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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dorothy West's Re-imagining of the Migration Narrative

Harper, Alexis V. 15 November 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores Dorothy West's interpretation of the migration experience through her novel The Living is Easy. Dorothy West breaks new ground by documenting a Black female migrant's sojourn from South to North in an era in which such narratives were virtually non-existent. West seemingly rejects both a separation between North and South as well any sentiment of condemning the North or South in totality. Instead, West chooses to settle her novel in a gray area. Moreover, in refusing to condemn the South, Dorothy West redeems the South from oversimplified negative assumptions of the region. My interpretation of Dorothy West's The Living is Easy as well as Cleo Judson both highlights West's contributions to the genre by complicating the assumptions of what a migration narrative contains by centering the migrating Black female body. / Master of Arts / This thesis examined Dorothy West's Migration Narrative, <i>The Living is Easy</i>. Migration Narratives are a genre of African – American literature that concerns the historical period in the early 20th century in which thousands of Black Americans migrated from the regional South to the regional North and Midwest. This novel is unique in the fact that it focuses on a female character and concerns the city of Boston, both atypical characteristics. I use this information to analyze the ways in which Dorothy West adheres to and challenges the typical assumptions of the Migration Narrative. The findings of this thesis adds to the body of work on Dorothy West, as well as the male-dominated genre of Migration Narratives.

Etude de la diversité génétique de Mycoplasma agalactiae : plasticité des génomes, mobilome et dynamique de surface / Study of Mycoplasma agalactiae genetic diversity : genomic plasticity, mobilome and dynamic of surface components

Nouvel, Laurent-Xavier 26 November 2009 (has links)
Mycoplasma agalactiae est responsable de l'agalactie contagieuse, maladie des petits ruminants difficilement contrôlée et figurant sur la liste de l’OIE. Afin d’évaluer la diversité génétique de ce pathogène, 101 isolats ont été comparés par trois techniques (VNTR, RFLP, répertoire vpma). Les résultats révèlent une grande homogénéité génétique dont la souche type PG2 est représentative. Quelques isolats font exception telle la souche 5632 que nous avons séquencée et analysée ici. La comparaison des génomes et des protéomes entre 5632 et PG2 indiquent que la plasticité de ces génomes est liée à d’importants échanges d'ADN et à la présence de nombreux éléments génétiques mobiles (10% du génome). Ces analyses révèlent également une forte dynamique au sein de répertoires de gènes codant des protéines de surfaces. Pour les mycoplasmes, bactéries minimales dépourvues de paroi, ces évènements ont certainement joués un rôle dans leur survie et leur adaptation à des hôtes complexes. / Mycoplasma agalactiae is responsible of contagious agalactia, a disease of small ruminants that is still difficult to control and is listed by the OIE. In order to evaluate the genetic diversity of this pathogen, 101 isolates were compared using three techniques (VNTR, RFLP, vpma repertoire). Results revealed a high genetic homogeneity with the PG2 type strain as representative. Some isolates however diverged such as the 5632 which was sequenced and analysed here. Whole comparative genomic and proteomic analyses of the 5632 and PG2 strains indicate that their genomic plasticity resides in important genes flux and in the presence of several mobile genetic elements (10% of the genome). These analyses also revealed that specific loci encoding repertoire of surface proteins are highly dynamic. For these minimal bacteria that lack a cell-wall, these events have most likely played a major role in their survival and adaptation to complex hosts.

Application of persuasive systems design for adopting green information systems and technologies

Shevchuk, N. (Nataliya) 04 October 2019 (has links)
Abstract Critical environmental situation requires academics and practitioners of various disciplines join efforts at planning sustainable development of the society. In information systems research, Green Information Systems and Technologies domain is the one that directly contributes to strengthening environmental values of individuals, communities, and organizations. Abundance of technology influences people most of the time. Although this influence is not always positive, research on persuasive technologies and behavior change support systems searches for the beneficial ways to utilize the impact of information systems on the daily activities of individuals. Ability to assist with encouraging certain behaviors is a defining characteristic of many contemporary systems and devices. Building on the knowledge obtained from the health domain, this dissertation investigates using persuasive technologies for fostering pro-environmental behavior change. Theoretical frameworks of the articles included in the dissertation are based primarily on the Persuasive Systems Design (PSD) model, accompanied by the other prominent socio-psychological theories commonly utilized in information systems research. This dissertation focuses on finding out how to encourage people to adopt and continue using mobile applications designed to assist with acquiring sustainable habits and behaviors. The dissertation is composed of the historical analysis, systematic literature review, and four experimental studies that explore different aspects of persuasive Green IS/IT. Besides analyzing existing research using PSD model as a tool for evaluation, new empirical studies provide fresh insights on Green IS/IT designed for behavior change. Addressed topics include technology adoption and continuance intention, perceived persuasiveness, self-disclosure and risk, endogenous motivations, gamification, and cognitive absorption. Conducted statistical analyses investigate relationships among PSD constructs and other related concepts to discover factors that can convince people initiate and continue using Green IS/IT to develop or maintain environmentally sound practices. Overall, the results reveal a high potential of the PSD model to become a vehicle for enhancement of the existing Green IS/IT. The dissertation provides implications for both academics and practitioners as well as suggestions for the future evolvement of persuasive Green IS/IT research. / Tiivistelmä Ympäristön ja ilmaston vakava tilanne vaatii kaikilta osapuolilta kestävää kehitystä tukevaa toimintaa. Niin sanotut ‘vihreät’ tietojärjestelmät ja informaatioteknologiat pyrkivät vaikuttamaan ihmisten käyttäytymiseen vahvistamalla yksilöiden, yhteisöjen ja organisaatioiden ympäristöarvoja ja niiden mukaista käyttäytymistä. Yltäkylläinen teknologiatarjonta vaikuttaa käyttäytymiseemme koko ajan. Vaikka tämä vaikutus ei aina olekaan positiivista, vakuuttavien ja suostuttelevien teknologioiden sekä käyttäytymisen muutosta tukevien järjestelmien tutkimus pyrkii etsimään niitä hyödyllisiä keinoja, joilla tietojärjestelmien avulla voidaan vaikuttaa myönteisesti jokapäiväiseen elämäämme. Monien nykyaikaisten järjestelmien ja laitteiden perusominaisuutena voidaankin nykyään pitää niiden kykyä rohkaista ja kannustaa käyttäjiä myönteiseen kohdekäyttäytymiseen. Tämä väitöskirja rakentuu erityisesti terveystoimialalta omaksuttuun suostuttelevia teknologioita koskevaan tutkimustietoon ja pyrkii soveltamaan tätä ympäristöystävällisen käyttäytymisen vahvistamiseen. Tämän väitöstutkimuksen johtavana teoreettisena viitekehityksenä toimii Persuasive Systems Design -malli (PSD). Sen lisäksi hyödynnetään joitakin muita tietojärjestelmätutkimuksessa hyödynnettyjä sosiaalipsykologian teorioita. Väitöskirja keskittyy tarkastelemaan, miten voidaan kannustaa ottamaan käyttöön mobiilisovelluksia, jotka on jo alun perin suunniteltu tukemaan kestävän kehityksen kannalta myönteistä käyttäytymistä ja käyttäytymisen muutosta, sekä jatkamaan niiden käyttöä. Väitöskirja koostuu aihealueen historiallisesta analyysistä ja systemaattisesta kirjallisuuskatsauksesta sekä neljästä kokeellisesta tutkimuksesta, jotka tutkivat ’vihreiden’ tietojärjestelmien ja informaatioteknologioiden vakuuttavia ja suostuttelevia ohjelmisto-ominaisuuksia. Sen lisäksi että olemassa olevaa kirjallisuutta on analysoitu PSD-mallia käyttäen, samaan malliin pohjautuvat empiiriset tutkimukset tuottavat tuoreita oivalluksia käyttäytymisen muutosta tukevaan suunnitteluun liittyen. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan teknologian käyttöönottoa, aikomuksia jatkaa teknologian käyttöä, koettua vakuuttavuutta ja suostuttelevuutta, sensitiivisten tietojen jakamista ja siihen liittyviä riskejä, sisäsyntyistä motivaatiota, pelillistämistä sekä kognitiivista absorptiota. Tilastollisten analyysien avulla tarkastellaan PSD-mallin ydinkäsitteiden ja muiden konstruktien välisiä suhteita, jotta tunnistettaisiin niitä tekijöitä, joiden avulla voidaan vaikuttaa hyödyllisten ‘vihreiden’ tietojärjestelmien ja informaatioteknologioiden käyttöönottoon ja käytön jatkamiseen, ja yleisemmin kannustamaan ympäristöystävällisiin käytänteisiin. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat PSD-mallin merkityksen kestävää kehitystä tukeville tietojärjestelmille ja informaatioteknologioille. Suoritetun tutkimuksen perusteella ehdotetaan teemoja jatkotutkimusta varten. Väitöstutkimuksen tuloksilla on merkitystä sekä tieteenharjoittajille että käytännön soveltajille.

Förstudiens betydelse : Granskning av ett stagnerat IT/IS-projekt på ett tillverkande företag

André, Fredriksson, Philip, Crona January 2012 (has links)
Vårt examensarbete har genomförts på företaget Electrolux Laundry Systems (ELS) logistikavdelning, Logistics Center Ljungby (LCL).  Under det senaste året har företaget haft motgångar vid ett IT/IS-projekt inom sin logistikavdelning (LCL). Uppsatsen har således syftat till att beskriva och analysera varför IT/IS-projektet har avstannat, och ej nått implementering. För att uppnå syftet har vi utgått från en, i stort sett, kvalitativ ansats där primärdata har insamlats genom metoder såsom intervjuer och deltagande observationer medan sekundärdata inhämtats i form av dokumentundersökningar och offentliga dokument.   Resultatet av studien har utgjorts av deltagande observationer på fallföretagets logistikavdelning, LCL, samt intervjuer med olika verksamhetsnivåer. Detta har påvisat bristande kommunikation och direktiv samt fallföretagets brister i förstudiens utförande vad gäller förankring av projektet, planering av tid, resurser och kostnader samt formulering av krav. Slutsatser vi kunnat dra av detta är att en fungerande kommunikation mellan olika verksamhetsnivåer samt en noggrant utförd förstudie är essentiella element för att ge ett projekt rätt förutsättningar. / Our thesis has been performed in the company of Electrolux Laundry Systems (ELS) logistics department, Logistics Center Ljungby (LCL). Over the past year, the company has met setbacks during an IT/IS-project in the logistics department (LCL). The essay is thus aimed to describe and analyze why the IT/IS-project have stagnated. To achieve the purpose of the study we have applied a mainly qualitative approach in which the primary data is collected through methods such as interviews and participant observations while the secondary data is obtained by means of litterature and public documents.   The study’s result consisted of participant observation at LCL, and interviews with co-workers at various levels in the organization. These have shown a lack of communication between employees at different levels in the company. Moreover, the result proved the company's shortcomings in designing the pilot study, e.g. deeply root the project, planning time, resources, costs and specify requirements. Our conclusions from this study are that effective communication between different levels of employees, and an accurately performed pilot study, are essential elements to give a project the right conditions.

我國政府資訊人員核心能力之建構 / Building Core Competencies for the Government IT/IS Professionals

楊琬婷, Yang, Wan-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
資訊通訊科技的進步為政府帶來變革性的影響,資訊人員照理應扮演重要角色,但卻同時因資源與技術的不足,而有資訊業務委外的需要,使得政府資訊人員必須面臨能力轉換的挑戰。據此,本研究認為應找出資訊人員的核心能力,以發展其競爭優勢並增進組織的績效。本研究是以政府的資訊人員為研究對象,主要目的在於了解目前政府正式編制與約聘僱的資訊人員目前所具備與未來應該具備的核心能力項目;其次是針對目前具備與未來應具備的能力作落差分析與訓練需求評估;最後則是對研究結果提出政策建議。 / 本論文首先透過文獻闡述核心能力的定義,其次檢閱目前與核心能力相關的文獻,藉以找出本研究的定位,並整理各類文獻,建構出政府資訊人員初步的核心能力模式,共五大構面三十七個項目,並以之為調查問卷的基礎;實證資料蒐集時先進行第一波訪談,後續為問卷調查與分析,接著進行第二波訪談,最後統整分析出研究結果。第一波訪談的受訪者有三類共有五人;問卷調查則分別選取中央及地方政府中不同性質單位的資訊人員為問卷發放229份問卷,回收有效問卷158份;第二波訪談的受訪者有三類共兩人。本研究彙整了以上的質化與量化資料,並據以提出相關的政策建議。 / 本研究發現,政府資訊人員在五大構面的能力上,共有十項能力特別重要:積極主動與自信心、人際溝通與表達能力、認知學習、資訊業務委外能力、資訊安全與稽核、業務知能、創新與創意思考、跨域協調與夥伴建立、倫理價值、責任與公共利益。此外,簡任、薦任與委任不同官等、是否為主管職、以及約聘僱人員不同年資等因素,皆會使得資訊人員未來應具備的核心能力有所不同。其他會影響政府資訊人員核心能力不同的因素尚包括:年齡、學歷、目前擔任的職務、過去擔任的職務、職等、績效表現等。 / 根據研究結果,本研究除了由訪談內容整理出政策建議之外,也針對政府資訊人員的核心能力,以及政府資訊人力運用上提出政策建議,以期未來政府資訊人員在遴選與升遷,或是績效考評等核心能力的運用上有所依據,並且提供政府資訊人員在訓練需求評估分析上,所需加強能力項目的參考。 / Information and communication technology advance with each passing day, bringing revolutionary influence for government functions. Government information technology/information system(IT/IS) professionals should have played the important role provided that the resources and techniques were not scarce. The current challenge of IT/IS outsourcing pushes government IT/IS professionals to transform their competencies. Accordingly, this study attempts to find out the core competencies of government IT/IS professionals to make them develop the competitive advantage and improve the organization performance. / The target group included government IT/IS professionals including formal officials and informal employees in the central and local governments in Taiwan. To build core competencies for the government IT/IS professionals, the study proposed 5 clusters including 37 competency items based on the literature, followed by data collection with two rounds of interviews and a questionnaire survey. Five people were selected in the first interview, providing experience about the core competencies of the government IT/IS professionals and opinions for revising the questionnaire. Analyzing the survey data of 158 valid questionnaires, the study dug out the competencies of the government T/IS professionals’ qualified and important degrees to build their core competencies and then undertook gap analysis to assess training needs. At last, two people were selected in the second interview, verifying the previous results and providing policy suggestions. / Aggregating the qualitative and quantitative results, the study concludes with ten core competencies for the government IT/IS professionals, including active and self-confident attitudes, interpersonal communication and articulate skill, perception for continuous learning, IT/IS outsourcing, information security, business function, innovation, inter-organizational coordination and partnership, ethic value, as well as accountability and public interest. Besides, the elements effecting the government IT/IS professionals’ core competencies include their current official rank, position, seniority, age, educational background, performance and so on. / According to the findings above, finally, this study offered suggestions about the information human resources application, the recruitment and promotion of IT/IS professionals, training needs, and performance evaluation.

Passion for Participation : The Importance of Creating Support for Motivation

Hallqvist, Carina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis provides a study of an open source software project that focuses on the software development of an e-service in a municipal context. The focus is on environmental factors that either limit or promote the motivation to participate in the open source project, the "Parent-Teacher Meeting" project, a web-based communication and information channel whose purpose is to enhance the contacts between schools and parents. The empirical context is situated at the point where traditional information systems (IS) development meets new perspectives regarding organizational structures and boundaries and, as such, provides example of ongoing cross-organizational activities that break current local organizational standards. The objective of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of motivational factors for participation and adopts a sociocultural view on the topic motivation to participate. The empirical material was collected through interviews, conversations, and meetings. Being a subproject (i.e. an initiative to develop an open source software application) within a triple helix project I found an extensive number of stakeholders. The choice was made to focus on the application development; thereby a central group of participants within the development project team was found and these became the focus within the study. Moreover, I have, in this thesis, chosen to conduct a contextual description of the participants and the course of events that lead to the start of the project of study. This has been done so as to present the context, which is the focus for this study, to the reader and to be able to use these descriptions within the analysis. I have, methodologically, approached the problem from a descriptive angle with an interpretative character using a qualitative case study design. Within the thesis, the means by which the case study has been conducted is presented; i.e. the decision regarding research focus, design, and my role as researcher. In relation to the data collection, the main source has been semi-structured interviews, which is consistent with an interpretive case study character and in which my intent is to highlight conditions and events that are important to both groups within the development team. To support the investigation of those factors that can explain and assist with the interpretation of my empirical data, my description and interpretations are built on a theoretical framework based on concepts from IS theories and theories relating to human motivation. The framework, self-determination theory (SDT), is used as a lens to direct the focus onto the situated conditions that influence how individuals experience their participation within the software development project. Given the theoretical basis of an analytical comparison of ideal types of software development constructs, together with influences from motivational theories, the analytical framework used for collecting occurrences of motivational behavior and sociocultural conditions has been constructed. After the findings and my interpretation of them with the assistance of my analytical framework have been presented, a discussion and conclusions are then detailed. The conclusions of the study are argued as being relevant as an explanation for the understanding of intrinsic and internalized extrinsic motivation to participate in a hybrid open source projects. The study contributes to our understanding of some of the challenges that are to be considered when putting together and managing systems or software development processes. In this way, the study may provide some basis for improving and meeting new demands regarding how development is adopted in a mixed scenario and this provides valuable knowledge to both practice and IS research. / Grunden för denna avhandling är en studie av ett öppen källkodsutvecklingsprojekt av en kommunal e-tjänst. Fokus ligger på ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på kontextuella faktorer vilka endera hindrar eller främjar motivation för deltagande. Öppen källkodsprojektet ”Föräldramötet” är en webbaserad kommunikations- och informationskanal vars syfte är att öka och förbättra kontakten mellan hem och skola. Denna empiriska kontext är situerad i en punkt där traditionell IS-utveckling möter nya perspektiv på organisationsstrukturer och gränser samt därigenom ger exempel på pågående tvärorganisatoriska aktiviteter vilka bryter mot nuvarande interna organisationsstandarder. Målet för denna studie är att nå en djupare förståelse för deltagandets motivationsfaktorer och anammar ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på ämnet deltagandemotivation. Det empiriska materialet samlades in genom intervjuer, konversationer samt möten. Då Föräldramötetprojektet är ett underprojekt i ett trippelhelixsammanhang visade det sig initialt finnas ett stort antal intressenter. Det gjordes ett val att fokusera på applikationsutvecklingen; genom vilket en central grupp av deltagare inom utvecklingsprojektet identifierades vilka kom att komma i fokus för denna studie. Vidare har jag i denna avhandling valt att göra en kontextuell beskrivning av deltagarna och den händelsekedja som lett fram till bildandet av det studerade projektet. Detta gjordes för att i enlighet med denna studies fokus belysa sammanhanget för läsaren samt för att använda den inom min analys. Jag har närmat mig problemet från en deskriptiv synvinkel med en tolkande karaktär användande mig av en kvalitativ fallstudiemetod. Inom avhandlingen beskrivs tillvägagångssättet för fallstudiens utförande, t.ex. hur beslut fattats angående forskningsfokus, fallstudiedesign och vad min roll som forskare inneburit. I relation till datainsamlingen, har den huvudsakliga källan varit halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Dessa har varit i konsekvens med en uttolkande fallstudiemetod och har i enlighet med min avsikt utformats för att belysa villkor och händelser som har varit betydande för bägge grupperingarna inom projektgruppen. För att stödja undersökningen av de faktorer som kan förklara och hjälpa med tolkningen av mina empiriska data, har jag byggt mina beskrivningar och tolkningar på ett teoretiskt ramverk baserat på koncept från IS-teorier och teorier relaterade till mänsklig motivation. Det teoretiska ramverket ”self-determination theory” (SDT), används som en lins för att rikta brännpunkten mot de villkor som styr hur individer upplever deras deltagande inom det studerade mjukvaruutvecklingsprojektet. Givet den teoretiska bas, som bygger på analytisk karaktärisering av idealtyper av mjukvaruutvecklingsmodeller sammantaget med influenser från motivationsteorier, har ett analytiskt ramverk, för att inhämta instanser av motiverat beteende och sociokulturella villkor, utvecklats. Efter att ha redogjort för upptäckterna och mina tolkningar av dem, med hjälp av mitt analytiska ramverk, presenteras en detaljerad diskussion med slutsatser. Jag argumenterar för att dessa slutsatser är relevanta som en förklaring för förståelsen av inre samt internaliserad yttre motivation för deltagande inom detta öppen källkodsprojekt av hybridnatur. Studien bidrar till vår förståelse för vissa av de utmaningar som måste beaktas när man ska hantera system eller utvecklingsprocesser. På detta sätt kan studien bidra med en bas för att förbättra och möta nya krav på hur utveckling bedrivs i blandade miljöer och även med kunskap för både praktik och IS-forskning. / PECOI

Sexual violence as a weapon of war: the case of ISIS in Syria and Iraq

Bitar, Sali January 2015 (has links)
This thesis set out to research why ISIS combatants use sexual violence when they target the Yazidi community in particular. The aims have been to provide an understanding of why ISIS target Yazidi women and girls with sexual violence and develop a better understanding of both groups and thus hopefully provide assistance that is contextually adapted to the needs of Yazidi women and girls who have been targeted by ISIS. This has been done through a case study, where ISIS has been the case and the Yazidi population has been the subunit of analysis. Materials that have been released by ISIS, as well as witness statements that have been made available as secondary sources have been analysed, by applying the three theories/conceptual frameworks evolution theory, feminist theory, and the strategic rape concept to this data. The results are that the three frameworks separately cannot provide an explanation for the phenomena. Evolution theory did not provide any explanations for ISIS’ behaviour at all, not even when combined with the other frameworks. However, feminist theory in combination with the strategic rape concept explains the behaviour of ISIS, to a certain extent. There is however, a gap today in wartime sexual violence conceptualizations that need to be filled with an overarching theory that includes elements of both feminist theory and the strategic rape concept. The reasons for ISIS’ use of sexual violence are multi-layered. Sexual violence is used as strategy of war for political and religious reasons, as well as, to an extent, because of misogyny. ISIS are aiming to assimilate the area of the caliphate, while at the same time violently targeting the Yazidi population, by using their interpretation of religion as a justification, and until they reach this target of homogeneity for the caliphate, they will continue using sexual violence as a strategy of war and for the appropriation of territory and justify it with religion.

Dos Irmãos Grimm a Câmara Cascudo: um caso de tradução cultural

Schefer, Maria Cristina 15 August 2008 (has links)
A verificação de intertextualidade entre os contos Branca de Neve e Chapeuzinho Vermelho , dos irmãos Grimm e A menina enterrada viva e A menina dos brincos de ouro , de Câmara Cascudo, dá indícios de uma tradução cultural específica do Nordeste brasileiro, a qual, além de atualizar arquétipos e interditos sociais, está adequada aos objetivos do Movimento Regionalista do Nordeste, projeto cultural idealizado por Gilberto Freyre em 1926, em prol da valorização daquela região. Um estudo, baseado no Manifesto Regionalista do Nordeste, possibilita a verificação da prática cotidiana de tradução cultural, na adaptação das narrativas populares, feita primeiramente por homens ordinários, dado o espaço de circulação dos contos. Posterior a isso, mas sem precisar o início do segundo momento da tradução, verifica-se, no trabalho do auctor social Luís da Câmara Cascudo, adepto do Movimento freyreano, a intenção de tornar essas narrativas também registros do patrimônio nacional, visto que elas foram publicadas na obra intitulada Contos tradicionais do Brasil, editada pela primeira vez em 1946. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-21T17:13:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Maria Crisitina Schefer.pdf: 498249 bytes, checksum: a3c51ad22ff96227f65f9b3df853fa62 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-21T17:13:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Maria Crisitina Schefer.pdf: 498249 bytes, checksum: a3c51ad22ff96227f65f9b3df853fa62 (MD5) / The verification of inter-quality of what is textual between Snow White and Red Small Hat from Grimm brothers and The Buried Girl Alive and The Girl of Gold Earrings from Câmara Cascudo, it gives indications of specific cultural translation of the Brazilian Northeast, which, yonder bringing up to date social archetypes and interdicts, it is adjusted to the Northeast Regionalistic Movement s objectives, idealized cultural project by Gilberto Freyre in 1926, in favor for the valorization of that region. A study based on Northeast Regionalistic Manifest makes possible the verification of the cultural translation daily practice, in the adaptation of the popular narratives, it is made first by usual men, in view of stories circulation space. Subsequent to this, but without needing the beginning as the second moment of the translation, it is found in the Luis da Câmara Cascudo s social work, follower of the Freyre s Movement, the intention to also become these narratives registers of the national patrimony, since they had been published in the entitled work Brazil s Traditional Stories, edited for the first time in 1946.

Dos Irmãos Grimm a Câmara Cascudo: um caso de tradução cultural

Schefer, Maria Cristina 15 August 2008 (has links)
A verificação de intertextualidade entre os contos Branca de Neve e Chapeuzinho Vermelho , dos irmãos Grimm e A menina enterrada viva e A menina dos brincos de ouro , de Câmara Cascudo, dá indícios de uma tradução cultural específica do Nordeste brasileiro, a qual, além de atualizar arquétipos e interditos sociais, está adequada aos objetivos do Movimento Regionalista do Nordeste, projeto cultural idealizado por Gilberto Freyre em 1926, em prol da valorização daquela região. Um estudo, baseado no Manifesto Regionalista do Nordeste, possibilita a verificação da prática cotidiana de tradução cultural, na adaptação das narrativas populares, feita primeiramente por homens ordinários, dado o espaço de circulação dos contos. Posterior a isso, mas sem precisar o início do segundo momento da tradução, verifica-se, no trabalho do auctor social Luís da Câmara Cascudo, adepto do Movimento freyreano, a intenção de tornar essas narrativas também registros do patrimônio nacional, visto que elas foram publicadas na obra intitulada Contos tradicionais do Brasil, editada pela primeira vez em 1946. / The verification of inter-quality of what is textual between Snow White and Red Small Hat from Grimm brothers and The Buried Girl Alive and The Girl of Gold Earrings from Câmara Cascudo, it gives indications of specific cultural translation of the Brazilian Northeast, which, yonder bringing up to date social archetypes and interdicts, it is adjusted to the Northeast Regionalistic Movement s objectives, idealized cultural project by Gilberto Freyre in 1926, in favor for the valorization of that region. A study based on Northeast Regionalistic Manifest makes possible the verification of the cultural translation daily practice, in the adaptation of the popular narratives, it is made first by usual men, in view of stories circulation space. Subsequent to this, but without needing the beginning as the second moment of the translation, it is found in the Luis da Câmara Cascudo s social work, follower of the Freyre s Movement, the intention to also become these narratives registers of the national patrimony, since they had been published in the entitled work Brazil s Traditional Stories, edited for the first time in 1946.

Improving pre-surgery information with a digital information system : A qualitative case study

Lehn, Dan January 2017 (has links)
In today’s society, much information is utilized and distributed through information and communication technology. However, even though IT or ICT has been introduced in the healthcare sector, paper documents are still in use. Studies show that this may create an inefficient healthcare, something pre-surgical medical personnel at a medical clinic in the southern part of Sweden, are well aware of.Their problem is that an increasing number of surgical procedures are cancelled as patients fail to comply with pre-surgery information; the information provided to patients before having surgery. Pre-surgical medical personnel believe that the root to this problem comes from the way patients are given access to the information itself. Currently, this is limited to paper document, a solution that worked in the past. However, a more diverse clientele has resulted in a greater need for information access and paper documents simply cannot support this in an effective manner.Pre-surgical medical personnel believe this could be improved if the information was also made accessible through an information system. And so, the focus of the master thesis was to explore the pre-surgical medical personnel’s perception on the requirements, usage and impact of a new IS that could, subsequently, generate improvements in the accessibility and understandability of pre-surgery information.The problematic situation was approached with an interpretative qualitative case study were data was collected through three different methods so that triangulation could take place. The master thesis then utilized a modified version of the Delone and McLean’s information system success model and a content analysis to approach, analyse and discuss the collected data.The findings of this analysis revealed that pre-surgical medical personnel perceived an information system where the technology used to support it, was less significant than the information system’s ability to provide patients with equal access to pre-surgery information. The analysis also revealed that the information system must be capable of presenting information as both text and narrated video, as well as in a language chosen by the patient. Lastly, the perceived effect of the information systems implementation and usage was a substantial reduction in the number of surgeries that were cancelled.

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