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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skolsköterskors erfarenheter av hälsofrämjande arbete för elever med övervikt och obesitas : En kvalitativ litteraturöversikt med systematiskt ansats / School nurses' experiences of health promotion work for overweight and obese students : A literature review with a systematic approach

Söderlind, Eva, Hartikainen, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Övervikt och obesitas ökar bland barn och ungdomar och orsakar allvarliga sjukdomstillstånd. Det påverkar även elevens förmåga att prestera akademiskt. Skolsköterskan med sin specialistkunskap inom folkhälsovård har ett viktigt uppdrag att arbeta hälsofrämjande med elever med övervikt och obesitas. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva skolsköterskans erfarenheter av hälsofrämjande arbete för elever med övervikt och obesitas. Metod: En kvalitativ litteraturöversikt med systematiskt ansats valdes som metod. Litteratursökningen genomfördes i tre databaser och 15 vetenskapliga originalartiklar inkluderades i resultatet. Artiklarnas resultat analyserades med tematisk analys. Resultat: I resultatet framkom två huvudteman; Skolsköterskans utmaningar och strategier samt Elevens omvärld med tillhörande underteman. Det första huvudtemat innehöll sex underteman: Ett känsligt ämne, Det svåra samtalet, Att fånga ögonblicket, Motiverande samtal, Klassrumsundervisning och Utmaningar i yrkesrollen och arbetsmiljön. Det andra huvudtemat innehöll fyra underteman: Att se hela bilden, Engagerade föräldrar - nyckel till framgång, Skolans roll och Samhällsmiljö och normer. Slutsats: Samtal om övervikt och obesitas kan ge starka känslomässiga reaktioner från elever och föräldrar vilket kräver ödmjukhet och ett familjecentrerat förhållningssätt för att nå fram och för att skapa tillit. Föräldrars engagemang och stöd är en förutsättning för att en förändring i elevens levnadsvanor ska kunna ske. / Background: Overweight and obesity are increasing among children and young people and cause serious medical conditions. It also affects the student's ability to perform academically. The school nurse with specialist knowledge in public health care has an important task of working to promote health with students who are overweight and obese.Aim:The aim was to describe the school nurse's experiences of the health promotion work for students with overweight and obesity. Method: A qualitative literature review with a systematic approach was chosen as the method. The literature search was carried out in three databases and 15 original scientific articles were included in the results. The articles were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results:The results showed two main themes: The challenges and strategies of the school nurse and The student's environment and sub-themes. The first main theme contains six sub-themes: A sensitive subject, The Difficult Conversation, To capture the moment, Motivational talks, Classroom teaching and Challenges in the professional role and work environment. The second main theme contains four sub-themes: Seeing the whole picture, Engaged parents - key to success, The role of the school and Community environment and norms. Conclusion: Conversations about overweight and obesity can produce strong emotional reactions from students and parents, which requires a family-centered approach to reach out and to build trust. Parents' commitment and support is a prerequisite for a change in the student's lifestyle to take place.

Distriktssköterskors hälsofrämjande arbete med övervikt hos barn utifrån ett föräldraperspektiv : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / District nurses’ health promotion work with obesity in children from a parental perspective

Karlsson, Cecilia, Henrixon, Jasmin January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Övervikt hos barn är ett växande folkhälsoproblem som hotar barns psykiska och fysiska hälsa. Distriktssköterskan har i uppdrag att främja barns hälsa i sitt arbete på barnavårdscentralen och kan med hjälp av familjefokuserad omvårdnad se till barnets helhet. Föräldrarna har ett stort inflytande över sina barns levnadsvanor och det är därmed av stor vikt att undersöka upplevelsen av det hälsofrämjande arbetet utifrån deras perspektiv. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att belysa hur föräldrar till barn med övervikt upplever distriktssköterskans hälsofrämjande arbete på barnavårdscentralen. Metod: Kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats. Semistrukturerade intervjuer med 9 föräldrar som erhåller eller har erhållit stöd och behandling via barnavårdscentralen när barnet var i åldern 2 – 5 år. Data analyserades utifrån kvalitativ latent innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet redovisas i 2 huvudkategorier: ”Baksidan av tillväxtkontroller” och ”Skiftande uppfattningar om det hälsofrämjande arbetet”. I “Baksidan av tillväxtkontroller” identifierades 2 underkategorier: “Olika syn på barnets övervikt” och “Känslan av att vara övervakad utan nytta”. I “Skiftande uppfattningar om det hälsofrämjande arbetet” identifierades fyra underkategorier: “Konkret rådgivning”,“Användbar rådgivning och positiva effekter”, “Brister i rådgivning och kompetens” och“Kampen mellan att följa råden och göra det bästa för sitt barn”. Slutsats: Behandlingen på barnavårdscentralen väckte mycket känslor hos föräldrarna och de hade sitt barns bästa i fokus huruvida de valde att följa behandlingen eller inte. Föräldrarna beskrev både positiva och negativa upplevelser av distriktssköterskans rådgivning och bemötande, vilket till stor del påverkade om familjen förändrade sina levnadsvanor. / Background: Obesity in children is a growing public health problem that threatens children's mental and physical health. The district nurse is tasked with promoting children's health through her work at the childcare centre and, with the help of family-centred care, can taken care of the child as a whole. Parents have a great influence over their children's lifestyle and it is therefore of great importance to examine the experience of the health promotion work from their perspective. Aim: The purpose of the study is to shed light on how parents to overweight children experience the district nurse's health promotion work at the childcare centre. Method: Qualitative interview study with an inductive approach. Semi-structured interviews with 9 parents who receive or have received support and treatment via the childcare centre when the child was aged 2 -5 years. The data was analysed based on qualitative latent content analysis. Results: The results are reported in 2 main categories: “The back side of growth controls” and “Changing perceptions of health promotion work". In "The back side of Growth controls" could 2 subcategories be identified: "Different views on the child's obesity" and "The feeling of being observes without benefit". In "Changing perceptions of health promotion work" 4 subcategories could be identified: "Concrete advice", "Useful advice and positive effects", "Deficits regarding advice and competence" and "The struggle between following the advice and doing the best for one's child". Conclusions: The treatment at the childcare centre aroused a lot of emotion in the parents and they had their child's best interests in focus regardless they chose to follow the treatment or not. The parents described both positive and negative experiences of the district nurse's advice and treatment, which largely influenced whether the family changed their lifestyle.

Procrastinación laboral en trabajadores de una empresa privada del rubro de telecomunicaciones en Chiclayo, 2022

Cerdan Lopez, Crhistian Andre January 2024 (has links)
La procrastinación laboral se puede definir como el hecho de postergar actividades y tareas por horas o días, debido al esfuerzo intelectual que conllevan, la dificultad, o simplemente, por el desagrado o malestar que ocasionan a la persona, esto no es un tema ajeno al ámbito organizacional, por ello se planteó la siguiente interrogante: ¿Cuál es el nivel de procrastinación laboral en trabajadores de una empresa privada del rubro de telecomunicaciones en Chiclayo, 2022? Por otro lado, es un estudio no experimental, descriptivo, el cual tuvo como objetivo, determinar los niveles de procrastinación laboral en los trabajadores de una empresa privada del rubro de telecomunicaciones. La técnica fue la encuesta, y se aplicó la escala de procrastinación en el trabajo (PAWS) de Metin et al. (2016) a una muestra de 102 colaboradores. Como resultados se encontró que existe un nivel bajo de procrastinación con un 37,2%. Sin embargo, se sugiere un porcentaje significativo en el nivel alto con un 32,4% / Work procrastination can be defined as the fact of postponing activities and tasks for hours or days, due to the intellectual effort that they entail, the difficulty, or simply, because of the displeasure or discomfort that they cause to the person, this is not a topic alien to the organizational scope, for this reason the following question was raised: What is the level of work procrastination in workers of a private company in the telecommunications sector in Chiclayo, 2022? On the other hand, it is a non-experimental, descriptive study, which aimed to determine the levels of work procrastination in the workers of a private company in the telecommunications sector. The technique was the survey, and the procrastination scale at work (PAWS) by Metin et al. (2016) to a sample of 102 collaborators. As results, it was found that there is a low level of procrastination with 37.2%. However, a significant percentage is suggested at the high level with 32.4%.

Perspektiv på undervisning om beroendeframkallande medel i mellanstadiet : Lärares, kuratorers och en rektors upplevelser och erfarenheter om förebyggande- och hälsofrämjande arbete / Perspectives on teaching about addictive substances in middle school : Teachers’, counselorsand a principal’s experiences and insights on preventive and health- promoting work

Ljungqvist, Hanna, Andersson, Maja January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka lärares, kuratorers och rektorers erfarenheter och upplevelser av elevers bruk av beroendeframkallande medel samt hur undervisning om dessa substanser kan bidra till ett hälsofrämjande- och förebyggande arbete. Tidigare forskning har visat att det finns få studier som utforskar vilken typ av undervisning som är mest effektiv för att förhindra ungas tidiga bruk av olika substanser. För att samla in data har en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer använts. De som deltagit i intervjuerna är tre lärare, två kuratorer och en rektor. Studien baseras på delar av den sociokulturella teorin, fokus är på hur eleverna lär sig och tar till sig information. Resultatet visar att respondenterna har varierade upplevelser och erfarenheter kring elevers bruk av beroendeframkallande medel samt skilda uppfattningar om behovet av undervisning inom detta område. Samtliga respondenter är överens om att ämnet är svårt att undervisa i, men att undervisning om ämnet upplevs som positivt för det hälsofrämjande- och förebyggande arbetet. Vidare framkommer vikten av att stärka elevernas förmåga att göra självständiga val. Avslutningsvis betonar respondenterna att undervisningen måste anpassas efter elevernas ålder och behov. / The purpose of this study is to investigate the experiences and perceptions of teachers, counselors, and the principal regarding students´ use of addictive substances and how education about these substances can contribute to health-promoting and preventing efforts. Previous research has shown that there are few studies exploring which types of education is most effective in preventing early use of various substances among young people. To collect data, a qualitative method in form of semi structured interviews was used. The participants in the interviews were three teachers, two counselors, and one principal. The study is based on parts of the sociocultural theory, this study focusses on how students receive information. The results show that the respondents have varied experiences and perceptions regarding students’ use of addictive substances, as well as different opinions on the need for education in this area. All respondents agree that the subject is difficult to teach, but that education about addictive substances is seen as positive for health- promoting and preventive work. Furthermore, it emerged that many of the teachers, counselors and the principal believe it is important to strengthen students’ ability to make independent choices. In conclusion, the respondents emphasize that education must be adapted to the students’ age and needs, as these vary.

心理衛生社會工作者與照顧者相互期待之角色內涵探討 / A study on mutual expectation of mental health social workers and caregivers

蔣瀚霆 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討心理衛生社會工作者與精神病患照顧者工作之中相互期待的角色內涵、影響角色期待之因素或歷程,以及相互期待之認知、行動如何修正與調整。本研究採質性研究深度訪談法,採立意抽樣選取研究對象,對三十九位受訪者(二十六位心理衛生社會工作者、十三位精神病患照顧者)進行半結構式訪談,主要研究發現如下: 1. 精神病患照顧者的照顧內容和與角色立場: (1)照顧內容:症狀因應、社區生活 (2)照顧態度:積極主動、合理期待、自我照顧 (3)與其他家屬互動:聚會交流、自助助人、權益倡導 2. 照顧者樣態與社會工作者對照顧者之角色期待: (1)所見樣態:積極參與、消極參與、不當期待、家庭動力不穩 (2)對照顧者之角色期待:配合服務、適度支持、個別化期待、如個案需要協助 (3)影響因素:社經認知條件、家庭文化因素、疾病照顧經驗、社區環境、社工接觸經驗 3. 社會工作者與照顧者之工作方法,與照顧者對社會工作者的角色期待: (1)工作方法:傾聽陪伴支持、協作釐清期待、衛教家屬團體、家庭動力工作、社區資源連結、權益倡導協調 (2)指導原則:聚焦正向改變、以個案為中心、重視家庭經驗、尊重照顧知識、抱持覺察開放的態度 (3)照顧者對社會工作者之角色期待:教育引導、家庭陪伴、權益倡導 (4)影響社會工作者角色因素:個人因素、專業教育、組織因素、結構因素 4. 照顧者與社會工作者關係:夥伴關係、工作關係、彈性關係 5. 照顧者與社會工作者相互角色期待調整方式: (1)照顧者對社會工作者期待調整:接受現況、調整期待、自立自強 (2)社會工作者對照顧者期待調整:接納現況、調整期待、擇善固執 (3)社會工作者挫折因應方法:經驗回饋、自我照顧、團隊支持 最後,研究者結合上述研究結果,嘗試繪製出心理衛生社會工作者與照顧者相互角色期待內涵與影響因素之概念架構圖,並提出本研究限制與建議,提供照顧者、心理衛生社會工作者和政策制定者、未來研究者參考,期冀本研究有助於減少照顧者可能產生的失望,甚至進而奠定一個基於夥伴關係的服務方式。 / The purpose of the study was to explore the content of mutual role expectation for mental health social workers and caregivers, the factors influencing role expectation, and the adjustment process of role expectation. This study used purposive sampling to select thirty-nine participants (twenty-six mental health social workers and thirteen caregivers), conducting in-depth interviews by using a semi-structured interview outline. The major results of the study include: 1. Care content and role of caregivers: (1) Care content: symptom management, community life promotion. (2) Care attitude: proactive, reasonably expected, self-care. (3) Interaction with other caregivers: family support group and gathering, help others and self-help, advocacy. 2. Caregiver pattern and role expectation of caregivers: (1) Caregiver pattern: actively participated, passively participated, improperly expected, unstable family dynamics. (2) Role expectation of caregivers: service adherence, moderate support, individual expectation, potential client. (3) Factors influencing role expectation: socioeconomic and cognitive conditions, family and cultural factors, caring experience, community environment, the experience of contacting social worker. 3. Working methods and role expectation of social workers: (1) Working methods: listening and accompanying, cooperating to clarify expectation, group psychoeducation, family systems therapy, mobilizing community resources, advocacy and negotiation. (2) Guiding principles: focus on positive changes, case-centered, attention to family experience, respect for caring knowledge, open-mindedness and self-awareness. (3) Role expectation of social workers: educator and guide, family supporter, advocate. (4) Factors influencing role expectation: personal factors, professional education, organizational factors, structural factors. 4. Professional relationship: partnership, working relationship, elastic relationship. 5. Adjustment process of role expectation for caregivers and social workers: (1) Role expectation of caregivers adjusted by social workers: accepting the status quo, adjusting expectation, self-reliance. (2) Role expectation of social workers adjusted by caregivers: accepting the status quo, adjusting expectation, persisting. (3) Frustration coping methods: experience feedback, self-care, team support. Based on above findings, researcher drew out the depiction of mutual role expectation for mental health social workers and caregivers, as well as the factors influencing role expectation, proposing the study restrictions and suggestions on policy making, partnership-based approach for mental health social workers and caregivers, and further research.

La satisfaction des trois besoins fondamentaux peut-elle contribuer à la performance? : l’apport de la santé psychologique

Brien, Maryse 09 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat a été réalisée grâce à l'appui financier des fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture. / La présente thèse porte sur la prédiction de la performance à partir de la théorie de la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux (BPNT; Basic Psychological Need Theory; Deci & Ryan, 2000). En plus de valider un instrument de satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux en milieu de travail, cette thèse, composée de trois articles, propose que la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux pourrait prédire la performance des individus par le biais de l’augmentation de la santé psychologique au travail. Le premier article a pour objectif de présenter une recension de la documentation portant sur les liens entre la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux, la santé psychologique au travail et la performance en emploi. Qui plus est, cet article propose, sur la base de ces informations, un modèle explicatif de la performance en emploi basé sur la BPNT. Le second article a pour but de présenter et de valider la mesure de la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux en milieu de travail. Une première étude dans un échantillon de travailleurs québécois permet de faire ressortir les trois facteurs attendus (besoin d’autonomie, besoin d’affiliation sociale et besoin de compétence) de manière exploratoire. Des analyses corrélationnelles avec des critères tels que l’optimisme, la justice procédurale, le bien-être au travail, la détresse au travail et la motivation intrinsèque ont été également réalisées afin d’appuyer la validité critériée de l’instrument. Dans la seconde étude, une analyse d’invariance structurelle dans des échantillons d’enseignants québécois et français montre que cet instrument possède des propriétés psychométriques similaires dans les deux échantillons et apporte un argument de plus à la validité de l’instrument. Des analyses corrélationnelles avec les mêmes critères que dans la première étude ont également été réalisées. Ainsi, il est possible de conclure aux bonnes qualités psychométriques de cet instrument. Les limites et les apports de cette étude sont aussi présentés. Le troisième article examine les liens entre la satisfaction de chacun des besoins fondamentaux (autonomie, affiliation sociale et compétence), la santé psychologique et la performance de tâches des enseignants. Plus précisément, cet article tente de valider le modèle présenté dans l’article un voulant que la santé psychologique agisse comme médiateur dans la relation entre la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux et la performance en emploi. Les résultats des analyses d’équations structurelles montrent la présence d’un effet complet de médiation de la santé psychologique dans la relation entre les besoins d’autonomie et d’affiliation sociale et la performance de tâches des enseignants. Une médiation partielle de la santé psychologique est, par contre, relevée entre le besoin de compétence et la performance de tâches des enseignants. Finalement, ce lien est discuté de même que les limites et les pistes de recherches futures découlant des résultats. Enfin, la conclusion de la thèse synthétise les constats et résultats de cette recherche doctorale. Ainsi, l’adéquation du modèle aux données de l’article trois porte à croire que la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux pourrait potentiellement prédire la performance par le biais de la santé psychologique. Cependant, il est important de ne pas trop généraliser les résultats puisque la thèse comporte certaines limites, notamment l’utilisation d’instruments autorapportés pouvant favorisant les biais de variances communes. / The following thesis addresses the prediction of performance based on the Basic Psychological Needs Theory (BPNT; Deci & Ryan, 2000). This thesis, composed of three articles, proposes that the satisfaction of the three basic needs predicts individual performance by enhancing their psychological health at work, as well as validate an instrument measuring satisfaction of the three basic needs at work. The first article reviews the scientific literature on the links between the satisfaction of the three basic needs, psychological health at work, and job performance. Based on conclusions drawn thereupon, an explanatory model of job performance based on self-determination theory is proposed. The second article’s objective is to present and validate a measure of satisfaction of the three basic needs in the workplace. A first study in a sample of Quebecois workers allowed the three expected factors (need for autonomy, need for competence, need for relatedness) to emerge using an exploratory method. Correlation analyses using criteria such as optimism, procedural justice, well-being at work, distress at work, and intrinsic motivation was also realised, in order to support the criterion validity of the instrument. In the second study, an analysis of structural invariance in samples of Quebecois and French teachers showed that the instrument had comparable psychometric properties in both samples, further supporting the validity of the instrument. Correlation analyses using the same criteria as in the first study were also performed. The results point to the instrument having sound psychometric qualities. Limitations and contributions of the results are also presented. The third article examines the relationship between satisfaction of each of the three basic needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness), psychological health, and task performance in a sample of teachers. Specifically, this article attempts to validate the model outlined in article 1, whereby psychological heath acts as mediator of the relationship between the three basic needs and job performance. The results of structural equation analyses revealed a complete effect of mediation of psychological health in the relationships for autonomy and relatedness with task performance in teachers. However, a partial mediation of psychological health was found between the need for competence and task performance. These findings are discussed, along with limitations and directions for future research. Finally, the thesis’ conclusion summarizes the results of the entire research. The results of structural equation analyses presented in the third article suggests that the basic psychological needs could potentially predict performance through psychological health. However, it is important to keep in mind that the generalization of the results is limited by the thesis’ limitations such as the use of self-reported instruments, wich might increase biases of common variances.

Učitel a zdraví vztah mezi zdravím pedagogů mateřských škol a výkonem jejich učitelské profese / Teacher and health relationship between health of preschool teachers and their profession

Marešová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this Final Thesis is to characterize health in all relevant aspects essential for proper understanding of the relation between the "teacher and health". In the first part the author bring forward theoretical basis concerning the quality of health, subjective perception of health, behavior and health supportive life style, risk prevention in occupational safety and pre-professional preparation of teachers. The second part pursues collected data from 60 pedagogues in the questionnaires. The main intention of the empirical part was to reveal and describe the nature of perception of health in relation to the teacher occupation among preschool teachers; what do teachers assess as positive and negative regarding their health and which health problems are seen as obstruction to proper performance of the teacher occupation.

”Det är en övningsarena för liten och stor” : en intervjustudie kring familjecentralers hälsofrämjande och förebyggande arbete.

Persson, Emelie, Sörensen, Louise January 2019 (has links)
Introduction: Authorities within the health care sector have a big responsibility for public health, where health promotive and preventive work methods applies to achieve a positive public health development. A big public health problem is obesity, which is a large contributing factor to lifestyle diseases that affects both adults and children. In Sweden statistic show that every fifth child is obese. An important arena is family centres which should work for guiding and supporting off families to a better health through informing the families about healthy habits. Purpose: Investigate how three family centres in southern Sweden work health promotive and preventive with families about obesity. Method: The study was performed with help from a qualitative method. Semi-structured interviews with twelve occupational professions got to represent the result. The interviews were transcribed and evaluated with a content analysis. Results: Make healthy living habits visible, guide and educate parents, different working methods, approach to the families were meaningful for the health promotive and preventive work at the family centres. The result also highlighted challenges and difficulties in the family centres work. Conclusion: The theory KASAM could be linked to the work of the family centres, as a sense of context could be important for the work with the families to perceive comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness. The visibility of people´s living habits is best done through a collaboration between several key players. The family centres work is important for the future public health, implementation of resources is therefore important.

Sa?de mental e trabalho: um estudo fenomenol?gico com psic?logos organizacionais / Mental health and work: a phenomenological study with organizational psychologists

Gibert, Maria Agnes P?rez 07 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Agnes.pdf: 656379 bytes, checksum: daf554214415430971a28992ea11ac46 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-07 / This research intended to comprehend psychologists experiences in relation to the workers mental health at organizational contexts. It constituted an exploratory qualitative study. Dialogic interviews were carried through by the researcher with four organizational psychologists, starting from an abstained question that stimulated them to share their living experiences regarding the theme. The depositions were recorded, transcripted and phenomenologically analysed, according to the steps proposed by Amedeo Giorgi. A general synthesis was elaborated based on the researcher s psychological understanding of the shared living elements. It was concluded that the workers mental health is a theme that challenges psychologists; despite their ageement about the presence of suffering within work contexts, they feel difficulty in developing an adequate psychological practice. It aroused as significant to psychologists inserted in organizational contexts the conflict between assuming a psychological practice which provides the worker with support, listening and empathic understanding and, by the other side, a professional role that aims to apply theoretical knowledge in order to adjust behaviors, by the means of enlisting, selecting and training, mainly to attend the organization s needs. Therefore a dichotomy arouses characterized by the psychologist dealing with organizational general determined tasks and at the same time trying to practice a psychological attendance toward the workers human needs. This study brought to light a fragmented Psychology occupied by the exercising of various roles determined to psychologists in several work contexts. This confusing social understanding of Psychology s knowledges and professional practices makes ageement to other researchers assumptions according to the urgent need for interlocution among psychological fields and also a reflection on limits and possibilities of a psychological social clinic frame of reference. The psychological clinic contextualized in the institutions allows psychologists to support the other person s subjective suffering (private) in a social dimension (public interprise). This social dimension brings man a certain fluidity that prevents him of been prisioner of his own existence, otherwise his being privated of seeing and listening to others also turns him unable to be seen and listened and therefore excluded of the common world. / Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender a experi?ncia de psic?logos em rela??o ? sa?de mental do trabalhador no contexto de organiza??es. Constituiu-se como uma pesquisa qualitativa, de car?ter explorat?rio. Foram realizadas entrevistas dial?gicas com quatro psic?logos organizacionais, a partir de uma quest?o que estimulou os participantes a compartilharem suas viv?ncias a respeito do tema. Os depoimentos, gravados e transcritos, foram analisados, fenomenologicamente, de acordo com os passos propostos por Amedeo Giorgi. Uma s?ntese geral foi elaborada a partir da compreens?o psicol?gica sobre os elementos do vivido, compartilhados com a pesquisadora. Concluiu-se que a quest?o da sa?de mental do trabalhador desafia os psic?logos, pois embora constatem a presen?a de sofrimento no ambiente de trabalho, sentem dificuldade em exercer uma pr?tica psicol?gica compat?vel. Destaca-se o conflito vivenciado pelo psic?logo inserido no contexto organizacional entre um fazer psicol?gico, pautado numa escuta diferenciada que visa acolher e compreender o trabalhador, e uma pr?tica profissional que objetiva aplicar conhecimentos te?ricos para ajustar comportamentos, mediante as atribui??es de recrutar, selecionar e treinar, atendendo, principalmente, as metas da organiza??o. H?, portanto, uma dicotomia caracterizada pelo exerc?cio de tarefas pr?-determinadas pela organiza??o em detrimento de uma pr?tica psicol?gica fundada na aten??o psicol?gica ao trabalhador. Este estudo desvelou a Psicologia fragmentada nos diversos pap?is ocupados pelo psic?logo em diferentes contextos de trabalho. Uma compreens?o social dicotomizada em rela??o aos saberes e fazeres da Psicologia corrobora o pensamento de outros pesquisadores que sugerem a necessidade de uma interlocu??o entre as diversas ?reas da Psicologia e de uma reflex?o competente sobre limites e possibilidades de uma aten??o psicol?gica cl?nica social. A cl?nica contextualizada nas institui??es permite ao psic?logo acolher o outro no seu sofrimento subjetivo (privado), mas em uma dimens?o social (espa?o p?blico). Esta dimens?o permite ao homem um certo deslocamento, uma fluidez que o impede de ser aprisionado em sua pr?pria exist?ncia, pois, ao sentir-se privado de ver e ouvir os outros, priva-se de ser visto e ouvido e acaba isolado, exclu?do do mundo comum.

A saúde de trabalhadores jovens como indicador psicossocial da dialética exclusão/inclusão: estudo de caso com jovens operárias em indústrias de confecção / The health of young workers as a psychosocial indicator of the exclusion/inclusion dialectics: case study with young workers from the garment industry

Dias, Maria Dionísia do Amaral 14 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:31:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Dionisia do Amaral Dias.pdf: 1536747 bytes, checksum: bdab9975783e6fb15639087507a739ac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-06-14 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The present research, guided by the Social-historical Psychology developed by the Núcleo de Estudos Psicossociais da Dialética Exclusão/Inclusão (NEXIN Nucleus of Psychosocial Studies of the Exclusion/Inclusion Dialetics), aimed to analyze the interlacement among work, exclusion/inclusion and health through a case study with young workers from the garment industry in a city in the interior of São Paulo state. In order to do so, the objective conditions of work to which youths are submitted were mapped and a profile of common diseases of the city s working young population was drawn and, focusing the singularity, the study aimed at understanding the subjects history of the process health/disease, as well as their sufferings, dreams, desires, conception of themselves, social insertion and the sense that work and health acquire to them. Health is understood as potency to action, in an enlarged conception which incorporates the ethical and affective dimensions. In order to guide such conception, the study was based on Espinosa s reflections on happiness, joy and power and on Vygotsky s reflections about the adolescent s health. Health is an indicative of the quality of social insertion made possible by work, which means that the health/disease process is a concrete expression on the human body of the exclusion/inclusion process in which the individual is inserted. Health becomes an indicator of the ethical-political quality of the society and not only of the individuals' health condition. The youth s job became today a world-wide social subject, particularly due to the global reduction of workstations, which hinders the youths insertion in the work world. This situation constitutes a present social problem and worries population and governments everywhere, since it is a matter that can commit not only the future of individuals, but the future of societies. Therefore, forms of guaranteeing opportunities of access for youths to work are looked for. In this scenery, it was considered relevant to know the youths reality for those who are already inserted in the job market, relating this experience to the question of health and formation for their future, considering the importance of that phase of human development, in which the individual forms his conceptions about the world, about the society, about the people and about himself. The analysis of the data demonstrated that work, in a tayloristic system, is configured as a perverse inclusion, for when the youth needs conditions for the opening of horizons, of new conquests, to exercise his creativity and so live and apprehend the world, he has this transition process blocked by several social institutions, among which work and the connections it establishes with other institutions stand out / A presente pesquisa, orientada pela Psicologia Sócio-Histórica desenvolvida pelo Núcleo de Estudos Psicossociais da Dialética Exclusão/Inclusão (NEXIN), buscou analisar o entrelaçamento entre trabalho, exclusão/inclusão e saúde por meio de estudo de caso com jovens trabalhadoras de indústrias de confecção em uma cidade do interior paulista. Para tanto, mapearam-se as condições objetivas de trabalho a que as jovens estão submetidas e traçou-se um perfil de adoecimento da população jovem trabalhadora na cidade e, focando a singularidade, buscou-se compreender a história do processo saúde/doença dos sujeitos, bem como seus sofrimentos, sonhos, desejos, concepção de si, inserção social e sentido que o trabalho e a saúde adquirem para eles. A saúde é entendida como potência de ação, numa concepção ampliada que incorpora as dimensões ética e afetiva. Para orientar tal concepção baseia-se nas reflexões de Espinosa sobre felicidade, alegria e potência e de Vigotski sobre a saúde do adolescente. A saúde é indicador da qualidade de inserção social que o trabalho possibilita, o que significa que o processo saúde/doença é expressão concreta no corpo humano do processo de exclusão/inclusão no qual o indivíduo está inserido. A saúde torna-se um indicador da qualidade ético-política da sociedade e não só do estado de saúde de indivíduos. O emprego do jovem tornou-se hoje questão social mundial, particularmente em função da redução global de postos de trabalho, o que dificulta a inserção dos jovens no mundo do trabalho. Essa situação vem se configurando como um problema social da atualidade e preocupa a população e governos de todo o mundo, pois é uma questão que pode comprometer o futuro não só de indivíduos, mas das sociedades. Por isso, buscam-se formas de garantir oportunidades de acesso dos jovens ao trabalho. Neste cenário, considerou-se relevante conhecer a realidade dos jovens que já estão inseridos no mercado de trabalho, relacionando esta experiência às questões de saúde e de formação para seu futuro, considerando-se a importância dessa fase do desenvolvimento humano, em que o indivíduo forma suas concepções do mundo, da sociedade, das pessoas e de si mesmo. A análise dos dados demonstrou que o trabalho, num sistema taylorista, configura-se como uma inclusão perversa, pois no momento em que o jovem necessita condições para a abertura de horizontes, de novas conquistas, para exercer sua criatividade e assim viver e apreender o mundo, tem esse processo de transição bloqueado por diversas instituições da sociedade, entre as quais se destaca o trabalho e os nexos que ele estabelece com as demais

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