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Tillitsbaserad ledning och styrning i en offentlig organisation : Det handlar om relationerStolt Olsson, Helena January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Studiens syfte var att utforska hur chefer inom en svensk offentlig organisation tolkat det statliga uppdraget att införa tillitsbaserad ledning och styrning. Frågeställningarna berörde vilka olika tolkningar av tillitsuppdraget som kunde identifieras, hur dessa tolkningar kunde förklaras samt vilka betydelser de olika tolkningarna kunde ha för uppdragets genomförande. Metod: Studien genomfördes genom en kvalitativ enfallsstudie och elva chefer intervjuades. En dokumentstudie inkluderades även i studien där organisationens egenproducerade tillitsverktyg presenterades som en lokal översättning av tillitsbegreppet. Resultat: Det visade sig i studien att chefernas tolkningar av uppdraget varierade från ett frekvent användande av tillitsverktyget till inget arbete alls. Det framkom i studien att den största anledningen till de olika tolkningarnas uppkomst var relationen och tilliten till närmaste chef. Slutsatser: Studien konstaterar att tillit är ett relationellt begrepp där interna relationer spelar nyckelroller i tillitsarbetet. En viktig slutsats visade sig vara att hur chefer tolkade tillitsuppdraget bidrog till stor del hur underställda chefer agerade. Dessutom visar studien att hög tillit inte nödvändigtvis ökar motivationen till tillitsarbete. Studien bidrar till forskningen genom konstaterandet att tillit är viktigt i alla led inom organisationer som arbetar i riktning mot tillitsbaserad ledning och styrning.
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Artificial Human Intelligence Resources : Speech recognition i anställningsintervjuerEdholm, Peter January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att med en kvalitativ ansats undersöka hur rekryterare ställde sig till implementeringen av AI-baserad speech recognition i anställningsintervjuer, hur de trodde att denna teknik kommer att påverka HRM, vilka fördelar de anser hade kunnat uppnås samt vilka etiska principer som borde beaktas vid införandet av denna teknik. Undersökningen gjordes genom att tematiskt analysera de intervjuer som hölls. Resultatet visar på att rekryterarna var ambivalenta till denna teknik. Rekryterarna uttryckte både farhågor och förhoppningar med ett eventuellt införande i deras organisation och i rekryteringsbranschen. En slutsats som kunde dras utifrån denna studie var att det fanns en föreställning hos rekryterare om att målet med denna teknik var att ge Speech recognition agenter beslutsmandat och ersätta mänskliga rekryterare.
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Genetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA within Southern African populations.Brecht, Gadean January 2020 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / As human beings we are curious about our origin and ancestry. A curiosity has led to an investigation of human evolution and expansion across the world by means of population genetics and phylo-genetics by evaluating a region in Southern Africa that is largely unknown.
The objective of this study was to develop a quick, inexpensive and accurate hierarchical diagnostic screening system of the MtDNA phylogenetic tree, AI-SNPs in the mtDNA genome by using High Resolution Melting analysis to evaluate the population composition and ancestral haplogroups of Southern African populations in Limpopo. The admixture between the ‘Khoesan’ hunter-gatherers, herders and the Bantu speaking populations led to population growth and expansion in Limpopo. This has contributed to populations settling in Limpopo and has thus shaped the ancestral contemporary populations. No research on these individuals residing in Limpopo has been done before, thus an investigation of their ancestral origin was necessary. A total of 760 saliva samples were collected from individuals residing in Limpopo. Only 500 saliva samples were extracted by means of an optimized salting out technique. Five hundred extracted genomic samples were genotyped by means of a quick, inexpensive High-resolution melting analysis. Of the 500 samples, the genotyping results showed 95 individuals derived for the L3 haplogroup which gives a 19% ratio of individuals screened with Multiplex 1. Only 56 individuals were derived for the L1 haplogroup, which gives a percentage of 11%. A total of 249 individuals were derived for the L0 haplogroup, making up a 50% of the total individuals genotyped. Only 100 samples were derived for L0a, making up 20% of individuals screened with Multiplex 1. Of the 95 samples derived for the L3 haplogroup, the results showed 87 individuals to be ancestral for both M and N, making up 91.57% of individuals screened with Multiplex 2. http://etd.uwc.ac.za/. In population genetics using SNPs to infer population history and ancestral origin has become significant, this study allowed researchers to evaluate population groups by investigating their genetic markers and the application of the results allowed for downstream analyses. Finally, this study provides a quick and simple screening method for the selection of lineages that are of interest for further studies.
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Managing Diversity in Organizations: The Implementation of Strategies, Practices and Measurements to Enhance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Workforces : A Qualitative Case Study of Diversity Management in Organizations Operating in SwedenAxelsson, Emma Louise January 2022 (has links)
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) has received increasing attention among organizations and in research as the world becomes increasingly globalized and internationalized. However, there is still limited research on how diversity management is performed in organizations and a neglected focus on social sustainability linked to DEI, which underlines the need to further study implemented practices to promote DEI in organizations. Thus, the aim of this study is to broaden the knowledge of how diversity management is performed in organizations. The research questions are (1) What strategies and practices are implemented by diversity and HR managers to integrate DEI in organizations? and (2) How are the results of DEI strategies and practices measured in organizations? A case study of DEI as a phenomenon was conducted to explore the strategies, practices, and measurements used in organizations to increase DEI in the recruitment, retention, and promotion of employees. A qualitative research method based on semi-structured interviews was used to examine DEI from the perspective of diversity and HR managers in nine organizations. The theoretical framework was based on practice theory. The empirical findings show that organizations use various strategies and practices to integrate DEI in the recruitment, retention, and promotion of employees. Organizations focus mainly on gender and ethnicity in the context of DEI and the most common practices are awareness training on DEI, bias, harassment, and discrimination. Furthermore, the findings show that most organizations do not use DEI measurements or targets systematically, making it difficult to measure the progress and outcomes of DEI practices. Moreover, there is a need for specific targets covering DEI parameters besides gender and ethnicity, to include other minorities and discriminated groups. This thus requires structured efforts to create measurement tools for DEI practices to facilitate the monitoring and evaluation of progress and outcomes of DEI practices.
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Riktlinjer, rutiner eller trender? : En kvalitativ studie om HR-strategers upplevelser och erfarenheter av den strategiska sidan av HR arbeteCederfay, Milka, Pettersson, Emilia January 2023 (has links)
Föreliggande studie har som avsikt att förtydliga för intresserade allmänhet, forskare eller andra yrkesinriktningar vad det strategiska HR-arbetet innebär samt identifiera utvecklingsområden för HR-strateger. Syftet med studien är därför att undersöka vad det strategiska HR-arbetet egentligen är eller kan vara och hur detta tillämpas på olika arbetsplatser i Sverige, samt hur det förhåller sig till den operativa sidan av HR-arbetet. Frågeställningarna utgår från studiens HR-personal som anser sig arbeta med strategisk HR, för att undersöka deras upplevelser av det strategiska arbetet. Studien baseras på en kvalitativ ansats bestående av transkriberat intervjumaterial, totalt intervjuades tio informanter som arbetar både inom offentlig och privat sektor, och i större och mindre verksamheter. Materialet har analyserats utefter nyinstitutionell samt institutionell teori med hjälp av begreppen, isomorfism, legitimitet, särkoppling samt institutionalisering. Resultatet visar att organisering är en förutsättning för det strategiska arbetet samt att HR-strateger bevakar trender för att möta samhällets krav och därmed få legitimitet. Resultatet visar vidare att skillnaden och därmed gränsen mellan operativt och strategiskt arbete är inte tydlig, dock har det operativa arbetet visat sig vara mer kortsiktig medan strategiskt arbete har visat sig vara mer långsiktig. Resultatet visar även motsättningar mellan operativt och strategiskt arbete. Slutsatsen är att strategisk HR behöver leda till aktivitet för att ge värde till organisationer, vilket däremot inte alltid är fallet enligt empirin, samt att HR-strateger behöver ha en större förståelse i personalens styrkor och svagheter för att skickligare utveckla strategier.
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Human Resource Development: An assessment of capacity development initiatives of World Bank projects in GhanaDanquah, Joseph K. January 2017 (has links)
The significance of capacity development programmes, as key driver for sustaining development goals, is anchored in all international fora. This research complements and extends our present understanding of the contribution of capacity development approaches to development and achievement of the SDGs. This is achieved by critically assessing the impact of capacity development initiatives sponsored by the World Bank. This thesis has focused on analysis of implementation strategies and critical assessment of the impact of the projects using multidisciplinary approach, utilising a range of quantitative and qualitative methods. It provides a sound empirical basis for assessing the complexities of these projects. This empirical investigation has identified a wide range of disparities of implementation strategies utilised for capacity development initiatives among the major international players (World Bank and UNDP). These findings clearly indicate that there is no single strategy for the implementation of capacity development initiatives. Thus, based on empirical evidence, as well as a critical review of the literature, the study proposes a model for achieving critical sustainable capacity development based on broad and long-term strategies; input, process, output, and outcome which defines the appropriateness of policies and practices that support sustainable development. It is concluded that capacity development initiatives are relevant and essential ensuring national development and sustainable results. The recommendations include the focus on individual, organisational, and societal factors when planning, developing and adopting strategies for implementing all government/national programmes.
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Multi-generational integration as HRM strategy for international organization / Интеграция поколений как стратегия управления персоналом в международной организации : магистерская диссертацияРиверо Гаска, А. К., Rivero Gasca, A. K. January 2018 (has links)
Master thesis is performed on 85 pages (format А4, the font type Times New Roman, кегль 14, interlining 1.5) excluding attachments. Number of tables –30 (excluding attachments). Number of pictures – 6 (excluding attachments). Number of formulas – 0 (excluding attachments). Master Thesis consists Introduction, 4 chapters, Conclusion and Bibliography. In the theoretical part are presented the basic concepts, principal authors and definitions of the main topic. In the practical part are analyzed the general characteristics of the investigated enterprise and the activities of HR specialists about the topic, as well as the perception of the employees on the subject of investigation. On the base of received results are proposed recommendations on how to improve on multigenerational integration within the Company. In conclusion the results in accordance with object. / Магистерская диссертация выполнена на 85 страницах (формат А4, шрифт Times New Roman, кегль 14, интервал 1.5) без учета вложений. Количество таблиц - 30 (без вложений). Количество фотографий – 6 (без вложений). Количество формул – 0(без вложений). Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, 4 глав, заключения и библиографии. В теоретической части представлены основные понятия, основные авторы и определения основной темы. В практической части анализируются общие характеристики исследуемого предприятия и деятельность HR-специалистов по данной теме, а также восприятие сотрудниками предмета исследования. На основе полученных результатов предложены рекомендации по совершенствованию мульти-генерационной интеграции внутри компании. В заключение приведены результаты в соответствии с целями исследования.
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The changing logic of Japanese employment practices: A firm-level analysis of four industries.Keizer, Arjan B. January 2005 (has links)
Yes / In previous decades, the perception of Japan¿s employment practices has been strongly intertwined with its economic fortunes. From the 1970s, Japan¿s employment practices came to be seen as one of the cornerstones of its economic success. However, this perception changed, albeit with a substantial delay, when the economy proved incapable of returning to its former path of growth after the `bubble¿ burst at the end of the 1980s. Like so many of its economic institutions, the employment practices became the subject of substantial criticism in a debate on the revitalisation of Japan¿s economy. This study takes its position within this debate by discussing the likelihood, character, and economic consequences of change. Environmental changes, like the ageing of the population and the substantial decrease in economic growth, require Japanese firms to adapt their human resource management. However, the embeddedness of national practices limits the scope of firms to make these adjustments; and change is determined by the dialectics between their strategies and existing practices. The firm, as an institution, thus experiences the impact of both the embedded employment practices and the economic impact of environmental changes. Accordingly, it is at the centre of this study. Theories of the firm are used to discuss the contribution of employment practices on efficiency, capabilities, and competitive strength. Case-studies from four different industries ¿ automobile, electronics, construction, and retailing ¿ describe the adaptations made by individual firms. Subsequently, these findings constitute the basis for a discussion of industry-specific employment practices and provide an answer to whether developments such as the rise in performance-based pay and labour mobility have altered the logic of Japanese employment practices.
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Implication des remaniements géniques dans l'inactivation des gènes de prédisposition au cancer du sein / Germline large rearrangements in the inactivation of genes implied in breast cancer predispositionRouleau, Etienne 07 December 2011 (has links)
Parmi les cancers du sein, 5 à 10% serait associé à une prédisposition génétique familiale. La prise en charge des patients prédisposés nécessite une bonne définition des risques de cancer. L’identification de l’altération moléculaire causale dans chacune de ces familles est donc un enjeu essentiel dans la prise en charge médicale. Deux gènes, BRCA1 et BRCA2, sont associés à une prédisposition majeure au cancer du sein et de l’ovaire depuis le milieu des années 1990, expliquant environ 15% des formes héréditaires. L’analyse moléculaire de ces deux gènes est désormais réalisée en routine pour la recherche de variations nucléotidiques et plus récemment de remaniements géniques ce qui a permis d’améliorer le taux de détection de mutations délétères. Cependant, pour près de 85% des familles avec une agrégation familiale ou un âge anormalement jeune de cancer du sein, aucune mutation délétère n’a pu être mise en évidence. Dans ce contexte, mon travail de thèse a eu pour objectif de tester plusieurs hypothèses permettant d’expliquer les risques de cancer du sein observés chez des familles montrant l’absence de mutation des gènes BRCA1 et BRCA2. Nous avons ainsi recherché des mécanismes d’altération rarement explorés pour les gènes BRCA1 et BRCA2, et enfin analysé d’autres gènes candidats dont le gène CDH1 et huit autres gènes impliqués dans la réparation de l’ADN. Nous avons pu mieux caractériser des remaniements sur les gènes BRCA1 et BRCA2. Enfin, nous avons pu évaluer l’impact de variants de signification inconnue et des réarrangements détectés par l’étude de leurs transcrits. Dans un premier temps, nous avons mis en place et validé de nouvelles approches techniques de détection et de caractérisation : la CGH-array dédiée, la qPCR-HRM et le peignage moléculaire. Ces techniques ont ensuite été utilisées pour étudier les remaniements géniques et leur fréquence pour onze gènes candidats à la prédisposition au cancer du sein à partir de 472 familles négatives aux mutations délétères BRCA1 et BRCA2. Parmi ces 11 gènes, nous pouvons conclure que les remaniements géniques détectés concernent principalement les gènes BRCA1 et BRCA2, et à un moindre degré le gène CHEK2. En appliquant ces techniques, nous avons pu décrire de nouveaux événements, deux larges délétions et une duplication intronique, pour les gènes CDH1 et BARD1, ouvrant de nouvelles perspectives sur l’étude des transcrits alternatifs. Nous avons en particulier pu décrire la grande diversité des réarrangements délétères en 5’ du gène BRCA1. L’enjeu est ensuite l’interprétation de ces événements. Notre étude des transcrits a permis de décrire un variant exonique d’épissage entraînant une délétion de l’exon 23 au niveau du transcrit BRCA1. Nous avons aussi validé la pathogénicité d’un réarrangement en phase de l’exon 3 de BRCA2 par une étude quantitative du transcrit et une évaluation de la coségrégation. Au final, moins de 1% de nouveaux remaniements ont été mis en évidence. Ce travail est riche d’enseignement pour les nouvelles investigations à mettre en place pour les familles prédisposées. En dehors de la technique d’identification, il est nécessaire de développer des stratégies de validation basées principalement sur la quantification des effets de ces altérations au niveau de l’ARN et des protéines. Cependant, il manque encore de nombreux chaînons pour expliquer l’héritabilité des cancers du sein. Les études sur les nouveaux gènes candidats et l’avènement des techniques de séquençage pangénome à haut débit, devraient permettre d’avoir une meilleure vision des phénomènes pathobiologiques liés à la prédisposition au cancer du sein. / Five to 10% of breast cancers are linked to a genetic predisposition. The management of patients at risk requires a good definition in the risk of cancer. The identification of causal molecular alterations in each of these families is a key issue in medical care. Two genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2, are related with the greatest susceptibility to breast cancer and ovarian cancer since the mid-1990s, accounting for about 15% of hereditary forms. Molecular analysis of these two genes is now routinely performed for the detection of nucleotide variations and more recently large rearrangements which have improved the detection rate of deleterious mutations. However, for more than 85% of families, no mutation explains familial aggregation or unusual young age of breast cancer onset. In this context, my thesis aimed at testing several hypotheses to explain the risks of breast cancer observed in families without any identified mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. We investigated some mechanisms of genic rearrangements rarely explored for BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, and finally investigated other candidate genes, especially CDH1 gene and eight other genes involved in double-strand DNA repair. We have better characterized some rearrangements in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Finally, we applied RNA quantitative approaches to better assess the impact from variants of unknown significance and detected rearrangements. Initially, we developed and validated new technical approaches for detection and characterization such as dedicated CGH-array, qPCR-HRM and molecular combing. Rare large germline rearrangements and their frequency in eleven candidate genes for susceptibility to breast cancer were studied among 472 families negative by routine testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Of these 11 genes, we conclude that genic rearrangements are found then mainly in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, and to a lesser extent in the CHEK2 gene. We were able to describe two large intronic deletions and one duplication for the CDH1 and BARD1 genes, opening new perspectives on the regulation of their alternative transcript. In particular, we described the wide diversity of new rearrangements involving the 5' region of the BRCA1 gene. Then, it is necessary to validate and interpret those new events. Our transcript analysis described a new exonic variant causing the splice deletion of exon 23 in BRCA1 gene. We have developed tools to validate an in-frame large rearrangement of BRCA2 exon 3 with some transcript quantitative approaches and disease cosegregation.Finally, less than 1% of new rearrangements have been identified. This work is instructive for further investigations to establish molecular etiology in those families with breast cancer predisposition. Not only by applying new technologies, it is necessary to develop other strategies based primarily on quantifying effects of these alterations on transcription and traduction. However, it still lacks many links to explain the heritability of breast cancer. The combination of new candidate genes studies and the advent of high-throughput sequencing are expected to give a better vision of pathobiological phenomena related to the breast cancer predisposition.
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Betydande attribut för att attrahera och behålla specialistsjuksköterskor : En kvalitativ studie om Region Dalarna / Significant attributes for attracting and retaining specialist nursesBjörk, Emelie, Johansson, Sandra January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att synliggöra vilka attribut som är betydande i Region Dalarnas arbete med att attrahera och behålla specialistsjuksköterskor inom verksamheterna. Den teoretiska referensramen utgör grundläggande för tidigare forskning inom områdena Employer Brand och Employer Value Proposition (EVP). Vidare har den teoretiska referensramen analyserat tidigare forskning kring studiens identifierade teman: ledarskap, lönepolitik och kompetensförsörjning/ kompetensutveckling. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats där åtta semistruktrerade intervjuer utförts med tidigare eller nuvarande anställda specialistsjuksköterskor inom Region Dalarna. Resultatet påvisar att Region Dalarnas främsta betydande attribut för att attrahera och behålla specialistsjuksköterskor är de tre teman ovan nämnda vilka identifierats av föreliggande studie. Som ett bidrag till praktikersamhället kan Region Dalarna förslagsvis uppmärksamma studiens resultat för att utveckla arbetet kring att attrahera och behålla specialistsjuksköterskor i sina verksamheter. Föreliggande studie kan även ses som ett bidrag och komplement till tidigare forskning. / The purpose of this Bachelor ́s thesis is to highlight which attributes who are significant in Region Dalarnas work to attract and retain specialist nurses within the operations. The theoretical frame of reference form the basic for previous research in the areas of Employer Brand and Employer Value Proposition (EVP). Furthermore, the theoretical frame has analyzed previous research for the study's identified themes: Leadership, Wage Policy and Skills supply/Skills development. The study has a qualitative approach where eight semistructured interviews were conducted with previously or currented employed specialist nurces within Region Dalarna. The results shows that Region Dalarna ́s main significant attributes for attracting and retaining specialist nurses are the three themes mentioned above which has been idenified by the present study. As a contribution to the practitioner community, Region Dalarna can suggest paying attention to the results of the study to delvelope the work for attracting and retaining specialist nurses in the operations. The present study can also be seen as a contribution to previous research.
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