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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Whisker Growth from Electrodeposited Sn Coatings - Developing Materials Science and Mechanics Based Insights

Jagtap, Piyush January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Pure Sn and Sn-alloys are widely used in electrical and microelectronic devices as protective layer to prevent oxidation of Cu conductors and also as a component of Pb-free, Sn-based solders. Sn coatings, typically 0.5-10 μm thick, deposited on substrates, e.g., Cu, brass, etc., are prone to spontaneous growth (i.e., without any external stimuli) of Sn whiskers under ambient conditions. The growth of whiskers from Sn plating has caused numerous failures in micro-electronic devices, mainly due to short-circuiting, leading to failure of components or devices. Whisker growth is, thus especially very critical in aviation, space and defines applications, where the electronic components are designed for longer life span. Furthermore, due to miniaturization of electronic devices, the spacing between adjacent conductors or interconnects can be as small as a few hundred nanometres to a few micrometres, making them more prone to whisker induced short-circuiting. Minor alloying of Sn with Pub was the principle way for mitigating the whisker growth in Sn plated components; however, due to the recent worldwide acceptance of European Union’s Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) act, enforcing Pub-free manufacturing, whisker growth has re-emerged as a reliability issue in Pub-free solders and the Sn plating finishes. Even after decades of research, a universal whisker growth mechanism and hence effective mitigation technique is still not available in the public domain. This is mainly due to the fact that large number of factors that affect the whisker growth directly or indirectly, making it difficult to devise an experimental procedure, which allows studying effect of one factor at a time while keeping other factors constant. Although many mechanistic models for Sn whispering have been proposed in the past, the experimental evidences to support them are lacking. For example, recrystallization of whisker grain was proposed by various researchers; however, a direct observation confirming whisker grain is indeed a recrystallized grain has never been reported. Nevertheless, it is well understood that whisker growth is a form of stress relaxation process and diffusion plays important role in the formation of whiskers. Since Sn is extremely anisotropic with tetragonal crystal structure, the stress state of Sn coatings, as well as the diffusion needed for mass transport of atoms, varies drastically depending upon the direction of interest. Therefore, it is important to study the role of crystallographic texture (both macroscopic and microscopic) on whisker propensity by systematically varying the crystallographic texture of Sn coating while keeping thickness, grain size, substrate material, and post-deposition storage conditions the same. Better understanding of role of macro- and micro- texture is very crucial before any whispering mechanism can be proposed. Furthermore, recent studies indicate that role of stresses in Sn coatings driving whisker growth is not fully understood. It is generally accepted that compressive stress in Sn coating is the main factor that drives the whisker growth. However, whiskers were also observed when Sn coating was under tensile stress, making the role of stress controversial. Again, the stresses in Sn have multiple origins and need a systematic approach to understand their origin, quantify them and then relate it to whisker growth. Such systematic approach was never adopted in previous works. Hence, the current thesis aims to address the role of macro- and micro- crystallographic texture, stress regeneration mechanism, nature (i.e., magnitude and sign) of stress and stress gradient in the Sn coatings via systematic variation of texture, post-deposition storage conditions and substrate composition, including deposition of an interlayer in between Sn coating and the brass or Cu substrate. Whisker growth was studied from electro-deposited Sn coatings. The deposition parameters were optimized for producing different thickness and grain orientations. X-Ray diffraction (XRD) techniques were used to extract macro-texture of the coatings. The macro-texture measurement using XRD and micro-texture measurement using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) showed the same dominant and the second dominant orientations. It was observed that current density and deposition temperature, which are the two main electro-deposition parameters, significantly influence the crystallographic orientation of the grains. Thus, the global or macro-texture can be manipulated by changing the deposition parameters systematically. It was observed that whisker propensity increases drastically by growth of low index planes, such as (100) and (110), during deposition. Hence, proper selection of deposition parameters that lead to growth of high index planes can be used to suppress the whisker growth. Furthermore, micro-texture surrounding whisker grain was studied using EBSD technique by observing the same set of grains surrounding a whisker grain before and after whispering. Orientation imaging microscopy (OIM) maps of several whisker regions clearly indicate that whiskers preferentially grow from low index planes, such as (100), etc. Furthermore, using orientation dependent stiffness mapping (in-plane and out-of-plane), it was noticed that whiskers preferentially grew from regions of soft oriented grains (low modulus) surrounded by hard orientations. In addition, grain boundary disorientation analysis revealed presence of high fraction of high angle grain boundaries (HAGBs) in the vicinity of whisker grain. It was observed that overall fraction of HAGBs in the whispering region was 0.7 while the fraction of HAGBs surrounding and leading to whisker grain was 0.85. In addition, it was observed that whisker grew from pre-existing grain and not from the recrystallized grain. Also, grain boundary sliding was not observed as a pre-requisite for whisker growth in Sn coatings on brass substrate. The local stress field around the whisker grain also plays a crucial role in whisker growth. Therefore, local stress field around whisker site was simulated using crystal plasticity simulation by incorporating grid resolved spatial description of orientation in terms of Euler’s angles. The crystal plasticity model included slip systems of Sn and other material parameters, such as anisotropic elastic stiffness constants, critical resolved shear stresses for different slip systems, etc. Thus, the slip in individual grain was accounted following homogenization to maintain compatibility at grain boundaries. The simulated stress field shows that both in-plane and out-of-plane stresses were highly inhomogeneous without any unique condition around whisker grain. It has been observed that high compressive hydrostatic stresses develop in the vicinity of the whisker grain, while whisker grain is slightly tensile. Therefore, the gradient of hydrostatic stress around the whisker suggests whisker growth is mainly controlled by vacancy transport phenomenon. The stress in Sn coatings may originate from many factors, such as residual stress inherent to electro-deposition, diffusion of substrate atoms (Cu, Zn, etc.) into the coating, formation of interfacial intermetallic compound (IMC) layer, segregation of impurities at Sn grain boundaries, formation of surface oxide layer, and coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) mismatch between in Sn and substrate as well as between differently orientated grains of Sn. Therefore, it is important to understand the dominant stress regeneration mechanism responsible for whisker growth. To identify dominant mechanism, which can continuously regenerate the compressive stress in Sn, samples deposited under fixed electro-deposition conditions were exposed to different post-deposition storage conditions, such as isothermal aging at room temperature, 50 °C, 150 °C, and thermal cycling from -25 to 85 °C with and without hold time at the highest temperature. It has been observed that Cu6Sn5 IMC growth due to the inter-diffusion of Cu and Sn atoms is the dominant mechanism responsible for whisker growth. Both growth kinetics and morphology of IMC have a significant impact on whisker growth. The role of CTE mismatch in regenerating compressive stresses in Sn coatings on brass substrate for whisker growth is highly limited. The substrate composition as well as the under layer metallization affects the inter-diffusion between Sn and the substrate atoms and therefore IMC growth, which is mainly responsible for whisker growth in Sn coatings on brass or Cu substrates. The effects of substrate composition on whisker growth was studied by using pure Cu, brass (65 wt. % Cu 35 wt. % Zn) and Ni (bulk and electro-deposited under layer) as substrate. Whisker growth was more rapid if brass substrate was used instead of pure Cu. Whiskers were not observed when Sn was deposited on either bulk Ni or when Ni under layer was electro-deposited on brass or Cu substrates prior to Sn deposition. Ni under layer effectively stops the diffusion of Cu into Sn, thus avoiding the growth of Cu6Sn5 (which places Sn coatings under compressive stress). Thus, it is clear that continuous formation of Cu6Sn5 at the interface provides the long-term driving force for whisker growth. Since the whisker growth is a stress driven phenomenon, it is important to understand the stress evolution in Sn coatings. Stress state of the Sn coatings was studied using custom-built laser curvature set-up with multi-beam optical stress sensor (MOSS). This allowed monitoring of curvature change of the coating-substrate system in real time and the bulk average stress was calculated using Stoney’s equation. For multi-layer system such as Sn deposited on pre-deposited Ni under layer on brass substrate modified Stoney’s equation was used. In case of Sn deposited on brass without any under layer, it is known that the Cu6Sn5 IMC do not form a continuous layer at the interface between Sn and substrate under aging at ambient conditions, therefore, the curvature change due to IMC can be neglected. In addition, glancing angle X-ray diffraction was employed to analyse stress in the top surface region of the coating. The variation of glancing angle allowed probing strain at different penetration depths. Both the bulk stress and the stress in only near surface region evolve with time. The residual bulk stresses in Sn coatings are tensile immediately after deposition. The residual stresses relax very quickly upon room temperature aging and become compressive. The bulk of Sn coatings on brass substrate progressively become more compressive upon continued aging. However, stresses in Sn coatings deposited on brass substrate with Ni under layer saturate quickly at low compressive stress. Surprisingly, stress in the top-most region of Sn coating measured using XRD evolve differently. The surface of Sn coating deposited on brass substrate is compressive initially and progressively become more tensile (less compressive), while the initial compressive stress in the sample with Ni under layer saturated at a higher compressive stress than the bulk stress value recorded from curvature measurement. Therefore, the surface of the Sn coatings with Ni under layer is always more compressive than the bulk stress in the Sn coating. Therefore, a negative stress gradient for the diffusion of Sn atoms towards surface is never established and whiskers do not grow in these Sn coatings. Interestingly, through thickness voids are observed in the Sn coatings on Ni. Contrarily, in Sn coatings without Ni under layer after 170 h of aging, the surface stress becomes more tensile than the bulk of the Sn coating, favouring continuous migration of atoms from the highly compressed region near Cu6Sn5 IMC layer to the stress-free whisker root. Aforementioned observation indicates the crucial role of negative stress gradient in the mass transport of atoms required for whispering. The importance of stress and stress gradient was further studied by analysing the effect of externally imposing stress and stress gradient on whisker growth. The stresses were applied using a three-point bend setup. It has been observed that externally applied stress accelerates the whisker growth. This is mainly because applied stress alters the diffusion kinetics and growth of Cu6Sn5 IMC at the interface. However, the coating under tensile stress shows more whisker growth as compared to the coating under high compressive stress. This is attributed to the fact the coating under tensile stress is under higher negative stress gradient. Therefore, it is proposed that out-of-plane stress gradient is more important rather than the sign and the magnitude of stress in determining the propensity of whisker growth in Sn coatings.

全通路零售4.0下, 以服務設計思維之3C通路業創新商業模型 / New Business Model of IT Distribution Industry On OmniChannel Stage 4.0: a Service Design Approach

林佑洋 Unknown Date (has links)
「自動」已是舊名詞,取而代之的是「無人」。 零售業也一樣吹起了「無人」風,引燃此波競逐的非為2017年1月正式推出「Amazon Go」所屬,而回想零售業才自於2013年宣稱將邁入4.0時代,啟動全通路經營模式(Omni-Channel)運動,3年後立即進入了無人時代,反觀傳統通路商以不變應萬變之姿繼續立於零售商與品牌製造商中間,事實上其價值已明顯地逐步限縮,甚或僅餘傳統的物流、庫存調節及應收融資價值。隨著金融也來到4.0的無實體之虛擬貨幣時代,其可能徹底改變信用風險的問題,而工業4.0更已開始重塑生產價值鏈,在這一巨浪變化中,可能因根本結構的改變,通路商能真的被去中心化。通路商必須即早尋求在此新產業結構下的新價值及經營模型,與時俱進以永續發展。   本論文研究將專注在資訊通路商於新零售之全通路經營模式(Omni-Channel)下,如何以服務設計的思維,引入結合終端消費者,擴增通路商價值,創造消費者、零售商、通路商、製造商多贏的創新商業模型。

Innovation durch KI-Dialog – Living Personas & Digital Customer Twins

Gerstheimer, Oliver, Schütz, Philipp, Trebbin, Stefan, Rauchfuß, Frank, Holtel, Stefan 09 October 2024 (has links)
Das Konzept von digitalen Kundenzwillingen und hochpersonalisierten „Living Personas“ ermöglicht den wissensdynamischen Dialogpartner für realitätsgenaue Kontext und Bedürfnisanalysen z.B. bei komplexen Marketing-Entscheidungsprozessen. KI-basierte Werkzeuge sind ein kognitiver Begleiter für Planer, Entwerfer, Innovations-, Produkt-, und Marketing-Manager. Die neuen Personalisierungsmöglichkeiten durch individuelle und sich ständig replizierenden „Living Personas und Digital Customer Twins“ schaffen eine gesteigerte Weitsicht, Ideen- und Wissensproduktivität, sowie eine objektivierte Zielgenauigkeit bei Neuentwicklungen und Marktadressierungen. Das bestehende und neu generierte Wissen über personalisierte Kundenbedürfnisse wird durch die immersive Benutzung aktiviert und dabei kontinuierlich aktualisiert. Eine Herausforderung neuer KIbasierter Personas ist die grundsätzliche Generierung planungsrelevanter und dynamischer Kundendaten – die zweite Herausforderung ist es den Entwicklungsbeteiligten einen zugriffseffizienten und benutzeroptimierten Zugang zu dieser neuen Datenqualität im Projektalltag zu ermöglichen.

Erfarna lärares historiedidaktiska insikter och undervisningsstrategier / Experienced teachers insights and strategies in history teaching

Nygren, Thomas January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to investigate, through the narratives of ex-perienced teachers, insights and strategies in the teaching of history in upper secondary school. Based on a flexible grounded theory, life history and theories of pedagogical content knowledge, seven experienced history teachers have been interviewed about their conceptions of history teaching. Development of insights into history teaching and the formation of knowledge can be described as involving both a refinement of practice and more revolutionary turning points. These insights emphasize that good knowledge of the subject is central for legitimacy and creativity. History teaching in Sweden is described as increasingly international and contem-porary, and focussed on students’ learning from various points of view. Varied teaching is stressed with the teacher in centre and also being able to take the role of arranger. Of importance is also the handling of teaching in history as a foundation course as well as an advanced or specialized course. Influences from other subjects have had a diverse impact at the same time as personal interests and experiences, as well as external influences, have been important for the development of strategies. History teachers’ teaching strategies may be described in terms of 1) multiperspectivity, where different points of view and interpretations of history are central; 2) narrative history, where through both major and minor stories, a chronological structure and animation of the subject of history are strived after; 3) social scientific history, which uses history to explain contemporary society through making comparisons and seeking general patterns; and 4) an eclectic strategy, which strives after varieties of an individualised teaching of history by allowing students to make their ways into history in diverse ways. The experienced history teachers’ narratives make evident how the subject of history can be transformed, they demonstrate different conceivable ways of teaching history and reveal its complexity. The teachers’ narratives show how, through their strategies in interaction with their insights in history teaching, they have created an overview and structure in the complex reality of teaching history. The teachers’ insights and strategies constitute a practice based contribution to a more experience informed practice and research on the teaching of history.

Study of the Far Infrared Emission of Nearby Spiral Galaxies / Etude de l'émission dans l'infrarouge lointain des galaxies spirales proches

Drouhet, Willie 07 November 2013 (has links)
Durant ma thèse j'ai exploré les liens morphologiques et physiques entre les phases poussière et stellaire des galaxies spirales proches.J'ai travaillé sur 46 galaxies de l'échantillon KINGFISH à l'aide des données IRAC/MIPS/PACS/SPIRE (de 3.6 à 500 microns).Un biais usuel dans la mesure de l'orientation des galaxies spirales est dû à l'utilisation d'une seule isophote. Pour supprimer ce biais j'ai extrait de nombreuses isophotes des cartes galactiques, j'ai créé un critère pour quantifier la similitude des forme des isophotes. J'ai extrait des zones dans chaque carte où les formes des isophotes se ressemblent. Dans de nombreuses cartes les formes des isophotes sont cohérentes avec l'idée d'un disque sous-jacent et ce malgré des variations de formes des isophotes qui peuvent ponctuellement être notable. De là j'ai obtenu pour chaque galaxie une orientation du disque par carte. En comparant les formes obtenues pour chaque galaxie dans différentes cartes j'ai selectionné 20 galaxies sur 46 dans lesquelles l'accord en terme d'orientation du disque entre les différentes cartes était acceptable. Dans ces galaxies les zones associées au disque galactique ont une taille typique allant jusqu'à 1/3 du rayon galactique visible (R25) que ce soit pour la phase poussière aussi bien que pour la phase stellaire. Ces 20 galaxies sont moins lumineuses dans le visible, moins lumineuses dans l'IR, moins barrées, et de type plus tardifs que la moyenne. Pour ces 20 galaxies, les orientations obtenues par ma méthode sont plus proches des orientations obtenues à partir d'études cinématiques H-alpha que de celles obtenues par une autre étude photometrique utilisant une seule isophote (RC3).A partir des orientations obtenues par ma méthode et par l'étude cinématique H-alpha j'ai moyenné azimuthalement les brillances de surface pour obtenir des profiles radiaux de distribution spectrales d'énergie. Après avoir ajusté dessus un modèle d'émission de la poussière cosmique (Galliano 2011), j'ai trouvé que la densité surfacique d'énergie interceptée par la poussière était proportionnelle au produit de la masse totale de poussière sur la ligne de visée par le champ de radiation interstellaire moyen ressenti par la poussière sur la ligne de visée. Cette densité d'énergie interceptée par la poussière est mieux corrélé à la luminosité bolométrique stellaire totale que la densité surfacique en masse de poussière ou le champ de radiation ressenti par la poussière. Il est donc probable que les étoiles agées à tout le moins soit une importante source de chauffage pour la poussière cosmique. L'énergie interceptée par la poussière est aussi très bien corrélée avec l'énergie totale émise dans l'infrarouge. J'ai également trouvé que la poussière semble intercepter une plus large quantité d'énergie provenant des étoiles dans les galaxies plus actives à former des étoiles.Les profiles radiaux en masse de poussière sont moins bien décrits que les profils en masse stellaire par des profiles de Sersic. Par ailleurs pour les ajustements acceptables par des fonctions de Sersic, les distributions statistiques des indices de Sersic et des rayons de demi masse totale ont des largeurs statistiques plus grandes pour la poussière que pour les étoiles.J'ai également trouvé que le rapport densité surfacique maximum de poussière sur densité surfacique maximum d'étoile est un facteur important à considérer pour expliquer la variation avec le type morphologique du rapport densité surfacique d'énergie interceptée par la poussière sur densité surfacique d'énergie émise par les étoiles. Cette variation pourrait être liée à une variation entre les galaxies de la force de la structure spirale. / In my PHD work I explored the links between the physical properties of interstellar dust and other components of nearby spiral galaxies especially their stellar content. I worked on 46 disk galaxies from KINGFISH with IRAC/MIPS/PACS/SPIRE maps (3.6 - 500 microns). A bias is usually introduced in estimating disk orientations by using only a single surface brightness isophote. Thus I devised different surface brightness levels separated by constant steps in surface brightness and extracted isophotes at these levels in all FIR maps as well as in all IRAC 4.5 microns maps. To further assess the coherence of the shapes of isophotes across galactic disks, I built a quantitative indicator of the difference in shape between two ellipses with same center and same semi-major axis.I defined an acceptable level of difference between isophote shapes, by comparing disk orientations found in litterature. Using this level, I found regions inside the galactic disks where the isophotal shapes are similar. From these, I extracted one disk orientation per wavelength band. I found in the vast majority of the disk galaxy maps, be it dominated by stellar or dust emission, that a large fraction of the isophotes I extracted are coherent with the idea of an underlying disk. Comparing, for each galaxy, disk orientations extracted at all wavelengths, I found evidence in 20 galaxies out of 46, that on radial ranges as large as 1/3 of the visible disk (as measured by R25), the shapes of isophotes are morphologically similar. Thus for these 20 galaxies I devised consistent disk orientations both for the stellar and dust content. These 20 galaxies are less luminous, less emitting in the IR w.r.t. the optical, less barred, and characterized by later stage types than average. I also found that the disk orientations devised by my photometric method yield results more similar to H-alpha kinematic orientations than other photometric studies based on a single isophote level.Using the orientations I found and H-alpha dynamics disk orientations, I averaged azimuthally surface brightnesses to produce radial spectral energy distributions (SED) profiles. Once fitted with a cosmic dust emission model, they resulted in radial profiles of dust and stellar content properties. I found the dust intercepted power to be proportionnal to the product of the total dust mass and the average ISRF shining on dust. This former quantity is better correlated with the bolometric stellar luminosity than any of the dust mass or the dust heating ISRF separately. Thus the old stellar populations may be an important heating source for dust. The power intercepted by dust is also very well correlated with the total infrared power. The dust intercepts a larger quantity of power coming from stars in more actively star forming galaxies.Dust exhibit radial mass surface density profiles less well described by Sersic functions than stellar ones. When both profiles are well fitted by Sersic functions, stellar density profiles have smaller half mass radii than the isophotal optical radius (R25) separately in later type galaxies, but also in more quiescent galaxies. Sersic index and half mass radius distributions have larger widths for dust than for stellar surface density profiles.I also found that the ratio of dust over stellar surface density is an important factor to explain the variations with galactic morphological type of the ratio of dust intercepted power over the power emitted by old stellar populations. This later link could be intertwined with spiral structure strength in stage types later than 2.

Uncontrolled intersection coordination of the autonomous vehicle based on multi-agent reinforcement learning.

McSey, Isaac Arnold January 2023 (has links)
This study explores the application of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) to enhance the decision-making, safety, and passenger comfort of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs)at uncontrolled intersections. The research aims to assess the potential of MARL in modeling multiple agents interacting within a shared environment, reflecting real-world situations where AVs interact with multiple actors. The findings suggest that AVs trained using aMARL approach with global experiences can better navigate intersection scenarios than AVs trained on local (individual) experiences. This capability is a critical precursor to achieving Level 5 autonomy, where vehicles are expected to manage all aspects of the driving task under all conditions. The research contributes to the ongoing discourse on enhancing autonomous vehicle technology through multi-agent reinforcement learning and informs the development of sophisticated training methodologies for autonomous driving.

Taxi demand prediction using deep learning and crowd insights / Prognos av taxiefterfrågan med hjälp av djupinlärning och folkströmsdata

Jolérus, Henrik January 2024 (has links)
Real-time prediction of taxi demand in a discrete geographical space is useful as it can minimise service disequilibrium by informing idle drivers of the imbalance, incentivising them to reduce it. This, in turn, can lead to improved efficiency, more stimulating work conditions, and a better customer experience. This study aims to investigate the possibility of utilising an artificial neural network model to make such a prediction for Stockholm. The model was trained on historical demand data and - uniquely - crowd flow data from a cellular provider (aggregated and anonymised). Results showed that the final model could generate very helpful predictions (only off by less than 1 booking on average). External factors - including crowd flow data - had a minor positive impact on performance, but limitations regarding the setup of the zones lead to the study being unable to make a definitive conclusion about whether crowd flow data is effective in improving taxi demand predictors or not. / Prognos av taxiefterfrågan i ett diskret geografiskt utrymme är användbart då det kan minimera obalans mellan utbud och efterfrågan genom att informera lediga taxiförare om obalansen och därmed utjämna den. Detta kan i sin tur leda till förbättrad effektivitet, mer stimulerande arbetsförhållanden och en bättre kundupplevelse. Denna studie ämnar att undersöka möjligheten att använda artificiella neurala nätverk för att göra en sådan prognos för Stockholm. Modellen tränades på historisk data om efterfrågan och - unikt för studien - folkströmsdata (aggregerad och anonymiserad) från en mobiloperatör. Resultaten visade att den slutgiltiga modellen kunde generera användbara prognoser (med ett genomsnittligt prognosfel med mindre än 1 bil per tidsenhet). Externa faktorer – inklusive folkströmsdata – hade en märkbar positiv inverkan på prestandan, men begränsningar rörande framställningen av zonerna ledde till att studien inte kunde dra en definitiv slutsats om huruvida folkströmsdata är effektiva för att förbättra prognoser för taxiefterfrågan eller ej.

Insights, Ideen und Innovationen: Ethnografische Nutzerforschung als Methode der Innovationsentwicklung / Eine Fallstudie aus dem Team User Driven Innovation in den Telekom Innovation Laboratories

Schulz, Jörn 17 October 2017 (has links)
Ein Blick in die Innovationsabteilungen international agierender Konzerne wie z.B. Intel, Google, Nokia, IBM oder die Deutsche Telekom verrät: große Unternehmen setzen auf ethnografische Forschung bei der Innovationsentwicklung. Unter Fachbezeichnungen wie Business Anthropology, Corporate Ethnography, Commercial Ethnography und anderen ist dabei ein Wissenschaftszweig der Ethnologie und Kulturanthropologie entstanden, der sich mit dem Einsatz von Ethnografie im privatwirtschaftlichen Bereich auseinandersetzt. In diesem Diskurs über Ethnografie im Dienste der Privatwirtschaft ist diese Dissertation zu verorten. Dabei geht es um Ethnografie, die eingesetzt wird, um latente Bedürfnisse und Wünsche sowie Alltagsprobleme von Nutzern zu identifizieren und daraus Ideen für innovative Produkte und Services entwickeln zu können, die in die Lebenswirklichkeiten der Nutzer passen. Anhand der Fallstudienbeschreibung einer ethnografischen Nutzerforschung für das Projekt FLEX 2.0 beim Team User Driven Innovation (UDI) in den Telekom Innovation Laboratories (T-Labs) soll exemplarisch illustriert werden, wie Ethnografie in der Privatwirtschaft verstanden wird und wie sie durchgeführt werden kann. Einer der zentralen Aspekte dieser Dissertation ist es zu erörtern, ob der Einsatzkontext Auswirkungen auf die Ethnografie hat und welche das gegebenenfalls sind. Entstanden ist dabei eine Dissertation, die dreierlei Punkte erfüllen soll: 1. Der Text möchte eine bei UDI durchgeführte ethnografische Nutzerforschung möglichst transparent und nachvollziehbar machen und durch eine szenische Darstellung Schritt für Schritt zeigen, wie ethnografische Forschung in der Privatwirtschaft aussehen kann. 2. Diese Arbeit ist auch als eine Anleitung für das Durchführen einer eigenen ethnografischen Nutzerforschung zu lesen. Praxistipps, Kontextinformationen und einige Dokumentenvorlagen sollen helfen, die Organisation einer ethnografischen Nutzerforschung zu vereinfachen. 3. Auf methodologischer Ebene erörtert der Text, was der Einsatz von Ethnografie in der Privatwirtschaft für die Methodologie bedeutet und welche Implikationen dies hat. / A look at the innovation divisions of internationally active corporations such as Intel, Google, Nokia, IBM or Deutsche Telekom reveals that large companies rely on ethnographic research for their innovation development. Under names such as Business Anthropology, Corporate Ethnography, Commercial Ethnography, and others, a branch of ethnology and cultural anthropology has emerged, dealing with the use of ethnography in the private sector. This dissertation is situated in the discourse on ethnography in the service of the private economy. It is about ethnography that is used to identify latent needs and desires as well as everyday problems of users and to develop ideas for innovative products and services that fit into the life experiences of the users. With the help of the case study of an ethnographic user research for the project FLEX 2.0 at the team User Driven Innovation (UDI) in the Telekom Innovation Laboratories (T-Labs), an example is presented of how ethnography is understood in the private sector and how it can be carried out. One of the central aspects of this dissertation is to discuss whether the use in this context has an impact on ethnography. The dissertation covers three major points: 1. The text aims to make the ethnographic user research carried out at UDI as transparent and comprehensible as possible and to show step by step how ethnographic research can look in the private economy. 2. The text can also be read as a how to guide for carrying out ethnographic user research. Practical advices, contextual information, and some document templates will help to simplify the conduction of ethnographic user research. 3. At the methodological level, the text discusses what the use of ethnography in the private economy means for the methodology and what implications this has.

The development of a therapeutic approach for the treatment of individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome and their primary caregivers

Sethuntsa, Molelekeng 11 1900 (has links)
Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a genetic disorder resulting from a mutation of chromosome 15. It can manifest in physiological characteristics, cognitive impairment, behavioural problems, and sometimes also psychiatric disturbances. Taking care of an individual with PWS has a detrimental impact on the primary caregiver and also affects others around them. This considered, the current study aimed to learn more about the experiences and challenges of individuals diagnosed with PWS and their primary caregivers, in Gauteng and North-West Provinces, South Africa. Purposive sampling was used to select five families which then participated in the study. Qualitative research was used to conduct the study. As it was also crucial to generate a comprehensive understanding of participant experiences, collective instrumental case studies were used ̶ making use of participatory action research, ethnography and elements of auto-ethnography. Data were gathered by conducting semi-structured interviews, which were then analysed using thematic analysis. The data were organized around certain topics and common themes which emerged in each case study and the findings were then integrated with the literature which had been extensively reviewed. Based on these experiences and challenges, interventions were suggested that addressed the challenges and needs of the PWS individuals, their caregivers and families, and those around them (including school teachers). The main findings confirmed that not all individuals diagnosed with PWS manifest all the physiological characteristics, psychiatric disturbances and behavioural problems which have been documented in the literature. Furthermore, the symptoms vary in severity from one individual to the next. Cognitive impairment was, however, common to all individuals in the study. The findings also suggest that having a child diagnosed with PWS has a significantly negative impact on the primary caregiver, and taking care of PWS children is emotionally overwhelming and time-consuming. The use of a client-centred approach, implementing behaviour therapy techniques and doing psycho-education, all proved to be effective in managing some of these behaviours displayed by the individual patients and the challenges experienced by primary caregivers. / Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology)

UTILIZATION OF WIND POWER IN RWANDA : Design and Production Option

Eric, MANIRAGUHA January 2013 (has links)
This Master Thesis is the research done in the country of Rwanda. The project leads to study the climate of this country in order to establish whether this climate could be used to produce energy from air and to implement the first wind turbine for serving the nation.   After an introduction about the historical background of wind power, the thesis work deals with assessment of wind energy potential of Rwanda in focusing of the most suitable place for wind power plants. The best location with annual mean wind speed, the rate of use of turbine with hub height for an annual production per year, the mean wind speeds for 6 sites of Rwanda based on ECMWF for climatic data for one year at relief of altitude of 100m and coordinates are reported too.   The result of energy produced and calculations were done based on power hitting wind turbine generator in order to calculate Kinetic energy and power available at the best location to the measurement over the period of 12 months, that could be hoped for long term.   With help of logarithmic law, where wind speed usually increases with increasing in elevation and the desired wind speeds at all 6 sites were used. The annual energy production was taken into account at the best site with desired wind speed at the initial cost of turbine as well as the cost of energy (COE).However, with comparison of the tariff of EWSA, the price of Wind designed in this Research per kWh is cheaper and suitable for people of Rwanda. / <p><em>Rwanda has considerable opportunities development energy from hydro sources, methane gas, solar and peat deposits. Most of these energy sources have not been fully exploited, such as solar, wind and geothermal. As such wood is still being the major source of energy for 94 per cent of the population and imported petroleum products consume more than 40 per cent of foreign exchange. Energy is a key component of the Rwandan economy. It is thus recognized that the current inadequate and expensive energy supply constitutes a limiting factor to sustainable development. Rwanda’s Vision 2020 emphasizes the need for economic growth, private investment and economic transformation supported by a reliable and affordable energy supply as a key factor for the development process. To achieve this transformation, the country will need to increase energy production and diversify into alternative energy sources. Rwandan nations don’t have small-scale solar, wind, and geothermal devices in operation providing energy to urban and rural areas. These types of energy production are especially useful in remote locations because of the excessive cost of transporting electricity from large-scale power plants. The application of renewable energy technology has the potential to alleviate many of the problems that face the people of Rwanda every day, especially if done so in a sustainable manner that prioritizes human rights.</em></p>

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