Spelling suggestions: "subject:"geographical forminformation atemsystem"" "subject:"geographical forminformation systsystem""
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Digital Reconstruction of the Archaeological Landscape in the Concession Area of the Scandinavian Joint Expedition to Sudanese Nubia (1961–1964) / Digital rekonstruktion av det arkeologiska landskapet i koncessionsområdet tillhörande den Samnordiska Expeditionen till Sudanska Nubien (1960–1964)Johansson, Carolin January 2014 (has links)
The Scandinavian Joint Expedition to Sudanese Nubia (SJE) was one of the substantial contributions of crucial salvage archaeology within the International Nubian Campaign which was pursued in conjunction with the building of the High Dam at Aswan in the early 1960’s. A large quantity of archaeological data was collected by the SJE in a continuous area of northernmost Sudan and published during the subsequent decades. The present study aimed at transferring the geographical aspects of that data into a digital format thus enabling spatial enquires on the archaeological information to be performed in a computerised manner within a geographical information system (GIS). The landscape of the concession area, which is now completely submerged by the water masses of Lake Nasser, was digitally reconstructed in order to approximate the physical environment which the human societies of ancient Nubia inhabited. Information on the nearly 500 indexed archaeological sites of the SJE was classified and imported into the GIS. The potential of the system thereby established, validated against modern remote sensing data and aerial photography, was then demonstrated by a number of spatial analyses at an inter-site level. The resuls of those analyses contribute to discussions on various topics already raised within the SJE publication or elsewhere and includes issues on Nile palaeochannel reconstructions, seasonal habitation patterns and dedicatory orientation of elite tombs. The system hereby developed is intended to be used in further studies of the relevant and information-rich research fields of ancient Nubia for applications similar to those demonstrated in the present project or for educational and research purposes hitherto unpredicted. / Den Samnordiska Expeditionen till Sudanska Nubien (SJE) var en av de omfattande insatser av avgörande räddningsarkeologi inom den Internationella Nubienkampanjen som bedrevs i samband med byggandet av Höga Dammen i Aswan i början av 1960-talet. En stor mängd arkeologisk data samlades in av SJE i ett kontinuerligt område i nordligaste Sudan och publicerades under de efterföljande årtiondena. Denna studie ämnade överföra de geografiska aspekterna av den datan till ett digitalt format och därmed möjliggöra att rumsliga förfrågningar på den arkeologiska information kan utföras på ett datoriserat tillvägagångssätt i ett geografiskt informationssystem (GIS). Landskapet i koncessions-området, vilket nu är helt översvämmat av Nassersjöns vattenmassor, återskapades digitalt med syfte att approximera den fysiska omgivningen vilken de mänskliga samhällena i det forna Nubien bebodde. Information om de nära 500 indexerade fyndplatserna tillhörande SJE klassificerades och importerades in i detta GIS. Potentialen av det system som därmed skapats, validerat mot modern fjärranalysdata och flygfotografi, demonstrerades genom ett antal rumsliga analyser på en mellan-fyndplats-nivå. Resultaten av dessa analyser bidrar till diskussioner om diverse ämnen som redan tagits upp inom SJE-publikationen eller annorstädes och inkluderar frågor kring Nilens äldre dragningar, säsongsmässiga bosättningsmönster och avsiktlig orientering av elitgravar. Systemet som härvid har utvecklats är ämnat att användas i vidare studier av de relevanta och informationsrika forskningsområden som rör det forna Nubien för tillämpningar liknande de som demonstrerats i detta projekt eller för undervisnings- och forsknings-syften som hittills ej förutsetts.
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First peopling of the Americas : modelling the palaeo-landscape and potential Upper Palaeolithic human migration routesIgrejas Lopes Martins Costa, Catharina 05 1900 (has links)
Le peuplement des Amériques fut le dernier grand événement migratoire de Homo sapiens et nous méconnaissons toujours les détails à son sujet. Des débats surgissent concernant l’environnement, les populations concernées, ainsi que les cultures impliquées. Malheureusement, des biais scientifiques persistent quant à la chronologie de cet événement et il peut donc être difficile de proposer quelque chose de nouveau. Avec ArcMap 10.7.1, nous présentons de nouveaux modèles de migrations terrestres basés sur les sentiers de moindre effort, retraçant les routes potentielles que les humains ont pu utiliser afin d’arriver en Amérique au cours du Pléistocène; nous surlignons les facteurs environnementaux, génétiques et archéologiques spécifiques qui doivent être considérés pour les modèles futurs, et nous présentons deux trajets de migration qui auraient pu avoir été utilisé pendant le Paléolithique Supérieur, élucidant par conséquent comment les humains sont arrivés pour la première fois dans le continent américain. / The peopling of the Americas was the last great dispersal event of our species, Homo sapiens, and there is still so much we do not know about it. Debates arise concerning the environment, the populations involved, as well as the cultural or physical markers they might have left behind. Unfortunately, the debate concerning the First Peopling of North America is marked by scientific biases and it can thus be difficult to propose something new. Through ArcMap 10.7.1, we present a Least Cost model of terrestrial migrations from Asia to America, we highlight the specific environmental, genetic and archaeological factors that need to be considered in future models, and present two migration paths that could have been used during the Late Pleistocene, thus shedding light onto how humans first arrived in the American continent.
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Användbarhet av GIS i tidiga planläggningsskeden inom järnväg : Tillämpning av cost path -analys för lokalisering av järnvägskorridorHallengren, Rickard, Bäckström, Julia January 2013 (has links)
Järnvägen transporterar människor samt gods billigt och miljövänligt. I Sverige identifierar Trafikverket flera alternativa sträckningar när de planerar en ny järnväg. Landskapets karaktär, miljöförhållanden, geologi, tätortsstruktur, befolkningsutveckling, resande och transporter är exempel på kriterier som kan påverka beslutet om var dessa sträckningar ska placeras. Geografiska Informationssystem (GIS) kan standardisera processen för att identifiera flera möjliga korridorer. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ge rekommendationer på hur GIS, särskilt cost path och känslighetsanalys, kan användas vid planering av nya järnvägskorridorer. Ett testfall i Blekinge län valdes för att illustrera potentialen i dessa metoder. Examensarbetet utvärderar även den nuvarande användningen av GIS inom företagsvärlden genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med medarbetare på Vectura Consulting AB. Cost path och känslighetsanalysen identifierar fem olika korridorer där olika teman (miljö, jordarter, markanvändning, lutning och lika vikt) används och viktas enligt deras betydelse. De resulterande sträckningarna, speciellt sträckningen som baserades på markanvändningstemat, överensstämmer till viss del en planerad korridor från en tidigare förstudie. Intervjuerna indikerade att GIS ses som ett användbart verktyg men att det idag används huvudsakligen för presentation och visualisering av data. Resultaten visar att det finns en önskan om att använda GIS för att utföra analyser. Det kan även användas som ett samgranskningsverktyg för att lätt visualisera alla parters intressen. En nackdel däremot, är att det tar tid att lära sig och förstå samt att det krävs kunskap för att behärska det fullt ut. Trots skillnaderna i hur den planerade korridoren och de GIS-genererade korridorerna skapades, visade resultatet likheter mellan dem. De övergripande resultaten indikerar att GIS, speciellt cost path-analyser är ett användbart verktyg för att välja nya järnvägs korridorer. / Railway systems transport people and goods in an economic and environmentally-friendly way. In Sweden the Transport Administration identifies several possible routes when planning a new railway. Landscape features, environmental conditions, geology, population structure, population trends, travel and transport are examples of criteria that can affect decisions about the location of the routes. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) can standardize the process of identifying several possible corridors. The main aims of this thesis are to recommend on how GIS and particularly cost path and sensitivity analysis can be used to plan new railway tracks. A test case in Blekinge County (southeastern Sweden) was selected to illustrate the potential of these methods. The thesis also assesses the current use of GIS in the industry through semi-structured interviews of employees of Vectura consulting AB. The cost path and sensitivity analyses identified five different corridors. Different selection themes (environment, soil, land-use, slope and equal weight) were used and weighted, according to their importance. The selected routes especially the land-use theme correspond in a part to a corridor identified by a previous study. The interviews indicated that GIS is seen to be a useful tool but that its use at present is primarily for presenting and visualizing data. The results suggest however that there is also a desire to use GIS to perform analyses. It can also be used as an assessment tool to easily visualize the interests of all parties. High training requirements were identified as the principal disadvantages of GIS based analyses. Despite differences in how the planned and the GIS-generated corridors were created, the results of the two methods were similar. Overall, the results indicate that GIS, particularly cost path-analysis can be a useful tool for selecting new railway corridors.
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A Conceptual Framework for an Enterprise-Wide Geospatially Enabled Information Management System for Transportation Right-Of-Way Business ProcessesSambana, Kavya 09 June 2010 (has links)
Right-of-way business processes have been identified as one of the areas where information bottlenecks occur in transportation agencies, not only because of the amount of information involved, but also because of the interdependent nature of these activities. Transportation projects are associated with parcels whose status change during and after the project based on information from right-of-way activities. Geospatially enabled decision making tools enhance data interpretation as well as data retrieval of this information. By using enterprise-level applications, information sharing between the transportation agency, other jurisdictions, and the public becomes more efficient. Being able to quickly visualize the status of parcels in a geospatial environment further enhances the management of resources which, in turn, improves timely project delivery. This thesis presents a conceptual framework for an information management system and its geospatial enablement through a logical model for Geospatial Decision Making Activities (GDMA) in transportation right-of-way offices. The logical model for GDMA, presented in Unified Modeling Language, includes state machine diagram and data flow diagram models for tracking the parcel and capturing the geospatial enablement of right-of-way activities. / Master of Science
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Comparaison de signaux (géophysique, LiDAR) utilisés dans l'étude des dynamiques anthropiques et naturelles / Comparison of signals (geophysics, LiDAR) used in the study of natural and anthropogenic dynamicsLaplaige, Clément 16 February 2012 (has links)
La caractérisation de la réalité matérielle du paysage impose d’une part de reconnaitre avec précision le cadre physique et d’autre part de saisir les interrelations entre les hommes et l’environnement, conditions indispensables à l’appréciation des origines du modelé du paysage. La compréhension des paysages passés se fonde en partie sur l’analyse de différentes sources documentaires qui permettent ensemble de caractériser bon nombre des évolutions paysagères intervenues notamment depuis l’époque moderne. Toutefois, les aménagements plus anciens ne sont ni localisés ni représentés sur des cartes. Leurs traces sont alors décelées dans le paysage actuel de manière efficace grâce notamment à la mise en oeuvre conjointe de diverses méthodes de détection : la photographie aérienne, enregistrant des variations topographiques ou colorimétriques à la surface du sol et le système LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging), mesurant les variations microtopographiques à l’aide d’un laser. L’étude d’autres paramètres, imperceptibles à nos sens, permettent également d’appréhender les traces des paysages passés. Les méthodes géophysiques détectent la présence de vestiges ou de structures enfouies qu’aucun indice ne signale en surface grâce à la mesure des propriétés physiques du sol. Il est largement admis que les méthodes de prospection sont susceptibles de fournir des données archéologiques quant à l’occupation du sol et/ou l’exploitation du territoire. A ce titre, elles ont été appliquées depuis plusieurs années sur le site de l’agglomération antique d’Epomanduodurum (Mandeure-Mathay, Doubs) dans le nord Franche-Comté. Cette ville est considérée, par sa taille, son équipement urbain et sa parure monumentale comme la seconde de Séquanie derrière la capitale de cité Vesontio (Besançon, Doubs). Ce travail de recherche se propose donc de comparer, à différentes échelles spatiales, l’apport respectif de plusieurs méthodes de prospection à l’étude de dynamiques naturelles et anthropiques dans un espace géographique de 80 km², centré sur la ville antique, associant un tronçon de plaine alluviale du Doubs aux plateaux calcaires environnants. Durant cette étude, il a été possible, entre autre, de développer des outils aidant à la détection des structures archéologiques et géologiques. Les résultats ont aussi permis de redéfinir en partie la topographie de l’agglomération antique. / The characterization of the material reality of the landscape requires to accurately identify the physical geography and to capture the interrelationships between humans and their environment. These conditions are essential to the estimation of the origins of the landscape shaping. The analysis of documentary sources offers the opportunity to determine the organization of former landscapes and to characterize a large part of their evolutions since the Modern period. However, older land settlements are not localised or symbolised on maps. Their signs are efficiently detected in present landscape through the joint implementation of various detection methods: aerial photography, recording topographic or colorimetric variations on the soil surface, and the LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) system, measuring micro-topographic variations using a laser beam. Other methods can be used to identify the elements conserved in present landscape and reflect their past uses. The measure of physical properties of soils by the geophysical methods can detected the presence of archaeological remains or structures buried while nothing is perceptible to the soil surface. It is widely supported that survey methods can provide archaeological data of the land use and / or the exploitation of the territory. Thus, they have been applied since several at the site of the ancient city of Epomanduodurum (Mandeure-Mathay, Doubs) in the north of the Franche-Comte. This city is considered by its size, urban equipment and monuments as the second behind de civitas capital of Sequani, Vesontio (Besancon). This research intends to compare, at different spatial scales, the contribution of several prospecting methods for the study of natural and anthropogenic dynamics in an area of 80 km². The study area is centred on the ancient city and combines a section of the alluvial plain of the Doubs river and the surrounding calcareous plateaus. In this study, it was possible, among other things, to develop tools for the detection of archaeological
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O estudo do consórcio entre municípios de pequeno porte para disposição final de resíduos sólidos urbanos utilizando sistema de informações geográficas / The study of the consortium among small cities for the final destination of urban solid waste, using Geographical Information SystemNaruo, Mauro Kenji 07 July 2003 (has links)
Os consórcios são conhecidos pelo aumento da capacidade de realização que confere aos participantes, e maior eficiência no uso dos recursos disponíveis, o que auxiliaria os pequenos governos locais para solucionar a escassez de recursos. Este trabalho apresenta o estudo do sistema consorciado intermunicipal para destinação dos resíduos sólidos urbanos, para auxiliar os municípios de pequeno porte na solução da inadequada destinação do lixo, responsáveis por constantes impactos ambientais. Os estudos foram realizados através de análises de custos com enfoque logístico, no nível estratégico de localização de facilidades e roteirização e programação da frota. Os estudos foram possíveis, com o auxílio do software TransCAD, uma ferramenta de Sistema de Informações Geográficas. Através do TransCAD, foi realizado a localização dos aterros sanitários, obedecendo-se as restrições impostas, e a roteirização da frota de veículos, que levassem ao menor custo logístico. Para se chegar à situação de menor custo, diversas configurações foram consideradas, nas quais foram variados o número de aterros que atendem os municípios, e a presença ou não de estações de transferência de resíduos. O método desenvolvido promoveu a análise de custos da implantação e operação do sistema consorciado, que consiste desde a coleta de resí-duos, até a disposição final em aterros sanitários. Os resultados deste trabalho comprovaram quantitativamente que o consórcio é mais eficiente do que a solução isolada para cada município. / The consortium are known by the growth of the accomplishment capacity that grants to the participants, and larger efficiency in the use of the available resources, what would aid the small local governments to solve the lack of resources. This work presents the study of the intermunicipal consortium system for the destination of the urban solid waste, to aid the small cities to solve the inadequate destination of the waste, responsible for constant environmental damages. The studies were developed through the costs analysis with logistics focus, on the strategic level of facilities location and the vehicle routing. The studies were possible with the aid of the software TransCAD, a tool of Geographical Information System. Through the TransCAD, being obeyed the imposed restrictions, the location of the sanitary landfill was made, and vehicles routing, to take to the lowest logistics cost. To reach the situation of lowest cost, several configurations were considered, in which the number of sanitary landfill for the cities were varied, and the inclusion or not the solid waste transfer stations. The developed method promoted the cost analysis of the implantation and operation of the consortium system, from the waste collection, until the final disposition in sanitary landfills. The results of this work proved quantitatively that the consortium is more efficient than the isolated solution for each city.
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Optimisation dans l'auto-partage à un seul sens avec voitures électriques et relocalisations / Optimization in one-way car sharing with electric cars and relocationsAit Ouahmed, Mohammed Amine 15 October 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif de modéliser et résoudre des problèmes d’optimisation d’un système d’auto-partage avec des voitures électriques dit « à un seul sens », où les utilisateurs peuvent prendre une voiture dans une station et la laisser ensuite dans une autre. Ce fonctionnement conduit généralement à une situation de déséquilibre dans la répartition des voitures avec certaines stations pleines et d’autres vides. Une des solutions utilisées par les opérateurs d’autopartage pour pallier ce problème est le recours à des agents pour déplacer les voitures selon le besoin. Identifier et répondre à ce besoin est un problème d’optimisation non trivial, notamment à cause de l’usage de véhicules électriques, ce qui engendre des contraintes de rechargement de batteries et d’autonomie. Le problème d’optimisation est décomposé en deux sous-problèmes : le premier est le problème d’affectation des voitures aux clients, ainsi que leurs routages, que nous nommons ROCSP pour Recharging One way Car Sharing Problem ; le second problème est celui du planning des agents et leurs routages que nous nommons ESRP pour Employee Scheduling Routing Problem. 1. Résolution du ROCSP : deux modélisations en Programmation Linéaire en Nombres Entiers (PLNE) sont proposées, la première basée sur les flots et la deuxième sur les chemins, ce qui fait que les deux modèles intègrent de manière différente les contraintes de recharge électrique. Comme la résolution exacte à travers les modèles PLNE s’avère très gourmande en temps de calcul et non adaptée aux instances d’auto-partage de taille réelle, nous proposons des heuristiques qui permettent dans un temps raisonnable d’optimiser la redistribution des voitures et la gestion du service. Ces heuristiques permettent de calculer le nombre de voitures et les différentes opérations de relocalisation (redistribution des voitures) à réaliser sur une journée donnée. 2. Résolution du ESRP : un modèle PLNE est proposé pour la résolution exacte du ESRP, et, en complément, des heuristiques sont proposées pour une résolution approchée et relativement rapide. L’objectif est la détermination du nombre minimal d’agents nécessaire pour effectuer les opérations de relocalisation qui découlent du premier problème, le ROCSP. Dans une partie prospective, et une fois les ROCSP et ESRP résolus dans leur version statique, nous nous focaliserons sur une autre variante du problème avec réservation dynamique. Nous proposons également d’explorer un nouveau concept - l’auto-copartage - qui se veut une hybridation entre autopartage et covoiturage. Les algorithmes proposés ont été validés sur le réseau Auto Bleue de la ville de Nice essentiellement, qui gère une flotte de véhicules électriques, en s’appuyant sur des modèles de génération de flux pour estimer la demande, mais aussi d’autres instances que nous avons générées pour simuler d’autres villes, au sein d’un Système d’Information Géographique. / This thesis aims at modelling and solving optimization problems related to the management of one-way-electric-car-sharing systems, where users can take a car from a station, use it, and then return it to another station. This generally leads to an imbalanced distribution of cars, with some full stations and other empty ones. A solution to this problem, implemented by car-sharing operators, is to employ staff agents to move cars as needed. However, identifying this need is a non-trivial optimization problem, especially since the system may be more constrained when the vehicles used are electric, which generates battery recharging and autonomy constraints. The global optimization problem addressed is then divided into two sub-problems. The first one is assigning the cars to customers, as well as their routing; it is denoted by ROCSP (Recharging OneWay Car Sharing Problem). The second problem involves agents planning and routing; it is denoted by ESRP (Employee Scheduling Routing Problem). 1. For the ROCSP, we propose two Mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) modelizations of the problem: One based on flows and the other based on paths. This means that the two models include the battery-recharging constraints in two different ways. As the exact resolution through the MILP models is quite expensive in terms of computational time and is not adapted for the resolution of real-size car-sharing instances, we introduce heuristics that enable the optimization of cars-redistribution and service management of the service within a reasonable amount of time. These heuristics allows the calculation of the number of cars and the various redistribution operations to be performed on a given day. 2. For the ESRP, this second problem is also addressed with MILP models for the exact resolution, and some heuristics are suggested for an approximate resolution. This process has reasonable calculation time and aims at finding the minimum number of agents to perform the necessary relocation operations that stem from the first problem, namely, the ROCSP. Once the ROCSP and ESRP solved in their static versions, we then focus on the ROCSP by exploring another variant of the problem : ROCSP with dynamic reservation. We also suggest to explore a new concept : Auto-CoPartage, which is a hybridization of car-sharing and carpooling. The stated algorithms are validated on the Auto Bleue electrical vehicles fleet in the network of the city of Nice, essentially by relying on flow generation models to estimate the demand, but also using other instances that we have generated for other cities. All the data are handled using a Geographical Information System.
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Approches régionales de la susceptibilité torrentielle dans les Alpes du Sud / Debris-flow susceptibility assessment at the regional scale of the Southern French AlpsBertrand, Mélanie 20 May 2014 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de produire une méthodologie de restitution spatiale de la susceptibilité torrentielle à une échelle régionale. Les méthodes géomatiques et statistiques mises en œuvre visent à intégrer différents facteurs de prédisposition au phénomène de laves torrentielles, en particulier les caractéristiques morphométriques des tronçons et de leur bassin versant et leur potentiel de fourniture sédimentaire.La définition de modèles statistiques robustes a permis de prédire l'activité torrentielle à partir de la morphométrie des tronçons et de leur bassin versant, et permettent la discrimination des processus de laves torrentielles et de charriage.Au niveau des zones sources, le second facteur de prédisposition qu'est la disponibilité sédimentaire, est cartographié à partir de l'analyse des orthophotographies infrarouges de l'IGN©, puis est combiné à la susceptibilité morphométrique dans un SIG de manière experte. Ainsi, le potentiel sédimentaire des bassins versants sources vient pondérer la probabilité d'activité de lave torrentielle établie à partir du potentiel morphométrique dans le but de prédire la susceptibilité au déclenchement. Plus aval, la prédisposition à la propagation de laves torrentielles dépend des caractéristiques morphométriques et est également contrôlée par la susceptibilité torrentielle des biefs situés juste en amont (approche réseau). L'application de la démarche dans les Alpes du Sud a été validée avec 50 observations expertes.Cette thèse a conduit à la production des cartes des zones de déclenchement de laves torrentielles, et à l'identification de leur zone de propagation potentielle, intégrées à une plateforme de services (projet RHYTMME, Irstea et Météo-France). Elles peuvent être superposées avec les aléas de précipitations pour identifier les secteurs susceptibles à l’activité de laves torrentielles lors d'événements de précipitations de forte intensité. / The main objective of this thesis is to produce a methodology spatially characterizing the debris flow susceptibility at a regional scale. The methods used are based on geomatic and statistic fields and aim at integrating the predisposing factors to debris flow activity, especially the morphometry and the potential sediment availability.Robust statistical models allowed to predict the debris flow activity based on the morphometry of the reaches and their catchments in order to discriminate the bedload transport from the debris flow processes.In source areas, the second predisposing factor, i.e. the sediment availability, was first mapped thanks to the analysis of infrared orthophotos (IGN©) and then expertly combined with the morphometric susceptibility within a GIS. The sediment availability potential of upland catchment consequently weights the probability of debris flow activity (firstly established from the morphometric characteristics) in order to predict the susceptibility to debris-flow triggering. More downstream, the predisposition to debris flow propagation depends on morphometric characteristics and is also controlled by the debris flow susceptibility of the upstream reaches. In the Southern French Alps, the entire approach has been validated with 50 expert observations.This work led to the production of new maps of debris flow triggering and propagation, already integrated on a service platform (RHYTMME project, Irstea and Météo-France). They can be superimposed on maps of precipitation hazard during intense events in order to identify the reaches susceptible to debris flow activity.
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Flood Impact Analysis using GIS : A case study for Lake Roxen and Lake Glan - SwedenVaghani, Vimalkumar January 2005 (has links)
<p>Floods are common natural disaster occurring in most parts of the world. This results in damage to human life and deterioration of environment. There have been immense uses of technology to mitigate measures of flood disaster i.e. structurally and non-structurally. Undoubtedly, structural measures are very expensive and time consuming which involves physical work like construction of dams, reservoirs, bridges, channel improvement, river diversion and other embankments to keep floods away from people. Whereas non-structural measures is concerned with planning like flood forecasting and warning, flood plain zoning, relief and rehabilitation for reducing the risk of flood damage to keep people away from floods. Thus, non-structural measures involve analysis, planning providing spatial information on maps with high accuracy in less time. Non-structural measures can help decision maker to plan an effective emergency response towards flood disaster. A one of the good way to plan non-structural measures is to analyze impact of flood in the flood prone areas. The thesis tries to analyze impact of flood on environment along the demarcated flood prone areas of Lake Roxen and Lake Glan in Östergötland County, Sweden. The thesis also proposes how to use current flood information during flood emergency utilizing geographical information system. This provides spatial information for area in the flood zone for assessment regarding flood vulnerability.</p><p>Using map overlay analysis in GIS software (ArcGIS); flood prone areas and topographic data along Lake Roxen and Lake Glan were digitized from PDF maps. Thus, the thesis work is an effort to analyze impact of flood when areas along Lake Roxen and Lake Glan are flooded. ESRI® GIS software Arc Map 9 and Arc View 3.3 is used for data preparation, integrating, analyzing, and spatial data with attribute table information. Finally, to show GIS can be an effective tool for development of flood emergency system as a part of disaster preparedness by the decision makers.</p>
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Kan inte alla samma språk? : Möjligheten till ett gemensamt GGIS på mekaniserade förband? / Can’t all talk the same language? : Possibility to a common GIS at mechanized units?Sandberg, Jonas January 2010 (has links)
<p>Försvarsmakten har under de senaste åren gått igenom radikala förändringar, som fortfarande inte är klara. Samtidigt som fokus ligger på personalförsörjning samt annat så går den teknologiska utvecklingen framåt. Jag vill med denna uppsats belysa vad ett gemensamt geografiskt informationssystem skulle kunna innebära för chefer på en lägre nivå inom mekaniserade bataljoner. Med denna uppsatts vill jag skapa förståelse utav gemensamma geografiska informationssystem och vilka möjligheter de skulle kunna bidra med. I uppsatsen tar jag reda på om systemen skulle kunna underlätta för chefer i sitt ledarskap på slagfälten, likväl vilka effekter det stridstekniskt skulle kunna bidra med. Jag tar också reda på om Försvarsmakten med dagens materiell och teknologi kan uppbringa ett sådant system. Slutsatsen som dras är att Försvarsmakten inte med dagens materiell kan uppbringa ett sådant system, materielen är föråldrad och den främsta begränsningen är dataöverförningskapacitet. Andra slutsatser är att system som dessa underlättar för chefer ur flertalet perspektiv. Främst så skulle systemen kunna bidraga till högre stridseffektivitet och underlätta för så kallade mixade förband.</p> / <p>The Swedish Armed forces have under the past years gone through some radical changes and some of them are still going on. As focus is set on manpower, the technologic development moves forward. I want to highlight what a common graphical information system could mean to commanders on lower command level at mechanized units. With this essay I want to create an understanding of common geographical information systems and what opportunities it could help with. In the essay I will find out if the systems could favor commanders in their leadership on the battlefield, as well which effects it could have on battle tactics. I also find out if the Swedish Armed forces with today’s equipment could procure such a system. Conclusions of the essay is that the Swedish Armed forces cant with today’s equipment procure such an system, because of the equipments obsolete status and the prominent restriction is data transfer rate. Other conclusions are that systems like these favor commanders in several perspectives. Most prominent, could system like these contribute to higher battle efficiency and favor for mechanized- mixed unit types.</p>
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