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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skogsägarnas användande av digital skogsbruksplan och utveckling / The forest owners use of digital forestry plan and development

Sandell, Ronny January 2022 (has links)
De privata skogsägarna i Sverige utgörs av ca 50 % av Sveriges skogsareal avseende produktiv skogsmark. En majoritet av dessa använder skogsbruksplanen i sitt skogsbruk för att kunna få en planering av skötselåtgärders tidpunkt och för en översiktlig sammanställning av skogsinnehavet. Påverkar individuella faktorer hos enskilda privata skogsägare som påverkar viljan och omfattning att använda digitala skogsbruksplaner? Finns efterfrågade förbättringar och/eller funktioner i framtida digitala skogsbruksplaner?Undersökningen gjordes som en enkätundersökning. Resultatet visade på ett statistiskt samband mellan användande av digital skogsbruksplan och skogsägarens skogliga utbildningsnivå där intresset ökade med högre skoglig utbildning. Digitala skogsbruksplanen användes främst som underlag för planering och uppföljning av röjningar och gallringar. De efterfrågade bättre gränssnitt mellan skogsbruksplanen och kartorna samt utöka med fler digitala kartor. Löpande uppdatering av den digitala skogsbruksplanen efter skogliga åtgärder lyftes som en viktig punkt samt att kunna interagera mer med kartmaterialet för att sätta ut egna markeringar.

Hyggesfritt skogsbruk - privata skogsägares metoder, mål och utmaningar / Continuous cover forestry - methods, goals and challenges for private forest owners

Gustavsson, Karina January 2022 (has links)
Hyggesfritt skogsbruk är en övergripande term som innebär att skogen sköts så att marken alltid är trädbevuxen utan att det uppstår några större kalhuggna ytor. Syftet med studien var att få en ökad förståelse för hur hyggesfritt skogsbruk fungerar i praktiken för privata enskilda skogsägare i Sverige. Frågeställningarna berörde vilka metoder som tillämpas, vilka mål som skogsägarna har och vilka utmaningar de ställs inför genom att bruka skogen hyggesfritt. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av en webbenkät. Resultaten visade att den vanligaste hyggesfria metoden för de privata skogsägarna var plockhuggning. De vanligaste målen med det hyggesfria brukandet var bevarad skogskänsla, ökad variation i skogen och ökad biologisk mångfald. Skogsägarnas utmaningar med det hyggesfria brukandet var främst relaterade till maskinparken, brist på kunskap och tillgång till rådgivning. Det finns ett behov av mer forskning om hyggesfritt skogsbruk.

Climate Change Attitudes of United States Family Forest Owners and their Influence on Forest Management Practices

Miller, Logan 14 November 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Understanding family forest owners’ (FFOs’) attitudes and behaviors towards climate change will allow for more sustainable forest management practices to be implemented, helping to combat climate change and its impacts. The goals for this research are (1) to begin measuring U.S. FFO attitudes toward climate change, (2) to determine what factors impact these attitudes, and (3) to determine how they influence the FFO’s management practices using the Responsible Environmental Behavior (REB) framework (Hines et al. 1987). Chapter 1 explores the different facets of my thesis project focusing on forests and forests’ ecosystem services, forest ownership in the United States, and exploration of the REB model and serves as a more in-depth introduction section of Chapter 2. I explored past research of climate change attitude and beliefs and found age, political affiliation, education level and income of U.S. forest owners and foresters were significant factors in comparison to their climate change belief or attitude. Chapter 2 follows my research project, in which I measure the climate change attitudes of FFOs in Alabama, Oregon, and Wisconsin and their employment of climate centered forest management practices as well as the factors that influence these practices using mailed surveys. Based on the categories developed by Maibahc et al. (Maibach et al. 2009) to describe the general public’s attitudes towards climate change, I found about 16% of the FFOs in the study area were in the Alarmed segment, 16% in the Concerned, 37% in the Cautious, 2% in the Disengaged, 10% in the Doubtful, and 20% in the Dismissive. FFOs in Oregon and Wisconsin were more likely to be in a higher climate change attitude segment than those in Alabama. FFOs who had a college degree were more likely to be in a higher climate change attitude segment than those and a college degree. Climate change attitude was not a significant factor in determining if the FFO would carry out a climate centered management practice within the REB framework but rather the FFOs who indicated financial objectives were an important reason for owning their forest\land were more likely to carry out the listed management practices. These results indicate climate change belief is not necessary for an FFO to manage their land to mitigate or adapt to future climate impacts, but rather the individual objectives and values determine which management practices are utilized.

Socioemotionellt Välstånd i Skogsägandet : Värden och beslutsfattande i skogsbruket / Socioemotional Wealth in Forest Ownership : Values and decision-making in  forestry

Hammarström Linnér, Marie, Martinsson, Madeleine January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: De enskilda privata skogsägarna är en heterogen grupp som har genomgått en förändring under de senaste åren. Olika karaktärsdrag och olika förhållanden till skogen leder till olika värden med ägandet. Studien undersöker skogsägarnas incitament och beslutsfattande genom att studera skogsägarnas socioemotionella värden med hjälp av SEW-teorin. Syfte: Studien förklarar (1) vilka förutsättningar hos skogsägare som leder till socioemotionellt välstånd och (2) hur det socioemotionella välståndet påverkar beslutsfattande.  Metod: Studien baseras på en kvantitativ tvärsnittsdesign för att undersöka studiens syfte. Hypoteserna har utvecklats utifrån SEW-teorin och forskning kring skogsägande. För att testa hypoteserna har en enkätundersökning genomförts i samarbete med Södra Skogsägarna. Slutsats: Studien bevisar att SEW-teorin är en applicerbar teori på skogsägare. Det visar att det socioemotionella välståndet påverkar skogsägarnas incitament och beslutsfattande. Studiens resultat visar även att deras socioemotionella och ekonomiska värden ökar tillsammans. Studien finner vissa indikatorer på faktorer som genererar SEW samt finner flera effekter av SEW på skogsverksamheten. / Background: The private forest owners are a heterogeneous group that has undergone a change under the past years. They have different characteristics and different relationships to their forest, that leads to their values with their ownership. The study examines the incentives and decision-making process through socioemotional values of forest owners using the SEW-theory. Purpose: The study explains (1) the conditions of forest owners that lead to socioemotional wealth and (2) how socioemotional wealth affects decision making. Method: The study is based on a quantitative cross-sectional design to investigate the purpose of the study. The hypotheses have been developed based on SEW-theory and research on forest ownership, a survey was conducted in collaboration with Södra Skogsägarna.   Conclusions: The study proves that SEW-theory is an applicable theory for forest owners. It shows that socioemotional wealth affects the incentive and decision making of forest owners. The results of the study also shows that their socioemotional and economic values increases together. The study find some indication of factors generating SEW and some initial evidence of effects on the forestry orchestrated by SEW.

Zahlungen für Naturschutz im Wald - Problem und Lösungsansatz aus Sicht des Agency-Ansatzes / Nature protection payments for forest owners – problem and solution approach from the perspective of the Agency Theory

Franz, Kristin 06 March 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Yksityismetsänomistajien valinnat metsänhoidossa 2000-luvun Suomessa

Kasanen, M. (Mervi) 30 November 2011 (has links)
Abstract The present environmental anthropological study explores the premises and views of forest owners regarding different stages of forest management and factors affecting forest management by interviewing 24 owners of forest in the Northern Ostrobothnia region during 2005-2007. In addition, the views of forestry professionals were examined, mainly by using interviews from the ”Forest Professionals During Forestry’s Period of Transition” project collected during 1999-2002. The collected qualitative data was mostly employed in order to examine processes of reasoning in connection to both periodic- and continuous-cover silviculture. The views of the forest owners were compared to the Forestry Development Centre Tapio’s Forest Management Practice Recommendations. The research source materials also included the official documents from four cases involving forest regeneration and forest harvest sites in different parts of Finland during 2004-2008. The analysis in this study employs three perspectives, namely those of political ecology, cognitive anthropology and actor-network theory. When exploring the views of forest owners from the perspective of political ecology, these perspectives were examined as a part of the historical development of forestry and the discussion on forests in Finland. By applying the concept of cultural models from cognitive anthropology, two generalising models of thought were recognised in the interview material: an established model of forest management and an alternative model of forest management. The established model of forest management followed the management policy presented in the Forest Management Practice Recommendations. The alternative model of forest management diverged from the recommendations, but only in part. Views regarding what is natural, the implementation of different stages of forest management and how financial profitability is achieved from the forest owners’ point of view were, to some extent, different in these two models. However, it was not possible to identify the views of the interviewees as belonging entirely to one of the models only. The actor-network theory was particularly efficient in analysing court case documents in which the different views on forest management that were found in the cultural models become established. Based on the criticism presented in the source materials, it can be said that the differing views and needs of forest owners should be acknowledged in forest administration with greater versatility than is done at present. / Tiivistelmä Tässä ympäristöantropologisessa tutkimuksessa selvitettiin metsänomistajien perusteluita ja käsityksiä metsänhoidon vaiheista ja metsänhoitoon vaikuttavista tekijöistä haastattelemalla 24 Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla metsää omistavaa metsänomistajaa vuosina 2005–2007. Myös metsäalan ammattilaisten käsityksiä selvitettiin käyttäen aineistona lähinnä vuosina 1999–2002 kerättyjä ”Metsäammatit metsätalouden murroksessa” -hankkeen haastatteluita. Laadullisen aineiston avulla selvitettiin erityisesti jaksolliseen ja jatkuvaan metsänkasvatukseen liittyvää päättelyä. Metsänomistajien käsityksiä verrattiin Metsätalouden kehittämiskeskus Tapion hyvän metsänhoidon suosituksiin. Aineistona olivat myös neljän eri puolilla Suomea tapahtuneen metsänuudistamista ja hakkuita koskeneen oikeustapauksen asiakirja-aineistot vuosilta 2004–2008. Analyysissä hyödynnettiin kolmea näkökulmaa: poliittista ekologiaa, kognitiivista antropologiaa ja toimijaverkkoteoriaa. Poliittisen ekologian näkökulmassa metsänomistajien käsityksiä tarkasteltiin osana Suomen metsätalouden ja metsäkeskustelun historiallista kehitystä. Kognitiivisen antropologian kulttuuristen mallien käsitettä käyttäen haastatteluaineistosta nostettiin esiin kaksi yleistävää ajattelumallia: vaihtoehtoisen metsänhoidon malli ja vakiintuneen metsänhoidon malli. Vakiintuneen metsänhoidon malli mukaili Hyvän metsänhoidon suosituksissa esitettyä metsänhoidon linjaa. Vaihtoehtoisen metsänhoidon malli erosi suosituksista osittain. Käsitykset metsänhoidon luonnonmukaisuudesta, metsänhoidon vaiheiden toteutuksesta ja taloudellisen kannattavuuden muodostumisesta metsänomistajien kannalta poikkesivat näissä malleissa toisistaan joiltakin osin. Haastateltujen käsityksiä ei voinut jaotella aina kaikilta osiltaan vain toiseen malliin kuuluvaksi. Toimijaverkkoteoria jäsensi erityisesti oikeustapausaineistoja, joissa tiivistyivät kulttuurisissa malleissa esiintyneet käsitykset metsänhoidosta. Aineistossa esitetyn kritiikin pohjalta metsähallinnoinnissa olisi huomioitava metsänomistajien vaihtelevat käsitykset ja tarpeet entistä monipuolisemmin.

Percepção dos Proprietários sobre a Biodiversidade de suas Florestas e a Necessidade de Incentivos Econômicos para sua Conservação na APA Aldeia-Beberibe, Pernambuco

AZEVÊDO, Jéssika Karla Castro de 13 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-04-15T14:21:54Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) PERCEPÇÃO DOS PROPRIETÁRIOS SOBRE A BIODIVERSIDADE DE SUAS FLORESTAS E A NECESSIDADE DE INCENTIVOS ECONÔMICOS PARA SUA CO~1.pdf: 2486667 bytes, checksum: c8e59c718cfe7d92d0493ff61a1bb0bf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-15T14:21:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) PERCEPÇÃO DOS PROPRIETÁRIOS SOBRE A BIODIVERSIDADE DE SUAS FLORESTAS E A NECESSIDADE DE INCENTIVOS ECONÔMICOS PARA SUA CO~1.pdf: 2486667 bytes, checksum: c8e59c718cfe7d92d0493ff61a1bb0bf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-13 / CAPEs / A APA Aldeia Beberibe é uma Unidade de Conservação Estadual criada recentemente (2010) e tem por principais objetivos a conservação da Mata Atlântica no estado para assegurar o provimento dos serviços ambientais, dentre eles, o fornecimento de água para a Região Metropolitana do Recife. Envolver os proprietários nas políticas e ações para conservação das florestas da APA é imprescindível para o sucesso da mesma. Desse modo, a pesquisa buscou avaliar a percepção dos proprietários sobre suas áreas de floresta nativa, a biodiversidade, os seus serviços ambientais a elas associados e sua responsabilidade por esse bem que traz benefícios à comunidade, avaliando sua disposição a pagar (DAP) para a conservação da floresta em sua região e sua disposição a receber como compensação pela manutenção da floresta (DARF) em sua propriedade. Para avaliar se a percepção do proprietário é condizente com os níveis de biodiversidade de sua propriedade e se há propriedades que se sobressaem em biodiversidade a outras, de modo a serem priorizadas por mecanismos de Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais (PSA), a diversidade de aves, morcegos, pequenos mamíferos não-voadores e/ou plantas arbóreas foram compiladas para cada propriedade. Dentre um total de 22 entrevistados, 74% escolheram morar em Aldeia para ter uma melhor qualidade de vida (com tranquilidade e proximidade à natureza), 100% pensam que a presença da floresta valoriza sua propriedade no mercado imobiliário e 95% se preocupam com o destino da sua floresta, a qual gostariam que fosse conservada. Mais que a metade (51%) afirmou que as principais mudanças observadas na região estão relacionadas ao crescimento populacional desordenado, motivo este que desvaloriza a propriedade e ocasiona mudanças à nível local, como a diminuição da fauna e a disponibilidade de água. A maioria (68%) dos entrevistados está disposta a pagar pela conservação das florestas e 75% afirmam que seu pagamento depende da credibilidade da proposta e da administração do dinheiro. Sobre a DARF, 45% afirmaram que estariam dispostos a receber, pois o dinheiro serviria para incrementar o que já vem sendo feito. Os níveis de diversidade variaram de 9 a 30 espécies para aves, 5 a 10 para morcegos, 0 a 5 para pequenos mamíferos não-voadores e 17 a 43 para as árvores. Além disso, em todas as propriedades foram encontradas espécies endêmicas e em oito foram encontradas espécies vulneráveis. No entanto, os proprietários desconheciam os níveis de diversidade de suas propriedades, sua composição e a existência de espécies ameaçadas e/ou endêmicas, não havendo portanto nenhuma correlação da DAP ou DARF com os níveis de diversidade. Há trechos que são importantes para vários grupos e várias espécies endêmicas e ameaçadas, e portanto, à nível local, podem ser priorizados quanto ao recebimento de programas de PSA. Porém, é interessante estender essa política a todos os proprietários, garantindo uma maior interconectividade na paisagem. De modo geral, conclui-se que o estabelecimento de uma proposta de PSA é uma alternativa viável para a alocação de recursos em prol da gestão ambiental da área estudada, tendo uma maior aceitação, caso seja realizado por meio de um mecanismo que garanta a transparência e eficiência na gestão dos recursos, como por exemplo, através de parcerias que viabilizem um contrato direto entre o doador e o receptor dos recursos. / The APA Aldeia-Beberibe was recently created (2010) and has the objectives the conservation of Atlantic forest in the region to ensure the provision of environmental services, including the supply of water for the metropolitan region of Recife. Involve the owners in the policies and actions for the conservation of the APA forests is essential to its success. Thus, the research was to evaluate the perception of the owners about their forests, the biodiversity, the environmental services and their responsibility for the asset that benefits the community, assessing their willingness to pay for forest conservation in their region and their willingness to receive as compensation for forest maintenance on your property. To assess whether the perception of the owner is consistent with the levels of biodiversity of their property and if there properties that stand in biodiversity, to be prioritized for Payment for Environmental Services mechanisms, the diversity of birds, bats, non-flying small mammals and/or arboreal plants were compiled for each property. Among a total of 22 respondents, 74% chose to live in Aldeia to have a better quality of life (with tranquility and proximity to nature), 100% think that the presence of forest value your property in the real estate market and 95% care about the fate of his forest, which would like to be preserved. More than a half (51%) said the main changes observed are related to disordered population growth, this reason that devalues the property and causes changes to the local level, as the decrease of fauna and water availability. The majority (68%) of respondents is willing to pay for conservation of forests and 75% say that their pay depends on the credibility of the proposal and money management. What about the willingness to receive as compensation for forest maintenance, 45% said they would be willing to receive, because the proceeds would enhance what is already being done. Diversity levels ranged from 9 to 30 for birds species, for 5 to 10 bats, 0 to 5 non-flying small mammals and 17 as 43 to trees. Moreover, all properties were found endemic species and in eight properties were found vulnerable species. However, the owners were unaware of the diversity of levels of its properties, its composition and the existence of threatened or endemic species, not so there is no correlation of willingness to pay for forest conservation or willingness to receive as compensation for forest maintenance with the levels of diversity. There are passages that are important to several groups and several endemic and endangered species, and therefore the local level, can be prioritized from receiving the payment for environmental services programs. However, it is interesting to extend this policy to all owners, ensuring greater interconnectivity in the landscape. Overall, it is concluded that the establishment of a proposal for payment for environmental services is a well-accepted alternative to the allocation of resources for environmental management of the study area, having a greater acceptance if done through a mechanism that is transparent and efficient management of resources, such as through partnerships that enable a direct contract between the donor and the receiver of resources.

En studie om skogsägares syn på hållbart skogsbruk i Sverige : En analys av skogsägares värderingar / A study of forest owners view on sustainable forestry in Sweden : An analysis of forest owners' values

Sjösten, Emil, Eriksson, Simon January 2022 (has links)
This study intends to investigate how different demographic groups among individual forest owners in Sweden view issues related to sustainable forestry. The study also intends to investigate what different individual forest owners perceive as positive/negative aspects in terms of species protection and policy changes. It also investigates in what way individual forest owners' views and forestry relate to decided goals and what previous research defines as sustainable forestry. To investigate this, a survey has been conducted where the survey was distributed to individual forest owners around the country through various online communication channels such as social media and online forums. The survey resulted in a total of 226 respondents spread across most parts of the country. The results that emerged from the study shows demographic differences and similarities, where we for example can see that there is a greater proportion of women than men who believe that Swedish forestry is not sustainable today. At the same time, we can observe that the majority believe that it is sustainable within all demographic groups. Incidentally, we can see that there is a dividing line between authorities and the interests of individual forest owners. Views on sustainable forestry vary and many forest owners strive for less government intervention in their forestry and property rights are central. We see a willingness to compromise if the forest owner receive financial compensation, in terms of protected areas. We can also see goal conflicts between forest owners' views and uses and authorities' directives and goals.

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