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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efterlevandesamtal i hemsjukvården : En intervjustudie baserad på distriktssköterskors och sjuksköterskors erfarenheter

Modig, Sara, Åkesson, Linda January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Palliativ vård omfattar inte bara vård av patienten utan innefattar även stöd till närstående, både under vårdtiden och efter dödens faktiska inträffande. Ett efterlevandesamtal är en möjlighet för distriktssköterskan att följa upp hur de närstående mår en tid efter dödsfallet och hur de upplevde vården under sjukdomstiden. Syfte: Att beskriva distriktssköterskors och sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av efterlevandesamtal inom kommunal hemsjukvård. Metod: Studien hade en kvalitativ deskriptiv design med en induktiv ansats. Åtta individuella semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes via videomöte. Insamlat material analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med fokus på det manifesta innehållet. Resultat: I resultatet framkom att efterlevandesamtal erbjöds efter alla dödsfall. Arbetsuppgiften beskrevs vara värdefull och mångsidig samt något som distriktssköterskan fått lära sig på egen hand. Efterlevandesamtalet hade en avslutande funktion från både distriktssköterskans och de närståendes perspektiv. Efterlevandesamtalets syfte ansågs vara att identifiera de närstående som var i behov av stöd samt ta emot synpunkter ifrån de närstående och reda ut eventuella frågor. Synpunkterna ansågs viktiga att ta vara på för att kunna kvalitetsutveckla vården. Slutsats: Betydelsen av efterlevandesamtalet var utifrån distriktssköterskornas perspektiv viktig för både distriktssköterskorna och de närstående. Distriktssköterskornas inställning till att genomföra efterlevandesamtal varierade. Framförallt ansågs det vara en värdefull arbetsuppgift men beskrevs även kunna vara svår och krävande. Vår studie skulle kunna hjälpa distriktssköterskor som känner en oro inför efterlevandesamtalet att se på det ur ett annat perspektiv. / Background: Palliative care includes not only the care of the patient, but also support for family members, both during the period of care and after the actual occurrence of death. A bereavement follow-up is an opportunity for the community health nurse to follow up on how the family members feel some time after the death and how they experienced the care during the illness. Aim: To describe the community health nurses experiences of bereavement follow-up in home care services. Method: The study had a qualitative descriptive design with an inductive approach. Eight individual semi-structured interviews were conducted via video meeting. The collected material was analyzed through a qualitative content analysis with a focus on the manifested content. Findings: The results revealed that bereavement follow-up are offered after all deaths. The task was perceived to be valuable and versatile, as well as something that the community health nurse had to learn on their own. The bereavement follow-up had an ending function from both the community health nurses and the family members perspective. The purpose of the bereavement follow-up was to identify the family members in need of support and to receive comments from the family members and sort out any issues. The comments were considered important to take advantage of to improve the quality of the care. Conclusion: From the perspective of the community health nurses the bereavement follow-up was important for both community health nurses and family members. Among the community health nurses the attitude to have bereavement follow-up varied. Above all, it was considered a valuable task but could also be difficult and demanding. Our study could be helpful to those who are anxious about the bereavement follow-up, to look at it from a different perspective.

Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av läkemedelsuppföljning inom kommunal hälso- och sjukvård : En litteraturstudie / The nurse’s experience of drug follow up in municipal health care : A literature stud

Larsson, Sina, Sallander, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
Medellivslängden i den svenska befolkningen har successivt ökat och kroniska sjukdomar har blivit fler bland de äldre. Potentiella medicinska behandlingar har också blivit fler och det är inte ovanligt att den äldre patienten behandlas med många olika läkemedel samtidigt, så kallat polyfarmaci. Polyfarmaci innebär en ökad risk för läkemedelsbiverkningar och läkemedelsinteraktioner. Uppföljning av läkemedelsbehandlingar är därför en viktig uppgift för sjuksköterskan. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av läkemedelsuppföljning hos äldre patienter inom kommunal hälso- och sjukvård. I litteraturstudien ingår tio vetenskapliga artiklar varav sex med kvalitativ metod, tre med kvantitativ metod och en mixad metod. Resultatet visar sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av läkemedelsuppföljning i två huvudkategorier: risker och samverkan. Under dessa återfinns sju kategorier, tre kategorier var särskilt återkommande i inkluderade artiklar: osäkerhet i ansvarsfördelning kring läkemedelsuppföljning, brist på kunskap och ansvar för att sammanställa läkemedelsinformation. Den sistnämnda kategorin framträdde som ett markant problem för sjuksköterskan varför vi föreslår forskning på ett gemensamt journalsystem för region och kommun beträffande patientens läkemedelslista. Förhoppningsvis kan en sådan studie leda till resultat som i framtiden kan användas till ett förbättrat journalsystem och ökad patientsäkerhet. / Life expectancy in the Swedish population has gradually increased and chronic diseases have increased among the elderly. Potential medical treatments have also increased and it is not uncommon for the elderly patient to be treated with many different drugs at the same time, denoted polypharmacy. Polypharmacy involves an increased risk of drug side effects and drug interactions. Follow-up of drug treatments is therefore an important task for the nurse. The purpose of the literature study was to describe the nurse's experiences of drug follow-up in elderly patients in municipal health care. The literature study includes ten articles, of which six with a qualitative method, three with a quantitative method and one mixed method. The results show the nurse's experiences of drug follow-up in two main categories: risks and collaboration. Under these are seven categories, three categories were particularly recurring in included articles: uncertainty in the division of responsibilities regarding drug follow-up, lack of knowledge and responsibility for compiling drug information. The latter category emerged as a significant problem for the nurse, which is why we propose research on a common record system for region and municipality regarding the patient's drug list. Hopefully, such a study can lead to results that in the future can be used for an improved medical record system and increased patient safety.

Cultural Sensitivity and African American Women's Compliance With Breast Cancer Screening

Payne, Cynthia 01 January 2018 (has links)
Although the incidence of breast cancer is almost the same for middle-aged African American and Caucasian women, the rate of patients' following breast cancer screening and following up recommendations differs. African American women are less likely to follow recommendations and have higher mortality rates when compared to Caucasian women. One factor thought to affect compliance with breast cancer screening and follow up is culturally sensitive communication. This purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to determine if the culturally sensitive communication of a medical center influenced compliance with breast cancer screening and follow up and if compliance has an effect on the stage of breast cancer when diagnosed for African American women between the ages of 50 and 74. The research questions were aligned with the theoretical pathways of the Patient-Centered Culturally Sensitive Healthcare Model. This quantitative cross-sectional study was based on secondary data of African American women aged 50-74 from electronic systems for each Southern California location of a national health maintenance organization between the years 2012-2016. The results of the regression analysis from averages of the scores from the Member Appraisal of Physician/Provider Services questionnaire, determined associations between the cultural sensitivity scores of the African American woman's medical center and their compliance with recommendations for breast cancer screening and follow up after screening. However, no association between the stage of cancer and medical center's cultural sensitivity was found. Results can be used to develop cultural sensitivity interventions at medical centers aimed to enhance African American women's compliance with breast cancer screening and follow-up recommendations.

A Follow-up Study of Mound Fort Junior High's Ninth Grade Class of 1962-63

Heaps, Helen 01 May 1968 (has links)
The intent of this study was to follow up the students of Mound Fort Junior High School's ninth grade class of 1962-63 in order to secure information and facts about members of that class and to answer the following questions: (1) What has happened to the students educationally? (2) What has happened to the students vocationally? (3) How many students have served or are presently serving the armed forces? (4) What is the marital status of each student? (5) How did the high school graduate compare with the dropout in test scores, grade point average, attendance, awareness of counseling services, and use of counseling services? (6) How did the students react to the school's program? There were 214 students (108 boys and 106 girls) who constituted the sample of this follow-up study. Sources used for obtaining desired information concerning the sample included a questionnaire and school records. Questionnaires were mailed to 214 students and it was assumed that 185 students received one. Of this number, 135 students (72.9%) completed and returned their questionnaires. The results of this study showed that graduates scored higher in all areas than the dropouts--intelligence, achievement, grade point, and school attendance. The test scores for the average dropout indicated that they had the intelligence and the ability to achieve in school work. There was a greater awareness of counseling services among the graduates than was true of the dropouts. Suggestions and comments made by the students indicated they would like their teachers to take a personal interest in them, talk to them on their level, and treat them as an adult. Students want to be encouraged to stay in school and to have the importance of education stressed.

Uppföljning av erfarenheter från dammprojekt : två exempel från Vattenfall Vattenkraft / Follow up on experiences from dam projects : two examples from Vattenfall Vattenkraft

Bawa, Soran, Berntsson, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Arbetet har gjorts i samarbete med Vattenfall Vattenkraft AB under våren 2019. Vattenfall äger och driver anläggningar för produktion av el, däribland genom vattenkraft. Syftet har varit att få inblick i arbetsprocessen vid projektarbete på dammar. Detta har i huvudsak skett genom uppföljning av projekt utförda på dammarna Damm A och Damm B. Uppföljningen har gjorts genom intervjuer med personer ansvariga för projekten. De två dammarna har valts som objekt för denna undersökning eftersom skadorna varit likartade men lösts på olika sätt. Rapporten har som mål att bidra till Vattenfall Vattenkrafts arbete med att förbättra sin projektstyrning och erfarenhetsåterföring inom projekt för att i förlängningen skapa bättre förutsättningar för att effektivt genomföra dammsäkerhetsrelaterade projekt med hög kvalitét. Efter samtal och intervjuer i samband med uppföljning på de två anläggningarna kan det konstateras att arbetet med underhållsarbeten på aktuella anläggningar fungerat väl trots att projekten varit brådskande, men att det finns utrymme för förbättring av erfarenhetsåterföring. / This project has been carried out together with Vattenfall Vattenkraft during the spring of 2019. Vattenfall owns and runs plants for production of electricity, one of which is hydro power plants. The main purpose of this report has been to understand the working process for projects on dams. Two projects on the dams A and B have been followed up by conducting interviews with people involved with the projects. The two dams has been chosen for this follow up because their respective damage has been of a similar nature, but the methods used to solve them differ. The report aims to contribute to Vattenfall Vattenkraft ́s work towards improving its experience feedback and by extension achieve the highest possible quality on projects connected to dam safety. After interviews and conversations in conjunction with the site visits on the dams it can be stated that both projects worked well although the damages was urgent, however the report shows that the experience feedback could be improved.

Goal-Setting to Improve Physical Activity: A Feasibility Study

Emmett, Stephanie 30 March 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Following Up on Employee Surveys: A Conceptual Framework and Systematic Review

Huebner, Lena-Alyeska, Zacher, Hannes 31 March 2023 (has links)
Employee surveys are often used to support organizational development (OD), and particularly the follow-up process after surveys, including action planning, is important. Nevertheless, this process is oftentimes neglected in practice, and research on it is limited as well. In this article, we first define the employee survey follow-up process and differentiate it from other common feedback practices. Second, we develop a comprehensive conceptual framework that integrates the relevant variables of this process. Third, we describe the methods and results of a systematic review that synthesizes the literature on the follow-up process based on the conceptual framework with the purpose of discussing remaining research gaps. Overall, this paper contributes to a better understanding of the organizational and human factors that affect this process. This is useful for practitioners, as it provides guidance for the successful implementation of this human resource practice. For example, research suggests that it is important to enable managers as change agents and to provide them with sufficient resources.

Information och individuellet omhändertagande av bröstcancer-patienter

Sundberg, Catharina, Jarvén, Marica January 2006 (has links)
I Sverige drabbas ca 6 800 kvinnor av bröstcancer varje år. Onkologiska kliniken på universitetssjukhuset MAS i Malmö tar årligen emot cirka 230 bröstcancer-patienter för strål- och/eller cytostatikabehandling. Efter det första uppföljande läkarbesöket känner sig patienten ofta ensam och övergiven och fortsätter att ha ett stort behov av information. En empirisk kontrollstudie med kvantitativ ansats gjordes med syfte att undersöka om ett riktat informationssamtal med rådgivande onkologisjuksköterska, kunde öka kvinnliga bröstcancerpatienters trygghet och välbefinnande. Studiegruppen erhöll ett informationssamtal med sjuksköterska och båda grupperna fick besvara en enkät. Resultatet visade att studiegruppen i större omfattning visste när och till vilken sjuksköterska de skulle ringa. De motionerade mer och mådde fysiskt och psykiskt bättre. Båda grupperna kände sig väl omhändertagna och nöjda med råden de fick. / In Sweden about 6800 females are affected by breast cancer each year. The oncology clinic at MAS hospital in Malmö accepts approximately 230 breast cancer patients for radiation treatments and / or chemotherapy. Proceeding the initial doctors appointment the patients frequently feel abandoned and isolated and continue to require a large amount of information. An empirical study with quantitative attempts was conducted to investigate if directed information with a consultation nurse, could increase the female breast cancer patient’s comfort and wellbeing. Two groups were formed out of which a trial group had an information session with an oncology consultation nurse, and both groups had to complete a questionnaire. The results proved that the trial group to a greater extent knew when to call, and which nurse to contact. They exercised more and felt better both physically and emotionally. Both groups felt well looked after and were satisfied with the advice provided.

Two-year follow-up of Patients with GestationalDiabetes Mellitus in Örebro County : – a retrospective cohort study

Möller, Julia January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a risk factor for developing type 2diabetes mellitus (T2DM). However, compliance to postpartum follow-up remains low.The new outcome-based International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy StudyGroups (IADPSG)-criteria have led to a worldwide increase of GDM prevalence. Thepotential impact of the new IADPSG-critera on the frequency of T2DM/prediabetesdiagnosis, during follow-up of prior GDM-women in Örebro County, has not yet beenstudied. Aim: To investigate whether there is a difference in prevalence of prediabetes/T2DM inGDM-women two years postpartum, based on older GDM-criteria vs. the new lower IADPSG2010/WHO 2013-criteria, and to describe compliance to follow-up in primary health care(PHC). Methods: A retrospective cohort study of 108 GDM-women in Örebro County. Data obtainedfrom medical records: cardiometabolic risk factors, compliance data, outcomes withnormoglycemia used as comparison at follow-up. Results: T2DM and prediabetes were non-statistically significant higher in the old criteriagroup[11 (28.9%) vs. 6 (18.2%), p=0.289] and [12 (30.8%) vs. 5 (15.6%), p=0.137],respectively. Compliance to both 1st and 2nd follow-up was seen in 81 (75%) women. 96(88.9%) to first and 88 (81.5%) to second follow-up. An increase in mean BMI was seen frombaseline to PHC (31 vs. 31.7, p=0.014) as well as an increase in alcohol consumption [4(6.6%) vs. 23 (37.7%), p<0.001]. Conclusions: GDM-diagnosis based on IADPSG-criteria did not show any statisticallysignificant difference in the prevalence of T2DM/prediabetes two years postpartum, whencompared to GDM-diagnosis based on old criteria. Moderate compliance to postpartumfollow-up was observed, with an increased number of dropouts. More research is needed inthis area, following implication of IADPSG-criteria.

Association between Individual Norepinephrine Transporter (NET) Availability and Response to Pharmacological Therapy in Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Huang, Jue, Mauche, Nicole, Rullmann, Michael, Ulke, Christine, Becker, Georg-Alexander, Patt, Marianne, Zientek, Franziska, Hesse, Swen, Sabri, Osama, Strauß, Maria 01 November 2023 (has links)
Background: The role of the norepinephrine transporter (NET) has received increased focus in recent studies on the pathogenesis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The predictive value for pharmacological treatment and its link to other health or social limitations has been little-studied. This follow-up research on adult patients with ADHD aimed to explore whether the therapy response and health and social impairments depend on baseline individual NET availability. Methods: Data were collected from 10 patients on personal, family and professional situations, mental and physical health and treatments received after baseline via online and telephone surveys and were compared to baseline data to evaluate treatment-related changes. Results: The majority of our ADHD patients did not show therapy responses but showed improvements due to pharmacological treatment. There was no evidence of relationships between pre-treatment NET availability and therapy response or health/social limitations. Conclusions: Pharmacological monotherapy was insufficient to promote symptom remission, especially for participants with extreme insufficiency in NET availability, but improved outcomes in academic and social functioning. Psychotherapy should be considered as an add-on to the standard treatment approach due to its positive outcome in reducing social limitations. The prognostic value of individual NET availability in predicting the response to therapy needs further studies with large sample sizes

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