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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hälsofrämjande och förebyggande elevhälsa : från nationell till kommunal och lokal nivå

Karlsson, Martin, FIntling, Filippus January 2009 (has links)
The perspective on health among school pupils needs to be extended. School is animportant arena for the promoting of health among youth, primarily from a healthpromoting perspective and a proactive perspective. A holistic approach has gatheredsome ground in the policy documents for the nine year compulsory school in Sweden, butin what way, and what effect does it have on the governing authorities and on schoollevel?The aim of the study is to investigate the coherence between national, municipal andlocal levels regarding the view on health among pupils. In order to do this, the guidelinesfor pupil health in the municipality of Örebro and operational plans for seven F9 schoolsin the municipality of Örebro will be studied and compared to the government bill”Health, learning and sense of security”. In order to obtain a theoretical understanding ofthe course of events between the different organizational levels, intervention theory hasbeen used as an explanatory model.Through analysis of the municipal guidelines for youth and pupil health, shows that thedocument very much resembles the government bill, which becomes apparent through thesame abstract formulations used. The content of the operational plans, particularly thequestion of preventing ill-health, therefore generally stays on an abstract level as well.Consequently, no concrete measures are taken on school level.From what the government bill emphasizes, the strongest reflection in the operationalplans is the point of quality control in the pupil health work and the participation ofparents. The operational plans are influenced by documents that describe how the pupilhealth work is to be organized, but there is still no policy document available for pupilhealth on local school level that includes health promoting and preventive measures. Thusthe schools lack the tools needed to tackle ill-health from a holistic point of view.However, several measures are available when it comes to reactive measures such asbullying and abusive behaviour. / Det finns ett behov av en utvidgad syn på elevhälsa som uppmärksammar fler aspekter avhälsa. Skolan är en viktig arena för arbetet med barn och ungdomars hälsa, inte minstutifrån ett hälsofrämjande och förebyggande perspektiv. I de dokument som styr skolanhar ett helhetsperspektiv på elevers hälsa fått ett allt större utrymme men på vilket sättoch vad innebär det, från de styrande organen för skolan och ner till personalen som skabemöta eleverna?Syftet med studien är att undersöka överensstämmelsen mellan en nationell och enkommunal och en lokal nivå vad gäller elevhälsa. Konkret innebär det att granska Örebrokommuns riktlinjer för barn- och elevhälsa och sju verksamhetsplaner för F9-skolor iÖrebro kommun utifrån regeringspropositionen ”Hälsa, lärande och trygghet”. För att fåen sammanhängande teoretisk beskrivning av skeendet mellan de olika organisatoriskanivåerna har en interventionsteori används som förklaringsmodell.Det som framkommit genom analys av det kommunala dokumentet är att det i stort ärväldigt likt propositionen, vilket bland annat innebär att det som formulerats i abstraktaordalag i propositionen sällan formuleras mer konkret i kommunens riktlinjer. Det somblir skrivet i verksamhetsplanerna, i synnerhet det som rör att förebygga psykisk ohälsa,blir därför också i vissa fall bara till abstrakta målformuleringar som aldrig tar form ikonkreta åtgärder eller insatser.Det som starkast avspeglas i verksamhetsplanerna utifrån det som framhålls ipropositionen är vikten av att kvalitetssäkra elevhälsoarbetet och att arbeta med eleversoch föräldrars delaktighet. Till stor del formas verksamhetsplanerna utifrån dokumentsom konkret beskriver hur arbetet med elevhälsa ska bedrivas, dock finns det inte någotelevhälsodokument på lokal nivå som generellt beskriver ett förebyggande ochhälsofrämjande arbete. Således har skolorna få verktyg för att angripa ohälsa ur etthelhetsperspektiv. Däremot finns det ett flertal specifika åtgärder till redan befintligproblematik, likt mobbning och kränkande behandling.

Street-level labour inspection in China and the implementation of ILO Convention No.155 concerning occupational safety and health

Liu, Larui 08 1900 (has links)
Les relations de travail et d'emploi sont devenues des enjeux importants en Chine. La Chine a ratifié 25 conventions internationales du travail et a travaillé en étroite collaboration avec l'OIT pour améliorer la sécurité et la santé au travail. Malgré ces efforts, la Chine est souvent critiquée pour des violations du travail. Face à ces problèmes, un système législatif d'administration de travail a été développé au niveau national. Mais l’application de ces règlements demeure problématique.. En particulier, les difficultés rencontrées par les inspecteurs du travail dans l'application de ces lois constituent un élément clé du problème. Notre mémoire s'intéresse essentiellement au rôle de l'inspecteur du travail dans l'administration publique de la sécurité du travail en Chine. Ces fonctionnaires jouent un rôle important et peuvent parfois exercer leur discrétion en tant qu'acteurs de première ligne, faisant d'eux de vrais décideurs politiques. Par conséquent, la compréhension de leur rôle et de leur discrétion dans l'application des normes du travail en Chine est cruciale. Notre mémoire est centré sur une étude de cas qualitative d'un bureau d'inspection du travail dans la région de Beijing. Dans le cadre de notre recherche nous avons examiné le rôle des inspecteurs du travail au moyen d’entretiens semi-structurés, d’une recherche documentaire ainsi qu’à l’occasion d’une brève observation des inspecteurs sur lors de la visite d’un lieu de travail. Les résultats démontrent que la définition du pouvoir discrétionnaire des inspecteurs du travail de première ligne en Chine est un enjeu très complexe. L’étude de cas permet cependant d’élaborer un cadre permettant l’identification des facteurs critiques déterminants pour l'évaluation et la compréhension de la nature du pouvoir discrétionnaire de l'inspecteur du travail en application de la loi. / Labour and employment relations have become important issues in China. China has ratified 25 international labour conventions and has worked closely with the ILO to improve occupational safety and health. Despite these efforts, China is often criticized for labour violations. China has in response built a relatively complete legal and regulatory picture of labour regulations nationwide. The problem facing China today is enforcing these laws and regulations. A key part of this problem is the critical question of examining the challenges faced by labour inspectors in implementing these laws. This research project focuses on the role of labour inspection in the public administration of work safety in China. These public servants play an important role and may at times exercise their own discretion as street-level actors, making them the real policy decision makers. Consequently, understanding their role and discretion in the application of labour standards in China is crucial. This research is a qualitative case study of one labour inspection office in the Beijing area and examines the role of labour inspectors through semi-structured interviews, documents, and a brief observation of labour inspectors on-the-job. The results indicate that defining the discretionary power of street-level labour inspectors in China is a very complex task, but a framework is developed through this case study to identify critical issues important to evaluating and understanding the nature of street-level labour inspector discretion in enforcement.

Elevhälsoarbete : En undersökning på tre skolor / Student health work : A study of three schools

Everstrand, Åsa January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med undersökningen är att öka kunskapen om skolors elevhälsoarbete utifrån beskrivningar från medlemmar i tre elevhälsoteam. Det är medlemmarnas berättelser om elevhälsoarbetets organisation, meningsskapande insatser och utvecklingsområden som är utgångspunkten i studien. I undersökningen ingår tre skolors elevhälsoteam kallade X, Y och Z. Skolorna kommer från tre olika kommuner. Det är en undersökning med kvalitativ data från observationer, intervjuer och dokumentanalys av tre elevhälsoplaner. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är teorin om praktikgemenskap samt det kommunikativa relationsskapande perspektivet, som är ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv. Båda har sin grund i den sociokulturella teoribildningen, där samspel och kommunikation utgör grunden i lärandet. I den föreliggande studien visar resultatet både likheter och variationer i medlemmarnas beskrivningar av skolornas elevhälsoarbete. Det framkommer i undersökningen att tydliga mål, uppdrags- och ansvarsfördelning, samt samspel i elevernas lärmiljö är några av förutsättningarna för ett framgångsrikt elevhälsoarbete, vilket också överensstämmer med tidigare forskning. / The aim of this study is to increase the knowledge about schools' student health care work based on the experiences of members in three student health teams. The core of this study is the members' stories about the student health care´s organization, intentional actions and the areas of development. The study includes three schools' student health care teams called X, Y and Z. The schools are from three different municipalities. The empirical research consists of qualitative data from observations, interviews and document analysis of three student health plans. The theory of community of practice and the communicative relational perspective are the theoretical foundations in the study. Both of them are founded on the socio-cultural theory in which interaction and communication are basis for learning. In the study, the results show both similarities and variations in the members' stories of the schools' student health care work. The results show that clear goals, distribution of roles and responsibilities, as well as interaction in the students' learning environment are some of the conditions or a successful student health care, which is in line with previously conducted research.

Peut-on compenser des conditions de travail contraignantes ? : Une analyse à travers le modèle exigences/ressources / Can we buffering working conditions? : An analysis through the job demands/resources model

Silveri, Federica 15 November 2017 (has links)
Sur leur lieu de travail, les individus sont confrontés à de nombreuses difficultés. Souvent, ces difficultés sont engendrées par de mauvaises conditions de travail qui génèrent des phénomènes de risques psychosociaux (RPS), susceptibles de nuire à la santé des salariés. En Sciences de la Gestion, les RPS sont l’objet d’un intérêt croissant, car ils ont aussi un impact sur la performance et sur la pérennité de l’entreprise. Alors qu’il existe des politiques et des pratiques de gestion des ressource humaines (GRH) mises en place par les entreprises pour faire face à ces risques, une démarche efficace n’est pas encore aboutie. Or, selon le modèle exigences/ressources (Demerouti et al., 2001), il existe des conditions de travail favorables (ressources) qui ont le potentiel de réduire ces risques, et qui font l’objet de ces travaux de recherche. Plus précisément, cette thèse s’interroge sur les représentations des salarié/es quant aux ressources qui ont le plus de potentiel pour réduire les effets des conditions de travail nocives. En même temps, nous faisons l’hypothèse que ces ressources sont aussi capables d’influencer la pérennité de l’entreprise, via la fidélisation des salarié/es. Nous avons mené une étude de cas au sein d’un groupe de l’agro-alimentaire, qui contrôle deux implantations industrielles qui ont conservé leur culture d’entreprise d’avant la fusion dans ce groupe. Nos résultats montrent que les salariés identifient quatre ressources (autonomie au travail, variété des tâches, bon climat social et soutien des supérieurs) qui ont plus de potentiel que d’autres pour compenser les conditions de travail contraignantes, et que ces ressources sont largement citées quel que soit le genre, le poste occupé, et le site. Il apparaît que ces mêmes ressources sont aussi capables d’influencer l’intention de rester des salarié/es dans l’entreprise. Cependant, ce ne sont pas toujours les pratiques de GRH qui créent ces ressources, mais –d’après les représentations des salariés- plutôt des valeurs liées à la culture d’entreprise précédant la fusion. Au-delà de la contribution à la théorie Exigences/Ressources, nos travaux souhaitent aussi contribuer à la prise de conscience, par les managers, de l’intérêt de certaines ressources pour la mise en place de meilleures conditions de travail et l’amélioration des stratégies de pilotage de la pérennité. / At the workplace, individuals face many challenges. Usually these difficulties are caused by poor working conditions that generate the phenomena of psychosocial risks factors (PRF), which can harm the health of employees. In management sciences, an increasing interest has set to PRF, particularly because they also have an impact on the performance and on the longevity of the company. The human resource management (HRM) policies and practices are made by companies to deal with these risks, but an effective approach is not yet achieved. According to the job demands / resources model (Demerouti et al., 2001), there are better working conditions (resources) that have the potential to buffer demands which causes PRF. Resources are the subject of this thesis.Precisely, this thesis questions the employees’ representations resources that have the greatest potential to buffer harmful working conditions. At the same time, we make the assumption that these resources are also able to influence the longevity of the firm, through employee loyalty. We conducted a case study within an agri-food group, which controls two industrial establishments which inherited their organizational culture before joining this group. Our results show that employees identify four resources (autonomy at work, task variety, good social climate and superiors support) that have more potential than others to buffer dangerous working conditions. Moreover, these resources are equally quoted in relation to gender, occupation, and industrial site. Furthermore, it appears that the same resources are also able to influence employees intention to remain in the group. However, it is not always the HRM practices that create these resources, but rather the values that are linked to the firm culture, before the merger.Beyond the contribution to the job demands / resources model, our research also aims to contribute to the managers' awareness of the value of certain resources to implement better working conditions and management strategies of longevity.

Reconnaissance et organisation du travail : perspectives françaises et européennes / Recognition and Work Organisation : French and European Perspectives

Bigi, Maëlezig 05 December 2016 (has links)
À partir des années 1990 la reconnaissance est de plus en plus souvent un mot d’ordre des mobilisations de groupes professionnels. Aujourd’hui, les sociologues du travail s’approprient de nouveau cette notion aux origines ambivalentes, après les travaux de R. Sainsaulieu et de P. Bernoux de la fin des années 1980. Les entretiens menés auprès de salariés en France montrent que les attentes de reconnaissance se déploient en quatre registres, l’activité, les relations, la récompense et la personne. Le découpage de l’activité et l’intensification du travail empêchent l’exercice de soi et le sentiment d’utilité dans l’activité, dans un contexte où la crainte de la précarité confine le plus souvent les plaintes au niveau individuel. Une comparaison entre des ingénieurs en France et en Finlande fait ressortir la mesure du temps de travail comme condition de la reconnaissance de la contribution et de la vie hors travail. Les analyses menées sur l’Enquête européenne sur les conditions de travail 2010 confirment la structure des attentes de reconnaissance pour les salariés du secteur privé en France bien que celle-ci varie dans le reste de l’Europe. Enfin, un modèle de médiation- modération souligne le rôle déterminant de la reconnaissance dans la construction de la santé au travail, notamment lorsqu’une plus grande implication est attendue des salariés. / Since the 1990’s, recognition has taken on greater importance as a watchword for mobilization by occupatio- nal groups. Nowadays, Labour sociologists have again appropriated this notion that has ambivalent origins, after R. Sainsaulieu and P. Bernoux’s works from the late 1980’s. Interviews carried out with employees from different firms in France show that recognition expectations open out into four categories, activity, relation- ships, reward and the person. The cutting up of activity and work intensification prevent the deployment of self-hood as well as the feeling of usefulness in a context where the lack of job security tends to limit complaints to the individual level. A comparison between engineers in France and in Finland emphasize working time measurement as a necessary condition for one’s contribution as well as time off work to be recognised. Factor analysis using the data of the European Working Conditions Survey 2010 confirm the structure of recognition expectations for French employees from the private sector, whereas it differs in the other European countries. Finally, the elaboration of a mediation-moderation model provides results that underline the key role of recognition in the building of health at work, notably when a greater involvement is expected from employees.

Exploration de la dynamique entre les demandes, ressources au travail et la santé psychologique au travail

Lapointe, Dominic 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Coordination, Surveillance and Administrative Responsibility of the Parent Company in Safety and Health at Work / Coordinación, Vigilancia y la Responsabilidad Administrativa de la Empresa Principal en la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo

Lengua Apolaya, César 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article analyzes the essential obligations arising on safety and health at work with regard to the parent company in a scheme of productive decentralization, which is characterized in our midst by the widespread use of labor intermediation and outsourcing services both modalities recognized and regulated by Peruvian law. / El presente artículo analizará las obligaciones esenciales que surgen en materia de seguridad y salud en el trabajo respecto de la empresa principal en un esquema de descentralización productiva, el cual se caracteriza en nuestro medio por el empleo difundido de la intermediación laboral y la tercerización de servicios, ambas modalidades reconocidas y reguladas por la legislación peruana.

Identificação de requisitos de desempenho de sistemas de proteção periférica (SPP) em obras de edificações / Identification of performance requirements for temporary edge protection systems for buildings

Peñaloza, Guillermina Andrea January 2015 (has links)
Na indústria da construção, as quedas de altura constituem-se em um dos tipos mais frequentes de acidentes graves. Alguns fatores contribuem para essas quedas, entre os quais se destacam a falta de qualificação dos trabalhadores, restrições de leiaute e a falta de barreiras de proteção contra quedas. Embora o uso de sistemas temporários de proteção periférica (SPP) seja uma medida importante para prevenir as quedas de altura em canteiros de obras, a literatura não apresenta um conjunto abrangente de requisitos para esses sistemas. As normas de segurança e saúde no trabalho na construção civil, tanto no Brasil como no exterior, apresentam vários requisitos aos quais os SPP devem atender. Contudo, a maioria destes requisitos são relacionados somente à resistência estrutural e à configuração geométrica, negligenciando a eficiência e flexibilidade dos mesmos, bem como não tratam dos processos de montagem e desmontagem. As limitações nos requisitos considerados em diversas fontes e a falta de métodos para verificar a conformidade dos SPP aos requisitos das normas (e outros requisitos relevantes) criam dificuldades para as partes interessadas, tais como órgãos governamentais de fiscalização, empresas construtoras, e os próprios operários encarregados pela execução dos SPP. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um conjunto de requisitos de desempenho para sistemas temporários de proteção periférica. Estes requisitos foram identificados a partir de várias fontes de evidencia, tais como regulamentos, observações diretas de operações de montagem e desmontagem dos SPP em obras, análise de projetos de SPP, e entrevistas com especialistas. Deste modo, foi identificado um conjunto de 33 requisitos: 15 relativos à segurança, 12 à eficiência e 6 à flexibilidade. Com base nos referidos requisitos, foram avaliados 9 tipos de SPP, em 26 canteiros de obra. Estes SPP foram agrupados em três categorias de acordo com os materiais constituintes: metálicos, madeira e mistos. As principais contribuições deste estudo referem-se ao desenvolvimento de um conjunto amplo de requisitos, à análise das relações entre estes requisitos, indicando se estes podem reforçar-se mutuamente ou estar em conflito, e a proposição de um protocolo que torna claro as premissas adotadas em cada etapa da avaliação. / In the construction industry falls from height are one of the most frequent types of serious accidents. There are a number of factors that contribute for such falls, such as the lack of training for workers, layout constraints, and the lack of fall protection barriers. Although the use of temporary edge protection systems (TEPS) is an important measure to prevent falls from height in construction sites, the literature does not present a comprehensive set of requirements for those systems. Safety and health standards in construction, both in Brazil and abroad, have several requirements to which the SPP should meet. However, most of those standards are limited to structural strength and geometric configuration requirements, neglecting efficiency and flexibility, as well as do not address the assembly and disassembly processes. The limitations of requirements considered in several sources, and the lack of methods to verify the conformance of TEPS to the requirements established in standards (and other relevant requirements) create difficulties for stakeholders, such as government supervisory bodies, construction companies, and the workforce involved in the installation of TEPS. The aim of this study is to propose a set of performance requirements for temporary edge protection systems. These requirements have been identified from various sources, such as standards, direct observation od assembly and disassembly operations, analysis of TEPS design, and interviews with specialists. Thus, a set of 33 requirements were identified: 15 related to safety, 12 to efficiency and 6 to flexibility. Based on those requirements 9 TEPS solutions were evaluated in 26 construction sites. Those solutions were divided into three categories according to the materials used: metal, wood and mixed. The main contributions of this investigation refers to the development of a broad set of requirements, the analysis of the relationships between those requirements, indicating that these can either reinforce each other or be in conflict, and the proposal of a protocol that makes it clear the assumptions made at each evaluation stage.

Conformité, Originalité et Santé au Travail des Chercheurs Scientifiques / Conformity, Originality and Health at Work of the Scientific Researchers

Guyon, Marc 14 April 2016 (has links)
La clinique du travail révèle, chez le chercheur, une souffrance — liée aux rivalités, aux rapports de domination, à l’engagement subjectif nécessaire à l’exercice de l’intelligence pratique — et le déni de cette dimension subjective. Le rapport entre conformité et originalité est problématisé via le travail d’objectivation et la thèse d’une subjectivité conformée par ce travail d’objectivation. La pratique scientifique est approchée par les modèles proposés par la sociologie des sciences, eux-mêmes discutés à partir d’une étude de cas fondée sur une intervention en psychodynamique du travail dans une institution de recherche. A partir d’une double discussion, avec la sociologie des sciences et avec la psychodynamique du travail, il apparaît que les pratiques stratégiques occupent une grande part de l’activité scientifique. Elles exposent les chercheurs à une souffrance, qui les conduit à adopter des stratégies de défense objectivistes. Les incidences des dispositifs d’évaluation sur l’évolution du métier de la recherche, les modes de reconnaissance et les modalités de la créativité sont analysées en tenant compte de la question de la santé. Nous regardons pour cela le chercheur en tant que collectif, dans un collectif et dans son organisation de travail. / The clinical investigation of work concerning the activities of researchers reveals suffering linked to the rivalries, to the relationships of domination, to the subjective commitment necessary for the use of the practical intelligence; and the negation of this subjective one. The relation between conformity and originality is addressed by the work of objectification and the thesis of a subjectivity conformed by this work. The scientific practice is approached by the models of the sociology of sciences, themselves discussed from a study case based on an investigation by the method of psychodynamic of work in a scientific institution. From a double discussion, with the sociology of science and the psychodynamic of work, the strategic activity seems to be a large part of the researchers’ one. They are exposed to a suffering that leads them to adopt some objectivistic defenses. The incidences of the evaluation methods on the evolution of researcher’s activity, on the modalities of recognition and on the creativity are analyzed by considering the issue of the health. So we consider the researcher as a collective entity, in a collective unit and with his organization of work.

"Entre o real e o ideal, existe o possível" : a proposta da Clínica do Trabalho Institucional como dispositivo de atenção à saúde mental dos profissionais e usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS)

Perez, Karine Vanessa January 2017 (has links)
A construção desta tese está alicerçada na inter-relação entre profissionais e usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), no que diz respeito às questões relativas a saúde mental relacionada ao trabalho. Existem atualmente propostas relativas a políticas e ações voltadas à saúde dos trabalhadores, porém o campo de práticas, neste contexto, não tem produzido respostas significativas para atender as demandas de sofrimento psíquico do trabalho. Assim, esta pesquisa se propôs a compreender de que modo os profissionais da saúde percebem a saúde mental relacionada ao trabalho vivenciada pelos usuários do SUS. O embasamento teórico e metodológico está fundamentado na Psicodinâmica do Trabalho e nas teorias voltadas para a Saúde Mental e Trabalho. O método de pesquisa foi baseado na Psicodinâmica do Trabalho, em que foi realizada uma adaptação da proposta strictu sensu, sendo composta pela pré-pesquisa, pesquisa propriamente dita e pela perlaboração como validação. Participaram da pesquisa mulheres e homens que atuam como profissionais da saúde no SUS. O material de análise e interpretação resultou de 15 entrevistas individuais e 4 coletivas, totalizando 69 participantes. Além disso, registros realizados no diário de campo também integraram o material analisado, fundamentando assim a observação clínica. Os resultados se propuseram a atender aos objetivos da investigação e originaram cinco eixos-temáticos, sendo estes: Trabalho e Subjetividade: Entre Saberes e Fazeres; Saúde Mental e Trabalho no SUS: Articulações em Rede; Organização do Trabalho nos Serviços do SUS; Produção de Saúde e Adoecimento no Trabalho; Pesquisa-Intervenção como Possibilidade de Reflexão-Transformação. Ao falar do trabalho, é necessário dizer sobre o trabalhador, desse modo, esta pesquisa abordou tanto as especificidades do fazer desses profissionais, quanto a dinâmica de prazer e sofrimento vivenciada por eles. Observou-se que a percepção sobre a saúde mental relacionada ao trabalho dos usuários é atravessada pelo reconhecimento da centralidade do trabalho e do potencial criativo/destrutivo dos modos de trabalhar. Identificou-se a elaboração de estratégias defensivas e estratégias de resistência para lidar com as adversidades do trabalho. Para que seja possível colocar em circulação a Clínica do Trabalho para os usuários-trabalhadores, é primordial a constituição de uma Clínica do Trabalho Institucional voltada para os profissionais da saúde. Enfatiza-se assim, a importância dos espaços de fala e escuta, em que os profissionais do SUS possam compartilhar aquilo que faz sofrer no meio laboral, dando a esta carga psíquica um lugar de potência e transformação. A partir desse acolhimento poderão então estar disponíveis para um cuidado integral e humanizado, relativo a saúde dos trabalhadores-usuários, colocando em movimento um olhar permeado pela Clínica do Trabalho. / This thesis construction is based in the interrelationships between professionals and users of the Unified Health System (SUS), in relation to the mental health related issues related to work. Currently, there are proposals for policies and actions aimed at the workers' health, but the field of practices, in this context, has not produced meaningful answers to meet the demands of mental suffering from work. Thus, this research intends to understand how the health professionals perceive the work related mental health experienced by the SUS users. The theoretical and methodological basement is based on the Psychodynamics of Work and the theories focused on Health Mental and Work. The research method was based on Work Psychodynamics, in which the strictu sensu proposal was adapted, being composed by pre-research, research per se, and working through as validation. Women and men who work as health professionals in the SUS participated in the research. The analysis and interpretation material resulted from 15 individual and 4 collective interviews, totaling 69 participants. In addition, records made in the field diary also integrated the analyzed material, thus grounding the clinic observation. The results set out to meet the objectives of the research and originated five thematic axes, these being: Work and Subjectivity: Between knowledge and making; Mental Health and Work in SUS: Network Joints; Work Organization in the SUS Services; Health Productions and Illness at work; Research- Intervention as a Reflection-Transformation Possibility. When talking about work, it is necessary to tell about the worker, in this way, this research addressed both the specificities of the work of these professionals, and the dynamics of pleasure and suffering experienced by them. It was noted that the user’s perception about work related mental health is crossed by the recognition of the centrality of work and the creative/destructive potential of the ways of working. It was identified the elaboration of defensive and resistance strategies for dealing with adversity at work. In order to be able to put into circulation the work clinic for the user-workers, it is essential to establish an Institutional Work Clinic focused on the health professionals. This emphasizes the importance of spaces for speaking and listening, in which the SUS professionals can share what causes suffering in the workplace, giving this psychic burden a place of power and transformation. From this reception can then they be available for an integral and humanized care, concerning the health of the workers-users, putting in motion a look permeated by the work clinic.

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