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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Picturing Literacies and Noticing Main Ideas: Teaching ELL and NES Striving Readers to Notice Main Ideas in Nonfiction Texts

Mabry, Megeara Glah January 2017 (has links)
Framed by a sociocultural understanding of literacy acquisition and learning, this research study investigates methods content area teachers can use to meet the needs of adolescent English language learners and native English speakers who struggle to read texts in school. The interventions were designed to both expand students’ concepts of literacy and of themselves as literate people, and to capitalized on students’ multiliteracies by using visual art to teach students how to notice main ideas in nonfiction texts. Statistical analyses indicate that English language learners made significant gains in reading comprehension. However, analyses of students’ written reflections and of stimulated recall interviews illustrate that, although students practiced literacies in diverse and powerful ways outside of school, they maintained generally low self-concepts and highly schoolish conceptions of literacy. / Teaching & Learning

Mediation of special education disputes and the use of participant feedback: A multi-state study

Padula, Melissa January 2008 (has links)
Mediation of special education disputes varies between states. This study addressed the ways in which the practices and methods of evaluation differ between five states: Hawaii, Iowa, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and New Jersey. This includes such factors as provision of services, alternative dispute resolution procedures, mediation style, and mediator training. Data were examined regarding mediation rates, rates of agreement, and the types of students/issues involved. The research focused on the ways the states used participant feedback to assess their own performance. Extant data from two states, Iowa and Minnesota, were examined to determine which factors impacted overall evaluation of the mediation process and satisfaction with the outcome. States were similar regarding the provision of services, although the agency overseeing mediation differed. Methods of alternative dispute resolution varied greatly, and were strongly tied to the perspective of each state. Large differences were found between states relating to mediation usage and agreement rates. Content analyses were conducted on the survey instruments. The greatest number of questions addressed the impact on the relationship between participants, followed by fairness of the process, and then skills of the mediator. Overall, participants were satisfied with the mediation process. Satisfaction with the outcome was moderate to high, but diminished over time. There were no significant differences in satisfaction ratings between parents and school officials in either state, but individuals who reached a resolution were most satisfied with the mediation process. The ability to discuss and understand the important issues was the largest predictor of satisfaction. Improved communication in the long term was strongly related to satisfaction, but improved communication within the mediation session was not. Additionally, Iowa parents felt more satisfied when they were better able to understand their own perspective and their views were considered before any solutions or agreements were made. Iowa school officials were more satisfied when they were better able to understand the parents' perspective. In Minnesota, an improved relationship with the other party predicted greater satisfaction with the mediation outcome for the school officials, but not parents. Mediator skills and impartiality were important factors for the school officials only. / School Psychology

Special Education Conflict Management at the School Building Level: A Multi-vocal Synthesis

Neely, Helen Meek 13 April 2005 (has links)
Research studies and commentaries have analyzed the formal mechanisms associated with special education conflict such as the use of mediation and impartial hearings to resolve disputes. However, specific information regarding the management of special education conflict at the school level is in shorter supply. This study addresses special education conflicts between school personnel and parents of children with disabilities to understand better how these conflicts might be managed more successfully. The purpose of this study was to develop recommendations and implications for managing special education conflicts at the school building level. Multi-vocal synthesis methods were used to collect and to analyze data in an iterative process incorporating results from a content analysis of previous research with analysis of interviews with stakeholders having a vested interest in managing special education conflict at the school level (Gersten & Baker, 2000; Ogawa & Malen, 1992). Findings suggest that providing parents with evidence that their child’s needs are being met would pave the way for successful school-based special education conflict management. In conclusion, the participants indicated that conflicts could be avoided or managed successfully if school personnel could provide parents with clear evidence (a) that their child’s IEP was being followed in the classroom; (b) that accommodations were provided; (c) that staff were knowledgeable about providing services in an inclusive environment; (d) that administrators were knowledgeable about special education compliance issues; and (e) that staff would be held accountable for providing an appropriate education and for demonstrating trustworthy behavior. / Ed. D.

Child Study as a Prereferral Mechanism at the Elementary Level in a Southwestern Virginia Local Education Agency

Seibert, Horace Alan 13 April 2000 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the child study process in a local education agency (LEA) with four elementary schools. These data determine the extent that prereferral interventions are being implemented and whether these strategies influence the outcome of the Child Study Committee (CSC) decision. All referrals to the CSC for the 1998-1999 school year (n=108) at the elementary level were examined to describe the students who are referred according to four primary independent variables of gender, grade level, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status (SES). Free or reduced lunch was used as the measure for SES. Students referred were members of the total elementary population of 1884 students in the LEA. The total population was described according to gender, grade level, ethnicity, and SES. Using cross tabulation techniques, the percentages of CSC referrals in each category are compared to the population. Chi-square analysis was used to determine the significance (p<.05) of any differences in the observed distribution of this mutually exclusive categorical data. Records of CSC meetings were reviewed to identify the presence of prereferral interventions. Prereferral interventions are recommendations given by the CSC to help remedy a student's problem before referral for evaluation for special education is made. Two independent raters examined the reason for referral and the recommendations made by the CSC. The reasons and recommendations were categorized according to academic problems, behavioral problems, or one of three possible combinations of both. Inter-rater reliability was measured using percent agreement across all categories and Cohen's kappa was calculated to provide additional rater validation. Rater results were used to check for congruence between the problems leading to the referral and the interventions recommended. Records of students who were referred for evaluation for special education were studied to determine the percentages found eligible and ineligible, and were examined according to gender, grade level, ethnicity, and SES. Compared to the population, the group of students referred to the CSC during the 1998-1999 school year was over-representative of males and of students with low SES. Most referrals to the CSC were for academic reasons. In cases where the CSC did not recommend a full evaluation for consideration of special education services, the committee recommended prereferral interventions. The recommendations of the committee typically were congruent with the reason for referral, but often did not specifically state who was responsible for implementing the interventions recommended. / Ed. D.


García Puchades, Wenceslao 02 March 2012 (has links)
La presente tesis pretende estudiar los textos fílmicos del filósofo francés Alain Badiou con el objetivo de sustraer el papel que juega el cine en su proyecto de (re)comienzo de la filosofía. De esta manera hemos dividido su exposición en dos partes: el estudio de su proyecto de (re)comienzo filosófico y el estudio del papel que juega el cine en dicho proyecto y de su teoría fílmica implícita. En la primera parte trataremos de justificar en qué medida su proyecto puede ser entendido como un intento de reivindicar la tarea filosófica como la eterna tarea de educar a pensar la contemporaneidad de manera universal e igualitaria. Así en primer lugar expondremos como este proyecto tiene sus fundamentos en la teoría de causalidad estructural althusseriana, en la teoría subjetiva de los afectos lacanianos y en la teoría dialéctica maoísta. A partir de cada una de estas teorías definiremos tres dimensiones fundamentales del proyecto filosófico de Badiou, a saber, la dimensión formal o intelectual, la dimensión afectiva o ética, y la dimensión didáctica o igualitaria. Por un lado, veremos cómo las dimensiones intelectual y ética subyacen en la búsqueda de un sistema formal y afectivo, respectivamente, con el que la filosofía puede orientarse en su tarea eterna de pensar en el presente. A este sistema de pensamiento formal-afectivo Badiou le denominará "teoría de del sujeto". Por otro lado veremos cómo, Badiou encuentra en el proyecto platónico de una educación según la universalidad de la Idea -proyecto que Platón desarrolló para hacer frente a la educación según la opinión relativa propia del sofismo dominante de su época-, el modelo al que debe acudir la filosofía para renovarse como pensamiento eterno de la contemporaneidad. Expondremos, por tanto, cómo la renovación de la filosofía contemporánea pasa por concebirla como la puesta en práctica de un proceso pedagógico por el que se transmite un sistema formal y afectivo para pensar el Sujeto o la Idea del presente. / García Puchades, W. (2012). EL LUGAR DEL CINE EN EL PENSAMIENTO FILOSÓFICO DE ALAIN BADIOU [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/14862


VICTOR NAINE DE ALMEIDA 20 October 2010 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa pretende abordar o que o filósofo Walter Benjamin tem a dizer sobre crítica e magia - exploradas na linguagem - para chegar a uma concepção monadológica do tempo e da matéria. Dialogando com inúmeros pensadores, obras e coisas, sua filosofia busca conceber através de ensaios (contrários aos textos acadêmicos e sistemáticos) o que ele chama de ciência da origem, tocando tempo, forma e matéria como que condensados em fragmentos da história. Esses fragmentos são como pequenos cacos de um grande mosaico ou vitral sagrado reivindicando mística ao materialismo. / [en] This research aims to address what philosopher Walter Benjamin has to say about critic and magic - explored in language - to get to a monadological comprehension of time and matter. In dialogue with numerous thinkers, works and things, his philosophy attempts to conceive through essays (contrary to academic and systematic texts) what he calls science of origin, touching time, form and matter as it condensed into fragments of history. These fragments are like little pieces of a mosaic or sacred stained glass claiming mystic to materialism.


JULIA RIPOLL EIZIRIK 17 February 2006 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo desta dissertação é compreender o trabalho do historiador, segundo Walter Benjamin, como a construção de uma interpretação. Apesar de construída, a interpretação não é arbitrária - ela deve ser capaz de apresentar a verdade histórica. Para tanto, ela é aproximada da contemplação filosófica. O objeto da contemplação é a idéia, que não deve ser entendida como algo restrito ao âmbito do pensamento, mas sim como Ser. A idéia é Ser porque arrasta consigo elementos materiais. Isso não significa, todavia, que ela possa então ser encontrada no mundo empírico. Pelo contrário, os elementos materiais só se apresentam para a faculdade mimética. Ela é capaz de perceber semelhanças entre elementos aparentemente heterogêneos, colocando-os em um estado de tensão. A idéia é a imagem formada por essa configuração, na qual encontramos a verdade histórica. / [en] The objective of this dissertation is to understand the task of the historian, according to Walter Benjamin, as the construction of an interpretation. Although constructed, interpretation is not arbitrary - it must be capable to present historical truth. To accomplish such task, the interpretation should get closer to philosophical contemplation. The object of contemplation is the idea, that should not be understood as something restricted to the scope of thought, but as Being. The idea is Being because it carries material elements inside. This does not mean, however, that it could be found in empirical world. On the contrary, material elements appears only for the mimetic faculty. This faculty is capable to perceive similarities between elements apparently heterogeneous, placing them in a tension state. The idea is the image formed by this configuration, in which it is found historical truth.

Rural High-School Principals’ Perceptions of Their Understanding of Special Education Law

Jenkins, Tiffany 01 May 2025 (has links) (PDF)
This phenomenological study aimed to determine rural high school principals’ perceptions of their understanding of special education law. Although there is some literature regarding administrators' perceptions of their understanding of special education policies and procedures, this study focused specifically on special education law and perceived versus actual levels of understanding. Data Collection strategies include voluntary, focused interviews of rural high school principals via Zoom. Data analysis included transcriptions of interviews, member checking, open coding, identifying themes and content analysis, and finally, interpretation and triangulation of the data. The analysis of this study was based on the theoretical proposition of andragogy. Andragogy is a theory that describes how adults learn and how it is different than teaching children. Adult learners are motivated to learn and will focus on information applicable to their daily lives (Livingston & Clay, 2023). The findings revealed that special education law plays a critical role in ensuring equitable access to education for students with disabilities. Rural high school principals are tasked with implementing these laws, yet their perceptions of their understanding and the challenges they face remain underexplored. The findings illuminate how principals perceive their roles, acquire knowledge, and influence special education services in their schools. Although there may be certain gaps in knowledge as adult learners, principals desire to continue to obtain knowledge and understanding can be used to develop focused professional development to support principals.

Gründungsideen aus 15 Jahren dresden|exists

10 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Seit 1998 unterstützt dresden|exists Gründungsinteressierte aus den Dresdner Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen. In dieser Zeit besuchten mehr als 6.800 Studierende die Vorlesungen zu Gründungsthemen und über 2.800 Geschäftsideen wurden an dresden|exists herangetragen. Doch was ist aus den vielen Ideen geworden? Wir haben bei 20 dieser Gründungen konkret nachgefragt. In der Broschüre zum 15. Jubiläum geben Gründer Einblicke in ihre Geschäftskonzepte und teilen einige ihrer Erfahrungen aus der Gründungsphase.

Creating Concept Sketches for Game Developers : Sketches that inform and inspire

Syrén, Dania January 2016 (has links)
The objective of this project is to understand how information design– specifically informative illustration– can contribute to producing concept sketches for a science-fiction/puzzle game called Sky’s Edge. Through theoretical studies and research methods, I aimed to deepen my understanding of what makes a concept image a good one, and from that, I aimed to determine how informative illustration can help in designing and sketching the ideas that the job requester needed. The conducted theoretical studies indicated that a good concept image is one that contains ideas which are easily understood/communicated, can inspire the team, and in turn generate further discussion. They also revealed the vast advantages of thumbnail sketching– which can lead to the development of stronger ideas and compositions. Refined sketches and drawings are produced thereafter to present these ideas to the development team. The purpose of the resulting collection of concept images was to unify the visual direction of the team responsible for developing the game.

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