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Méthode et outils pour l'identification de défauts des bâtiments connectés performants / Method and tools for fault detection in smart high-performance buildingsJosse, Rozenn 13 November 2017 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse portent sur le développement d’une nouvelle méthodologie pour l’identification de défauts de bâtiments performants et connectés afin d'aider à la garantie de performances. Nous avons dans un premier temps resitué nos travaux dans le contexte énergétique actuel en montrant le rôle majeur des bâtiments dans la réduction des consommations énergétiques. Nous avons ensuite présenté notre méthodologie en argumentant sur les techniques à utiliser avant d’effectuer un choix final. Cette méthodologie se compose de deux blocs principaux : le premier vise à réduire les incertitudes liées à l'occupant et à l'environnement et le second étudie l'écart entre la simulation et la mesure par une analyse de sensibilité couplée à un algorithme bayésien. Nous l'avons ensuite implémentée dans un outil que nous avons nommé REFATEC. Nous avons alors soumis notre méthodologie à différents tests dans des conditions idéales afin d’éprouver sa précision et son temps d’exécution. Cette étape a montré que la méthodologie est efficace mais montre quelques faiblesses dans le cas d’une saison estivale ou d’un défaut très localisé. Enfin, nous l’avons mise en situation face à un cas réel afin de traiter les nombreuses questions que soulèvent l’utilisation de mesures in-situ dans la perspective de la garantie de performances et de la détection de défauts, avec notamment la fiabilité des mesures et les incertitudes encore nombreuses qui doivent être traitées. / This thesis deals with the development of a new methodology for fault detection within smart high-performance buildings helping the performance guarantee. We first have placed our work in the current energy context by focusing on the major role of buildings in the decrease of energy consumption. Then we introduced our methodology and we argued about various techniques that could be used before making a choice. This methodology is made up of two main parts : the former reduces the uncertainties due to the occupant and the environment and the latter studies the gap between simulation and measurements thanks to a sensitivity analysis coupled with a bayesian algorithm. Then we implemented it within a tool that we named REFATEC. We carried out various tests in controlled conditions in order to evaluate its precision and its calculation time. This step showed that our methodology is effective but it has some difficulties when the studied period is during summer or when the faults are very located. is a very located fault. Eventually we confronted our methodology to a real case where we faced numerous questions that appear when dealing with measurements, especially their reliability and the uncertainties that still need to be taken care of, in the perspective of performance guarantee and fault detection.
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[pt] As Medidas Socioeducativas em Meio Aberto, desde sua implementação foram alvo de controvérsias e divergências, com posicionamentos radicalmente opostos, onde se defende a garantia de direitos ou a punição aos adolescentes autores de ato infracional. A dissertação tem como proposta analisar as
argumentações-base que caracterizam estes posicionamentos. Para os que percebem as Medidas Socioeducativas como garantia de direitos, as argumentações utilizadas com frequência levam em consideração o contexto de vida do adolescente em conflito com a lei e o momento do seu ciclo de vida - a
adolescência. Já os que acreditam que as Medidas Socioeducativas favorecem a impunidade aos adolescentes, em geral, se posicionam a favor da redução da maioridade penal e do encarceramento dos adolescentes. Análise foi realizada a partir das diretrizes das normativas em curso, das propostas de Emendas Constitucionais e do contexto de execução da medida socioeducativa em meio aberto, tendo como base uma pesquisa sobre medidas socioeducativas em meio aberto realizada no ano de 2017 junto aos CREAS do município do Rio de Janeiro. / [en] The socio-educational measures in open settings since their implementation have been the subject of controversies and divergences, with radically opposing positions, where one defends the guarantee of rights or the punishment to the adolescents who committed an offence. This dissertation aims to analyze the basic arguments that characterize these positions. For those who perceive socio-educational measures as guarantee of rights, the arguments used frequently take into account the contexts in which the adolescents in conflict with the law live and the moment of their life cycle: adolescence. Those who believe
that socio-educational measures favor impunity for adolescents, in general, are in favor of reducing the penal age and their imprisonment. The analysis was carried out based on the guidelines of current regulations, proposals for Constitutional Amendments and the context of execution of the socio-educational measures in open settings. This will be done using as reference a study which focused on socio-educational measures held in the year 2017 with the Specialized Reference Centers in Social Assistance of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro.
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A mathematical model for managing equity-linked pensionsJulie, Elmerie January 2007 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / Pension fund companies manage and invest large amounts of money on behalf of their members. In return for their contributions, members expect a benefit at termination of their contract. Due to the volatile nature of returns that pension funds attain, pension companies started attaching a minimum guaranteed amount to member’s benefits. In this mini-thesis we look at the pioneering work of Brennan and Schwartz [10] for pricing these minimum guarantees. The model they developed prices these minimum guarantees using option pricing theory. We also look at the model proposed by Deelstra et al. which prices minimum guarantees in a stochastic financial setting. We conclude this mini-thesis with new contributions where we look at simple alternative ways of pricing minimum guarantees. We conclude this mini-thesis with an approach, related to the work of Brennan and Schwartz [10], whereby the member’s benefit is maximised for a given minimum guaranteed amount, which comprises of multi-period guarantees. We formulate a method to find the optimal stream of these multi-period guarantees. / South Africa
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Discrete and continuous time methods of optimization in pension fund managementMuller, Grant Envar January 2010 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Pensions are essentially the only source of income for many retired workers. It is thus critical that the pension fund manager chooses the right type of plan for his/her workers.Every pension scheme follows its own set of rules when calculating the benefits of the fund’s members at retirement. Whichever plan the manager chooses for the members,he/she will have to invest their contributions in the financial market. The manager is therefore faced with the daunting task of selecting the most appropriate investment strat-egy as to maximize the returns from the financial assets. Due to the volatile nature of stock markets, some pension companies have attached minimum guarantees to pension contracts. These guarantees come at a price, but ensure that the member does not suffer
a loss due to poorly performing equities.In this thesis we study four types of mathematical problems in pension fund management,of which three are essentially optimization problems. Firstly, following Blake [5], we show in a discrete time setting how to decompose a pension benefit into a combination of Euro-pean options. We also model the pension plan preferences of workers, sponsors and fund
managers. We make a number of contributions additional to the paper by Blake [5]. In particular, we contribute graphic illustrations of the expected values of the pension fund assets, liabilities and the actuarial surplus processes. In more detail than in the original source, we derive the variance of the assets of a defined benefit pension plan. Secondly,we dedicate Chapter 6 to the problem of minimizing the cost of a minimum guarantee included in defined contribution (DC) pension contracts. Here we work in discrete time and consider multi-period guarantees similar to those in Hipp [25]. This entire chapter is original work. Using a standard optimization method, we propose a strategy that cal- culates an optimal sequence of guarantees that minimizes the sum of the squares of the present value of the total price of the guarantee. Graphic illustrations are included to in-dicate the minimum value and corresponding optimal sequence of guarantees. Thirdly, we
derive an optimal investment strategy for a defined contribution fund with three financial assets in the presence of a minimum guarantee. We work in a continuous time setting and in particular contribute simulations of the dynamics of the short interest rate process and the assets in the financial market of Deelstra et al. [19]. We also derive an optimal investment strategy of the surplus process introduced in Deelstra et al. [19]. The results regarding the surplus are then converted to consider the actual investment portfolio per- taining to the wealth of the fund. We note that the aforementioned paper does not use optimal control theory. In order to illustrate the method of stochastic optimal control, we study a fourth problem by including a discussion of the paper by Devolder et al. [21] in Chapter 3. We enhance the work in the latter paper by including some simulations. The specific portfolio management strategies are applicable to banking as well (and is being
pursued independently).
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Sistemas agroalimentares e sustentabilidade : sistemas de certificação da produção orgânica no Sul do Brasil e na HolandaMendonça, Maria Alice Fernandes Corrêa January 2015 (has links)
Esta tese analisa a sustentabilidade de sistemas agroalimentares, a partir de uma articulação entre os estudos sobre produção de base ecológica e desenvolvimento rural, às pesquisas sobre sistemas agroalimentares e as transições sociotécnicas para a sustentabilidade. Como campo empírico comparou-se dois sistemas certificatórios para a produção orgânica: a) o Sistema Participativo do governo federal brasileiro recentemente implementado (2011), que garante o direito à certificação da produção através da organização social participativa. Estudaram-se duas experiências que estão sendo desenvolvidas no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil; e b) o sistema holandês para implementação do EU Organic Logo que corresponde a um sistema de terceira parte sob a fiscalização exclusiva da empresa holandesa Skal Biocontrole. Estudou-se a experiência dos gardeners, produtores ecológicos em pequena escala. Analisou-se 1) às semelhanças e diferenças na organização da produção orgânica e de base ecológica em cada país e; 2) às dinâmicas e interações organizacionais entre os atores diversos envolvidos com os sistemas certificatórios em experiências localizadas. Os resultados revelaram o comprometimento desses atores com à construção da sustentabilidade agroalimentar em suas múltiplas dimensões: diversidade produtiva; saúde; construção de mercados justos; direito e acesso à terra e água; e soberania alimentar; revelam ainda que os agricultores familiares e produtores orgânicos em pequena escala produtiva, nos dois países, se comprometem com os sistemas certificatórios por razões diversas, não só por uma questão de mercados. Os sistemas participativos de certificação orgânica regulamentados no Brasil contribuem para o reconhecimento da produção em pequena escala e para a governabilidade mais democrática dos circuitos de produção, processamento, distribuição e consumo. Já na Holanda, há pouco benefício dos sistemas certificatórios de terceira parte para os produtores de base ecológica em pequena escala, e há certo abandono da certificação por parte desses produtores. Por fim, conclui-se que a sustentabilidade agroalimentar é construída através prática localizada, e que, no Brasil e na Holanda, os sistemas certificatórios somente contribuem para a sustentabilidade agroalimentar, na medida em que possibilitam aos produtores em pequena escala e agricultores familiares realizem suas práticas e projetos através de um processo de governabilidade multinível dos sistemas agroalimentares. / This thesis fits on studies about sustainability of agrifood systems. It results from an academic effort to associate studies of ecologically based production and rural development, to the research on agrifood systems and the socio-technical transitions towards sustainability. The empirical research relies on two certification systems for organic production: a) the Participatory System recently implemented Brazilian federal government (2011) guarantees the right to certification of production through participatory social organization - data collected from two experiences in Southern of Brazil; and b) the Dutch system for implementation of the EU Organic Logo: corresponds to a third party system under the sole supervision of the Dutch company Skal Biocontrol - data collected from the experience of gardeners, ecological small-scale producers. We carried out a comparative study from field research with certification systems of organic production, taking into account: 1) similarities and differences on the organization of organic and ecologically based production on each country; 2) dynamics and organizational interactions between the various actors involved within certification systems in localized experiences. The results show the commitment of these actors with the construction of the agrifood sustainability in its multiple dimensions: productive diversity; health; fair markets; rights and access to land and water; and food sovereignty. Still, we argued that family farmers and organic farmers in small-scale production in both countries are committed to the certification systems for several reasons, not only for the sake of markets. Further, we argued that the participatory systems regulated in Brazil contribute to the recognition of small-scale production; also to build democratic governance on circuits of production, processing, distribution and consumption. In the Netherlands, the results show little benefit from certification systems of third party to the ecologically-based on small-scale production, and also that there is a tendency to abandon certification by those producers, if no changes take place. Finally, we argued that the agrifood sustainability is built through localized practices, and that, in Brazil and the Netherlands, certification systems only contribute for the food sustainability, while it gives scope to that small-scale producers and farmers conduct their practices and projects through a multilevel governance process of agrifood systems.
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The interaction between property rights and land reform in the new constitutional order in South AfricaErasmus, Johannes 11 1900 (has links)
The introduction of the first democratic Constitution and the land reform programme in South
Africa provided the impetus for the development of a new perception of property. In terms of the
traditional private law perception property rights are reduced to abstract, scientific concepts
which form part of a hierarchical system of rationally and logically related concepts and
definitions, the relationships between which remain largely unaffected by social and political
realities. In this view the constitutional property clause is interpreted as a guarantee of existing
individual property rights against unwarranted state interference. Proponents of the traditional
private law view argue that this perception of property need not be replaced by a new
constitutional perception of property, because the traditional private law perception is legitimated
by the fact that it developed in an uninterrupted, linear line from Roman law. It is regarded as
flexible enough to adapt to new and different social and political circumstances. However, the
truth is that the development of property rights was disrupted by a number of discontinuities or
fundamental breaks in different periods of its development. It is argued in this thesis that the
introduction of the new constitutional order in South Africa can be regarded as another of these
discontinuities, and that the strict adherence to the private law perception of property may be
abandoned in favour of a new debate on property where the social and political function of
property is emphasised more strongly.
Land reform promotes the public interest in that it ensures the equitable use, distribution and
exploitation of property. In most cases the implementation of land reform necessitates the
limitation of property rights. A conservative judiciary's adherence to the traditional private law
perception of property may lead to a constitutional conflict between the judiciary (that aims to
afford existing property rights strong constitutional protection) and the legislature (that aims to
promote the public interest by implementing land reform). Such a constitutional conflict can be
avoided if the South African courts adopt an approach in terms of which the social and political
role and function of property in society is recognised. / Private Law / LL.D.
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Pojištění odpovědnosti za škodu způsobenou provozem vozidla / Liability Insurance for Use of Road VehiclesPROCHÁZKOVÁ, Lada January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on liability for damage caused by vehicles with emphasis on the settlement of claims in nestadradních cases. Work maps ensure the process of liquidation in the event of damage caused by an uninsured vehicle, or vehicle insured by a foreign insurer. The aim is to assess practices and their effectiveness due to the victim.
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O microssistema jurídico de tutela da moralidade pública: a Constituição Federal de 1988 e o garantismo como vetores ordenadoresTravessa, Júlia Lordêlo dos Reis 10 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Valéria de Jesus Moura (anavaleria_131@hotmail.com) on 2018-08-22T16:24:43Z
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JÚLIA LORDÊLO DOS REIS TRAVESSA.pdf: 1355925 bytes, checksum: 3c775cf402dc2023d4500d9872b2b132 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Valéria de Jesus Moura (anavaleria_131@hotmail.com) on 2018-08-22T16:24:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
JÚLIA LORDÊLO DOS REIS TRAVESSA.pdf: 1355925 bytes, checksum: 3c775cf402dc2023d4500d9872b2b132 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T16:24:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
JÚLIA LORDÊLO DOS REIS TRAVESSA.pdf: 1355925 bytes, checksum: 3c775cf402dc2023d4500d9872b2b132 (MD5) / A proteção da moralidade pública não é recente no Direito Brasileiro, sendo bem jurídico recorrente tanto no âmbito constitucional quanto legal, porém de pouca ou nenhuma efetividade em refrear lesões cíveis, administrativas e penais. Neste contexto, é promulgada a Constituição Federal de 1988, profundamente ligada à dignidade humana, e eminentemente voltada, portanto, para uma compreensão do Estado como realizador da dignidade humana. As inúmeras ferramentas protetoras das diversas dimensões da dignidade humana, dentre elas a moralidade pública, trazidas pela Constituição Federal de 1988 evidenciam uma compreensão de estruturação sistêmica do ordenamento jurídico conforme valores e princípios direcionados à valorização da pessoa humana. Esta dissertação, assim, fundada na metodologia indutivo-dedutiva e na compreensão sistêmica de unidade axiológica de Canaris, busca consolidar a existência do microssistema jurídico de tutela da moralidade público como o mais adequado para uma tutela jurídica legítima e que efetivamente cumpra a promessa de tutela jurídica. / The protection of public morality is not recent in Brazilian law, receiving constitutional and infraconstitutional protection, but these legal rules (civil, administrative and criminal) haven’t been of much efficiency. In this context, comes the Federal Constitution of 1988, deeply linked to human dignity, and eminently directed, therefore, to an understanding of the state as a provider of human dignity. The numerous legal protective tools of the various dimensions of human dignity, among them the public morality, brought by the Federal constitution of 1988, makes a systemic structure around the values and principles of human dignity. This dissertation, then, based on the inductive-deductive methodology and in the systemic comprehension of Canaris that the neoconstitutional Constitution builds an axiological unit, seeks to consolidate the existence of a valid legal microsystem of the tutelage of public morality as the most appropriate legal instrument legitimated to fulfill the legal promise of protection of the public morality.
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Agenda única de saúde: a busca do acesso universal e a garantia do direito à saúde / Single health agenda: the pursuit of universal access and guarantee the right to healthRegina Lúcia Dodds Bomfim 30 April 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho visa identificar os determinantes da ampliação de demandas judiciais contra os gestores do SUS. Em sua maioria (85%) relacionam-se ao fornecimento de medicamentos e são geradas, no âmbito do Judiciário, pelo entendimento daquele órgão que o Poder Público está descumprindo o direito à saúde constitucionalmente adquirido. Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica acerca de sistemas nacionais de saúde com princípios constitutivos básicos semelhantes aos do SUS, tendo sido selecionados o Canadá, Colômbia e Espanha. O objetivo foi
observar se àqueles sistemas apresentam as dificuldades experimentadas pelo SUS, ou se existe, no sistema nacional, alguma peculiaridade. Foram analisados os artigos da Constituição de 1988 relativos à saúde, observando-se em vários deles pouca clareza na descrição de conceitos que parecem dar margem a múltiplos entendimentos dos atores envolvidos com a implementação do SUS. Desenvolveuse
uma pesquisa quali-quantitativa: o 1 componente foi realizado por meio de entrevistas com atores chave, representantes do Executivo, Legislativo, Judiciário, Órgãos de Classe, Conselhos de Saúde e Gestores. A etapa quantitativa foi realizada a partir da coleta, sistematização e análise de dados acerca das demandas judiciais chegadas aos gestores do SUS localizados no Rio de Janeiro (SMS, SESDEC e NERJ). Os entendimentos dos entrevistados mostraram-se muito distintos e bastante relacionados com seus locais de atuação. Foi observado que o
Judiciário, grosso modo, ratifica as prescrições médicas, determinando aos gestores, tornados réus, o fornecimento de produtos de saúde que vão desde os medicamentos essenciais até os de dispensação excepcional e mesmo, algumas substâncias importadas. As liminares não atendem as padronizações definidas pelas Políticas Nacionais de Assistência Farmacêutica, nem as que dizem respeito às relações pactuadas entre os gestores nem a responsabilização existente por nível
de gestão. Tais questões têm gerado um tensionamento permanente entre o Executivo da saúde, Judiciário e população, uma vez que o cumprimento das determinações judiciais representa, para o gestor, uma necessidade de realocação
orçamentária para a aquisição de medicamentos não planejados, que pode determinar a não realização de ações programáticas prioritárias. Parece que estas ações do Judiciário, ainda que legítimas, não necessariamente favorecem a equidade de acesso ao SUS. Por último, foram definidos 3 núcleos causais para a ampliação das demandas judiciais de saúde: o 1, derivado da pouca clareza de alguns conceitos constitucionais determinada pela falta de consenso político quando dos trabalhos da ANC, que deixaram estas definições para regulamentações posteriores, que não ocorreram; o 2, representado pela não contestação da maior parcela das prescrições médicas, pelo Judiciário, o que parece demonstrar o poder das profissões, medicina e direito, e, a inexistência de regulação do exercício profissional pelo Estado e o 3, determinado pela pouca articulação no SUS entre a gestão financeira e da atenção à saúde, o que parece impedir que os gestores atuem como protagonistas destas situações, deixando de promover articulações entre os Poderes do Estado, Instituições, Órgãos de Classe e a sociedade para definição de estratégias comuns voltadas à resolução dos problemas apontados neste estudo. / The objective of this study is to identify the increase of the judicial demands against the managers of SUS (Unified Health System). Most of them (85%) are related with medicines supply and generated by Judiciary beliefs that the Government is not serving the right to health constitutionally acquired. A bibliographical revision concerning national systems of health with basic principles similar to SUS was made. The countries selected were Canada, Colombia and Spain. The objective was to observe if the difficulties experienced by SUS exists in those systems or if it is a brazilian peculiarity. The articles of 1988 Brazilian Magna Law related to Health were analyzed and it was possible to observe that, in many of them, there is not a clear definition of concepts, allowing multiple interpretations from
the party involved in SUS implementation. A qualitative and quantitative research was developed: the first component was carried through by interviews with key representants from the Executive, Legislative, Judiciary, Professional Classes, Health
Consil and Managers. The quantitative stage was carried through collection, systematization and analysis of data concerning the judicial processes against the managers of SUS located in Rio de Janeiro (SMS, SESDEC and NERJ). The
understandings of interviewed people are very diverse and related to their working area. It was observed that the Judiciary ratifies the medical prescriptions, determining managers to supply health products, essential medicines or the ones of exceptionally use, even imported substances. The judicial decisions do not attend the standard of Pharmaceutical Assistance Politics definitions, nor the ones about the relations
agreed between the managers, nor the management level responsibility. Such problems are causing a permanent tension between Health Executive, Judiciary and population, once the compliance of judicial decisions represents the budget replacement to purchase a not planned medicine, which can represent not accomplishing priority actions. It seems that these judicial decisions, despite its legitimate, do not help the equal access to SUS. Finally, it was defined 3 causes to
the increase of the judicial health demands: 1st is born from the poor clarity of some constitutional concepts, determinated by the lack of political agreements among parliament members at the ANC, living for posterior definition, never achieved; 2nd not
represented by the plea of the biggest medical lapsing but by the Judiciary, seemingly to demonstrate the power of every profession (medical and judiciary) and inexistence of regulations as, for instance, happens in the Canadian system; 3rd the
lack of links in the SUS between the financial management and care for health itself. It seems to hind the managers actions as protagonists of such situations.
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Sistema de garantia de direitos de crianças e adolescentesOliveira, Cristina Chaves de 28 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2016-02-02T13:56:09Z
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arquivototal.pdf: 4499040 bytes, checksum: 174d886caa560bec5f562d3a5991b52e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-02T13:56:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
arquivototal.pdf: 4499040 bytes, checksum: 174d886caa560bec5f562d3a5991b52e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-08-28 / The present work is an attempt of analysing local networks that protect children and teenagers
and Forum DCA, articulated around the Remar, and also the role of civil society in
strengthening the Rights Guarantee System of children and teenagers in João Pessoa - PB. We
are trying to understand the new role of the modern state and its political, economic and social
principles. To punctuate these concepts consider the classical authors of politics and of the
bourgeois state and critical authors of the hegemonic mode of production, as well as those of
modern politics. We try to understand the contradictory dynamics of children and teenagers
human highs based in the analyses of the analysis of the inequality conditions which
happened in the historical process of formation of Brazilian society, and the process of
democratization that has made public politics viable, with the guarantee of citizenship and
participation of civil society as a co - participant in the whole process. Children and teenagers
human rights were institutionalized with the recognition of the International Convention on
the Rights of Children and teenagers that was responsible for their full protection in national
instrument with the inclusion in the Constitution and in the formulation of the Children and
teenagers statute. In order to understand the process of reaffirmation of these rights, important
points that made up children and teenagers political rights will be analyzed, from the view of
theoretical an methodological conception of rights guarantee system, considerering its
systemic origins and the conceptions from those who were interviewed in this process, based
on reality the hey point of debate is due to RESOLUTION No. 113/2006 CONANDA that "
Provides for the parameters for the institutionalization and strengthening of Guarantee System
of the Rights of the Child and Teenagers" (Brasil , 2006). Field research has prioritized the
representatives of civil society networks and our research process since the beginning was
made from the contacts that were straitened in child and teenagers movements, allowing a
perception of the process of intervention of civil society along with spaces for political
participation and the contradictory relations between civil society and public power elements. / O presente estudo tem como objeto refletir a atuação das redes locais, redes de proteção de
crianças e adolescentes e o Fórum DCA, articuladas em torno da REMAR, e o papel da
sociedade civil no fortalecimento do Sistema de Garantia de Direitos de crianças e
adolescentes, no município de João Pessoa-PB. Buscamos compreender a nova função do
Estado moderno e seus princípios políticos, econômicos e sociais. Para pontuar essas
concepções consideramos os referenciais clássicos da política e do Estado burguês e autores
críticos do modo de produção hegemônico e da formulação da política moderna. Buscamos
compreender a dinâmica contraditória dos direitos humanos de crianças e adolescentes tendo
como base as analises das condições de desigualdade postas no processo histórico de
formação da sociedade brasileira e o processo de redemocratização, a partir da viabilidade das
políticas públicas, com a garantia do direito de cidadania e a participação da sociedade civil
enquanto coparticipante desse processo. Os direitos humanos de crianças e adolescentes
institucionalizou com o reconhecimento da Convenção Internacional sobre os Direitos das
Crianças e Adolescentes e da inclusão do pressuposto da proteção integral no instrumento
nacional, na Constituição Federal e na formulação do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente.
Para compreender o processo de reafirmação desses direitos buscamos analisar diversos
pontos e elementos que compõe a política de direitos de crianças e adolescentes a partir das
concepções teórico-metodológicas do Sistema de Garantia de Direitos, considerando sua
origem sistêmica e as concepções dos entrevistados nesse processo, de acordo com a
realidade. O ponto chave do debate se faz em recorrência da RESOLUÇÃO Nº 113/2006 do
CONANDA que “Dispõe sobre os parâmetros para a institucionalização e fortalecimento do
Sistema de Garantia dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente” (Brasil, 2006). O campo de
pesquisa priorizou os representantes da sociedade civil nas redes e o nosso processo de
pesquisa se deu a partir dos contatos estreitados nos movimentos de criança e adolescente,
permitindo uma percepção do processo de intervenção da sociedade civil junto aos espaços de
participação política e dos elementos contraditórios das relações entre sociedade civil e poder
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