Spelling suggestions: "subject:"insights"" "subject:"lnsights""
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Psicoterapia pais-bebê no contexto da depressão pós-parto : investigando o processo psicoterápicoBrum, Evanisa Helena Maio de January 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo investigou o processo psicoterápico através da análise das intervenções do terapeuta e dos insights associados a elas durante uma psicoterapia pais-bebê, em famílias em que a mãe apresentava depressão pós-parto. Participaram do estudo duas famílias com mães deprimidas, com base no Inventário Beck de Depressão e em uma entrevista diagnóstica. Os pais não apresentavam depressão. Foi utilizado um delineamento de estudo de casos, a fim de se analisar o processo de mudança ao longo de todas as sessões de psicoterapia. Com a primeira família foram realizadas 16 sessões de psicoterapia e com a segunda família 12 sessões. Todas as sessões foram filmadas e as verbalizações foram transcritas para fins de análise, que foi baseada em cinco categorias: 1) intervenções para obter informações, que incluiu intervenções de assinalamento e de confrontação; 2) intervenções utilizadas para informar o paciente, que incluiu intervenções de informação propriamente dita, esclarecimento e interpretação; 3) intervenções de apoio; 4) intervenções de encenação; e, 5) intervenções de interpretação transgeracional. Os insights, por sua vez, foram classificados em três tipos: cognitivos, afetivos e pragmáticos. Os resultados revelaram que as intervenções de interpretação, esclarecimento e encenação estiveram associadas a um maior número de mudanças ao longo da psicoterapia, e se constituem em importantes fatores no tratamento de pais e seus bebês. As demais intervenções examinadas também se mostraram relevantes, principalmente nas situações em que as mudanças ocorreram como resultado de um conjunto de intervenções e não apenas de uma intervenção específica. Além disto, a terapeuta moldou sua forma de intervir para se adequar ao funcionamento de cada família. Juntos os resultados, sugerem que a psicoterapia pais-bebê, ainda que realizada em poucas sessões, pode ser uma alternativa para o alívio tanto para os sintomas no bebê, como para os pais e/ou para as relações entre os membros da família. Por se tratar de uma intervenção realizada nos momentos iniciais da vida do bebê, possui um potencial preventivo e de promoção da saúde mental, particularmente frente à depressão pós-parto. / The present study investigated the psychotherapeutic process by analyzing the therapist's interventions and insights in parent-infant psychotherapy, in families in which the mother had post-partum depression. Two families with depressed mothers, as assessed by the Beck Depression Inventory and a diagnostic interview, took part in this analysis. The fathers did not have depression. A case-study design was used in order to analyze the process of change throughout all sessions of psychotherapy. In the first family there were 16 sessions of psychotherapy and in the second family 12 sessions. All sessions were videotaped and the verbalizations were transcribed for analysis, based on five categories: 1) interventions for information, which included measures of punctuation and confrontation, 2) interventions used for informing the patient including interventions of information, clarification and interpretation, 3) support interventions, 4) enactment interventions, and 5) transgenerational interpretation interventions. Insights were classified into three types: cognitive, affective and pragmatic. The results revealed that interventions for interpretation, clarification and enactment were associated with a large number of changes during the psychotherapy, and they may be important factors in the treatment of parents and their babies. The other interventions were also considered relevant, especially in situations where the changes occurred as a result of a range of interventions, not just one specific intervention. Furthermore, the therapist adapted her interventions to the needs of each family. The results together suggest that parentinfant psychotherapy, even if carried out in a few sessions, could be an alternative to relieve the symptoms of both the baby and the parents and/or relationships between family members. Because it is an intervention in the early stages of the baby's life, it has a preventive potential for mental health promotion, particularly with the post-partum depression.
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Efektivní marketing s využitím nástrojů Googlu / Efficient internet marketing with Google toolboxSadílek, Petr January 2008 (has links)
Quick growth of internet users worldwide as well as significant technological improvements has had an extensive impact on a traditional marketing communication. First part of the thesis focuses on the basic framework that would leverage the internet marketing implementation. In its second part, the Google advertising products (AdWords, Maps, YouTube) and tools(for planning, optimization and implementation) are analyzed and their role in the internet marketing process is explained and demonstrated.
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Využití sociálních sítí pro zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti firmy / Possibility of usage social networks to increase the competitiveness of the companyBrilová, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the field of possibilities of using social networks to increase competitiveness. In first part there are theoretically explained terms such as social network, social media and then there is described possibility to use social networks in business. The thesis includes theoretical treatment procedure entry of the company on social networks and describes appropriate monitoring and analyzing tools. The practical part is focused on dance club Beton, there are made the critical analysis of current attitudes of the club forward to social network, competitive analysis and comparison between Beton's and competitor's social network activities. The last part is devoted to selection appropriate monitoring tool and designed a social media monitoring system.
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Att hitta en nål i en höstack: Metoder och tekniker för att sålla och gradera stora mängder ostrukturerad textdataPettersson, Emeli, Carlson, Albin January 2019 (has links)
Big Data är i dagsläget ett populärt ämne som kan användas för en mängd olika syften. Bland annat kan det användas för att analysera data på webben i hopp om att identifiera brott mot mänskliga rättigheter. Genom att tillämpa tekniker inom områden som Artificiell Intelligens (AI), Information Retrieval (IR) samt data- visualisering, hoppas företaget Globalworks AB kunna identifiera röster vilka uttrycker sig om förtryck och kränkningar i social media. Artificiell intelligens och informationshämtning är dock breda områden och forskning som behandlar dem kan finnas långt tillbaka i tiden. Vi har därför valt att utföra en systematisk litteraturstudie i syfte att kartlägga existerande forskning inom dessa områden. Med en litterär sammanställning bistår vi med en ontologisk överblick i hur ett system som använder dessa tekniker är strukturerat, med vilka metoder och teknologier ett sådant system kan utvecklas, samt hur dessa kan kombineras. / Big Data is a popular topic these days which can be utilized for numerous purposes. It can, for instance, be used in order to analyse data made available online in hopes of identifying violations against human rights. By applying techniques within such areas as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Information Retrieval (IR), and Visual Analytics, the company Globalworks Ltd. aims to identify single voices in social media expressing grievances concerning such violations. Artificial Intelligence and Information Retrieval are broad topics however, and have been an active area of research for quite some time. We have therefore chosen to conduct a systematic literature review in hopes of mapping together existing research covering these areas. By presenting a literary compilation, we provide an ontological view of how an information system utilizing techniques within these areas could be structured, in addition to how such a system could deploy said techniques.
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Data driven customer insights in the B2B sales process at high technology scaleups / Datadrivna kundinsikter i B2B försäljningsprocessen hos högteknologiska scaleupsSTRÖMBERG, HANNA January 2021 (has links)
When scaling a company it is important to implement customer insights to achieve growth of revenue. Understanding and defining a suitable B2B sales process has also been shown to play an important part in enhancing sales, and traditional processes include multiple steps performed by sales representatives. One step revolves around the presentation of the offered product or service. For sales representatives to present a product or service successfully they must acquire or have deep knowledge of the customer, such as their industry trends and general business. This can be achieved by acquiring customer insights that are data driven. Adopting data driven customer insights has also been proven to increase sales. Therefore, this research investigates the connection between the B2B sales process and the generation and implementation of data driven customer insights. In particular, this research explores the steps included in a B2B sales process at a high technology scaleup and hence how data driven customer insights can enhance the presentation step in the B2B sales process. The research is carried out through a case study at a case company labelled as a high technology scaleup. Interviews were conducted with sales representatives working in the commercial team at the case company. The result from this research finds that six steps are included in the B2B sales process at high technology scaleups. The steps are as follows: Lead generation, First meeting, Assessment, Contract proposal, Negotiation and Closed deal. The second step includes presenting the offered product or service, which this research identified as most challenging for the sales representatives to execute successfully due to the technical complexity of the product/service. Findings from this research shows that data driven customer insights can be used to simplify this step in the process. For example, data driven customer insights can help personalize presentation material and enable rapport building. In addition, data driven customer insights help align expectations between buyers and sellers during the first meeting, thus increasing the likelihood of reaching a closed deal. / När ett företag ska skalas upp är det viktigt att implementera kundinsikter för att uppnå ökad omsättning. Att förstå och definiera en passande B2B-försäljningsprocess har också visats spela en viktig roll för nå ökade intäkter, och traditionella säljprocesser innehåller flera steg som säljpersonal utför. Ett steg kretsar kring presentationen av den erbjudna produkten eller tjänsten. För att säljpersonal ska kunna presentera en produkt eller tjänst med framgång behöver de förvärva eller ha djup kunskap om kunden, såsom branschtrender och generell verksamhet. Detta kan uppnås genom att anskaffa kundinsikter som är datadrivna. Att använda datadriven kundinsikt har också visats öka försäljningssiffror. Med detta som bakgrund undersöker därför den här forskningen sambandet mellan B2B-försäljningsprocessen och generering och implementering av datadriven kundinsikt. I synnerhet undersöker denna forskning stegen som ingår i en B2B-försäljningsprocess i ett högteknologiskt scale up och därmed hur datadriven kundinsikt kan förbättra presentationssteget i B2B-försäljningsprocessen. Forskningen utförs genom en fallstudie på ett fallföretag som räknas som ett högteknologiskt scale up. Intervjuer genomfördes med försäljningsmedarbetare som jobbar i det kommersiella teamet på företaget. Resultatet från denna forskning visar att sex steg ingår i B2B-försäljningsprocessen vid högteknologiska scale ups. Dessa sex stegen är: Leadsgenerering, Första möte, Utvärdering, Kontraktsförslag, Förhandling och Avslutad affär. Det andra steget innebär att den erbjudna produkten eller tjänsten presenteras, och detta steg identifieras som mest utmanande för försäljningsmedarbetarna att utföra med framgång på grund av produktens/tjänstens tekniska komplexitet. Vidare visar resultat från denna forskning att datadriven kundinsikt kan användas för att förenkla detta steg i processen. Datadriven kundinsikt kan till exempel hjälpa till att personalisera presentationsmaterial och möjliggöra förtroendebyggande. Dessutom möjliggör datadrivna kundinsikter att köpare och säljare delar gemensamma förväntningar på det första mötet, vilket ökar sannolikheten att uppnå en sluten affär.
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Modellkompetenz im Kontext Biologieunterricht / empirische Beschreibung von Modellkompetenz mithilfe von Multiple-Choice ItemsTerzer, Eva 10 January 2013 (has links)
Der Umgang mit Modellen gehört zu einem durch Naturwissenschaften und Technik geprägten Alltag. Zur Förderung der Modellkompetenz von Schülerinnen und Schülern beschreibt ein theoriegeleitet formuliertes Kompetenzmodell, in welche Inhalte Modellkompetenz strukturiert ist und wie diese Inhalte graduiert sind. Diese Beschreibung von Modellkompetenz wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit empirisch geprüft. Hierzu wird ein Itempool benötigt, der das Kompetenzmodell adäquat repräsentiert und dessen Bearbeitung als Indikator von Modellkompetenz interpretierbar ist. Beide Kriterien wurden neben psychometrischen Qualitätskriterien im Prozess der Testkonstruktion geprüft. 40 Multiple-Choice Items, die diesen Kriterien genügten, wurden von Schülerinnen und Schülern der Jahrgangsstufen 7 bis 10 bearbeitet. Eine Analyse dieser Daten mit mit IRT-Modellen diente der empirischen Überprüfung der Strukturierung und Graduierung von Modellkompetenz. Darüber hinaus wurden die Unterschiede in den Personenfähigkeiten zwischen den Jahrgangsstufen und die diskriminante und konvergente Validität von Modellkompetenz betrachtet. Es zeigte sich, dass die Indizien für eine eindimensionale Struktur von Modellkompetenz überwiegen. Die Niveaus sowie die Personenfähigkeiten in den untersuchten Jahrgangsstufen unterscheiden sich empirisch signifikant voneinander. Während sich Modellkompetenz in einer diskriminanten Validierung von allgemeinen kognitiven Fähigkeiten und Lesefähigkeiten sinnvoll abgrenzen lässt, bleibt das Bild für die konvergente Validierung noch unklar. Diese Befunde werden vor dem Hintergrund der theoretischen Grundlagen sowie mit Blick auf Implikationen für den Unterricht und weitere Forschungsprojekte diskutiert. / Science and technology belong to everyday life. It therefore requires the ability of dealing with models. To foster students’ model competence, a theoretical cognitive model structures and grades different aspects of model competence. The present research project aims at testing this description of model competence empirically. The empirical testing of a theoretical cognitive model requires psychometrically proven items that represent the cognitive model adequately. Furthermore, the results of the test should be interpretable as indication of the competence tested. These critera – among psychometric criteria – were included in the test and item construction which led to 40 multiple-choice items. Students in grades 7 to 10 dealt with this item pool. The data were analyzed with IRT models to check the structure and graduation of model competence empirically. Moreover, the differences in skills among grades as well as the discriminant and convergent validity of model competence were considered. Most of the empirical evidence points to a one-dimensional structure model of competence. The levels as well as the skills in the tested grades differed significantly. While model competence was distinguishable from general cognitive ability and reading skills in terms of discriminant validation, the picture remains unclear for the convergent validation. These findings are discussed with regard to the background of the theoretical basis as well as to implications for teaching and further research.
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Erfarna lärares historiedidaktiska insikter och undervisningsstrategier / Experienced teachers insights and strategies in history teachingNygren, Thomas January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study has been to investigate, through the narratives of ex-perienced teachers, insights and strategies in the teaching of history in upper secondary school. Based on a flexible grounded theory, life history and theories of pedagogical content knowledge, seven experienced history teachers have been interviewed about their conceptions of history teaching.</p><p>Development of insights into history teaching and the formation of knowledge can be described as involving both a refinement of practice and more revolutionary turning points. These insights emphasize that good knowledge of the subject is central for legitimacy and creativity. History teaching in Sweden is described as increasingly international and contem-porary, and focussed on students’ learning from various points of view. Varied teaching is stressed with the teacher in centre and also being able to take the role of arranger. Of importance is also the handling of teaching in history as a foundation course as well as an advanced or specialized course.</p><p>Influences from other subjects have had a diverse impact at the same time as personal interests and experiences, as well as external influences, have been important for the development of strategies. History teachers’ teaching strategies may be described in terms of 1) multiperspectivity, where different points of view and interpretations of history are central; 2) narrative history, where through both major and minor stories, a chronological structure and animation of the subject of history are strived after; 3) social scientific history, which uses history to explain contemporary society through making comparisons and seeking general patterns; and 4) an eclectic strategy, which strives after varieties of an individualised teaching of history by allowing students to make their ways into history in diverse ways. The experienced history teachers’ narratives make evident how the subject of history can be transformed, they demonstrate different conceivable ways of teaching history and reveal its complexity.</p><p>The teachers’ narratives show how, through their strategies in interaction with their insights in history teaching, they have created an overview and structure in the complex reality of teaching history. The teachers’ insights and strategies constitute a practice based contribution to a more experience informed practice and research on the teaching of history.</p>
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Erfarna lärares historiedidaktiska insikter och undervisningsstrategier / Experienced teachers insights and strategies in history teachingNygren, Thomas January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to investigate, through the narratives of ex-perienced teachers, insights and strategies in the teaching of history in upper secondary school. Based on a flexible grounded theory, life history and theories of pedagogical content knowledge, seven experienced history teachers have been interviewed about their conceptions of history teaching. Development of insights into history teaching and the formation of knowledge can be described as involving both a refinement of practice and more revolutionary turning points. These insights emphasize that good knowledge of the subject is central for legitimacy and creativity. History teaching in Sweden is described as increasingly international and contem-porary, and focussed on students’ learning from various points of view. Varied teaching is stressed with the teacher in centre and also being able to take the role of arranger. Of importance is also the handling of teaching in history as a foundation course as well as an advanced or specialized course. Influences from other subjects have had a diverse impact at the same time as personal interests and experiences, as well as external influences, have been important for the development of strategies. History teachers’ teaching strategies may be described in terms of 1) multiperspectivity, where different points of view and interpretations of history are central; 2) narrative history, where through both major and minor stories, a chronological structure and animation of the subject of history are strived after; 3) social scientific history, which uses history to explain contemporary society through making comparisons and seeking general patterns; and 4) an eclectic strategy, which strives after varieties of an individualised teaching of history by allowing students to make their ways into history in diverse ways. The experienced history teachers’ narratives make evident how the subject of history can be transformed, they demonstrate different conceivable ways of teaching history and reveal its complexity. The teachers’ narratives show how, through their strategies in interaction with their insights in history teaching, they have created an overview and structure in the complex reality of teaching history. The teachers’ insights and strategies constitute a practice based contribution to a more experience informed practice and research on the teaching of history.
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Study of the Far Infrared Emission of Nearby Spiral GalaxiesDrouhet, Willie 07 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In my PHD work I explored the links between the physical properties of interstellar dust and other components of nearby spiral galaxies especially their stellar content. I worked on 46 disk galaxies from KINGFISH with IRAC/MIPS/PACS/SPIRE maps (3.6 - 500 microns). A bias is usually introduced in estimating disk orientations by using only a single surface brightness isophote. Thus I devised different surface brightness levels separated by constant steps in surface brightness and extracted isophotes at these levels in all FIR maps as well as in all IRAC 4.5 microns maps. To further assess the coherence of the shapes of isophotes across galactic disks, I built a quantitative indicator of the difference in shape between two ellipses with same center and same semi-major axis.I defined an acceptable level of difference between isophote shapes, by comparing disk orientations found in litterature. Using this level, I found regions inside the galactic disks where the isophotal shapes are similar. From these, I extracted one disk orientation per wavelength band. I found in the vast majority of the disk galaxy maps, be it dominated by stellar or dust emission, that a large fraction of the isophotes I extracted are coherent with the idea of an underlying disk. Comparing, for each galaxy, disk orientations extracted at all wavelengths, I found evidence in 20 galaxies out of 46, that on radial ranges as large as 1/3 of the visible disk (as measured by R25), the shapes of isophotes are morphologically similar. Thus for these 20 galaxies I devised consistent disk orientations both for the stellar and dust content. These 20 galaxies are less luminous, less emitting in the IR w.r.t. the optical, less barred, and characterized by later stage types than average. I also found that the disk orientations devised by my photometric method yield results more similar to H-alpha kinematic orientations than other photometric studies based on a single isophote level.Using the orientations I found and H-alpha dynamics disk orientations, I averaged azimuthally surface brightnesses to produce radial spectral energy distributions (SED) profiles. Once fitted with a cosmic dust emission model, they resulted in radial profiles of dust and stellar content properties. I found the dust intercepted power to be proportionnal to the product of the total dust mass and the average ISRF shining on dust. This former quantity is better correlated with the bolometric stellar luminosity than any of the dust mass or the dust heating ISRF separately. Thus the old stellar populations may be an important heating source for dust. The power intercepted by dust is also very well correlated with the total infrared power. The dust intercepts a larger quantity of power coming from stars in more actively star forming galaxies.Dust exhibit radial mass surface density profiles less well described by Sersic functions than stellar ones. When both profiles are well fitted by Sersic functions, stellar density profiles have smaller half mass radii than the isophotal optical radius (R25) separately in later type galaxies, but also in more quiescent galaxies. Sersic index and half mass radius distributions have larger widths for dust than for stellar surface density profiles.I also found that the ratio of dust over stellar surface density is an important factor to explain the variations with galactic morphological type of the ratio of dust intercepted power over the power emitted by old stellar populations. This later link could be intertwined with spiral structure strength in stage types later than 2.
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Australian laws ascribing criminal responsibility to children: The implications of an internal critique, postmodern insights, and a deconstructive exploration.Mathews, Ben January 2002 (has links)
Derived from centuries-old English laws, Australian laws ascribe criminal responsibility to children according to their age and their assumed level of understanding of the rightness and wrongness of certain acts. This project first charts the creation and development of the English and Australian positions. Then, using insights from postmodernity and the idea of deconstruction, the law is critically assessed to reveal practical, theoretical and moral limits in the law's attempt to do justice. The justifiability of the current Australian legal positions is questioned by demonstrating the law's internal inconsistencies, by revealing the law's historical and philosophical preferences, and by contrasting the law's restricted ambit of inquiry with contemporary knowledge from other disciplines including developmental psychology and sociology.
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