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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“These people don’t live in our reality” : En diskurspsykologisk analys av diskurser på incelforum online

Carlsson, Anna, Forsgren, Ida January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att med ett diskurspsykologiskt perspektiv analysera diskussioner om våld skrivna av incels. Med bakgrund av tidigare forskning som inriktas på incels våldskapital och maskulinitet, samt med begreppen hegemonisk maskulinitet och toxisk maskulinitet skapas djupare förståelse kring fenomenet och normaliseringen av våldet. Incels är unga män som lever i ofrivilligt celibat, då de enligt dem själva inte betraktas som potentiella partners av kvinnor. Incels anser att feminismens ökade inflytande i samhället medfört att kvinnor har för stor frihet att själva välja sexuella partners, vilket härlett till incels ensamhet och utanförskap från den sexuella marknaden. Det är en rörelse som har växt fram och utvecklats inom digitala miljöer, där det har skapats olika forum där enbart självindentifierade incels är välkomna. Rörelsens ideologi innehåller kvinno- och samhällshat, där våld har normaliserats och präglar rörelsens diskussioner. Analysens resultat indikerar hur våldsdiskussioner konstrueras med hjälp av incels världsbild, samt hur djupt inbäddade de är i ideologin. I våldsdiskussionerna legitimeras och reproduceras bruk av våld i större grad än vad det ifrågasätts, där våld ses som ett hjälpmedel att erövra makt och dominans.

The Relationship Between Responses to Perceived Strains and Radicalization : A Study of Incels in the Forum Incels.is

Nielsen, Sara January 2024 (has links)
Almost ten years have passed since incels came on the map. Incel, a portmanteau of the words involuntary and celibate, is a motley, like-minded group of young men with the commonality that they cannot achieve a (sexual) relationship with a woman. Since 2014, more than 100 different individuals have been either killed or injured in the incel uprising against women's oppression of men. Misogyny and self-hatred permeate the incelosphere and affect their understanding of the world. From a bluepilled rejection of the truth to a blackpilled understanding of a matriarchy that can only be escaped through suicide or the extermination of women. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how responses to perceived strains are expressed in the incel forum Incels.is and how this can be seen in the light of radicalization. Based on a theoretical thematic analysis strategy, 339 collected threads from the forum form the foundation for an analysis based on a perceived strain-related radicalization framework. The framework is created based on Robert K. Merton's five responses to strains and Brian Van Brunt and Chris Taylor's Incel description of the radicalization funnel model. The study revealed that incels exhibit responses relating to four out of the five types of responses to perceived strains. The perceived responses to strains also show signs that incels on Incels.is is located throughout all eight stages of The Incel Funnel. Comments and postings have demonstrated signs of varying degrees of radicalization as responses to perceived strains. However, this study can only provide insights into the investigated part of incels.is, and not make any definitive conclusions about the members of the incelosphere as a whole.

Religiösa uttryck inom incelmiljön : En netografisk studie på nätforumet incels.is under åren 2019-2024 / Religious expressions within the incel-milieu : A netographic study on the online forum incels.is during the years 2019-2024

Aneröd, Cathia January 2024 (has links)
The term incel stands for involuntary celibacy and in recent years an internet culture has emerged where self-identifying incels have created their own terminology and community. Most research on incels focuses on mental health, violence and misogyny. No previous research has been done on incels and religion. Through this study, I intend to contribute to an increased understanding of the incel milieu with the, so far, unique perspective on religious expressions within the incel environment. The purpose of this essay is to investigate which religious expressions are represented among self-identified incels on the internet forum incels.is and in which contexts these are expressed during the years 2019-2024. I have used Kozinet's netnographic method to collect the data, which showed that religious expressions were above all used as 1) an explanation for why inceldom is a fact and 2) as the solution to inceldom. The analysis shows that belief in God is not the main reason for advocating religious systems. It is more often about a counter-cultural perspective where it is believed that religion has a favorable view of women, the family and sex. It also emerged that certain religious decisions, such as conversion, depend on a rational choice. Finally, religion is also shown to create meaning and purpose for some incels in this life or in death, where religion offers them either a way to deal with the difficult life situation they find themselves in, or to strengthen their self-esteem by, for example, looking up to Jesus as a role model because he was an "volcel".

My loneliness is killing me (and everyone else) : En kvalitativ studie om hur incels diskuterar våld online / My loneliness is killing me (and everyone else) : A qualitative study on the discussion of violence within the incel community online

Auf der Strasse, Rosa, Philipson, Ebba January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur incels talar om våld, vilken betydelse våld har för incel-kulturen och incels identitetsskapande. Incels är ett relativt nytt fenomen, som ägnats mer uppmärksamhet i samband med ett antal våldsamma incel-attacker under 2010-talet. Attackerna har riktat sig mot civilsamhället, och har enligt Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI) ofta föregåtts av att gärningsmannen spenderat tid på incel-forum (2020, s. 1). Denna iakttagelse om korrelationen mellan incelforum och incel-attacker föranledde utförandet av den här studien. Studiens material utgörs av 511 inlägg från våldsrelaterade diskussionstrådar på hemsidorna incels.net och incels.is, vilka undersöktes med en kvalitativ analys av meningsinnehåll. Resultatet visade att inlägg av våldsbejakande karaktär var mycket vanligt förekommande. Resultatet visade även att teman som kvinnohat, offerskap och icke-våldsbejakande ofta återkom. Det teoretiska ramverket för studien har varit en triangulering av Agnews teori om General strain, Connells maskulinitetsteori och Goffmans teori om stigma. Utifrån dessa teorier kan våldsbejakande diskurs förstås som en hantering av strain, ett iscensättande av maskulinitet och en reaktion på stigma. Resultatet i den här studien bekräftar till stor del tidigare forskning på incels, men det går att konstatera att ytterligare forskning krävs för att förstå varför incels är våldsbejakande, och vilken betydelse internetforum har för incel-kulturen och incel-attacker. / The aim of this study was to examine in what way incels discuss violence, as well as how significant violence is for the incel-culture and their identity. Incels are a relatively new phenomenon, which has been more closely examined following recent attacks perpetrated by incels. The attacks have been aimed at civilians, and according to the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), these attacks have often been preceded by the perpetrator spending time on incel forums (2020). This observation regarding the correlation between incel forums and incel attacks inspired the approach of this study, which aims to shed light on how incels talk about violence, and what role violence plays within the online incel community. The empirical material for this study consisted of 511 posts made on violence related threads from the websites incels.net and incels.is. The study applied qualitative analysis of data to examine the research questions, and the result showed that pro-violence was a common theme within the material. The result also showed that misogyny, feelings of injustice and anti-violence were recurring themes. Agnew’s General strain theory, Connell’s theory of masculinity and Goffman’s theory of stigma was used as a theoretical framework to analyse the material. Using these theories, the study explains the identified themes as coping strategies for strain, attempted staging of masculinity and a reaction to stigma. The results in this study confirm previous research made on the subject, but more research is needed to fully understand the ways incels talk about violence and the significance of violence within the incel community.

TO EVERY WOMAN WHO IS READING THIS: FEEL FEAR : En netnografisk studie av forumet incels.is / TO EVERY WOMAN WHO IS READING THIS: FEEL FEAR : A netnographic study of the online forum incels.is

Nelson, Mikaela, Andersson, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Incels designate a group of men who live in a state of involuntary celibacy due to their,according to them, appearance wise disadvantage in comparison to the ideal man. In recentyears a number of deadly violent attacks have been carried out by incels for the incel cause,whereupon the incel phenomenon has received increasing attention. The aim of this study isto analyze the worldview of incels, and how an online-climate that's characterized byglorification of violence and hatred against women in the worst case can motivate individualincels to commit violent attacks. Netnography is the method of choice in this study and hasbeen used to collect material from the biggest incel forum at the moment; incels.is. Aqualitative content analysis was applied on the material to code it. The results identified astrong community that’s been formed around the incels alternative perception of the world,which encourages violence, misogyny and anti-feminist views and opinions. / Incel, en sammanskrivning av engelskans involuntary och celibate, är en benämning på demän som lever i ofrivilligt celibat till följd av vad de anser ett utseendemässigt underlägejämfört med idealmannen. Under de senaste åren har incels begått ett antal dödligavåldsattacker varpå fenomenet blivit allt mer uppmärksammat. Syftet med studien är attundersöka den världsbild incels besitter, samt hur det våldsglorifierande ochkvinnoföraktande klimat på internetforum i värsta fall kan leda till att enskilda incels begårvåldsattentat. Studien har en netnografisk ansats som riktats mot det inhämtade materialet iform av trådstarter och inlägg från forumet incels.is, vilket identifierats som den störstaincelforumet. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys har i sin tur applicerats på materialet för attsortera detta. Resultatet kom att visa att det råder en alternativ uppfattning av omvärldeninom incelkulturen, kring vilken en stark gemenskap bildats, som i sin tur uppmanar tillvåldsdåd, kvinnohat och antifeministiska åsikter.

“No friends, no job, no girlfriend” : en kritisk diskursanalys om Incels kollektiva identitet på forumet Incels.is

Kinneholm, Alva, Bergman, Julia January 2022 (has links)
The thesis aims to examine Incels discourses concerning their collective identity on the online forum Incels.is. Further investigation discovered that Incels produce and reproduce their collective identity through discourses. Incels are men in “involuntary celibacy” who gather online to share their frustration and dissatisfaction against society, and especially women. The data was collected through netnography and encompasses fifteen threads from the forum Incels.is. The material was analyzed through critical discourse analysis and the theories of collective identity and connective action. The theories uncover Incels collective identity and discourses created via language. The study shows that Incels create a collective identity through sharing specific characteristics, sharing emotional experiences, positioning themselves against the rest of society, sharing life experiences, sharing ideological perceptions concerning societal constructs, giving and receiving advice, as well as using slang and memes. Discourses were further related to each of these findings. Such discourses include how Incels create a “we” against “them”. This study addresses a research gap concerning Incels and identity and has thus contributed to the research tradition of radical online groups and identity. Many countries have identified Incels as a concern due to their violent tendencies and permeating misogynistic views. Hence, research on Incels is of societal significance.

"Femoids are evil" : En netnografisk studie om incels språkliga praktik / "Femoids are evil" : A netnographic study on incels language practices

Lindström, Stina January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to investigate discourses on gender and exclusion constructed in texts written on an internet forum by the group incels, and then to see if and if so how these could contribute to exclusion. The study's questions are centered on how constructions of gender are made visible and maintained, and how exclusion is made visible in the text. The empiric consists of collected threads from an incels forum which is then analyzed on the basis of a theoretical framework based on Butler's theory of gender, as well as in Fairclough's critical discourse analysis. The study is thus based on a text-oriented qualitative approach. The result has highlighted the linguistic practice found on the forum and thereby identified which dominant discourses that sets the framework for what may and may not be said. The texts have shown that these discourses are seldom challenged, whereupon the production of text consistently maintains constructions of, for example, gender. An analysis of the empirics has revealed that the texts consistently express patriarchal structures that position men as superior to women. It has also emerged that men and women are constructed on the basis of the heterosexual matrix and the texts have demonstrated a linguistic practice that constructs and demonizes women. The analysis has also shown a paradox in that the texts express an aspiration for a hierarchy based on the heterosexual matrix, while the users on the forum at the same time position themselves as victims of the ideals of masculinity. The result has thus identified a common protest against the ideal of hegemonic masculinity, while discursive practice produces texts that seek to pursue and achieve such an ideal - which thus becomes a paradox in itself. Overall, the results have identified discourses that dominate the forum and found that these are characterized by a linguistic practice based on misogyny, heteronormativity and incels as victims of modern feminism. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka diskurser kring kön och utanförskap i texter skrivna på ett internetforum av gruppen incels för att sedan se om och i så fall hur dessa skulle kunna vara bidragande till ett upplevt utanförskap. Studiens frågeställningar centreras kring hur konstruktioner av kön synliggörs och upprätthålls, samt hur utanförskap synliggörs i texten. Empirin består av insamlade trådar från ett incelsforum som sedan analyseras utifrån ett teoretiskt ramverk med utgångspunkt i Butlers teori om kön, samt i Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys. Studien utgår således från en textorienterad kvalitativ ansats. Resultatet har belyst den språkliga praktik som återfinns på forumet och därigenom identifierat vilka dominerande diskurser som sätter ramarna för vad som får sägas och inte. Texterna har påvisat att dessa diskurser sällan utmanas, varpå produktionen av text genomgående upprätthåller och vidmakthåller konstruktioner av exempelvis kön. Vid analys av empirin har det framkommit att texterna genomgående ger uttryck för en patriarkal struktur som positionerar män överordnade kvinnor. Det har även framkommit att män och kvinnor konstrueras utifrån den heterosexuella matrisen och texterna har påvisat en språklig praktik som konstruerar och demoniserar kvinnor. Analysen har även påvisat en paradox i att texterna ger uttryck för en strävan efter en hierarki utifrån den heterosexuella matrisen, samtidigt som användarna på forumet positionerar sig som offer för de maskulinitetsideal som premieras. Empirin har således identifierat en gemensam protest mot idealet kring hegemonisk maskulinitet, samtidigt som den diskursiva praktiken producerar texter som försöker eftersträva och uppnå ett sådant ideal – vilket således blir en paradox i sig. Sammantaget har resultatet identifierat diskurser som dominerar på forumet och konstaterat att dessa präglas av en språklig praktik som bygger på kvinnohat, heteronormativitet och incels som offer för den moderna feminismen.

The misogyny within the manosphere. A discourse analysis in a Swedish context.

Wiklund, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Existing research about the manosphere and the subculture of Incels is primarily focused on the discourse on the American online discussion forums. After several high-profile attacks performed by Incels, resulting in severe casualties, the phenomenon of Incels has reached the mainstream media as well as public interest in the forums where members of the manosphere communicate. The discourse displays a highly misogynistic worldview, where the belief in a hegemonic patriarchy is oozing with toxic masculinity. The shared misogyny has also led to discursive interactions between Incels and the alt-right movement. Men are considered to be entitled to women, and a rejection is an excuse for violence. This study aims to investigate if the of misogynistic discourse expressed in the American manosphere as well as in the alt-right has gained hold in a Swedish context. Mainstream media, as well as alternative media, have been investigated and analysed with discourse theory. In discourse theory, language plays an active role in constructing the social world and discourse creates a world that looks real or true for the writer. The Swedish online discussion forum Flashback is where most of the communication seems to take place for groups within the manosphere as well as the alt-right and where most of the misogynistic context can be identified. Themes and concepts from the American misogynistic manosphere can be recognised and has gained a strong hold in the alternative media as well as mainstream media in Sweden. The strong hold of the misogyny in a Swedish context may display a risk for future violent actions.

"Världens nitlott att födas som kille tycker jag" : En netnografisk studie om fenomenet incels / "The world's biggest mishap to be born as a guy I think" : A netnographic study about the phenomenon of incels

Fornander, Lisa, Osswald, Maria January 2020 (has links)
The word Incel, which stands for “involuntary celibacy”, is characterized and mostly used by young, white heterosexual men. The phenomenon of incels has increased in size and become big over the past years and has now spread in Sweden. Incels has received the society's attention because of different acts of terror committed by men who define themselves as incels. The aim for this study has been, with Raewyn Connell's theory of masculinity, to illustrate dominating discourses regarding gender and sexuality connected with the phenomenon of incels, and illustrate constructed conceptions of being subjected. More specifically we wanted to investigate which conceptions and norms of gender and sexuality that were expressed in connection with the phenomenon of incels. We also wanted to understand how conceptions of being subjected are being constructed linked to the phenomenon of incels. To answer this, we did a netnographic study of the Swedish forum Flashback and studied threads that contained discussions about incels. Our collected empirics were analyzed by the use of discourse analysis. The main results showed that a lot of the forum posts were written on the basis of misogyny as well as racism. A clear conception of dichotomy between men and women also appeared, concerning biological, social and cognitive aspects. Further our results showed how incels, by using different explanations, construct a conception of being subjected by women, other men and society. Our study shows that further research is needed on the phenomenon of incels and about digital communities.


Kejser, Rikke January 2022 (has links)
In recent years, have the focus on Incels increased due to various deadly attacks that have been associated with extreme misogynistic content. This study aims to discuss current online prevention methods’ applicability with respect to Incels and to comprehend if online prevention methods can mitigate future attacks in Nordic countries. To provide knowledge of current online prevention methods a systematic literature review in accordance with the PRISMA was conducted. Several databases e.g., Google Scholar and PsycINFO were searched for articles published in peer-reviewed international journals. Ten articles which included online moderation measures regarding extremist content and Incels were admitted. Additionally, a non-systematic review was conducted in relation to reports regarding Incels published by Nordic organizations. Four reports were found. The Routine Activity Theory was then applied to the results from the papers found in the systematic and the non-systematic review. One limitation of the review is that only a few articles have been included which makes generalizability difficult. Numerous methods can be applied regarding Incels when it comes to online prevention measures. However, current methods seem to consist of a duplexity, where the moderation methods influence different SoMe platforms, but also create echo chambers on encrypted platforms where an increase of Incel radicalization materializes. To mitigate future attacks the use of proactive online prevention methods, e.g., detection tools and connectivity tools should be used by different platforms and law enforcement, as the capable guardian, to allocate imminent threats from Incels.

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