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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise das vias de administração e biodistribuição de células derivadas do broto hepático de ratos em modelos de hepatectomia parcial / Analysis of the different administration routes and biodistribution of the stem cells from liver bud of mice in the models of partial hepatectomy

Ferreira, Amanda Olivotti 08 April 2016 (has links)
A perda do parênquima hepático, induzida por tratamento agudo, cirúrgico ou químico, desencadeia um processo regenerativo até que a massa hepática seja completamente restaurada. A regeneração hepática, após a hepatectomia parcial de 70%, é um dos modelos mais adequados de regeneração de células, órgãos e tecidos mais estudados. No fígado, ainda que sejam atribuídas propriedades regenerativas, muitas das lesões são tão prejudiciais que este mecanismo de reparação é insuficiente, tornando o transplante a única opção. As células derivadas do broto hepático de ratos apresentam uma boa alternativa para tratamento de doenças hepáticas devido ao seu alto índice proliferativo e da expressão de marcadores de pluripotência, sendo sua aplicabilidade viável em modelos experimentais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as diferentes vias de administração das células derivadas do broto hepático de ratos com 12,5 dias de gestação visando a melhor regeneração do órgão. Foram realizados experimentos de hepatectomia parcial de 70% (N=50 animais), PET Scan MSFX PRO In-Vivo RX e fluorescência, índice hepatossomático, análise de marcadores solúveis (GH, AFP, CEA, IGF-1), análises hematológicas, microscopia de luz (coloração HE, Tricômio de Masson), análise de marcadores por citometria de fluxo (CD90, STRO-1, Nanog, Oct3/4, Ki-67, Caspase 3) e ciclo celular por citometria de fluxo. Nossos dados demonstraram que as células do broto hepático administradas na via endotraqueal apresentaram melhor equilíbrio entre proliferação e morte celular, com maior expressão dos marcadores de pluripotência, melhor organização celular e regeneração tecidual, em contraste com outras vias, incluindo endovenosa, intraperitoneal e oroenteral. Isto a torna mais segura e de maior viabilidade na regeneração celular em relação às demais vias, sendo mais eficiente nos modelos de hepatectomia parcial / The restoration of liver parenchyma after partial hepatectomy or chemical treatments represents appropriate models to study regeneration mechanisms. The most appropriate model for liver regeneration is partial hepatectomy of 70%, however, organ repair properties are insufficient, suggesting the transplantation the best alternative to treat liver diseases. Cells derived from liver buds of rats show a high proliferative index and the expression of pluripotency markers; thus their significance for regeneration purposes can be tested experimentally. We here investigated different routes to administer cells derived from rat live buds of 12.5 days of gestation to adult individuals (N=50 animals) suffering from partial hepatectomy (70%). Applied methods included PET Scan MSFX PRO In-Vivo RX, fluorescence hepatossomatic index, analysis of soluble markers (GH, AFP, CEA, IGF-1), hematological analysis, light microscopy (staining HE, and Masson trichrome) as well as flow cytometry for cell cycle analysis and CD90, STRO-1, Nanog, OCT3/4, Ki-67, Caspase 3 expression. Our data showed that administration via the tracheal route resulted as favorite in regard to the balance between proliferation and cell deaths, of pluripotency marker expression, cellular organization and tissue regeneration, in contrast to other routes including: intravenous, intraperitoneal and oroenteral. Consequently, the tracheal route showed safer and more efficient treatment to enhance cell regeneration after partial hepatectomy

Impacto dos fatores etiológicos, clínicos e cirúrgicos no prognóstico de pacientes com carcinoma hepatocelular submetidos à ressecção hepática / Impact of etiological, clinical and surgical factors in the prognosis of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing hepatic resection

Lopes, Felipe de Lucena Moreira 26 January 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC) é o mais frequente tipo de câncer primário do fígado e a sua incidência vem aumentando nas últimas décadas, , tornando-o hoje a terceira causa de morte por câncer no mundo. Em cerca de 70 a 80% dos pacientes, o CHC é precedido pelo desenvolvimento de cirrose hepática. Existe um consenso de que a ressecção cirúrgica do tumor é a única terapêutica efetivamente comprovada. Esta ressecção pode ser realizada tanto através de uma hepatectomia como pelo transplante hepático. Atualmente, apenas 30 a 40% dos pacientes se beneficiam dos tratamentos ditos curativos e, mesmo entre esses pacientes, a sobrevida em cinco anos continua baixa, em torno de 60 a 70%, com taxa de recorrência do tumor em torno de 50% em três anos. Alguns estudos mostraram um pior prognóstico para os pacientes com CHC cuja etiologia é a infecção por vírus B ou C. Isso nos leva à questão sobre a existência de uma diferença entre as diversas etiologias do CHC e o seu prognóstico. OBJETIVOS: Comparar o prognóstico (sobrevida global e livre de doença em cinco anos) de pacientes submetidos à hepatectomia para o tratamento do CHC com relação às diversas etiologias da hepatopatia e estudar fatores prognósticos nesse grupo de pacientes. MÉTODO: Foi realizado um levantamento de prontuários dos pacientes submetidos à hepatectomia entre 2000 e 2014 para tratamento de CHC, seguido de análise estatística desse banco de dados, visando a avaliação de parâmetros clínicos, laboratoriais e cirúrgicos. Os pacientes foram divididos em grupos de acordo com a etiologia da hepatopatia, sendo feita uma análise de sobrevida para comparação. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante de prognóstico entre os grupos de pacientes divididos conforme a etiologia do CHC. A sobrevida global e livre de doença em cinco anos dos pacientes dessa amostra foi de 49,9% e 40,7%, respectivamente. As variáveis prognósticas estatisticamente significantes para sobrevida global foram nível sérico de alfafetoproteína (p=0,043), nível sérico de CA19.9 (p=0,028), invasão da cápsula tumoral (p=0,030), margem livre (p=0,004) e presença de complicações pós-operatórias (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: Pelos dados dessa amostra, pudemos constatar que não houve diferença em relação ao prognóstico entre os grupos de pacientes das diversas etiologias de CHC. As variáveis nível sérico de alfafetoproteína e de CA 19.9, invasão da cápsula tumoral, margem livre e complicações pósoperatórias podem ser consideradas preditoras de pior prognóstico / INTRODUCTION: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most frequent type of primary liver cancer and its incidence is increasing around the world in the last decades, making HCC the third cause of death by cancer in the world. In about 70 to 80% of patients, HCC is preceded by cirrhosis of the liver. It is believed that hepatic resection is the single proven curative treatment. This resection can be done in the form of a hepatectomy or liver transplantation. Nowadays, only 30 to 40% of HCC patients can benefit from these curative treatments and, among them, survival in five years is still around 60 to 70%, with tumor recurrence rate around 50% in three years. Some studies have shown a worse prognosis for HCC patients whose etiology is viral. That brings us to the question about the existence of a difference between the various etiologies of HCC and its prognosis. OBJECTIVES: To compare the prognosis (overall and disease-free survival at five years) of patients undergoing hepatectomy for the treatment of HCC with respect to various etiologies of liver disease and to study prognostic factors in this group of patients. METHOD: We performed a review of medical records of patients undergoing hepatectomy between 2000 and 2014 for the treatment of HCC, followed by statistical analysis of this database for evaluation of clinical, laboratory and surgical parameters. Patients were divided into groups according to the etiology of liver disease followed by overall and disease-free survival analysis for comparison. RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference in the outcomes of the groups of patients divided according to the etiology of HCC. Overall and disease-free survival at five years of patients in this sample was 49.9% and 40.7%, respectively. Statistically significant prognostic variables for overall survival were serum alpha-fetoprotein (p = 0.043), serum CA19.9 (p = 0.028), invasion of the tumor capsule (p = 0.030), resection margins (p = 0.004) and presence of postoperative complications (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: From the data of this sample, we could verify that there was no prognostic differences between the groups of HCC patients of the various etiologies. The variables serum alphafetoprotein and CA 19.9, invasion of the tumor capsule, resection margins and presence of postoperative complications can be considered predictive of worse prognosis

Avaliação das margens cirúrgicas e do tipo de borda tumoral nas ressecções hepáticas por metástase de câncer colorretal e seu impacto na mortalidade e recidiva / Evaluation of surgical margins and the type of tumor growth pattern in colorectal liver metastases resection and its impact on mortality and recurrence

Pinheiro, Rafael Soares Nunes 24 May 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Aproximadamente 50% dos pacientes com tumor colorretal apresentam metástase hepática e a hepatectomia é o procedimento terapêutico de escolha. Discutem-se diversos fatores prognósticos, entre eles a margem cirúrgica é um fator sempre recorrente, pois não existe consenso da distância mínima necessária entre o nódulo metastático e a linha de secção hepática. Alguns autores identificaram que a margem cirúrgica maior que 1cm é um fator de melhor prognóstico com maior sobrevida e menor recidiva. Contudo, outros estudos demonstram resultados semelhantes entre pacientes com margens cirúrgicas maiores que 1cm, exíguas e até mesmo microscopicamente acometidas. Essas controvérsias conduzem à idéia de que outros fatores biológicos possam estar envolvidos na fisiopatologia de recorrência. Assim sendo, é de grande importância a avaliação da relação das margens cirúrgicas de ressecções hepáticas de metástases de câncer colorretal com a sobrevida e recidiva da doença. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar as margens cirúrgicas e o tipo de borda tumoral nas ressecções de metástases hepáticas de câncer colorretal e sua correlação com recidiva local e sobrevida. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo, baseado na revisão dos prontuários de 91 pacientes submetidos à ressecção de metástases hepáticas de neoplasia colorretal, durante o período compreendido entre janeiro de 2000 e dezembro de 2009. Revisão histopatológica prospectiva de todos os casos com aferição da menor margem cirúrgica e classificação das bordas tumorais como expansiva ou infiltrativa. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatística nas taxas de recidiva e no tempo de sobrevivência global entre as margens livres e acometidas, assim como não houve diferença entre as margens subcentimétricas e maiores de 1cm. A sobrevida livre de doença dos pacientes com margens microscopicamente acometidas foi significativamente menor do que os pacientes com margens livres (p=0,002). A análise multivariada identificou o tipo de borda infiltrativa como fator de risco para recidiva (0,05). A sobrevida livre de doença foi significativamente menor nos pacientes com borda infiltrativa em comparação com os tumores com bordas expansivas (p=0,05). CONCLUSÕES: As ressecções de metástase hepática com margens livres de doença, independentemente da distância da margem, não influencia na recidiva tumoral (hepática ou extra-hepática) ou sobrevida do paciente. A borda tumoral do tipo infiltrativa foi fator de risco para recidiva / INTRODUCTION: Approximately 50% of patients with colorectal cancer have liver metastases and hepatectomy is the therapeutic procedure of choice. Surgical margin is an ever-recurring discussed prognostic factor, because there is no consensus of the minimum required distance between the metastatic nodule and the liver section line. Some authors reported surgical margin larger than 1 cm as a better prognosis factor ensuring longer survival rates and lower recurrence. However, other studies showed similar outcomes among patients with surgical margins larger than 1 cm, narrow margins and even microscopically affected ones. These controversies led the idea that other biological factors may be involved in the pathophysiology of recurrence. Therefore, it is valuable to assess the relationship between surgical margins of liver resection for colorectal cancer metastases with survival and recurrence. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the surgical margins size and tumors growth pattern of colorectal liver metastases and its correlation with local recurrence and survival. METHODS: A retrospective study based on review of medical records of 91 patients undergoing resection of colorectal liver metastases during the period between January 2000 and December 2009. In addition, we undertook a detailed pathologic analysis of each pathological specimen with record of the closest surgical margins and tumors growth pattern classification as pushing or infiltrative. RESULTS: There was no statistical difference in recurrence rates and overall survival time between positive or negative margins, as well as no difference between the margins of 1cm width or more with subcentimeter margins. The disease-free survival of patients with microscopically positive margins was significantly lower than patients with negative margins (p = 0.002). Multivariate analysis identified infiltrative tumor growth pattern as a risk factor for recurrence (p=0.05). Disease-free survival was significantly lower in patients with infiltrative growth pattern compared to tumors with expansive margins (p = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Colorectal liver metastases resection with negative margins, regardless of width, has no influence on recurrence (hepatic or extrahepatic), neither on patient survival. The infiltrative tumor growth pattern type was a risk factor for recurrence

Traitements innovants de l’insuffisance hépatique post-hépatectomie / Innovatives therapies in post-hepatectomy liver failure

Vibert, Eric 11 January 2012 (has links)
La résection hépatique est le seul traitement curatif des tumeurs malignes du foie et l’insuffisance hépatique est la première cause de morbi-mortalité après hépatectomie. L’amélioration du traitement des tumeurs du foie inclut le dévelopement de statégies capables de prévenir ou de traiter cette complication. Sur une série prospective récente de 232 hépatectomies (avec 0,8 % de mortalité à 3 mois) pour métastases hépatiques de cancer colorectal (MHCCR), une insuffisance hépatique était présente dans 7 % des cas d’hépatectomies majeures et était le facteur de plus mauvais pronostic pour la survie à 2 ans. Notre objectif a été d’évaluer de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques pour leur capacité à corriger l’insuffisance hépatique post-opératoire après hépatectomie élargie pour MHCCR. Un moyen mécanique de modulation pneumatique de l’hémodynamique portale et un moyen pharmacologique d’utilisation d’un facteur de survie des hépatocytes, la protéine recombinante HIP/PAP, ont été testés respectivement chez le porc et le rat. Nous montrons qu‘après hépatectomie (PHX) de 70 % sur foie normal, l’injection systémique de protéine HIP/PAP en péri-opératoire stimulait la régénération hépatique et améliorait la fonction hépatique chez le rat. En présence de MHCCR en place depuis 7 jours, la protéine HIP/PAP n’aggravait pas la maladie métastatique, et semblait au contraire diminuer la croissance tumorale après hépatectomie. In vitro, HIP/PAP n’augmentait pas la croissance tumorale de lignées cellulaires transformées dérivées de cancer du colon. Chez le porc, une sténose portale pneumatique pendant et après PHX majeure laissant en place moins de 0,5% du poids corporel entraînait une diminution de la pression portale intra-hépatique sans modifier le débit comparé au groupe sans anneau. Cette modulation de la pression était associée à une diminution significative de la bilirubine sérique et des lésions histologiques du foie restant au 7ème jour après chirurgie. Au total, il serait possible grâce à la protéine HIP/PAP et à l’anneau portal de corriger l’insuffisance hépatique post-hépatectomie en protégeant les cellules du foie de la mort et du stress secondaires aux modifications hémodynamiques et biochimiques. La question de leur association pour diminuer l’incidence de l’insuffisance hépatique reste entière. / Liver resection is the only curative treatment of tumoral liver malignancies and post-operative liver insufficiency is the 1st cause of post-operative mortality. Tumor liver treatment improvements must be associated to innovatives methods to prevent and cure this complication. On a recent prospective study including 232 hepatectomies (with a 3-month post-operative mortality of 0.8 %) for colorectal liver metastases (CRLM), post-operative liver insufficiency was present after 7 % of major hepatectomies and was the worst 2-year survival prognostic factor. To prevent this complication, we have evaluated a perioperative systemic injection of a recombinant anti-oxydant protein (HIP/PAP) before a major hepatectomy for CRLM in rats. In vitro then in model of implanted CLRM since 7 days, we have showed that HIP/PAP did not increased tumoral growth. After 70 % hepatectomy, perioperative systemic HIP/PAP injection improved liver function. After 70 % hepatectomy, HIP/PAP seemed decrease tumoral growth of implanted CRLM. On pig, we have assessed the consequences of a portal vein stenosis with pneumatic ring during and after a major hepatectomy that conserved a liver volume < 0.5 % of body weight. With this method, we have showed that the portal stenosis decreased intra-hepatic portal pressure wihout modify the portal flow by comparison with pigs without ring. This device was associated with a significant diminution of bilirubin plasmatic concentration and liver remnant histological lesions at sacrifice on post-operative day 7. Overall, chemical and physical methods and moreover their combination should allowed to decrease post-operative liver insufficicency.

Impacto dos fatores etiológicos, clínicos e cirúrgicos no prognóstico de pacientes com carcinoma hepatocelular submetidos à ressecção hepática / Impact of etiological, clinical and surgical factors in the prognosis of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing hepatic resection

Felipe de Lucena Moreira Lopes 26 January 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC) é o mais frequente tipo de câncer primário do fígado e a sua incidência vem aumentando nas últimas décadas, , tornando-o hoje a terceira causa de morte por câncer no mundo. Em cerca de 70 a 80% dos pacientes, o CHC é precedido pelo desenvolvimento de cirrose hepática. Existe um consenso de que a ressecção cirúrgica do tumor é a única terapêutica efetivamente comprovada. Esta ressecção pode ser realizada tanto através de uma hepatectomia como pelo transplante hepático. Atualmente, apenas 30 a 40% dos pacientes se beneficiam dos tratamentos ditos curativos e, mesmo entre esses pacientes, a sobrevida em cinco anos continua baixa, em torno de 60 a 70%, com taxa de recorrência do tumor em torno de 50% em três anos. Alguns estudos mostraram um pior prognóstico para os pacientes com CHC cuja etiologia é a infecção por vírus B ou C. Isso nos leva à questão sobre a existência de uma diferença entre as diversas etiologias do CHC e o seu prognóstico. OBJETIVOS: Comparar o prognóstico (sobrevida global e livre de doença em cinco anos) de pacientes submetidos à hepatectomia para o tratamento do CHC com relação às diversas etiologias da hepatopatia e estudar fatores prognósticos nesse grupo de pacientes. MÉTODO: Foi realizado um levantamento de prontuários dos pacientes submetidos à hepatectomia entre 2000 e 2014 para tratamento de CHC, seguido de análise estatística desse banco de dados, visando a avaliação de parâmetros clínicos, laboratoriais e cirúrgicos. Os pacientes foram divididos em grupos de acordo com a etiologia da hepatopatia, sendo feita uma análise de sobrevida para comparação. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante de prognóstico entre os grupos de pacientes divididos conforme a etiologia do CHC. A sobrevida global e livre de doença em cinco anos dos pacientes dessa amostra foi de 49,9% e 40,7%, respectivamente. As variáveis prognósticas estatisticamente significantes para sobrevida global foram nível sérico de alfafetoproteína (p=0,043), nível sérico de CA19.9 (p=0,028), invasão da cápsula tumoral (p=0,030), margem livre (p=0,004) e presença de complicações pós-operatórias (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: Pelos dados dessa amostra, pudemos constatar que não houve diferença em relação ao prognóstico entre os grupos de pacientes das diversas etiologias de CHC. As variáveis nível sérico de alfafetoproteína e de CA 19.9, invasão da cápsula tumoral, margem livre e complicações pósoperatórias podem ser consideradas preditoras de pior prognóstico / INTRODUCTION: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most frequent type of primary liver cancer and its incidence is increasing around the world in the last decades, making HCC the third cause of death by cancer in the world. In about 70 to 80% of patients, HCC is preceded by cirrhosis of the liver. It is believed that hepatic resection is the single proven curative treatment. This resection can be done in the form of a hepatectomy or liver transplantation. Nowadays, only 30 to 40% of HCC patients can benefit from these curative treatments and, among them, survival in five years is still around 60 to 70%, with tumor recurrence rate around 50% in three years. Some studies have shown a worse prognosis for HCC patients whose etiology is viral. That brings us to the question about the existence of a difference between the various etiologies of HCC and its prognosis. OBJECTIVES: To compare the prognosis (overall and disease-free survival at five years) of patients undergoing hepatectomy for the treatment of HCC with respect to various etiologies of liver disease and to study prognostic factors in this group of patients. METHOD: We performed a review of medical records of patients undergoing hepatectomy between 2000 and 2014 for the treatment of HCC, followed by statistical analysis of this database for evaluation of clinical, laboratory and surgical parameters. Patients were divided into groups according to the etiology of liver disease followed by overall and disease-free survival analysis for comparison. RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference in the outcomes of the groups of patients divided according to the etiology of HCC. Overall and disease-free survival at five years of patients in this sample was 49.9% and 40.7%, respectively. Statistically significant prognostic variables for overall survival were serum alpha-fetoprotein (p = 0.043), serum CA19.9 (p = 0.028), invasion of the tumor capsule (p = 0.030), resection margins (p = 0.004) and presence of postoperative complications (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: From the data of this sample, we could verify that there was no prognostic differences between the groups of HCC patients of the various etiologies. The variables serum alphafetoprotein and CA 19.9, invasion of the tumor capsule, resection margins and presence of postoperative complications can be considered predictive of worse prognosis

"Perfusão hipotérmica in situ versus exclusão vascular total do fígado para ressecções hepáticas complexas" / In situ hypothermic perfusion of the liver versus standard total vascular exclusion for complex liver resection

Eshkenazy, Rony 14 December 2005 (has links)
Os resultados sobre o tempo adequado da exclusão vascular total do fígado(EVTF) para a realização de hepatectomias continuam sendo discutidos. Dados favoráveis têm sido descritos, quando se associa a EVTF com a perfusão de solução hipotérmica, porém a comparação entre estas técnicas ainda não foi descrita. Este estudo tem como objetivo comparar os resultados da ressecção hepática com EVTF, realizada sob hipotermia(solução de preservação hipotérmica in situ), com aqueles obtidos quando se realiza esta ressecção com EVTF com tempo de isquemia menor que 60 minutos, e naqueles com tempo de isquemia maior ou igual a 60 minutos. Para tanto, foram analisados, como parâmetros, a função renal e hepática, morbidade, e mortalidade pós-operatórias nos três grupos mencionados,buscando-se determinar valores preditivos para indicação das técnicas. PACIENTES E MÉTODO. Foram estudados 81 pacientes submetidos à ressecção hepática. Estes pacientes foram divididos em três grupos. Trinta e quatro pacientes com EVTF menor do que 60 minutos (EVTF < 60’), 19 pacientes com EVTF maior ou igual a 60 minutos (EVTF &#8805; 60’), e 28 pacientes nos quais a perfusão hipotérmica in situ (EVTFHIPOT) foi realizada. Os valores das transaminases hepáticas (ASAT e ALAT), Bilirrubinas totais, creatinina, e tempo de protrombina foram registrados. Também foram verificados os índices de morbidade e de mortalidade pós-operatórias nos três grupos. RESULTADOS. O valor máximo no pós-operatório das enzimas hepáticas - ASAT e ALAT foram significativamente menores (p < 0.05) no grupo EVTFHIPOT (535 + 361 U/L e 436 + 427 U/L), quando comparados aos outros grupos - EVTF<60’(988 + 798 U/L; 844 + 733 U/L), EVTF>60’ (1583 + 984 U/L; 1082 + 842 U/L). No grupo EVTFHIPOT, os valores máximos das bilirrubinas (6,5 + 2,5 mg/dl),creatinina (1,2 + 0,7 mg/dl), e o número de complicações por paciente (1,2 + 1) foram semelhantes aos do grupo EVTF<60’’ (5,5 + 7,8; 1,3 + 1; e 0,7 + 1 respectivamente), e significativamente menores que os do grupo EVTF > 60’(12,8 + 11,8; 2,3 + 2,3, e 2,3 + 1,2). A mortalidade hospitalar foi de 1/34, 2/19 e 2/28 nos grupos EVTF < 60’, EVTF > 60’, e EVTFHIPOT, respectivamente,sem diferença estatística. CONCLUSÕES. Quando comparadas as técnicas clássicas de exclusão vascular do fígado,de qualquer duração, com aquela na qual se realizou a perfusão hipotérmica do fígado, conclui-se que, nesta última, os pacientes toleraram melhor a isquemia. Deve-se enfatizar que, na EVTF com hipotermia, existe melhor preservação da função hepática, melhor preservação da função renal, e menores índices de morbidade, quando comparada com a EVTF>60’’ sem hipotermia. Os fatores preditivos de EVTF por mais de 60 minutos auxiliam na adoção da opção pelo resfriamento hepático. / OBJECTIVE. To compare the results of liver resection performed under in situ hypothermic perfusion vs standard total vascular exclusion (TVE) of the liver < 60 minutes and &#8805; 60 minutes in terms of liver tolerance, liver and renal functions, postoperative morbidity and mortality. SUMMARY BACGROUND DATA. The safe duration of TVE is still debated. Promising results have been reported following TVE associated with hypothermic perfusion of the liver with durations of up to several hours. The two techniques have not been compared so far. PATIENTS AND METHODS.The study population includes 81 consecutive liver resections under TVE < 60 minutes (group TVE < 60’ , 34 patients), &#8805; 60 minutes (group TVE &#8805; 60’, 19 patients) and in situ hypothermic perfusion (group TVEHYPOTH , 28 patients). Liver tolerance (peaks of transaminases), liver and kidney function (peak of bilirubin, minimum prothrombin time and peak of creatinine), morbidity and inhospital mortality were compared within the 3 groups. RESULTS. The postoperative peaks of ASAT and ALAT were significantly lower (p < 0.05) in group TVE HYPOTH (535 + 361 U/L and 436 + 427 U/L) compared to the groups TVE<60’ (988 + 798 U/L; 844 + 733 U/L) and TVE&#8805;60’ (1583 + 984 U/L; 1082 + 842 U/L). In the group TVE HYPOTH , the peaks of bilirubin (6,5 + 2,5 mg/dl), creatinine (1,2 + 0,7 mg/dl), and the number of complications per patient (1,2 + 1) were comparable to those of the group TVE<60’ (5,5 + 7,8; 1,3 + 1; e 0,7 + 1 respectively) and significantly lower to those of the group TVE&#8805;60’ (12,8 + 11,8; 2,3 + 2,3, e 2,3 + 1,2). In hospital mortality rates were 1/34, 2/19 and 2/28 for the groups TVE < 60’ , TVE &#8805; 60’ , and TVEHYPOTH respectively and were comparable. On multivariate analysis, the size of the tumor, portal vein embolization and a planned vascular reconstruction werem significantly predictive of TVE &#8805; 60 minutes. CONCLUSIONS. Compared to standard TVE of any duration, hypothermic perfusion of the liver is associated with a better tolerance to ischemia. In addition, compared to TVE &#8805; 60 minutes, it is associated with better postoperative liver and renal functions, and a lower morbidity. Predictive factors for TVE &#8805; 60 minutes may help to indicate hypothermic perfusion of the liver.

Μελέτη της αναγεννητικής ικανότητας του ήπατος μετά απο ισχαιμία και μερική ηπατεκτομή επι χολοστατικού ήπατος σε επίμυες. / Experimental study on the regeneration capacity of the liver, after partial hepatectomy with and without ischemia,on cholestatic liver in rats.

Κρητικός, Νεοκλής 26 June 2007 (has links)
ΣΚΟΠΟΣ: Σήμερα είναι πλέον γνωστό ότι το χολοστατικό ήπαρ είναι πιο ευαίσθητο στην ισχαιμία από το φυσιολογικό ήπαρ. Η ηπατική αναγέννηση μετά μερική ηπατεκτομή (ΡΗχ) ρυθμίζεται από διάφορους παράγοντες οι οποίοι ενεργοποιούν ή αναστέλλουν τον πολλαπλασιασμό των ηπατοκυττάρων. Ένα από τα κυτταρικά στοιχεία που συμβάλλει στην αναγέννηση του ήπατος είναι το ηπατοκύτταρο με χολαγγειακή μορφολογία (DΗ). Από την άλλη μεριά, η απόπτωση φαίνεται να παίζει ένα σημαντικό ρόλο στον κυτταρικό πολλαπλασιασμό και στην ηπατική αναγέννηση. Στην παρούσα μελέτη, μετά από Ρηχ σε φυσιολογικούς ποντικούς και σε άλλους με ίκτερο, με ή χωρίς επιπλέον ισχαιμία, ερευνήσαμε: α) τα ιστοπαθολογικά χαρακτηριστικά της ισχαιμικής ηπατικής βλάβης και αναγέννησης, β) το δυνητικό ρόλο των ηπατοκυττάρων με χολαγγειακή μορφολογία κατά τη διάρκεια της ηπατικής αναγέννησης και γ)την έκφραση των γονιδίων bcl-2 και bax, τα οποία σχετίζονται με την απόπτωση, καθώς και την παρουσία της απόπτωσης. ΥΛΙΚΑ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΘΟΔΟΙ: Η μελέτη συμπεριέλαβε 140 ποντικούς Wistar οι οποίοι χωρίστηκαν σε 14 ομάδες: Ι –control, II - εγχείρηση sham. III-IV-V-παροδικός αγγειακός αποκλεισμός ηπατικής αρτηρίας και πυλαίας φλέβας (ολική ηπατική ισχαιμία) (TLI) για 15-30-60 λεπτά αντίστοιχα. VI - απολίνωση του κοινού χοληδόχου πόρου (BDL) για 10 ημέρες, VII-VIII-ΙΧ-BDL-ΤLI-ΡΗχ. Χ-μερική ηπατεκτομή (ΡΗχ 68%}, XI- ΡΗχ + TLI (30 min), XII-BDL+ΡΗχ, XIII-BDL+ ΡΗχ+TLI (30 min) και XIV- BDL+TLI (30 min) + ΡΗχ. Τα ζώα θυσιάστηκαν 24 και 48 ώρες μετά από Ρηχ, με εξαίρεση τις περιπτώσεις όπου η κατάσταση υγείας ήταν κρίσιμη. Η μελέτη του ηπατικού ιστού περιελάμβανε: (α) Η&Α stain, (β) υβριδισμό in situ (ανίχνευση mRΝΑ των bcl-2 και bax σε παραφίνη, (γ) ανάλυση Western Blot για τη μελέτη των πρυτεϊνικών επιπέδων των bcl-2 και bax, (δ) in situ υβριδισμός (TUNEL) για την ανίχνευση παραγόντων απόπτωσης, (ε) ανοσοϊστοχημικά stains σε παραφίνη (μέθοδος στρεπταβιδίνης-βιοτίνης) με σκοπό να μελετηθεί η έκφραση των ακόλουθων αντιγόνων: κυτοκερατίνη 7 και 19 (χολικός φαινότυπος), ηπατοκυτταρίκή και α1-σντιθρυψίνη (ηπατοκυτταρικός φαινότυπος), βιμεντίνη, CD34, α-φετοπρωτείνη, GST-π(γλουταθειονιν-S-τρανσφεράση-π). Κι67 (κυτταρικός πολλαπλασιασμός), bcl-2 και bax (γονίδια απόπτωσης). ΑΠΟΤΕΛΕΣΜΑΤΑ: Ήπαρ από ποντικούς α)με TLI ανέπτυξε βλάβες ηπατικής ισχαιμίας, β)με BDL βλάβες ηπατικής απόφραξης, γ)με BDL+TLI ανέπτυξαν βλάβες ηπατικής ισχαιμίας μαζί με αλλαγές λόγω απόφραξης των χοληφόρων. Το ποσοστό του επηρεασμένου ηπατικού παρεγχύματος (%ηπατικής νέκρωσης) ήταν υψηλότερο στις ομάδες με TLI+BDL. Σε αυτές τις ομάδες, ο ηπατοκυτταρικός δείκτης (δείκτης πολλαπλασιασμού) του Κi67 ήταν μικρότερος από τον αντίστοιχο της ομάδας χωρίς TLI. Το εύρημα αυτό υποδηλώνει ότι το χολοστστικό ήπαρ είναι πιο ευαίσθητο στην ισχαιμία κι εκδηλώνει μειωμένη αναγεννητική ικανότητα, συγκρινόμενο με μη χολοστατικό ήπαρ. Βιοψίες ήπατος έδειξαν χαρακτήρες ηπατικής αναγέννησης προερχόμενης από τη ζώνη 2, η οποία επεκτεινόταν στη ζώνη 1 και κάποιες φορές στη ζώνη 3. Ανοσοϊστοχημικές αναλύσεις ανέδειξαν κύτταρα θετικά στο ΑΕ1 και κύτταρα θετικά στο ΗΕΡΡΑΡ. Σε όλες τις ομάδες με TLI τα ηπατοκύτταρα χολαγγειακής μορφολογίας εμφανίζονταν κυρίως σε περιοχές περι-πυλαίες. Εξέφραζαν κυτοκερατίνες 19 και 7, ηπατοκυτταρίκή και α1-αντιθρυψίνη ενώ εμφάνιζαν και συνδυασμένη έκφραση CΚ7/CΚ19 και ηπατοκυτταρική ή ΑΕ1/CΚ19 και α1-αντιθρυψϊνη. Το ποσοστό των κυττάρων αυτών ήταν ευθέως ανάλογο με το χρόνο επιβίωσης των ζώων (r=0,354, ρ<0,05). Όσον αφορά την απόπτωση, προ ηπατεκτομής, τα επίπεδα του bcl-2 ( πρωτεΐνη ή mRΝΑ) ήταν υψηλότερα σε ποντικούς με ίκτερο απ' ό,τι στους ποντικούς controls. Επιπλέον τα επίπεδα του bax (πρωτεΐνη ή mRΝΑ) και ο σωματικός δείκτης απόπτωσης (ΑΒΙ) ήταν υψηλότερα σε χολοστατικό ήπαρ. Μετά ηπατεκτομή, παρατηρήθηκε πρώιμη ελάττωση των επιπέδων πρωτεϊνών και mRΝΑ του γονιδίου bcl-2 και μια ύστερη αύξηση του προ-αποπτωτικού γονιδίου bax και του ΑΒΙ, σε σύγκριση με τα controls. ΣΥΜΠΕΡΑΣΜΑΤΑ: Σε περιπτώσεις αποφρακτικού ίκτερου (χολαγγειοπάθεια), η ηπατική ισχαιμία καθιστά το όργανο πιο ευαίσθητο σε ενδεχόμενη βλάβη, καθώς προκαλεί ευρύτερη νέκρωση παρεγχύματος και ελαττώνει το ρυθμό πολλαπλασιασμού των ηπατοκυττάρων, Η διεργασία αναγέννησης του ήπατος επιτελείται κυρίως μέσω του πολλαπλασιασμού μη νεκρωτικών κυττάρων τα οποία εκφράζουν ηπατοκυτταρικά ή χολαγγειακά επιθηλιακά χαρακτηριστικά. Σε τέτοιες περιπτώσεις, το κύριο στοιχείο της ηπατικής αναγέννησης αποτελεί η παρουσία των ηπατοκυττάρων με χολαγγειακή μορφολογία (κύτταρα που εκδηλώνουν φαινότυπο ενδιάμεσο μεταξύ κυττάρων χολαγγειακής και ηπατικής προέλευσης) και η διαφοροποίηση τους σε ώριμα ηπατοκύτταρα. Τέλος, η απόπτωση έχει ρόλο στο χολοστατικό ήπαρ με ή χωρίς επιπλέον ισχαιμία και πιστεύεται ότι μπορεί να συμβάλλει στην παρουσία κατεσταλμένης αναγεννητικής απόκρισης που παρατηρήθηκε σε ήπαρ ποντικών με ίκτερο μετά από μερική ηπατεκτομή. / AIM: Today, it is known that cholestatic liver is more susceptible to ischemia than normal liver. Liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy (PHx) is regulated by several factors that activate or inhibit hepatocyte proliferation. One of the cellular elements that contributes to liver regeneration is ductular hepatocyte (DH). On the other hand, apoptosis seems to play an important role in cellular proliferation and liver regeneration. In this study and. after PHx. in normal and jaundiced rats with or without superimposed ischemia, we assessed a) the histopathologic features of hepatic Ischemic damage and liver regeneration, b) the potential role of ductular hepatocytes during liver regeneration and c) the expression apoptosis-asscciated genes bcl-2 and bax. and the presence of apoptosis, MATERIALS £ METHODS: The study comprised 140 male Wistar rats, assigned randomly in 14-groups: l-controls. ll-sham. Ill-IV-V-cIamping of hepatic artery and portal vein (total liver Ischemia-TLI) for 15-30-60 min respectively. Vl-common bile duct ligation (BDL) for lOdays. VII-VIII-IX-BDL-TLI-X-partial hepatectomy(PHx-68%). XI-PHx+TLI(30min). XU-BDL+PHx. XIII-BDL+PHx+TLI(30min) and XIV-BDL+TLI (30min)+PHx. Animals were sacrificed 24 and 48hrs after PHx unless their condition was critical. Liver tissue evaluation Included: (a) H&E stain, (b) in situ hybridization (detection of bcl-2 and bax mRNA) in paraffin sections, (c) Western blot analysis for the evaluation of bcl-2 and bax protein levels, (d) in situ hybridization (TUNEL) for the detection of apoptotic bodies, and (e) immunohistochemical stains (streptavidin-biotin method) in paraffin sections, in order to evaluate the expression of the following antigens: cytokeratins 7 and 16 (biliary phenotype), Hepatocyte and a 1-antitrypsin (hepatocytic phenotype), vimentin, CD34, alpha-fetoprotein, GST-pi (glutahione-S-trarsferase-pi), Ki67 cell proliferation), bcl-2 and bax (apoptotlc genes). RESULTS: Sections from rats a) with TLI developed changes of liver ischemia, b) with BDL changes of liver obstruction and c) with BDL+TLI developed changes of ischemia together with changes of biliary obstruction. The total liver parenchymal area affected (% liver necrosis} was higher in groups with TLI+BDL. In these groups the Ki67 hepatocytic index (proliferation index) was lower compared to the groups without TLI. This finding implies that cholestatic livers are more vulnerable to ischemia and also display impaired generative capabilities, compared to non-cholestatic ones. Liver biopsies exhibited features of liver regeneration that originated from zone 2, extended to zone 1 and occasionally to zone 3. Immunonistochemical stains revealed cells positive to AE1 and cells positive to HEPPAR. In all groups with TLI, DHs appeared mainly in periportal areas. They expressed cytokeratirs-19 and 7. hepatocyte and al-antrtrypsm and co-expressed CK7/CK1S and Hepatocyte or AE1/CK1S and a 1-antitrypsin The percentage of DHs was directly correlated with the time that animals survived (r=0,354, p<0,05). Regarding apoptosis, before hepatectomy, bcl-2 (protein or mRNA} levels were higher in jaundiced rats vs controls. Furthermore, bax (protein or mRNA) levels and apoptotic body index (ABl) were higher in cholestatic livers. After hepatectomy, there was an early decease in the protein and mRNA levels of antiapoptotic gene bcl-2 and a late increase of proapoptotic gene bax and the A8I. compared to controls. CONCLUSIONS: In cases with obstructive jaundice (cholangiopathy), liver ischemia makes the organ more vulnerable to damage because it causes greater parenchymal necrosis and decreases the degree of hepatocyles proliferation. Liver regenerative process is mediated mainly by proliferation of non-necrotic cells that express hepatocellular or ductular epithelial features. In such cases a main element of liver regeneration is the presence of DHs, cells that display a phenotype intermediate between ductular and hepatocytic origin} and their differentiation to mature hepatocytes. Finally, apoptosis takes place in cholestatic livers with or without superimposed ischemia and may contribute in the impaired regenerative response observed in livers of jaundiced rats after partial hepatectomy.

Μελέτη της αναγεννητικής ικανότητας του ήπατος μετά από μερική ηπατεκτομή / Study on liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy

Χαβελές, Ιωάννης 31 January 2013 (has links)
Η αναγέννηση, με τον τρόπο που αυτή επιτελείται στο ήπαρ, δηλαδή με πολλαπλασιασμό των ώριμων κυττάρων όλων των κυτταρικών ομάδων του οργάνου, είναι μία μοναδική ιδιότητα. Πιθανώς η ιδιότητα αυτή να είναι γνωστή από αρχαιοτάτων χρόνων, όπως συμβολίζεται στον μύθο του Προμηθέα. Απόλυτα δικαιολογημένο, εκ τούτου, είναι το μεγάλο ερευνητικό ενδιαφέρον απέναντι στη μοναδική αυτή διεργασία. Το συνηθέστερο μοντέλο που χρησιμοποιήθηκε για τη μελέτη της αναγέννησης είναι η χειρουργική ηπατεκτομή σε μικρά τρωκτικά (κατά κύριο λόγο στον επίμυ). Μετά τη διενέργεια της επέμβασης παρατηρείται συγχρονισμένη είσοδος των ηπατοκυττάρων –αρχικά- και των λοιπών κυτταρικών ομάδων -στη συνέχεια- στη φάση G1 του κυτταρικού κύκλου και σε προετοιμασία πολλαπλασιασμού. Στην πρώτη αυτή φάση τα ηπατοκύτταρα γίνονται δεκτικά στη δράση μίας πλειάδας αυξητικών παραγόντων. Αυτή είναι η εναρκτήρια φάση της αναγέννησης (priming phase). Ακολουθεί η φάση πολλαπλασιασμού ή μεταβολική φάση, όπου λόγω των μεγάλων ενεργειακών αναγκών των διαιρούμενων κυττάρων, επισυμβαίνουν χαρακτηριστικά μεταβολικά γεγονότα (παροδική υπογλυκαιμία, συστηματική λιπόλυση και παροδική ηπατοκυτταρική στεάτωση), για να καλύψουν τις ανάγκες αυτές. Στο διάστημα του πολλαπλασιασμού εμφανίζονται τα παρακρινικά και τα αυτοκρινικά σήματα μεταξύ των διαφορετικών κυτταρικών ομάδων του ήπατος. Στα τρωκτικά η φάση αυτή ολοκληρώνεται 4 ημέρες μετά την ηπατεκτομή και ακολουθεί η τρίτη και τελευταία φάση του τερματισμού της αναγέννησης. Τότε συμβαίνει η πολυπαραγοντική ρύθμιση της λήξης του πολλαπλασιασμού. Με εκπληκτική ακρίβεια ρυθμίζεται το βάρος του ήπατος σε συνάρτηση με τη συνολικό βάρος του ζώου, με χρήση και ενός κύματος απόπτωσης, ενώ ακολουθεί αποκατάσταση της φυσιολογικής σύστασης της εξωκυττάριας ουσίας και της ιστολογικής δομής του ηπατικού ιστού. Σε ένα αντικείμενο τόσο διεξοδικά μελετημένο, εντοπίστηκε ένα νέο πεδίο έρευνας που υιοθετήθηκε στην παρούσα διατριβή: ο πιθανός ρυθμιστικός ρόλος των microRNAs στην αναγέννηση του ήπατος. Τα microRNAs είναι μικρά μόρια μη κωδικοποιητικού RNA (μήκους 22 περίπου νουκλεοτιδίων), που ανακαλύφθηκαν σχετικά πρόσφατα. Ωστόσο, με γοργούς ρυθμούς αποκαλύπτεται ο μείζονος σημασίας ρυθμιστικός ρόλος τους στην έκφραση των γονιδίων και άρα στη ρύθμιση πολλαπλών κυτταρικών λειτουργιών. Κατά την έναρξη της παρούσας διατριβής υπήρχαν στοιχεία που ενέπλεκαν τα microRNAs στην αναγέννηση των πτερυγίων του είδους ψαριών zebrafish, τη αναγέννηση των σκωλήκων Planaria spp. και στην επούλωση του τραύματος. Διατυπώθηκε η υπόθεση ότι μπορεί να έχουν ρυθμιστικό ρόλο και στην ηπατική αναγέννηση και μεγάλο μέρος της μελέτης αφιερώθηκε στη διαλεύκανση του ρόλου αυτού. Πρώτο μέλημα των ερευνητών ήταν η βελτιστοποίηση και τυποποίηση της αναισθησιολογικής και εγχειρητικής διεργασίας, που για τον μυ δεν ήταν τόσο διαδεδομένες όσο ήταν για τον επίμυ, λόγω της δυσκολίας που παρουσιάζει η διενέργεια χειρουργικής επέμβασης σε ένα ζώο βάρους 20 γραμμαρίων. Έγιναν πολλαπλές τροποποιήσεις στις παλαιότερες τεχνικές, με αποτέλεσμα την τυποποίηση μίας διαδικασίας που εγγυάται την ταχύτατη διενέργεια της επέμβασης (12-15 λεπτά) με άριστη (95-100%) επιβίωση των πειραματόζωων. Με χρήση της προαναφερθείσας χειρουργικής μεθόδου διενεργήθηκε η πρώτη εγχειρητική πειραματική διαδικασία: Χρησιμοποιήθηκαν 56 πειραματόζωα, τα μισά εκ των οποίων υποβλήθηκαν σε 2/3 μερική ηπατεκτομή και τα υπόλοιπα μισά σε επέμβαση Sham. Λήφθηκαν τα δείγματα ηπατικού ιστού, στον χρόνο 0 και για τα χρονικά σημεία μετά αναγέννηση 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 ωρών, από 4 πειραματόζωα για κάθε χρονικό σημείο. Η πρώτη χρήση των δειγμάτων ιστού από το πρώτο πείραμα έγινε η επιβεβαίωση της συγκρισιμότητας των αποτελεσμάτων του νέου χειρουργικού μοντέλου με αυτά της διεθνούς βιβλιογραφίας. Έγινε ανοσοϊστοχημική χρώση για ανάδειξη της πρωτεΐνης Ki-67 και άρα της χρονικής αλληλουχίας του ρυθμού πολλαπλασιασμού των ηπατοκυττάρων. Αναδείχθηκε, όπως αναμενόταν, η 36η ώρα μετά την ηπατεκτομή ως το χρονικό σημείο που ο μέγιστος αριθμός ηπατοκυττάρων βρίσκεται σε φάση πολλαπλασιασμού στον μυ. Για περαιτέρω επιβεβαίωση του χειρουργικού μοντέλου, στη συνέχεια έγινε ημιποσοτική εκτίμηση της χρονικής εξέλιξης της παροδικής ηπατοκυτταρικής στεάτωσης μετά από χρώση αιματοξυλίνης-ηωσίνης. Από την αξιολόγηση των αποτελεσμάτων προκύπτει ότι η μέγιστη συσσώρευση λίπους ανευρίσκεται, όπως αναμενόταν, στα χρονικά σημεία 12 και 24 ωρών (+++). Η μελέτη, στη συνέχεια, στράφηκε στην κατεύθυνση αξιολόγησης του ρόλου των microRNAs. Για τον σκοπό αυτό ακολούθησε η δεύτερη εγχειρητική πειραματική διαδικασία. Χρησιμοποιήθηκαν 20 πειραματόζωα εκ των οποίων τα μισά υποβλήθηκαν σε 2/3 μερική ηπατεκτομή ενώ τα υπόλοιπα σε επέμβαση Sham. Μετά από αναγέννηση 12 ωρών λήφθηκαν οι ηπατικοί ιστοί για μελέτη του προφίλ έκφρασης των microRNAs. Η επιλογή των 12 ωρών έγινε ως ένα χρονικό σημείο κατά τη φάση έναρξης της αναγέννησης, αλλά όχι στα πολύ αρχικά της στάδια, με γνώμονα την αναζήτηση του τυχόν ρυθμιστικού ρόλου των microRNAs. Το προφίλ έκφρασης των microRNAs μελετήθηκε με τη μέθοδο των μικροσυστοιχιών. Ελέγχθηκαν τα 598 microRNAs που ήταν γνωστά κατά τον καιρό της μελέτης. Τα αποτελέσματα ανέδειξαν ότι εμφανίζεται διαφορική έκφραση σε 8 microRNAs κατά την αναγέννηση. Αναλυτικότερα, τα mmu-miR-21 και mmu-miR-30b εμφάνισαν μεγαλύτερη έκφραση, ενώ τα υπόλοιπα 6 miRNAs (mmu-miR-34c, mmu-miR-144, mmu-miR-207, mmu-miR-451, mmu-miR-582-3p, mmu-miR-290-5p) εμφάνισαν μικρότερη έκφραση κατά την αναγέννηση. Τα δείγματα ιστών του δεύτερου πειράματος χρησιμοποιήθηκαν εκ νέου για επιβεβαίωση των ανωτέρω αποτελεσμάτων με τη μέθοδο RT-qPCR. Η qPCR επιβεβαίωσε το προφίλ έκφρασης των διαφορικά εκφρασμένων miRs, όπως είχαν δείξει τα δεδομένα από τα microarrays. Προέκυψε επίσης ότι το πιο σημαντικά διαφοροποιημένο mmu-miR μεταξύ αυτών που μελετήθηκαν, ήταν το mmu-miR-21. Για να συνδεθούν τα διαφοροποιημένα microRNAs με τις κυτταρικές λειτουργίες στις οποίες εμπλέκονται και πιθανώς ρυθμίζουν, εκτελέστηκε Gene Ontology ανάλυση με τη βοήθεια του TergetScan. Προέκυψε πλειάδα δυνητικών στόχων για τα εν λόγω microRNAs, με σαφή σχέση των γονιδίων-στόχων με τη διεργασία του κυτταρικού πολλαπλασιασμού. Από τα ως τότε αποτελέσματα, τράβηξε την προσοχή η μεγάλη μεταβολή στην έκφραση του mmu-miR-21. Αυτό, σε συνδυασμό με την γνωστή από άλλες μελέτες, εμπλοκή του mmu-miR-21 στο αναπαραγωγικό δυναμικό καρκινικών κυττάρων, αποφασίστηκε να αναζητηθεί η χρονική αλληλουχία έκφρασής του, με χρήση των δειγμάτων ηπατικού ιστού από το πρώτο πείραμα. Αρχικά, χρησιμοποιήθηκε η μέθοδος της RT-qPCR, που ανέδειξε σαφή υπεροχή της έκφρασης του mmu-miR-21 στις 12 ώρες μετά από τη μερική ηπατεκτομή με διατήρηση σχετικά υψηλής συγκέντρωσης ως και τις 24 ώρες. Ακολούθησε επιτυχής επιβεβαίωση του ανωτέρω αποτελέσματος με τη χρήση της μεθόδου του in situ υβριδισμού. Συμπερασματικά, η παρούσα μελέτη πέτυχε να υποδείξει μία πολύ αποτελεσματική μέθοδο 2/3 ηπατεκτομής στον μυ. Το χειρουργικό αυτό μοντέλο αποδείχθηκε ότι έχει πλήρως συγκρίσιμα αποτελέσματα με αυτά της διεθνούς βιβλιογραφίας. Στη συνέχεια επιβεβαιώθηκε η υπόθεση διαφορικής έκφρασης των microRNAs κατά τη διαδικασία της αναγέννησης. Το γεγονός αυτό, υπονοεί ότι ίσως να εμπλέκονται με κάποιο ρυθμιστικό ρόλο στη διαδικασία αυτή. Το mmu-miR-21 αναδεικνύεται ως το μάλλον σημαντικότερο από αυτά. Τα δεδομένα από την παρούσα μελέτη συμπληρώνουν τις έως τώρα γνώσεις για το φαινόμενο της ηπατικής αναγέννησης, αλλά και ανοίγουν δρόμους για νέο προσανατολισμό στην έρευνα, όπως την παραπέρα διαλεύκανση του τρόπου δράσης αυτών των microRNAs που εντοπίστηκαν ή τον τυχόν ρόλο τους και στις φάσεις πολλαπλασιασμού ή τερματισμού της αναγέννησης. / Liver regeneration is a unique ability, because of the way it proceeds, i.e. the proliferation of all categories of all mature liver cell types. It is highly possible that this ability is known to human kind since the ancient times, as pictured in Prometheus’ myth. The great scientific interest towards deciphering this complex process is, of course, highly justified. The most common model for the study of the process of regeneration is the surgical model of the 2/3 partial hepatectomy (PHx) in small rodents, predominantly the rat. 2/3 partial hepatectomy leads to a highly synchronized hepatocyte cell-cycle entry and progres¬sion. The first phase, known as the ‘priming phase’, occurs in the first hours after PH and poises the hepatocytes to enter the G1 phase and to become receptive to growth factors. The second phase corresponds to an increased metabolic demand imposed on the remnant liver. During this phase, among other metabolic changes, transient hypoglycemia is suggested to induce systemic lipolysis followed by a lipid droplets accumulation in the hepa¬tocytes. During this phase, am major role is played by the autocrine intercellular network. In rodents, this phase is completed in 4 days post-PHx and is followed by the termination phase. Ending the regenerative process is an equally complex, multiparameter process. The weight of the liver is regulated proportionally to the animal’s body weight with remarkable accuracy, sometimes employing an apoptotic wave. The termination phase of the regenerative process ends with normal hepatic histological structure restoration and matrix remodeling. Liver regeneration is a phenomenon that has been thoroughly studied in the past. Nevertheless, a point of emerging research interest has been adopted in the present study: the possible regulatory role of microRNAs in liver regeneration. MicroRNAs are small non-coding RNA molecules (approx. 22 nts long), which have been discovered quite recently but through research they are quickly emerging as cornerstone regulatory means in a large number of cellular functions. In the beginning of this study, data existed implicating microRNAs in the regeneration of zebrafish fins, regeneration in planarian worms and wound healing. The hypothesis that they may have a role in liver regeneration was made and a large part of this study is concerned with investigating the existence of such a role. The researchers began with revising and standardizing the method for anesthesia and surgical procedure, which, at the time (2007), were not satisfactory enough in the case of mice (as opposed to the widely used rats), possibly because of the difficulty of operating on a 20 gram animal. Many alterations were made upon the previous techniques. As a result, a procedure was standardized, as described herein, that guarantees a fast procedure (12-15 minutes) accompanied by excellent animal survival (95-100%). Using the above described technique, the first surgical experiment in this study was conducted: 56 animals (wild-type mice) were used, half of which were subjected to 2/3 PHx and the other half were sham operated. Liver samples were collected at time 0 and at several time points during regeneration (1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 hours), with a number of 4 animals per time point. These samples were used in order to confirm the comparability of the new surgical technique to bibliography models. An immunohistochemical dye for the protein Ki-67 was performed, thus revealing the number of hepatic cells undergoing proliferation at each time point. The 36th hour post-PHx emerged as the point of climax of the proliferative process in the mouse, as expected by previous studies. For further confirmation, the same samples were used to produce simple histological H-E slides, in order to evaluate the evolvement of lipid droplet accumulation in hepatic cells associated with liver regeneration. A semi-quantitative evaluation was conducted, that revealed that maximum lipid accumulation occurs at the time points of 12 and 24 hours (+++) in mouse, again as expected by previous studies. Then the study proceeded with investigating the potential role of microRNAs in liver regeneration. For this, a second surgical experiment was conducted: This time 20 animals (wild-type mice) were used, half of which were subjected to 2/3 PHx and the other half were sham operated. After regenerating for 12 hours, liver samples were harvested from all animals. The choice of the 12-hour interval was made as a time point at the beginning phase of liver regeneration, but not at the very early beginning, with a view to reveal the possible regulatory role of microRNAs at the first stage of the regenerative process. MicroRNA profiling was conducted using specific microarrays, examining the presence of the 598 microRNAs known at the time of this procedure. The results pointed out 8 differentially expressed microRNAs during regeneration: 2 that were up-regulated (-miR-21 and mmu-miR-30b) and 6 that were down-regulated (mmu-miR-34c, mmu-miR-144, mmu-miR-207, mmu-miR-451, mmu-miR-582-3p, mmu-miR-290-5p). Tissue samples from the second experiment were used again in order to confirm the aforementioned results utilizing the RT-qPCR method. This indeed confirmed the microarrays’ results and highlighted mmu-miR-21 as the most differentially expressed miR, indicating a possibly major regulatory role in liver regeneration. In order to link these differentially expressed microRNAs to their cellular and molecular functions, Gene Ontology Analysis was conducted, using TargetScan. Many putative gene-targets for each microRNA emerged, many of which are involved in the process of cellular proliferation. Following the emergence of the major differentiation of mmu-miR-21 within the results of qPCR evaluation and with previous research linking it with cancer cell proliferation regulation, it was decided to further assess the time kinetics of the expression of mmu-miR-21, utilizing tissue samples from the first experiment. Through an RT-qPCR evaluation, it was shown that up-regulation of mmu-miR-21 reaches its zenith at 12 hours post-PHx and remains quite highly expressed until 24 hours. This was further confirmed by in situ hybridization. In conclusion, we were able to standardize a very successful version of the 2/3 hepatectomy procedure adapted for mice. Using this model, the hypothesis of the altered expression of microRNAs during liver regeneration is confirmed, setting suspicion about some kind of regulatory role. Mmu-miR-21 emerges as the most differentially expressed one and possibly having the most important role. The data from the present study supplement preexisting knowledge on the phenomenon of liver regeneration, but also show the way for future research in further clarifying the paths leading to microRNAs’ regulatory role or investigating their potential role in the phases of proliferation or termination of liver regeneration.

Alterações hemodinamicas, renais e respiratorias no periodo peri-operatorio do transplante de figado com a tecnica de piggyback / Piggyback liver transplantation : intra-operative hemodynamics, post-operative renal and respiratory complications

Leonardi, Marilia Iracema 29 November 2006 (has links)
Orientadores: Nelson Adami Andreollo, Luis Alberto Magna / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T15:51:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leonardi_MariliaIracema_D.pdf: 4399596 bytes, checksum: c65fb389f14c8904f8d2f86459121589 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: A técnica de transplante ortotópico de fígado (TOF) com preservação da veia cava inferior retro-hepática, conhecida por "piggyback" assegura estabilidade hemodinâmica durante a hepatectomia do receptor. Contudo, têm sido relatadas complicações sistêmicas,sobretudo respiratórias e renais, além de persistência de ascite, no pós-operatório dos pacientes submetidos a TOF com a técnica de "piggyback". O estudo é retrospectivo e tem por objetivo avaliar as limitações para execução do TOF à "piggyback", estudar o comportamento hemodinâmico intra-operatório e analisar as complicações pós-operatórias mais diretamente relacionadas à técnica. A casuística é composta por 275 pacientes, selecionados entre os 315 transplantes realizados na Unidade de Transplante Hepático da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, no período de setembro de 1991 a dezembro de 2005. Os pacientes foram divididos em quatro grupos, de acordo com o tipo de reconstrução da veia cava inferior, a saber: Grupo ST: pacientes transplantados com a técnica convencional (n=37); Grupo PB3: pacientes transplantados com a técnica de "piggyback" e reconstrução da veia cava inferior com anastomose término-terminal entre os óstios das três veias hepáticas do receptor com o óstio da veia cava supra-hepática do enxerto (n=117); Grupo PB2: pacientes transplantados com a técnica de "piggyback" e reconstrução da veia cava inferior com anastomose término-terminal entre os óstios de duas veias hepáticas do receptor com o óstio da veia cava supra-hepática do enxerto (n=101); Grupo PBLL: pacientes transplantados com a técnica de "piggyback" e cavotomia, com anastomose látero-lateral, "face-a-face" ou término-lateral (n=20). Os grupos foram comparados, quanto aos parâmetros estudados, por meio do teste do Chi quadrado ou teste exato de Fisher. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Não há diferenças entre os grupos quanto ao sexo e etiologia da doença hepática crônica. Há maior prevalência de pacientes Child-Pugh C no grupo PB2, cuja idade média é superior aos demais. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a técnica de "piggyback" pôde ser empregada em 91,5% dos pacientes. A queda de pressão arterial média foi mais acentuada, após a reperfusão, nos grupos PBL e ST. As maiores elevações de PMAP ocorreram nos grupos PB2 (p=0,025) e PB3 (p=0,038) na fase anepática e cinco minutos após a reperfusão, respectivamente. Os valores médios de PVC, PCP e DC são semelhantes entre os grupos nos cinco tempos estudados. A prevalência de ascite foi baixa em todos os grupos estudados. Há forte tendência a maior prevalência de complicações respiratórias no grupo PBL (p=0,054). A necessidade de reoperação por sangramento e de hemodiálise no pós-operatório foram semelhantes entre os grupos. A sobrevida média global aos 30 dias de pós-operatório foi de 78,2%, sendo semelhante entre os grupos. A técnica de "piggyback" permite reduzir os tempos operatório e de isquemia quente, e ainda o consumo intra-operatório de hemoderivados / Abstract: The technique of orthtotopic liver transplantation (OLT) with inferior vena cava (IVC) preservation, known as "piggyback", assures hemodynamic stability during recipient hepatectomy, which avoids tissue hypoperfusion. However post-operative complications, mainly renal and respiratory, have been described. The study is retrospective and aims to evaluate the aplicability of "piggyback" OLT and analyse post-operative complications more directly related to the surgical technique. From September 1991 to December 2005, 275 patients with mean age of 43±13 years were submitted to OLT and divided into four groups: Group ST: no preservation of retro-hepatic IVC (n=37); Group PB3: piggyback OLT and IVC reconstruction with three recipient hepatic veins (n=117); Group PB2: piggyback OLT and IVC reconstruction with two recipient hepatic veins (n=101); Group PBLL: piggyback OLT and IVC reconstruction with cavotomy and lateralateral anastomosis (n=20). Gropus were compared by Chi square test and exact test, with p<0.05. There was no difference regarding sex and chronic liver disease etiology. The majority of them are Child-Pugh class C and the mean age of group PB2 was higher than the others. Piggyback OLT colud be employed in 91,5% of patients. MAP decreased significantly in group PB2 an PBL at 15 minutes after reperfusion (p<0.001). MPAP showed greater increase in goup PBL (p=0.008) 15 minutes after graft reperfusion. Mean values of CVP, PCP and CO are comparable during recipient surgery. ST group showed longer warm ischemia and operative times compared to the others (p<0.01), as well as more blood products requirements. Cold ischemia time was similar among groups. Ascites prevalence was very low in the four groups. There is evident tendency to a higher prevalence of respiratory complications in group PBLL (p=0.054). Need for reoperation due to bleeding and hemodialyses were similar in all groups. Mean survival time was 78.2% on PO 30, without difference among groups / Doutorado / Cirurgia / Doutor em Cirurgia

Ãcidos graxos Ãmega-3 e Ãmega-6, dimetilsulfÃxido e ternatina na regeneraÃÃo hepÃtica e no estresse oxidativo em ratos / Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, dimethylsulfoxide and ternatin on hepatic regeneration and oxidative stress in rats

Josà Ulisses de Souza Melo 27 November 2006 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O fÃgado possui uma notÃvel capacidade de regeneraÃÃo apÃs trauma tecidual, incluindo hepatectomia parcial. EspÃcies reativas de oxigÃnio e peroxidaÃÃo lipÃdica tÃm sido incluÃdas nos mecanismos de proliferaÃÃo e crescimento celulares. DimetilsulfÃxido (DMSO) e ternatina (TRT), conhecidos varredores de radicais livres, e os Ãcidos graxos poliinsaturados (PUFA) w-3 e w-6 foram estudados em um modelo experimental para avaliar suas influÃncias na regeneraÃÃo hepÃtica e no estresse oxidativo. Cento e oito ratos Wistar machos foram aleatoriamente distribuÃdos em seis grupos de dezoito animais. Grupo 01 (G1) foi o grupo controle: os ratos foram somente submetidos à laparotomia (sem hepatectomia parcial) no tempo T0. Todos os outros grupos, alÃm de hepatectomia parcial à Higgins-Anderson (HP) no tempo T0, se submeteram, diariamente por duas semanas, à infusÃo intraperitoneal (i.p.) de uma dada droga: G2 recebeu soro fisiolÃgico 0,9% (salina) 0,1mL/kg, em G3 foi infundido PUFA w-3 0,1g/kg, em G4 foi TRT 1,0mg/kg, G5 DMSO 3,3mg/kg e G6 PUFA w-6 0,1g/kg. Em cada grupo, nos tempos 36h(T1), 168h(T2) e 336h(T3) pÃs-HP, um subgrupo de seis ratos foi escolhido ao acaso para hepatectomia complementar (em G1 foi realizada hepatectomia total), quando sangue e os lobos residuais posteriores do fÃgado foram obtidos para exames e estudos. Todas as intervenÃÃes cirÃrgicas foram realizadas sob anestesia inalatÃria com Ãter dietÃlico. SubstÃncias reativas ao Ãcido tiobarbitÃrico (TBARS) e glutationa reduzida (GSH) foram mensurados no sangue e no fÃgado. ConcentraÃÃes sangÃÃneas de glicose, bilirrubina total e transaminase glutÃmico-pirÃvica (TGP, transaminase de alanina) foram tambÃm avaliadas como indicadores de dano hepÃtico e de homeostase orgÃnica dependente do fÃgado. Os resultados obtidos foram primeiro submetidos ao teste de Kruskal-Wallis para verificar a normalidade aproximada das distribuiÃÃes e entÃo analisados: a evoluÃÃo ponderal por anÃlise de regressÃo e teste t de Student e os demais parÃmetros por mÃdia + E.P.M. e o teste comparativo de Dunnett: p<0,05 foi aceito como estatisticamente significativo. TRT, DMSO e PUFA w-3 inibiram a regeneraÃÃo hepÃtica. PUFA w-6, ao contrÃrio, nÃo apresentou efeito inibitÃrio. PeroxidaÃÃo lipÃdica aumentou tanto no fÃgado como no sangue com o aporte de w-6.. DMSO, TRT e PUFA w-3 induziram reduÃÃo nas concentraÃÃes de GSH hepÃtico 07 dias pÃs-HP. Os resultados do presente estudo dÃo suporte aos achados de que o estresse oxidativo desempenha um papel importante no processo de regeneraÃÃo hepÃtica pÃs-hepatectomia parcial em ratos. / The liver exhibits a remarkable regenerative capacity after tissue damage, including partial hepatectomy. Reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation have been implicated as control mechanisms of cellular growth and proliferation. Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and ternatin (TRT), known free radical scanvengers, and the w-3 and w-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were evaluated in an experimental model to assess their influence on rat liver regeneration and oxidative stress. One hundred and eight male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to six groups which contained 18 animals each. Group 01 (G1) was the control group: rats were just submitted to laparotomy (without partial hepatectomy) at the time T0. All the others groups, besides Higgins-Anderson partial hepatectomy (HP) at time T0, received daily for fourteen days, by intraperitoneal (i.p.) route, one of the following exogenous drug: G2 got NaCl 0.9% (saline) 0.1mL/kg,, G3 receveid w-3 PUFA 0.1g/kg, G4 TRT 1.0mg/kg, G5 DMSO 3.3mg/kg, and G6 w-6 PUFA 0.1g/kg. In each group, at the time 36h(T1), 168h(T2) and 336h(T3) post-HP, a subgroup of six rats was chosen in a randomized way to complementary hepatectomy (in G1 a total hepatectomy was performed), when blood and the liver residual posterior lobes were taken to studies and exams. All surgical procedures were performed under inhalatory ether anesthesia. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and reduced glutathione (GSH) were measured in plasma and in liver tissue. Blood concentrations of glucose, total bilirubin, and serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT,alanine transaminase) were also evaluated as indicators of hepatic damage and organic homeostasis liver-dependent. Data were first submitted to Kruskal-Wallis test to verify the approximate normality of the distributions and then they were analyzed: liver weight evolution via analysis of regression and t test of Student and all others parameters by mean + S.E.M. and comparative test of Dunnett: p<0.05 was accepted as statistically significant. TRT, DMSO and PUFA w-3 inhibited the liver regeneration. PUFA w-6, on the contrary, did not show inhibitory effect. Lipid peroxidation got higher in blood and in liver after the administration of w-6. DMSO, TRT, and PUFA w-3 induced a reduction on hepatic GSH concentration 7 days post-HP. The results of the present study reinforce the hypothesis that oxidative stress plays an important role on rat liver regeneration phenomenon after partial hepatectomy.

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