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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Framing Controversial Agreements : A case study of how U.S. foreign policy is framed to domestic audiences

Wallmark, Moa January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Invasionens första vecka : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Rysslands invasion av Ukraina 2022 i svenska nyhetsmedier / The first week of the invasion : A quantitative content analysis of Russia's invasion of Ukraine 2022 in Swedish news media

Johansson, Sara, Håkansson, Lydia January 2022 (has links)
News journalism is a great source of information about things that happen beyond our own reality. The need to take part in news is something that is increasing during a crisis and despite the development of social media and the internet, the traditional media still fulfill a socially important function. Against this background, we believe that it is important to analyze the content of the media in order to gain a greater understanding of what mass communication looks like and what effects it can have. The purpose of the study has therefore been to investigate the framing of Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022. The study examined articles published by the news media Aftonbladet and SVT during the first week of the invasion to investigate the framing of the reporting at an early stage. The study is based on a quantitative method as the purpose has been to investigate how frequently actors, different frames and presentations are used. The framing theory has previously been used to investigate, discuss and analyze the interpretations that are made. This study shows that official sources are most common. This is in line with previous research and is explained by the fact that journalists turn to official sources in times of crisis to get information about what has happened. The results of the study also showed that the episodic presentation was more common in the reporting of the invasion, however, it was more common for the thematic framing to be used in articles about economics. The results thus show that it is more common to report on individual events than to put them in a larger context. There is a certain difference in the use of frameworks where Aftonbladet portrays human interest and morality more than SVT. An increase in the use of these frameworks in Swedish war journalism has been noted.

When Beauty is More Than Skin Deep: A Content Analysis of Popular Beauty YouTubers’ Video Strategies

Jones, Kristen 01 May 2020 (has links)
The beauty community on YouTube is a popular outlet for influencer generated video content. Beauty YouTubers provide their viewers with makeup-related videos from tutorials to the latest trends on the platform. As a result, the influencers have gained high subscriber counts that generate revenue through advertisements and brand partnerships. The influencers create relationships with their subscribers that lead to loyalty in the form of video views and merchandise purchasing. This study provides a content analysis of common characteristics within 10 popular beauty YouTubers’ videos examining the strategies used by the influencers. The top five videos from each beauty YouTuber were selected resulting in a total of 50 videos analyzed. Parasocial Interaction and Framing theories were the theoretical frameworks for this study. The results of this study indicated a series of commonly used characteristics within the most popular videos posted by the top beauty influencers on YouTube.

Makten av agendasättning och den kulturjournalistiskainramningen av woke -En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om förekomsten och inramningen av woke i svenskkulturjournalistik

Huzell, Linda, Lemoine, Majken January 2021 (has links)
This paper studies how the new phenomenon of being woke is framed in cultural journalistic articles inswedish newspaper media from January 2017 to May 2021 (present day). Although the subject ofwokeness is rarely explored in academic articles, this study provides a basic knowledge about how thephenomenon is talked about in the Swedish context. With a qualitative content analysis connected totheories of framing, agenda-setting and cultural journalism, it provides new knowledge in the field.Results show how the use of the word and, in that respect, the agenda setting of the word started in 2019and increased during 2020. Also, the results in 2021 could indicate further increase during the rest ofthe present year. Mostly, cultural articles mentioning woke held a neutral approach, although therelatively high number of negatively approached articles could also be connected to frames of woke asleft political spheres, censur, identity politics, radicality and as destroyers of good quality art. Positiveframing of woke often tends to use the term as “something you should be” and the neutral frames oftenmention woke with an acceptance by mentioning it in passing or with a describing frame.

#DeleteFacebook and Hashtag Activism in a Perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis

Greta, Bühring January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to conduct an in-depth study of the activism surrounding the #DeleteFacebook hashtag by applying Critical Discourse Analysis. By theorizing framing, digital colonialism, power relations, and antagonism, this thesis examines the qualitative analysis of 1.987 Tweets posted on Twitter between 20 February and 4 March 2021. This study identifies the key thematic content of these Tweets and then conducts an in-depth critical analysis. These questions will be addressed in the research: “What are the principle discourse typologies and their intertextual interpretation of hashtag activism #DeleteFacebook?”, “What were the key themes that emerged during the #DeleteFacebook hashtag movement?” and “How can we interpret the online engagement with #DeleteFacebook as hashtag activism?”. This thesis presents an analysis of #DeleteFacebook related Tweets through coding and then reveals an intertextual analysis of it, including the social context. Also, this study provides a thorough review of the related literature concerning the costs of connection, social movements, hashtag activism, and collective identity. Finally, it concludes with a discussion reflecting on the role of digital colonialism and the power of Facebook.

Navigating the politics of transformative change towards sustainability: A case study of Extinction Rebellion’s climate crisis framing

Eggert, Hannes January 2021 (has links)
Research on transformations has recognized that trajectories towards sustainability are negotiated and contested through framings and narratives. There is, however, still a greater need to explore the role of social movements and their ability to characterize a problem, propose solutions and motivate the public to become engaged. This holds particularly true for the extensive field of climate politics in which different climate change framings compete. In recent years, a new wave of climate activism has emerged amidst an increased sense of urgency and severity of the climate crisis. One of the driving forces, Extinction Rebellion (XR), has managed to engage large numbers of people while making radical demands to the government. However, critical voices have challenged XR’s use of politically “neutral” language which communicates climate change in moral rather than political terms for displacing power and conflict. Drawing on framing theory and post-foundational political theory, I examine how XR UK frames the climate crisis in relation to political change, to better understand how the movement navigates between consensus and antagonism in the context of a depoliticization of climate change discourses. The analysis is based on a collection of semi-structured interviews with XR UK activists as well as key movement documents.  The analysis and subsequent discussion reveal a dynamic and contentious discursive field, with key findings including the identification of three collective action frames: (1) Climate Breakdown, (2) Web of Life and (3) Global Justice. These are linked together by the Global Climate Emergency master frame. The degree to which the frames are (de-)politicized varies and reflects different interpretations of transformation towards sustainability.

Vliv užití cizího jazyka na efekt rámování. / Foreign language effect in framing

Križák, Jan January 2021 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis was to investigate the effect of the use of a foreign language - in this case, English - on the strength of the framing effect in framing types that have not been studied in this respect before. According to the results, framing through the manipulation of emotionally charged keywords is indeed mitigated by the use of a foreign language. The main factors at play here are whether the respondent started learning the foreign language at an early age before the emotion-regulation systems were developed, and whether the respondent is accustomed to using the language routinely. Visual framing yielded the opposite results - in the absence of the keywords, only the effect of greater cognitive load remained for respondents completing the questionnaire in English, which magnified the framing bias. This effect was stronger for respondents whose English skills were weaker and who used English less. In the case of framing using the status quo, the results were inconclusive as there was a bias most likely caused by an inaccuracy in translation.

Framing indigenous identity in Bolivia : A qualitative case study of the lowland indigenous peoples mobilization in the TIPNIS conflict

Rechlin, Elsa January 2021 (has links)
Evo Morales became Latin Americas first indigenous president in 2005. Morales praised the indigenous peoples, the indigenous movements and aimed at ending their political marginalization in Bolivia. However, this politicization and framing of indigenous identity and rights was later turned into his disadvantage. In 2011, Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Eastern Bolivia (CIDOB) decided to mobilize against the government's decision to build a highway through Isiboro Secure National Park and Indigenous Territory (TIPNIS), where three of the indigenous groups represented by CIDOB lives. The decision was taken without consolidation with the population living in the area. In this study Robert D. Benford and David A. Snow's theoretical framework concerning framing processes and social movements are used to analyze CIDOBs collective action framing of their indigenous identity and rights in their mobilization in the TIPNIS conflict. In the result, it became evident that CIDOB used their indigenous identity and rights in different framing strategies including master frames, frame alignment processes, diagnostic, and prognostic framing.

Det virala viruset : En tematisk analys på desinformation om covid-19 vaccinen i svenska facebookgrupper / The viral virus : A thematic analysis of disinformation about the covid-19 vaccines in Swedish Facebook groups

Claesson, Elin, Patron Gonzalez, Esmeralda January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine disinformation about the covid-19 vaccine in posts from Swedish Facebook groups. At the end of 2019, the coronavirus started to spread around the world and became a global pandemic. On social media, especially Facebook, disinformation started to spread around about the virus. The study was based on 58 posts from 4 different Facebook groups where a qualitative thematic analysis was conducted to see which themes that were common in the disinformation. This method was paired with framing theory to see how the senders were framing their message and the disinformation. The research questions of this study are which themes can be identified in the disinformation about the covid-19 vaccine in the Swedish Facebook groups? And how are the covid-19 vaccines framed in these themes? This study resulted in 4 themes with 9 subcategories. The first theme is conspiracy theories with the subcategory mRNA. The second theme is scientific resistance with the subcategories questioning the content of the vaccines, critical of the manufacturing and approval of the vaccines, effectiveness, critical of pharmaceutical companies and alternative cure. The third theme is criticism of senders, and the fourth theme is warnings with the subcategories exhortation, swine flu and side effects. In the theme conspiracy theories, the posts are framing vaccine as something dangerous, untrustworthy and that it is a fraud. The posts can also be connected to already existing theories about the virus. In the second theme, scientific resistance, are the posts framing resistance against scientific proven fact about the vaccines. The posts also frame that there are other solutions for covid-19 than the vaccine. In the third theme, criticism against senders, the common frames were that the senders of information about the vaccine and vaccination were smeared, for example the Swedish government and the public health authority. These senders were framed as traitors and that the Swedish population would become their slaves. In the last theme warnings, the posts framed warnings and tried to influence people to not take the vaccine because of several reasons like side effects. The posts also framed that these reasons could lead to death or other health issues for the rest of their lives.

“Det är inte gulligt att barn behöver kämpa för sin rätt till framtida civilisation och överlevnad” : En kvalitativ studie om miljöaktivism och dess uttryck.

Mellkvist, Moa January 2021 (has links)
Miljödebatten har blivit en global fråga som i dagens samhälle är oundviklig att inte ta del av. Redan under Sveriges 1960-tal och 1970-tal började människor engagera sig aktivt för att bedriva samhällsförändring i syfte att bevara miljön. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka utvecklingen av miljöaktivism, med en särskild inriktning till hur aktivismen tar och har tagit uttryck. Tidigare forskning och litteratur med ett historiskt perspektiv ger en uppfattning av hur miljöaktivism uttrycktes under den tidiga miljöaktivismen i Sverige. För att få ett nutidsperspektiv har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med fem olika miljöaktivister som alla har ett aktivt engagemang inom någon typ av natur- eller miljöorganisation. Metoden som använts är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där meningsbärande enheter identifierades för att slutligen bilda olika teman. Teorierna framing och miljörättvisa har tillämpats för att ge stöd åt resultatet. Studiens resultat visar att miljöaktivisterna ger uttryck för att känna en känsla av ansvar, som de själva tar men som andra undviker eller frånsäger sig. Vidare uttrycker miljöaktivisterna att klimatkrisen är akut och att framtida civilisationer är hotade.

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