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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'assimilation de nouveaux dispositifs de gestion : Le cas de l'implantation du contrôle de gestion au sein des banques marocaines / The implementation of innovative management devices : Management control in Moroccan banks – A case study

Bourquia, Nazha 28 November 2012 (has links)
L’immersion au sein des organisations ouvre à l’étude et à l’analyse de l’action collective. La thèse que nous défendons s’inscrit dans cet axe de recherche et tente de proposer une lecture processuelle de l’assimilation de dispositifs de gestion innovants.Un dispositif de gestion est par définition à large spectre : concrétisant l’action organisée en règles, objets et outils ; tout en en retenant les dimensions abstraites et non formalisées.L’analyse proposée est le fruit d’itérations entre concepts et repères théoriques retenus et observation empirique du contrôle de gestion appliqué aux banques au Maroc. Nous explorons en premier lieu les mutations profondes qui refaçonnent les systèmes bancaires et ouvrent à l’exploration des déterminants de la mise en place du contrôle de gestion au sein des banques. Le recours aux théories institutionnelles dans leurs développements nouveaux ancrent la recherche dans une analyse multi-niveau et non dissociée du phénomène. A la lumière de ces repères théoriques et conceptuels, s’entame une phase d’étude empirique approfondie dans une démarche qualitative d’étude de cas multiple (trois banques sont observées). La discussion des résultats aboutit à la proposition d’une grille de lecture décrivant le processus par lequel l’intégration progressive d’instruments de gestion – innovation managériale par les organisations du champ conduit à l’institutionnalisation de scripts se concrétisant, au sein de ces mêmes organisations, en l’ancrage de dispositifs différenciés. / Direct involvement in organizations allow for the study and the analysis of collectiveaction. Our thesis work follows this research process and attempts to propose aprocedural lecture of the implementation and integration of innovative managementdevices. Evidently, a management device has a broad spectrum: concretizing organizedaction rules, objects and tools, while retaining an abstract not formalized dimensions.The proposed analysis is the result of iterations between theoretical concepts andempirical observations of management control applied to banks in Morocco. We explorefirst the profound changes that are reshaping the banking systems that allow exploringthe determinants of the implementation of management control within banks. The use ofnew developments in institutional theories orients our analysis into a multi-level andnon-dissociated phenomenon. In light of these theoretical and conceptual references, thein-depth empirical study of a qualitative multiple case study (three banks are observed).The discussion of the results led to the proposal of a framework describing the processby which the gradual integration of management tools by the field’s organizations led tothe institutionalization of scripts embodying, within these same organizations, widerangingmanagement devices.

Pratiques et visages de l'intercommunalité dans les Alpes-Maritimes. : Enjeux locaux de l'émergnence d'un nouvel espace politique et institutionnel / Practices and faces of the intercommunality in the Alpes-Maritimes : Local stakes in the emergence of a new political and institutionnal space

Siribie, Mahamadou 19 November 2013 (has links)
La mise en place des EPCI à fiscalité propre dans les Alpes-Maritimes est le produit de conflits, de compromis et d’arrangements passés entre des élus locaux dominants, cherchant à réinterpréter permanemment la coopération intercommunale selon les intérêts communaux. Loin donc de « simplifier et de renforcer la coopération intercommunale » selon le principe énoncé par les lois relatives à l’intercommunalité, l’institutionnalisation de l’EPCI renforce plutôt les inégalités de recrutement du personnel politique local, contribue à l’émergence d’un nouveau profil d’élu communautaire, crée de nouveaux lieux de pouvoir et de prise de décision et donne à certains élus locaux déjà mieux dotés en ressources des moyens supplémentaires pour renforcer leurs positions de pouvoir. / The establishment of EPCI with their own taxes in the Alpes-Maritimes is the result of conflicts, compromises and arrangements between locally elected dominating powers constantly aiming to reinterpret intercommunality based on the community’s interests. Far from actually “simplifying and reinforcing intercommunal cooperation”, following the principle of intercommunal law, the institutionalization of the EPCI reinforces the inequalities of local political recruitment, contributes to the emergence of a new type of elected person, creates new powers and decisions, giving certain locally elected people already better supplied with resources additional means to reinforce their position of power.

Les processus d’unification politique. Analyse comparée de la Suisse et du Canada / Political unification’s processes. Compared analyzes between Switzerland and Canada

Keclard, Delphine 15 November 2011 (has links)
« Les processus d’unification politique. Analyse comparée de la Suisse et du Canada. »Cette comparaison binaire interroge les critères typiques des morphologies suisse et canadienne, en termes d’États fédéraux démocratiques. Comment devient-on un État fédéral démocratique ? Restituant la genèse des États fédéraux démocratiques diachroniquement, on observe que les changements sociaux mènent aux profondes mutations des systèmes politiques et aux socles de valeurs, sur lesquels les institutions et les structures politiques se fondent. Partant ensuite des mécanismes de centralisation, de bureaucratisation, d’intégration régionale et de démocratisation, observés lors des mises en œuvre institutionnelles et structurelles, on explique la série de processus d’étatisation, de démocratisation et de fédéralisme, posée comme condition nécessaire à l’unification politique en Suisse comme au Canada. Mais, si l’unité politique ne peut se passer d’une organisation sociale cohérente et fondée en valeurs alors elle ne peut se passer d’une solidarité sociale sui generis. Interroger le lien social dans le processus d’unification politique, c’est penser la construction nationale et la cohésion morphologique sociale, pré-requis essentiels à l’unification politique. Ces approches corrèlent grâce à trois fonctions correspondantes que sont l’intégration, la régulation et la légitimation régissant les diverses interactions aux niveaux macrosociologiques et mésosociologiques ainsi qu’entre l’ordre politique dépendant de l’ordre social. L’unification politique dépend des ces interactions constitutives de la cohérence et de la cohésion morphologique. / Political unification’s processes. Compared analyzes between Switzerland and Canada.This binary comparison recalls the principals characteristics processes in play in process of unification political. How does one become a democratic Federal state? Restoring the genesis of the democratic Federal states Swiss and Canadian historically, one observes the social changes lead to the deep transfers of the political systems and the bases of values, on which the institutions and the political structures are based. Taking into consideration mechanism of centralization, of bureaucratization, regional integration and democratization, observed at the time of the implementations institutional and structural, one considers the series nationalization’s process, democratization and federalism like requirements with the political unification in Switzerland as in Canada. But, if the political unit cannot do without an social organization coherent and founded in values then it cannot do without a special social solidarity. To question the social link with work in the process of unification political, it is to think national construction, social cohesion morphological, pre-necessary essential with the political unification. These three approaches correlate thank three corresponding functions whiches are integration, the regulation and legitimation governing the various interactions on the levels macrosociologic and mesosociologic like between the political command depend on the social order. The political unification depends as of these interactions constitutive of coherence and morphological cohesion.

Ivan Illich: uma aproximação com sua trajetória-obra (1926-1967) / Ivan Illich: an approximation with his trajectory-work (1926-1967)

Leão Neto, Edson Pereira de Souza 07 March 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho buscou uma aproximação com a trajetória-obra de Ivan Illich entre os anos de 1926-1967. Esse recorte temporal obedece um caminho, que optamos por percorrer, para demonstrar uma característica fundamental do autor: sua produção escrita fortemente atrelada às situações concretas da vida. Esse engajamento de Ivan Illich, que produziu durante esses anos que analisamos ao menos dez textos importantes, foi o eixo estrutural da nossa dissertação. Tratamos de três aspectos simultâneos: lugar na cultura científica, sua trajetória e obra. O primeiro aspecto, aparece no primeiro capítulo na forma de uma análise de prefácios, feitos por intelectuais, para os livros do, ou sobre, Ivan Illich. O leitor encontrará elementos que ajudam na identificação da crítica illichiana. O segundo e terceiro aspectos foram analisados conjuntamente, ou seja, não separamos o autor de sua obra. Isso pode ser encontrado no segundo e terceiro capítulo. Trata-se de uma crítica a institucionalização na sua forma da escolarização da sociedade, na qual o pano de fundo desse processo é a Aliança para o Progresso. Mas também, trata da questão da linguagem como uma forma de crítica da modernidade industrial. / The present work sought an approximation with the trajectory-work of Ivan Illich between the years of 1926-1967. This temporal cut follows a path we have chosen to follow, to demonstrate a fundamental characteristic of the author: his written production strongly tied to the concrete situations of life. This engagement of Ivan Illich, who produced during those years that we analyzed at least ten important texts, was the structural axis of our dissertation. We deal with three simultaneous aspects: place in scientific culture, its trajectory and work. The first aspect appears in the first chapter in the form of an analysis of prefaces, made by intellectuals, for the books of, or about, Ivan Illich. The reader will find elements that help in identifying the Illichian critique. The second and third aspects were analyzed together, that is, we did not separate the author from his work. This can be found in the second and third chapters. It is a critique of institutionalization in its form of schooling of society, in which the background of this process is the Alliance for Progress. But it also deals with the question of language as a form of criticism of industrial modernity.

De blogueira à influenciadora: motivações, ethos e etapas profissionais na blogosfera de moda brasileira / -

Karhawi, Issaaf Santos 20 April 2018 (has links)
Assumindo como base teórico-metodológica, os estudos da Arqueologia da Mídia e a perspectiva arqueológica de Michel Foucault, nosso objeto de estudo corresponde à caracterização de um novo perfil profissional no campo da Comunicação, o de blogueira de moda. Estabelecemos, então, como objetivo principal de nossa pesquisa, definir como se deu o processo de profissionalização dos blogs de moda no Brasil. Para tal, ao longo da pesquisa apontamos características próprias das blogueiras de moda e de sua prática, assim como definimos etapas de profissionalização da blogosfera brasileira. A escolha pela pesquisa acerca dos blogs de moda e, mais especificamente, das blogueiras se dá pelo fato de que formatos e modelos de negócio que hoje fazem parte da rotina de outros produtores de conteúdo da internet foram desenhados por essas profissionais-amadoras. Para compreender como se deu esse processo de profissionalização, acompanhamos a produção de 52 blogueiras (por meio de posts nos blogs, vídeos no YouTube e publicações no Instagram), entre os anos de 2014 e 2018, em busca de enunciações sobre sua atividade profissional. Entre os resultados obtidos na pesquisa está a caracterização de quatro etapas de profissionalização da blogosfera de moda: vanguarda, legitimação, institucionalização e profissional. Também pudemos desvelar um ethos profissional das blogueiras que evidencia diferenças entre as profissionais, seus percursos na carreira, motivações e produção. / Assuming as a theoretical and methodological basis the studies of Media Archeology and the archaeological perspective of Michel Foucault, our object of study corresponds to the characterization of a new professional profile in the field of Communication; the fashion bloggers. Therefore, we established as the main objective of our research the definition of how the professionalization process of fashion blogs in Brazil took place. Throughout the research we identified characteristics of the fashion bloggers and their practices, as professionals. This research focuses on fashion bloggers because of their importance in establishing new formats and business models for other internet producers. To understand how this process takes place, we analyzed the discursive enunciation of 52 bloggers (through blog posts, YouTube videos and Instagram publications) between 2014 and 2018, searching for statements about their professional activity. Among the results is the characterization of four stages of the process of professionalization in the fashion blogosphere: vanguard, legitimation, institutionalization and professional. We have also been able to unveil a professional ethos of bloggers that shows differences among professionals, their career paths, motivations and production.

La municipalisation de la culture en Grèce (1980-2010) : le défi de la démocratisation et de l'européanisation de l'action publique territoriale / The municipalization of culture in Greece (1980-2010) : the challenge of democratization and the Europeanisation of territorial public action

Tzemopoulou, Dionysia 22 June 2017 (has links)
La chute du régime dictatorial des Colonels en Grèce en 1974 marque le début d'une refonte du système politico-administratif. Dans ce contexte, la décentralisation culturelle prend deux figures: artistique et administrative. La première se traduit par la diffusion de la culture en province. La deuxième demande le transfert aux collectivités territoriales de compétences relevant de l’État. Trois nouveaux types d’institutions contribuent au développement de la culture contemporaine à l’échelon local: Théâtres Municipaux et Régionaux, Entreprises municipales de développement culturel, Réseau Culturel National des Villes. Cette étude se concentre sur le spectacle vivant (théâtre, danse, musique) en abordant les configurations de la décentralisation culturelle effectuées au cours de la période 1980-2010.Les tentatives de la décentralisation ont reposé sur l’établissement de politiques contractuelles. Les relations des partenaires, État-communes, ont été refondues par les nécessaires évolutions institutionnelles imposées tant par le processus de démocratisation que par celui de d’européanisation de l’action culturelle locale après l’intégration du pays à la CEE (1981). La première partie de la thèse porte sur l’analyse d’un projet de démocratisation promouvant la préservation de la démocratie locale et l’européanisation en tant que processus de mimétisme institutionnel et de transfert de politique publique. Quatre monographies (Kalamata, Véria, Volos, La Canée) composent la deuxième partie. Le parcours spécifique des politiques culturelles de ces villes semble associé à l’impact de jeux politiques manifestés à plusieurs niveaux: au sein de l’administration centrale, internes aux municipalités, entre les élus locaux, les représentants de l’État et les professionnels du spectacle vivant. / The fall of the dictatorial regime of the Colonels in Greece in 1974 marked the beginning of an overhaul of the political-administrative system. In this context, cultural decentralization takes two forms: artistic and administrative. The first concerns the spread of culture in the provinces. The second requires the transfer to the Local Administration of competencies belonging to the State. Three new types of institutions contribute to the development of contemporary culture at the local level: Municipal and Regional Theaters, Municipal Companies of Cultural Development, National Cultural Network of Cities. This study focuses on the performing arts (theater, dance, music) by addressing the patterns of cultural decentralization carried out during the period 1980-2010. Attempts at decentralization were based on the establishment of contractual policies. The relations of the partners, municipalities-State, were recast within the framework of necessary institutional changes imposed by the process of democratization and by that of Europeanisation of local cultural action after the country's integration into the EEC (1981). The first part of the thesis deals with the analysis of a democratization project promoting the preservation of local democracy and Europeanisation as a process of institutional mimicry and public policy transfer. Four case studies (Kalamata, Veria, Volos, Chania) compose the second part. The specific course of the cultural policies of these cities seems to be associated with the impact of political games manifested at several levels: within the central administration, intra-municipal, among local elected representatives, State representatives and performing arts professionals.

Estudo sobre o perfil de internação psiquiátrica na cidade de Tupã - SP / Study about the profile of psychiatric hospital admissions in Tupã City SP

Garcia, José Marcos 05 July 2013 (has links)
O objeto de estudo desta Análise Documental foi o perfil de internações psiquiátricas no Município de Tupã. Os objetivos do estudo foram: a) quantificar o número de internações psiquiátricas no Município de Tupã no período 01 (um) ano e b) identificar, por meio da análise documental, os motivos que levam os familiares a concordarem e aceitarem o cuidado em regime hospitalar (se houvesse). As fontes dos dados empíricos foram o Livro de Registro de Internações e os Prontuários dos usuários do Ambulatório de Saúde Mental da Cidade de Tupã. Esta estratégia permitiu localizar os usuários encaminhados para internação psiquiátrica no período de 12 meses (janeiro a dezembro de 2012). O Instrumento de Coleta dos dados empíricos foi o Questionário do Censo Psicossocial dos pacientes moradores dos hospitais psiquiátricos do Estado de São Paulo. Os resultados indicam que a rede pública de saúde mental da Cidade de Tupã restringe-se ao Ambulatório de Saúde Mental e dois hospitais psiquiátricos que são referência para o IX Departamento Regional de Saúde de Marília; observa-se um alto índice de internação de usuários do sexo masculino, em particular de dependentes de álcool e outras drogas, seguidos de pessoas portadoras de transtornos mentais, a despeito da vigência da Lei 10.216; não há anotações nos Prontuários sobre a opinião dos familiares sobre a oferta terapêutica única ser a internação psiquiátrica. Recomenda-se que o gestor local alinhe-se às políticas públicas de saúde mental do Sistema Único de Saúde brasileiro e sustente o direito dos usuários ao cuidado em liberdade. / The object of study in this Document Analysis was a study about the psychiatric hospital admissions profile in Tupã county. The study objectives were: a) quantify the psychiatric hospital admissions in Tupã county during the period of a year and b) identify, through the document analyses, the reasons that take families to agree and accept the treatment in a hospital admission pattern ( if it was found). The empiric database came from the Register of Admissions and Medical Records of the patients from the Mental Health Daycare Center of Tupã. That strategy allowed to track the users referred to psychiatric hospital admissions in the period of 12 months (January to December 2012). The empirical Data Collection Instrument was the Census Psychosocial Questionnaire from the patients that live in psychiatric hospitals of São Paulos state. The results indicate that the public mental health network in Tupã is restricted to the Mental Health Daycare Center and two psychiatric hospitals that are reference to the XI Regional Health Department of Marília; there was found a high index of male hospital admissions, particularly of those with alcohol and other drugs dependence, followed by people with mental disorders, despite the enactment of Law 10.216; there arent notes in the Medical Records about what were the families opinion that the only therapeutic possibility was the psychiatric hospital admission. It is recommended that the local manager aligns itself to the public mental health policies of the Brazilian Unified Health System and support the system users rights to care and to freedom.


NELI MARIA CASTRO DE ALMEIDA 18 March 2013 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese tem por objetivo principal analisar os processos de produção da longa permanência de crianças e adolescentes com deficiência na rede assistencial de abrigamento. Partindo da descrição da própria experiência profissional, impulsionada pelas contribuições de Erving Goffman e Franco Basaglia, a autora introduz o conceito de hibridismo assistencial para analisar o problema da deficiência institucionalizada nas interfaces entre os campos da Psiquiatria e da Assistência Social. Tendo como campo de estudo a rede de abrigos específicos para a deficiência no estado do Rio de Janeiro, a autora utiliza metodologias quantitativas e qualitativas para analisar o quadro atual da assistência asilar para crianças e adolescentes com deficiência, definindo-se o seguinte corpus de análise: (1) elementos da historiografia da psiquiatria infantil brasileira, tendo por referência as contribuições de Michel Foucault. Nesta perspectiva, discute-se a figura histórica do Pavilhão-Escola Bourneville - dispositivo vinculado ao Hospício Nacional de Alienados e marco inaugural da psiquiatria infantil brasileira para a internação de crianças anormais; (2) dados do Datasus referentes às internações de crianças e adolescentes com deficiência, no período de 1998 a 2010, em território nacional, ressaltando-se a dimensão quantitativa do problema, e (3) entrevistas realizadas junto a agentes sociais do Sistema de Garantia dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente do estado do Rio de Janeiro, tendo por referência de análise o conceito de campo de Pierre Bourdieu, e de Complexo Tutelar, de Jacques Donzelot. O estudo conclui que (1) existe uma correlação entre os abrigos específicos e a história da institucionalização da deficiência mental, mantendo-se a figura híbrida do abrigo-hospital, (2) as atuais políticas de desinstitucionalização não vêm incluindo crianças e adolescentes com deficiência, sendo necessário rever o conceito de crônicos para crianças e adolescentes no regime de internação hospitalar e, (3) a presença da deficiência é um fator de maximização das práticas tutelares, o que é verificado a partir dos discursos dos agentes sociais. A autora articula o tema em uma agenda de interesse público e acadêmico, buscando contribuir para a superação do modelo assistencial centrado na longa permanência, na rede asilar, de crianças e adolescentes com deficiência. / [en] This thesis aims at examining the processes that produces long-term placement of children and adolescents with mental disabilities in the shelter care facility network. The author begins hers analysis with the description of her own professional experience, driven by the contributions of Erving Goffman and Franco Basaglia. She introduces the concept of hibridismo assistencial (the idea of social assistance as an entangled reality) to analyze the problem of institutional disability looking at the interconnection between the areas of psychiatry and social work. Taking as her field of study the network of special purpose shelters (intended exclusively for children and youth with disabilities) in the State of Rio de Janeiro, the author combines quantitative and qualitative methodologies to analyze the current situation of the shelter care system for children and adolescents with disabilities, with the following corpus of analysis: (1) elements of the Brazilian historiography of child psychiatry, with reference to an analysis of the concept of power based on Michel Foucault. Under this perspective, the author discusses the historical figure of the Bourneville School - an institution linked to the National Asylum for the Insane and the founding landmark of the Brazilian child psychiatric for the hospitalization of the so called abnormal children, (2) Datasus data on hospitalization of children and adolescents with mental disabilities, highlighting the numerical dimensions of the problem, and (3) interviews with social agents connected to the System of Guarantee of the Rights of Children and Adolescents in the State of Rio de Janeiro, using as reference analysis the concepts of field by Pierre Bourdieu, and guardianship complex by Jacques Donzelot. Based on her study, the author concludes that: (1) there is a correlation between the existing shelters and the history of the institutionalization of children with mental disabilities as well as the presence of the ‘hybrid’ institution – the ‘shelter-hospital’, (2) the current policies aiming at closing down residential institutions have not included children and adolescents with disabilities, therefore it is necessary to critically review the concept of crônicos (chronically impaired) as referred to the young population that is hospitalized, and (3) based on testimonies of the social agents interviewed, it is possible to conclude that the presence of a disability becomes a factor of maximizing paternalistic practices. The author concludes her analysis linking some of the main issues to an agenda of academic and public interest, in an attempt to contribute to overcome old models centered on the long-term placement of children and adolescents with disabilities in institutions.

Suporte social como mediador de resiliência em adolescentes institucionalizadas: um estudo de caso

Guimarães, Cleusa da Piedade 27 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T14:19:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cleusa da Piedade Guimaraes.pdf: 674605 bytes, checksum: 3d07173a873a6dfa312392813601f39e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-27 / This study discussed characteristics of the social support network in relation to resilience processes studied in the field of health psychology. This study aimed to identify, describe and analyze the relevant protective factors that help support social development and the promotion of resilience in institutionalized adolescents. For a better presentation of this research a form containing two items was used. The first item refers to a literature review on the construction of the substantive issues underlying the present study. The second, in the form of an empirical article, refers to a study that took place in an institution to support teens in Goiânia and its is organized according to the rules of the Psychology journal: Reflection & Critique. It was found that the mediation of social support present in the institutional context studied can help promote resilience processes and configure itself as a protective factor for the development of institutionalized adolescents. / A presente pesquisa discutiu algumas características da rede de suporte social em relação aos processos de resiliência estudados no campo da psicologia da saúde. Esse estudo objetivou identificar, descrever e analisar fatores de proteção relevantes no suporte social que auxiliam o desenvolvimento e a promoção de resiliência em adolescentes institucionalizadas. Para melhor apresentação da pesquisa utilizou-se um formato contendo dois artigos. O primeiro refere-se a uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a construção teórica e conceitual de aspectos que fundamentam o presente estudo. O segundo em formato de artigo empírico, refere-se a um estudo realizado em uma instituição goiana de acolhimento a adolescentes e está organizado segundo as regras da Revista Psicologia: Reflexão & Crítica. Evidenciou-se que a mediação da rede de suporte social presente no contexto institucional estudado pode ajudar a promover processos de resiliência e se configurar como fator de proteção para o desenvolvimento de adolescentes institucionalizadas.

ASSISTÊNCIA SOCIAL EM GOIÂNIA: institucionalidade no âmbito da gestão pública - 1993 a 2003

Sousa, Sueli Almeida Neves 27 April 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:32:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SUELI ALMEIDA NEVES SOUSA.pdf: 2118453 bytes, checksum: d75ad1e01750cf05f47de9037a6ff141 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04-27 / This master s dissertation discusses the main concepts of social assistance at municipal level in the city of Goiânia, the new capital of the State of Goiás, founded in 1933. The conducted research that is part of the dissertation made it possible to identify the process of institutionalization of assistance measures from the establishment of the municipality of Goiânia, the creation of the Municipal Foundation of Community Development (Fumdec), in 1974, and the adoption of LOAS regulation in 1933, and SUAS regulation, in 2003. The study captured the profile and the concept of assistance and interventive actions, denoting the hegemonic and aidoriented conception that can be seen in the relationships, interests and ideology of social classes, in politics and in the actions developed under the so-called primeiro damismo (as duties usually performed by first ladies), with a strong ideo-political updating/reproduction of political conservatism. The analysis shows the institutionalization of the social assistance concept in Goiânia, conceived as a public social policy; under the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, as a Social Security policy, which was homologated by the Organic Act of Social Assistance (LOAS), in 1993, and regulated according to the instruments to ensure the effectiveness and implementation of the Social Assistance System (SUAS), from 2003. The present research focused on the democratic administration of the municipal government of Goiânia, from 2000 to 2004, the systematization of the Project Pra Ninguém Ficar de Fora ( Everybody is Covered ), and the creation of the Municipal Department of Social Assistance in Goiânia (SEMAS), in 2007. / Esta dissertação de mestrado analisa as concepções de assistência social, predominantes nas gestões municipais de Goiânia, nova capital do Estado, fundada em 1933. A pesquisa desenvolvida e que integra a dissertação possibilitou identificar o processo de institucionalização das ações assistenciais, desde a fundação de Goiânia, à criação e instituição da Fundação Municipal de Desenvolvimento Comunitário (Fumdec), em 1974 e à institucionalidade no âmbito da gestão pública, nos marcos da LOAS em 1993 e do SUAS em 2003. O estudo apreendeu o perfil e a concepção de assistência e ações interventivas, denotando a concepção hegemônica, com a orientação de práticas assistencialistas, tuteladoras manifestadas nas relações, interesses e ideologia das classes sociais, na política e nas ações desenvolvidas com a marca do primeiro damismo, com forte presença da atualização/reprodução ídeo-política do conservadorismo. A análise demonstra a institucionalidade da concepção da assistência social em Goiânia, concebida como política social pública; nos marcos da Constituição Federal de 1988, como política de Seguridade Social, homologada pela Lei Orgânica da Assistência Social (LOAS) em 1993, e regulamentada nos instrumentos de efetivação e implementação do Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS), a partir de 2003. No desenvolvimento da pesquisa e análise sobre a institucionalidade da Assistência Social, o foco recaiu sobre a gestão democrático-popular de Goiânia, de 2000 a 2004, com a sistematização do Projeto Pra Ninguém Ficar de Fora, e a criação da Secretaria Municipal de Assistência Social em Goiânia (SEMAS), em 2007.

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