Spelling suggestions: "subject:"grounded theory"" "subject:"arounded theory""
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Through the parents' and educators' eyes: Play of preschool aged children in need of special supportCelic, Katarina January 2018 (has links)
Play is the primary activity of childhood. It is connected to other areas of child’s development, therefore through play, children improve skills and abilities. The most common categorization of play is into the developmental and social aspect of play. The highest level of play is achieved when the true social play occurs. The ideal setting for social play to occur is early childhood education and care (ECEC) institutions. ECEC in Croatia is striving for inclusion of children with difficulties/special needs, as stated in Croatian ECEC leading documents. In this study, these children will be referred to as children in need of special support since is perceived that name reflects the bio-psycho-social model of disability that recognizes issues in child´s functioning, apart from the child itself, coming from the environment. All the services, for children in need of special support, including ECEC are disability-based. It has been found that children in need of special support experience problems during play which affects other domains of development. The purpose of the study is to investigate play of children in need of special support and the factors, i.e., facilitators and barriers for their play. Play of the children in need of special support is chosen to be explored through the perception of their parents and educators with the use of the grounded theory approach. After collecting data through interviews and preformed data analysis, characteristics of play children in need of special support display together with the factors that affect play positively or negatively emerged. Factors were found to affect children’s play directly or indirectly. The most outstanding facilitators for children’s play were found to be the parents’ and educators’ actions and attitudes regarding the importance of play. The most substantial barriers were found to lie in the children’s characteristics concerning play which were tended to be perceived as consequences of their difficulties and diagnosis-based educational and social systems. Furthermore, the schooling system forcing ECEC institutions to focus on early preparedness for academic success, putting play aside emerged as a notable barrier for the play.
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Proposta de uso integrado dos métodos Scrum e CCPM na gestão de múltiplos projetos / Integrated use of the Scrum and CCPM methods in the management of multiple projectsAlmeida, Ilton Marchi de [UNESP] 30 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by ILTON MARCHI DE ALMEIDA null (ilton.marchi@embraer.com.br) on 2017-07-19T21:27:35Z
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PROPOSTA DE USO INTEGRADO DOS MÉTODOS SCRUM E CCPM NA GESTÃO DE MÚLTIPLOS PROJETOS.pdf: 3336782 bytes, checksum: cc1ec4213afdacfef036c01ce401ea13 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Monique Sasaki (sayumi_sasaki@hotmail.com) on 2017-07-20T17:48:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
almeida_im_me_bauru.pdf: 3336782 bytes, checksum: cc1ec4213afdacfef036c01ce401ea13 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-20T17:48:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-06-30 / A Gestão de Projetos (GP) ganhou papel de destaque na viabilidade dos objetivos estratégicos das organizações. O desenvolvimento de produtos e serviços vem recebendo forte pressão do mercado, demandante de lançamentos frequentes e em prazos cada vez menores. Para atender estas novas exigências, a GP deve prover informações úteis para tomadas de decisões em ambientes de múltiplos e complexos projetos, sujeitos a relevantes incertezas e volatilidade. Considerando as oportunidades de melhoria das práticas da GP para lidar com este ambiente instável e ambíguo, o objetivo deste trabalho é propor, utilizando o método de Teoria Fundamentada em Dados (TFD), um framework que prescreva como aplicar de forma combinada dois métodos de GP: a Gestão de Projetos por Corrente Crítica (Critical Chain Project Management - CCPM) e o Scrum. Os resultados obtidos por este trabalho apontam que a integração destes métodos pode potencializar os benefícios e atenuar as fragilidades de cada uma delas em particular, e cujo uso articulado e coordenado pode permitir decisões mais efetivas em ambientes voláteis, incertos, complexos e ambíguos (VUCA - Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) de múltiplos projetos. / Project Management (PM) has gained a major role in the viability of the strategic objectives of organizations. The development of products and services has been under stronger market pressure, requesting frequent releases and in ever-shorter periods. To meet these new requirements, initiatives for maintaining PM as an information provider to make decisions in multiple and complex projects, exposed to relevant uncertainty and volatility, should be sought. Regarding the opportunities for improvement of PM practices to deal with this unstable and ambiguous environment, the objective of this work is to propose, using the Grounded Theory (GT) method, a framework that prescribes how to apply two GP methods in combination: the Critical Chain Project Management - CCPM and Scrum. The results of this work indicate that the integration of these methodologies can enhance the benefits and mitigate the weaknesses of each of them in particular. This hybrid model could permit a better articulation and coordination of the project tasks, allowing effective decisions in multiple project environments affected by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA).
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Interações no Youtube e capital social : estudo em um canal de divulgação científica sobre PsicologiaCorrêa, Maurício de Vargas January 2018 (has links)
O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar a influência do conteúdo de divulgação científica publicado pelo canal Minutos Psíquicos do YouTube sobre a formação do capital social. O objeto de estudo foi analisado com o aporte da Teoria Fundamentada, uma ferramenta metodológica que tem sido recomendada por pesquisadores brasileiros e estrangeiros para o estudo das mídias sociais e das redes sociais na internet. O corpus de análise foi constituído pelo vídeo mais popular do canal selecionado e pelos comentários relacionados. Para a análise dos comentários foram utilizadas as três técnicas de codificação da Teoria Fundamentada: a codificação aberta, a codificação axial e a codificação seletiva. Ao final da pesquisa, foram identificadas três práticas discursivas que contribuem para a formação do capital social e de valores relacionados no contexto de estudo: a autoexpressão, as reações do canal e o suporte social. As formas de capital social que apareceram com maior frequência são o capital relacional, o capital cognitivo e a confiança no ambiente social. Porém, também foi possível constatar a presença do capital normativo e de indícios do capital institucional. Entre os valores construídos pelos usuários em suas práticas discursivas estão a visibilidade, a legitimação e o suporte social. Esse último merece destaque por perpassar todas as categorias principais. O intercâmbio de informações foi uma prática pouco expressiva naquele contexto. Por fim, conclui-se que o conteúdo publicado pelo canal funciona como um vetor para as diferentes formas de comportamento social que contribuem para a formação do capital social. / The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of the content of scientific divulgation published by YouTube Minutos Psíquicos channel on the formation of social capital. The object of study was analyzed with the contribution of Grounded Theory, a methodological tool that has been recommended by Brazilian and foreign researchers for the study of social media and social networks on the internet. The analysis corpus consisted of the most popular video of the selected channel and related comments. For the analysis of the comments the three coding techniques of the Grounded Theory were used: open coding, axial coding and selective coding. At the end of the research, three discursive practices were identified that contribute to the formation of social capital and related values in the study context: self-expression, channel reactions and social support. The forms of social capital that have appeared most often are relational, cognitive, and trustworthiness of social environment. However, it was also possible to verify the presence of normative capital and evidence of institutional capital. Among the values built by the users in their discursive practices are visibility, legitimation and social support. The latter deserves special mention because it covers all the main categories. The information exchange was not very expressive in that context. Finally, it is concluded that the content published by the channel works as a vector for the different forms of social behavior that contribute to the formation of social capital.
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Prožívání psychoterapeutů v průběhu psychoterapeutického sezení s depresivním klientem: zakotvená teorie / Therapists' in-session experiences with a depressive client: A grounded theoryRoubal, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Objective: Empirical literature on the interpersonal reactions elicited by exposure to a depressed individual identified two basic reactions: depressed mood induction and rejection of the depressed person. Relatively not many empirical studies is devoted to the topic of therapists' own experiences when working with depressive clients, although working with depressive clients burdens therapists themselves significantly. This study explores how therapists experience psychotherapy sessions with a currently depressive client and presents a processual theoretical model of the researched phenomenon. Method: Individual and focus group interviews were conducted with 30 therapists of various theoretical orientations, yielding a set of 22 in-session event descriptions. The grounded theory method was used as a methodological framework for the analysis. Results: The therapists' experience was conceptualized as Experiential oscillation between gravitating towards a client's depressive experience and moving away from it. It's evolvement over the course of a session is depicted by a model of Depression Co-experiencing Trajectory with six phases: 1. Sharing depressive experience, 2. Turning to oneself, 3. Striving for symptom change, 4. Distancing from depressive experience, 5. Turning to a client, 6. Focusing on...
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Charting Caregiver Movement Using a Complexity Science Framework: An Emergent PerspectiveJanuary 2013 (has links)
abstract: Health and healing in the United States is in a moment of deep and broad transformation. Underpinning this transformation is a shift in focus from practitioner- and system-centric perspectives to patient and family expectations and their accompanying localized narratives. Situated within this transformation are patients and families of all kinds. This shift's interpretation lies in the converging and diverging trails of biomedicine, a patient-centric perspective of consensus between practitioner and patient, and postmodern philosophy, a break from prevailing norms and systems. Lending context is the dynamic interplay between increasing ethnic/cultural diversity, acculturation/biculturalism, and medical pluralism. Diverse populations continue to navigate multiple health and healing paradigms, engage in the process of their integration, and use health and healing practices that run corollary to them. The way this experience is viewed, whether biomedically or philosophically, has implications for the future of healthcare. Over this fluid interpenetration, with its vivid nuance, loom widespread health disparities. The adverse effects of static, fragmented healthcare systems unable to identify and answer diverse populations' emergent needs are acutely felt by these individuals. Eradication of health disparities is born from insight into how these populations experience health and healing. The resulting strategy must be one that simultaneously addresses the complex intricacies of patient-centered care, permits emergence of more localized narratives, and eschews systems that are no longer effective. It is the movement of caregivers across multiple health and healing sources, managing care for loved ones, that provides this insight and in which this project is keenly interested. Uncovering the emergent patterns of caregivers' management of these sources reveals a rich and nuanced spectrum of realities. These realities are replete with opportunities to re-frame health and healing in ways that better reflect what these diverse populations of caregivers and care recipients need. Engaging female Mexican American caregivers, a population whose experience is well-suited to aid in this re-frame, this project begins to provide that insight. Informed by a parent framework of Complexity Science, and balanced between biomedical and postmodern perspectives, this constructivist grounded theory secondary analysis charts these caregivers' processes and offers provocative findings and recommendations for understanding their experiences. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Healthcare Innovation 2013
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Explorando o uso de plataformas digitais de mídia social por empresas para co-criação com consumidoresBorges, Mauro January 2011 (has links)
Plataformas de mídia social têm possibilitado que indivíduos produzam, compartilhem e distribuam seu conteúdo, facilmente, pela Internet – interagindo com outros indivíduos e firmas. Atualmente, qualquer pessoa pode ter seu próprio jornal (blog), rádio (podcast) ou canal de TV (YouTube) e construir uma audiência. Redes sociais, como Facebook e Twitter, permitem que as pessoas espalhem o boca-a-boca ainda mais. Neste novo ambiente social, consumidores tornaram-se ativos produtores – influenciando seus pares, criticando produtos/serviços, co-desenvolvendo suas próprias soluções, etc. Finalmente, as firmas se deram conta de que deviam aprender como fazer uso de mídia social para participar das conversas, acessar conhecimentos externos e tentar co-criar algum valor. Mas como o uso destas plataformas de mídia social pela firma para co-criação com consumidores pode influenciar seus processos de negócio? Para responder a essa questão, este estudo utilizou dois métodos de pesquisa qualitativos interpretativos – netnografia e grounded theory – para explorar dados públicos disponíveis em plataformas de mídia social. A pesquisa empírica investigou um ecossistema de mídia social no setor de transporte aéreo. Como resultados, este estudo apresenta: um conjunto de categorias inter-relacionadas que emergiram dos dados empíricos; descrições de campo; e hipóteses teóricas propostas a respeito deste processo de co-criação no setor de transporte aéreo e suas implicações. Resultados indicam que três tipos de co-criação em plataformas de mídia social (co-criação de experiências online, de marca em tempo real e de conhecimento sobre produtos/serviços) influenciam positivamente a integração de capacidades/conhecimentos dos consumidores aos processos de negócio da empresa (como relacionamento com clientes, suporte, relações públicas, propaganda e desenvolvimento de produtos/serviços), enquanto a falta destes tipos de co-criação pode influenciar negativamente a efetividade destes processos de negócio. / Social media platforms have enabled individuals to easily produce, share and distribute their own content over the Intenet – interacting with other individuals and firms. Currently, anyone may have his own newspaper (blog), radio (podcast) or TV channel (YouTube) and build an audience. Social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, allow people to spread the word of mouth even further. In this new social environment, consumers became active producers - influencing their peers, criticizing bad products/services, codeveloping their own solutions, etc. Eventually, firms found out that they must learn how to use social media to become part of the conversation, access external knowledge and try to cocreate some value. But how could firm’s usage of social media platforms to co-create with consumers influence its business processes? In order to answer to that question, this study used two qualitative interpretive research methods – netnography and grounded theory – to explore public data available on social media platforms. The empirical research investigated a social media ecosystem of the air travel industry. As results, this study presents: a set of interrelated categories that emerged from empirical data; field descriptions; and the theoretical hypothesis regarding the co-creation process in air travel industry and its implications. Results show that three types of co-creation using social media platforms (online experiences cocreation, brand real-time co-creation and products/services knowledge co-creation) positively influence customers’ capabilities/knowledge integration to firms’ business processes (such as customers relationship, support, public relations, advertising, products/services development) - while the lack of those types of co-creation may negatively influence those business processes effectivity.
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Uma pesquisa sobre a influência dos aspectos humanos em programas de melhoria de processo de software / A research about the influence of human aspects in software process improvement programsSantos, Davi Viana dos 21 July 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-07-21 / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Several factors can influence the success of Software Process Improvement (SPI)
programs. Results from previous research have shown that human and social aspects
influence these programs in different ways. For this reason, it is important to analyze the
human aspects involved on SPI programs to gain a better understanding about their
influence on such programs. This thesis presents a research about human aspects influences
in software process improvement. In this work, we analyze the major findings of a
qualitative research conducted in three different phases to analyze which factors were most
influential from view-point of the professionals working in the organizations. Our ultimate
goal is to deepen the understanding about how human aspects can influence a SPI program
in order to help in the success of future SPI implementation. / Diversos fatores podem influenciar o sucesso de um programa de Melhoria de
Processo de Software (MPS). Os resultados de pesquisas anteriores mostram que vários
desses fatores são de natureza humana e social. Por esta razão, é importante analisar os
aspectos humanos envolvidos a fim de obter uma maior compreensão da influência destes
em um programa MPS. Esta dissertação apresenta uma pesquisa sobre a influência dos
aspectos humanos em Programas de MPS. Neste trabalho são analisados os principais
resultados de uma pesquisa qualitativa conduzida em três diferentes fases para analisar
quais fatores tiveram maior influência do ponto de vista dos colaboradores das
organizações. O objetivo final é aprofundar a compreensão dos aspectos humanos que
podem influenciar um programa de MPS com a finalidade de auxiliar no sucesso de futuros
programas de melhoria.
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Dignidade no âmbito da relação entre empresas e comunidadeAraujo, Bruno Felix Von Borell de 20 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:30:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Bruno Felix von Borell de Araujo.pdf: 5387313 bytes, checksum: 5efd83e0ed804d085ba283e5635406b5 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-12-20 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / The objective of this study was to understand how social meanings of dignity are built in the relationship between a local community and the companies placed in its
geographic area. This is a qualitative research developed by the Constructivist Grounded Theory method. The study, that is exploratory-descriptive, is based the interpretative paradigm of social research. The theoretical perspective that guided the study was the Structural Symbolic Interactionism. The local community chosen for this study was the city of Litoral (fictitious name), located in the state of Espirito
Santo. In this town, there are two large companies whose relationship with the community of Litoral has been the object of the present study. We built a substantive theory from 24 interviews with 20 residents, internet content, participant observation,photographic records, official literature of the city and the companies studied and notes in a field diary. The results suggest that the meanings of dignity in the relationship among the informed social actors are built by community members according to how they interpret and evaluate the care present in the conducts of companies towards objects of dignity. In this evaluation process, the community takes into account the interpretation that they make about the benefits and the intentions that underlie the conduct of the companies. This judgement is based on the
expectations that the members of the community have about how that relationship should be, what may vary according to the tangibility of the firm in question and the timing of such a judgment. This process of construction of meanings takes place in a space of interactions between people and individuals ans objects. Suggestions for future research and practice are provided. / O objetivo do estudo foi o de compreender como são socialmente construídos os significados de dignidade no âmbito da relação entre uma comunidade de local e as
empresas situadas em sua imediação geográfica. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa desenvolvida pelo método da Grounded Theory Construtivista. O estudo, de natureza
exploratório-descritiva, se encontra alicerçado no paradigma interpretativo de pesquisa social. A perspectiva teórica que orientou a realização do estudo foi a do Interacionismo Simbólico Estrutural. A comunidade de local escolhida foi a da cidade de Litoral (nome fictício), situada no estado do Espírito Santo. Nessa cidade,encontram-se duas empresas de grande porte cuja relação com a comunidade de Litoral foi objeto do presente estudo. A partir de 24 entrevistas com 20 moradores,
conteúdos da internet, observações participantes, registros fotográficos, literatura oficial sobre a cidade e as empresas em questão e anotações no diário de campo foi construída uma teoria substantiva visando o alcance do objetivo determinado. Os resultados sugerem que os significados de dignidade no âmbito da relação entre os atores sociais de interesse nessa pesquisa são construídos pela comunidade de acordo com a forma como seus membros interpretam e avaliam o zelo presente nas condutas empresariais frente a objetos de dignidade. Nesse processo de avaliação, os membros da comunidade levam em consideração sua interpretação a respeito dos benefícios que as condutas empresariais trazem para eles e as intenções que subjazem às ações das organizações. Esse julgamento é baseado nas expectativas que os membros da comunidade possuem a respeito de como deve ser essa relação, o que pode variar de
acordo com a tangibilidade da empresa em questão e o momento em que tal julgamento é realizado. Esse processo de construção de significados ocorre em um espaço de interações entre pesssoas e entre indivíduos e objetos. Sugestões para pesquisas futuras e para a prática são apresentadas.
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Positive and Negative effects of Game Analytics in the Game Design process : A Grounded Theory StudyPowell, Robin January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this Grounded Theory study is to investigate the positive and negative effects of Game Analytics and how it may affect the Game Design process within the Game Development process. This is done by reviewing and observing available source material appertaining to Triple AAA Games Industry Experts regarding the topics of Game Analytics, Gameplay, Game Design as well as Game Development. The source material consists of publications, presentations, articles and lectures directly linked to the aforementioned areas in which will be used to reinforce the theory. Through the collected data the theory will emerge which will present the potential positive and negative aspects as well as issues regarding using Game Analytics to track the player’s behavior in order to directly affect and possibly alter the Game Design process. The results highlight the positive aspects of using Game Analytics in the Game Design process in which indicate that it is helpful for the Game Designer to utilize the player’s behavioral data captured from Gameplay. This acts as a powerful extension over the traditional design process. The negative aspects have indicated that Game Analytics is a new practice and is still met with prejudice as it requires a lot of knowledge to be able to be used right in the Game Design process. The theory indicates that Game Analytics is a step in the right direction as it enables the Game Designer to gain further understanding of their players with the end goal of creating a better Gameplay experience. / Syftet med denna Grounded Theory studie är att undersöka de positiva och negativa effekterna av spelanalys och hur det kan påverka speldesign processen inom spelutvecklings processen. Detta görs genom att granska och observera tillgängligt källmaterial som är relaterat till Triple AAA spelindustrin och experter inom spelbranschen med fokus på spelanalys, spelande, speldesign och spelutveckling. Källmaterialet består av publikationer, presentationer, artiklar och föreläsningar som är direkt kopplade till ovannämnda områden som kommer att användas för att förstärka teorin. Genom det insamlade källmaterialet kommer teorin att utvecklas som presenterar de potentiella positiva och negativa aspekter om att använda spelanalys för att spåra spelarens beteende för att direkt påverka och eventuellt förändra speldesign processen. Resultaten framhäver de positiva aspekterna av att använda spelanalys i speldesign processen som tyder på att det är fördelaktigt för speldesignern att utnyttja spelarens beteenderelaterade data tagna från spelet. Detta fungerar som en kraftfull förstärkning av speldesign processen jämfört med den traditionella design processen. De negativa aspekterna har indikerat att spelanalys är en ny praxis och fortfarande kräver en hel del kunskap för att kunna användas direkt i spelet designprocessen. Teorin indikerar att spelanalys på väg i rätt riktning eftersom det gör det möjligt för speldesigners att få djupare förståelse om hur sina spelare beter sig för att nå sitt slutmål vilket är att skapa en bättre spelupplevelse.
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"Det regnar uppifrån" : En grundad teori om relationen chef-medarbetare i yrken med brukarkontaktDahlberg, Matilda, Lé Faucheur, Sanna January 2018 (has links)
En fungerande relation mellan chef och medarbetare skapar bättre förutsättningar för välmående på arbetsplatsen. Studiens syfte är att belysa relationen chef-medarbetare inom yrken med brukarkontakt samt att generera en teori och förklaringsmodell grundad i data, vilken manifesterar aspekter som är betydelsefulla för chefer och medarbetare kopplat till den fungerande relationen dem emellan. Med grundad teori som forskningsansats och metodologiskt angreppssätt använder vi nio intervjuer och tre skuggningar för att undersöka och lyfta chefers och medarbetares perspektiv på relationen chef-medarbetare. Resultatet visar att både chef och medarbetare framhåller relationen dem emellan som mycket viktigt. Vår teori innefattar ett flertal aspekter som enligt dem behöver vara välfungerade för att relationen ska vara fungerande, t.ex. medarbetarens förhållningssätt och atmosfären på arbetsplatsen. Resultatet visar också att det är chefen som måste ge förutsättningar för relationsskapandet. Det mest utmärkande i det insamlade materialet är vikten av tydlighet från både chef och medarbetare för att deras relation ska vara fungerande. Den genererade teorins förklaringsmodell kan användas som ett verktyg i utformandet av trivsamma arbetsplatser samt som en påminnelse om att relationen chef-medarbetare är viktig för välmående på arbetsplatsen. / A functioning relation between the employer and the employee generates better conditions for wellbeing at the workplace. The purpose of this study is to illustrate the functioning relation between employer-employee, within social work/the supporting role profession, and to generate a theory and a model. The aim with this is to illustrate the aspects of the functioning employeremployee relation, which are important according to them. With grounded theory as the research and methodological approach, we use nine interviews and three participative observations to examine and highlight employers and employees’ perspectives of their relation to each other. The result shows the importance of the functioning relation between them, according to both the employer and the employee. Our theory highlights several aspects that are all necessary if a functioning relation shall be possible, e.g. the employees approach and the working climate. The result also proves the importance of the employers’ role to obtain the prerequisites to develop a good relation. The most distinguishing feature of the collected material is the importance of clarity from both the employer and the employee. The generated theory model can be used as a tool in the strategy of acquiring good working conditions as well as a reminder of the importance of a functioning relation between the employer-employee.
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