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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

It's Not All About the Music: Digital Goods, Social Media, and the Pressure of Peers

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: Social media offers a powerful platform for the independent digital content producer community to develop, disperse, and maintain their brands. In terms of information systems research, the broad majority of the work has not examined hedonic consumption on Social Media Sites (SMS). The focus has mostly been on the organizational perspectives and utilitarian gains from these services. Unlike through traditional commerce channels, including e-commerce retailers, consumption enhancing hedonic utility is experienced differently in the context of a social media site; consequently, the dynamic of the decision-making process shifts when it is made in a social context. Previous research assumed a limited influence of a small, immediate group of peers. But the rules change when the network of peers expands exponentially. The assertion is that, while there are individual differences in the level of susceptibility to influence coming from others, these are not the most important pieces of the analysis--unlike research centered completely on influence. Rather, the context of the consumption can play an important role in the way social influence factors affect consumer behavior on Social Media Sites. Over the course of three studies, this dissertation will examine factors that influence consumer decision-making and the brand personalities created and interpreted in these SMS. Study one examines the role of different types of peer influence on consumer decision-making on Facebook. Study two observes the impact of different types of producer message posts with the different types of influence on decision-making on Twitter. Study three will conclude this work with an exploratory empirical investigation of actual twitter postings of a set of musicians. These studies contribute to the body of IS literature by evaluating the specific behavioral changes related to consumption in the context of digital social media: (a) the power of social influencers in contrast to personal preferences on SMS, (b) the effect on consumers of producer message types and content on SMS at both the profile level and the individual message level. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Business Administration 2013

Prior linguistic knowledge matters:the use of the partitive case in Finnish learner language

Spoelman, M. (Marianne) 14 May 2013 (has links)
Abstract The partitive (one of the fifteen Finnish cases and a typical case characterizing Finnic languages) developed from the Uralic separative locative into a grammatical case. In modern Finnish, it is one of the object, existential subject and predicative cases, representing that side of the case alternations that expresses unboundedness and negative polarity. Probably because the three case alternations differ in certain respects and clear-cut grammar rules cannot always be formulated, the use of the partitive remains a constant struggle for learners of Finnish. This study investigates the use of partitive objects, subjects and predicatives in Estonian, German and Dutch learners of Finnish as a foreign language. By comparing groups of learners from L1 backgrounds closely related and non-related to the target language (TL), it is aimed to explore the role of presence versus lack of relevant prior linguistic knowledge. The use of the partitive is namely largely similar in the closely related Estonian language. However, the purpose of the study is not only to gain valuable insights into the phenomena of L1 influence and intralingual influence but also to identify (common and L1 background-specific) stumbling blocks in the use of the partitive case, and to draw pedagogical implications based upon the findings. Research materials were selected from the Estonian, German and Dutch subcorpora of the International Corpus of Learner Finnish (ICLFI), aligned to the CEFR proficiency levels, and analyzed based on combined error-frequency analyses, involving partitive over- and underuse errors and partitive-requiring contexts (PRCs). As will be shown, the study reveals conspicuous differences between the learner corpora. In general, the Estonian learner corpus not only shows significantly fewer partitive errors than the other corpora, but also some specific error patterns attributable to subtle L1-L2 differences and, unlike the remaining corpora, a lack of overgeneralization of L2 grammar rules. The findings do not only indicate that -and how- prior linguistic knowledge matters, but also suggest that stumbling blocks could potentially be turned into stepping stones by emphasizing L1-L2 differences in the case of Estonian learners of Finnish, and by highlighting similarities and differences from within the TL in cases of learners from non-related L1 backgrounds. / Tiivistelmä Itämerensuomalaisille kielille tyypillinen partitiivi on aikaa myöten kehittynyt separatiivi-nimisestä uralilaisen kantakielen paikallissijasta syntaktisia funktioita ilmaisevaksi sijamuodoksi. Nykysuomessa partitiivi on yksi objektin, eksistentiaali-subjektin ja predikaativin sijoista, jolla ilmaistaan rajaamattomuutta ja kielteisyyttä. Partitiivin käyttö aiheuttaa suomen kielen oppijoille usein ongelmia, luultavasti koska objektin, subjektin ja predikatiivin sijanvalinnassa on vaihtelua ja ratkaisevien kieliopillisten sääntöjen muodostus on toisinaan erittäin vaikeaa. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastelen virolaisten, saksalaisten ja hollantilaisten suomea vieraana kielenä opiskelevien partitiiviobjektin, -subjektin ja -predikatiivin käyttöä lähde- ja kohdekielen samanlaisuuden ja erilaisuuden näkökulmasta. Lähde- ja kohdekielen roolin selvittämisen lisäksi tutkimuksen tavoitteina on identifioida partitiivin (yleiset ja lähdekielikohtaiset) ongelmakohdat ja yhdistää tutkimustulokset vieraan kielen oppimiseen ja -opetukseen. Tutkimusaineistoina on virolaisten, saksalaisten ja hollantilaisten opiskelijoiden kirjoittamia tekstejä, jotka on poimittu Kansainvälisestä oppijansuomen korpuksesta (ICLFI) ja arvioitu Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen (CEFR) kielitaitotasojen mukaan. Virhe- ja frekvenssianalyyseissä aineistoista analysoidaan muun muassa partitiivin yli- ja alikäyttövirheet ja partitiivin vaatimat kontekstit. Tutkimuksesta käy ilmi, että virolaisten oppijoiden ja ei-sukukieliä puhuvien oppijoiden tuotoksissa on silmiinpistäviä eroja. Virolaisten aineistosta löytyy yleisesti tilastollisesti vähemmän partitiivivirheitä kuin kahdesta muusta osakorpuksesta ja lisäksi myös virhekategorioita ja -rakenteita, jotka johtunevat lähdekielen vaikutuksesta. Tämän lisäksi saksalaisten ja hollantilaisten tuotoksissa on selvästi enemmän kohdekielen sääntöjen yliyleistämistä kuin virolaisten osakorpuksessa. Tutkimustulokset siis osoittavat, että lähdekieli vaikuttaa kohdekielen oppimiseen, ja sen, miten se vaikuttaa. Lisäksi tutkimustulosten avulla on mahdollista kehittää sellaisia opetuksen apuvälineitä, joilla voidaan selventää virolaisille suomenoppijoille L1:n ja L2:n partitiivin käytön eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä ja tehostaa oppimista; ei-sukukielisten oppijoiden opetuksessa ovat puolestaan kohdekielen ja sijanvaihteluiden sisäiset tunnusmerkit tärkeitä.

Le moment américain du roman français (1945-1950) / The American Moment of the French Novel (1945-1950)

Cadin, Anne 19 March 2015 (has links)
De 1945 à 1950, le roman américain impose sa présence dans le paysage littéraire en France et apparaît alors comme un modèle susceptible de renouveler le roman français. Notre thèse est consacrée à ce moment américain du roman français qui s’ouvre à la Libération. La publication de romans américanisés s’accroît et suscite un intérêt constant de la critique, tantôt enthousiasmée, tantôt scandalisée par les conséquences de l’injection de ce « sang neuf » dans les veines du roman français. Les romanciers « légitimes » — Sartre, Des Forêts, Vailland — sont attirés par cette ressource miraculeuse tout autant que les auteurs de romans policiers — Simenon, Malet, Meckert — qui quant à eux cherchent profiter du succès du hard boiled. Simultanément, deux voies d’appropriation du matériau américain se dessinent : les romanciers « sérieux » s’en emparent brièvement, mais passent assez vite de la fascination à la désillusion ; les auteurs de roman policier, quant à eux, transforment un réflexe d’imitation pure en une assimilation féconde. L’ensemble de ce phénomène a été peu étudié. Notre travail a pour objectif de mettre au jour cette voie américaine, empruntée par un vaste groupe de romanciers français, de manière d’autant plus fructueuse qu’ils se servirent du matériau états-unien comme point de départ d’une expérimentation littéraire, mais aussi d’une affirmation de leur propre identité romanesque. En réexaminant la dette du roman français vis à vis de celui venu d’outre Atlantique, nous redonnons à ce fulgurant moment américain qui constitue une transition entre les changements opérés par les avant gardes des années 1920 et la révolution du Nouveau Roman. / From 1945 to 1950, the American Novel promulgates his presence on the French literary scenery and appears as a model beyond compare to renew the French novel. Our thesis is dedicated to this American moment of the French novel that opens at the Liberation. The publication of Americanized novels increases and creates a constant interest from the literary critics, sometimes enthusiast, sometimes outraged by the consequences of this “new-blood” injection in the French novel’s veins. “Legitimate” novelists, such as Sartre, Des Forêts, Vailland, are actually as attracted by this miraculous resource as the detective novel writers, such as Simenon, Malet, Meckert, who are the first willing to benefit from the hard boiled success. Simultaneously, two different ways to seize the American substance are appearing: the “serious” novelists embrace it briefly, but go from fascination to disappointment; as to the detective novel writers, they transform a sheer imitation reflex into fertile assimilation. Yet, all those novels have not often been studied. Our work is aiming to expose this American path, taken by a vast panel of French novelists, in an even more so profitable manner since they used the American material as a starting point, an experimentation opportunity, but also as a way to assert their own fictional identity. By reexamining the French novel’s debt towards the one from across the Atlantic, we hope to confer all its significance to this dazzling American moment that establishes the transition between the changes made by the avant gardes in the twenties and the ones undertaken by the New Novelists.

L’influence des acteurs internationaux sur la politique du tourisme au Brésil / Influence of international actors on tourism politics in Brazil

Dantas, Andréa Virgínia Sousa 14 December 2016 (has links)
Le tourisme international est caractérisé par la mise en relation d’acteurs qui ont des moyens financiers, technologiques et humains très dissemblables. Aussi, compte tenu du pouvoir de levier considérable des acteurs internationaux du tourisme, ceux-ci n’influeront-ils pas les processus décisionnels dans les destinations du Sud ? Notre analyse se concentre sur l’échelle micropolitique de la destination brésilienne de Natal. Les trois hypothèses d’analyse de cette thèse émanent de sa question centrale. La première, c’est que les bases des conflits soient occasionnées en grande partie par les propres acteurs locaux. La deuxième hypothèse est que les acteurs étrangers aient intensifié les conflits déjà existants entre les populations indigènes des territoires occupés par le tourisme. La troisième hypothèse soulève la possibilité que cette influence s’étende parfois au domaine de l’ingérence. L’ethnographie fut choisie à la fois comme une méthode théorique et comme un procédé technique. Un ensemble d’autres méthodes fut également appliqué : les entretiens, l’observation directe, la consultation et l’analyse des documents écrits et l’usage de statistiques et de données chiffrées. Les discussions théoriques alliées à l’analyse des entretiens nous confirment l’incidence des influences internationales sur les processus de prise de décision concernant le tourisme dans la destination brésilienne de Natal. Cette influence est, cependant, très nuancée par le concours et les contre-influences exercées aussi de la part des acteurs étatiques et non étatiques locaux. / International tourism is marked by the relationship of multiple actors with very dissimilar financial, technological and human resources. Also, given the high leverage power of international tourism actors, will they not influence decision-making processes in tourism destinations from the global South? Our analysis focuses on the micro-political level in the Brazilian destination of Natal. The three hypotheses of this thesis come from its central issue. The first one is that local actors themselves might largely cause the bases of conflicts. The second hypothesis is that foreign actors might have intensified the already existing conflicts between indigenous peoples from the territories occupied by tourism. The third hypothesis raises the possibility that this influence extends sometimes to the field of interference. Ethnography was chosen both as a theoretical method and as a technical procedure. A set of other methods was also applied: interviews, direct observation, consultation and analysis of written documents and the use of statistics and figures. Theoretical discussions combined with the analysis of the interviews confirm the impact of international influences on the decision-making processes concerning tourism in Natal, Brazil. This influence is, however, highly counterbalanced by the agency and the counter-influences exerted both from state and non-state actors.

L'influence des écrivains français sur les doctrines littéraires des romanciers turcs de la période de la modernisation et les réalisations / French Influence of Writers on Literary Doctrine of Turkish Novelists of the Period of Modernization and Achievements

Sahin, Can 03 February 2017 (has links)
Le roman est un don de la période de modernisation à la littérature turque. Les changements sociaux et politiques se sont sans aucun doute fait sentir sur la littérature. Le 19e siècle est un siècle riche en changements et en grandes évolutions au sein de l'Empire ottoman. La France était littéralement la fenêtre ouverte sur l'Europe à cette période. La littérature turque classique vieille de plus de mille ans a laissé sa place à une nouvelle conception de la littérature à l'image européenne. L'influence française sur la littérature turque de la période de modernisation est analysée dans cette étude. Nous nous sommes efforcés de déchiffrer les motifs de l'influence française sur la littérature turque et ses effets sur celle-ci. Romantisme, réalisme et naturalisme français qui ont été découverts pour la première fois grâce aux traductions des romans français ont servi de guide aux écrivains turcs. Nous avons mis en évidence les points sur lesquels les écrivains français ont influencé les écrivains turcs à travers notre étude basée sur la lecture des textes théoriques et romanesques. / Novel is a gift to Turkish literature of the period of modernization. Changing social and political events undoubtedly affects on literary form. 19th century in the Ottoman Empire at dizzying speeds where there is a period of development and change. During this period, France is almost like a pop-up window of the Ottoman Empire in Europe. Place a thousand years of classical Turkish literature in the European model is replaced with a new understanding of literature. In this change French literature has been exemplary in litrature. In this study, the period of Reformation French influence in Turkish literature has been examined from a broader perspective. The causes of the French influence in Turkish literature and its reflections have tried to read through the first Turkish novel. For the first time in this process, beginning with the translation of the French novel of French romanticism, French realism and French naturalism led to the Turkish author. This academic endeavour is carried out on the texts of French writer of which direction they affect Turkish writer has been demonstrated in a detailed manner.

Dib lecteur de Dante, de Nerval et de Faulkner : l'écriture dibienne et son rapport au modèle / Dib lector of Dante, Nerval and Faulkner : the dibienne writing and its relation to the model

Bambrik, Lineda 28 January 2016 (has links)
Mohammed Dib est une figure importante de la littérature algérienne de langue française; d’une stature incomparable et inégale, il appartient au courant réaliste de la première génération d’auteurs maghrébins engagés, qui renouvelle son écriture après l’indépendance de l’Algérie. L’objet du présent travail, qui s’inscrit dans le cadre du comparatisme, est d’étudier le rapport du texte dibien au modèle, en mettant en place des axes qui permettent de comparer des phénomènes d’écritures appartenant à des époques et des cultures différentes, et ce en confrontant l’écriture dibienne dans son roman Cours sur la rive sauvage et son recueil de nouvelles Le Talisman, avec La Divine Comédie de Dante, Aurélia de Gérard de Nerval et Treize histoires de Faulkner. La lecture plurielle, que nous avons appliquée au corpus, nous a permis d'approcher de manière plus directe l’univers romanesque de Mohammed Dib. La prise en compte de relation intertextuelle constitue pour nous l’outil d’analyse, permettant ainsi une réflexion sur le texte, placé dans une double perspective: relationnelle et transformationnelle précisant les enjeux d’une œuvre polyphonique.Cette étude nous a permis d’analyser les mécanismes par lesquels se traduisent les relations d’influence et de motifs littéraires, en suivant une certaine chronologie: d’abord,par rapport à Faulkner, un des écrivains américains les plus célèbres, ses oeuvres portentun intérêt particulier pour la Terre- Mère, thématique récurrente qui constitue la matrice de l’imaginaire faulknérien. Ensuite par rapport à Nerval, considéré comme l’un des plus importants romanciers du courant romantique français, du XIXème siècle. Enfin, en s’inspirant de Nerval, Dib perpétue une tradition en rapport avec la poétique de Dante, dans sa Divine Comédie, et reprend l’idée que l’écriture est un voyage initiatique. / Mohammed Dib is a special case in the French-language Algerian literature; it is the realists of the first generation of North African writers who renews his writing after the independence of Algeria. The purpose of this work that is part of the comparative report is to study the text to the model by setting up the axes that compare the phenomena of writings belonging to different eras and cultures, and by confronting the dibienne writing in his novel Course on wild shore and his short story collection The Talisman with The Divine Comedy of Dante, Gérard de Nerval Aurelia and Thirteen stories of Faulkner. The plural reading that we have applied to the corpus allowed us to approach more directly the fictional universe of Mohammed Dib. The inclusion of intertextual relationship provides us with the analysis tool, enabling reflection on the text, placed in a double perspective: relational and transformational as well as the challenges of a polyphonic work. This study allowed us to analyze the mechanisms by which the result of influence relations and literary motifs follow a certain timeline. First, compared to Faulkner, one of the most famous American writers ; its working with a particular interest for the earth- mother, the southern United States of America and the history of his country, which is the recurring theme of Faulkner's imaginary matrix. Then over Nerval, considered one of the most important novelists of the French Romantic movement of the nineteenth century. Inspired by Nerval, Dib continues a tradition related to the poetics of Dante, in his Divine Comedy, and takes up the idea that writing is a journey.

The influence of extrinsics on young urban consumers' choice of interior soft furnishings

Sonnenberg, Nadine Cynthia 02 September 2005 (has links)
The main objective of this study was aimed at determining whether young urban consumers' choice of interior soft furnishings is based on extrinsic characteristics with the intention of gaining social acceptance and conveying positive attributes to others. It is argued that, when consumers buy products, they in fact purchase the total product that includes everything that adds value to a seller's offering. As such, consumers may use extrinsic and\or intrinsic variables to conclude the most suitable purchase decision in terms of the outlet and brand of product. Intrinsics refer to the tangible, core characteristics of the product, such as the raw materials it consists of and are usually easy to imitate. Extrinsics on the other hand, are used and even manipulated to make products more appealing to a specific target group in a crowded market place and include differentiating features such as packaging. Since the research was focused on describing and understanding, qualitative methods were used for data collection. Focus group discussions, projective techniques and product comparison tests were included for the purpose of triangulation. Participants were allowed to respond spontaneously to various tasks and intrinsic features were accommodated to objectively reflect on the collective influence of both intrinsic as well as extrinsic variables and whether extrinsic characteristics dominate choice or not. Intrinsic characteristics were found to seldom form the basis of differentiation and extrinsic characteristics seem to playa determining role in young urban consumers' choice and use of soft furnishings such as towels and sheets. The evidence suggests that several retailers have succeeded in not only value engineering their product offerings to satisfy buyers' and users' minimum requirements for expected extrinsic attributes, but that they have also succeeded in augmenting their offerings through the addition of further extrinsic benefits. The findings strongly suggest the use of potential extrinsic attributes such as brand names, especially retail brands, to differentiate products. The evidence however also suggests that the outcome of past purchase decisions can alter perspectives of these attributes and that the acquisition of consumption related knowledge is a lifelong learning process. A conclusion drawn from the data collected, is that retailers have succeeded in creating store images that reflect the relationship between consumers and reference groups to which they (want to) belong. These findings underpin the importance of social acceptance and the relevance of the social dimension of brands. The relevance of the mental dimension of brands is supported by evidence that suggests that a relationship between the young urban consumer's self-image and the image of a specific outlet of soft furnishings is likely to occur. The findings coincide with the symbolic interactionist perspective that human society demands and depends on symbolic life. It appears as if interior products are purchased from certain outlets to serve as symbols to define/ represent realities, initiate responses, provide cues and organize behaviour in terms of what is considered appropriate. The study shed some light on young urban consumer's approach to the choice of interior soft furnishings, which could be extended to other product categories and consumer groups for use by the marketing sector in terms of consumer facilitation as well as the evaluation and development of marketing strategies. / Dissertation (MSc (Interior Merchandise Management))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Consumer Science / unrestricted

Changing People's Reaction to Terrorism

Nagley, Andrew Guy 08 1900 (has links)
Two hundred and fifty-three subjects were used in an experiment to try to determine how differences in news media presentations affect the reader's view of terrorism. Two stories about a terrorist attack were used, one describing a bombing, the other a hijacking. Both stories had two versions using no one injured or eight innocent people injured. One group of subjects was given no additional information about terrorism. The second group was given information after the description that emphasized the salience of terrorism. The third group received information that de-emphasized the seriousness of terrorism. Subjects were also given a questionnaire designed to measure authoritarianism and one to measure conservatism. It was found that subjects scoring high on authoritarianism or conservativism favored more severe punishment for terrorists than did those scoring lower on the two scales. Findings did not support the hypothesis that providing people with information about terrorism could lessen the impact of terrorist events.

L'influence des droits de la consommation et de la concurrence sur la théorie des vices du consentement / Influence of consumption and competition laws under the theory of the defect of consent

Jakouloff, Karim 05 December 2013 (has links)
La théorie des vices du consentement offre une protection générique des contractants contre tout risque d'altération du consentement. Constatant son insuffisance, les droits de la consommation et de la concurrence ont, pour leur part, choisi d'adopter un ensemble de règles spécifiques visant à protéger, d'une part, les consommateurs et d'autre part, les professionnels en situation de faiblesse, contre ces mêmes risques. Au sein du droit de la consommation, cela s'est fait sous l'impulsion du droit européen, la directive du 11 mai 2005 relative aux pratiques commerciales déloyales ayant largement dicté le contenu des dispositions protectrices aujourd'hui applicables aux consommateurs. Ainsi, le Titre II du Livre Ier du Code de la consommation, consacré aux pratiques commerciales, comprend un Chapitre préliminaire consacré aux pratiques commerciales déloyales, suivi d'un Chapitre Ier, dont la Section 1 traite des pratiques commerciales trompeuses, puis d'un Chapitre II, dont la Section 5 traite des pratiques commerciales agressives. Le droit de la concurrence a, quant à lui, recouru spontanément à cette option. Son Livre IV comprend ainsi un Titre IV, dont le Chapitre II est relatif à la prohibition des pratiques restrictives de concurrence. Celles-ci, prohibées per se, n'ont a priori pas de lien apparent avec la théorie des vices du consentement. Pourtant, à y regarder de plus près, certaines d'entre elles s'attachent, de manière très indirecte, à rééquilibrer l'équilibre des forces en présence au stade de la négociation d'un contrat de distribution entre professionnels. Celles-ci vont en effet s'attacher à prohiber les comportements de certains professionnels qui, disposant d'un avantage économique certain, pourraient être tentés d'en jouer afin d'obtenir de leurs partenaires contractuels, économiquement dépendants, des avantages contractuels injustifiés. Ce faisant, c'est bien le consentement de ces derniers qui se trouve être préservé.En développant une telle législation, les droits spéciaux se sont écartés de leurs finalités réciproques. Ainsi, s'il est vrai que le droit de la consommation offre un ensemble de dispositions visant à prévenir la survenance de vices du consentement – approche inédite au sein de la théorie des vices du consentement de droit commun, qui ne s'attache qu'à réprimer les abus ayant effectivement altéré le consentement des contractants –, il propose également une abondance de dispositions curatives à la maniabilité souvent délicate. Leur compréhension ainsi que leur mise en œuvre nécessite donc une certaine habileté, au point de mettre en péril l'effectivité de la protection qu'elles visent à garantir. Quant au droit de la concurrence, le développement de dispositions visant à prohiber per se des comportements susceptibles de ne nuire qu'aux intérêts particuliers des professionnels en situation de faiblesse et non à l'ensemble du marché tend manifestement à détourner la matière de sa finalité première.Remédier à de telles constatations implique d'envisager la possibilité de délester les droits spéciaux d'une partie des dispositions légales visant à protéger le consentement des contractants y étant soumis, au profit de la théorie des vices du consentement. Une telle solution conduirait à recentrer les droits de la consommation et de la concurrence autour de leurs finalités respectives que sont, pour l'un, la protection des intérêts personnels des consommateurs et, pour l'autre, la protection du marché. Encore faudrait-il que les contractants, aujourd'hui protégés par ces dispositions spéciales, ne voient pas la qualité de leur protection diminuer. S'en assurer nécessitera de déterminer la nature des améliorations que devra subir la théorie des vices du consentement afin de pouvoir assimiler une part du contentieux de droit spécial. Ces améliorations, inspirées par l'étude des droits spéciaux, pourront ainsi bénéficier à l'ensemble des contractants soumis au droit commun. / The theory of the defect of consent offers a generic protection of the contracting party against all risk of consent modification. Having noticed its inadequacy, the laws of consumerism and competition have chosen to adopt a set of specific rules aiming to protect on one hand the consumer, and on the other hand the professional, both in a weak negotiating position, against these same risks. Within the consumerism law, this has been achieved under the European Rights impetus. The 11 May 2005 directive concerning unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices has largely dictated the content of the protective measures nowadays applicable to customers. In the same way, the Second Title of the First Book of Consumer Code, dedicated to commercial practices, consists of a preliminary chapter establishing the unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices. It follows by the 1st chapter, where the 1st section deals with misleading commercial practices, whilst the 2nd chapter, 5th section deals with aggressive commercial practices. Hence the competition law has resorted spontaneously to this option. Fourth Book includes fourth Chapter, where the second Chapter relates to the ban of competitive restrictive practices. These ones, forbidden per se, apparently have no link to this theory of the defect of consent. However, if we look closer, some of them have indirectly the aim to balance present forces at the negotiation stage via a distribution contract between professionals. In fact some will be keen to ban certain professional's behavior that, having a certain economical advantage, could be tempted to play in such a way so as to acquire unjustified contractual advantages from contractual partners, economically dependent. In doing so, the latter would need to have their consent protected.By developing such legislation, special laws have distanced themselves from their mutual purpose. Thus, if it is true that the consumerism law offers a set of rules aiming to prevent any defect of consent should it arise, it equally proposes a multitude of preventive rules but of a delicate maneuver – this being an original approach within the theory of defect of consent of common law, trying to repress the abuse effectively altering the contractual consent. Their comprehension as well as the putting it into practice would require a certain skill, to the point of risking the protection effectiveness that it aims to provide. As to the competition law, a set of rules aiming to forbid per se sensitive behavior, it would endanger only particular interests of professionals in a weak negotiating position, and not the whole market, manifestly tending to divert the matter from its initial result.To find a solution to these observations would imply to take into account the possibility of cutting off special rights of certain legal rules aiming to protect contractual consent they are under the obligation of, in favor of the theory of defect of consent. Such solution would lead to re-focusing on consumer and competition laws around their respective result, which are on one hand the protection of consumer's personal interests, and on the other hand market protection. It would then mean that the contracting party, sheltered by special rules, would not see their protection level diminish. To be re-assured there's the need to determine the nature of the improvements the theory of defect of consent would require, so as to include a part of the litigation of special law. The latter, inspired by a study of special law, could then benefit of the whole contractual under the common law.

L'impact de la pédagogie de l'enseignant et du milieu familial sur la vie physique de l'enfant : Une approche conative de l'éducation à la santé chez les professeurs des écoles / The impact of both's teacher's pedagogy and family environment over the child's physical life : a conative approach of health education for primary school teachers

Pierru, Charles 10 December 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objet de mesurer l'impact de la pédagogie de l'enseignant et celui du milieu familial sur la vie physique de l'élève, afin de repérer des modalités d'intervention en éducation à la santé notamment par la mobilisation de l'EPS. L'originalité de ce travail est d'appréhender la domination d'une influence sur une autre, conscient que l'enfant est au carrefour de nombre d'entres elles. Le cadre conceptuel repose sur l'approche conative (ce qui pousse à agir) et la construction d'un curriculum conatif en éducation à la santé comme référentiel des analyses et interprétations. À partir d'un observable identifié (le recours aux projets pluridisciplinaires en éducation à la santé, incluant l'EPS), qui caractérise l'appartenance aux étapes élevées du curriculum, nous montrons que l'influence du professeur est limitée dans le cas où ses élèves sont issus de familles totalement non sportives, ou extrêmement sportives. En revanche, pour les jeunes issus de familles modérément sportives, en fonction de l'étape conative dans laquelle se situe le professeur, on constate que son impact est directement quantifiable en termes de développement de la vie physique des élèves. Le développement de la vie physique est l'une des nombreuses composantes de l'éducation à la santé que nous avons retenue dans cette recherche. Cette thèse amène donc l'enseignant à réfléchir, situer et proposer des actions à mettre en œuvre pour toucher efficacement les familles plutôt insensibles à l'éducation à la santé. Elle permet également d'observer des pratiques efficaces auprès d'un public modérément sportif. / This research aims to measure the impact of both teacher's pedagogy and family environment over the student physical life, in order to find some means of action in terms of health education, especially through the use of sports at school. The originality of this research lies in the apprehension of the domination of one given influence on another one, keeping in mind that the child is at the crossroad of many of them. The conceptual framework is based on the conative approach (what makes you act) and the construction of a conative curriculum in the field of health education as a system of reference of the analyses and interpretations. Starting from a defined observable phenomenon (the use of health education multidisciplinary projects, includind sports at school), which is a feature of the final steps of the curriculum, we prove that the influence of the teacher is limited when his students come from either non-athletic families or extremely athletic families. On the other hand, for young people coming from moderately athletic families, and depending on the current teacher's conative step, we note that his impact is directly quantifiable in terms of development of the physical life of the students. The development of the physical life is one of the numerous components of the health education that we have chosen during this research. This thesis invites the teacher to think, place, and propose some actions to implement in order to effectively reach families that are rather insensible to health education. It also gives the opportunity to examine some effective practices towards a moderately sporting audience.

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