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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

e-Research and the Ubiquitious Open Grid Digital Libraries of the Future

Patkar, Vivek, Chandra, Smita January 2006 (has links)
Libraries have traditionally facilitated each of the following elements of research: production of new knowledge, its preservation and its organization to make it accessible for use over the generations. In modern times, the library is constantly required to meet the challenges of information explosion. Assimilating resources and restructuring practices to process the large data volumes both in the print and digital form held across the globe, therefore, becomes very important. A recourse by the libraries to application of successive forms of what can be called as Digital Library Technologies (DLT) has been the imperative. The Open Archives Initiative (OAI) is one recent development that is expected to assist the libraries to partner in setting up virtual learning environment and integrating research on a near universal scale. Future extension of this concept is envisaged to be that of Grid Computing. The technologies driving the â Gridâ would let people share computing power, databases, and other on-line tools securely across institutional and geographic boundaries without sacrificing the local autonomy. Ushering an era of the ubiquitous library helping the e-research is thus on the card. This paper reviews the emerging technological changes and charts the future role for the libraries with special reference to India.

Probleme und Lösungsansätze des Grundwassermonitorings nach EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie / Problems and Approaches of Solutions of Groundwater Monitoring According to the European Water Framework Directive

Stietenroth, Daniel 19 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.

VÝTVARNÁ VÝCHOVA - LITERÁRNÍ VÝCHOVA: Průměty "vyšší" kultury v estetické edukaci na příkladu geometrického umění. / ART EDUCATION - LITERARY EDUCATION: Subjects of "higher" culture in aesthetic education on the example of geometric art.

Vaniš, Leo January 2021 (has links)
1 Leo Vaniš: Abstrakt dizertace (EN): The dissertation theses "ART EDUCATION - LITERARY EDUCATION: The subjects of" higher "culture in aesthetic education on the example of geometric art" is based primarily on the field of educational sciences, focusing on two areas of the educational process: art and literary education. Two equivalent school subjects matters (which the very graphic concept of the name by capital letters suggests, as well as the intentional duplication of the word education) is based on the study of culture, which is conceived on two levels - "higher" and "lower," possibly simple, unprofessional, but not necessarily of lower quality. The intentional introduction of the word "higher" in quotation marks already in itself suggests that it will be a problem of defining what such a culture means, what it can look like and how it can be understood in an educational context. collection of so-called canonically anchored works, in the field of verbal and artistic creation, while cross-sectionally focusing on one researched aspect - geometry. Whith the concept of dual geometry (often referred to in the theses as the "phenomenon of simple and artistic geometrization") the author tries to show the projection of already established great artistic values into contemporary educational reality, defining...

La conception de l’État au prisme du lien entre le religieux et le politique dans la pensée égyptienne moderne et contemporaine (2011-2015) : continuités, évolutions et ruptures

El Zabbal, Wael Saleh Mahmoud 12 1900 (has links)
Jury Président : Gilles Bibeau Directeur : Patrice Brodeur Membre du jury : Harith Al-Dabbagh Examinateur externe : Dominique Avon / À l’égard du lien entre le religieux et le politique, le XIXe siècle a été marqué par le rétablissement de grandes questions et par la mise en oeuvre de sujets innovateurs dans la pensée égyptienne par les grandes figures de al-Nahḍah (Renaissance), alors que le XXe siècle a été empreint d’une forte polarisation entre les courants du réformisme musulman, de l´islamisme holiste activiste et du libéralisme humaniste musulman. Maintenant, qu’en est-il des prises de position adoptées par les intellectuels égyptiens contemporains (2011-2015) à ce sujet ? Quelles sont leurs principales expressions de la conception de l’État au prisme de ce lien ? En quoi ces orientations courantes reflètent-elles des continuités, des évolutions ou des ruptures dans la conception de l’État par rapport à la pensée égyptienne moderne (1805-2010) ? Pour pouvoir donner des pistes de réponses à ces questions, les principaux travaux et interventions de 22 intellectuels seront étudiés et analysés, et ce, autour de la conception de l’espace public, de la source de légitimité et de la légifération, toujours au prisme du lien entre le religieux et le politique. Il s’agit principalement d’intellectuels qui, malgré leurs apports et leur influence sur la scène intellectuelle égyptienne actuelle, sont quasi absents de la littérature, surtout française et anglaise. Et c’est par le biais d´une approche interdisciplinaire, appliquée et critique que leurs discours seront examinés. / With respect to the relationship between the religious and the political, the 19th century was marked by the resituating within Egyptian thought of innovative questions and subjects by the great figures of the Al-Nahdah (Renaissance), while the 20th century was characterized by a pronounced polarization between Muslim reformism, activist holistic Islamism and Muslim humanistic liberalism. What of the positions of contemporary Egyptian intellectuals (2011-2015) in this regard? What are their primary expressions of conceiving the state through the prism of the relationship under discussion? How do these current approaches reflect continuities, evolutions or ruptures in conceiving the state with regard to modern Egyptian thought (1805-2010)? To propose avenues for answering these questions, the principal works and other contributions of 22 intellectuals will be studied and analyzed taking into consideration the conception of public space, of the State’s source of legitimacy and legislation, again viewed through the prism of the relationship between the religious and the political. Most of these intellectuals are virtually absent from the literature – especially the French and English – despite their contributions and their influence on the contemporary Egyptian intellectual scene. Their discourses will be examined using an interdisciplinary, applied and critical approach.

Gedenke des ganzen Weges, den dich der Herr, dein Gott, geführt hat (Dtn 8,2) : eine praktisch-theologische Studie zur Bedeutung von Biografiearbeit für die pastorale Begleitung von Menschen in der nachberuflichen Lebensphase / You shall remember all the way which the Lord your God has led you (Dtn 8,2) : a practical theological study of the significance of biography work for pastoral care with persons in the post employment phase of life

Schulz, Ursula (Theologian) 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German, summaries in English and German / Alter und Altern gilt in Deutschland derzeit als eines der wichtigsten Zukunftsfelder wissenschaftlicher Forschung. Dabei liegt ein besonderes Augenmerk auf der nachberuflichen Lebensphase, dem so genannten dritten Lebensalter. Eine Gesellschaft des um 20-30 Jahre verlängerten Lebens bei meist guter Gesundheit ist kulturgeschichtlich ein neues Phänomen für das es keine Vorbilder gibt, so dass der jetzigen Generation der „jungen Alten“ eine gestalterische Aufgabe für sich und die Nachfolgegenerationen zukommt. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Thema Altern zunächst aus humanistischer und daran anschließend aus biblisch-theologischer Sicht. Diese beiden Kapitel enthalten grundlegende Aussagen zum Thema Altern aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen und beziehen diese, wo möglich, aufeinander. Sie bilden die Grundlage und Voraussetzung für das Folgekapitel, in dem Bedeutung, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Biografiearbeit als praktisch-theologisches Bildungsangebot in der pastoralen Begleitung von Menschen in der nachberuflichen Lebensphase untersucht werden. Dabei wird offensichtlich, dass sowohl gerontologische Literatur als auch biblische Texte Biografiearbeit an einschneidenden Wendepunkten des Lebens als eine wichtige Voraussetzung für gelingendes Leben darstellen. Der Person und der Professionalität der Anleiterin kommen in dem Prozess biografischer Selbstreflexion mit älteren Menschen eine tragende Rolle zu. / Old age and the process of aging is currently one of the most important fields for future scientific study and research. Special focus is centered on the post-career phase. A society where life is prolonged for an extra 20 to 30 years, most of which are spent in reasonably good health, is culturally speaking a recent phenomenon for which there are no historical models. It follows, that the current generation bears a great responsibility in shaping and moulding this stage in their lives not only for themselves but also for future generations. This dissertation concentrates on the theme of aging, first from a humanistic point of view, and secondly by focusing on biblical and theological aspects. Both of these chapters contain fundamental and important statements regarding the subject of aging as seen from different disciplines, and, wherever possible, with reference to each other. They build the basis and prerequisite for the following chapter in which the significance and possibilities as well as the limits of biography work is researched in view of pastoral care and training for elderly people in the post employment phase of their life. It becomes obvious, that not only gerontological literature but also biblical texts depict biographical work as an important prerequisite for a life experienced as being successful, especially at drastic turning points in life. A vital part in biographical reflection with elderly people is played by the person and professionalism of the instructor. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

La Educación Superior más allá del aula: experiencias de estudiantes en espacios de aprendizaje transformador

Delgado Caro, Carlos 19 January 2025 (has links)
[ES] Esta tesis explora la importancia de las experiencias informales en la universidad como espacios de aprendizaje transformador que contribuyen a la expansión de la capacidad de aspirar de las estudiantes, al margen de las competencias tradicionales. El aprendizaje adulto en entornos informales permite a las personas redefinir su visión del mundo y expandir sus capacidades, impactando en su desarrollo personal y profesional de manera significativa. La investigación se fundamenta en la metateoría del aprendizaje transformador y el Enfoque de Capacidades para el Desarrollo Humano, lo cual permite analizar la experiencia informal como un proceso de aprendizaje transformador que amplía los horizontes de los estudiantes. La tesis busca responder tres preguntas clave: 1) cómo las experiencias informales de los estudiantes potencian o limitan su aprendizaje transformador, 2) cómo contribuye este aprendizaje a su capacidad de aspirar, y 3) cómo valora la Educación Superior estos procesos. Para ello, se analizaron tres casos de estudio en Sudáfrica, Colombia y España, que representan diversas experiencias informales de aprendizaje: el Student Representative Council en la University of the Free State, el programa Paz y Región en la Universidad de Ibagué, y la estrategia Aprendizaje en Acción en la Universitat Politècnica de València. Cada caso fue examinado mediante análisis documental, entrevistas y un grupo focal, sin buscar una comparación directa entre ellos, sino una exploración de su contribución al aprendizaje informal en contextos universitarios. Los hallazgos indican que las experiencias informales permiten a las estudiantes enfrentar dilemas que propician cambios en su visión del mundo, su autopercepción, su modo de construir conocimiento, su forma de existir y su comportamiento. Estos cambios facilitan una expansión de su capacidad de aspirar, al adquirir una mayor habilidad para imaginar futuros, establecer objetivos y tomar acciones hacia ellos. Sin embargo, las universidades valoran de manera desigual este aprendizaje transformador, adoptando distintos enfoques pedagógicos que no siempre reconocen el potencial de estas experiencias para el Desarrollo Humano. La tesis argumenta que el aprendizaje transformador en la universidad permite revalorar la experiencia informal como un proceso de aprendizaje que no depende únicamente del aula ni de las competencias educativas. De esta manera, se ofrece una visión más amplia de la Educación Superior, proponiendo que las universidades incorporen una perspectiva de educación de adultos que les permita valorar la experiencia informal y la expansión de la capacidad de aspirar de las estudiantes, promoviendo así una contribución integral al bienestar y al Desarrollo Humano, considerando los procesos de aprendizaje transformador de sus estudiantes. / [CA] Esta tesi explora la importància de les experiències informals en la universitat com a espais d'aprenentatge transformador que contribuïxen a l'expansió de la capacitat d'aspirar de les estudiants, al marge de les competències tradicionals. L'aprenentatge adult en entorns informals permet a les persones redefinir la seua visió del món i expandir les seues capacitats, impactant en el seu desenvolupament personal i professional de manera significativa. La investigació es fonamenta en la metateoria de l'aprenentatge transformador i l'Enfocament de Capacitats per al Desenvolupament Humà, la qual cosa permet analitzar l'experiència informal com un procés d'aprenentatge transformador que amplia els horitzons dels estudiants. La tesi busca respondre tres preguntes clau: 1) com les experiències informals dels estudiants potencien o limiten el seu aprenentatge transformador, 2) com contribuïx este aprenentatge a la seua capacitat d'aspirar, i 3) com valora l'Educació Superior estos processos. Per a això, es van analitzar tres casos d'estudi a Sud-àfrica, Colòmbia i Espanya, que representen diverses experiències informals d'aprenentatge: el Student Representative Council en la University of the Free State, el programa Paz y Región en la Universidad de Ibagué, i l'estratègia Aprendizaje en Acción a la Universitat Politècnica de València. Cada cas va ser examinat mitjançant anàlisi documental, entrevistes i un grup focal, sense buscar una comparació directa entre ells, sinó una exploració de la seua contribució a l'aprenentatge informal en contextos universitaris. Les troballes indiquen que les experiències informals permeten a les estudiants enfrontar dilemes que propicien canvis en la seua visió del món, la seua autopercepció, el seu mode de construir coneixement, la seua manera d'existir i el seu comportament. Estos canvis faciliten una expansió de la seua capacitat d'aspirar, en adquirir una major habilitat per a imaginar futurs, establir objectius i prendre accions cap a ells. No obstant això, les universitats valoren de manera desigual este aprenentatge transformador, adoptant diferents enfocaments pedagògics que no sempre reconeixen el potencial d'estes experiències per al Desenvolupament Humà. La tesi argumenta que l'aprenentatge transformador en la universitat permet revalorar l'experiència informal com un procés d'aprenentatge que no depén únicament de l'aula ni de les competències educatives. D'esta manera, s'oferix una visió més àmplia de l'Educació Superior, proposant que les universitats incorporen una perspectiva d'educació d'adults que els permeta valorar l'experiència informal i l'expansió de la capacitat d'aspirar de les estudiants, promovent així una contribució integral al benestar i al Desenvolupament Humà, considerant els processos d'aprenentatge transformador de les seus estudiants. / [EN] This thesis explores the importance of informal experiences at university as transformative learning spaces that contribute to the expansion of students' capability to aspire beyond traditional competencies. Adult learning in informal settings enables individuals to redefine their worldview and expand their capabilities, impacting their personal and professional development in significant ways. The research is grounded in transformative learning metatheory and the Capabilities Approach to Human Development, which allows for the analysis of informal experience as a transformative learning process that broadens learners' horizons. The thesis seeks to answer three key questions: 1) how students' informal experiences enhance or constrain their transformative learning, 2) how this learning contributes to their capability to aspire, and 3) how Higher Education values these processes. To this end, three case studies in South Africa, Colombia and Spain were analysed, representing diverse informal learning experiences: the Student Representative Council at the University of the Free State, the Paz y Región programme at the Universidad de Ibagué, and the Aprendizaje en Acción strategy at the Universitat Politècnica de València. Each case was examined through documentary analysis, interviews and a focus group, without looking for a direct comparison between them, but rather an exploration of their contribution to informal learning in university contexts. The findings indicate that informal experiences allow students to face dilemmas that lead to changes in their worldview, their self-perception, their way of building knowledge, their way of existing and their behaviour. These changes facilitate an expansion of their capability to aspire by acquiring a greater ability to imagine futures, set goals and take action towards them. However, universities unevenly value this transformative learning, adopting different pedagogical approaches that do not always recognise the potential of these experiences for Human Development. The thesis argues that transformative learning in the university allows for a revaluing of informal experience as a learning process that is not solely dependent on the classroom or on educational competences. In this way, it offers a broader vision of Higher Education, proposing that universities incorporate an adult education perspective that allows them to value informal experience and the expansion of students' capability to aspire, thus promoting an integral contribution to well-being and Human Development, considering the transformative learning processes of their students. / Delgado Caro, C. (2024). La Educación Superior más allá del aula: experiencias de estudiantes en espacios de aprendizaje transformador [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/214085

Shaping the field / Kurt Lewin and experimental psychology in the interwar period

Perlina, Anna 18 November 2016 (has links)
Die vorliegende wissenschaftliche Arbeit rekonstruiert die Entwicklung der deutschen Psychologie zwischen der Eröffnung des ersten psychologischen Labors in 1879 und der Gleichschaltung durch das Nazi-Regime in den 1930er Jahren. Die Dissertation stellt den konzeptuellen und methodologischen Rahmen der psychologischen Disziplin anhand von drei Generationen von Pionierforschung dar. Hierbei wird herausgearbeitet, wie sich die frühe experimentelle Psychologie einen eigenen Platz zwischen den Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften kreiert. Die gestaltpsychologische Schule spielt darin eine entscheidende Rolle. Der zentrale Fokus der Arbeit liegt in der historischen Periode zwischen 1922 und 1936, über welche sich Kurt Lewins Untersuchungen zur Handlungs- und Affektpsychologie erstrecken. In dieser deutschen Schaffensperiode wurden der theoretische und methodologische Rahmen, sowie praktische experimentelle Designs erschaffen, welche die amerikanische Arbeit Lewins entscheidend prägten. Der Aufbau von Lewins berühmter Feldtheorie wird im Detail rekonstruiert. Die Dissertation zeigt auf, wie Lewin originelle psychologische Konzepte aus interdisziplinärer Erfahrung formte, und wie experimentelle Praktiken der Zeit die Entstehung eines immer komplexer werdenden Konzeptgerüstes herbeiführten. Anschließend wird die Bedeutung des Gestalt-Lewin-Falles für die Psychologiegeschichte erörtert. In die langfristige Wissenschaftsgeschichte ist Lewins Arbeit nicht etwa als gebündeltes Forschungsgebiet eingegangen. Stattdessen ist sie in so unterschiedliche Bereiche wie Entwicklungs- und Persönlichkeitspsychologie, Soziologie und Wirtschaftsmanagement eingeflossen und hat diese geprägt. / This dissertation represents a historical reconstruction of the development and transformation of German experimental psychology between the emergence of the first experimental laboratory in 1879 and its Gleichschaltung by the Nazi regime in the 1930s. It traces the evolution of the conceptual as well as the experimental framework of psychology over the course of these years following three generations of experimental research. Hereby, the work attempts to grasp how early experimental psychology negotiated its place between the humanities and the natural sciences. The project’s major focus lies in the period between 1922 and 1936, in which Kurt Lewin’s Berlin Experimental Program on Action and Emotions took place. The work specifically investigates the process of constitution of Lewin’s field theory, a system of concepts coined by Lewin in order to study psychological processes underlying human conduct. The dissertation shows how Lewin’s concepts emerged out of interdisciplinary sources, and how experimental practices in psychology triggered the emergence of new knowledge. Eventually, it is shown how the investigated historical case of Gestalt psychology in Berlin fits into and plays a decisive role in the long-term development of experimental psychology.

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