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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur skapar lärare studiero i klassrummet? : En intervjustudie som undersöker arbetsmetoder hos erfarna lärare respektive mindre erfarna lärare

Ådahl, Nils, Önnerfält, Ivar January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie har syftat till att öka kunskaperna om olika ledarskapsstrategier för att skapa studiero i klassrummet. Syftet ämnades att uppnås genom analys av beskrivningar och resonemang kring strategier från erfarna lärare och mindre erfarna lärare. Detta har gjorts genom semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med tre lärare med mer än 20 års erfarenhet och tre lärare med mindre än två års erfarenhet av läraryrket. Intervjufrågorna utformades med hjälp av den teoretiska grund som studien vilar på och ämnade att undersöka vilka aspekter av läraryrket lärare tycker är viktiga för att skapa studiero i klassrummet, samt vilka strategier som används för att studiero ska uppnås. För att kunna kategorisera och analysera resultatet har studiens teoretiska ramverk utgått ifrån olika teorier om ledarskap och motivation. Resultatet analyserades komparativt, först erfarna lärare och mindre erfarna lärare var för sig, sedan jämfördes resultaten mellan grupperna för att finna likheter och skillnader i val av resonemang. Analysen av resultatet visade på att de intervjuade lärarna hade en relativt enhällig syn på vad studiero innebär och hur den ska uppnås. De intervjuade lärarna menade att studiero kan främjas av relationsbyggande arbete, förebyggande arbete och motivationsarbete. Resultatet visade på skillnader i vilken uträckning de intervjuade lärarnas skolor arbetade med frågor angående studiero på organisatorisk nivå. Dock kunde inte resultatet visa på några betydande skillnader i val av resonemang mellan de intervjuade grupperna angående hur den enskilde läraren arbetar för att skapa studiero.

Erfarna lärares möjlighet till utveckling genom reflektion

Mellgren, Charlotta, Nygren, Lena Pettersson January 2009 (has links)
Läraryrket är idag utsatt för flertalet förändringar som ställer krav på flexibilitet och professionalitet. Syftet med vår aktionsforskningsstudie var att öka förståelsen kring huruvida yrkesverksamma lärare med lång erfarenhet kan använda praxisnära reflektion som verktyg för att utveckla sin yrkesroll. De åtta gymnasielärare som deltog fick i uppgift att genomföra skriftliga, praxisnära reflektioner under tre veckors tid. Denna period avslutades med en enskild intervju. Vi gjorde sedan en tematisk analys över resultatet för att kategorisera reflektionernas innehåll, samt kopplingar till tyst kunskap. Analysen tolkades sedan med teorier för transformativt lärande och tyst kunskap som bakgrund. Den slutsats vi kunde dra var att reflektion är ett värdefullt verktyg för yrkesutveckling, och att den tysta kunskapen kan vara till stor hjälp om den synliggörs. Det är dock svårt att tydligt se ett transformativt lärande i lärarnas reflektioner, varför vi förordar en mer omfattande studie för att tydligare fastställa reflektionens möjligheter för lärare.

Lärares arbetssätt i matematik : Etnografiska fallstudier av fyra erfarna lärare / Erfarna lärares arbetssätt i matematik : Etnografiska fallstudier av fyra erfarna lärare

Bagge, Sara January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka om erfarna lärare följer läroplanens intentioner om att använda sig av olika arbetssätt och arbetsformer för att främja elevernas kunskapsutveckling i matematik.  För att nå detta syfte använde jag en etnografisk inspirerad fallstudie som vetenskaplig metod. De datainsamlingsmetoder som har använts är observationer och intervjuer med fyra erfarna lärare från två skolor. Resultatet visade att lärarnas undervisning innehöll en rad gemensamma nämnare. De betonade alla en undervisning som innebär gemensamma genomgångar, repetition av kunskaper, sifferträning, utantillinlärning och gemensamma samtal i matematik i helklass och i mindre grupper. Lärarna var överens om att ordning och reda i klassrummet var viktigt för elevens inlärning. Möbleringen i klassrummen var liknande i klassrummen. Eleverna satt i par vända mot skrivtavlan. Denna undersökning har visat att lärarna är väl medvetna om läroplanens intentioner, då det visade sig att de använder sig av ett arbetssätt präglat av variation och att deras erfarenhet har varit av stor betydelse för hur de har valt att arbeta i sina klasser.

Erfarna lärares historieundervisning i årskurs 4-6

Gyllerfelt, Kajsa, Hansson, Louise January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med vårt examensarbete är att vi vill ta reda på hur verksamma lärare undervisar i historia i årskurs 4-6 och vilka metoder som används. I arbetet har vi två frågeställningar, vår huvudfråga är Vilken metodik och didaktik använder lärarna i sin historieundervisning för att elever i årskurs 4-6 ska få ett historiemedvetande? och delfrågan är Vilken betydelse får den nya reformen (behörighet, legitimation och ny läroplan) för historieundervisningen? Mycket av den forskning vi använder oss av är tyvärr inte riktat mot årskurs 4-6. Detta har gjort att vi har fått anpassa oss till och dra paralleller till den forskning som finns när vi skulle framställa vårt resultat och analys. De teorier vi har använt oss av utgår från John Deweys teori om läromiljö och läroprocesser och Lev Vygotskijs sociokulturella perspektiv. Historiemedvetande och didaktik har även de använts som teoretiska verktyg för att tolka resultatet. Den metod vi har använt oss av är kvalitativa intervjuer med tio lärare som samtliga undervisar i historia i årskurs 4-6. Ett resultat av intervjuerna var att majoriteten av lärarna inte använde sig av metoder. Det som vi menar med metoder är vad lärarna identifierar som arbetssätt. Berättandet är den metod som dominerar de flesta lärares undervisning. Lärarna anser också att ett intresse för historia är en förutsättning för att kunna förmedla innehållet och engagera eleverna i undervisningen. Övergripande anser lärarna att ämnesintegrering och formativ bedömning är det som gynnar elevernas lärande, men ämnesisolering och summativ bedömning är i slutändan nödvändigt för att kunna bedöma varje elev för sig i ämnet.Slutsatsen för vårt examensarbete är att det inte finns tillräckligt med forskning i historia för årskurs 4-6. Det krävs goda kunskaper och intresse för att undervisa i ämnet. Det är också viktigt att välja rätt metod för rätt sammanhang. Den nya reformen tror vi bidrar till att lärarna får bättre ämneskunskaper och därmed höjs statusen för ämnet.

En komplex historia : Lärares omformning, undervisningsmönster och strategier i historieundervisning på högstadiet / A Complex History : Teachers’ Transformation, Teaching Patterns and Strategies in History Teaching in Lower Secondary School

Jarhall, Jessica January 2012 (has links)
What do history teachers teach about? How do they represent it? Why do they choose to teach the way they do? The main purpose of this study is to analyse what teaching patterns and strategies history teachers in lower secondary schools use in their history teaching for pupils aged 13-16. An additional aim is to get hold of how teachers transform their knowledge and experiences into history teaching. The results are then compared to previous research concerning teaching strategies for history teachers in upper secondary schools. The language the teachers use when they talk about their teaching is also compared to the language found in the field of history didactic research.   Through interviews with five experienced history teachers in two different school contexts their own speech about what they regard as the aim of the teaching of history, what they choose to teach about and what methods they use in history teaching make the foundation for this empirical study. It is the teachers’ words about their own practice, i.e. the thought processes of experienced teachers that are in focus.   Although the study is based on the method of semi-structured qualitative interviews and in some aspects can be regarded as a Grounded Theory study, one theoretical point of view is developed from the thoughts around transformation of the subject history. It concerns how the teachers approach history teaching and what factors the teachers talk about as the main factors of influence.   The study shows both similarities and differences between the teachers’ teaching patterns and strategies as well as between the teachers at lower secondary schools compared to those who teach at upper secondary schools. There seem to be individual patterns for each teacher where their subject matter competence alongside with their personal experiences and interest for the subject history are factors that seem to influence the way the teachers teach. The pupils are one main factor that seems to be important for the teachers in lower secondary schools, as is the use of the national curriculum when planning their teaching. Concerning transformation the question about what methods to use is observed to be the most central. The didactic why, what and how-questions in history teaching are found to be intertwined, and together they build what can be viewed as a teacher’s subject didactic teaching pattern. There are only hints that some of the teachers have developed more sustainable and consequent strategies for their history teaching. One result is that teachers, although they in some sense talk about historical didactic concepts, lack a historical didactic vocabulary to talk about their teaching. / Baksidestext Vad väljer historielärare att undervisa om, vilka metoder används och varför gör lärarna de val de gör? I denna studie intervjuas fem erfarna högstadielärare i två olika skolkontexter. Lärarnas tal om vilka mål, vilket innehåll och vilka metoder som har varit mest centrala under deras senast genomförda historieundervisning ligger till grund för en beskrivning och tolkning av den didaktiska processen där lärare omformar sina ämneskunskaper och erfarenheter till konkret undervisning. De termer och begrepp lärarna använder när de talar om sin historieundervisning är liksom de omformningsfaktorer som påverkar lärarna i den didaktiska processen också av intresse. Resultatet visar att lärarna har funnit särskilda sätt att hantera skolämnet historia vilka kan betraktas som en lärares undervisningsmönster eller, i de fall där mönstret är mer varaktigt och sammanhållet, kan benämnas undervisningsstrategi. Studiens resultat visar både likheter och skillnader mellan lärarna, samt i jämförelse med tidigare studier av gymnasielärares undervisningsstrategier. Det språk lärarna använder liknar snarare den vokabulär som syns i läroplaner och läroböcker än det språk som används i historiedidaktisk forskning.

Erfarna lärares historiedidaktiska insikter och undervisningsstrategier / Experienced teachers insights and strategies in history teaching

Nygren, Thomas January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study has been to investigate, through the narratives of ex-perienced teachers, insights and strategies in the teaching of history in upper secondary school. Based on a flexible grounded theory, life history and theories of pedagogical content knowledge, seven experienced history teachers have been interviewed about their conceptions of history teaching.</p><p>Development of insights into history teaching and the formation of knowledge can be described as involving both a refinement of practice and more revolutionary turning points. These insights emphasize that good knowledge of the subject is central for legitimacy and creativity. History teaching in Sweden is described as increasingly international and contem-porary, and focussed on students’ learning from various points of view. Varied teaching is stressed with the teacher in centre and also being able to take the role of arranger. Of importance is also the handling of teaching in history as a foundation course as well as an advanced or specialized course.</p><p>Influences from other subjects have had a diverse impact at the same time as personal interests and experiences, as well as external influences, have been important for the development of strategies. History teachers’ teaching strategies may be described in terms of 1) multiperspectivity, where different points of view and interpretations of history are central; 2) narrative history, where through both major and minor stories, a chronological structure and animation of the subject of history are strived after; 3) social scientific history, which uses history to explain contemporary society through making comparisons and seeking general patterns; and 4) an eclectic strategy, which strives after varieties of an individualised teaching of history by allowing students to make their ways into history in diverse ways. The experienced history teachers’ narratives make evident how the subject of history can be transformed, they demonstrate different conceivable ways of teaching history and reveal its complexity.</p><p>The teachers’ narratives show how, through their strategies in interaction with their insights in history teaching, they have created an overview and structure in the complex reality of teaching history. The teachers’ insights and strategies constitute a practice based contribution to a more experience informed practice and research on the teaching of history.</p>

Lärares beskrivningar av evolution som undervisningsinnehåll i biologi på gymnasiet

Petersson, Maria January 2012 (has links)
Biological evolution is part of the syllabi for Biology and Science in Swedish upper secondary school. In the syllabi, evolution is not only presented as a topic in Biology courses, but is also regarded as a unifying theme. The teacher has a fundamental role in deciding how the national curriculum is translated into the educational situation. This thesis investigates teachers’ accounts of their teaching of evolution in Swedish upper secondary school, describing their understandings of the purpose of teaching and learning evolution as part of biology education. The thesis is based on interviews of teachers teaching the course Biology A, which is compulsory as dictated by the Natural Science Program. The interviews were supplemented with questionnaires. The interviews were orientated towards questions about selection of course content and the reasons for choosing this content. The interviews were focused on teachers experiences based on their own practice. Two aspects of content were examined: (1) the scientific content taught in terms of themes and (2) the socializing value-laden aspects, such as priorities taken by the teachers and the teachers´ overarching aims.   The results showed that teachers described different teaching contents with regard to values, even when the core content of themes was similar. Four different selective traditions for choosing content were identified among teachers. The results are discussed in relation to the context and conditions that the teachers identify as influential on the content chosen. Teachers’ interactions with their students as well as their world views are important for their selection and adjustment of content. There are also indications that teachers’ personal views about purposes are important for selecting the teaching content.

Erfarna lärares historiedidaktiska insikter och undervisningsstrategier / Experienced teachers insights and strategies in history teaching

Nygren, Thomas January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to investigate, through the narratives of ex-perienced teachers, insights and strategies in the teaching of history in upper secondary school. Based on a flexible grounded theory, life history and theories of pedagogical content knowledge, seven experienced history teachers have been interviewed about their conceptions of history teaching. Development of insights into history teaching and the formation of knowledge can be described as involving both a refinement of practice and more revolutionary turning points. These insights emphasize that good knowledge of the subject is central for legitimacy and creativity. History teaching in Sweden is described as increasingly international and contem-porary, and focussed on students’ learning from various points of view. Varied teaching is stressed with the teacher in centre and also being able to take the role of arranger. Of importance is also the handling of teaching in history as a foundation course as well as an advanced or specialized course. Influences from other subjects have had a diverse impact at the same time as personal interests and experiences, as well as external influences, have been important for the development of strategies. History teachers’ teaching strategies may be described in terms of 1) multiperspectivity, where different points of view and interpretations of history are central; 2) narrative history, where through both major and minor stories, a chronological structure and animation of the subject of history are strived after; 3) social scientific history, which uses history to explain contemporary society through making comparisons and seeking general patterns; and 4) an eclectic strategy, which strives after varieties of an individualised teaching of history by allowing students to make their ways into history in diverse ways. The experienced history teachers’ narratives make evident how the subject of history can be transformed, they demonstrate different conceivable ways of teaching history and reveal its complexity. The teachers’ narratives show how, through their strategies in interaction with their insights in history teaching, they have created an overview and structure in the complex reality of teaching history. The teachers’ insights and strategies constitute a practice based contribution to a more experience informed practice and research on the teaching of history.

Erfarna lärares historiedidaktiska insikter och undervisningsstrategier / Experienced teachers insights and strategies in history teaching

Nygren, Thomas January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to investigate, through the narratives of ex-perienced teachers, insights and strategies in the teaching of history in upper secondary school. Based on a flexible grounded theory, life history and theories of pedagogical content knowledge, seven experienced history teachers have been interviewed about their conceptions of history teaching. Development of insights into history teaching and the formation of knowledge can be described as involving both a refinement of practice and more revolutionary turning points. These insights emphasize that good knowledge of the subject is central for legitimacy and creativity. History teaching in Sweden is described as increasingly international and contem-porary, and focussed on students’ learning from various points of view. Varied teaching is stressed with the teacher in centre and also being able to take the role of arranger. Of importance is also the handling of teaching in history as a foundation course as well as an advanced or specialized course. Influences from other subjects have had a diverse impact at the same time as personal interests and experiences, as well as external influences, have been important for the development of strategies. History teachers’ teaching strategies may be described in terms of 1) multiperspectivity, where different points of view and interpretations of history are central; 2) narrative history, where through both major and minor stories, a chronological structure and animation of the subject of history are strived after; 3) social scientific history, which uses history to explain contemporary society through making comparisons and seeking general patterns; and 4) an eclectic strategy, which strives after varieties of an individualised teaching of history by allowing students to make their ways into history in diverse ways. The experienced history teachers’ narratives make evident how the subject of history can be transformed, they demonstrate different conceivable ways of teaching history and reveal its complexity. The teachers’ narratives show how, through their strategies in interaction with their insights in history teaching, they have created an overview and structure in the complex reality of teaching history. The teachers’ insights and strategies constitute a practice based contribution to a more experience informed practice and research on the teaching of history.

Lärares beskrivningar av evolution som undervisningsinnehåll i biologi på gymnasiet

Petersson, Maria January 2012 (has links)
Biological evolution is part of the syllabi for Biology and Science in Swedish upper secondary school. In the syllabi, evolution is not only presented as a topic in Biology courses, but is also regarded as a unifying theme. The teacher has a fundamental role in deciding how the national curriculum is translated into the educational situation. This thesis investigates teachers’ accounts of their teaching of evolution in Swedish upper secondary school, describing their understandings of the purpose of teaching and learning evolution as part of biology education. The thesis is based on interviews of teachers teaching the course Biology A, which is compulsory as dictated by the Natural Science Program. The interviews were supplemented with questionnaires. The interviews were orientated towards questions about selection of course content and the reasons for choosing this content. The interviews were focused on teachers experiences based on their own practice. Two aspects of content were examined: (1) the scientific content taught in terms of themes and (2) the socializing value-laden aspects, such as priorities taken by the teachers and the teachers´ overarching aims.   The results showed that teachers described different teaching contents with regard to values, even when the core content of themes was similar. Four different selective traditions for choosing content were identified among teachers. The results are discussed in relation to the context and conditions that the teachers identify as influential on the content chosen. Teachers’ interactions with their students as well as their world views are important for their selection and adjustment of content. There are also indications that teachers’ personal views about purposes are important for selecting the teaching content.

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