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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grass Roots Urbanism: An Overview of the Squatters Movement in West Berlin during the 1970S and 1980S

Kramer, Joshua L. 25 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Le renouveau de l’enseignement artistique en Allemagne après la Seconde Guerre mondiale / The renewal of art education in Germany after World War II / Die Erneuerung der Kuenstlerausbildung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg

Fariat, Axelle 28 October 2013 (has links)
Un ensemble territorial qui a perdu son statut d’État, divisé en quatre zones d’occupation : telle est l’Allemagne d’après 1945. La reconstitution d’un enseignement artistique rentre dans le cadre d’un renouveau général. On peut s’interroger sur son importance dans un contexte éthique, historique et idéologique très difficile. Mais il apparaît qu’il a amené un exceptionnel foisonnement culturel et artistique avec la réouverture de nombreuses institutions supérieures d’art. Certains artistes qui avaient perdu leur droit d’exercer sous le Troisième Reich, acceptent de venir y enseigner. La présente étude s’attache à ceux d’entre-eux qui ont les conceptions pédagogiques et les méthodes les plus innovantes dans onze institutions réparties dans les quatre zones puis en RFA et en RDA. Pour cela, la consultation des archives ainsi qu’une abondante bibliographie ont été complétées par des entretiens avec d’anciens étudiants devenus enseignants et/ou artistes. Ces derniers ont témoigné de l’importance de la relation maître-élève dans la transmission mais également du rôle déterminant de la liberté artistique dont ils ont bénéficié. Ainsi la majorité des artistes allemands, ayant une renommée internationale aujourd’hui, ont étudié dans une ou plusieurs Écoles supérieures d’art ou Académie d’art de la zone orientale ou occidentale d’occupation après 1945. Cette formation constitue un atout essentiel de leur réussite. / Germany after 1945 was a territorial unity that had lost its status as a State and which was divided into four zones of occupation. The program of reform of art education is part of the widespread political and cultural renewal that took place during the subsequent post-War years. The importance of these reforms is a question to consider, with respect to the difficult ethical, historical and ideological context that shaped them. To all appearances, the reopening of many artistic institutions gave birth to an exceptional period of cultural and artistic activity. Indeed, some artists who had lost their right to practice under the Third Reich agreed to come back and teach art at these newly reopened institutions. The present study will focus on those artist-educators who developed the most innovative pedagogical concepts and methods, for example Willi Baumeister (Art Academy in Stuttgart), Karl Otto Götz (Art Academy in Düsseldorf) and Georg Meistermann (Art Academy in Karlsruhe). In total, the group I wish to investigate taught in eleven higher education institutions across all the four occupation zones; their work continued later, in the post-War states, FRG and GDR. My research methodology includes bibliographic research, archival research, and interviews with former students, many of whom have become artist-educators themselves. My correspondents were the benefactors of an extraordinary kind of teacher-student relationship that stressed an attitude of freedom that contrasted strongly with the previous historical period of the mid-1930s to 1945. The vast majority of German artists who now have an international reputation — including Georg Baselitz, Otto Piene, Gerhard Richter, Günter Uecker — studied in one or several higher art schools or art academies in the occupied zones (East or West) after 1945. / Die Etablierung einer institutionellen künstlerischen Ausbildung ist Teil des deutschen Wiederaufbaus nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Die Promotion zeigt diese Entwicklung auf, in der Arbeit untersucht wird die Bedeutung der künstlerischen Ausbildung in ihrem unterschiedlichen ethischen, historischen und ideologischen Kontext. Hinsichtlich der Untersuchung zur Künstlerausbildung in Deutschland nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg muss die Aufteilung Deutschlands in zunächst vier Besatzungszonen und nach 1945 die Teilung Deutschlands in die Bundesrepublik und die Deutsche Demokratische Republik berücksichtigt werden. Viele der während des Dritten Reiches verfolgten und ins Exil geflüchteten Künstler und Kunstpädagogen, kehrten nach Kriegsende nach Deutschland zurück und erhielten einen Lehrauftrag an einer Kunsthochschule oder –akademie. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht innovative pädagogische Konzepte an elf ausgewählten Institutionen. Die Untersuchung basiert auf einer intensiven Literaturrecherche und stützt sich auf Interviews mit ehemaligen Kunststudenten, die später Künstler und/ oder Dozenten werden. Die Interviews zeigen, wie wichtig die Kommunikation zwischen Schüler und Lehrer war und welche Rolle die Idee der künstlerischen Freiheit in ihrer persönlichen Entwicklung gespielt hat. Nach 1945 wurden viele deutsche Künstler, die heute einen international annerkten Ruf genießen, an einer oder mehreren deutschen Kunsthochschulen bzw. Kunstakademien in der östlichen oder westlichen Besatzungszone ausgebildet: Georg Baselitz, Otto Piene, Gerhard Richter, Günter Uecker. Die Ausbildung hat einen wesentlichen Vorteil an ihrem Erfolg.

德意志聯邦共和國在歐洲政治合作中角色之探討(一九六九~一九九二年) / The Roles of Federal Republic of Germany in European Political Cooperation(1969-1992)

陳瓊玉, Chen, Chiung Yu Unknown Date (has links)

Společný tým NDR a SRN na olympijských hrách v Melbourne v roce 1956 / The GDR and FRG olympic team at the Olympic games in Melbourne 1956

Veselková, Ivana January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "The GDR and FRG olympic team at the Olympic games in Melbourne in 1956" describes the process of making the united german team, which has begun in 1955 and which was . Thesis deals with the mutual negotiations of both olympic teams and also describes the goals, which the sport officials and politics were trying to reach during the whole process of making the united team. The next part of the thesis deals with the real experience with the united german team at the summer olympic games in Melbourne in 1956 and also tries to answer the question, whether in reality this united german team was not more or less just two autonomous teams, which only had a few visible symbolic things such as clothes and flag together.

Demystifying the Notion, “the West is better”: A German Oral History Project

Stanek, Jennifer Marie 24 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Innovation durch Konzentration? Schwerpunktbildung und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit im Hochschulwesen der DDR und der Bundesrepublik, 1949-1990

Fraunholz, Uwe, Schramm, Manuel 01 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Německo a (versus) Německo. Vztahy mezi Spolkovou republikou Německo a NDR ve čtyřúhelníku Bonn - Východní Berlín - Praha - Moskva v závěru studené války / Germany and (versus) Germany. The relationships between the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR int he square made of Bonn - East Berlin - Prague - Moscow at the end of the Cold War

Doležal, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The content of this thesis are relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR at the end of the Cold War, specifically in the seven-year period between the beginning of the government of Helmut Kohl and the fall of the Berlin Wall. These relations are described in a wider dimension within a square made of Bonn - Berlin - Prague - Moscow; the basic intention of the work is to create a comprehensive analysis of all important links and transformations not only between the East and West Germany, but also among all actors in defined tetragon. Thesis-conclusions are to a large extent based on the long-term research in Czech and German archives; key documents were found in the archive of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the archive of the former State Security of the GDR. The term inter-German relations is reduced to the area of Deutschlandpolitik - negotiations at the highest level - and given the large scope of reciprocal contacts, they are limited also thematically, while two dimensions are primarily monitored - so called priority axis. The first is the field of economy. Its key importance is framed by two billion-loans granted with a guarantee of the Federal Government of the GDR at the beginning of analysed period, and a total paradigm shift in relations among Bonn - Berlin...

Socioekonomické aspekty integrace cizinců v Německu / Socioeconomic aspects of the integration of immigrants in Germany

Němejc, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
In the last decade, integration of immigrants into the German society has become a major topic in both political and public discussion in Germany. The goal of this paper is to analyze the current state of the main socioeconomic fields of integration in Germany and evaluate the successfulness of government's integration policy. The first chapter of the paper explains the significance of integration and its general principles on the background of selected cultural and economic theories and studies. The second chapter focuses on the historic foundations of integration specific for Germany with an emphasis on the post-war development. The third chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the situation in the main fields of integration and integration policy, i.e. the related legislation, education and working life of immigrants. The analysis makes use of case studies and information acquired during personal interviews with experts on integration.

Innovation durch Konzentration? Schwerpunktbildung und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit im Hochschulwesen der DDR und der Bundesrepublik, 1949-1990: BMBF-Forschungsverbund »Innovationskultur in Deutschland« [Abschlussbericht]

Fraunholz, Uwe, Schramm, Manuel January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Egon Bahr, l'Ostpolitik et la place de l'Allemagne dans un nouvel ordre européen, 1945-1975

Juneau, Jean-François 04 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les conceptions d’Egon Bahr dans le domaine de la politique à l’Est (Ostpolitik) de la République fédérale d’Allemagne (RFA) entre 1945 et 1975. L’analyse se concentre sur le lien entre l’Ostpolitik et l’idée que Bahr se fait de la place et du rôle de l’Allemagne en Europe. Plus précisément, cette étude veut cerner les buts poursuivis par Bahr dans le cadre de la politique orientale. La première partie traite du développement conceptuel de l’Ostpolitik (1945-1969), tandis que la seconde examine sa mise en application entre l’élection de Willy Brandt comme chancelier de la RFA et la conclusion des accords d’Helsinki (1969-1975). Les principales sources utilisées sont les écrits de Bahr ainsi que des documents inédits se trouvant dans divers centres d’archives non seulement en Allemagne, mais aussi aux États-Unis, en France et en Grande-Bretagne. Pour Bahr, l’Ostpolitik ne saurait se résumer à l’élimination des obstacles qui gênent la diplomatie ouest-allemande durant la guerre froide. Bahr poursuit plutôt un projet nationaliste ambitieux dans le contexte des relations avec le bloc soviétique : créer les conditions d’une redéfinition de la place de l’Allemagne en Europe. Pour lui, l’Ostpolitik constitue un instrument idéal pour faire de l’Allemagne la puissance prépondérante dans un nouvel ordre de paix européen. Trois éléments complémentaires participent à l’accomplissement de cette vision : 1) la consolidation de la paix et de la sécurité continentales; 2) la réunification allemande et 3) l’émancipation de la politique étrangère (ouest-)allemande. Cette thèse éclaire la pensée politique de Bahr et contribue à une meilleure compréhension de la signification de l’Ostpolitik dans le contexte plus large de la politique étrangère de la RFA. Les conceptions de Bahr sont uniques dans l’Allemagne de la guerre froide parce qu’elles sont centrées sur les notions de puissance, d’intérêt national et de « normalité ». En même temps, Bahr comprend que la coopération doit toujours rester l’instrument diplomatique privilégié des Allemands vu leur position géographique centrale. À travers le prisme des conceptions de son « architecte », l’Ostpolitik apparaît comme un véritable effort de réconciliation entre la paix en Europe et l’affirmation de l’influence allemande sur la scène internationale. / This thesis deals with Egon Bahr’s understanding of the Federal Republic of Germany’s (FRG) Eastern policy (Ostpolitik) between 1945 and 1975. The analysis is centered on the link between Ostpolitik and Bahr’s conception of Germany’s position and role in the European system. More precisely, this study aims at finding out which goals Bahr pursued in the context of Bonn’s Eastern policy. The first part of the thesis deals with the conceptual development of Ostpolitik (1945-1969). The second part takes a look at its implementation for the period between Willy Brandt’s election as West German Chancellor and the conclusion of the Helsinki Final Act (1969-1975). This thesis relies primarily on Bahr’s writings, including a vast number of unpublished sources, located mostly in German archives, but also in American, French and British archives. According to Bahr, Ostpolitik was not limited to the elimination of West Germany’s burdens in foreign policy during the Cold War. In fact, he pursued an ambitious, nationalistic project in the context of relations with the Soviet bloc. Bahr sought to create the necessary conditions for Germany to redefine its place in Europe. With Ostpolitik as his diplomatic instrument, his ultimate goal was to see Germany become the central power in a new European peace order. Three interrelated objectives formed the core of this vision: 1) the consolidation of peace and security on the continent; 2) German reunification and 3) the emancipation of (West) German foreign policy. This thesis sheds new light on Bahr’s political thought and contributes to a better understanding of Ostpolitik’s significance in the larger context of West German foreign policy. Bahr’s conceptions were unique in Cold War Germany because they were based on notions of power, the national interest and “normality”. At the same time, Bahr understood that Germans, because of their central geographic position, always had to rely on cooperation as the prime instrument of all their diplomatic initiatives. Through its “architect”, Ostpolitik appears as an effort at reconciliation between a peaceful Europe and the unhindered affirmation of German influence in world affairs.

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