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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Ideal Mormon Woman: An Analysis of Ensign Articles and Comparison to LDS Women's Perceptions of Gender Role Expectations

Hollist, Julie 01 May 2008 (has links)
This study was conducted to identify what principles leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were teaching women about their gender roles and expectations from 2000 through 2007, and to investigate whether age, marital status, or media exposure correlated with women's perceptions of levels of importance of those concepts to both their leaders and to themselves personally. This study used deductive and inductive framing analyses to examine visiting teaching messages and General Conference Relief Society talks published in the Ensign, the official magazine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The study built on those results to create a survey conducted with LDS women living in Cache Valley, Utah, in 2008. Survey results provided insight into levels of importance LDS women living in Cache Valley assigned to doctrinal and cultural concepts surrounding the "ideal Mormon woman." The doctrine reflected an overwhelming emphasis on both inner spiritual characteristics and religiously motivated actions. Lack of correlation between exposure to either visiting teaching messages or General Conference talks and what the women said Church leaders thought was important indicated some disconnect between what was being taught and what the LDS women reported. Although leaders' priorities were revealed by the frequency with which they taught individual components of the doctrine, the women did not recognize those priorities. Instead, they perceived that nearly everything was very important or important to their leaders. The women also indicated that although religiously motivated actions were very important, inner spiritual characteristics were even more important to them personally. Although the women reported inner spiritual characteristics as more important, they were also taking on responsibilities for those behaviors that may be more visible and easily compared to others. Exposure to General Conference talks correlated highly with how important survey items were to the women personally, which may indicate a channel of communication that is working for Church leaders. Statistically significant correlations in women's perceptions about what their leaders think and what they think personally were also found according to age and marital status, but there are not consistent trends that can be easily summarized.

Framing Fracking: Media Coverage of Unconventional Oil and Gas Development in South Texas

Potterf, Jebadiha E. 01 May 2014 (has links)
There is an oil boom occurring in the United States reminiscent of the production booms of the early 20th century. As the use of unconventional gas and oil extraction practices explode across the US, understanding how the affected public perceives this development is vital. As a major influence on public opinion, understanding the way this development is being framed by interest groups and the news media is an important step in understanding public perceptions. This study utilizes framing theory as a method for investigating how online and print media coverage of this development utilizes the frames promoted by actors on either side of this issue. Content analysis is used to examine national level industry and opposition websites to inductively uncover the thematic frames used by these actors in the public debate surrounding unconventional development. These frames are subsequently used to analyze newspaper articles published in metropolitan cities of Eagle Ford Shale region to discover how these or other frames are utilized in their coverage of the unconventional development occurring in the Eagle Ford Shale. I found that the pro-development frames used by proponent interest groups matched very closely with the pro-development frames used in the news media. Conversely, the way opposition frames are used by the opponent interest groups and in the news media display much more variance. These findings have implications for several theories seeking to explain the influence of interest groups on news coverage. And are important for fully understanding how the perceptions of residents regarding oil and gas activity are formed. While this research did not take the step to compare the news media frames used to the individual frames residents use to understand this activity, it does address a lacuna in the research on unconventional development by examining the way interest groups and the media frame their communications pertaining to the issue.

Lokaltidningarnas gestaltning av de största privata arbetsgivarna : En studie om lokalortspressens gestaltning av lokalsamhällets största privata arbetsgivare

Segersköld, Andreas, Westerberg, Alfons January 2021 (has links)
Problemformulering och syfte: Företagen får större och större möjlighet att själva välja hur nyheter om företaget ska framställas, samtidigt som journalisterna ständigt kämpar mot deadlines och fortsatta krav på hög läsning. Syftet med studien är att med avstamp i gestaltningsteorin undersöka hur de tre största medieföretagen inom landsortspress i Sverige bevakar den största privata arbetsgivaren på orten.  Metod och material: I uppsatsen undersöks gestaltningen av den största privata arbetsgivaren i respektive kommun som de tre största tidningarna inom kategorin landsortspress har sin huvudort i. Detta görs genom att undersöka rubriker och ingresser i de artiklar där företaget berörs.  Huvudresultat: Resultatet visar att gestaltningen skiljer sig åt mellan tidningarna dels i omfång, men även i gestaltning. Däremot visar resultatet att tidningarna strävar efter en jämn fördelning av positivt och negativt gestaltade artiklar angående respektive företag.

Två kriser. Ett rampljus : Om klimatkrisen på regeringens dagordning under coronakrisen.

Dahlin, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
This study employs text analysis to explore how the Swedish government framed the climate issue during 2019 and the year of the covid pandemic, 2020. The study aims to encounter eventual changes in the framing of the climate issue using the following research question: how did the Swedish government frame the climate issue during 2019 versus 2020 during the covid-19-pandemic? Maybe the perceived acuteness of the pandemic managed to outrival the climate crisis from the government's agenda. If the climate issue vanished from their agenda, it might jeopardize former environmental successes. The results are considered relevant to studies concerning framing, agenda-setting, and crisis since controlling just one of the parallel crises might aggravate the effects of the second one. And the growing public worry regarding climate change also seems to provide relevancy to the study. The study concludes that climate policy was the Swedish government's top issue during 2019. In 2020 they described the climate issue in more severe terms than in 2019 while simultaneously prioritizing the pandemic before the climate issue.

Svenska pressens fokus i amerikanska valet : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys över hur svenska nyhetsmedier gestaltade amerikanska presidentvalet 2020 i sin nyhetsrapportering

Storm, Anton, Majed Amir, Rani January 2021 (has links)
2020 was the year of the American presidential election. Joe Biden, the former senator and vice president won against the incumbent president and business magnate Donald Trump. Because of the coronavirus it was an unusual election. Vote counting was not over on election night but continued a few more days and Donald Trump claimed the result to be false.  The study aims to understand what Swedish newspapers focused on under the American election 2020 and what they choose to frame from a political journalist perspective. We focused on four of the biggest Swedish newspapers to see how they differ and relate. To do that we used 29 articles from every newspaper, 116 in total and with help of framing theory and a quantitative content analysis we could find correlations between the four newspapers. Thanks to earlier studies we could compare how Donald Trump was portrayed in 2016 and what both Swedish and American media framed last election.  The study concluded that Donald Trump was mentioned more in the Swedish press than his opponent Joe Biden. None of the vice presidents were ever mentioned as much as the presidential candidates. The study also concluded that more articles focused on the political game more than the political issues, that the articles were more often neutral or negative than positive and that politicians were the most quoted.

Pandemrix- en brytpunkt? : En komparativ studie om nyhetsmedias gestaltning av vaccin under två pandemier

Kelly, Joel, Larsson, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
The differential framing of societal concerns within news articles influences the decision makingof the readers which in turn has consequences on a social scale. In light of this it should bedeemed important to analyse how vaccines are portrayed in news articles and that is the purposeof this study. A qualitative content analysis was carried through by comparing how vaccineswere portrayed in news articles in two Swedish news outlets during two largely similar events,namely the swine flu pandemic and the covid-19 pandemic. This was concretized into fourresearch questions which were: ● How does DN and Aftonbladet frame the vaccine against H1N1 before and inconjunction to the launch of Pandemrix? ● How does DN and Aftonbladet frame vaccines against Covid- 19 before and inconjunction to the launch of the vaccines against Covid-19? ● What differences are there between the two vaccination campaigns? ● Are there references to Pandemrix and its vaccination campaign in the reportingof the Covid- 19 vaccines? To answer these questions, framing theory was used to analyse the articles and the termintertextuality was implemented within the theoretical framework to broaden the analytical depthand help explain the use of references during the covid-19 reporting. The used method entails anabductive approach where coding and thematization was based not only on framing theory butalso on empiricism, i.e. open ended. The results showed there are major differences in terms of what was the focal point during thetwo campaigns. During the swine flu most of the articles dealt with logistical concerns as well asthe wary of costs in regards to the vaccine, whereas during the covid- 19 pandemic most articlesdealt with questions relating to possible side effects and the manufacturing process of thevaccines. References to Pandemrix and its consequences was found in 25% of the articlesanalyzed during the covid-19 reporting. Both campaigns however, stressed the importance oftaking the vaccine.

"Att vara en incel är som att vara en fet ponny" : En inramningsanalys av incels i svenska tidningsartiklar från hösten 2021

Larsson, Matilda, Roth, Alva January 2021 (has links)
Involuntary celibates, or “incels”, have receieved increased attention in the public discourse in the recent years. This is partly due to the news media reporting on cases where the incel culture has been linked to acts of mass violence. Here, incels are often framed as misogynic and as a new terrorist threat. In this study we wanted to take a deeper look at this due to the power that media has in influencing how society views incels. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify how incels were framed in the Swedish news media discourse during autumn 2021. This study answers: 1. Which frames of incels existed in Swedish news articles autumn 2021? and 2. How can these frames be analyzed using theory of media discourse? To answer these questions the thesis uses framing theory and news discourse as a theoretical framework. A framing analysis was performed of 15 Swedish newspaper articles from the selected time frame. The results reveal that incels are framed as both dangerous perpetrators and as an outcast group of society. The first frame was more prominent and was often accompanied with varied negative and hostile comments directed toward the group. We argue that these frames reveal a one-sided image of incels and that the comments reproduce traditional norms of masculinity. Moreover, we briefly discuss the development of the journalistic profession in how it hinders the consideration of specific ethical ideals, which could have a negative effect on incels.

Begränsad nyhetsrapportering i en obegränsad verklighet : En studie av svenska tidningars skildringar av Kataloniens självständighetsprocess

Frölén Åström, Melker January 2022 (has links)
In October 2017, the Spanish region Catalonia held a referendum vote on independence, but was not able to declare independence because of a strong opposition from the central government in Madrid. For the news media there are different ways to describe an event like this and these ways might have different outcomes on those who take part of the news. With a background inthe Catalan independence movement and the democratic role of news media, the aim of this study is to examine how Swedish newspapers in their reporting shaped the independence process, before and after the referendumOctober 1st 2017, to determine any shift in the reporting. With a qualitative text analysis, the study examines 16 newspaper articles in relation to framing theory to determine which forms of framings that were used. This study finds that Swedish newspapers shapes the independence process as strategy- or issue framed, with the strategy frame appearing once more in the reporting after the referendum than before.

Miljö och demokrati i svenska läroböcker : En kvalitativ textanalys av hur miljöproblemen skildras ur ett demokratiskt perspektiv i svenska läroböcker i samhällskunskap för gymnasiet

Gustafsson, Magnus January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie utforskar hur svenska läromedel i samhällskunskap för gymnasiet skildrar miljöproblem utifrån ett demokratiskt perspektiv. Mot bakgrund av Läroplan för gymnasiet 2011:s skrivelser och tidigare forskning om demokrati och miljömedvetenhet i läromedel genomförs en kvalitativ textanalys av fem läroböcker. Det som framing-analysen kommer fram till är att miljöproblemen framställs både som ett hot mot mänskligheten och som orsakade av mänskligheten. Dock behandlas miljöproblemen inte i första hand som frågor vilka behöver hanteras genom demokratiska processer. I stället framställs medborgare huvudsakligen vara kapabla att agera som konsumenter, inte som demokratiska subjekt.

Framing "Gay Propaganda": The Orthodox Church and Morality Policy in Russia

Hill, Caroline January 2017 (has links)
The adoption of laws in the Russian Federation prohibiting propaganda of homosexuality and “non-traditional sexual relationships” to minors at the regional and federal levels, respectively, has raised questions regarding the role of the Russian Orthodox Church in politics. This project shall evaluate public statements by clerics and other figures serving in the Orthodox Church from 2011 through 2013, as well as interviews conducted with clerics of the Moscow Patriarchate in order to analyze the strategies employed when arguing against public expressions of homosexuality. Drawing upon the concepts of framing and morality policy, I will argue that secular, rational-instrumental arguments have prevailed over moral-religious and procedural appeals. In addition, I will show that transformative framing by some Church figures points to ambitions for more comprehensive moral and religious changes at the individual level, and religious, societal, and legislative changes at the national level in Russia.

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