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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Arts of Linking: A Comparative Study on Lian Ju by Han Yu's circle and Haikai by Basho's School

Xie, Kai 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Linked verse is a communicative and dynamic poetic form in which a series of verses are usually composed by several poets. It existed in both China and Japan and was fully explored by Han Yu’s circle and Bashō’s school, respectively. This thesis is a comparative study of the lian ju (Chinese linked verse) by Han Yu’s circle and the haikai (Japanese popular linked verse) by Bashō’s school, with focus on the arts of linking, the most important and interesting aspect of this unique poetic form. This study begins with a broad introduction and comparison of the two literary groups and their linked verse compositions. Representing the highest level of linked verse compositions in China and Japan, Han’s lian ju and Bashō’s haikai share some similarities. Yet whereas the former never outshone individual poetry in terms of influence and popularity, the latter dominated the entire poetic field, at least in Bashō’s day. In the second chapter, I investigate how the verses are linked. In terms of linking techniques, Han Yu’s circle basically used “close link,” including “word link” and “content link,” which does not exceed the range of the Chinese poetic tradition. In contrast, Bashō’s school valued the “distant link,” which is usually beyond expectation and needs analysis and imagination. In both cases, the linking is usually a combination of “complementary linking” and “competitive linking.” However, the competitive atmosphere prevails in the former while the complementary characteristic is represented more often in the latter. The third chapter continues the topic of linking, but it focuses on how the verses in a sequence are integrated as a whole. The verses in a lian ju sequence share a topic and are organized as in traditional individual poetry. In a haikai sequence, however, verses with different topics and images are disciplined by detailed rules. Finally, I compare the styles of the two schools. Both of them created a “new” poetic style by searching for the “old.” Nevertheless, the content of their poetry and their ways of composing poetry are very different.

L’eredità di Giambologna in Tirolo: Hans Reichle, scultore tra Firenze e la Baviera

Padovani, Francesca 17 November 2021 (has links)
La tesi consiste in uno studio monografico aggiornato, il primo in lingua italiana, dedicato allo scultore bavarese Hans Reichle, che fu un abile interprete della Maniera fiorentina al di là e al di qua delle Alpi. Il bavarese frequentò la bottega di Giambologna dal 1587 c. al 1594, anni di intenso studio durante i quali gettò le basi sulle quali costruì il successo di una vita: la memoria degli anni fiorentini e l’influenza del maestro si percepiscono in tutte le opere del catalogo del bavarese, dagli esordi fino alla piena maturità. La tesi è dedicata interamente all’esame della vita e dell’attività dello scultore. Inizialmente si ripercorre la biografia di Reichle, esaminando le opere realizzate nel corso della vita e il prestigio che queste guadagnarono. In questa prima parte emerge l’evoluzione del linguaggio dello scultore e, in particolare, il suo cimentarsi con tecniche che finora gli studi non avevano ammesso nel catalogo: si tratta di importanti novità che gettano luce su aspetti del tutto inediti della carriera dello scultore. Invece nella seconda parte della tesi si discutono alcuni casi-studio relativi alle imprese principali di Reichle. Un capitolo è poi dedicato all’eredità lasciata dallo scultore in Tirolo e agli allievi e collaboratori che affiancarono Reichle nel corso della sua vita. Le ultime due parti della tesi sono dedicate all’esame dell’inventario inedito del bavarese - che ha portato alla luce significative novità relative tanto alla biografia quanto alla sua attività - al catalogo delle opere di Reichle e dei suoi allievi, e infine all'appendice documentaria.

Education on the Edge of Empire: Chinese Teachers' Perceptions of Development and Education in Xinjiang, China

Pippin, James D. 15 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Design and Implementation Security Testbed (HANSim) and Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for the Home Area Network in the Smart Grid

Tong, Jizhou January 2017 (has links)
No description available.


荊知仁, Jing, Zhi-Ren Unknown Date (has links)
一、韓非是戰國時代有名的攻治思想家,集先秦法家之大成,其學有足述者。韓非子 一書乃我國古代政治學名著。本文討論韓非政治學說:共分七章,約八萬餘言。第一 章至第三章為韓非行狀、時代背、景思想淵源及其學說之基礎,第四章至七章為韓非 學說之主要內容,最後附以結論,以簡單說明其學說對後代政治之影響。 二、第一章分為兩節。第一節敘述韓子之身世行並附兩點討論,以說明其為法術之士 而泰使件秦之目的及其人格。思想乃環境之產品,而政治思想必有其時代使命,故第 二節由戰國大勢、韓國的處境與政情及當時流行的思想,以說明其學說之時代背景。 三、第二章討論韓非思想之淵。源戰國是我國學術思想上之黃金時代,諸子並起,百 家爭鳴,而以儒墨道法四大學派最有勢力。在此千巖競秀、萬壑爭流的奔放時代,思 想界相互激盪,勢所難免。法家學說較晚出,韓非集法家之大成,其思想之精神與內 容,總不免含有其他學派的影響。本章第一節討論韓子學說之人物淵源,分為從政之 法家與學理之法家二目;第二節為學派淵源,分為儒道墨三家,以說明其學說淵源由 自。 四、第三章討論韓非學說之基礎,分為歷史哲學與人性論兩節。其歷史哲學的精義, 只是『論世之事,因為之傋』八個字。其目的在攻擊儒墨復古守舊的主張,而提倡變 古維新。他的人性論在說明人性之『好利惡害』,以建立其用刑賞的法治主義。 五、第四章勢論。韓子學說中的勢,乃是近代政治學中的主權。韓非主張法治,勢乃 行法的混籍,在其學說中佔有非常重要的地位。不過他主張主權在君,這種主張發揮 到極端,便造成了君主專制。 六、第五章法論,乃韓非學說之中心。共分六節,第一節至第五節討論法之意義、作 用、立法原則、行法之態度與方法及法治之目的。第六節兩點討論,在指出韓非法治 學說中立法權不能獨立與缺乏監督之力量的兩缺點。 七、第六章術論在說明韓非所言的各種治術。術乃行法之手段。全章分為六節,第一 節至第五節敘述術之內容,第六節為結論,討論術治之得失。 八、第七章刑賞與農戰,乃韓非法治主義之兩項具體政策依韓非的主張、推行法治有 賴刑賞,富國強兵有賴農戰。刑賞是手段,富強是目的。 九、結論旨在簡單說明韓非學說對於後代政治之影響。本文所曾指陳者,約有二端: 第一為集權專制,第二為漢代宰相制度。前者包括君主之至尊無上與思想上之排他獨 占兩點,後者著重於宰相之簡選。最後並說明法家思想,尤其是韓非學說盛極而衰, 在秦漢以後失去顯學之地位,不能與儒家相抗衡之原因。

A Society Under Foreign Rule, the Characters of Kuan Han-Ch'ing as Critical Statements About the Yuan Dynasty, 1280-1368

Tsai, Yean 08 1900 (has links)
This study sought to discover how Kuan Han-Ch'ing portrayed the Yuan Dynasty (1280-1368 A.D.) and the Confucian view of women by means of the characterization in Kuan's plays. Eight female characters, three male public officials, and three male villains were selected for study. It was discovered that Kuan portrayed the ordinary people of his time with outstanding skill; that the characters selected for study provided ways of life contrary to Confucianism, the prevailing philosophy; that Kuan's characterization satirized the Mongol ruling class; and that Kuan depicted women more favorably than Confucian philosophy would have allowed.

Posmrtná cesta v době Válčících států a Han na základě písemných a archeologických pramenů / Journey to the otherworld in the Warring States and Han periods as reflected in written and archaeological sources

Solanič, Dmitrij January 2019 (has links)
1 Abstract The purpose of this work is to evaluate the post-mortem journey of the soul theory in the Warring States and early Han dynasty periods. Since this theory is presented by it's propoents as an alternative to the so-called "happy-home" theory, before starting his own analysis the author first introduces both theories citing the main arguments of their proponents. Author's own analysis consists of two parts: interpretation of archeological sources consisting of four tombs and translations of passages from textual sources connected to burial ritual dating to said period. Throughout the work, the author views all sources from the standpoint of both theories and evaluates their applicability of said theories to those sources. Through his own analysis, the author reaches the conclusion that neither the theory of post-portem journey, not the "happy-home" theory prove suitable when it comes to explaining the presence burial articles in tombs of said period and their theses do not seem to be reflected in the period's literature. The author considers the role that the deceased played in their society to be a better key to explaining burial articles than either of the theories concerning what the ancient people thought followed after death. Keywords: journey, post-mortem journey, "happy home", afterlife,...

韓愈 鱷魚文 研究 : 中國古代散文寓言性的探索 = Make a study of HanYu and E'YuWen : on fables nature in Chinese classical prose / 中國古代散文寓言性的探索;"Make a study of HanYu and E'YuWen : on fables nature in Chinese classical prose";"韓愈鱷魚文研究"

李河慧 January 2005 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese


孫廣德, SUN, GUANG-DE Unknown Date (has links)
關於先秦兩漢陰陽五行說的主要資料,多散見於此一期間的各書之中,且多零碎片斷 、不成系統,本文的骨幹即由整理連綴此諸零碎片斷的資料而成。 本文的內容,共分六章。第一章討論陰陽五行說的來歷與發展,先說明陰陽五行說的 成立,乃由語義的演進,官職的轉化,與有關思想的烘托三途而來。就語義的演進說 ,「陰陽」與「五行」、本是分頭發展,各由具體粗淺零散、漸至抽象高深系統,以 至於二者合流。 第二章討論陰陽五行說的政治原理與政制禮儀,綜觀所有材料,可以歸納出陰陽五行 說的政治原理,一是法天,二是尚德;自鄒衍創說之始,直至東漢之末,始終如此, 此乃陰陽五行說在政治上的根本主張,也是其全部政治思想的主旨,因為陰陽五行說 的其他理論,不是與法天尚德相配合,就是以法天尚德為依據。 第三章討論五德終始與朝代更替,分為五德終始,受命改制,與封禪告成三個部分。 所謂五德終始,是朝代的更春,依五行生勝的關係與順序而輪轉,當德而王,德衰而 亡。 第四章討論時序輪轉與政治措施,說明四時八風十二月,各有宜忌,為達成國泰民安 的政治目標,須求得風調雨順,欲求風調雨順施政便須依照時序,行其所宜,避其所 忌。 第五章討論災祥與政治責任,說明災祥說設計的原意,是將天地間的種種變異,依天 人感應之理,說成災異與祥瑞藉而課君主以政治責任,依其不敢濫權妄為,或及時修 德改政,補救缺失。 第六章為結論,依四個問題為線索,對全部陰陽五行說的政治思想作一總括地檢討。 一則說明鄒衍創立陰陽五行說的動機,一方面在利用其關於自然界的知識,對自然現 象作合理的解釋,一方面在利用其對自然現象的解釋,於政治上推行其節儉仁義的主 張。 /

Han Kang’s The Vegetarian in direct and indirect translation : Korean to English, English to Swedish

Lindberg, Erika January 2018 (has links)
In 2016, South Korean author Han Kang’s The Vegetarian, translated into English by Deborah Smith, was awarded the Man Booker International Prize. Following the success, South Korean critics brought to attention mistakes and inaccuracies of Deborah Smith’s work, heavily criticizing her translation, but also bringing the debate of liberal and literal translation from the academic sphere to the public eye. In Sweden, the book was translated from Deborah Smith’s English into Swedish by Eva Johansson and published under the title Vegetarianen in January 2017. This thesis uses a comparative qualitative method to investigate how Han’s novel is changed through the process of translation and indirect translation by the hands of Smith and Johansson, as well as if Smith’s translation changes through the process of working with the text. With Smith’s very liberal method of translation, her translation occasionally results in significant change of tone, atmosphere and characterization. Mistakes make it clear she did not have a sufficient comprehension of Korean, however she can be seen growing more comfortable with the language by the end of the novel. Johansson stays very loyal to Smith’s English translation due to Swedish and English being more similar languages in structure and literary tradition, she is also a very experienced translator. Despite Smith’s flawed translation, The Vegetarian has been a huge success. The author hopes that more research will be done in the areas of Korean-English translation and indirect translation from Korean, in order to further identify struggles of translators of Korean and advance Korean literature in translation. / 2016 prisades Sydkoreanska författaren Han Kangs The Vegetarian, översatt till engelska av Deborah Smith, med Man Booker International Prize. Följande succén bringade Sydkoreanska kritiker uppmärksamhet till misstag och oriktigheter i Deborah Smiths översättning och kritiserade den hårt, men tog också debatten om fri och exakt översättning till allmänhetens ögon. I Sverige översattes boken till svenska från Deborah Smiths engelska av Eva Johansson och släpptes under titelnVegetarianeni januari 2017. Denna uppsats använder en komparativ kvalitativ metod för att undersöka hur Hans novell förändrats under processen av direkt och indirekt översättning av Smith och Johansson, och om Smiths översättning förändrats under hennes arbete med novellen. Genom Smiths väldigt fria metod av översättning resulterar översättningen stundtals i utmärkande förändringar i ton, atmosfär och karaktärisering. Misstag gör det uppenbart att hon inte hade tillräckliga färdigheter i det koreanska språket, dock ses hon bli mer bekväm med språket i slutet av novellen. Johannson är väldigt lojal till Smiths engelska översättning då svenska och engelska är betydligt mer liknande språk i struktur och litterär tradition. Hon är också en väldigt erfaren översättare. Trots Smiths bristfällande översättning har The Vegetarianblivit en ringande succé. Författaren av denna uppsats hoppas att mer undersökning kommer att göras i området koreansk-engelsk översättning och indirekt översättning från koreanska för att ytterligare identifiera de problem som översättare av koreanska stöter på och för att avancera översatt koreansk litteratur.

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