europa. ca 80 procent av befolkningen läser varje dag en dagstidning. Syftet med denna thesis är att analysera hur stor plats innehåll rörande hälsan har i svenska tidningar och debattera vilken typ av information om hälsa de svenska läsarna får via de tidningarna. Studien är baserad på en empirisk, beskrivande, tvärsnittsinriktad, induktiv och kvantitativ ansats. Undersökningen genomfördes på samtliga exemplar av de tre största svenska morgontidningarna under en månad. Studien visar att tidningarna hade 2,4 procent hälsonyheter i genomsnitt och av de tre var ”Svenska Dagbladet den tidning som hade mest material om hälsofrågor, (3,3%). Hälsoinnehåll brukade vara publicerad på de första sidorna (median var sidan 13 och ”the main mode” sidan 4). Artiklar om hälsa var till 81,3 procent skrivna av tidningarnas egna journalister. De vanligaste enskilda ämnena var cancer (25 st), alkoholproblem (19 st), dödshjälp (19st) och sjukanmälningar (19 st). De största sjukvårdsområdena var ”hälsoförvaltning” (105 st), hälsopolitik (100 st) och ”epidemiologi” (90st). Eftersom svenska tidningar är ett viktigt medium för hälsofrågor till allmänheten kan påverkan på sjukvården vara stor. Därför krävs att antalet specialiserade journalister inom detta område utökas / <p>ISBN 91-7997-132-6</p>
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Gåture som sundhedsfremmende aktivitet hos ældre. : Ældre menneskers oplevelse af at have gennemført et otte-ugers interventions gå-tur projekt. / Walking as health promotion activity for elderly people. : The experience of elderly people who have completed an eight-week intervention walking projectGarver, Else January 2005 (has links)
Denne afhandlings formål er: At beskrive hvilke oplevelser ældre menneskers har haft ved athave deltaget i og gennemført et otte ugers interventions gå-tur projekt. Den viden og forståelse, der er kommet ud af dette pilotstudie, har været meget brugbar i planlægningen af gåture for ældre, der ellers ikke ville komme ud at gå. Der er brugt en kvalitativ metode. Populationen er de 11 projektdeltagere, der gennem- førtede otte ugers interventionsperiode. Der er gennemført temaguidede interviews som er udskrevet i fuld længde og analyseret efter en kvalitativ tematisk analyse inspireret af Giorgis retningslinier og af Husserls filosofi. Ifølge deltagernes beskrivelse har gå-tur interventionen givet dem en følelse af at gøre noget godt for sig selv. Herudover oplevede de en gradvis øget mestringsevne, bedre fysisk form, mere energi, bedre humør, oplevelsen af fællesskab samt bedre kendskab til omgivelser og natur. Projektet rummer følgende en ny dimension: Mennesker, der ellers ikke ville kommeud at gå, gør det nu, fordi de oplever støtte - enten ved at gå alene og opleve "forpligtelsen" til at få gået eller helt konkret ved at gå sammen med en gå-tur ven og herved føle tryghed. At tilbyde gåture til ældre, der ellers ikke ville komme ud at gå, ser ud til at være hen-sigtsmæssigt set i et folkesundhedsmæssigt perspektiv idet disse ældre herved formodes at få flere leveår med godt helbred. / The aim of this MPH thesis is to describe the experience of elderly people who have completed an eight-week intervention walking project. The insight and knowledge acquired in this study have been very useful with regard to the planning of walking for the elderly people who would not otherwise have ventured outside. A qualitative method has been used. The population consists of the eleven projectparticipants who completed the eight-week intervention period. The theme-based interviews have been transcribed in full and analyzed in accordance with a qualitative thematic analysis inspired by Giorgi’s guidelines and Husserl ́s philosophy. The project participants` comments demonstrate that walking as intervention gave them the experience of doing something, especially for their own wellbeing. Other important results were a sense of increasing mastery of their situation ,improved physical fitness, moreenergy, higher spirits a sense of fellowship, and some knowledge of the surroundings and nature. The project includes a new dimension: People who would not otherwise have ventured outside now do so because they get support either by walking alone and experiencing the "obligation" of walking or by walking with a companion. Offering walks to elderly people who would not otherwise have ventured outside seems to be a good decision in a public health care perspective because these elderly peoplepresumably live longer with a better health. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-087-7</p>
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Genus, klass och sexualitet : Om genus, jämställdhet, sexualitet och samlevnadsundervisning vid några gymnasiers individuella program / Gender, social class and sexuality : About gender, equity, sexuality and sex education for school drop-outsSundbaum, Bengt January 2005 (has links)
Unga människors sexualitet utvecklas till stor del i samklang med den egna könsspecifika kamratgruppen. Det bidrar till att göra mötet med det motsatta könet sårbart och präglat av den egna kamratgruppens förväntningar. En angelägen uppgift för skolans sex- och samlevnadsundervisning är därför att ge utrymme för samtal mellan pojkar och flickor i frågor som rör sexualitet samt att medverka till att bryta könsstereotypa föreställningar. Elever, som efter obligatoriska skolan ej antagits till gymnasieskolans nationella program, erbjuds plats på ett så kallat individuellt program (IV). Fler elever vid individuella programmet än gymnasieskolans övriga elever tycks ha ett riskbeteende med avseende på sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka skillnader efter kön och födelseland avseende IV-elevers attityder i könsrollsfrågor, deras förmåga att kommunicera i frågor rörande sexualitet samt att utvärdera en tidsbegränsad sex- och samlevnadsundervisning. En enkät besvarades av 345 elever på individuella programmet vid 13 olika gymnasieskolor. Vid sex av skolorna genomförde därefter lärarna undervisning av livskunskapskaraktär med fokus på attityder och kommunikation kopplat till sex- och samlevnad. Vid de återstående sju skolorna genomfördes ingen liknande sex- och samlevnadsundervisning. Cirka en månad efter försöksundervisningen delades samma enkät ut till eleverna vid försöks- och kontrollskolorna. Den inledande enkäten visade att pojkar och gruppen utomnordiskt födda eleverhade en mer fördomsfull syn i frågor som rör sexualitet, arbetsfördelningen i hemmet samt hade svårare att tala med partnern om preventivmedel jämfört med flickor respektive elever födda i Norden. Pojkar hade svårare än flickor att säga nej till sex även då de inte ville ha sex. Några effekter av försöksundervisningen på ungdomarnas attityder, preventivmedelsanvändning eller förmåga att tala om sexualitet kunde ej konstateras. Det behövs ett långsiktigt och brett arbete för att påverka attityder och beteende inom området sexualitet och samlevnad. Inte bara undervisningen är viktig utan också alla de övriga könsrelaterade budskap som möter eleverna under en skoldag. Det behövs mer kunskap om hur olika samhällsaktörer i samverkan kan bidra till att ungdomar – i synnerhet de mest riskutsatta –ska bli bättre rustade att göra egna hälsosamma val / For most young people their sexual identities are primarily shaped by interaction with the same-sex peers which easily leads to misunderstandings and difficulties in communicating issues about sexuality with the opposite sex. Pupils leaving nine year compulsory school in Sweden without the qualifications required for admittance to the standard national programmes at the upper secondary school are offered to attend an “individual programme”. These individual programme attenders, or drop-outs from the national programmes, seem to have a higher risk behaviour compared to young people attending a theoretical or vocational programme at upper secondary school level. The objective of this study was to examine differences in gender role thinking and communication skills between the sexes and to relate the results to sex and ethnicity. Furthermore to evaluate a time limited sex education programmefocusing on gender role attitudes and communication skills. The result of a questionnaire, administrated to 345 pupils at 13 individual programmes, showed that males and young people born outside a Nordic country expressed a higher degree of double standards and had more difficulties in communicating with their partner about contraceptives compared to the female pupils and those pupils born in a Nordic country. Men had more difficulties compared to women in refusing undesired sex. The individual programme attenders were divided into an intervention group and a control group. The intervention consisted of about 15 lessons of sex education focusing on gender role attitudes. Both groups answered the same questionnaire one month after the sex education intervention. The analyses of the result of the questionnaires showed no statistically significant differences between the intervention and the control group.In order to influence young people’s attitudes and behaviour in the field of sexuality and gender roles, a comprehensive work is a precondition. Not only the teaching is important but also gender related messages which confront the pupils all over the day. There is also a need for more collaboration between local organisations in order to convey appropriate education, counselling and individual support to make young people at risk better equipped to make their own choices healthier / <p>ISBN 91-7997-089-3</p>
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EXTERNAL CAUSES OF DEATH IN ESTONIA 1970-2002 : a special reference to suicide, traffic accidents and alcohol poisoningLaur, Piret January 2005 (has links)
The study aims to describe the external causes of death (ECD) mortality, specifically suicide and traffic death in Estonia 1970-2002 in relation to the political and economic development with a special focus on the unemployment and alcohol use impact. This analyse bases on the Statistical Office of Estonia and other governmental institutions published information. The highest mortality rates occurred for traffic accidents 1990-91 and for suicides 1994-95. Middle-age man excess ECD mortalityoccurred in early 1990s with the greatest politico-economic changes accompanied by high psychosocial stress before the population could acquire appropriate coping strategies. Impact of the first main reforms on the population health has been ascertained. Price liberalisation was followed by immense inflation and real wage fall in early 1990s. Privatisation and monetary reform influenced on the basic living security of the population. People faced unexpected living difficulties as work and dwelling insecurity, decreased real income, insufficiency to meetessential expenditures, declined living standard, social status loss, population stratification and inadequate social protection. Unemployment was just introduced and did not play a significant role for the high mortality. Traffic accidents’ fatal consequences decreased with growing GDP as cars and roads became safer however accidents’ number did not decrease. Western cars appearance euphoria could influence more than alcohol consumption. It could plausibly increase accidents but the reason and role of alcohol consumption in the intentional actions needs more information. Suicide could have been influenced mainly by social and traffic accidents mortality mainly by environmental factors. Earlier findings about the unemployment and alcohol consumption impact on the transition’s high injurymortality have not been confirmed by the current study. Current paper provides framework within population worsening health factors during politico-economic changes could be better understood. The strongest impact on Estonia’s population health could come from transition’s political and economic reforms influencing dwelling and incomesecurity. Low salary and low purchasing power could hurt a human dignity even more than possible unemployment / <p>ISBN 91-7997-094-X</p>
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EVALUATION OF REPORTING ON PROJECTS FINANCED THROUGH THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION AIDS BUDGET LINE / Evaluation de rapports soumis dans le cadre de projets financés sous la ligne budgétaire SIDA de la Commission EuropéenneOjala-Seppänen, Outi January 2005 (has links)
The AIDS epidemic affects the whole world, as there is no region of the world that has been spared.Approximately 34-46 million people are infected with HIV and more than 24 million people havealready died since the first cases were identified in 1981. The pandemic is no longer just a healthproblem but a serious threat to human development. Significant efforts have been made to halt the transmission of the disease. As early as 1987, the European Union established a HIV/AIDSProgramme in Developing Countries. From 1994 to 2001 the EC spent an average of 625 million Euros everyyear on health, HIV/AIDS and population in more than 100 developing countries. The EC support is mainly implemented through projects financed through Community grants. The main objective of this study is to contribute to improving the quality of project reporting. The purpose is to evaluate the reporting on projects financed through the European Commission AIDSbudget line both in terms of structure and content through analyzing the final project reports. The targets and the amount of moneyinvested in the fight against HIV/AIDS are high, but are wereaching the targets and getting value for the moneyinvested? The spread of HIV/AIDS continues despite increased efforts in recent years. Nearly 5 million people became newly infected in 2003. This is more than in any previous year. The effectiveness of HIV/AIDS projects, in terms of changing attitudes and behavioural change, has been criticized. According to this study,changes canbe identified at several levels – the individual, the community and the international. It was shown in some case studies in the assessed reports thatthe projects could have significant impact on the individuals. This study shows that the strength ofthese projects was the diversityof them and the new innovative approaches. They targeted different vulnerable populations like children, IDUs, truckers etc. Further they used many strategies on addressing many areas related to AIDS as human rights, capacity building, advocacy, clinicalpractice etc. This studysuggests more systematic evaluations of the EC funded AIDS prevention projects and the application of a unified format for reporting in order to be able to compare results and effectiveness of interventions. / L'épidémie du SIDA touche le monde entier, aucune région du monde n’est épargnée. Environ 34-46 millions de personnes sont infectées avec le VIH et plus de 24 millions sont mortes depuis l’identification des premiers cas en 1981. La pandémie n’est plus seulement un problème de santé mais constitue une menace sérieuse pour le développement humain. Des efforts significatifs ont été faits pour mettre un terme à la transmission de la maladie. Dès 1987, l'Union européenne a établi unprogramme de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA dans les pays en développement. De 1994 à 2001 la CE a consacré en moyenne 625 millions d'euros chaque année à la santé, au VIH/SIDA et aux politiques de population dans plus de 100 pays en développement. L'aide de la CE est principalement mise enoeuvre à travers les projets financés par les subventions communautaires. L'objectif principal de cette étude est de contribuer à l’amélioration de la qualité des rapports rédigés dans le cadre des projets. Le but est d’évaluer les rapports de projets financés par la ligne budgétaire SIDA de laCommission européenne aussi bien au niveau du format que du contenu et ce par l’analyse des rapports finaux. Les objectifs de la lutte contre le VIH/SIDA sont ambitieux et les montants investis élevés, mais atteignons-nous les objectifs et est-ce que notre investissement porte ses fruits? Le VIH/SIDA continue à se propager malgré les efforts accrus de ces dernières années. Presque 5 millions de personnes ont été nouvellement infectées en 2003. Cela est plus que pendant toute autre année précédente. L'efficacité des projets de VIH/SIDA, en termes de changement d'attitudes et des comportements, a été critiquée. Selon cette étude, des changementspeuvent pourtant être identifiés à plusieurs niveaux : individuel, communautaire et au niveau international. Dans certains cas cités dans les rapports évalués il a été démontré que les projets onteu un impact significatif sur les individus. Cette étude montre que la force de ces projets réside dans leur diversité et dans leurs approchesinnovatrices. Ils ont ciblé différentes populations vulnérables comme les enfants, IDUs, des camionneurs etc. Par ailleurs, ils ont adopté des stratégies pour adresser plusieurs domaines liés auSIDA comme les Droits de l'homme, le renforcementdes capacités, l’IEC, la pratique clinique etc.Cette étude propose davantage d'évaluations systématiques des projets de prévention du SIDA financés par la CE et l'application d'un format unifié des rapports pour permettre une meilleure comparaison des résultats et évaluation de l'efficacité des interventions. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-100-8</p>
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Kvinner med fødselsdepresjon – finner vi dem? : En intervjustudie av helsesøstres opplevelser på helsestasjoner i Oslo. / Women with postnatal depression – do we trace them? : Interviews with public health nurses about their experiences in primary health care in OsloAnker-Rasch, Celina January 2005 (has links)
Hensikten med studien var å forstå hvordan helsesøstre jobber for å finne og hjelpe kvinnermed fødselsdepresjon, hvor effektivt dette arbeidet oppleves og deres holdning til ny kunnskap og til å ta nye metoder i bruk i arbeidet. Fødselsdepresjon er hyppig i barselperioden og flere studier viser at tilstanden ofte oversees. Fødselsdepresjon kan føre til forstyrrelser i ”bonding” mellom mor og barn som kan hanegativ innflytelse på barnets utvikling og helse. Hjelp og støtte til kvinnene vil ha betydning for mors- og barns fremtidige helse. I en kvalitativ studie ble 14 helsesøstre påhelsestasjoner i Oslo intervjuet om hvordan de finner frem til disse kvinnene og om de finner alle, samt deres holdning til å ta i bruk Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), som er et spørreskjema utviklet til bruk i primærhelsetjenesten for å oppdage kvinner med fødselsdepresjon. Det er benyttet en hermeneutisk/fenomenologisk tilnærming. Resultatet viser at helsesøstrene mangler en klar metode for å finne kvinner med fødselsdepresjon. De baserer seg på egen erfaring, personlighet og intuisjon og innser at de ikke finner alle. De er gjennomgående positive til å få mere kunnskap og ta i bruk EPDS . Denne studien bør følgesopp med en bred debatt om hvorvidt man ønsker en screening for fødselsdepresjon og hvordan man ser for seg organisering av oppfølging for kvinnene / The aim of this study was to understand how public health nurses work to trace women with postnatal depression, how effective they find their work and their attitude towards new knowledge and methods. Postnatal depression is common in the postnatal period and studies show that the conditionoften is not detected. Postnatal depression may lead to disturbances in the bonding between mother and child which can have a negative influence on the child’s development and health. Help and support given to these women will have a positive impact on both the mothers’ and the children’s future health. In a qualitative study 14 public health nurses wereinterviewed and asked how they trace these women, whether they miss some and their attitude towards using Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), which is aquestionnaire validated for use in primary health care to detect women with postnataldepression. The design had a hermeneutical/phenomenological approach. The results showed that the public health nurses do not have a method to trace women with postnatal depression. They rely on their experience, personality and intuition and are aware that they do not trace all.They are positive towards getting more knowledge about postnatal depression and to start using EPDS. Further research should include discussions about whether screening for postnatal depression is desired and how the follow-up for the women should be organized / <p>ISBN 91-7997-116-4</p>
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Äldres upplevelse av självbestämmande på särskilda boende / Elderly people’s experiences of self determination in long-stay care.Hellström, Ulla W January 2005 (has links)
Självbestämmande och livskvalitet är starkt kopplat till varandra och självbestämmande är samtidigt en viktig kvalitetsindikator på hur äldreboendet fungerar. Syftet med studien var att lyfta fram de äldres egna tankar och upplevelser av självbestäm-mande och värde på sitt särskilda boende. I denna kvalitativa studie har elva äldre personer på fem olika äldreboenden i en medelstor stad i Sydsverige intervjuats. Data har analyserat med manifest och latent kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I studien har följande fem huvudkatego-rier vuxit fram under analysens gång: Att ställas inför fullbordat faktum, Att vara till lags, Att vara beroende, Att känna uppgivenhet, Att inte värdesättas. Resultatet visar att själv-bestämmande på särskilda boenden behöver sättas i fokus, de äldre upplevde inte att de kunde påverka sin tillvaro på boendet. Det framkom även tydligt att de äldre inte kände att de hade något värde i samhället eller på boendet. Det övergripande tema som uttrycker det latenta innehållet i intervjuerna kom att framstå som disempowerment att omyndiggöra de äldre, vilket innebär en miljö som inte bemyndigar, och som inte stärker individens själv-bestämmande / Self-determination and quality of life are closely connected to one another and at the same time an important indicator on how the long-stay care functions. The aim of this study was to focus on the thoughts of the elderly people and their experiences on self determination and value in their long-stay care. In this qualitative study, eleven elderly people from five different long-stay cares in a medium big city in the south of Sweden have been interviewed. Data has been analysed according to manifest and latent qualitative content analysis. In the study the following five main categories have manifested themselves during the analysis; To face an accomplished fact, To do something for the satisfaction of others, To be dependant, To feel hopelessness, Not to be appreciated. The result shows that self determination within the long-stay cares need to be focused on, the elderly people didn’t feel as though they had any influence on their situation. It was also evident that the elderly people felt they were not appreciated in society or in the long-stay care. The general theme expressing the latent contents in the interviews turned out to be disempowerment of the elderly people, creating an environment which neither empowers nor strengthens the self determination of the individual. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-119-9</p>
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Cancersmärta – ett folkhälsoproblem? / Cancer Pain – a problem in Public Health?Assmundson, Åsa January 2005 (has links)
Cancer är av de vanligaste sjukdomarna i västvärlden. Sjukdomen innebär för många smärta och minskad livskvalitet. För att bidra till ökad livskvalitet även hos personer med cancer som inte går att bota, har palliativ vård utvecklats. Denna vård syftar bland annat till att bedöma och utvärdera smärta och utifrån detta erbjuda behandling. Syftet med studien var att kartlägga hur patienter upplever cancersmärta, vilka faktorer som påverkar upplevelsen och hur patienterna upplever sjukvårdens insatser för att lindra smärtan. Ett ytterligare syfte var att undersöka om det fanns skillnader i ovanstående mellan patienter av olika ålder och kön. Studien var deskriptiv och kartlade upplevelser av smärta hos patienter med i huvudsak gastrointestinal cancer. Patienterna beskrev ”just nu” och den ”vanliga” smärtans intensitet, kvalitet, lokalisation och duration samt hur smärtan påverkades av fysisk aktivitet och vila. Patienterna fick också beskriva smärtbehandlingen och dialogen med vårdpersonalen. Instrumentet som användes för att bedöma smärta kallas Pain-O-Meter. Detta ger möjlighet att utvärdera både den sensoriska och affektiva komponenten av smärtan samt dess lokalisation och duration Resultaten visade att även patienter som tas omhand på en specialiserad smärtmottagning upplever smärta. Emellertid beskrev patienterna smärtan under en vanlig dag som mer intensiv än den smärta de upplevde vid mottagningsbesöket. Vi fann också skillnad i smärtupplevelse i vila och under aktivitet. Många patienter som upplevde smärta, hade dåliga kunskaper om smärtans negativa påverkan på livskvaliteten, och om olika möjligheter till smärtbehandling. Studien visar vikten av att sjukvårdspersonalen systematiskt analyserar patienternas smärta, och hur den varierar i olika situationer, för att kunna ge bästa möjliga palliation och smärtlindring, eftersom målet med den palliativa vården är att skapa bästa möjliga hälsorelaterade livskvalitet även för personer med obotlig cancer. / Cancer is one of the most common diseases in the West World. Cancer is also a disease that accounts for much pain and decreases in quality of life in the suffering individuals. The assessment of dimensions of pain is very important for the individual treatment in the palliative care to increase quality of life in patients with cancer. The aim of this study was to describe the incidence and intensity, quality, location and duration of the present or “just now” and the usual or “every-day” cancer pain. An other aim was to describe the differences of factors, even deference of age and gender. Pain experiences were assessed with Pain-O-Meter (POM): The POM combines the qualities of McGill Pain Questionnaire and the Visual Analogue Scale into one tool, and is therefore useful for evaluation of different dimensions of the pain experience. POM also makes it possible to assess the location and duration of the pain. The result showed that all subjects experienced moderate to severe usual pain even though they were patients at a clinic specialized in palliative care for individuals suffering from cancer. The most interesting finding was that the patients in the assessment situation experienced their present pain to be more intensive then the usual or “every day” pain. These finding have implications for how to ask the patients about their pain. The results also indicated that the individuals experienced more intense pain during physical activities compared to the pain during rest. This will increase incidences of complications and decrease quality of life in this group of patients / <p>ISBN 91-7997-120-2</p>
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