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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Medborgardialog : Ett demokratiexperiment i Örebro kommun

Pettersson, Marcus January 2008 (has links)
Abstract In the beginning of 2007 the Swedish municipality Örebro decided to have a democratic experiment, which ought to go under the name, “Dialouge for the citizens”. The representative elected politicians in Örebro tried to find ways to involve the people in the process of ruling. Why they choose to try this experiment on this very delicate matter, the closure of several schools in the municipal, is one of the questions this essay is trying to answer. The purpose of this essay is to find out whether the process was an attempt for the politicians of the representative democracy to implement deliberative democracy in the structure of the local governance. The result of this study is that the politicians didn’t manage to reach to the citizens the way they formerly had planned.

Ord men inga visor : En jämförande masterstudie om humanitära organisationers policy kring dialog och mänskliga rättigheter i relation till praktiskt genomförande av flyktingläger

Ekstrand, Moa January 2015 (has links)
The average time for an individual to be located in a refugee situation is 17 years. That people are fleeing for such a long period of their life means that a large part of their human rights can easily be neglected. This study examines the humanitarian organizations MSB’s and UN- HCR's implementation of refugee camps and how they allow refugees to play a part in this process. This essay intends to examine the policy the organizations adhere to, namely the in- ternationally recognized handbooks Handbook of Emergencies and The Sphere Project. Em- pirical material is based on a qualitative interview method where a comparison between poli- cy and practice is investigated. Employees of organizations and experts on refugee camp de- sign, management and urban planning have served as respondents in this study. The city planning theory collaborative rationality is used to examine the empirical data to answer how organizations work with refugee camps, if a dialogue processes occur between organizations and refugees, and what benefits the theory can provide. This is followed by a discussion re- garding the human rights of the refugees and whether these are considered in the implementa- tion of the camp. A question raised in the discussion is whether a clarification of the concept could help the organizations' employees to meet the human rights of the refugees. The aim of this thesis is to create an interdisciplinary understanding across disciplinary boundaries. The idea is that the amalgamation of disciplines can improve the humanitarian organizations’ work and aid refugees living conditions. This study highlights a discrepancy in the relation- ship between policy and practice in relation to the procedure manuals, but also in relation to refugees and the satisfaction of human rights. A majority of the respondents testify a wish that a dialogue should be conducted between the organization and the recipients of humanitar- ian aid but that issues such as time pressure, ignorance and power relations complicates this process. What is needed for an improvement of dialogue processes is that the organizations need to take clearer positions on how the practical implementation should play out which would more easily control their employees to execute their work. States need to review their approach to refugees and to take responsibility for the people who need help. Last but not least, the concept of human rights and Nussbaum's definition of it is offered as a suggestion as to how UNHCR and MSB could simplify their work to accommodate that the refugees are treated within the realms of the human rights legislation.

Persoonlikheidstyle by erediensgangers : ʼn prakties-teologiese ondersoek na die uitdagings wat aan die liturg gestel word om erediensgangers van alle MBTI® persoonlikheidstyle effektief in eredienste te kan aanspreek (Afrikaans)

Steyn, Cornelius Stephanus 05 November 2008 (has links)
This thesis expresses a thorough conceptual and theoretical investigation of the liturgical challenges a liturgist (preacher) faces to address worshippers of all MBTI® (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®) personality types effectively in public sermons. The investigation is focused on the conceptualizing of psychological factors and the effects thereof that need to be taken into account by liturgists in a public worship service. The scientific aim of the thesis is to give liturgists a theoretical grasp on the hermeneutical factors, liturgical demands and homiletical challenges that any preacher should calculate in addressing worshippers with different and often ‘conflicting’ personality types and needs in a public sermon. I have chosen the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® as psychometric instrument which consists out of sixteen unique and different personality types that are described in a four letter combination. This combination describes a person’s preferred orientation to the world (extroversion or introversion), his/her preferred way of gathering information (sensing or intuition), his/her preferred way of decision making (thinking or feeling) and the preferred lifestyle he/she adopts (judging or perceiving). The MBTI® builds on the insights of the well-known Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, the father of analytical psychology as well as the efforts of the formidable mother and daughter combination, Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs. The reason for this choice is because the MBTI® proofs to be the most distinctive and effective instrument for comprehensively addressing spirituality and type. On the one hand the MBTI® is ‘friendly’ and intelligible enough to be taken into account by any congregation and liturgist while on the other hand it is a thorough and comprehensive psychometric instrument with sound subjacent psychological and scientific principles. Jung distinguished two opposite energizing orientations to the world, extraversion and introversion and four mental functions, the two opposite ways of taking in information (sensing and intuition) and the two opposite ways of ordering (organizing) the information that’s been taken in (thinking and feeling). In addition, Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs added two preferred opposite lifestyles, an organized planned lifestyle (judging) and an adaptive spontaneous lifestyle (perceiving). Out of these combined distinctions the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® was born. The investigation is conveyed in two distinct phases namely a theoretical- and a conclusive phase. The thesis consists out of four parts. Part 1 (Chapters 1 and 2) covers the introduction, an explanation of the methodology and the preliminary description of the concepts in the title of the thesis and other relevant concepts for example ‘liturgy’. The title of the thesis is: Personality types in worshippers: A practical-theological investigation of the challenges a preacher faces to address worshippers of all MBTI® (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®) personality types effectively in sermons. A bilingual list of keywords is included at the beginning of the thesis to enhance continuous research and investigation. Part 2 encompasses the rest of the theoretical phase of the investigation. It consists out of a theoretical exposition of practical-theological principles like hermeneutics and homiletics (Chapter 3), an explanation of three important hermeneutical exponents Gadamer, Habermas and Ricoeur (Chapter 4), other distinctive factors that should be taken into account by the liturgist in the construction and presentation of a worship service (Chapter 5), the discussion of personality and personality types (Chapter 6), the evaluation of several psychological and psychometric instruments that could contribute to the investigation (Chapter 7), the exposition of Jung’s psychological model subjacent to the MBTI® (Chapter 8), an explanation of the theoretical foundation of the MBTI® (Chapter 9) and a comprehensive and extensive exposition of the sixteen distinctive MBTI® personality types (Chapter 10). Part 3 of the thesis consists out of Chapters 11 and 12 and encompasses the conclusive phase of the investigation. The aim of the investigation was to foster appreciation and insight in the dynamics, interaction and co-operation of the MBTI® factors, -combinations and sixteen -personality types in worshippers, so that liturgists and congregations can plan the composition and presentation of worship services accordingly. It will help to lessen the communication hindrances in the presenting and accepting of the Gospel in a worship service. The following practical question is answered in Part 3: What knowledge and insight needs to be fostered within preachers, church councils and congregations in order to accommodate and utilize the needs and strengths of the different personality types so that effective communication of the Gospel can take place in die worship service, where all personality types are potentially included? Preachers and congregations are helped to practically and liturgically address worshippers of all 16 MBTI® personality types. In Chapter 11 general challenges and demands that a liturgist (preacher) faces to address worshippers of all the MBTI® personality types effectively in a public sermon, are addressed. Other determining factors like needs, expectations, theological-anthropological perspectives, spirituality, conflicting timeframes, different generations, stages of psychological- and faith development, selective moments, politics, relationships, social contexts, clothing, moods, language, culture, sexuality, gender roles and defence meganisms are also calculated. The determining and role of personality types (in liturgist and worshippers) and the practical implications and challenges of distinct MBTI® factors and -combinations are addressed. The hermeneutical-, liturgical- and homiletical challenges and demands of the various factors are calculated. The chapter ends by calculating other practical demands and suggestions like different types of worship sermons, alternating worship services, the alternating of liturgical elements in one sermon and the developing of a specific and deliberate style and identity in a worship service. In Chapter 12 the specific demands and challenges that the liturgist faces to effectively address worshippers of all sixteen MBTI® personality types in sermons, are addressed. Hermeneutical-, liturgical- and homiletical challenges and demands with regard to each of the sixteen MBTI® personality types are taken practically into account in a communicative theory of practice. Hermeneutical challenges helps liturgists to spiritually understand each personality type better. With regard to liturgical presentation and construction, the liturgical suggestions enhance the accommodation and involvement of every personality type in the public sermon. Homiletical proposals contribute to the effective preaching, heralding and receiving of the Gospel in the public worship service, so that worshippers of every personality style can be addressed in the public worship service. Other liturgists are invited to freely add their experience and insight in the practical application of the hermeneutical-, liturgical- and homiletical suggestions and proposals. Part 4 concludes the thesis with a short summary and an extensive exposition of literature references in a Bibliography according to an adapted Harvard method. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Placing psychology : a critical exploration of research methodology curricula in the social sciences

Wagner, Claire 29 June 2004 (has links)
Current literature on teaching research methodology in the social sciences points to the changing nature of our world in terms of its complexity and diversity and how this affects the way in which we search for answers to related problems. New ways of approaching research problems that relate to the demands of practice need to be explored, which is in contrast with the ‘either-or’ world we coach our students for, that is to be either qualitative or quantitative researchers. Also, educational policy reform in South Africa has sought to address the issue of real-life relevance of curricula, and specifically, reformists have turned to proponents of Mode 2 knowledge to inform initiatives for change. This means that tertiary institutions will have to adjust the way in which they deliver education to future generations of South Africans. The aim of this study was to map the content of undergraduate research methodology courses at South African universities and to explore the beliefs held by some academics that inform the way in which these courses are constructed. Critical theory allowed the researcher to search for unequal distributions of power and is defined in this study in its oppressive role, that is, its productive ability to bring about inequalities and human suffering. As some critical social theorists embrace specific, and at times divergent, methodologies, a pluralistic approach, based on Habermas’ idea of the relative legitimacy of all theories and methods, was used to. The study revealed that there is a heavy reliance on the methods that are traditionally linked to the positivist paradigm. It also revealed that alternate paradigms focusing on philosophies that dictate the use of qualitative methods are increasingly included in methodology courses and juxtaposed against or used to supplement positivist approaches to research. As academics may struggle to let go of traditional paradigms, they may find a compromise in presenting both. By acknowledging the limitations of past curricula, academics actively seek to change these discourses, but by doing so they may be instituting new hegemonies. One of the findings of this study is thus that distinctions about the content of research courses are being made on a methodological level instead of also acknowledging the epistemological and pragmatic grounds for making choices. Moreover, it is argued that the consensus achieved regarding the curriculum for a research course is the result of conversations held between academics in an ideal speech situation that excludes other significant voices. The lecturers' dominance over the students is maintained in the dialogical activities that they undertake with colleagues that confirm their position of authority in academic society. Students recognise this authority and consent to it. It is proposed that the way forward for curriculum construction lies in establishing academic communities of practice that should be viewed as the type of university that Habermas would advocate: where academics need to share power and be open to the challenges that they face such as negotiating what is accepted as knowledge. / Thesis (DPhil (Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Psychology / unrestricted

Je pojem lidských práv fiktivní? Postmetafyzická koncepce Jürgena Habermase. / Is the concept of human rights fictitious? Jürgen Habermas' postmetaphysical conception of human rights.

Lysoňková, Michala January 2011 (has links)
Human rights are the pervasive practical and political concept, discussed in various branches: political and legal philosophy, political science or jurisprudence. In the diploma thesis, this concept is discussed in the framework of political philosophy. An author's basic question: Is the concept of human rights plausible (rationally valid) in the postmetaphysical situation as well, and if so, which rights are possible to specify as "human"? This question is asked in view of contemporary (content, spatial and symbolical) expansion of human rights and solved in light of Jürgen Habermas' conception of human rights. Habermas' conception of human rights represents probably the most significant rational attempt to reformulate this concept in the postmetaphysical situation. His foundation is apparently free from the burden of all anthropological presuppositions, connected with a pristine articulation of the rights of man. As we know, these presuppositions also resound in the legal concept of human dignity. After the problem definition, a historical excursus on the field of rational natural law and basic characterization of the postmetaphysical situation, an analysis and evaluation of presuppositions intrinsic to Habermas' "linguistificated" conception of human rights follow - i.e. universal pragmatics,...

Den personliga korrespondensen : En komparativ analys mellan hur det intima visas i brevromanerna Pamela or Virtue Rewarded och Montecore – en unik tiger

Sollander Jergeby, Ina January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Archéologie de la radio comme dimension constitutive de l'espace public et culturel québécois : une contribution à la critique de la radio de Radio-Canada

Rancourt, Marie-Laurence 24 April 2018 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, nous nous appuierons sur les concepts d'espace public et de culture pour penser le rôle de la radio publique d'expression francophone du Québec. D'abord, nous entendons faire ressortir la complémentarité entre les positions théoriques de Jürgen Habermas et Hannah Arendt au sujet de l'espace public et de la culture. L'objectif est de montrer que leur pensée respective permet de jeter un regard neuf sur l'objet radiophonique. Notre projet est donc d'approcher cette figure à travers le prisme de la pensée conceptuelle d'intellectuels intéressés par les médias et porteurs d'un projet d'émancipation politique et sociale fondée sur la délibération, le dialogue, l'apprentissage et la critique. Ceci, en plus d'une reconstitution historique des origines de la radio de Radio-Canada, nous permettra de suggérer un idéal radiophonique duquel nous pourrons évaluer les conséquences la disparition de la Chaîne culturelle de Radio-Canada, survenue en 2004. Finalement, notre travail va dans le sens d'une théorie critique de la radio publique québécoise, le rapport de l'institution à la culture ayant changé, comme en témoigne l'analyse des mutations de son rôle dans l'espace public. Mots clés : Jürgen Habermas, Hannah Arendt, Radio-Canada, espace public, culture

Philosophie und Literatur im post-sakularen Zeitalter - religiose Gewalt im zeitgenossischen Roman

Holznienkemper, Alex 02 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Soutenir les changements de pratiques chez les infirmières en soins de première ligne par des interventions de mesure et de rétroaction : considérations pratiques et théoriques

Dufour, Émilie 10 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse, rédigée par articles, vise à examiner d’un point de vue pratique et théorique les enjeux sous-jacents à la capacité des infirmières d’agir sur leur pratique et son contexte par l’entremise d’interventions d’audit-feedback. L’audit-feedback est couramment utilisé dans le domaine de la santé en soutien aux changements et à l’amélioration des pratiques professionnelles. Bien que les infirmières soient régulièrement impliquées dans ces interventions, celles-ci sont étudiées surtout auprès des médecins, tant d’un point de vue empirique que théorique. Le contexte de pratique des infirmières comporte des caractéristiques peu facilitatrices à l’efficacité de l’audit-feedback. La méthodologie de développement théorique d’Alvesson et Kärreman (2007, 2011) a été utilisée afin de comprendre comment ces interventions pouvaient permettre aux infirmières d’agir sur leur pratique et son contexte. Le premier volet de la thèse implique une analyse de deux sources de données empiriques. D’abord, une revue systématique mixte a été effectuée pour comprendre les effets mesurés et perçus de l’audit-feedback auprès des infirmières. Les données des 13 études quantitatives suggèrent une efficacité très variable de l'audit-feedback. Les caractéristiques de la plupart des interventions étaient peu conformes aux recommandations actuelles dans le domaine. Globalement, les données des 18 études qualitatives suggèrent que les infirmières perçoivent plusieurs aspects négatifs à l’audit-feedback, tout en reconnaissant la pertinence d’une utilisation secondaire des données pour soutenir l'amélioration des soins. La seconde source de données provient d’une étude pilote sur le développement, la mise à l’essai et l’évaluation d’une intervention d’audit-feedback auprès d’une équipe de soins infirmiers en première ligne. Des indicateurs relatifs aux soins de plaies et mesurés à partir du système d’information I-CLSC ont été rapportés à l’équipe lors de deux séances de rétroaction. Des analyses de régression logistique ont été effectuées sur une période de 24 mois à partir de 1605 épisodes de soins de plaies afin d’évaluer l’évolution des indicateurs avant, pendant et après la période d’intervention. Un seul indicateur, celui de soutien à l’auto-gestion, a démontré une amélioration constante. L’analyse de ces données empiriques en fonction d’un cadre théorique spécifique à l’audit-feedback (Brown et al., 2019) a permis dans le second volet de la thèse de formuler trois hypothèses sur la réponse des infirmières à l’audit-feedback. Les hypothèses impliquent 1) une intégration de l’aspect relationnel de la pratique infirmière à la rétroaction; 2) une priorisation de la mesure d’indicateurs auprès de l’équipe proximale et 3) une prise en compte des intérêts de l’audit-feedback pour la pratique des infirmières. La démarche se conclut par une réflexion théorique sur les enjeux sous-jacents à l’aspect collectif de l’action chez les infirmières et des intérêts pour leur pratique en levier aux changements. À partir de notions de la théorie de l’Agir communicationnel de Jürgen Habermas, la pratique infirmière est abordée sous l’angle de la coordination communicationnelle et fonctionnelle. Cette problématisation théorique permet, en discussion finale de la thèse, de définir les principales pistes d’action pour concevoir et mettre en œuvre des interventions d’audit-feedback qui répondent à la fois aux intérêts des infirmières et du système de santé. / This manuscript-style thesis aims to examine from a practical and theoretical perspective the issues underlying nurses' ability to act on their practice and its context through audit and feedback interventions. Audit and feedback is commonly used in the health care to support change and improvement in professional practice. Although nurses are regularly involved in these interventions, they are studied primarily with physicians, both empirically and theoretically. The practice context of nurses has characteristics that are not conducive to the effectiveness of audit and feedback. Alvesson and Kärreman's (2007, 2011) theory development methodology was used to understand how these interventions could enable nurses to act on their practice and its context. The first component of the thesis involves an analysis of two sources of empirical data. First, a mixed-methods systematic review was conducted to understand the measured and perceived effects of audit and feedback with nurses. The data from 13 quantitative studies suggest a highly variable effectiveness of audit and feedback. The characteristics of most of the interventions were poorly aligned with current recommendations. Overall, the data from the 18 qualitative studies suggest that nurses perceive several negative aspects to audit and feedback, while recognizing the relevance of secondary use of data to support the improvement of care. The second source of data comes from a pilot study on the design, testing, and evaluation of an audit and feedback intervention with a primary care nursing team. Wound care indicators measured from the I-CLSC information system were reported to the team in two feedback sessions. Logistic regression analyses were performed over a 24-month period on 1605 wound care episodes to assess changes in indicators before, during, and after the intervention period. Only one indicator, self-management support, showed consistent improvement. Analysis of this empirical data based on an audit and feedback specific theory (Brown et al., 2019) led to three hypotheses about nurses' response to audit and feedback in the second component of the thesis. The hypotheses involve 1) integrating the relational aspect of nursing into the feedback; 2) prioritizing the use of indicators targeting teams; and 3) considering the benefits of audit and feedback for nursing practice. The theory development approach concludes with a theoretical reflection on the issues underlying the collective aspect of action among nurses and the interests for their practice as a lever for change. Using notions from Jürgen Habermas' theory of communicative action, nursing practice is viewed from the perspective of communicative and functional coordination. This theoretical perspective allows, in the final discussion of the thesis, to define the main avenues for designing and implementing audit and feedback interventions that meet the interests of both nurses and the health care system.

What's False about False Consciousness

Radhakrishnan, Shivani January 2024 (has links)
Why do we defend the social conditions responsible for our injustice and exploitation? We are confused when disadvantaged women of color cite personal shortcomings rather than the social system as the source of their precarity. Yet, when social philosophers take up these questions by appealing to the concept of ideology, they turn to structural accounts and dismiss theories of false consciousness outright. Accounts of false consciousness, often understood as an epistemic failing to recognize some features of our inadequate social world, meet with a host of objections. Some argue that ascriptions of false consciousness involve authoritarianism, while others criticize the concept for commitments to an implausible correspondence picture of truth. Meanwhile, dismissal of false consciousness accounts of ideology have led to the neglect of an important feature of how ideology works: in and through our own agency. Without an account of false consciousness, critics fail to account for the fact that social structures are the result of our collective consent. They also fail to address how social structures are not analyzable without turning to the self-understandings of the participants in these very institutions. This dissertation addresses issues in ideology critique that account for our agency. By preserving what is still alive in a theory of false consciousness while addressing the long-standing concerns about authoritarianism and correspondence, this project reconstructs the notion of false consciousness. It closely engages with figures in critical social theory such as Marx, Lukacs, Habermas, Haslanger, Honneth, and Jaeggi, while widening the terms of the debate to consider the relevance, for instance, of object relations psychoanalysis for social philosophers. Beyond this, this dissertation shows that false consciousness is a damaged way of relating to ourselves, to each other, and to the social world. It is characterized, I propose, by affective investment. This move helps us clarify both the phenomenology of false consciousness and what a viable form of critique could look like. Psychoanalysis offers us a new way of understanding ideology critique by directing us beyond the model of critique as judgment as part of overcoming false consciousness.

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