Spelling suggestions: "subject:"idea"" "subject:"dea""
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Studiapp: Aplicación de temas para escolaresBerrocal Felices, Pompeyo Adrian, Cisneros Avalos, Melanie Melisa, Delgado Alvarez, Alessandro André, Olivas Yaulli, Jason Maximo, Padilla Romero, Luiggi Omar 04 November 2021 (has links)
El trabajo de investigación consiste en realizar un aplicativo móvil dirigido a nuestro público objetivo quienes son escolares de secundaria de colegios privados de Lima Metropolitana con una necesidad clara de reforzamiento de clases escolares. Por ese motivo, nuestro servicio tiene como modelo de negocio ofrecer clases grabadas dictadas por universitarios con experiencia en cursos de secundaria y a un precio accesible, además de ofrecer teoría, ejercicios y videollamadas para absolver dudas. Sabemos que son menores de edad, por ello dentro de nuestros elementos tecnológicos diferenciadores está el reconocimiento facial que permitirá velar por la seguridad de los adolescentes. No obstante, se realizará un proceso riguroso de reclutamiento y selección de los colaboradores.
Primero, realizamos entrevistas para conocer la problemática. Después, diseñamos y elaboramos el prototipo de alta fidelidad como solución a la necesidad del cliente, de la misma manera con las redes sociales y el landing page para tener un mayor alcance tanto en los escolares quienes demandan el servicio como en los asesores universitarios que ofrecen su servicio. Posteriormente, se elaboraron los diferentes concierge con el objetivo de concretar ventas y de esta manera evaluar la rentabilidad.
Para finalizar, se realizó el plan financiero con la finalidad de determinar si nuestro proyecto es viable o no y si nos genera rentabilidad ya que podríamos realizarlo en un futuro no muy lejano. / The research work consists of making a mobile application aimed at our target audience who are secondary school students from private schools in Metropolitan Lima with a clear need to reinforce school classes. For this reason, our service's business model is to offer recorded classes taught by university students with experience in high school courses and at an affordable price, in addition to offering theory, exercises and video calls to answer questions. We know that they are minors, so within our differentiating technological elements is facial recognition that will ensure the safety of adolescents. However, a rigorous process of recruitment and selection of collaborators will be carried out.
First, we conduct interviews to learn about the problem. Then, we design and develop the hi-fi prototype as a solution to the client's need, in the same way with social networks and the landing page to have a greater reach both in the schoolchildren who demand the service and in the university advisers who offer your service. Subsequently, the different concierges were prepared in order to make sales and thus evaluate profitability.
Finally, the financial plan was carried out in order to determine if our project is viable or not and if it generates profitability since we could carry it out in the not too distant future. / Trabajo de investigación
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A cognitive model of authority in organizations and its effects on idea generation and idea validation performance / En kognitiv modell av auktoritet i organisationer och dess effekt på idégeneration och idévalidering.Karahan, Marc January 2018 (has links)
An organization constitutes an environment of social relationships. The interdependence of the organization’s members and their nature as human beings create particular effects, which influence social interaction. One of these effects is the focus area of this master thesis – authority. Understanding the dynamics of authority is crucial for designing effective organizations. This thesis contributes to its analysis by performing a qualitative-heuristic literature analysis, which integrates central components of authority into a holistic, cognitive model. These components comprise the origins of authority in organizations, the channels that induce authority, individual characteristics that promote authority, and different categorizations of authority. The cognitive model facilitates the understanding of the process of authority in organizations and allows to deduce its effects on the behavior of organization members. In a second step, the findings on authority are related with two sub-processes of organizational innovation – idea generation and idea validation. Finally, this master thesis concludes six research propositions on the effect of authority on these processes. It argues that authority is likely to constrain idea generation performance, but might facilitate idea selection performance. / En organisation utgörs av en miljö med sociala relationer. Medlemmarnas självständighet inom organisationen och deras sätt att vara människor skapar särskilda effekter som påverkar social interaktion. En av dessa effekter är auktoritet vilket kommer vara huvudämnet för examensarbetet. Att förstå auktoriteters dynamik är avgörande för att kunna utforma effektiva organisationer. Denna uppsats bidrar till ämnet genom en kvalitativ-heuristisk litteratur analys som integrerar centrala delar av auktoritet i en holistisk, kognitiv modell. Dessa komponenter innehåller auktoritetens ursprung inom organisationer, kanaler som inducerar auktoritet, individuella egenskaper som främjar auktoritet och olika kategorier av auktoritet. Den kognitiva modellen underlättar förståelsen och processen av auktoritet inom organisationer. Detta gör det möjligt att härleda effekterna till organisationens medlemmar. Resultaten av att undersöka auktoriteten utmynnar i två delprocesser av innovation i organisationen – idégenerering och idévalidering. Avslutningsvis presenterar uppsatsen sex forskningsförslag angående dess effekt av auktoritet på dessa processer. Resultaten påvisar att auktoriteten kommer begränsa idégenerationens prestanda men kan underlätta idévalets resultat.
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Design and Facilitation of Event-Based Open Innovation : A study about regular company arrangements for enhanced innovativeness / Design och underlättande av händelsebaserad öppen innovationHermann, Jonas January 2018 (has links)
Den tidiga fasen av företags innovationsprocess har fått stor uppmärksamhet i modern akademisk forskning. Det diskuteras hur man strukturerar denna fas kallad “fuzzy front end” kopplat till innovation och även ett koncept som allmänt kallas “öppen innovation” har introducerats - involvering av tredje parts individer i utvecklingsprocessen. Detta examensarbete fokuserar huvudsakligen på öppen innovation genom olika event för att främja innovationsarbete såsom: workshops, hackathons, idea jams och andra typer av sammanhang som inkluderar både externa deltagare och experter samt anställda och partners inom organisationer. Genom att designa, vara värd för, övervaka samt utvärdera ett hackathon för innovation som heter LiveHacks, samlar detta examensarbete relevant information för att förstå motiven för företag såväl som individer att delta i ett sådant sammanhang. Slutligen bedöms i detta examensarbete hur man kan organisera framgångsrika öppen innovations-eventsåsom hackathons. Dessutom har en generaliserad mall som tredje part skall kunna ta efter utvecklats. / The front end of a corporate’s innovation process has caught much attention in contemporary academic research. Efforts discuss how to structure the “fuzzy frontend of innovation” and introduce a concept widely known as “open source” – the involvement of third party individuals to the development process. This Masters thesis specifically focuses on open innovation through the medium of event-based innovation facilitation; e.g through workshops, hackathons, idea jams and other events that include both external users and experts as well as employees or partners within organizations. By designing, hosting, monitoring and evaluating an innovation event called “LiveHacks”, this thesis collects relevant data to understand both, the motives of corporations as well as of individuals to participate in open innovation events. Finally, this thesis assesses how to host successful open innovation events and develops a generalized template for third party adoption.
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I huvudet på Johan Magnus Wickelius / Inside Johan Magnus WickeliusOlsson, Peter L. January 2005 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats försöker beskriva Johan Magnus Wickelius (1817-1867) livsförståelse. Eller hans teologiska typ. I det arbetet har jag använt Benkt-Erik Benktsons typologiska metod, inom vilken man arbetar med schematiserade typer som Wickelius är jämförd med och placerade inom (eller inte) under arbetes gång. Denna typologiska metod är inte en klassificering där individen, som undersöks, är placerad i ett fack för alltid. Individen är istället placerad i ett landskap där de schematiserade typerna är som kullar emellan (eller på) vilka individen sedan placeras. Materialet som använts för att placera Wickelius i detta landskap är en 211 sidor lång text som Wickelius skrev från 1859 till 1865, och på framsidan av denna text så skrev han att den inte fick säljas eller lånas ut. Denna karaktär hos texten fick mig att använda Schleiermachers och Diltheys hermeneutiska teorier; detta för att få ett perspektiv på texten enligt vilket de viktiga aspekterna att studera i Wickelius text var individualiteten, singulariteten och att levandegöra detta, av Wickelius skrivna, brev. Målet för tolkningen var att tolka texten först lika bra som, men sen bättre än författaren. Som ett sätt att strukturera materialet delade jag sedan in de texter jag trodde hade något att tillföra typologiseringsarbetet, i tre kategorier. Dessa var: religion, livet och döden. För att få någon att gå i dialog med, så använde jag Karl Barths skrivande om den absolute mannen, som beskriver som upplysningsmannen som en person som gav sig själv rättigheten att mäta allt utifrån honom själv. Ett tronupphöjande av människan som påverkade tidens kristna teologi. Barth menade att tidens teologi förmänskligades, och att de fanns fyra områden där detta märktes tydligt. Dessa var: (1) Staten, och dess kyrka, (2) Borgerlighetens moral, (3) Vetenskapens och Filosofin, (4) Individens inre liv. Dessa fyra områden används sedan för att analysera de tre olika sorterna av text som utvanns ur Wickelius textsamling, för att beskriva hans teologiska typ. Wickelius följer ungefär den absolute mannens väg såsom Barth beskriver den och blir till slut en ganska typisk upplysningskristen, men han har också klara drag av ortodoxi och krossar även gränsen några gånger till naturlig religion. Detta gör hans teologi och den hermeneutiska situation texten beskriver, komplex.</p> / <p>This essay tries to describe J.M. Wickelius (1817-1867) worldwiew, or his theological type. To do so I’ve used Benkt-Erik Benktsons typological method, which works with schematized types that Wickelius are compared to and placed under (or not) during the essay. This typological method is not a pidgeonholing where the individual, who is examined, is placed in a pidgeonhole forever. The individual is instead placed in a landscape where the schematized types are like hills inbetween which the individual is placed. The material used to place Wickelius in this landscape is a 211 pages long text that Wickelius wrote from 1859 to 1865, and on the frontpage of this text he wrote that it was not for sale och for lending out. The shape of the text then lead me to use the hermeneutic theories of Schleiermacher and Dilthey, to get a pespective to the text according to which the important things to study in the text was Wickelius individuality, his singularity and to bring this letter from him alive. The goal of the interrigation was to “understand the text first as well as, and then better than its author” As a way of structuring the material I divided the texts that I reckoned to have something to add in my typological work, into three categories. They were: religion, life and death. To have someone to go into dialogue with, I used Karl Barths writings about the absolute man, which is a description of the enlightenment man as a person who gave himself the right to measure everything according to himself. An enthronement of man, that influenced the christian theology of the time. Barth meant that the theology of the time were humanised, and that there were four areas that was influenced by this humanisation. Those were:The State, The Morality of the Bourgeouisie, The Academic and Philosophical transformation of Christanisty and The Inward, Individual matter. Those four areas are then used to analyze the three different kind of texts from Wickelius to describe his theological type. Wickelius approxamitly follows the absolute mans track from Barth and ends up as a rather typical enlightenment theologian, but has also some clear signs from ortodoxy and also crosses the border to natural religion. This makes his theology and the hermeneutic situation that the text describes, complex .</p>
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電信私有化的政治邏輯︰以英國、俄羅斯與台灣為例 / Political logic of telecom privatization in UK, Russia and Taiwan羅彥傑 Unknown Date (has links)
作者發現,從英國、俄羅斯與台灣電信私有化過程的實際表現而言,理念、制度與利益確實能解釋三國在電信私有化進展速度、成功機率與順暢性上的差異。換言之,若欲迅速、成功與順利推動電信私有化,端視該國的理念、制度與利益而定。雖然理念不易改變,但政府可先從制度與利益著手。制度對電信私有化政策發揮「制度承諾」的效果,而利益則扮演策略性誘因的角色,對電信私有化政策發揮「利益分配」的效果。尤其,利益分配愈普遍、愈讓全民與電信員工有利可圖,電信私有化愈能獲得市場與投資人認同,愈能化解阻力。本研究建議,政府應逆向思考,唯有在首次釋股時先「賤賣」電信資產給全民與員工,電信私有化方能順利推動。 / Privatization has become international and interregional phenomena since 1980s. Among the privatizations of all state-owned and public enterprises, telecom ones can be described as one of the most political implications, facing more political resistance than others. Given the fact that the past researches mostly focused on such single approaches as ideology, institutions and interest groups, this study tries to integrate idea, institutions and interests into a political analytical framework. This study hopes to answer the key prerequisites affecting telecom privatization’s three dimensions-speed, success and smoothness, constructing the political theory of telecom privatization.
Two indicators of measuring “idea” are “telecom assets historically privately-owned” and “re-elected ruler (or ruling party)’s winning margins”. Two indicators of measuring “institutions” are “fusion of political powers” and “health of capital markets”. Two indicators of measuring “interests” are “arbitrage incentives during first shares sale” and “offering shares to individual investors and employees”. If the case is simultaneously qualified for two indicators, it means the case could perform well in that dimension, and vice versa. If the case only satisfies one indicator, it means the case could perform intermediately.
The author found that as far as the results of telecom privatizations in United Kingdom, Russia and Taiwan are concerned, idea, institutions and interests actually are able to explain the difference of the three cases in terms of speed, success and smoothness. In other words, a speedy, successful and smooth telecom privatization depends on idea, institutions and interests. Although it is difficult to change idea, the governments can begin with institutions and interests. Institutions play the “commitment” role, and interests show the “allocation” effect. In particular, the more broadly interests being allocated, and the more profitable individual investors and employees obtaining from telecom privatization, the less opposition the government encountering. The study suggests that the government think of telecom privatization reversely. Telecom privatizations can be pressed ahead smoothly only with “cheaply selling” telecom assets to individual investors and employees during first shares offering.
Keywords: Telecom privatization, idea, institution, interest, arbitrage.
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Revue Národní myšlenka 1923-1939 / Národní myšlenka revue (1923-1939)Hercik, Richard January 2015 (has links)
This thesis approaches the ideological orientation, opinion stands and the profile of the revue Národní myšlenka, which was published in the Czechoslovak Republic in years 1923- 1939. The thesis describes historical context, which revue Národní myšlenka was established in, presents the most important personalities of the editorial board of Národní myšlenka - JUDr. Vlastimil Klíma and JUDr. Ladislav Rašín, and approaches content of the selected volumes of Národní myšlenka, whose choice was done in view of important political events of Czechoslovakia. Revue Národní myšlenka was ideologically based on tthe concept of integral nationalism, was far-right, anti-german and antisocialist oriented and was closely connected with the Czechoslovak National democratic party (or more precisely with its Young generation), despite of the fact, that Národní myšlenka always defined itself strictly as the independent magazine. The thesis also contains a part describing original journalistic figure, in this thesis called glossed quotations, which was used by the editorial board of Národní myšlenka for brief and apt declaration of fundamental ideas or statements of eminent personalities of domestic and foreign politics. Keywords Revue, national idea, integral nationalism, monthly journal, Vlastimil Klíma, Ladislav...
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Concevoir et imaginer : Imagination, Idée, et Intelligibilité du Dualisme chez DescartesGaudemard, Lynda 29 September 2012 (has links)
Il s'agit dans cette thèse d'explorer la question du dualisme substantiel et sa relation avec l'union chez Descartes en choisissant comme angle d'attaque le rapport entre imagination et idée. Si, comme l'ont soutenu de nombreux commentateurs, l'imagination a été écartée par Descartes dès 1630 et surtout à partir de 1637 parce qu'il lui importait de démontrer la distinction réelle de l'âme et du corps et de fonder cette démonstration sur l'existence de Dieu, alors la théorie des idées qu'il développe dans ce contexte, devrait être déterminée indépendamment de la notion d'imagination. Nous montrons que les notions d'imagination et d'image servent à constituer sa théorie des idées, ce qui indique que cette faculté occupe toujours pour lui une place importante dans sa théorie de la connaissance et qu'elle n'est en aucun cas exclue de sa métaphysique. Comment concilier cette position épistémologique avec la thèse de la distinction réelle? Nous avons reconsidéré le statut ontologique de l'imagination, conçue comme un mode de la substance pensante mais exclue de l'essence de celle-ci. Cette distinction modale est cruciale pour ne pas interpréter la distinction réelle esprit/corps comme un dualisme dur. Car si une propriété est un mode, elle ne peut être exclue de l'essence de la substance dont elle est le mode. Nous concluons que l'imagination est en réalité exclue de l'essence de l'âme purement intellectuelle mais non de l'essence de l'âme humaine et qu'il n'y a de distinction réelle qu'entre l'âme pure et le corps. / This doctoral dissertation concerns the substantial Cartesian dualism and its relation with union in the light of the link between imagination and ideas. If imagination was removed since 1630 and 1637, as a lot of commentators argued, because Descartes wanted to demonstrate the real distinction between body and soul, and found his demonstration on the existence of God, then his theory of ideas should be constituted independently of the notion of imagination. We argue that the notions of imagination and image help to establish this theory: this shows that imagination is still important in Descartes' theory of knowledge and that it is not excluded from his Metaphysics. How to conciliate this epistemological position with real distinction thesis? We reconsidered the ontological status of imagination as a mode of a thinking substance but excluded from the essence of this substance. This modal distinction is crucial in order not to misinterpret the real distinction between soul and body, seen not only as a hard dualism. Yet, if a property is a mode, it cannot be excluded from the essence of the substance of which it is the mode. We conclude that imagination is removed from the essence of a purely intellectual soul but not from human soul and that there is only a real distinction between pure soul and body. Imagination reinforces the intelligibility of dualism since it serves to understand why the real distinction between soul and body is compatible with their substantial union.
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La foi dans la méfiance : "la possibilité de l'impossibilité" chez Derrida, à travers sa lecture de Husserl, Heidegger et Levinas / Faith in mistrust : Derrida’s ‘possibility of the impossibility’ in his reading of Husserl, Heidegger, and LevinasNagasaka, Masumi 06 September 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche se consacre à l’examen de la formation de la notion de foi, formulée comme "possibilité de l’impossible" dans la philosophie de Derrida. Cette notion, décrite sous plusieurs exemples concrets tels que "pardon", "don", "promesse" ou "témoignage" dans sa dernière philosophie, a néanmoins sa source dès le commencement de sa philosophie. La notion de foi n’est pas identifiable à celle de religion – bien qu’elle en soit l’une des sources –, et signifie plutôt un dépassement de la limite du savoir. Afin d’esquisser la formation de ce concept, notre recherche se concentre sur son développement dans la lecture derridienne de Husserl, Heidegger et Levinas. Derrida met en question leurs distinctions philosophiques, à savoir, la distinction husserlienne entre la réalité et l’idéalité, la distinction heideggerienne entre l’étant et l’être et la distinction lévinassienne entre l’être et l’au-delà de l’être. Au moment même où il tente de suivre ces distinctions d’une manière stricte, Derrida découvre des points dans lesquels il devient impossible d’accomplir ces distinctions. Dans cette impossibilité, les trois auteurs prennent, selon Derrida, leurs décisions au sein de l’indécidabilité. La foi en question n’est rien d’autre que cette croyance en les distinctions. En observant ainsi rétrospectivement cette problématique, notre recherche tente de montrer que la notion de foi est une conséquence inhérente de la déconstruction, pratiquée comme l’expérience de l’impossible. / This thesis scrutinises the genesis of Derrida’s notion of faith as the ‘possibility of the impossible’. A milestone of his later philosophy and embodied in many concrete examples as ‘pardon’, ‘giving’, ‘promise’, or “witness”, this notion originates in some problems that inspired him from the beginning of his career. ‘Faith’ is not identical to ‘religion’—although it appears to be one of its sources—, but is rather supposed to designate exceeding the limits of any possible knowledge. To follow the different stages of the formation of the concept, this research focuses on Derrida’s reading of Husserl, Heidegger, and Levinas. Derrida challenges the fundamental distinctions introduced by these authors: Husserl’s distinction between reality and ideality; Heidegger's distinction between being (das Seiende) and Being (das Sein); and, finally, Levinas’ distinction between Being and Beyond of Being. Trying to follow these distinctions strictly, Derrida discovers points where these distinctions appear to be impossible. Thus, according to Derrida, the very impossibility of these distinctions should compel these philosophers to make their decisions in the midst of undecidability. The faith in question is these beliefs in their philosophical distinctions that exceed any epistemological arguments. The main purpose of this retrospective research is, therefore, to show that the notion of the faith as the ‘possibility of the impossible’ is an inherent consequence of deconstruction, formulated as an experience of the impossible.
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Fédéralisme et identité européenne : contribution à une étude politique du phénomène Europe / Federalism and european identity : contribution to a political study of Europe phenomenonLe Beller, Pierre 19 January 2013 (has links)
Depuis les débuts de l'ère moderne, la formule fédérale s'est imposée de par le monde comme un moyen institutionnel de gestion de la diversité sociale et politique. Le système fédéral figure comme modèle idoine de constitution d'un ordre juridique composé. En tant que doctrine politique, le fédéralisme pose la question des appartenances collectives dans des termes différents des modèles identitaires classiques. Il offre une vision ouverte et inclusive du phénomène identitaire et ouvre sur une coexistence d'identités complémentaires dans un cadre institutionnel équilibré.La construction européenne déroge depuis ses débuts avec les principes fondamentaux du fédéralisme mais constitue une expérience nouvelle de communauté composée à fort potentiel intégrateur du point de vue politique et identitaire.L'analyse parallèle et complémentaire du phénomène Europe dans ses manifestations historiques les plus notables et du système fédéral dans ses fondements éthiques et moraux permet de mettre au jour une homologie saisissante entre l'idée d'Europe et le modèle fédératif, révélant dans le même temps les rigidités des forma mentis contemporaines restreignant le processus de constitution concrète d'un ordre politique fédéral européen. / Since the beginning of the Modern Era, the federal formula has been advocated worldwide as the adequate institutional tool to deal with politic and social diversity. It appears as a suitable model for the constitution of a compound legal order. As a political doctrine, federalism raises the question of collective membership in rather divergent terms compared to the classical identity models. Federalism offers an open and inclusive vision of identity phenomenons and guides towards a balanced institutional framework guaranteeing the coexistence of complementary identities.From its start, the European construction derogates with the core principles of federalism, constituting nevertheless a new experience of a compound community endowed with a strong political and identity integration potential.The parallel and comprehensive analysis of the Europe phenomenon in its most remarkable historical manifestations and the ethic and moral basis of the federal system reveals a strong homology between the idea of Europe and the federative model, as well as the rigidities of contemporary forma mentis restraining the process for the constitution of an actual European federal order.
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Las ideas filosóficas de Francisco de Paula González Vigil. Una lectura a través de sus obras: Diálogos de la existencia de Dios y la vida futura (1863) y La religión natural (1864)Gutiérrez Sánchez, Tomás Jesús, Gutiérrez Sánchez, Tomás Jesús January 2016 (has links)
Analiza las ideas filosóficas de Francisco de Paula González Vigil a través de sus obras Diálogos de la existencia de Dios y la vida futura (1863) y La religión natural (1864). / Tesis
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