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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Yogurt Life Fit

Alcántara Hernández , Madelin Mercedes, Angeles Cabrera, Yessibel Guadalupe, Casallo Villanueva, Luis Enrique, Pinto Arias, Andrea Paola, Prado Valdivia, Astrid Juliet 10 July 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad, los consumidores de todo el mundo enfrentan un desafío por una creciente tendencia de consumo de productos saludables, los cuales muchas veces no cumplen con las expectativas por parte de estos consumidores. Por ello, una solución innovadora en el ámbito de productos alimentarios, que ofrezca un sabor agradable y tenga todos los beneficios necesarios para llevar una vida saludable, resulta altamente atractiva. En el presente trabajo se busca determinar la viabilidad de un producto natural resultante de la mezcla de yogurt natural con tres ingredientes principales: café, cacao y mix de frutos secos. Este producto se encuentra dirigido específicamente a un grupo de personas con la característica principal que tengan diabetes o aquellos que llevan una vida saludable. Este proyecto pretende ofrecer un producto de calidad superior que conecte los gustos de este público objetivo con los altos beneficios para la salud que estos consumidores requieren. Para ello, se ha realizado un proceso de ideación, desarrollo del modelo de negocio, tomando en consideración la problemática de este segmento de consumidores y una solución que aporte un valor diferencial. Se desarrollaron los planes y presupuestos requeridos por el negocio, los cuales son: Estratégico, Operativo, Recusos Humanos, Marketing, Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, Estados Financieros Proyectados. Por último, se realizan conclusiones generales para el presente proyecto y el resultando potencial que tendria el mismo una vez se realice la implementación. Además, se destaca el valor que este genera para futuros inversionistas. / Today, consumers around the world are challenged by a growing trend of healthy product consumption, which often does not meet the expectations of these consumers. That is why an innovative solution in the field of food products, which offers a pleasant taste and provides all the benefits necessary for a healthy lifestyle, is highly attractive. The present work seeks to determine the viability of a natural product resulting from the mixture of natural yogurt with three main ingredients: coffee, cacao and mixed nuts. This product is specifically aimed at a group of people with the main characteristic of diabetes or those who have a healthy lifestyle. This project aims to offer a superior quality product that connects the tastes of this target group with the high health benefits that these consumers require. To achieve this, a process of ideation, development of the business model has been carried out, taking into consideration the problems of this consumer segment and a solution that provides a differential value. The plans and budgets required for the business were developed, which are Strategic, Operational, Human Resources, Marketing, Corporate Social Responsibility, Projected Financial Statements. Finally, general conclusions were drawn for the present project and the potential it would have once it is implemented. In addition, the value the business project generates for future investors is highlighted. / Trabajo de investigación


Hernández Guzmán, Alexander Germán, Mena Alosilla, Uriel, Rios Hinostroza, Mario Gerardo, Vargas López, Pierina Alessandra, Yañez Muñante, Waldo Ruben 04 July 2020 (has links)
Para la elaboración del presente trabajo de investigación, se tuvo en cuenta los principales problemas que presentan las personas que llevan un estilo de vida saludable o vegano. Esto se vio agraviado por la coyuntura que afecta actualmente a nivel mundial por la pandemia del COVID-19. Uno de los principales problemas reside en la dificultad de encontrar todos los productos en un solo lugar. Por otro lado, se encuentra la demanda de tiempo que requiere la preparación de algunos alimentos que no se encuentran en todos los supermercados. Ante esta problemática, nuestro equipo de investigación planteó el desarrollo de una plataforma digital (shopper) mediante el cual las marcas de productos saludables puedan ofrecer sus distintas categorías o presentaciones; de modo que los consumidores puedan encontrar una amplia variedad de insumos saludables en un solo lugar, a esto se suma las facilidades de pago y seguridad que ofrece nuestra plataforma de fácil uso. Con respecto a la realización del presente trabajo se realizaron diversos experimentos con usuarios que permitieron realizar las proyecciones adecuadas, planeaciones estratégicas, operativos, de marketing, recursos humanos, responsabilidad social y financieros en base a las necesidades del mercado. En nuestro análisis cuantitativo, concluimos en la necesidad de realizar una inversión de S/ 8,968.00 nuevos soles para obtener S/ 14,355.25 nuevos soles para el tercer año. Siendo el valor del proyecto un monto entre S/ 76,823.00 nuevos soles y S/ 119,955.00 nuevos soles. / For the elaboration of this research work, the main problems presented by people who have a healthy or vegan lifestyle were taken into consideration. This was aggravated by the current situation of the COVID-19. One of the main problems is the difficulty for people to find all products in one place. On the other hand, there is the demand for time to prepare some foods that are not found in all supermarkets. In response to this problem, our investigation team proposed the development of a digital platform (shopper) through which brands of healthy products can offer their different categories or presentations; so the consumers can find a great variety of healthy products in one place. Besides, it is easy to pay and safe to use our platform. Regarding the realization of the present work, several experiments were carried out with users that allowed us to make the appropriate projections, strategic planning, operational, marketing, human resources, social responsibility and financial based on market needs. In our quantitative analysis, we concluded the necessity to make an investment of S/ 8,968.00 soles to obtain S/ 14,355.25 soles for the third year. The value of the project is between S/ 76,823.00 soles and S/ 119,955.00 soles. / Trabajo de investigación

Proyecto Grow It / PROJECT GROW IT

Araujo Pisconte, Mariana, Garrido Rivadeneyra, Brenda Daniela, Melendez Ovkaric, Valeria, Sánchez Sáenz, Marité Rocío, Silva Luna, Fiorella Magdalena 10 July 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad el desarrollo e implementación de un modelo de negocio escalable capaz de desafiar el mercado peruano mediante las diversas estrategias basadas en alianzas con los socios claves y aprovechamiento de los medios digitales. Se trata de un emprendimiento llamado Grow It que busca fomentar hábitos para llevar una vida saludable, para ello los usuarios tendrán una experiencia de cultivo desde la comodidad de su hogar. Este ofrecerá biohuertos domésticos adaptables al espacio con el que se cuente en casa y con semillas de fácil cuidado. El proyecto en mención tiene como finalidad reemplazar el proceso de compra estándar a acceder a un estilo de vida saludable al cual se podrá acceder sin tener que salir de casa. Para ello, estará dirigido a mujeres y hombres, de cualquier estado civil, entre 25-55 años con NSE A y B que les gusta tener un estilo de vida saludable, que consumen alimentos orgánicos y les interesa la idea de contar con un minihuerto en su hogar y desarrollar una experiencia de cultivo en casa. Para el análisis de viabilidad de propuesta se realizaron diversos experimentos para sustentar la propuesta de negocio y su rentabilidad. Asimismo, se realizaron validaciones de la venta de biohuertos e interacciones con el cliente por medio de sus redes sociales. Se recibió una potencial acogida a la propuesta innovadora, ya que se observó que varias personas estaban interesadas en tener esta experiencia única de cultivo en su hogar. Por último, el valor actual de la empresa asciende a un total de S/152,768.93, esto indica que el proyecto es rentable. Respecto al período de recupero de inversión, se estima que será en el año 2 en el mes de abril. Asimismo, de acuerdo con el flujo de caja libre, se puede analizar que desde el primer año se obtendrán ganancias. / The present project has the proposal of develop and implement a scalable business that could be able to challenge the Peruvian market through many strategies bases in alliances with the different partners like suppliers, clients and others stakeholders, and also, taking advantage of the different networking that now a days we have. It´s about an entrepreneurship calling Grow It, which the principal aim is to foment and increase the healthy nutrition in the population giving to them a harvest experience from their own home. Grow It, offer domestics orchards adaptable to the space of the different houses and apartments that every consumer has and also, the seeds that we offer are easier to care that the usual. Likewise, this product gives to the consumer the possibility to have their own vegetables and fruits without the necessity to go out and at the same time, it allows to maintain a healthy life and nutrition. The target market will be women and men with anyone civil status, that are between 25 to 55 years old, are in the A or B socio-economic level and they like or are interesting in maintain a healthy life and want to have a cropping experience in their house. For the viability analysis, the group designed and did different experiments to support the idea and the profitability of our project. Besides, we did validations of the purchase attempt and the final sales with the backing of our social networks: Facebook and Instagram. The project received a potential reception of the proposal because many people that are part of the target market send us direct messages asking for the price, how does the product works and other aspects. Finally, the Net Present Value of the project it´s S/152,768.93. This means, that Grow It generate value in the market. Also, the payback will be in the year 2, on April. In the same way, according to the Cash Flow, we will obtain profits since year 1. / Trabajo de investigación

Piquéalo / Piquéalo

Arce Sardon, Joyce Tamara, Gamarra García, Liliana Nicole, Gonzalez Barrientos, Mariana, León Doria, Fergie, Vásquez Gianella, María Jimena 09 June 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto de investigación tiene como finalidad la implementación de un negocio enfocado en la venta de snacks saludables por medio del canal online, basado en la recopilación de información de un público que procura adoptar un estilo de vida saludable. Esta investigación se realizó en Lima Metropolitana a los NSE “A” y “B”, enfocándonos principalmente en quienes buscan practicidad y mantienen un perfil digital. Esta propuesta de negocio es atractiva ya que encontramos a un consumidor interesado en desarrollar hábitos de consumo más saludables; aprovechando que en el mercado existen escazas opciones que atiendan sus necesidades, creamos Piquéalo. Emprendimiento dedicado al delivery de snacks saludables hechos a base de ingredientes naturales y de alta calidad, con una presentación atractiva y medio ambientalmente responsable. Para desarrollar este proyecto se realizó un análisis profundo que abarcó lo siguiente: Validación del Modelo de Negocio, Análisis Interno y Externo, Desarrollo del Plan de Negocio, Plan de Operaciones, Plan de Marketing, Plan de Recursos Humanos, Plan de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y Plan Financiero. Todo ello con la finalidad de validar la viabilidad del proyecto y poder llevarlo a la realidad. / The purpose of this research project is to implement a business focused on the sale of healthy snacks through the online channel, based on the compilation of information from an audience that seeks to adopt a healthy lifestyle. This research was carried out in Metropolitan Lima for socioeconomic level "A" and "B", focusing mainly on those who seek practicality and maintain a digital profile. This business proposal is attractive since we find a consumer interested in developing healthier consumption habits; Taking advantage of the fact that there are few options in the market that meet those needs, we created Piquéalo. An Entrepreneurship dedicated to the delivery of healthy snacks made from natural and high-quality ingredients, with an attractive and environmentally responsible presentation. In order to achieve this project, an extensive analysis was carried out that included the following: Validation of the Business Model, Internal and External Analysis, Development of the Business Plan, Operation Plan, Marketing Plan, Human Resources Plan, Corporate Social Responsibility Plan and Financial plan. All this in order to validate the viability of the project and take it to completion. / Trabajo de investigación

Workplace Violence Prevention Program to Improve Nurses' Perception of Safety in the Emergency Department

Brown, April Hough 01 January 2016 (has links)
The literature claims that workplace violence (WPV) in the health care setting is among the highest, with the majority of that violence taking place in the Emergency Department (ED). The significance of WPV in reference to nursing is that it leads to burnout, absenteeism, and the risk of nurses leaving their job all together. Leaving the nursing profession intensifies the present critical shortage. With the success of an evidence-based WPV prevention program (WPVPP), hospitals could improve the quality of work for nurses, which consequently will improve retention rates, as well as provide an environment that will be more conducive to patient care. In the evaluation of the ED at the practicum site, it was found that there was an absence regarding de-escalation education, hazard assessment, and incident reporting. To address those problems, the current project examined the extent to which implementing a WPVPP would provide a safer environment as perceived by the nurses who work in the ED. Ten health care professionals with experience and knowledge related to WPV were given an evaluation tool to measure the content validity of the survey instrument and WPVPP. The evaluation tool was comprised of 12 close- and open-ended questions. The information gained from the evaluation provided the necessary support to implement the WPVPP and evaluate the nurses' perception of safety in the ED. The implementation of a WPVPP would affect social change by improving the nurses' perception of safety, hence creating a healthy work environment that includes safety, respect, and trust.

Effective Communication and Teamwork Improve Patient Safety

Anderson, Helene M 01 January 2017 (has links)
Work environment influences the effectiveness of care for patients in any healthcare setting. It is even more important in settings such as the neonatal ICU (NICU) where this project took place. When the environment is not healthy, communication may suffer and result in poor patient outcomes and, family, patient, and staff dissatisfaction. The purpose of this quality improvement project was to understand how the implementation of the TeamSTEPPS program, for nurses in the NICU, could impact the safety culture as measured by the AACN Healthy Work Environment (HWE) tool. Lewin's professional practice change theory and the AHRQ change model were used to guide the project. The previously validated HWE survey, made up of 6 standards including communication, and leadership was provided to 71 NICU nurses with only 41 completing the baseline survey and 4 weeks later, 31 completing the post intervention survey after the TeamSTEPPS training. An independent t test was used to examine baseline and post TeamSTEPPS intervention HWE results against the HWE benchmark. Results indicated that post intervention scores met the benchmark although scores did not meet the benchmark prior to the intervention. Data were also analyzed with a paired t test to determine the significance of the improvement in the pre to post intervention results. Three of the 6 HWE standards, skilled communication (p = .004), adequate staffing (p = .002), and authentic leadership (p < .001) reached significant levels post TeamSTEPPS training compared to the pre TeamSTEPPS scores. Through the use of TeamSTEPPS training communication improved and the potential for improvement in patient safety promotes positive social change.

Association between perception of practical advice, educational messages of the Dietary Guidelines and the media in Peruvian university students

Mamani-Urrutia, Víctor, Dominguez-Curi, César Hugo, la Puente, Stephanie Inés Pineda, López-Guerrero, Pamela Alejandra, Bustamante-López, Alicia 01 March 2021 (has links)
Objective: To determine the association between the perception of practical advice and the educational messages of the food guides in students of a private university in Peru. Methodology: Cross-sectional study. The population corresponded to undergrads who are from the first to tenth semester of their degrees in a private university of Lima-Peru. The sample was 480 university students who voluntarily agreed to participate in the study. The data were collected in the period from october to november of the year 2019. A questionnaire was applied to collect the perception of university students about the messages of the dietary guidelines and the media where they would like to know information about educational messages. Results: 46.5% correspond to undergrads of the Faculty of Health Sciences. Messages 1, 3, 4, 6, 9 and 11 of the Peruvian GABAS showed an evident statistical association (p <0.05). The media with the highest proportion by which they would like to know educational messages about healthy eating were Television (28.5%), Instagram (27.7%) and Facebook (19.0%). Conclusion: Differentiated advertising should be designed and implemented on television, Instagram and Facebook on healthy eating to contribute to the improvement of the health and nutrition status of Peruvian university students. Arch Latinoam Nutr 2021; 71(1): 36-44. / Revisión por pares

Bebida orgánica natural Kamuru

Camarena Montoya, Frank Gustavo, Copaja Menendez, Jazmin, Florian Carpio, Nelson Jorge, Montalvo Mozombite, José Luis 11 December 2019 (has links)
En la actualidad, desde el mes de junio del presente año todos los alimentos industrializados que se ofrecen en el mercado están sujetos a llevar octógonos de advertencia por el contenido alto en azúcar, sodio, grasas transgénicas y grasas saturadas. Lo que conlleva a que el consumidor sea más cuidadoso y detallista al momento de realizar su compra. Por tal motivo, el proyecto de investigación busca validar la viabilidad de comercialización y tercerización de la bebida natural orgánica Kamuru, el cual es un producto beneficioso por contener nutrientes naturales obtenidos de la cascarilla de café, insumo principal en esta bebida la cual no es muy utilizada en la industria alimenticia, por el contrario, se desechan toneladas de cascarilla al año. Asimismo, el proyecto se sustenta a través de una investigación de mercado, donde se identifica que existe un target del 16% del mercado operativo el cual asciende a un total de 78,812 consumidores dispuestos a invertir en bebidas saludables con una frecuencia de una a dos veces por semana, observando este patrón se empleara la distribución semanal de bebidas a bodegas y supermercados. Finalmente, se observa la rentabilidad y viabilidad del presente proyecto, el cual contara con cinco años de validación financiera. Este sustento se apreciará en el valor actual neto, el cual tiene una rentabilidad de S/. 1,019,793.59 soles para los accionistas traídos al año actual; además, de una tasa interna de retorno de 285.45% mayor al 30 % del costo de oportunidad del accionista. / At present, since the month of June of this year all industrialized foods offered in the market are subject to carry warning octagons for the high content of sugar, sodium, transgenic fats and saturated fats. Which leads to the consumer being more careful and detailed when making their purchase. For this reason, the research project seeks to validate the feasibility of commercialization and outsourcing of Kamuru organic natural beverage, which is a beneficial product for containing natural nutrients obtained from the coffee husk, the main input in this beverage which is not very used in the food industry, on the contrary, tons of husks are discarded annually. Likewise, the project is supported through a market investigation, which identifies that there is a target of 16% of the operating market which amounts to a total of 78,812 consumers willing to invest in healthy drinks with a frequency of one to two times per week, observing this pattern, the weekly distribution of beverages to wineries and supermarkets will be used. Finally, the profitability and viability of this project is observed, which will have five years of financial validation. This support will be appreciated in the net present value, which has a profitability of S /. 1,019,793.59 soles for shareholders brought to the current year; In addition, an internal rate of return of 285.45% greater than 30% of the opportunity cost of the shareholder. / Trabajo de investigación

A School-Based Intervention’s Impact on Children’s Knowledge and Self-Efficacy Related to Physical Activity and Nutrition: A Pilot Study

Jenkins, Katherine Turley 01 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Childhood obesity has become epidemic in the United States. One of the best places to combat this problem is within the school system. The purpose of this study was to examine changes in exercise self-efficacy, science interest, and science knowledge of children who participated in a school-based anatomy and healthy lifestyle intervention called Anatomy Academy. In this pilot study, 212 study participants were recruited from 5th and 6th grade children enrolled in one of three charter schools who participated in our 7-week intervention, Anatomy Academy. Children completed four questionnaires pre and post intervention: (1) a science knowledge questionnaire, (2) a science interest questionnaire, (3) an exercise self-efficacy questionnaire, and (4) a demographic questionnaire. A statistically significant difference was found in participants’ pre and post test scores on the science knowledge questionnaire. Anatomy Academy was well received by children, parents, and faculty and provides helpful curriculum for science and physical education classes.

Review of Humanism in Fifteenth-Century Europe.

Maxson, Brian 01 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This important book seeks to dispel the myth that humanism and humanists were unique to the Italian Peninsula during the Fifteenth Century.

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