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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Governor Ralph Carr : An Archival Research Handbook to a Colorado Governor's Collection / Guvernörens papper – Ralph Carr. En arkivvägledning för ett guvernörsarkiv i Colorado

Elenton, Ivona January 2010 (has links)
<p>The governor collections at the Colorado State Archives are a rich source for research and information about social science and the history of the state, but they are not always easy to research due to their differences in taxonomy through different eras. In my work with creating an archival research handbook for a governor collection I chose governor Ralph Carr to both illustrate the challenges as well as the thrills with historical research in a collection from the office of the governor.</p><p>Ralph Carr's collection takes patience to research. Some series will have inconsistent taxonomy and other series lack sub-series, and if a researcher is not familiar with the terminology of state affairs, many documents can pose a challenge. It is my hope that this handbook will be of use for both amateur researchers as well as provide a few short-cuts for more seasoned scholars. Governor Carr's collection covers some of the most dramatic years in Colorado history, the first part of WWII, and it is frequently requested for research, but many researchers get stuck between the vast amount of documents only sorted by dates, for instance in the series marked "Council of Defense", which contains many interesting documents about the Japanese-Americans who were to be deported to the Granada Relocation camp, or Camp Amache, as it was popularly called. It is my hope that the guide will not only provide such researchers some relief, but also to get the reader a sense for Colorado History, The Colorado State Archives and for the Governor collections in general.</p>

Governor Ralph Carr : An Archival Research Handbook to a Colorado Governor's Collection / Guvernörens papper – Ralph Carr. En arkivvägledning för ett guvernörsarkiv i Colorado

Elenton, Ivona January 2010 (has links)
The governor collections at the Colorado State Archives are a rich source for research and information about social science and the history of the state, but they are not always easy to research due to their differences in taxonomy through different eras. In my work with creating an archival research handbook for a governor collection I chose governor Ralph Carr to both illustrate the challenges as well as the thrills with historical research in a collection from the office of the governor. Ralph Carr's collection takes patience to research. Some series will have inconsistent taxonomy and other series lack sub-series, and if a researcher is not familiar with the terminology of state affairs, many documents can pose a challenge. It is my hope that this handbook will be of use for both amateur researchers as well as provide a few short-cuts for more seasoned scholars. Governor Carr's collection covers some of the most dramatic years in Colorado history, the first part of WWII, and it is frequently requested for research, but many researchers get stuck between the vast amount of documents only sorted by dates, for instance in the series marked "Council of Defense", which contains many interesting documents about the Japanese-Americans who were to be deported to the Granada Relocation camp, or Camp Amache, as it was popularly called. It is my hope that the guide will not only provide such researchers some relief, but also to get the reader a sense for Colorado History, The Colorado State Archives and for the Governor collections in general.

Why can't they be more like us? : baptism and conversion in sixteenth-century Spain

Roland, Carla E. January 2017 (has links)
In Spain, in 1501 the conversion of Muslims to Christianity was thought possible, hence the decreed baptisms; by the end of the century metanoia was deemed impossible. Similarly, religious otherness was thought to be surmountable; yet, it ultimately became indelible or racialized. These construction processes helped to discursively justify the expulsions of Christians, baptized descendants of Muslims, in the years 1609-1614. The importance of language in these justifications was arrived at through the study of referential language in texts, and a trans-Atlantic comparative approach. The discursive (re)construction and (re)inscription of otherness were traced through a variety of sixteenth-century ecclesial texts. Before these communities came to be named the so-called “moriscos” there were important changes in meaning and usage of other phrases and terms, such as “new Christian” and “newly converted.” The referential language was still in transition throughout the century and the processes are easily hidden by the historiographical premature and (over)use of the term “morisco.” Moreover, the full transition toward the racialized term “morisco” occurred closer to the eighteenth century and mostly across the Atlantic. The justifications rely on these communities being non-Christian and non-Spanish: suspect and alien. “Morisco” is not often a good metonymy. The fact that “moriscos” discursively came to be considered non-Spanish and non-Christian did not mean that there was actual discernible or insurmountable otherness. Therefore, a level of difference in the peninsula was posited through the study of referential language related to Amerindians before and after baptism: especially given that Amerindians remained “indios” after baptism—an indication that difference could be overcome in the peninsula. Furthermore, an analysis of the Sistema de Castas where “morisco” was used revealed that the proliferation of categories on both sides of the Atlantic was to prevent these communities from ever reaching the status of old Christian or Spanish.

Estudo óptico e estrutural de nanopós de Y3AI5O12 dopados com Eu3+ e Ce3+ sintetizados via processo sol-gel proteico

Santos, Daniel Felix Dias dos 30 August 2013 (has links)
Optical and structural properties of nanopowders of Y3Al5O12 (YAG), Y3-xEuxAl5O12 (YAG:Eu) and Y3-xCexAl5O12 (YAG:Ce) (x=1 and 2mol%) were studied in the present work. The samples were synthesized via the Proteico Sol-Gel Process. X-ray diffraction showed that YAG single phase could be obtained after calcinations of the xerogels at 950°C/3h or 1050°C/2h. The scanning electron microscopy confirmed that at 950°C/3h the powders are formed by rods with a diameter of about 68 nm and 0.7 ìm in length. For the samples produced at 1050°C/2h two types of morphology were found consisting of needles with a diameter around 44 nm and 0.72 ìm in length, and rounded particles with an average diameter of 130 nm. The Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy confirmed the presence of the dopants and showed that in all nanopowders there were impurities inherited from coconut water. The XANES results confirmed that the dopant ion was incorporated in YAG:Eu nanopowders, as Eu3+ and in the YAG:Ce nanopowders, the dopant was incorporated predominantly as Ce4+ ions. The radioluminescence emission spectra of YAG:Eu and YAG:Ce nanopowders were composed by the typical transitions characteristics of the Eu3+ and Ce3+ ions in the visible region. . Only the YAG:Eu nanopowders showed photoluminescence emission and the reason is that in the case of the Ce-doped YAG most part of the dopant is in its tetravalent charge state that is not optically active.. Nevertheless, the lifetime of the luminescent of the Ce-doped nanopowders were possible to obtain using monochromatic pulsed X-rays and the characteristic lifetime constant is around 48 ns. / Neste trabalho foram estudadas as propriedades opticas e estruturais exibidas pelos nanopos de Y3Al5O12(YAG), Y3-xEuxAl5O12 (YAG:Eu) e Y3-xCexAl5O12(YAG:Ce), onde x=1 e 2mol%, sintetizados via o Processo Sol-Gel Proteico. A difratometria de raios X demonstrou que a fase unica YAG e formada nos pos apos calcinar os xerogeis precursores a 950 C/3h e 1050 C/2h. As analises por microscopia eletronica de varredura confirmaram que em 950 C/3h os pos sao formados por bastoes com diametro em torno de 68 nm e 0,7 Êm de comprimento, e em 1050 C/2h as amostras passam a apresentar dois tipos de morfologia constituida por agulhas com diametro em torno de 44 nm por 0,72 Êm de comprimento e particulas arredondadas com diametro em torno de 130 nm. A espectroscopia de raios X por dispersao de energia confirmou a presenca dos ions dopantes e demonstrou que em todos os nanopos ha impurezas herdadas da agua de coco. Os resultados de XANES confirmaram que o ion Eu3+ foi incorporado nos nanopos de YAG:Eu no estado de oxidacao trivalente e nos nanopos de YAG:Ce houve a incorporacao predominantemente de ions Ce4+. Medidas do espectro de emissao radioluminescente indicaram que nos nanopos de YAG:Eu e YAG:Ce aparecem as transicoes responsaveis pelas emissoes caracteristicas dos ions Eu3+ e Ce3+. Nas medidas de fotoluminescencia so foi possivel obter o espectro de emissao dos nanopos de YAG:Eu ja que na amostra dopada com Ce o estado de oxidacao predominante e o tetravalente. O tempo de vida da luminescente foi medida utilizando raios X monocromaticos e pulsado e, para os nanopos dopados com Ce, o tempo de vida caracteristico esta em torno de 48 ns.

Propagande politique et Islam d’Occident sous le règne de Pierre Ier de Castille (1350-1369) / Political propaganda and Western Islam during the reign of Peter of Castile (1350-1369)

Marquer, Julie 29 November 2014 (has links)
S’intéresser à la place de l’Islam dans les propagandes politiques du règne de Pierre Ier de Castille (1350-1369) amène à s’interroger sur les paradoxes et ambiguïtés du rapport à l’Autre. L’Islam désigne ici différents objets ; le terme fait référence à la fois à la puissance politique et militaire des Nasrides et Mérinides, et à un ensemble religieux et culturel. Leur instrumentalisation dans diverses formes de propagande, textuelles et architecturales, a pour but de renforcer le pouvoir de l’initiateur de cette propagande. La mise en lumière des diverses modalités de cette instrumentalisation permettra de questionner et reconsidérer la frontière politique, religieuse et culturelle dans la péninsule ibérique du XIVe siècle. L’exemple du règne de Pierre Ier montre à quel point la frontière avec l’Autre est mouvante et évanescente, et son renforcement ou son amenuisement dépend des intérêts politiques en jeu, des rapports de force, de la motivation des acteurs ou encore de différents types de convergence qui ont rendu possible l’intégration et l’assimilation de formes et de concepts artistiques, politiques et littéraires. En confrontant les types de sources et les points de vue, on pourra mieux saisir, dans son ensemble et sa complexité, le rapport excluant ou incluant que les chrétiens entretiennent avec l’Islam, tant dans leurs pratiques politiques que dans leurs représentations symboliques. En effet, l’Islam est utilisé comme une altérité tantôt positive, tantôt négative, mais il cesse parfois aussi de représenter une forme d’altérité. Ce rapport dialectique renvoie à la problématique de la place qu’occupe l’Islam dans la formation de la culture castillane ainsi que dans la construction de l’État Moderne. / Exploring the place of Islam in the political propagandas during the reign of Peter of Castile (1350-1369) leads to questioning the paradoxical and ambiguous aspects of an approach to Otherness. Islam here refers to various items: the political and military power of the Nasrids and the Merinids, as well as a religious and cultural body. The instrumentalization of these items through various forms of propaganda, either textual or architectural, aims at reinforcing the power of their initiator(s). Bringing out the various modalities of this instrumentalization will allow us to question and reconsider the political, religious and cultural frontier in the 14th century Iberian Peninsula. The example of the reign of Peter of Castile shows how shifting and ephemeral the frontier with Otherness can be, and its strengthening or its dwindling depends on the political interests at stake, the balance of power, the motivation of the protagonists as well as the different types of convergence which have allowed the integration and the assimilation of artistic, political and literary patterns and concepts. By confronting the various types of sources and points of view, it will be easier to fully understand, in its entirety and complexity, the either excluding or including relationship that the Christians have with Islam, both in their political practices and in their symbolic representations. Indeed, Islam is utilized as a form of otherness which is sometimes positive, sometimes negative, but it also occasionally ceases being viewed as such. This dialectical connection is closely linked to the part that Islam has played in the formation of Castilian culture as well as in the construction of Modern State.

The “Man Walks Outside Time Now”: Verbal Representations of Photographic Images in the Poems of Larry Levis

Miner, Lauren 30 July 2012 (has links)
The poet Larry Levis often employed ekphrasis as an elegiac device—particularly with his verbal descriptions of photographic images—to explore human suffering and reconcile feelings of loss. Through the ekphrastic mode, Levis could juxtapose otherwise disparate images, manipulating their temporal and spatial relationships, to achieve what he conceived an authentic portrait of the human experience. The poet, through his verbal descriptions of photographic images, does not try to evade the pain or joy of being human; instead, he confronts his grief directly and, in so doing, transcends that suffering to better understand himself and his own human position. This thesis analyzes the following poems by Larry Levis: “My Only Photograph of Weldon Kees,” “García Lorca: A Photograph of the Granada Cemetery, 1966,” “The Assimilation of the Gypsies,” “Sensationalism,” and “Photograph: Migrant Worker, Parlier, California, 1967.”

The Spanish guitar influence on the piano music of Isaac Albéniz and Enrique Granados: a detailed study of Granada and Asturias of Suite española by Albéniz and Andaluza and Danza triste of Doce danzas españolas by Granados

Cho, Yoon Soo 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

The Spanish guitar influence on the piano music of Isaac Albéniz and Enrique Granados : a detailed study of Granada and Asturias of Suite española by Albéniz and Andaluza and Danza triste of Doce danzas españolas by Granados

Cho, Yoon Soo 10 August 2011 (has links)
Not available / text

La réaction des travailleurs sociaux espagnols face aux mesures d'austérité

Alves dos Anjos Filho, Edvaldo 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

A Colombian Nun and the Love of God and Neighbour : The Spiritual Path of María de Jesús (1690s-1776) / En Colombiansk Nunna och Kärleken till Gud och till Nästan : María de Jesús (ca 1690-1776) Andliga Väg

Cadavid Yani, Helwi Margarita January 2016 (has links)
María de Jesús (1690s-1776) was a white-veiled Discalced Carmelite nun of the San José convent in Santa Fe de Bogotá, founded in 1606. She professed in the year 1714, and her spiritual journal was printed in a chronicle about the convent in the 1940s. The aim of this study is to examine the love of God and of neighbour, as expressed in the spiritual journal of María de Jesús. In this study I will proceed from the understanding of love as charity. In Christian thought God Himself is love, and its source. Charity, the third, and greatest, of the theological virtues, is a state of being in and responding to God’s love and favour. This way of loving consists in loving God wholeheartedly and loving our neighbour as ourselves. Included in loving our neighbour are acts related to his or her spiritual benefit and salvation. These are all present themes in María de Jesús’ text, but my aim is to examine how she incorporates these themes in her spiritual testimony by analyzing the imagery she uses, and the affective language in her spiritual journal. I will also seek to understand her way of writing by analyzing her text against the background of the tradition of women’s spiritual writings. Being a Discalced Carmelite, it will also be interesting to discover the Teresian presence in María de Jesus’ text, i.e. the influence of her predecessor and the reformer of the order, Teresa of Ávila (1515- 1582). I suggest that this can be noticed in certain rhetorical techniques. I also aim to examine if there are any similarities and differences in their expressions of love of God and of neighbour.

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