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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Creative Writers in a Digital Age : Swedish Teenagers’ Insights into their Extramural English Writing and the School Subject of English

Morris, Paul January 2022 (has links)
The digital age has re-shaped the landscape of creative writing. One example of the changes that have taken place is the way in which millions of young people, globally, now write and share stories as online fanfiction. This is an out-of-school leisure pastime that can also help improve language skills (Aragon & Davis, 2019; Black, 2008). English taught as a second language (i.e. L2) in schools can be less authentic, less motivational and engaging than English used in free-time situations (extramural English, Sundqvist, 2009); thus, there is a need to “bridge the gap” between the English taught in the formal setting of school and the English encountered in informal settings (Swedish Schools Inspectorate, 2011). This licentiate thesis focuses on extramural English creative writing and aims to raise understanding about the ways it can motivate and engage. Also, the issue of L2 English is addressed in relation to pupils’ perspectives of their informal learning as well as their insights into creative writing and challenge in the school subject of English. The participants in the study were thirteen teenage pupils of Swedish secondary and upper-secondary schools who write creatively in English in their free time. Their writing included stories, comics, poems and songs, and some of this work was published online. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews, and it was analysed using qualitative content analysis. The findings confirm that writing can be closely related to reading, as participants were motivated by stories they wished to imitate and adapt. Also, the results show how teenage creative writers were able to use networked communication to access a large global readership. There was a strong motivation to write for pleasure – for oneself – and this writing, and enjoyment, could subsequently be shared with others. The free-time writing activity was fun, playful and imaginative, and also aided understanding of the participants’ own experiences and emotions. The state of flow (Csíkszentmihályi, 1990) was an aspect of the pupils’ engagement with creative writing as well. The activity was rewarding as it brought praise, enabled role-play, involved social contacts, and opened the way to new affiliations and friendships. Moreover, the pupils considered that their language learning was enriched through their free-time creative writing. Finally, the participants offered valuable insights into aspects of English as a school subject: there was some creative writing in English lessons, but there was a need for both more creative writing and more challenge.

Kreativní centrum – Kopřivnice / Creative centre - Koprivnice

Křížová, Lucie Unknown Date (has links)
Right in the city center, there is a plot with old factory halls. These halls are fascinating and have great potential. But now, they are more of an obstacle. They form a barrier, they are in poor condition, and it robs the city of its values. In my diploma thesis entitled Creative Center in Kopřivnice, in addition to the design of the creative center, I will also deal with how to use the beauty and potential of these old halls, further, how to create beautiful and modernized buildings with a new value. I want to open the whole area, to create a place where people would like to meet and where various functions will be mixed- a place for fun, relaxation, culture, education or even just a shopping or walk. The work is very diverse - from the urban design of the entire plot, through the revitalization of old industrial halls and the layout of a new building, to the interior design of a new gallery.

Stroke Patients’ Free-Time Activities and Spatial Preferences During Inpatient Recovery in Rehabilitation Centers

Kevdzija, Maja, Bozovic-Stamenovic, Ruzica, Marquardt, Gesine 31 May 2024 (has links)
Objectives: To investigate which spaces stroke patients visit in their free time while undergoing inpatient recovery in rehabilitation centers, what activities they engage in, and what kind of spaces they want. Background: Research studies consistently show that stroke patients are highly inactive during rehabilitation. Much remains unknown about what patients do in their free time and how the built environment might affect their behavior and activities. Methods: Patients’ free-time activities were recorded via patient shadowing (n = 70, 840 hr), and their spatial preferences were collected using a survey (n = 60) in seven rehabilitation centers. Each participant was observed over one typical day (12 consecutive hours). Their activities, durations, and locations were recorded using floor plans and time log sheets. Results: Six main themes emerged from the analysis of shadowing data and patient surveys: (1) spending most free time in their room, (2) corridor as the overlooked activity hub, (3) food and beverage stations as triggers of activity, (4) wanting to socialize, (5) variety of common spaces for different activities is desired, and (6) common room’s atmosphere, comfort, style, and view are important. Even though socializing with other patients was mentioned as a primary reason for visiting common spaces in the survey, patients spent most of their free time alone. Conclusions: Corridor emerged as a space with great potential to motivate and support various activities of patients. Patients’ free-time activities could contribute to their recovery, and the built environment may play a role in facilitating and supporting these activities.

L'educació en el lleure a Girona. Les iniciatives de l'administració, l'església i la societat civil (1900-1981)

Soler Masó, Pere 11 October 1994 (has links)
La tesi presenta una descripció i reflexió històrica de les diferents iniciatives que en educació en el temps lliure s'han donat a la ciutat de Girona des de començament de segle XX fins a l'any 1981 quan té lloc el traspàs de competències en matèria de lleure i joventut a la Generalitat de Catalunya i des d'aquesta instància es realitza la primera normativa pel que fa a la constitució d'Escoles d'Educadors en el Lleure i es legisla també respecte a la formació de monitors i directors d'activitats de lleure infantil i juvenil. Les iniciatives son presentades a traves de tres grans capítols segons la instància promotora de cada activitat: L' administració (entenent per aquesta les diferents instancies de l'aparell administratiu públic a nivell municipal, provincial autonòmic o republicà i central), l'església (reduint-se en aquest cas a les iniciatives promogudes per l'església catòlica, majoritàriament a nivell diocesà, i en alguns casos a nivell parroquial) i finalment, la societat civil (entenent en aquest sector les iniciatives que han estat promogudes des del sector privat i de l'associacionisme). Des de cada un d'aquest grans sectors s'estudien les intervencions que amb una intencionalitat educativa clarament explícita s'han portat a la pràctica durant el temps lliure dels infants i joves gironins a través d'activitats i moviments coneguts com les colònies, els casals d'estiu, els campaments, l'escoltisme, etc. En cada una d'aquestes experiències analitzem les finalitats, la proposta metodològica, la formació dels responsables i els infants i joves que hi participen. A través d'aquesta recerca es pretén aportar un material que ajudi a configurar una petita part de la historia de l'educació no formal tot recuperant també un material vàlid per a la reflexió i teorització sobre l'educació en el temps lliure. Pel que fa a les iniciatives de l'administració sobresurten les obres que es promouen a nivell de l'Ajuntament de Girona: les colònies escolars municipals i les guarderies-casals municipals d'abans del franquisme, les colònies organitzades des de serveis socials durant la transició democràtica i la constitució i els primers passos de l'Àrea de Joventut. Es presenten també les iniciatives realitzades a la ciutat de Girona des d'altres instàncies: a nivell de la Diputació de Girona les colònies de la Llar Infantil a nivell provincial les colònies promogudes per la Delegación Pronvincial de Enseñanza Primaria de Gerona i pel que fa a l'administració central es presenta l'impacte de l'actuació que el moviment feixista del regim franquista va tenir a Girona a través del Frente de Juventudes, la Sección Femenina i la Organització Juvenil Espanyola. També en aquest capítol de l'administració es comenten les primeres actuacions de la Generalitat de Catalunya a Girona a partir de l'any 1981. En el capítol de l'església les obres que s'estudien són fonamentalment de caire diocesà. Hi trobem els Casals d'Estiu -obra genuïnament gironina-, l'Escoltisme Catòlic Català, la Federació de Joves Cristians i els Avantguardistes gironins, la Joventut d'Acció Catòlica, la Joventut Obrera Catòlica, el Moviment Infantil i Juvenil d'Acció Catòlica, Hora-3 i el Servei de Colònies de Vacances. Hi ha també l'estudi d'altres moviments al marge de la pastoral del bisbat. En aquest cas parlem de l'Oratori Festiu dels Salesians, la Congregació Mariana de Girona -amb els Lluïsos, els Estanislaus, eIs Montañeros de Santa Maria i l'Acolliment Centre de Joves- i els Exploradores de España de "La Salle". Tot plegat fa que la iniciativa de l'església sigui la mes àmplia i la protagonista de bona part del moviment d'educació en el lleure de la ciutat de Girona. Pel que fa a la iniciativa pròpia de la Societat Civil es molt més minsa i amb una incidència reduïda fonamentalment en dos períodes concrets: la II República i la transició i etapa democràtica. Amb tot, en el primer terç de segle trobem l'obra dels Exploradores de España, les Padrines de Girona i els Pomells de Joventut. També a finals dels anys vint cal parlar de la iniciativa de les Colònies Escolars a través del diari EI Autonomista. Durant la II Republica podem parlar Palestra i dels Minyons de Muntanya. En el trist període franquista sols cal parlar de dues iniciatives que malgrat no ser autènticament promogudes des de la societat civil, les hem presentat en aquest apartat. Es tracta dels casals de l'associació Amigos de los Niños i de les colònies del Patronato Escolar de Suburbios de Gerona. A partir de la transició democràtica neixen iniciatives esporàdiques amb voluntat de fer una tasca educativa en el temps lliure i és també en aquesta època quan s'estructura el moviment de Rialles a nivell dels Països Catalans. A través de la recerca es detecta una manca de propostes d'educació en el lleure per part de la societat civil. Sobresurt l'acció de l'església que ha sabut adaptar-se als diferents períodes socio-educatius exercint a través d'aquest àmbit diferents funcions: compensatòria, d'adoctrinament i control o de suplència. S'evidencia també com el temps lliure passa a ser considerat un àmbit plenament educatiu quan el carrer deixa de ser considerat un entorn negatiu a evitar i passa a ser entès com un espai educatiu a aprofitar. Pel que fa als participants, no es pot concretar a nivell general quina de les tres iniciatives és la mes popular o elitista. Hi ha experiències de tot tant per part de l'Administració, com de l'Església i també de la Societat Civil. Val a dir però, que les iniciatives promogudes des de l'administració municipal han estat majoritàriament properes a la població gironina més necessitada. També en aquest sentit cal ressaltar el treball realitzat des del bisbat a partir dels anys seixanta a través dels casals d'estiu i de les colònies de vacances. / The thesis presents a historical description of the various initiatives in leisure-time education which were carried out in the city of Girona during the current century up to the year 1981. The research begins with the first infant and the junior free-time activities which took place in this city, and analyses more than thirty different initiatives throughout the century until the year 1981, when the Generalitat de Catalunya (regional government of Catalonia) took charge of operations in this sector and formulated the first legislation concerning free-time schools and the training of monitors and head teachers. The historical research is presented in three main chapters which analyze the proposals and activities carried out by government (municipal, provincial, regional or national, the Catholic church (mainly at a diocesan level, but also through some parish initiatives) and civil society, combining in this last category those initiatives proposed by private bodies and by the associative movement. The research is especially focused on summer activities (schools, centers, camps, etc.) and studies, among other things, their aims, their methodological proposals, the training of staff, and the children and young people who participated. The intention is to contribute material which is valid for a deeper reflection on leisure-time education and which will help to configure a small part of the history on non-formal education.

Implementace Filozofie pro děti do oddělení školní družiny / Implementation of Philosophy for Children in an after-school club

DŘEVOVÁ, Šárka January 2018 (has links)
This thesis describes the proces of implementation of selected elements of Philosophy for Children in the activities of an after-school club. Philosophy for Children and the school club are presented in the theoretical part. The case study describes twenty Philosophy for Children sessions carried out in the morning and afternoon school club programme. Furthermore, factors influencing the programme that have been encounte-red during the philosophical sessions are discussed.

Otevřené kluby a jejich místo ve školním vzdělávacím programu DDM

KOČOVSKÁ, Alena January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the master's thesis is to clarify the concept of open clubs. Basic terms connected to an open club are defined in the first part of the thesis. Spontaneous activities and low-threshold approaches are the most important there. The principle of low-threshold approaches are typical also for other institutions, that are registered in law. It concerns low-threshold centres for children and youth. The origin, development, aiming and activities of these centres are described. The thesis explains open activities for young people offered by different leisure time centres. Also open clubs and Salesian centres offer these activities. The last chapter of this part shows basic differences between an open club and a low-threshold centre for children and youth. The second part of the thesis deals with a detailed analysis of the School Education Programme of a chosen centre carrying on an open club. The aim of the research is to find information about the open club in the document and evaluate the extent and the quality of the discovered details.

Vliv některých rodinných okolností na využití volného času dítěte / Impact of Some Family Conditions on a Child´s Free Time Use

MORAVCOVÁ, Markéta January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation is focusing on definitions of some typical features of a family unit and its impact on their child´s free time use. These aspects are for e.g. completeness of the family, child´s status among their brothers and sisters, level of parents´ education and the social strata of parents. The dissertation is divided into theoretical and practical part. In the beginning of the theoretical part the question of family, definition according to the number of members, and other features implicated from the family status are being discussed. Second part concern the free time and children´s education out of school. The theory is followed by purely practical part of my dissertation in which I conduct a research. The main question for my research was if the above mentioned aspects of the family unit can have an impact on the way a child spends their free time. Results of this probe have been concluded and demonstrated by graphs and tables at the end of the dissertation.

L'art comme jeu : pratiques et utopies / Art as play : practices and utopias

Schmitt, Florent 26 September 2015 (has links)
L'art comme jeu n'est pas une simple métaphore. Il correspond à la forme que prennent de nombreuses œuvres d'art notamment les maquettes et miniatures contemporaines et aujourd'hui le jeu est représenté ou mis en scène dans de nombreuses expositions. Cependant l'artiste n'est pas un joueur comme les autres mais un joueur professionnel qui s'oppose à la figure du non-artiste ou de l'artiste amateur défendue par les artistes des avant-gardes qui avaient élevé le jeu au rang d'art. Alors que la consommation de l'art prend la forme d'un divertissement à grande échelle et que l'on assiste à une Disneylandisation des musées, l'art contemporain comme jeu ne semble plus aussi subversif que celui des années soixante. Pourtant l'art comme jeu en tant que modèle et outil de changement social perdure. C'est un art d'attitude, héritier des dernières avant-gardes, se tenant en dehors des frontières habituelles de l'art et réalisant le dépassement souhaité par les situationnistes ou Allan Kaprow. / Art as play is not only a metaphor. It is the particular form of many works of art, especially contemporary models and miniatures. Play itself is nowadays represented or staged in numerous exhibitions. However, the artist is not a player like any other but a professional player in contrast to the figure of the non-artist or amateur artist defended by avant-garde artists who had raised play to the level of art. While the consumption of art takes the form of large-scale entertainment and we witness a Disneylandisation of museums, contemporary art as play no longer seems as subversive as it did in the sixties. Yet art as play as model and tool for social change endures. It is an art of attitude, heir to the last avant-gardes, standing outside the usual boundaries of art and an art that achieves the desired by Allan Kaprow and the Situationists.

Trendy v zájmovém vzdělávání / Trends in the leisure education

Křížková, Ilona January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with current conditions of individual types of the interest education organisations and differences between them within the selected topic. It determines strategies of these organisations and how these strategies will change in the future. The thesis is to find specifics within this type of education. The aim is the analysiss of the current state and development of the free time activities in particular types of organisations. In the theoretical part it is defined what the free time and out-of-school education are. The interest education is defined too, especially the terminology connected with that - types, functions, goals, conditions and methodology. The system of the out-of-school education is described in relation to the age of the child and its particular free time activities and the types of interest education organisations are compared with one another. The directors of free time activity centres, children and youth centres, afterschool clubs and managers of other non-profit organisations have been interviewed to make the list of possible types of institutions and to describe their future development and issues they are dealing with, ways of financing and the education of the children with special educational needs. To reach the goal in the practical part, the...

Vliv diferencí ženských a mužských rolí na spotřební chování / How do differences between roles of men and women influence consumer behavior

Strašáková, Lenka January 2009 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to observe dissimilarities between men and women. My survey is focused on differences among men and women especially in areas of perception of media, spending of free time, relation to some kinds of products and overall position of the men and women in the society. Methods that are used in this thesis are analysis of MML-TGI data, content analysis of television advertisings and interview. Results of all the three methods are summarized and evaluated in the end.

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