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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Atividade curricular de integração entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão (ACIEPE) : anseios, conjunturas e contornos de inovações curriculares em movimento.

Souza, Marcos Lopes de 28 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:35:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseMLS.pdf: 1653692 bytes, checksum: eb2ea0ad8059be8ba8b9179d97ecc922 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-28 / This research describes and discusses about the conjuncture and the movements of the program so-called as Curricular Integration Activity between Teaching, Research and Outreach (ACIEPE) since its implantation in Sao Carlos Federal University from year 2002 up to 2006, analyzing in a focused way one of its proposals. During the investigation the information have been acquired by interviews with the Program s idealizers and executers, also by the Program s (ACIEPE) documents, questionnaires applied to the coordinators of the program proposals, the registries of one of the program s proposal meetings and by interviews realized with the participants of this experience. The ACIEPE Program had been created during a period in which UFSCar was trying to consolidate itself as a University based on the concepts of democratic participation, academic competence and Social commitment, a perspective that contested the neoliberal politics, which, has occupied a large area into University space. The implantation of the program occurred within a period in which UFSCar s graduation courses were passing through a curriculum reformulation process that began since the establishment of Brazilian Universities Institutional Valuation Program (PAIUB). Initially, the ACIEPE was incorporated to the courses s curriculum as an elective discipline, lately, within the curricular flexibilization, it happened to be a complementary curricular activity. Within the period comprehended between the years 2002-2006, 49 different proposals were done, some of them were re-offered, and now 107 classes can be counted in. New projects of ACIEPEs have been offered each semester (at least five), at the same time, new professors have adhered to different proposals of ACIEPEs demonstrating that the program have been recognized as an opportunity for curricular innovation. Because of the thematics that were chosen, the outreach guidelines, the external public and the methodological approaches, the ACIEPEs presented different faces, which made it different from traditional academic spaces. The proposals of ACIEPEs were consolidated as educative spaces; constituted especially by multidisciplinary teams, which involved learning and professors from distinct majors. In those spaces the formation offered to the graduation students could embrace things beyond the society of the knowledge, involving aspects like citizenship, social equality, environment sustainability, social cooperation, Human values and etc., increasing the student s knowledge experiences, which includes the interaction with different social groups. The practice of the inseparability between teaching, research and outreach at ACIEPEs occurred in a diffuse and incipient manner, overall, when it comes to the interlocution between university and External community. Focusing on one of the experiences of the ACIEPE program entitled as The comprehension about biological knowledge essence and its relationship with Science and biology on Basic Education it could have been evidenced that the ACIEPEs program s intentions were approximately reached, especially the ones related to the construction of a space that could give to the graduation students also professional education and citizenship, even, establishing a strong link between University and several social segments. At the same time, this ACIEPE, basing on its specific objectives and on the perspective of complexity, can be denominated, besides its own limitations, as a curricular innovation, based on the construction of dialogue spaces among the disciplines, whereas it made possible to the participants, especially, the biology teachers and the undergraduate level students of biological sciences course, to find a new significance for the nature of biological knowledge trough the articulation with Philosophy and sociology. / Esta pesquisa descreve e discute a conjuntura, os desenhos e os movimentos do Programa Atividade Curricular de Integração entre Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão (ACIEPE) desde sua implantação, na Universidade Federal de São Carlos, no ano de 2002 até 2006, e analisa, de forma mais focalizada, uma de suas propostas. No percurso da investigação buscaram-se informações por meio de entrevistas com as pessoas idealizadoras e executoras do Programa; em documentos sobre o Programa ACIEPE; em questionários aplicados às(aos) coordenadoras(es) das propostas de ACIEPEs; em registros dos encontros de uma das propostas/experiências do Programa e em entrevistas realizadas com as pessoas participantes desta experiência. O Programa ACIEPE é engendrado num contexto em que a UFSCar procura se consolidar como uma universidade pautada na participação democrática, na competência acadêmica e no compromisso social; perspectiva essa que procura contestar as políticas neoliberais que vêm adentrando no espaço universitário. A implantação do Programa ocorre num momento em que os cursos de graduação da UFSCar estão em processo de reformulação curricular iniciado desde o Programa de Avaliação Institucional das Universidades Brasileiras (PAIUB). Inicialmente, a ACIEPE é incorporada aos currículos dos diferentes cursos enquanto disciplina eletiva, posteriormente, com a flexibilização curricular e, em virtude do próprio formato que ela vai tomando, passa a ser uma atividade curricular complementar. No período de 2002-2006 realizou-se 49 propostas diferentes de ACIEPEs e com a reoferta de algumas delas, se chega a 107 turmas. Novos projetos de ACIEPEs têm sido oferecidos a cada semestre (em média, cinco), ao mesmo tempo, novos(as) professores(as) vêm aderindo às diferentes propostas de ACIEPEs, demonstrando que a comunidade universitária tem reconhecido o Programa como espaço de inovação curricular. As ACIEPEs realizadas apresentaram uma diversidade de desenhos no que diz respeito às temáticas escolhidas; às linhas de extensão; ao público externo e às abordagens metodológicas, se diferenciando dos espaços acadêmicos tradicionais. As propostas de ACIEPEs se consolidaram como espaços educativos constituídos, em especial, por equipes multidisciplinares (envolvendo discentes e docentes de diversas áreas) visando a formação dos(as) graduandos(as) para além da sociedade do conhecimento, ao trabalhar com cidadania, eqüidade social, sustentabilidade ambiental, cooperação social, valores humanos etc. Ao mesmo tempo, ampliaram as vivências de aprendizagem dos(as) alunos(as), sobretudo no que se refere à interação com diferentes grupos sociais. A prática do princípio da indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão nas ACIEPEs ocorreu de maneira difusa e ainda incipiente, sobretudo, no que se refere à interlocução entre a universidade e a comunidade externa. Focalizando uma das experiências do Programa ACIEPE intitulada A compreensão sobre a natureza do conhecimento biológico e sua relação com as aulas de Ciências e Biologia na Educação Básica , constatou-se que a mesma se aproximou das intenções projetadas pelo Programa ACIEPE, em especial, em relação à construção de um espaço de formação profissional e cidadã para os(as) graduandos(as) e o estabelecimento de um elo permanente entre a universidade e os diversos segmentos sociais. Ao mesmo tempo, pautando-se nos seus objetivos específicos e na perspectiva da Complexidade, esta ACIEPE se constituiu, apesar de algumas limitações, como uma inovação curricular pautada na construção de um espaço de diálogo disciplinar, na medida em que possibilitou aos(às) participantes, especialmente, às professoras de Biologia e aos licenciandos(as) do curso de Ciências Biológicas resignificarem a natureza do conhecimento biológico por intermédio da articulação com a Filosofia e a Sociologia.

L'alimentation en droit international / Food in International Law

Cuq, Marie 01 December 2016 (has links)
En 2015, la FAO estimait qu’environ 795 millions de personnes sont sous-alimentées dans le monde. Les Nations Unies ont régulièrement qualifié cette situation « d’atteinte à la dignité humaine ». La coopération internationale est légitimement devenue dans ce contexte un moyen privilégié de lutter contre la malnutrition. Cependant, l’alimentation est au carrefour de nombreuses problématiques. Certains Etats sont soucieux d’affirmer leur autosuffisance alimentaire tandis que d’autres rencontrent des difficultés à gérer leurs surplus. Les enjeux de qualité sanitaire ou nutritionnelle côtoient les inquiétudes liées à la diminution accélérée de la diversité génétique. Face à ces préoccupations diverses, les aliments ont fait l’objet de nombreuses règles internationales. Certaines favorisent la libéralisation de leur production et de leur commerce, au détriment parfois d’une prise en compte du niveau de développement des pays, de la diversité biologique ou de la qualité des aliments. D’autres tiennent compte de ces questions mais leur articulation paraît délicate avec les règles de la libéralisation économique. Pourtant, les Etats ont érigé l’accès à l’alimentation comme un objectif mondial et la cohérence du droit international semble indispensable pour sa réalisation. La présente étude vise ainsi à déterminer dans quelle mesure le droit international, caractérisé par la fragmentation de ses règles, contribue à l’amélioration des conditions d’accès à une alimentation adéquate au niveau mondial. / In 2015, FAO estimated that approximately 795 million people are undernourished in the world. The United Nations has regularly qualified this situation as “a violation of human dignity”. In this context, the international cooperation legitimately became a privileged means to fight against malnutrition. However, the access to food is at the crossroads of numerous problems. Some States are eager to assert their self-sufficiency while others meet difficulties managing their surpluses. Health or nutritional quality issues join concerns about the accelerated loss of genetic diversity. Responding to these various concerns, food has been the subject of many international rules. Some promote the liberalization of their production and trade, sometimes to the detriment of a consideration of the level of development of countries, of the biological diversity or the quality of food. Some take account of these issues but their coordination seems difficult with the rules of economic liberalization. Nevertheless, States set up the access to food as a global goal and the coherence of international law seems essential for its achievement. The present study aims to determine to what extent international law, characterized by the fragmentation of its rules, contributes to improving the conditions of access to adequate food at the world level.

« The place to be ? » Vivre et bouger dans les entre-deux : jeunesse et mobilités dans les espaces périurbains / ‘‘The place to be ?’’ Living and commuting within the “space-in-between” / young commuters in the periurban fringes of the Great Paris

Didier-Fèvre, Catherine 29 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat mène une réflexion sur les mobilités juvéniles périurbaines sous l’angle de « l’entre-deux », terme caractérisant à la fois les espaces périurbains et la jeunesse. Comment la jeunesse vit-elle une localisation résidentielle, choisie par les parents, et se déplace-t-elle dans ces espaces peu densément peuplés et faiblement desservis par des transports en commun ? Quel rôle jouent les contextes périurbains dans la construction identitaire des jeunes ? L’étude menée, à partir de trois lycées généraux et technologiques situés dans les franges de l’agglomération parisienne en proie à un mouvement de périurbanisation plus ou moins ancien, a consisté à interroger une population lycéenne périurbaine par le biais de méthodes qualitatives (85 entretiens) et quantitatives (1522 sondés en ligne). Développant un ancrage différencié à l’espace habité dans lequel la maison individuelle tient une place centrale, les jeunes adoptent une multitude de stratégies pour s’émanciper des contextes périurbains. Ils combinent les ressources des entre-deux pour s’affirmer en tant qu’individu, y compris dans le cadre de la socialisation secondaire marquant cet âge. Ils y trouvent ainsi leur bonheur, bien qu’ils cherchent souvent, de manière plus ou moins réaliste ou réalisable, à sortir de ces espaces. Ces bricolages spatiaux les amènent à développer une motilité (Kaufmann, 2002) plus importante que celle des jeunes urbains. En revanche, à l’heure de s’inventer une vie adulte, ce n’est pas tant l’espace périurbain qui apparaît comme un obstacle à leur projet que les ressources sociales, financières ou culturelles de leur famille. Malgré tout, les contextes périurbains, parce qu’ils font territoires, sont des lieux où les jeunes projettent volontiers leur vie future, même si, pour certains, l’attraction urbaine ou de l’étranger est plus forte. / The ‘‘space-in-between’’ refers to any specified situation or space characterizing an intermediary and transitional state. This paper aims at exploring the notion of “space-in-between” through the themes of mobility and the youth living in the periurban fringes of the Great Paris. How does the youth live the residential choice of theirs parents and move to those median zone between rural and urban areas where public transit is deficient? What role have the periurban fringes in the building of the youth identity? Across this research, led in three public high schools located in the periurban fringes of the Great Paris, 85 young spoke about their mobilities and 1522 answered a questionnaire. Become oneself ask to move alone, to explore new spaces without parents but with peers, so these young people combine a lot of means to leave these spaces (walking, hitch-hiking, car-sharing, taking school buses for shopping and so on). Developing a specific link with the periurban areas where the home could be perceived as a special place, these young people live happily and do not consider themselves as ‘‘prisoners’’ in their territories. Nevertheless, they try to going out of them: going to parties, meeting other young people in the night clubs, meeting their friends as they want, practising sport and cultural leisures, and moving anywhere without asking their parents to drive them. At the time to become an adult, when they want to follow high education currucula, if they don’t choose the same way that urban and rural students, it seems that financial ressources and capacities to move are central in their choice. Some of them want to live in big cities or in foreign countries but most of them imagine them living the perurban edges where they had grow up. So the periurban fringes seem, as territories, the ‘place to be’! / El « espacio de transición » es una situación o un espacio que se caracteriza por ser intermedio.Aquella idea de intermedio interesa a los geografos en sus investigaciones sobre el espacio periurbano. Este proyecto , como continuidad de un precedente trabajo de investigaciones (Ser joven en el periurbano de SENS. ¿ Qué movilidades para los alumnos del instituto JANOT ? ; Catherine DIDIER-FEVRE, Máster 2 investigaciones, 2011. 229 páginas), intenta explorar la noción de « transición » a través de las movilidades. Si el término periurbano se define por un espacio de transición (noción aparecida con la instalación de la población en una extensión de la zona urbana) entre dos contrapuestos : espacio urbano y espacio rural, el de la juventud responde también a la noción de « espacio de transición ». En efecto, la juventud es la transición entre la desaparición de las claves de la infancia y la construcción de nuevos modelos. Es un tiempo de experiencias.Mientras « el periurbano sigue siendo el espacio de la juventud en una sociedad envejeciéndose : es el único espacio donde encontramos más de 3 jóvenes para con 2 mayores», muy pocas cosas fueron escritas sobre la juventud del periurbano. Aquella idea de las movilidades de la juventud es nueva. Tener en cuenta la edad de los habitantes de un espacio definido es fundamental para entender las relaciones de ellos con su territorio. Hasta ahora sólo los mayores o los niños pequeños preocuparon a los geografos del periurbano. Al investigar sobre los jóvenes del periurbano una se pregunta :¿Qué relaciones viven los jóvenes con el territorio periurbano al vivir una movilidad singular ?

“Se não nos cozinharem não melhoramos” : disputas entre a medicina convencional e a tradicional em torno do HIV/SIDA na etnia Tsonga em Moçambique

Mandlate, Nosta da Graça January 2017 (has links)
Tendo em vista a compreensão dos significados atribuídos às infeções oportunistas pelos pacientes HIV+ entre os moçambicanos da etnia Tsonga do distrito de Xai-Xai e a consequente busca de atendimento nas redes tradicionais de cura, na pesquisa adotamos uma metodologia qualitativa com caráter etnográfico. Embora Xai-Xai seja a capital de Gaza, importante província de Moçambique, ali, os Tsonga ainda estão muito inseridos nas redes tradicionais de cura. Por outro lado, a rede do Sistema Nacional da Saude se faz também presente e não muito precária, relativamente ao resto do país. Essa peculiaridade nos levou a indagação central do trabalho: no que concerne aos pacientes HIV+ será que os serviços de saúde do distrito da cidade de Xai-Xai dispõem de estruturas de acolhimento tão adequadas aos pressupostos ontológicos da cultura local quanto as redes tradicionais de cura? A nossa hipótese é a de que o desajuste de um acolhimento inadequado aos pacientes Tsonga impele-os a intensificar a busca de cuidados alternativos à medicina convencional nas redes tradicionais. A metodologia que escolhemos permitiu-nos compreender as vivências dos pacientes não somente a partir das questões apresentadas verbalmente, mas também podemos acompanhar as suas práticas cotidianas relacionadas a busca de cura. A pesquisa fez nos perceber que a ausência do diálogo entre a biomedicina e as redes tradicionais de cura influência em grande medida o elevado número de óbitos e a não retenção dos pacientes em Tratamento antiretroviral- Tarv mesmo com as constantes reinvenções de políticas de assistência aos pacientes HIV+. A situação colonial dessa relação se consubstância na negação ou subalternização do conhecimento local mesmo por atores nativos que atuam no sistema nacional de saúde. / In order to understand the meanings attributed to opportunistic infections by HIV+ patients among the Tsonga Mozambicans in the Xai-Xai district and the consequent search for care in the traditional healing networks, a qualitative methodology with an ethnographic character was used in the research. Although Xai-Xai is the capital of Gaza, a major province in Mozambique, the Tsonga are still very much embedded in traditional healing networks. On the other hand, the network of the National Health System is also present and not very precarious, relative to the rest of the country. This peculiarity has led us to the central inquiry of the work: as far as HIV + patients are concerned, the health services of the Xai-Xai city district have reception facilities that are as appropriate to the ontological presumptions of the local culture as the traditional cure? Our hypothesis is that the mismatch of inadequate care for Tsonga patients prompts them to intensify the search for alternative care to conventional medicine in traditional networks. The methodology we chose allowed us to understand the patients' experiences not only from the questions presented verbally, but we can also follow their daily practices related to the search for cure. The research made us realize that the absence of dialogue between biomedicine and traditional healing networks greatly influences the high number of deaths and non-retention of patients in antiretroviral treatment-TARV even with the constant reinvention of HIV+ patient care policies. The colonial situation of this relationship is consubstantiated in the negation or subalternization of local knowledge even by native actors who work in the national health system.

Complementaridade de buracos negros e a conexão entre emaranhamento e geometria.

VELOSO, Ildemar Barreto. 17 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Emanuel Varela Cardoso (emanuel.varela@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-10-17T17:33:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação-Ildemar Barreto Veloso -(OK).pdf: 627444 bytes, checksum: ba9ac192a954812365d05a8c75c86647 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-17T17:33:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação-Ildemar Barreto Veloso -(OK).pdf: 627444 bytes, checksum: ba9ac192a954812365d05a8c75c86647 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09 / Capes / A Relatividade Geral, que foi construída baseada nos princípios da equivalência e da covariância,é a teoria da gravitação que admite um espaço-tempo não euclidiano. Ela permite que o espaço-tempo se torne curvo próximo à distribuições de matéria. Os buracos negros são objetos com imensas concentrações de matéria, que provocam grandes perturbações no espaço a sua volta. A métrica correspondente ao buraco negro que analisamos foi a de Schwarzschild. Tais objetos também podem ser analisados utilizando-se a termodinâmica, com a obtenção de variáveis como temperatura e entropia. Este último conceito, é de fundamental importância para entendermos a questão do emaranhamento entre dois sistemas físicos correlacionados e a teoria de informação. Assim, nosso objetivo foi analisar alguns fatores sobre o paradoxo da conservação da informação em buracos negros. Além do mais, também analisamos como o emaranhamento entre duas regiões desconectadas pode gerar espaços-tempos conectados, e qual sua relação com as pontes deEinstein-Rosen. / The General Relativity, that was built on the equivalence and covariance principles, is the gravitation the or which admits an on-euclide an space time. It permits that the space time be comes curve near matter distributions. The black holes are objects with huge concentrations of matter, which cause major disruption in the space around it.The corresponding metric to the black hole that were view edit is the Schwarzschildmetric. Such objects canal sobe analyzed using the thermo dynamic concepts, to obtain variables such as temperature and entropy. This one, will be of fundamental importance to understanding the question of the entanglement between two related physical systems and the concept of information. So, ourgo alitis to examine some factors aboutt he information conservation paradox in black holes. Moreover, also we analyzedas a entan- glement between two disconnected regions can generate space time connected,and what is its relationship with Einstein-Rosenbridges.

Interfaces entre o trabalho e a família e os vínculos organizacionais: explorando a tríade família-trabalho-organização

Aguiar, Carolina Villa Nova 04 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Carolina Aguiar (carol_aguiar@terra.com.br) on 2016-08-01T12:12:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE_CarolinaAguiar.pdf: 3322047 bytes, checksum: 97fb54948e2633d5394f65eb4f25eb1a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná (dilznana@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-05-29T14:53:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE_CarolinaAguiar.pdf: 3322047 bytes, checksum: 97fb54948e2633d5394f65eb4f25eb1a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-29T14:53:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE_CarolinaAguiar.pdf: 3322047 bytes, checksum: 97fb54948e2633d5394f65eb4f25eb1a (MD5) / FAPESB / A presente tese nasce da intenção de oferecer uma contribuição ao campo de estudo do comportamento humano nas organizações, mais especificamente das diferentes formas de vinculação do indivíduo com a organização na qual está inserido, tendo como ponto de partida o pressuposto de que tal comportamento não deve ser explicado exclusivamente com base em variáveis ocupacionais e organizacionais. Para tal, optou-se pela utilização de construtos oriundos do campo das interfaces entre o trabalho e a família, já que eles representam variáveis que não são exclusivas do ambiente de trabalho, mas também não são totalmente desvinculadas dele. Para a condução do estudo, dois vínculos organizacionais foram contemplados – o comprometimento e o entrincheiramento organizacional – sendo a sua escolha pautada na necessidade de continuidade de uma agenda de pesquisa que pretende melhor delimitar esses vínculos, tendo no estudo de seus antecedentes uma etapa importante e urgente. No campo das interfaces entre trabalho e família, dois construtos também foram contemplados: o conflito trabalho-família e a interface positiva entre trabalho e família. Trata-se de duas perspectivas antagônicas, mas não excludentes, de compreensão das formas como a combinação dessas duas esferas da vida pode ser percebida pelos indivíduos. Diante disso, a tese traçou como objetivo geral avaliar o potencial dos construtos relativos às duas perspectivas sobre a interface trabalho-família de contribuírem para ampliar a delimitação empírica entre os vínculos de comprometimento e entrincheiramento organizacional. Para alcançá-lo, entretanto, algumas etapas preliminares revelaram-se imprescindíveis, envolvendo a análise conceitual das interfaces entre trabalho e família e, ainda, a proposta de instrumentos de medida adequados para a população brasileira. Participaram do estudo um total de 646 trabalhadores de diferentes organizações e segmentos ocupacionais. Dois instrumentos de pesquisa foram utilizados: o primeiro deles foi composto por escalas relativas à interface positiva entre trabalho e família e respondido por 200 participantes com o objetivo de alcançar uma versão preliminar da medida a ser proposta. O segundo instrumento, aplicado nos demais 446 participantes, contemplou todos os construtos da pesquisa, contendo as escala de comprometimento organizacional, de entrincheiramento organizacional, do conflito e da interface positiva entre trabalho e família, além de medidas complementares como a escala de suporte organizacional e de adequação familiar e, ainda, de dados sócio-demográficos. Para as análises de validação, foram realizadas análises fatoriais exploratórias (método de extração PAF e rotação direct oblimin) e confirmatórias (através da modelagem por equações estruturais), além de observados os índices de consistência interna. Para as investigações envolvendo as relações entre as interfaces trabalho-família e os vínculos organizacionais, foram utilizadas análises descritivas, regressões lineares múltiplas (método Enter) e, ainda, análises de clusters. O trabalho obteve como principais resultados a proposta de medidas válidas e fidedignas para a mensuração do conflito e da interface positiva entre o trabalho e a família. Além disso, os resultados apontaram que as interfaces entre as duas esferas da vida foram capazes de predizer, de forma significativa, ambos os vínculos organizacionais, apresentando padrões de relações substancialmente distintos com cada um deles. Ademais, foi possível identificar que as interfaces entre o trabalho e a família desempenharam importante papel quando os dois vínculos foram considerados simultaneamente. Conclui-se, portanto, que, a presente tese foi capaz de contribuir de forma significativa com os dois campos de estudo nos quais está inserida, oferecendo evidências adicionais sobre os limites empíricos entre o comprometimento e o entrincheiramento organizacional, além de fortalecer a perspectiva de que os comportamentos humanos na organização devem ser compreendidos com base em variáveis internas e externas ao ambiente de trabalho. / The thesis intends to bring a contribution to the study of human behavior in the organizations, more specifically to the different manners individuals are bonded with the organization in which are inserted, assuming as starting point that behavior must not be exclusively explained based on occupational and organizational variables. With that purpose, this study utilized constructs originated in the work and family interface, once they represent variables not exclusively from the working environment, but also not entirely detached to them. Two organizational linkages served as pillars to the study – commitment and entrenchment – and they have been chosen due to the necessity of a study agenda intended to better delimit those linkages, as well as the urgency and importance of the investigation of their antecedents. In the work and family interface field of study, two constructs were also contemplated: the work-family conflict and the positive interface between work and family. They are opposite perspectives, but not excluding concepts, of understanding the ways the combinations of those two spheres of life may be realized by individuals. In this context, the thesis presents as general goal evaluating the potential of the constructs concerning both perspectives of work and family interface so it contributes to broadening the empiric delimitation between the linkages of organizational commitment and entrenchment. Nevertheless, in order to achieve it, specific preliminary steps are essential, which involve the conceptual analysis of work and family interface, as well as the proposal of adequate measuring instruments to the Brazilian population. The study comprised a total of 646 workers from different organizations and occupational sectors. Two research instruments were utilized: the first one was formed by scales regarding the positive work and family interface and was answered by 200 participants to achieve a preliminary version of the measures to be proposed. The second instrument, applied to the remaining 446 participants, comprised all constructs from the research, including the organizational commitment, organizational entrenchment and positive work and family interface scales, as well as complementary measures such as the organizational support scale, family adequacy and social-demographic data. For the validation analysis, the study performed exploratory (PAF extraction method and direct oblimin rotation) and confirmatory (via structural equations modeling) factorial analyses, as well as the verification of the internal consistency. For the investigation of the relation between work and family interface and organizational linkages, the study utilized descriptive analyses, multiple linear regressions (Enter method) and cluster analyses. The thesis obtained as main result the proposal of valid and reliable tools for measuring the conflict and the positive interface between work and family. Furthermore, the results indicated that the two spheres of life interface were capable of substantially predicting both organizational linkages, presenting relationship patterns considerably distinct from each of them. Moreover, it was possible to identify that the work and family interfaces perform an important role when two linkages were simultaneously considered. In conclusion, the thesis could significantly contribute with the two fields of study in which it is inserted, offering additional evidences about empirical limits between organizational commitment and entrenchment, along with strengthening the perspective that human behavior in the organizations must be understood based on internal and external variables to the work environment.

Le processus social de légitimation des produits financiers. Le cas des Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) en France / The social process of legitimizing financial products : the case of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) in France

Oubenal, Mohamed 01 July 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier le processus social de légitimation des produits financiers en prenant comme exemple le développement des Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) en France. En dépit de la complexification de leur « dispositif de calcul » les encours des ETF ont connu une progression rapide. L'essor de ces innovations s'explique par l'effort de légitimation entrepris par les promoteurs. Contrairement à l'approche néo-institutionnaliste qui se focalise sur la dimension cognitive, nous partons des interdépendances pour comprendre le processus social de légitimation. Nous étudions ce processus en combinant une enquête ethnographique fondée sur des entretiens semi-directifs et des observations non-participantes avec une analyse du réseau social d'échange d'information entre les marketeurs, les traders, les journalistes, les investisseurs et les académiques. Nous montrons qu'il existe une « niche sociale » où des acteurs-promoteurs coopèrent entre eux. Ils relaient, auprès des diffuseurs d'information que sont les journalistes, un discours fondé sur les dimensions positives de leur innovation. Ils s'appuient, pour cela, sur le « contrôle social » qu'ils exercent sur la presse économique. Enfin, ces promoteurs s'associent à l'institut de recherche en finance Edhec-Risk afin de fonder la légitimité de leurs produits sur le statut académique de ce partenaire. / The focus of this thesis is to study the social process of legitimizing financial products, focusing primarily on Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) in France. Despite the complex nature of their « calculative device », ETFs have grown rapidly. This can be explained through promoters’ legitimizing efforts. Unlike neo-institutional theory which focuses on the cognitive dimension, this will emphasize the role of interdependencies and relationships in studying legitimizing efforts. This study is based on ethnographic research with semi-structured interviews and non-participant observations during conferences. We combine this qualitative research method with quantitative analysis of the network of information exchanged between marketers, traders, journalists, investors, regulators and academics. We evidence the existence of a « social niche » where competitors cooperate. The promoters exert social control on financial journalists to relay the positive aspects of their financial products. They also collaborate with EDHEC-Risk Institute to benefit from its academic status and gain more legitimacy.

Les espaces intermédiaires et la densification des tissus périurbains / In-between spaces and Densification of peri-urban fabric

Benigni, Camille 04 December 2014 (has links)
Le débat actuel, portant sur la consommation des territoires qui est associée à la périurbanisation caractérisée par la maison individuelle, nous a amené à entreprendre notre travail. La volonté d’inscrire l’évolution des tissus périurbains dans une historiographie architecturale et urbaine nous a conduit à analyser ces formes périurbaines, à travers l’étude des processus et mécanismes morphogénétiques. La densité a eu mauvaise presse auprès des scientifiques et professionnels de la ville, aujourd’hui celle-ci semble être considérée comme un remède à l’étalement des territoires. Ainsi, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’instrumentalisation de la densité par les différents acteurs de la Ville, à travers les lois, les documents d’urbanisme. Nous nous sommes penchés sur l’étude de la définition de la densité, de sa place dans la théorie urbanistique et du rapport qu’elle entretient avec la morphogénèse des tissus périurbains. Ce travail aborde la transformation des tissus périurbains (dont l’analyse est peu présente dans les travaux scientifiques) au travers du prisme des espaces intermédiaires, que nous considérons comme un enjeu important dans l’évolution durable des territoires. Enfin, ce travail s’est proposé de réaliser une nouvelle lecture des espaces périurbains par les espaces intermédiaires à l’échelle de la parcelle pavillonnaire, en considérant que l’analyse des transformations, qui s’y déroulent, représente un élément marquant/discriminant pour l’élaboration des politiques urbaines. / Actually the discussion about the use of territories, which is associated with suburbanization characterized by the house led us to undertake our research. The research aims to include the development of peri-urban fabrics in architectural and urban historiography. And from that, we have analysed these suburban forms. Density has a bad press among scientists and city professionals; today it seems to be considered as a cure for the urban sprawl. Therefore, we have looked at the exploitation of the density by the different actors of the City, through legislation, planning documents. We focused on the study of the definition of density, its place in urban theory and its relation with peri –urban fabric morphogenesis. This research addresses the transformation of suburban fabric (whose analysis is not present in the scientific work) through the prism of the “in-between spaces”, which we consider an important issue in the sustainable development of territories. Finally, this work has proposed to produce a new reading of suburban areas by the “in-between spaces” in the suburban plot, whereas the analysis of the transformations that take place, are a prominent feature for urban policy.

What is the role of the art teacher in state-funded secondary schools in England?

Page, Troy January 2017 (has links)
For many years, and particularly since the 1980s, the state has taken an interest in the curriculum of state-funded secondary schools. This interest has focused largely on utilitarian imperatives for employment and economic sustainability. A consequence of this utilitarian conception of state education is that art viewed, as a less useful subject within the curriculum, is threatened by this. Against an historic discourse about the nature of art itself and why it is taught and its value in society, the question of 'What is art'? and 'What is the role of the art teacher'? continue to defy a consensus that is useful to teachers. Concurrently, these important arguments have inevitably impinged on the practice of art teachers who find themselves distanced from cherished liberal and social imperatives, and confused about what is expected of them. This study looks at how these pervasive arguments make an impact on teachers who, although studied as artists and trained to teach art, now find themselves dubbed 'art and design' teachers as the requirements of the state and its increasingly utilitarian system exerts more control over their working lives. More than twice as many art graduates (3.4% of fine art graduates in 2016) enter teaching than design graduates (1.3% design graduates in 2016) (Logan and Prichard, 2016). A piece of qualitative research was completed with a combined sample of 23 teachers. Building on Efland's streams of influence underpinning the development of art education: Expressionist, Scientific Rationalist and Reconstructivist; and Hickman's rationales for art education: Social Utility, Personal Growth and Visual Literacy, a tentative theory is proposed and hypotheses explored. Some teachers questioned revealed sadness at a perceived reduction in time for lessons devoted to self-expression, art history, cultures, critical evaluation, experimentation, imagination, risk taking, and creativity. Some teachers felt deeply that they and their subject is misunderstood, undervalued and under threat. Many were not comfortable with a role that was at variance with the one they had been trained for. Some teachers suggested their role was no longer concerned with developing children's individual talents but had become too design-based, too predictable, too linear, and too concerned with measurable outcomes and results. Capturing the words of 23 teachers in interviews and surveys contributes to the literature and provides teachers, policy makers and future researchers with vital insights into what an art teacher is and why they teach art, and how this is at variance with National Curriculum aims. These insights are vital because the present lack of consensus about such fundamental arguments has contributed to a devaluing of art in the curriculum to a point where the future of art in state-funded secondary schools is no longer guaranteed.

Images of identity : understanding the professional identities of art educators through arts-based educational research

Key, Sarah Gayle January 2016 (has links)
This study was an exploration of the professional identities of secondary school mid-career art educators through arts-based educational research [ABER]. The aim of this research was to gain understandings of mid-career art educators’ perceptions of their professional identities. Inspired by my personal experiences as an art educator, this study engaged other art educators to visualise their professional identities, as secondary mid-career art educators in England, and contribute new perspectives to the research community. Theoretically, this study is aligned with the writings of Dewey (1934, 1944), Deleuze and Guattari (1987, 1994). Deleuze and Guattari’s post-structural concept of the rhizome formed the basis for the development of the ideas associated with identity. As an assemblage, the rhizome is a complex system based on non-linear, reactionary growth patterns. The non-linear growth of the rhizome is facilitated by the activation of the in-between. As such, the rhizome connects to a view of identity as an unstable, flexible and fragmented entity that is in a constant state of becoming (Bauman, 2000). Dewey’s pragmatism was connected with Deleuzian post-structural theory through the writings of Semetsky (2006). Dewey (1944) and Greene’s (1973, 2003) writings associated with democratic education and artistic development connected these theoretical considerations with constructivism, the arts and education. Sachs’ (2003) writing on progressive and bureaucratic education provided a framework for the discussion of professionalism and professional identities. As a contribution to ABER this study was based on a/r/tography (Springgay et al., 2008) as a methodology and actively integrated image and text to the data collection and data analysis. Collage was used as the main arts-based method to develop responses from the participants and to visualise the participant data. This research asked mid-career art educators with busy lives and demanding occupations to consider who they are and express their views through art. These images of identities reflected the complex in-between-ness of professionalism in education.

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