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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

無形資產典當模式之可行性分析 / Feasibility analysis of intangible asset pawn model

羅士翔, Lo, Shih Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技的進步、無形資產佔公司企業比重日益漸增,逐漸取代傳統有形資產主導地位,並成為企業最具競爭力及影響力的資產。從總體角度來看,越來越多的國家將無形資產視為衡量國際競爭力的重要指標,但由於無形資產的特殊性,從開發到經營保護皆須有技術與財務審查且離不開大量的資金投入,但在傳統融資方式加上無形資產交易成本高、價值不易評估等特性下,較不易通過銀行業融資渠道獲取足夠資金。因此本研究探討無形資產在具備哪些條件下,有可能借鏡有形資產典當之模式獲取資金,並解決中小企業以及新興產業的融資問題。 本研究藉由對當鋪、上海擔保公司、上海個案企業這三方面的訪談與分析,一方面使本研究在無形資產質押典當模式上更加透析,另一方面也提供給相關研究領域文獻資料,同時也了解大陸在無形資產融資質押過程中會考慮哪些因素,又如何採取適當的管道方式妥善解決。 / With the progress of science and technology, intangible assets have been playing a more important role in business sector, competing the significance with tangible assets and becoming one of the most powerful assets of companies. From a macro perspective, more and more countries have referred intangible assets to an index of evaluating global competitiveness. However, it takes huge investment from developing to managing intangible assets. Since their high transaction costs as well as difficulties of evaluation, it is not easy to get enough capital through current banking system. Therefore, this thesis is discussing about under what conditions companies could finance for intangible assets via similar pathways as pawning tangible assets. The study has conducted interviews and analysis of pawnshops, two case companies and one guarantee company in Shanghai. On one hand, this study gives a clearer picture on the model of intangible asset pledge; on the other hand, it provides a better understanding about the required factors, process, and solutions of intangible asset pledge in China for further related studying.

Srovnání platebních zajišťovacích instrumentů používaných v zahraničním obchodě / Comparison of hedging instruments in international trade

Štrossová, Šárka January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is divided into two parts -- theoretical and practical. In first part hedging instruments, namely the Letter of Credit, Documentary Collection, Bill of Exchange, Factoring, Forfaiting and Bank Guarantee are analyzed. The aim of analysis is to describe the basic characteristics of instruments and course of these instruments. Subsequently, the instruments are compared to each other on the basis of the advantages and disadvatages they bring to participants. The next part is devoted to an analysis of charges associated with the use of particular hedging instruments in selected banks and the comparison of instruments based on selected criteria. The specific use of the hedging instrument is shown in the case study.

Collective bargaining in Peru: the hyper-decentralization and its many drawbacks / La negociación colectiva en el Perú: la hiperdescentralización y sus múltiples inconvenientes

Villavicencio Ríos, Alfredo 10 April 2018 (has links)
In Latin America, most countries have a decentralized bargainingstructure that is in the company’s main area of negotiation and different from the warranty obligations and promotion deriving from the new Latin American constitutionalism emerged after the fall of dictatorships in the last quarter of the past century. In Peru, the legislative option enforces a hyper- decentralized model that has restricted maximum coverage and effectiveness of the collective protection. Therefore, the state regulation referred to the articulated collective bargaining is not complete because it ignores issues such as the legal nature of the instruments of juncture, the framework agreements, their effectiveness, etc.The weakness of the collective protection has transcended the specific field of business and questions the social, economic and political balances that underpin the constitutional rule of law. / En América Latina la mayoría de países cuenta con una estructura negocial descentralizada que tiene en la empresa el principal ámbito de negociación y contrasta con las obligaciones de garantía y fomento que se derivan del nuevo constitucionalismo latinoamericano surgido tras la caída de las dictaduras en el último cuarto del siglo pasado. En el Perú la opción legislativa impone un modelo hiperdescentralizado que ha restringido al máximo la cobertura y eficacia de la tutela colectiva. Por su parte, la regulación estatal referida a la negociación colectiva articulada no resulta completa ya que deja de lado temas como la naturaleza jurídica de los instrumentos de articulación, los ámbitos de los acuerdos marco, su eficacia, entre otros.La debilidad de la tutela colectiva ha trascendido el ámbito específico de la empresa y pone en cuestión los equilibrios sociales, económicos y políticos que sustentan al Estado constitucional de derecho.

Aplikace fuzzy logiky při výběrů dodavatele / The Application of Fuzzy Logic for the Choice of Supplier

Remeš, Filip January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis employs modern analysing and simulating methods. It enables the application of fuzzy logic in supplier selection and evaluation of its potential risks to construction companies. This work is aimed at defining the problem and determining the overall and particular goals, namely theoretical description of the principle of used artificial intelligence theory, problem description and analysis, current situation as-sessment, proposed solution implementation and evaluation of proposed solution con-tribution.

A study of optimizing the Processing time for Building permits : Study Case: Tyresö municipality

Alizadeh Amirbeigi, Sara January 2013 (has links)
There are rules in urban development and the construction industry, which encourages organizations to work according to standards and approved codes. For example: it is required by law for all property owners to apply and obtain a permit in order to carry out an action in construction building. Often, the permit process takes a great deal of time to process.   Currently, there is a lack of constructional project for residential buildings in Stockholm region, and there is critique toward the municipalities for having a long processing time for reviewing building permits. This study is about ways to optimize the processing time for building permits. As a first step, it was important to study parameters, which maximizes the quality and efficiency. Since, time is often one of the restricted factors in urban development, optimizing the processing time issuing a construction permit can be one of the quality elements in service oriented business organizations like a municipality.   This study aims to analyze the building permit processing time, and investigate different factors that have influence on it. The case for this was Tyresö municipality, a municipality with approximately 45 000 inhabitants in the south east of the Stockholm region. Required information has been developed based on interviews with the municipality's personnel and professional construction developer who have applied for building permit in Tyresö region. In addition, previous reports, statistics, and cases from the municipality archive have been used to identify important concepts as empirical material.   Long processing time is a current existing problem in many municipalities. A service oriented organization like a municipality should try to increase clients’ satisfaction by a continual and proper communication with public. The municipality can identify the costumer needs and expectations and improve the quality efficiency by communication. Optimizing of processing time in the building permit cases is one of the issues of process optimization that can increase customer satisfaction. Using Total Quality Management strategy in the organization, help the municipality to optimize the processing time continuously. It means quality improvement and leads to long term costumer satisfaction. Since functional team develops solutions to problems in TQM style it often shortens the time taken to produce services. The focus of this management style is on importance of the relationship between costumer and organization and it is directly linked to their communication.   By service guarantee as a tool, municipality which is a politically governed organization makes assurance for public as its costumer to provide community services with proper quality. A well defined service Guarantee has been contributed the improving quality of the services. It helps the planning and building department of municipality to increase the costumer satisfaction and attract more building developer to invest in the municipality region. / Lagar och regler är till för att ha ett väl fungerande samhälle. Samma sak gäller inom samhälls- och stadsutveckling, då regelverk och normer styr utvecklingen. Ett exempel är att bygglov behövs för den som vill bygga. Handläggningstiden för bygglov ingår allt som oftast i planeringstiden för byggnation, och handläggningstiden kan ibland dra ut på tiden.   För närvarande har kommunernas handläggningstid av bygglovsärenden fått massiv kritik. För att komma till rätta med problemet, och korta handläggningstiderna, måste kommunerna identifiera de kritiska parametrarna som kan bidra till effektivare processer. Då tid är oftast en viktig faktor, kan tidsoptimering vara ett sätt att få höja kvaliteten och effektiviteten, speciellt i en serviceorienterad organisation, liksom kommun.   Denna studie syftar till att undersöka, identifiera och analysera de faktorer som påverkar handläggningstiden för bygglov. Undersökningen har utförts på Tyresökommun, en kommun med omkring 45 000 innevånare som ligger i sydöstra Stockholmsregionen. Studien är baserad på intervjuer av de anställda på bygglovsenheten samt de ansökande. Även äldre ärenden i kommunens arkiv har analyserats, för att få ett bättre underlag i den här studien.    De långa handläggningstiderna är ett av större problem kommunerna dras med, något som även gäller Tyresö kommun. Med en kontinuerlig och bättre kommunikation med de bygglovssökande identifieras behov och förväntningar vilket leder till mer effektiviserad handläggningstid. Denna handläggningstidsoptimering är en åtgärd för att sträva efter en optimerad process. Genom att identifiera problemen och använda sig av en Total Quality Management-strategi kan kommunen optimera handläggningstiden kontinuerligt som utmynnar till kvalitetsförbättringar och större kundnöjdhet. Enligt TQM är handläggarnas utveckling av problemlösningar en orsak till kortare handläggningstid. Relationen mellan kunden och organisationen är av stort betydelse i det här ledarskapet och är kopplad till en direkt kommunikation dessa emellan. Vilket betyder sökande som kund samt kommunen som en organisation skall föra en kontinuerlig kommunikation enl. TQM.   Med servicegaranti som ett verktyg kan kommunen utlova tjänster med anständiga kvaliteter. Välutvecklad servicegaranti bidrar till en förbättrad tjänstekvalitet och kortare handläggningstid. Detta medför en förhöjd kundnöjdhet och lockar fler bygginvesterare till regionen.

Vliv bankovních produktů na cenu stavby z pohledu dodavatele / The Influence of Banking Products to Construction Cost From the Suppliers' Perspective.

Jůn, Ladislav January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the determination of fees for banking services and their proportion of the total cost of realization work. The theoretical part is zoomed in terms of supplier orders from the search for a recording contract for work that is described in detail. Furthermore, have been clarified the methods of determining bid price of construction, as construction is financed. The following is analysis of banking products that relate to construction contracts, what is their purpose, what is their price. The practical part is focused on the financial costs of several construction companies and their analysis. The last is a specific contract, which is described from the point of view gradually accruing costs.

Формирование инвестиционной активности региона как фактор пространственного развития : магистерская диссертация / Formation of investment activity of the region as a factor of spatial development

Рыженькина, Н. В., Ryzhenkina, N. V. January 2021 (has links)
В магистерской диссертации проанализированы проблемы и методические основы концепции пространственного развития. Разработаны рекомендации к внедрению в инвестиционную политику региона. / The master's thesis analyzes the problems and methodological foundations of the spatial development. Recommendations for implementation in the investment policy of the region have been developed.

The creation of a democratic food certification : How the Slow Food Participatory Guarantee System attempts to defend local food systems and traditions / Kampen för att skapa mer demokratiska matcertifieringssystem: : Bevarandetav lokala mattraditioner genom Slow Food Presidias deltagande garantisystem.

Borrelli, Greta January 2021 (has links)
This thesis explores if and how an alternative certification system for agricultural products, the Participatory Guarantee System (PGS), could support small-scale farmers to preserve and promote biocultural and food heritage, linked to the landscape they inhabit, their identity as farmers and traditional knowledge. The PGS has been identified by Slow Food as an efficient low-cost and local 'bottom-up' quality assurance system, in order to develop their Presidia project and to re-embed agricultural productions within their traditional socio-ecological contexts. Small-holder farmers all over the world encounter problems in accessing conventional certification systems because of their complexity and strict quality compliance standards, which tend to marginalize this category of producers. I have critically analyzed the extent to which actors and stakeholders agree with the PGS core principles and if, and how, a well-formulated PGS certification can be regarded as a democratic process which fulfils its broader goals. In order to re-structure society from an agri-food perspective, towards a more democratic governance, the core problem lays in how standards and certifications are formed, assessed and applied. The crux of this study is to examine the degree to which a different type of governance, such as the PGS, can induce democratic and participatory methods of food certification. I have conducted semi-structured interviews with various local actors who belong to the social field of alternative food productions underneath the umbrella of Slow Food. Here I investigate the social dimension, the debate and comprehension of the PGS, and the concept of Governmentality by Foucault, as applied to Presidia. In the thesis I show that the PGS provide social benefits to local communities that undergo this certification process. The PGS is able to contribute to the creation of solidarity among actors within the food system, designing a transparent certification system against the logic of commodification.


JONAS CALDARA PELAJO 13 August 2024 (has links)
[pt] Na última década, o setor elétrico brasileiro tem enfrentado desafios regulatórios e operacionais devido à necessidade de adaptação às mudanças na matriz elétrica, que apresenta uma participação crescente de energias renováveis intermitentes, como a solar fotovoltaica e a eólica. Além disso, restrições sociais e ambientais para a construção de novos reservatórios hidrelétricos exigem o desenvolvimento de novos modelos para a gestão do risco hidrológico. Esta tese é composta por quatro estudos e tem como objetivo desenvolver modelos de apoio à decisão que contribuam para a gestão do sistema interligado nacional e para a otimização de processos relevantes do setor, considerando o cenário atual. O primeiro estudo, ao definir uma metodologia de acesso aos parâmetros do funcional ECP_G, contribui para a inovação e o aprimoramento de modelos teóricos, com resultados práticos para o setor. O segundo estudo contribui para o processo de sazonalização da garantia física e revela uma estratégia ótima que maximiza simultaneamente os resultados dos agentes geradores, prevenindo reduções nos payoffs resultantes de movimentos individuais de concorrentes. O terceiro estudo propõe um modelo de otimização de portfólio de comercialização, que permite aos agentes uma exposição adequada ao risco, contribuindo para uma gestão comercial mais eficiente. Finalmente, o quarto estudo apresenta um modelo de operação de uma bolsa de futuros de energia, fornecendo informações relevantes para agentes interessados em implementar um empreendimento desse tipo no Brasil, que ainda não possui uma bolsa de futuros de energia. / [en] In the last decade, the Brazilian electricity sector has faced regulatory and operational challenges due to the need to adapt to changes in the energy matrix, which shows a growing share of intermittent renewable energies, such as solar photovoltaic and wind energy. Additionally, social and environmental restrictions on the construction of new hydroelectric reservoirs require the development of new models for hydrological risk management. This thesis comprises four studies and aims to develop decision support models that contribute to the management of the national interconnected system and the optimization of relevant processes in the sector, considering the current scenario. The first study, by defining a methodology for accessing the parameters of the ECP_G functional, contributes to the innovation and improvement of theoretical models, with practical results for the sector. The second study contributes to the process of seasonalizing the physical guarantee and reveals an optimal strategy that simultaneously maximizes the results of generating agents, preventing reductions in payoffs resulting from individual movements of competitors. The third study proposes a commercialization portfolio optimization model, which allows agents to adequately expose themselves to risk, contributing to more efficient commercial management. Finally, the fourth study presents an operational model for an energy futures clearing house, offering valuable insights for stakeholders interested in establishing such a project in Brazil, where no energy futures clearing house currently exists.

La responsabilité sans fait en droit administratif français / Liability without act in french administrative law

Leleu, Thibaut 23 November 2012 (has links)
La responsabilité publique évolue et de nombreux régimes d’indemnisation ne trouvent pas leur place dans la grille de lecture habituelle de cette matière. Pour remédier à ce problème, la thèse propose de créer une nouvelle catégorie juridique : la responsabilité sans fait. Celle-ci regroupe les régimes de responsabilité publique dans lesquels la victime est dispensée d’apporter la preuve d’un fait générateur imputable au responsable. Vingt régimes très divers y sont actuellement classés. Leur analyse permet de comprendre l’évolution historique de la responsabilité sans fait. La création de la responsabilité sans fait produit trois types de conséquences qu’il faut étudier. D’abord, elle joue un rôle particulier dans l’indemnisation des victimes. Ensuite, elle exerce une influence sur les catégories actuelles de la responsabilité publique que sont la responsabilité pour faute et la responsabilité sans faute. Enfin, elle est le point de départ d’une recomposition de l’architecture de la responsabilité publique. En effet, cette matière peut être présentée grâce à la distinction responsabilité pour fait / responsabilité sans fait. / Public liability evolves and a lot of systems of compensation cannot be filed in the usual classification of this field. To remedy this problem, the thesis suggests creating a new legal category: liability without act. This one contains systems of public liability within which the victim is exempt from proving an act imputable to the person responsible. Twenty very different systems are presently filed there. Their analysis makes understanding of historical evolution of liability without act possible. The creation of liability without act produces three types of consequences which must be considered. First, it plays a particular part in compensation for victims. Second, it affects present categories of public liability which are fault-based liability and liability without fault. Finally, it is the beginning of a reconstruction of the structure of public liability. In fact, this field can be presented thanks to the distinction fact-based liability / liability without act.

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