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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gender and sexual health: Applying gender role theory to men and women’s intention to engage in sexual health information seeking behaviors

Tabaac, Ariella R 01 January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of the present study is to examine the pathways between gender and behavioral intention to engage in sexual HISB through application of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). It was found that feminine and masculine gender role stress differentially influence perceived behavioral control and behavioral attitudes, and that intention to engage in HISB was higher among women than men. Attitudes and PBC significantly predicted behavioral intention in this model. Further, women in the sample were more likely to search for sexual health information, with online sources being the most frequently reported resource. Additionally, past HISB was a significant predictor of sexual health literacy, eHealth literacy, and sexual health knowledge. These findings indicate that gender role stress may play a role in the maintenance of attitudes and perceived behavioral control about sexual health information seeking behaviors, and that HISB in general is higher among women.

Význam mužských vzorů v dospívání: příspěvek k mužské psychologii / The importance of male role models in adolescence: Contribution to male psychology

Pašek, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The master thesis, "The significance of male role models in adolescence: Contribution to male psychology" focuses on knowledges of social sciences of the concept of masculinity. The thesis emphasizes male role models and their significance for the process of male identity development in adolescence and emerging adulthood. The theoretical part is divided into four main chapters. The first chapter describes terms of gender, patriarchy and mens crisis and makes preliminary frame of the whole text. The second chapter presents biological, social and psychological aspects of masculinity. The third chapter pursues socialization process and its gender aspects in two following periods - adolescence and emerging adulthood. The forth, fundamental, chapter is dedicated to male rites of passage and male role models and their psychological significance. The empirical part describes the qualitative research procedure - the maping study including six adult males at the age of around thirty. Semi-structured interviews and subsequent analysis illustrate selected phenomenons related to masculinity, male role and male role models without a claim for any generalization.

Håller unga vuxna män käften? : En kvalitativ studie om yrkesprofessionellas erfarenheter av arbete med maskulinitetsnormer och psykisk ohälsa hos unga vuxna män.

Johansson, Tobias, Pero, Anders January 2019 (has links)
Studiens ambition har varit att undersöka hur universitetskuratorer och frivårdsinspektörer arbetar med unga vuxna män avseende rådande samhälleliga maskulinitetsnormer och dess eventuella koppling till unga vuxna mäns (18–25 år) psykiska ohälsa samt undersöka det professionella kunskapsläget gällande detsamma. I studien har sju kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med fyra frivårdsinspektörer och tre universitetskuratorer. Empirin har analyserats tematiskt där yrkesgrupperna har analyserats separat, men även tillsammans för att tydliggöra eventuella likheter och skillnader. Resultaten i studien ger indikationer på att de frivårdsinspektörer som intervjuats arbetar med delar av begreppet maskulinitetsnormer i större utsträckning än universitetskuratorerna. Gemensamt framkom även indikationer på att utökad forskning och kunskap om unga vuxna män, maskulinitetsnormer och dess eventuella koppling till psykisk ohälsa, potentiellt skulle kunna bidra positivt inom det operativa, professionella sociala arbetsfältet för de yrkesprofessionella som arbetar med unga vuxna män. / <p>2019-01-17</p>

Musical Participation By Boys: The Role of Gender in the Choice of Musical Activities By Males in Australian Schools

Harrison, Scott D., n/a January 2004 (has links)
This thesis seeks to examine the relationship between gender and musical participation by boys. The problem of males' non-participation in certain musical activities has been the subject of research for many years. This thesis considers some of the issues in relation to this phenomenon. The notion of gender is discussed. Historical and contemporary perspectives in stereotyping are investigated to determine the extent of the problem, with a view to enhancing the experience of boys in musical endeavours. There are no studies of this nature in existence in Australia and the existing research from other western cultures, while providing some basis, cannot be directly applied to this setting. Furthermore, existing studies have not brought about significant change in the gender order in music education. This project seeks to address these shortcomings. Masculinity in Australia is examined, with particular emphasis on the effects of hegemonic masculinity on those who do not fit this stereotype. Issues of bullying, depression and suicide are addressed. Empirical and sociological studies are re-examined in the light of more recent thought on the subject, particularly with regard to the possible causes of non-participation in singing and playing of certain instruments. The extent to which stereotyping of musical activities exists in Australian schools is reviewed through a series of studies of participation and literature. A number of subjects are interviewed to discover some of the reasons behind the choice of particular instruments. The thesis concludes with some perspectives arising from recent case studies of schools that have, to some extent, overcome some of the gender issues raised in earlier discussion. Constructs of masculinity and femininity effect musical participation in Australian schools and the extent of this effect is examined in this thesis.

國民中學校長性別角色、轉換型領導與學校效能關係之研究 / The study of relationships among pricipals' gender role, transformational leadership, and school effectiveness in Taiwan's junior high school

林蕙質, Lin, Hui-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,傳統性別角色刻板印象的框限,造成兩性資源分配的不當,女性在職場中多數扮演從屬的角色。以國民中學而言:女性教師是校園的多數,卻面臨校長大多為男性的結構性特色。有感於兩性平權逐漸成為公共論述的重要議題及兩性平等教育正在各級學校中深耕,本研究試著從國中校長的性別、性別角色出發,探索其與領導型態、學校效能之間的相關性,期能有深度的發現並能於研究過程中獲致深層的省思。 本研究所關心的問題有:1、校長的性別角色、轉換型領導型態及學校效能三者,是否會因校長性別之不同,而有差異?2、校長的轉換型領導程度與學校效能,是否會因環境變項之不同而有差異?3、校長的轉換型領導程度是否會因不同的性別角色而有差異?4、學校效能和校長的性別角色有多少相關?5、學校效能是否會因轉換型領導程度的不同而有差異?6、人口變項對校長性別角色、轉換型領導程度及學校效能究竟會造成何種影響? 為了解前述問題,本研究除探討相關文獻外,以問卷調查為主要研究方法。問卷之對象以台北縣所轄公立中等學校內,實際擔任國民中學教學工作之編制內合格教師為母群體。樣本之選取係先以同規模之學校為叢集,並分別自四種規模之學校中隨機抽取70%之校數,再以每所學校分派6-7人為研究樣本。 本研究所採用的主要研究工具有「性別特質量表」、「轉換型領導量表」、「學校效能量表」等三種;欲採用之統計方法有:信度分析、因素分析、平均數的差異考驗、皮爾遜積差相關、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)Sheffe的事後比較。據此,本研究計有如下發現: 一、校長性別與性別角色、轉換型領導、學校效能關係方面;不同性別之校長所表現出的性別角色行為、轉換型領導程度、學校效能均未達顯著差異。 二、環境變項與校長轉換型領導及學校效能關係方面:地區別、學校規模別與校長轉換型領導、學校效能間存在顯著差異;校齡與二者之間均未達顯著水準。 三、校長性別角色與轉換型領導、學校效能關係方面:兩性化特質的校長其轉換型領導程度與學校經營效能均最高,其次依序為:女性化、男性化、未分化特質者。 四、校長轉換型領導程度與學校效能關係方面:校長的轉換型領導程度與學校效能之間,存在顯著正相關。 五、人口變項與校長性別角色、轉換型領導及學校能關係方面:在人口變項中與校長,往別角色、轉換型領導、學校效能之間存在顯著差異的有:服務年資別、年齡別;沒有顯著相關的為:性別、擔任職務別。 根據如上發現,本研究分別對教育行政機關、國民中學校長暨未來研究者提出建議。 / Due to the traditional stereotype of gender role, there are many discriminatory attitudes toward the female which cause the female still plays a secondary role in their professional fields. In the educational field of junior high schools, although the female teachers take the major proportion of the staff, the administrative structure of school is still of pro-male nature. Because of the importance of equality between men and women, this thesis begins from the analysis to the gender role of junior high school principles, then discusses the relationship between the gender of principle, the leading model and school effectiveness. The thesis hopes to derive some magnificent conclusions from the above analysis. The major concerns of this thesis are: 1.whether the gender role of principle, the transformational leadership and the school effectiveness will be influenced by the gender of principle? 2.whether the degree of transformational leadership and school effectiveness will be influenced by surrounding elements? 3.whether the leading degree of the transformational leadership will be different because of different gender role? 4.How much the degree of relationship between school effectiveness and gender role of principles? 5.whether the school effectiveness will be different because of the degree of transformational leadership? 6.what influence will the population variables cause to the gender role of principals', the degree of transformational leadership and school effectiveness? In order to resolve the above questions, the research method this thesis takes are literature review and opinion's survey with questionnaire. The subjects of questionnaire are the public junior high school teachers within the territory ofTaipei County. The survey tool this thesis takes are‘table of gender characters’,‘table of transformational leadership’and‘table of school effectiveness’. The statistic methods this thesis takes are reliability analysis, factor analysis, t-test, product-moment correlation, one-way ANOVA ,chi-square test. Therefore, the thesis concludes that: 1.In the respect of gender and gender role of principles, transformational leadership and school effectiveness: the gender role behaviors, transformational leadership and school effectiveness have not reached magnificent difference. 2.In the respect of the relationship between surrounding variables, transformational leadership and school effectiveness: there is significant difference exists in scale of school, location of school, degree of transformational leadership, however, no significant difference has been found in the age of school. 3.In the respect of gender role of the principles, transformational leadership and school effectiveness: the principles with characters of androgynous have the highest degree of transformational leadership and school effectiveness, then the femininity, the masculinity and the non-differentiation. 4.In the respect of the relationship between transformational leadership and school effectiveness: they are positive relevant to each other. 5.In the respect of the relationship between population variables, the gender role of principles, transformational leadership and school effectiveness: there is magnificent difference in the age of serving as teachers and age of teachers, however, there is no magnificent difference in the gender and duty. According to the conclusion, the thesis offers some suggestions to educational administratives, junior high school principles and respective researchers.

Styr genus valet av Cover Story? : En fortsatt studie på projektet <em>Cover Story,</em> där genusaspekten kommer upp till ytan på ett intressant sätt.

Hawsho, Melissa January 2009 (has links)
<p>Cover Story is a project, which students at Lillholms - and Ekholms School worked in during spring and fall of 2009. Several school subjects were integrated in project; social studies, art and Swedish, to empower the students to create, implement and design a magazine. The purpose of the project was to give the students the opportunity to fantasize about the future and their dreams by creating their very own <em>Cover Story</em>. During the project I realized that the student’s selection of magazine genre had a direct relation to the <em>gender</em> of the students themselves. The boys mostly chose motor and car sports magazines as their Cover Story. The girls on the other hand preferred to choose dog and fashion magazines.</p><p>Today there are an endless number of magazines in different interests, genres and professions. For instance, the magazine called <em>Frida,</em> which is directed to young girls, writes about various music groups, trends and gossip. The magazine called <em>Autobilsport,</em> which is mostly directed to men, covers news about upcoming cars and the latest audio equipment. In other words, there is a notion of masculinity and femininity even in the selection of magazines.</p><p>My natural interest of this behaviour drove me to further study the subject and to get closure to this already started work. This study is written in order to analyze students' and teachers' thoughts about the gender aspect in relation to the project. The method used to collect data and information has been through interviews, questionnaire surveys and field observations. All materials have been developed in order to give deeper answers to the questions sought. The answers that emerged have then been analyzed in relation to selected theories.</p><p>Whether the gender has been a significant factor in the students' choice of a Cover Story is difficult to answer. During the investigation it was discovered that the students themselves led their choice not only according to their interests and dreams, but also according to the selection of magazines that were at hand. The teachers argued that ideas are everywhere in society and not only in newspapers. However, the teachers have not been allowed to challenge or encourage students' choice of Cover Story.</p> / <p>Cover Story är ett projekt, som elever på Lillholms – och Ekholmsskolan arbetade med, under våren och hösten 2009. I projektet integrerades olika skolämnen som: samhällskunskap, bild och svenska, för att eleverna skulle kunna skapa, göra och designa en egen tidskrift. Projektets syfte var att eleverna skulle få fantisera över framtiden och sina drömmar genom att skapa en alldeles egen <em>Cover Story. </em>Under projektets gång upplevde jag att <em>genus</em> var en tydlig förekommande företeelse, i samband med elevernas val av tidskriftsgenre. Pojkarna valde till mestadels motor- och bilsporttidningar som deras Cover Story. Flickorna däremot valde gärna hund- och modemagasin.</p><p>Idag finns oändligt många tidskrifter inom olika intressen, genre och yrkeskategorier som till exempel <em>Frida,</em> som skriver om olika musikgrupper, trender, skvaller och riktas till unga tjejer. Ett annat exempel är <em>Autobilsport</em>,<em> </em>som skriver om kommande bilar, senaste ljudutrustning och riktas oftast till män. Med andra ord finns en föreställning om manligt och kvinnligt även i valet av tidskrifter.</p><p>Att forska vidare föll mig ganska naturligt, för att få möjlighet att avsluta ett påbörjat arbete. Denna studie är skriven i syfte att analysera elevers och lärares tankar kring genusaspekten i relation till projektet. Metoden som använts för att samla data och information, har varit intervjuer, enkätundersökning och fältobservationer. Allt material har tagits fram i syfte att ge djupare svar på de frågor som ställts. De svar som framkommit har sedan analyserats i förhållande till utvalda teorier.</p><p>Huruvida genus styrt elevernas val av Cover Story, är svårt att besvara. I samband med undersökningen har det framkommit att eleverna själva styrt sina val utifrån de tidningsurval som funnits till hands, men också utifrån sina intressen och drömmar. Lärarna menade dock att föreställningar finns överallt i samhället och inte bara i tidningar, dock har de inte fått ifrågasätta eller uppmuntra elevernas val av Cover Story.</p> / Cover Story

Family (versus) Policy : Combining Work and Care in Russia and Sweden

Kravchenko, Zhanna January 2008 (has links)
The twentieth century has witnessed a revolution in the ways in which the social division of labour is organised, and in terms of how waged work and caring for children are reconciled. This study explores family policy from the perspective of its capacity to manage the socio-economic risks emanating from combining the roles of breadwinner and caregiver which many parents are beginning to do in contemporary society. This study is focused on Russia and Sweden, countries which have a large share of their female population in the labour force and an institutionalised public policy directed towards meeting the challenges of childrearing in dual-earner families. In the first empirical stage of the study, I examine the establishment and development of family policies in these countries, and analyse their effects in terms of how they have attempted to reconcile the competing demands of work and family life in recent years, specifically, by focusing on three main components: parental leave regulations, the organisation of early childcare and education, and schemes of financial assistance and support for families with children (including their impact on poverty reduction, with the use of Luxemburg Income Survey data). The next stage, involved the exploration of the normative setting in which employment and parenting are realised. To do this I used survey data from the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), and its modules on Family and Gender Roles. In the final stage, by conducting in-depth interviews with families in Stockholm and St. Petersburg I was able to examine how decisions about using the available public means of assistance and support are negotiated within households, and which factors, other than public policy, influence such decisions. The results of these three empirical parts are juxtaposed in order to establish the relation between official inputs into family policy and the complex picture of its outcome in the two countries.

The Interrelationships among Coping Resources, Gender Role Stree, Self-Efficacy, and Anxiety in University Women Enrolled in Graduate Counseling Programs

Kordansky, Jessica B 15 August 2010 (has links)
College-age women are affected by anxiety disorders at a significant rate. The data suggest that enhancing a sense of control over the negative effects of life events has a greater positive effect on women than men (Matheny, Ashby, & Cupp, 2005). While there is a literature base for stress coping among undergraduate students (McCarthy, Fouladi, Juncker, & Matheny, 2006), little data exists which explores the implications of stress coping among female graduate students in counseling programs. Using a population of university women in graduate counseling programs, this study explored the interrelationships between coping resources, gender role stress, self-efficacy, and anxiety. Specifically, the effects of coping resources (using the Coping Resources Inventory for Stress-Short Form, CRIS-SF; Matheny, Curlette, Aycock, Pugh, & Taylor, 2007), gender role stress (using the Feminine Gender Role Stress Scale, FGRS; Guillespie & Eishler,1992), self-efficacy (using the Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale, SES; Tipton & Worthington, 1984), a form of emotional distress (using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory A-Trait version, STAI-A; Speilberger, 1983), and self-report measures of demographic data were examined. Results indicate that all measures are significantly interrelated, with the exception of FGRS. Furthermore, CRIS primary scale, Confidence, and FGRS scales, Physical Unattractiveness and Emotional Detachment were most predictive of trait anxiety, as evidenced in the final regression. Research and clinical implications for these findings suggest a number of promising directions in supervision and training.

Determinants of Group Perpetrated Violence Based on Sexual Orientation

Hudepohl, Adam David 08 July 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine group perpetrated antigay violence. Specifically, the effects of MGRS, peer dynamics, and increases in negative affect on antigay aggression were examined. The differential utility of aggression toward gay and heterosexual targets in relieving a state of negative affect (e.g., anger, fear) was also evaluated. Participants completed questionnaires that included a measure of MGRS, and then were assigned to one of three group conditions(individual, stranger, and friend). Participants then viewed a video depicting male-male intimacy and competed in the TAP against either a fictitious gay or heterosexual opponent. Results showed a main effect for condition, such that higher levels of aggression were observed in the group, relative to the individual, conditions. Analyses also revealed a significant positive relation between MGRS and aggression among participants competing with a stranger against a heterosexual opponent. Neither condition nor opponent differentially predicted changes in negative affect.

African American Women: Gender Beliefs, Peer Perception, Relationship Power, and Sexual Behavior

Lanier, Latrona R 27 April 2013 (has links)
African American women living in the U.S. face immense challenges to protect themselves from HIV infection. One in every 32 African American women is diagnosed with the disease and heterosexual contact is the primary mode of transmission. A better understanding of the African American woman’s beliefs and decisions related to safe sex practices can give direction to strategies to promote safer sexual behaviors. The purpose of this study was to explore the association of the African American woman’s attitudinal beliefs, normative beliefs, and relationship control beliefs with self-reported sexual behaviors. The Theory of Planned Behavior served as the study’s theoretical framework, supporting the premise beliefs are precursors to explanations and understanding human behavior. Using a cross-sectional, correlational design, a convenience sample of 95 African American women from the southeastern United States was obtained. Results confirmed a statistically significant 1) positive relationship between gender role beliefs and relationship power, (r = 0.354, p < .001); 2) negative relationship between gender ratio imbalance beliefs and relationship power, (r = -0.472, p < 0.001); 3) positive association between relationship power and avoidance of risky sexual behavior, (r = 0.340, p = 0.001); 4) negative correlation between gender ratio imbalance beliefs and risky sexual behaviors, (r = -0.235, p = 0.022); and 5) positive correlation between safer sexual behavior and peer perceptions of safer sex behaviors, (r = 0.475, p < 0.001). Results from a stepwise multiple regression indicated that relationship power (p = 0.001) and peer perception (p < 0.001) were significant predictors of sexual behavior, accounting for 31% (p < 0.001) of the variance.

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