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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La didactique de la traduction - une étude scientométrique / Translation didactics – A scientometric study

Nasr, Maria 15 June 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse est une analyse scientométrique d’un corpus de 542 textes sur la didactique de la traduction publiés entre 1966 et 2009. L’objectif est de voir à travers une analyse des citations quels auteurs ont influencé ce domaine et quels sont les titres, les langues, les supports et les domaines de textes les plus cités. La plupart des auteurs les plus cités sont des traductologues non didacticiens. L’approche fonctionnaliste et l’approche linguistique de la traduction sont les courants de pensée les plus présents parmi ces auteurs dont l’influence est surtout théorique et méthodologique (méthodes d’enseignement). Les textes didactiques reflètent le poids des institutions européennes puisque la plupart des auteurs cités se trouvent sur ce continent. Les auteurs français sont cités presque uniquement par des auteurs du monde francophone alors que les germanophones les plus cités ont de l’écho auprès d’auteurs d’horizons variés. La plupart des écrits les plus cités sont des monographies de recherche traductologique publiées dans les années quatre-vingt dix par des enseignants et praticiens de la traduction. Les écrits les plus citées entre 1966 et 2005 sont des textes de recherche traductologique non didactiques alors que la période 2006-2009 est marquée par les textes didactiques sur la traduction non littéraire. Les articles d’ouvrages collectifs et de revues sont moins cités que les monographies et les auteurs citent davantage de textes anciens que récents. La majorité des textes cités sont écrits en anglais. Par ailleurs, les auteurs du corpus sont très influencés par les écrits traductologiques non didactiques et peu par des textes d’autres domaines. / This thesis is a scientometric study on 542 texts about translation didactics published between 1966 and 2009. The purpose is to investigate what authors have influenced this field and what texts, languages, types of media and disciplines are the most cited. Most cited authors are translation scholars who are not specialized in translation didactics. The functionalist and linguistic approach of translation are the most cited trends among the most cited authors. These authors are mostly cited for their theories and their teaching methods. Citing texts show the influence of European institutions, since most cited authors are affiliated in European countries. French authors are practically only cited by authors affiliated in French-speaking countries and the most influential German-speaking authors are cited by authors from various countries. The majority of most cited texts are monographs on translation studies published in the nineties by teachers and translators. The most cited texts between 1966 and 2005 deal with translation studies research (non-didactic texts) and the most cited texts between 2006 and 2009 are didactic texts on non-literary translation. Papers in collective books and journals are less cited than monographs. Authors also cite more ‘old’ texts than ‘recent’ texts (released more or less than five years after the publication of the citing text). Most cited texts are written in English and texts on translation studies (non-didactic texts) are a lot more cited than texts from other disciplines.

Una lettura interpretativa delle comunita’ produttive al tempo della globalizzazione : Seggiolai e Impagliatrici & Donne, Fabbri e Coltellinai / An interpretative reading of production communities in the era of globalization : chair makers and chair weavers & women, smiths and knife makers / Une lecture interprétative des communautés productives au temps de la mondialisation : chaisiers et Canneuses & Femmes, Forgerons et Couteliers

Zolli, Angela 11 May 2016 (has links)
Historiquement, dans la Région Frioul-Vénétie Julienne, le processus d’industrialisation est constitué par une imbrication dense d’expériences productives qui se sont développées dans les différents contextes locaux, et qui sont fondées aussi bien sur le syncrétisme des différentes modalités de production, le travail à domicile, artisanal et industriel, que sur le modèle de la pluriactivité des paysans dans les campagnes pour pallier les difficultés découlant de la saisonnalité. Dans le deuxième après-guerre, comme cela s’est produit dans le Centre et le Nord-Est de l’Italie, ont également vu le jour, dans la Région Frioul-Vénétie Julienne, les systèmes locaux de petites et moyennes entreprises dénommés « districts industriels ». Ce développement a été rendu possible grâce à un contexte local caractérisé par une imbrication étroite entre l’activité productive et les familles, par le sentiment d’appartenance au territoire, un système de valeurs fondées sur le travail, un langage technique partagé, et souvent par un epos, une histoire, un mythe des origines. Les trente dernières années, à partir des années 80, sont marquées par des changements historiques, comme l’informatisation croissante découlant des nouvelles technologies, et par conséquent le développement rapide de réseaux de production transnationaux, la croissance du commerce international, l’intégration internationale croissante enregistrée sur les marchés financiers, à savoir un réseau global en temps réel à l’échelle mondiale, une « grande transformation » caractérisée par le déplacement du centre de gravité mondial. Dans ce travail on analyse les processus de transformation de deux districts industriels dans la Région Frioul- Vénétie Julienne, celui de la chaise et celui des couteaux, pour comprendre à l’heure actuelle la relation qui existe entre les processus de transformation induits par la mondialisation et l'identité de la communauté, la capacité des communautés productives à s'adapter au changement, les opportunités et les perspectives. Du point de vue méthodologique il s’agit d’adopter une approche interdisciplinaire et capable de caractériser les processus de transformation socio-culturels et économiques qui se sont produits. La recherche est structurée en quatre parties. La première concerne l’approche théorique, l’identification de l’objet et la méthodologie de la recherche. La deuxième et la troisième partie concernent l’étude des deux communautés productives identifiées, à savoir la morphologie sociale, l'ethnographie et une lecture interprétative des processus de transformation. Il s'agit d’analyser les sources historiques et statistiques nationales, régionales et provinciales, et de compléter ces modèles d’analyse quantitatifs, essentiellement économiques et démographiques, avec des analyses qualitatives, réalisées localement, de type socio-anthropologique, destinées à identifier le système de valeurs qui caractérise les communautés examinées. Les points forts de l'ethnographie sont l'étude de la famille-entreprise, de la répartition du travail en fonction du sexe, de la culture matérielle, et de la coopération, tant dans le domaine public que dans le privé. La quatrième partie termine le travail avec l’analyse comparative des deux communautés productives examinées : les points de contact et les différences enregistrées et l'analyse d'un contexte beaucoup plus large, comme celui de l'Italie, ont contribué à l'herméneutique des communautés productives, et permis de corréler des faits sociaux apparemment distincts, en mettant en évidence certaines spécificités culturelles souvent ignorées. / From the historical point of view, the industrialization process in Friuli Venezia Giulia consists of a close intertwining of various kinds of productions developed in different local areas and based on the syncretism of different production systems – cottage industry, handicraft and industrial production – and also on the multiple activity pattern of peasants living in the countryside to cope with the difficulties deriving from the seasonal character of their work.After the Second World War the local systems made of small and medium-sized enterprises – called industrial clusters – developed in Friuli Venezia Giulia as in the Centre and the North East of Italy. Such a development took place because the local context was characterized by the close intertwining of work and family, the feeling of belonging to the local area, a value system based on work, a common technical language and often an epos, namely a history, a myth of the origins.The last thirty years starting from the 80’s have been marked by epoch-making changes as the growth of IT and the following quick development of transnational production networks, the growth of international trade, the increasing international integration of international financial markets that amounts to a real time global network at world level and a “great transformation” characterized by the shift of the world economic centre of gravity.This work focuses on the analysis of the transformation processes that have taken place in two industrial clusters of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia: the chair cluster and the cluster of Maniago to understand the relationship between the transformation processes brought about by globalization and community identity and the ability of production communities to adapt to change, opportunities and prospects. From the methodological point of view, this means adopting an interdisciplinary approach to describe the social, cultural and economic transformation processes occurred.The research consists of four parts. The first part describes the theoretical approach, the object identification and the research methodology. The second and the third part concern the study of the two identified production communities, namely social morphology, ethnography and provide an interpretative reading of transformation processes. They comprise the analysis of historical and statistical data at national, regional and provincial level. These quantitative analytical methods, mainly of economic and demographic nature, are then matched against qualitative analysis of socio-anthropologic nature carried out on the ground in order to identify the value system characterizing the communities under scrutiny. The strengths of ethnography are the study of the enterprise-family, of the division of work on the basis of gender, of material culture and cooperation at public and private level. The fourth and last part makes a benchmarking of the two production communities analysed. The contact points and the differences observed together with the analysis of a much wider context – the Italian context – contribute to the hermeneutics of production communities connecting social facts that are separate only on the surface and to highlight some cultural peculiarities that otherwise would have gone unnoticed. / Nella regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, storicamente, il processo d’industrializzazione è costituito da un fitto intreccio di esperienze produttive sviluppatesi nei diversi contesti territoriali locali, fondate sia sul sincretismo dei diversi modi di produzione, lavoro a domicilio, artigianale e industriale, che sul modello della pluriattività dei contadini nelle campagne per rimediare alle difficoltà derivanti dalla stagionalità. Nel secondo dopoguerra anche nella regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, analogamente a quanto verificatosi nel Centro e nel Nordest dell’Italia, si svilupparono i sistemi locali di piccole e medie imprese denominati distretti industriali. Tale sviluppo fu reso possibile da un contesto locale caratterizzato da una stretta interpenetrazione dell’attività produttiva con la famiglia, dal senso di appartenenza al territorio, da un sistema di valori basato sul lavoro, da un linguaggio tecnico condiviso, e spesso da un epos, una storia, un mito delle origini. L’ultimo trentennio a partire dagli anni Ottanta è contraddistinto da cambiamenti epocali, quali la crescente informatizzazione determinata dalle nuove tecnologie e il conseguente rapido sviluppo di reti di produzione transnazionali, la crescita del commercio internazionale, la crescente integrazione internazionale registrata sui mercati finanziari ovvero una rete globale in tempo reale su scala mondiale, una “grande trasformazione” caratterizzata dal cambiamento del baricentro economico mondiale. In questo lavoro si analizzano i processi di trasformazione di due distretti industriali della Regione FVG, il distretto della sedia e di Maniago, per capire la relazione esistente tra i processi di trasformazione indotti dalla globalizzazione e l'identità della comunità, la capacità di adattamento delle comunità produttive al cambiamento, opportunità e prospettive. Dal punto di vista metodologico si tratta quindi di adottare un approccio interdisciplinare in grado di caratterizzare i processi di trasformazione socio-culturali ed economici intervenuti.La ricerca è articolata in quattro parti. La prima parte riguarda l'approccio teorico, l’identificazione dell’oggetto e la metodologia della ricerca. La seconda e la terza parte riguardano lo studio delle due comunità produttive individuate, cioè la morfologia sociale, l'etnografia e una lettura interpretativa dei processi di trasformazione. Si tratta di di analizzare le fonti storico-statistiche nazionali, regionali e provinciali, e di affiancare a questi modelli di analisi quantitativi, principalmente di tipo economico e demografico, delle analisi qualitative, svolte localmente, di tipo socio-antropologico finalizzate ad individuare il sistema di valori caratterizzante le comunità indagate. I punti forti dell'etnografia sono costituiti dallo studio della famiglia-impresa, della divisione sessuale del lavoro, della cultura materiale, e della cooperazione sia in ambito pubblico che privato. La quarta parte conclude il presente lavoro con l’analisi comparativa delle due comunità produttive indagate: i punti di contatto e le differenze registrati e l'analisi di un contesto molto più vasto, quale quello italiano, hanno contribuito all'ermeneutica delle comunità produttive correlando fatti sociali solo apparentemente distinti, e facendo emergere alcune specificità culturali altrimenti ignorate.

Les facteurs extra-juridiques dans la jurisprudence de la cour internationale de justice / Extra-legal factors in International court of justice case law

Medda, Federica 18 March 2016 (has links)
Le droit peut rencontrer le non-droit. Ceci est possible et avéré car  le processus judiciaire de l’adéquation d’une solution juridique abstraite à un cas concret d’espèce impose au juge nécessairement une adaptation au droit applicable. Ceci est particulièrement vrai en droit international car l’adaptation du droit en vue de son application l’amène à glisser vers une ouverture vers des éléments étrangers au droit.Cette étude vise à fournir une systématisation théorique de la qualification et de l’utilisation par le juge international du facteur extra-juridiqueLa réflexion doit alors débuter par une première identification des facteurs extra-juridiques dans le raisonnement judiciaire, et cela, à travers une lecture exégétique de la jurisprudence consultative et contentieuse. L’identification de tels éléments étrangers au droit permettra ainsi la détermination et l’analyse des critères utilisés par le juge international et l’existence d’une éventuelle taxinomie entre les différents facteurs.Si le juge international accepte le recours au non-droit, une telle ouverture n’est pas sans signification. La portée des facteurs extra-juridiques sur la jurisprudence de la Cour doit alors être recherchée. Il s’agit d’une portée double, d’une part normative, et d’autre part substantielle. Les facteurs extra-juridiques ont en effet un rôle de structuration du discours juridique international, lorsqu’intégrés au droit, car ils facilitent le travail d’individualisation des différentes espèces à travers leur rôle adjuvant dans l’interprétation des faits et car ils facilitent également le travail de contextualisation des décisions à travers leur façonnage de la norme internationale. Les facteurs extra-juridiques disposent également d’un rôle dans l’évolution de la norme internationale car ils contribuent à la diversité culturelle des juges de la Cour, et de ce fait, sont eux-même vecteurs d’interdisciplinarité, tout en permettant une interprétation évolutive de la norme international et en contribuant à l’ouverture vers de tendances nouvelles. / Law can meet non-law. This is possible and true since the judicial process of adequacy of an abstract judicial solution to a concrete case imposes an adaptation to the applicable law. This is particularly correct in international law field because the law adaptation to its application brings it to open itself to foreign element of the law.This study intends to provide a theoretical systematization of the qualification and the use of extra-legal factor by the international judge.Reflexion must begin with a first identification of extra-legal factors in the legal thinking through an exegetic lecture of advisory proceedings and contentious cases. The identification of these elements strangers to law will allow the determination and the analysis of the criteria used by international judge(s) and the existence of an eventual classification between such different factors.If international judge accepts to have resort to lawlessness, this opening is not meaningless. Extra-legal factors’ scope on case law must be researched. It’s about a double scope, firstly normative and secondly substantial. Extra-legal factors do have indeed a role in the structuration of international law speech, once integrated to law, because they facilitate the different cases’ individualisation work through their helping role in facts’ interpretation and because they facilitate the decisions’ contextualization work as well, through an international rule shaping. They also have a role in the evolution of international rule since they contribute to the cultural diversity of the ICJ’s judges and, thereby, they become vectors of interdisciplinarity, while they allow an evolutive interpretation of international rule and they contribute to the opening to new tendances.


Maia, átila de Macedo 05 August 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research, linked to the Research Field School Practices and Public Policies of PPGE / UFSM, aims to understand the operating procedures of the Integrated Seminars in two high schools of the State Public Network in Santa Maria / RS. To develop this research, we propose to answer the question: How do the changes that are being implemented in high school, based on public policy, and documents such as the Law of Guidelines and Bases for Secondary Education (LDB / 96), National Curriculum Guidelines for Secondary Education (DCNEM / 2012) and pedagogical proposal to the Polytechnic High School and Professional Education Integrated to high school, we will call PREM / RS, are altering the views of teachers and students of partner schools of research and how to establish the interdisciplinary work in Integrated Seminars in schools. It brings out your weaknesses, challenges and possibilities of a proposal. Data were collected, analyzed and tabulated based on interviews with teachers and high school students from partner schools. In the training of teachers, it is argued on the need for greater promotion of training, both initial and continued articulated with the school and restructuring teaching practices. The data indicate that it is challenging the implementation of the PREM / RS, whether in individual or curricular aspects but mainly a resizing of time and school spaces. The analysis was performed according to the crossing of data, creation of hypotheses and a discussion with authors in an attempt to create a relationship between the data and the facts present in the education of our state, post-implementation of the PREM / RS. Authors who do the theoretical discussion interface are: MOEHLECKE (2002); SAVIANI (1994); SANTOME (1998); ROMANELLI (1997); FRIGOTTO (2009); JAPIASSU (1976); GRAMSCI (1978); KUENZER (1995, 2000, 2005, 2013): POMBO (2005, 2008), among others. Therefore, we believe that the discussion permeated by relevant theoretical contributes the results achieved with respect to the concepts of polytechnic, interdisciplinary and high school, this Master's dissertation. / A presente pesquisa, vinculada à Linha de Pesquisa Práticas Escolares e Políticas Públicas do PPGE/UFSM, visa compreender os processos de funcionamento dos Seminários Integrados em duas escolas de Ensino Médio da Rede Pública Estadual em Santa Maria/RS. Para desenvolvermos esta pesquisa tivemos como problema: De que forma as alterações que estão sendo implementadas no Ensino Médio, baseadas em políticas públicas e, em documentos como a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases para o Ensino Médio (LDB/96), Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio (DCNEM/2012) e da Proposta Pedagógica para o Ensino Médio Politécnico e Educação Profissional Integrada ao Ensino Médio, que chamaremos de PREM/RS, estão alterando as concepções dos professores e alunos das escolas parceiras da pesquisa e como se estabelecem os trabalhos interdisciplinares nos Seminários Integrados nas escolas? Traz à tona as fragilidades, desafios e possibilidades de uma proposta. Os dados foram obtidos, analisados e tabulados a partir de entrevistas com professores e alunos do Ensino Médio das escolas parceiras. No âmbito da formação de professores, argumenta-se sobre a necessidade de uma maior promoção de formação, tanto inicial como continuada, articuladas com a escola e com a reestruturação de práticas pedagógicas. Os dados sinalizam que é desafiadora a implementação da PREM/RS, seja em aspectos pontuais ou curriculares, mas, principalmente, num redimensionamento dos tempos e espaços escolares. A análise foi realizada de acordo com o cruzamento dos dados e de uma discussão com autores na tentativa de criar uma relação entre os dados e os fatos presentes na educação de nosso estado, pós-implementação da PREM/RS. Os autores que fazem a interface da discussão teórica são: MOEHLECKE (2002); SAVIANI (1989,1994); SANTOMÉ (1998); ROMANELLI (1997); FRIGOTTO (2009); JAPIASSU (1976); GRAMSCI (1978); KUENZER (1995, 2000, 2005, 2013); POMBO (2005, 2008), entre outros. Com isso, acreditamos que a discussão permeada pelo diálogo com teorias pertinentes contribua nos resultados alcançados com relação aos conceitos de Politecnia, Interdisciplinaridade, Seminário Integrado e Ensino Médio, nessa dissertação de Mestrado.


Weber, Jacir Vicente 13 August 2009 (has links)
Education is passing through a transformation that transcends the classroom and searches to keep up with globalization. The era of information and integration between knowledge is being lived. Isolated learning has no value and no knowledge is pertinent if it is not related to some other knowledge. The present study investigated the existence of a possible multidisciplinary approach between Science and Physical Education for Elementary and High School students. The methodological profile used in this study was qualitative and a semistructured questionnaire was used to collect the data. Content Analysis was used for the data treatment, by which meaningful categories emerged. The research studied 800 subjects from Elementary and High School students from public and private schools of Santa Maria (between 10 and 17 of age). The questionnaire included the following question: Do you believe there is a relation between Science and Physical Education? Yes or No. Justify your response. Regarding the comparison between Elementary and High school, the students responses showed that the percentage of yes as an answer in Elementary and High School ranged of 50-60%. The percentage of no as an answer ranged between 15% and 33% for High School and Elementary School, respectively. The absence of response was about 26% for High School and 16% for Elementary School. Regarding the results of inferred categories from the yes answers about 33 to 38% of High and Elementary School students stated there is a relationship between physical activity with education, respectively. About 20% of Elementary School students answered that physical activity is related with different characteristics (strength, metabolism and acceleration), whereas around 10% of High School students share the same opinion. Regarding the interconnection between body and mind, around 20% of High school and Elementary School students had similar opinions. About 10% of Elementary School students associate physical activity to physical education as something good to relax from the studies , while in High School this percentage increased about 20%. Around 7% of Elementary School students relate the physical education as elements of chemical reactions, while 14% of High School students have this kind of thought. On the inferred categories from the no responses, approximately 64% and 32% of the High School and Elementary school students, respectively, have the opinion that there is a dissolution between body and mind at school environment. Around 40% of Elementary School students answered no with no justification, being that this percentage is just 9% on High School. Approximately 13% of Elementary School and 9% of High School students see physical education as something good and healthy. About 10% of students see physical education as optional. Besides, around 10% of Elementary School students report that there is no interdisciplinarity between the areas of Science and Physical Education at school, but just half of this High School students percentage shared the same opinion. A perception that points to some interdisciplinary relation between Physical Education and Science was inferred. This relation can be potentiated from the effort and flexibility of professionals from both areas of knowledge, in the search of new teaching manners, instead of just passing disconnected contents, which does not provide to the students the space for discussions and critics about the programmatic contents ministered in the school. / A Educação está passando por uma transformação que transcende a sala de aula e busca acompanhar a globalização. Vive-se a era da informação e da integração entre os saberes, nenhum aprendizado tem valor de forma isolada, nenhum conhecimento é pertinente se não for relacionado com outros saberes. O presente estudo investigou, em estudantes do ensino fundamental e médio, a existência de uma possível visão interdisciplinar entre as Ciências e a Educação Física. O perfil metodológico utilizado neste estudo foi qualitativo, o instrumento de coleta de dados foi o questionário semi-estruturado. Para o tratamento dos dados utilizou-se a Análise de Conteúdo através da qual emergiram categorias significativas. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram 800 alunos de ensino fundamental e médio de escolas públicas e privadas de Santa Maria-RS (idades entre 10 e 17 anos). O questionário constou de uma pergunta estruturada da seguinte forma: "Você acredita que exista relação entre as Ciências e a Educação Física? Sim ou Não e Justifique". Conforme mostraram as respostas dos alunos, com relação à comparação entre os ensinos fundamental e médio, a percentagem de resposta sim no ensino médio e no ensino fundamental ficaram em torno de 50%-60%. Em relação à percentagem de respostas não nota-se que a incidência variou entre 15% (ensino médio) e 33% (ensino fundamental). A percentagem de não respondentes ficou em torno de 26% (ensino médio) e 16% (ensino fundamental). Com relação aos resultados das categorias inferidas a partir das respostas sim , em torno de 33% a 38% dos alunos de ensino fundamental e médio, respectivamente, acharam que existe relação entre a atividade física e as outras disciplinas). Cerca de 20% dos alunos do ensino fundamental responderam que a atividade física está relacionada a características variadas (tudo é relacionado a força, metabolismo, aceleração), enquanto em torno de 10% dos alunos do ensino médio têm a mesma opinião. Em relação à interligação entre corpo e mente, as opiniões dos alunos tanto do ensino médio quanto do fundamental foram semelhantes, em torno de 20%. Cerca de 10% dos alunos do ensino fundamental relataram a atividade física associada à educação física como algo bom para relaxar dos estudos , ao passo que no ensino médio esta percentagem subiu para cerca de 20%. Em torno de 7% dos alunos do ensino fundamental relacionam a educação física com elementos de reações químicas, enquanto o dobro dos alunos de ensino médio têm esse pensamento. Nas categorias inferidas a partir das respostas não , aproximadamente 64% dos alunos de ensino médio têm a opinião de que existe uma separação entre corpo e mente na escola, entretanto, apenas a metade deste percentual foi encontrado no ensino fundamental. Cerca de 40% dos alunos de ensino fundamental responderam não sem justificativa, sendo esta percentagem de apenas 9% no ensino médio. Aproximadamente 13% dos alunos de ensino fundamental vêem a educação física como algo saudável, o mesmo ocorrendo com 9% dos alunos de ensino médio. A percentagem de alunos que encaram a educação física como uma disciplina que deveria ser opcional gira em torno de 10%. Cerca de 10% dos alunos de ensino fundamental relatam não haver interdisciplinaridade entre as áreas de Ciências e Educação Física na escola, mas somente a metade deste percentual dos alunos do ensino médio tiveram a mesma opinião. Como conclusão final inferiu-se uma percepção que aponta para alguma relação interdisciplinar entre a Educação Física e as Ciências. Esta relação pode ser potencializada a partir do esforço e da flexibilidade dos profissionais das duas áreas, na busca de inovar nas formas de ensinar, ao invés de somente repassar conteúdos e conhecimentos desconectados, o que não proporciona aos alunos o espaço para discussões e críticas sobre os conteúdos programáticos.

New Foundations for Ecological Economics

Spash, Clive L. 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ecological economics has been repeatedly described as transdisciplinary and open to including everything from positivism to relativism. I argue for a revision and rejection of this position in favour of realism and reasoned critique. Looking into the ontological presuppositions and considering an epistemology appropriate for ecological economics to meaningfully exist requires rejecting the form of methodological pluralism which has been advocated since the start of this journal. This means being clear about the differences in our worldview (or paradigm) from others and being aware of the substantive failures of orthodox economics in addressing reality. This paper argues for a fundamental review of the basis upon which ecological economics has been founded and in so doing seeks improved clarity as to the competing and complementary epistemologies and methodologies. In part this requires establishing serious interdisciplinary research to replace superficial transdisciplinary rhetoric. The argument places the future of ecological economics firmly amongst heterodox economic schools of thought and in ideological opposition to those supporting the existing institutional structures perpetuating a false reality of the world's social, environmental and economic systems and their operation.

A narrative journey with the homeless youth discovering the impact of economic factors in their discourses of homelessness

Renjan, John 28 September 2007 (has links)
Human realities are formed in particular contexts, and can be understood through telling the story of experiences related with these realities. Homelessness is a reality for many in various parts of the world. The condition of homelessness involves various discourses, each of which can be dominant in different people. Dominant discourses bring with them inherent understandings which in the case of the reality of homelessness can negatively influence the daily activities and future prospects of homeless people. These dominant discourses define the experiences of the homeless people and cause them to assess themselves negatively. This study is in the field of Practical Theology, based on a social constructionist paradigm which holds that meanings are socially constructed and there is no single “Truth”. The processes of telling stories, listening to these stories and constructing new meanings make up a narrative approach to counselling, which I use in the context of interactions with homeless youth at the Street Centre run by Pretoria Community Ministries. My approach is qualitative, and the data are evolved from narrative interventions and unstructured interviews with homeless youth. As this process is a journey into the experiences and stories of these young people, empirical sampling is irrelevant. Listening to the stories of the young people from the streets filled me with enthusiasm to take this narrative journey with them through their stories. Examining the impact of economic factors in their discourses and narrations gave me new understanding of their meanings and challenged me, because many of these were unpredictable. The epistemological approach of postfoundationalism used on this journey allowed a wide range of knowledge types and interactions, which I elucidate through interdisciplinary investigation and identification of the traditions that inform the dominant discourses. The seven-movement methodology used for this work is relevant in the context of the homeless youth, because it allows me as researcher to continue the full length of the journey with the homeless youth, leading eventually to new possibilities. On the way certain themes evolved and their meanings constructed. Listening for the discourses and identifying their economic factors helped me to deconstruct these discourses, and so guide the stories into more hopeful channels. Of course, constructing alternate stories and acknowledging the importance of economic factors will not alone change the future of these young homeless people. Economic restructuring of society is needed. This possibility challenges jobless, homeless individuals not to acquiesce in the negative patterns of society, but rather to work with conviction to create new possibilities. In this project I listened to the stories of ten homeless young people, for each of which two sessions are presented in this report. These stories show that the story tellers are the real researchers, who create new alternate stories of hope in the course of this project. “God-talk” and the discussion of “God-experiences” throws light on the role of God in their lives and in their stories. The research journey charted in this report describes first the theological context and research model, and then the particular context of these young people’s lives. This is followed by descriptions of the discourses. Description of the context of the stories and interpretation of the stories themselves moves into assessment of the stories in their individual context. Interdisciplinary investigation and identification of the traditions that inform the discourses thicken our understanding of the realities experienced by these young people, and deeper interpretations arise which are applicable beyond the local context. Each petal of this flower blooms with new colours of understanding and new fragrances of possibility. The findings of this project are not the final end of this journey, but rather lights for future journeys into the experiences of homeless youth. / Thesis (PhD (Pastoral Family Therapy))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Practical Theology / PhD / unrestricted

Improvisatory home heating : the gap between intended and actual use of radiators and TRVs

Osz, Katalin January 2016 (has links)
Ongoing modification and change is core to how domestic and built environments function. Thus occupants domestication and development of home heating practices around low-carbon technologies is likely to exceed what building engineering sciences have the ability to plan ahead for. Yet, environmental policies and low -carbon industry approaches to sustainable energy consumption are characterised by a high degree of technological determinism. Disciplinary approaches to sustainable energy consumption tend to separate home heating into stable, routine interaction with control points, environmental factors and socio-demographic drivers. Framing low-carbon technical change in isolation from domestic environments often leads to a gap between intended and actual use of technologies. By focusing on TRVs (thermostatic radiators valve) and radiators, this thesis takes an interdisciplinary turn to jointly examine the social and environmental elements of households energy use. A turn to sensory ethnography and practice-place relationships offers a way to better understand how people use energy for space heating in relation to the buildings they live in and how improvisatory uses of technologies emerge from flows of material, domestic, sensory and physical contingencies of the home. Combining home video tours with building energy monitoring in eight homes, the thesis demonstrates that home heating is a place-event of the home because heating systems and energy consumption are woven into the fabric of everyday life. Environmental elements show that the social and technical are inseparable in energy used for space heating and individual elements imply that the domestication of technologies is highly unpredictable. The thesis synthesises findings into a taxonomy table of irregular radiator and TRV use. On the one hand, irregularities indicate that improvisatory uses of technologies are productive sources of sustainable change because they can be potential sites for co-design. On the other hand, the interwoven character of the social and technical in households energy use critically challenges how environmental policy, low-carbon industry and disciplinary approaches frame intervention into sustainable energy consumption. The thesis argues for the value of logic of intervention and sustainable change that is collaborative, system-focused and gradually uncovers interrelationships.

A obra de design brasileiro dos Irmãos Campana sob o olhar das Relações Complexas / The Brazilian design work of the Campana brothers from the perspective of Complex Relations

Ferreira, Claudio Lima 06 September 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Haroldo Gallo / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T17:18:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ferreira_ClaudioLima_D.pdf: 22557338 bytes, checksum: de8ff52f113cef8b7676360f459198cd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Esta tese de doutorado tem como objetivo principal analisar a obra de design brasileiro sob o olhar das Relações Complexas tendo como estudo de caso os Irmãos Campana. A pesquisa está dividida em três capítulos que possuem respectivamente como eixo teórico o Pensamento Simplificador, as Relações Complexas e o Pensamento Complexo. As conexões entre teoria e a prática projetual foram evidenciadas em cada capítulo da pesquisa a partir do confronto entre o Pensamento Simplificador, as Relações Complexas e o Pensamento Complexo. Essas conexões podem ser evidenciadas por experiências práticas encontradas nos processos projetuais do design contemporâneo, em especial nas obras dos irmãos Fernando e Humberto Campana. O Pensamento Simplificador está embasado na razão, no racionalismo e na racionalização, ou seja, uma simplificação do pensamento. O princípio da simplificação ainda é muito imperativo e isso se reflete no processo projetual do design. Utilizando o Pensamento Simplificador como base teórica, verifica-se que o design atual visa, em muitos casos, somente ao lucro e consolida-se sobre uma base frágil, pouco sólida, como uma ferramenta que produz inovação, beleza estética e/ou personalização para os objetos. Atualmente, observa-se que as bases desse pensamento científico clássico denominado como "simplificador" encontram-se abaladas pelo desenvolvimento de uma nova forma de pensar mais global, que não tem como objetivo criar uma ruptura com o pensamento anterior, mas sim mostrar uma forma de pensar em conjunto. Essa nova forma de pensar denomina-se Pensamento Complexo. O Pensamento Complexo tem como base o complexo. A palavra derivada do latim complexus, que significa "tecer em conjunto". Esse pensamento contemporâneo está apto a reunir, a contextualizar, a globalizar e, ao mesmo tempo, reconhecer o singular, o individual e o concreto. Sob um olhar contemporâneo, verifica-se que o Pensamento Simplificador está superado e o Pensamento Complexo ainda em desenvolvimento. Por esse motivo, constitui-se e apresenta-se nesse trabalho uma terceira forma de análise sobre o processo projetual, denominada Relações Complexas. Essa forma de análise está inserida entre o Pensamento Simplificador e o Pensamento Complexo. Não é uma nova forma de pensar como o Pensamento Simplificador e o complexo, mas uma forma de compreender esse espaço turbulento que se encontra entre esses dois pensamentos. As Relações Complexas evidenciam a transição e a conexão entre as duas formas de organização dos pensamentos anteriormente citados e contribuem para o entendimento do processo criativo na contemporaneidade / Abstract: This doctoral thesis seeks to analyze the Brazilian design work from the perspective of the Complex Relations, using the Campana brothers as case study. The research is divided into three chapters, the theoretical bases of which are respectively Simplifying Thinking, Complex Relations and Complex Thinking. The connections between theory and the practice of design were emphasized in each chapter of this essay by means of the comparison between Simplifying Thinking, Complex Relations and Complex Thinking, with practical experiences made evident by the design processes performed in the contemporary design, particularly in the work of the brothers Fernando and Humberto Campana. The Simplifying Thinking is based on reason, rationalism and rationalization, which means a simplification of the thought. The simplification principle is still imperative, which is reflected in the design process. By means of the Simplifying Thinking as a theoretical basis, it is established that current design is focused, in sundry cases, only on the profit and consolidates over a fragile, unsafe basis, as a tool which produces innovation, aesthetic beauty and / or customization of objects. Currently, one thing that can be noticed is that the bases of the classical scientific thinking referred to as "simplistic" are unstable because of the development of a new, more global, way of thinking that does not intend to rupture with the previous one, but to show a way to picture things as a whole. This new manner of thinking is called Complex Thinking and is based on the complex, derivative from the Latin word complexus, which means "weaving together". This contemporary thinking is able to gather, contextualize, globalize and, at the same time, recognize the unique, the individual and the concrete. It can be understood, from a contemporary perspective, that the Simplifying Thinking has been outranked and the Complex Thinking is yet being developed. Therefore, this paper constitutes and presents a third form of analysis over the process of design, called Complex Relations, which is stated between the Simplifying Thinking and Complex Thinking. This does not constitute a new way of thinking as Simplifying and Complex Thinking, but a way of understanding this turbulent space that lies between these two ways of thinking. The Complex Relations highlight the transition and the connection between both forms of organization of thoughts above mentioned and contribute to our understanding of the creative process in the contemporary scenario / Doutorado / Artes / Doutor em Artes

A interdisciplinaridade e o uso do jornal digital: concepção dos professores de 4ª séries do município de Medianeira PR / The interdisciplinary the use of digital newspaper: conception of teachers the 4the from Medianeira city Paraná about in a work

Ostrovski, Crizieli Silveira 23 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T18:49:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CRIZIELI SILVEIRA OSTROVSKI.pdf: 1358395 bytes, checksum: 486b2c0b28e886ad663558cae3201812 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-23 / We live in a "digital society", so connect and / or inter-linked computers and education is possible, which is, contributing factor to improve the teaching learning. Thus, this research sought to cooperate to promote interdisciplinary work in the realization of its concept and pedagogical action in the first cycle of basic education, to identify the design of the Municipality from teachers of Medianeira - PR., about the use the digital newspaper. Thus the specific objectives established for the development of this work consisted of: help in the grounds of interdisciplinary work, cover the development of this theme in Brazil, and demonstrate, by means of reports from newspapers and magazines online, the interaction of the content of school curriculum. Regarding Informatics, Considering the computer as facilitator to the media by means of Internet. Accordingly, the development of the research took place through readings, which were selected relevant topics: Informatics in education, interdisciplinarity; text digital journalism as a vehicle for interdisciplinary content. The research involved a literature review directed to the online educational criticism to which authors such as Fazenda, Faria, Pavani, Saviani, Libâneo e Demo. The work also includes interviews with seventeen teachers in the 4th grade of elementary school - cycle I, the city of Medianeira in the state of Paraná. And from the interviews, it was possible to present the results by setting up a list of ideas on interdisciplinary, informatics, newspaper print and virtual, with bibliographic references. / Vivemos em uma sociedade digital , logo, ligar e/ou inter-relacionar informática e educação é possível, sendo isto, fator contribuinte para melhorar o ensino aprendizagem. Desta forma, a presente pesquisa procurou cooperar para fomentar o trabalho interdisciplinar, na concretização de seu conceito e da ação pedagógica no primeiro ciclo do ensino fundamental, com o objetivo de identificar a concepção dos professores do Município de Medianeira PR., acerca do uso do jornal digital. Assim os objetivos específicos estabelecidos para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho consistiram em: contribuir na fundamentação do trabalho interdisciplinar; abranger a evolução desse tema no Brasil; e demonstrar, por meio da utilização de reportagens de jornais e revistas virtuais, a interação dos conteúdos do currículo escolar. Em relação à informática, considerou-se o computador como facilitador aos meios de informação, por intermédio da Internet. Nesse sentido, o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, realizou-se por intermédio de leituras, cujos temas pertinentes selecionados foram: informática na educação; interdisciplinaridade; texto jornalístico digital como portador de conteúdos interdisciplinares. A pesquisa contou com uma revisão bibliográfica direcionada para a linha pedagógica crítica da qual fazem parte autores como Fazenda, Faria, Pavani, Saviani, Libâneo e Demo. O trabalho incluiu, também, entrevistas com dezessete professores da 4ª série do ensino fundamental ciclo I, do município de Medianeira, no Estado do Paraná. E, a partir das entrevistas, foi possível apresentar os resultados estabelecendo-se uma relação das concepções sobre interdisciplinaridade, informática, jornal impresso e virtual, com o referencial bibliográfico.

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