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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Совершенствование системы внутрифирменного обучения персонала на примере Ивдельского ЛПУМГ ООО «Газпром трансгаз Югорск» : магистерская диссертация / Improvement of the system of internal training of personnel on the example of Ivdelskoe LPUMG LLC «Gazprom Transgaz Ugorsk»

Журавлева, А. В., Zhuravleva, A. V. January 2020 (has links)
The masters thesis consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography and seven appendices. In the theoretical part of the study, a general idea of the system of in-house training is given, definitions of concepts such as "training", "in-house training" are given. In the practical part of the work, a characteristic of the enterprise is presented, on the basis of which the study is conducted: the results of industrial and economic activities, the personnel management mechanisms in the company are studied. A study of the needs of employees in training was carried out, the results of a partial implementation of the model for improving the system of in-house training were described. In conclusion, the conclusions obtained during the work are summarized in accordance with the tasks set. / Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, библиографического списка и семи приложений. В теоретической части исследования дано общее представление о системе внутрифирменного обучения, даны определения таких понятий как «обучение», внутрифирменное обучение». В практической части работы представлена характеристика предприятия, на основе которого проводится исследование: изучены результаты производственно-хозяйственной деятельности, механизмы управления персоналом в компании. Проведено исследование потребностей сотрудников в обучении, описаны результаты частичного внедрения модели совершенствования системы внутрифирменного обучения. В заключении обобщены выводы, полученные в ходе работы, в соответствии с поставленными задачами.

Respostas subjetivas, metabólicas e hormonais a duas sessões de exercício de força realizadas com intensidades e volumes diferentes / Perceptual, metabolic and endocrine responses to resistance exercise bouts performed with different intensities and volume

Lodo, Leandro Nascimento 26 November 2013 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito de duas sessões de exercício de força executadas em diferentes intensidades (35% do valor de 1 RM contra 70% do valor de 1 RM) e volumes (10 repetições e cinco repetições) sobre a magnitude da carga interna de treinamento, e a resposta de parâmetros fisiológicos (lactato e cortisol) associados ao nível de estresse imposto ao organismo, nos diferentes gêneros. Trinta participantes (15 homens e 15 mulheres) foram submetidos a duas sessões de treinamento: uma sessão foi composta por quatro séries de cinco repetições submáximas a 70% do valor de 1 RM e a outra sessão foi constituída por quatro séries de 10 repetições submáximas a 35% do valor de 1 RM. Ambas sessões foram realizadas com os mesmos exercícios (supino e agachamento) e os mesmos intervalos entre séries (dois minutos) e entre os exercícios (três minutos). A carga total levantada na sessão (expressa pela tonelagem [TON] = séries x repetições x carga [kg]) foi equalizada para ambas as sessões. A carga interna de treinamento foi calculada pelo método da percepção subjetiva do esforço (PSE) da sessão. A análise do lactato sanguíneo foi realizada pelo método eletroquímico e a concentração de cortisol salivar foi determinada pelo método ELISA. Não foi observada diferença significante na magnitude da carga interna de treinamento entre as sessões (p>0,05). Também não foi verificada diferença no padrão de resposta do lactato sanguíneo e do cortisol salivar entre as sessões (p > 0,05). Além disso, não foi observada diferença no padrão de resposta das variáveis avaliadas (carga interna de treinamento, lactato e cortisol) entre participantes do gênero masculino e feminino, quando submetidos à mesma sessão. Os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que a equalização da carga levantada na sessão, indicador do trabalho externo realizado, é um fator importante para modular as respostas internas. Mesmo quando diferentes delineamentos são implementados pela manipulação das variáveis do treinamento de força, a equalização da carga levantada torna o estímulo externo semelhante, determinando o padrão de resposta similar dos parâmetros investigados. Os resultados do presente estudo também indicam que o gênero não influencia a magnitude da carga interna de treinamento e a respostas dos parâmetros associados ao nível de estresse (lactato e cortisol) / The aim of present study was to evaluate the effect of two sessions of resistance exercise performed at different intensities (35% of 1RM versus 70% of 1 RM) and volumes (10 repetitions and five repetitions) on the magnitude of internal training load and the response of physiological parameters (lactate and cortisol) associated with the level of stress imposed on the organism, in different genders. Thirty participants (15 men and 15 women) were submitted to two training sessions: one session consisted of four sets of five submaximal repetitions at 70% of 1 RM and the other session consisted of four sets of 10 submaximal repetitions at 35% of 1 RM. Both sessions were conducted using the same exercises (bench press and squat) and the same intervals between sets (two minutes) and between exercises (three minutes). The total load lifted in the session (express by Ton [TON] = sets x repetitions x load [kg]) was equated for both sessions. The internal training load was calculated using the session rating of perceived exertion (RPE) method. The blood lactate analysis was performed by electrochemical method and the cortisol concentration was determined by ELISA method. There was no significant difference in the magnitude of internal training load between sessions (p > 0.05). There was no difference in blood lactate and salivary cortisol responses between sessions (p > 0.05). In addition, no difference was observed in all variables (internal training load, lactate and cortisol) between males and females for the same session. The results of this study suggest that the equalization of total load lifted in the session, indicator of external work performed, is an important factor to modulate the internal responses. Even when different designs are implemented by manipulating the resistance training variables, the equalization of total load lifted induce similar external stimulus, determining similar pattern of responses for the parameters investigated. The results of this study also indicated that gender does not influence the magnitude of the internal training load and the response of parameters associated with the level of stress (lactate and cortisol)

O efeito da dimensão da quadra em jogos reduzidos de basquetebol nas respostas físicas, fisiológicas e perceptuais de jovens jogadores / The effect of court size on basketball small-sided games at physical, physiological and perceptual responses of young athletes

Marcelino, Pablo Rebouças 10 October 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da manipulação do espaço (dimensão da quadra) de jogo reduzidos (JRs) na demanda física, fisiológica e perceptual em jovens jogadores de basquetebol. Doze jogadores da categoria sub19 (18,6 ± 0,5 anos, 88,8 ± 14,5 kg e 192,6 ± 6,5 cm) participaram voluntariamente do estudo. Todos os atletas realizaram os dois protocolos de JRs, em dias distintos (procedimento cross-over); a variável manipulada nos JRs foi o espaço de jogo (dimensão da quadra). No primeiro protocolo, o JR foi realizado em uma quadra com tamanho oficial (28x15m; JR28x15), e no segundo, em uma quadra com a largura reduzida, 28x9m (JR28x9). Os JRs foram realizados em uma dinâmica de 3x3 (3 jogadores em cada equipe), com 4 períodos de 4 minutos intercalados por 3 minutos de intervalo. Antes e após os JRs foram realizados os testes de sprints repetidos (TSR; 12 sprints de 20m com 20s de intervalo entre os sprints) e salto vertical (SV). Amostras de sangue para a análise da concentração de lactato [Lac] foram coletadas, a) antes do jogo (Pré-JR), b) imediatamente após o jogo (Pós-JR), c) depois do TSR após o JR (Pós-TSR-JR), e d) 30 minutos após o término do JR (Pós-30min). A frequência cardíaca (FC) foi registrada durante todo o jogo em ambos os protocolos e utilizada, posteriormente, para o cálculo do \"impulso de treinamento\" (TRIMP); 30 minutos após o término dos JRs os jogadores registraram a percepção subjetiva do esforço da sessão (PSE da sessão). Uma medida de carga interna de treinamento (CIT) foi gerada e registrada através do método da PSE da sessão. Para análise dos dados, utilizou-se uma ANOVA de medidas repetidas de dois fatores (Protocolos de JR x Momento) para avaliar o desempenho nos testes físicos, [Lac] e a FC medida em cada período de jogo e intervalos de recuperação. Para a análise da FC média, PSE da sessão, TRIMP e CIT foi utilizado um test t de student para amostras pareadas. O nível de significância foi estabelecido em 5%. O tamanho de efeito foi estimado através do d de Cohen. Não foram observadas diferenças do momento pré para pós, como também entre os protocolos de JR para as variáveis de desempenho dos testes físicos; a [Lac] apresentou um aumento do momento pré-JR para pós-JR, sem diferença estatística entre os protocolos. Foram observados valores médios de 88,1 ± 3,2% e 90,2 ± 3,1% para FC relativa (%FC pico), 97,3 ± 4,9 e 100,5 ± 7,8 UA para TRIMP, 171,9 ± 31,2 e 172,2 ± 29,2 UA para CIT, 7,2 ± 1,4 e 6,7 ± 1,3UA para a PSE da sessão e 5,4 ± 2,6 e 5,9 ± 2 mmol·l-1 para a [Lac] pós-JR (JR28x15 e JR28x9, respectivamente). Porém não foram observadas diferenças significantes entre os protocolos para nenhumas das medidas apresentadas. Os resultados do presente estudo indicam que: 1) a manipulação do espaço não acarreta em diferentes respostas psicofisiológicas; 2) a demanda induzida pelo JRs não foi suficiente para induzir uma queda na capacidade de desempenho de sprints repetidos e no salto vertical; 3) a demanda induzida pelo JR nos parâmetros psicofisiológicos foi similar aquela reportada para jogos oficiais / The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of court size manipulation of smallsided games (SSG) on physical, physiological and perceptual demand in young basketball athletes. Twelve players from an under-19 team (18.6 ± 0.5 yrs, 88.8 ± 14.5 kg e 192.6 ± 6.5 cm) voluntarily participated in this study. All athletes performed two SSG protocols in different days (cross-over design); the manipulated variable was court area. In the first protocol, SGG was played at official court area (28x15m; SSG28x15), and in the second protocol was played at a court with reduced width area (28x9m; SSG28x9). SSG\'s were performed with a 3-a-side dynamic, with four game periods of four minutes, and three minutes of active rest between periods. Before and after SSG players were submitted to a repeated sprint test (RST; 12sprints of 20m with 20s recovery) and a vertical jump test. Blood samples were provided to lactate concentration [Lac] analysis at: a) before game (Pre-SSG), b) Immediately after game (Post-SSG), c) after RST performed post SSG (Post-RSTSSG), and d) 30 minutes after SSG (Post-30min). The heart rate (HR) was monitored during the SSG and used to calculate SSG mean HR and to calculate training impulse (TRIMP); 30 minutes after the ending of SSG player answered the rate of perceived exertion of the session (Session-RPE). Internal training load (ITL) was calculated by the Session-RPE method. For data analysis a Two-way ANOVA with repeated measures (SSG\'s protocols x Moments) was conducted to evaluate tests performance, [Lac], and mean HR for each game period and rest interval. In order to analyze the game\'s mean HR, Session-RPE, TRIMP and ITL were utilized a student t-test for repeated measures. The significance level was set at 5%. Effect size was estimate through Cohen\'s d. No statistical difference was observed between pre and post measures, or between protocols to tests performance variables. [Lac] showed and increased from pre-SSG to post-SSG, with no difference between protocols. Psychophysiological variables present mean values of 88.1 ± 3.2% and 90.2 ± 3.1% to relative HR (% peak HR), 97.3 ± 4.9 and 100.5 ± 7.8 AU to TRIMP, 171.9 ± 31.2 and 172.2 ± 29.2 AU to ITL, 7.2 ± 1.4 and 6.7 ± 1.3 AU to Session-RPE and 5.4 ± 2.6 and 5.9 ± 2 mmol·l-1 to Post-SSG [lac] (SSG28x15 and SSG28x9, respectively). However, it was not observed any difference between SSG protocols and any measure. The results from the present study indicates: 1) Court size manipulation does not elicit different psychophysiological responses; 2) SSG demand was not sufficient to impair repeated sprints ability or jump ability; 3)SSG psychophysiological demand was similar to those reported to official basketball games

O efeito da dimensão da quadra em jogos reduzidos de basquetebol nas respostas físicas, fisiológicas e perceptuais de jovens jogadores / The effect of court size on basketball small-sided games at physical, physiological and perceptual responses of young athletes

Pablo Rebouças Marcelino 10 October 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da manipulação do espaço (dimensão da quadra) de jogo reduzidos (JRs) na demanda física, fisiológica e perceptual em jovens jogadores de basquetebol. Doze jogadores da categoria sub19 (18,6 ± 0,5 anos, 88,8 ± 14,5 kg e 192,6 ± 6,5 cm) participaram voluntariamente do estudo. Todos os atletas realizaram os dois protocolos de JRs, em dias distintos (procedimento cross-over); a variável manipulada nos JRs foi o espaço de jogo (dimensão da quadra). No primeiro protocolo, o JR foi realizado em uma quadra com tamanho oficial (28x15m; JR28x15), e no segundo, em uma quadra com a largura reduzida, 28x9m (JR28x9). Os JRs foram realizados em uma dinâmica de 3x3 (3 jogadores em cada equipe), com 4 períodos de 4 minutos intercalados por 3 minutos de intervalo. Antes e após os JRs foram realizados os testes de sprints repetidos (TSR; 12 sprints de 20m com 20s de intervalo entre os sprints) e salto vertical (SV). Amostras de sangue para a análise da concentração de lactato [Lac] foram coletadas, a) antes do jogo (Pré-JR), b) imediatamente após o jogo (Pós-JR), c) depois do TSR após o JR (Pós-TSR-JR), e d) 30 minutos após o término do JR (Pós-30min). A frequência cardíaca (FC) foi registrada durante todo o jogo em ambos os protocolos e utilizada, posteriormente, para o cálculo do \"impulso de treinamento\" (TRIMP); 30 minutos após o término dos JRs os jogadores registraram a percepção subjetiva do esforço da sessão (PSE da sessão). Uma medida de carga interna de treinamento (CIT) foi gerada e registrada através do método da PSE da sessão. Para análise dos dados, utilizou-se uma ANOVA de medidas repetidas de dois fatores (Protocolos de JR x Momento) para avaliar o desempenho nos testes físicos, [Lac] e a FC medida em cada período de jogo e intervalos de recuperação. Para a análise da FC média, PSE da sessão, TRIMP e CIT foi utilizado um test t de student para amostras pareadas. O nível de significância foi estabelecido em 5%. O tamanho de efeito foi estimado através do d de Cohen. Não foram observadas diferenças do momento pré para pós, como também entre os protocolos de JR para as variáveis de desempenho dos testes físicos; a [Lac] apresentou um aumento do momento pré-JR para pós-JR, sem diferença estatística entre os protocolos. Foram observados valores médios de 88,1 ± 3,2% e 90,2 ± 3,1% para FC relativa (%FC pico), 97,3 ± 4,9 e 100,5 ± 7,8 UA para TRIMP, 171,9 ± 31,2 e 172,2 ± 29,2 UA para CIT, 7,2 ± 1,4 e 6,7 ± 1,3UA para a PSE da sessão e 5,4 ± 2,6 e 5,9 ± 2 mmol·l-1 para a [Lac] pós-JR (JR28x15 e JR28x9, respectivamente). Porém não foram observadas diferenças significantes entre os protocolos para nenhumas das medidas apresentadas. Os resultados do presente estudo indicam que: 1) a manipulação do espaço não acarreta em diferentes respostas psicofisiológicas; 2) a demanda induzida pelo JRs não foi suficiente para induzir uma queda na capacidade de desempenho de sprints repetidos e no salto vertical; 3) a demanda induzida pelo JR nos parâmetros psicofisiológicos foi similar aquela reportada para jogos oficiais / The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of court size manipulation of smallsided games (SSG) on physical, physiological and perceptual demand in young basketball athletes. Twelve players from an under-19 team (18.6 ± 0.5 yrs, 88.8 ± 14.5 kg e 192.6 ± 6.5 cm) voluntarily participated in this study. All athletes performed two SSG protocols in different days (cross-over design); the manipulated variable was court area. In the first protocol, SGG was played at official court area (28x15m; SSG28x15), and in the second protocol was played at a court with reduced width area (28x9m; SSG28x9). SSG\'s were performed with a 3-a-side dynamic, with four game periods of four minutes, and three minutes of active rest between periods. Before and after SSG players were submitted to a repeated sprint test (RST; 12sprints of 20m with 20s recovery) and a vertical jump test. Blood samples were provided to lactate concentration [Lac] analysis at: a) before game (Pre-SSG), b) Immediately after game (Post-SSG), c) after RST performed post SSG (Post-RSTSSG), and d) 30 minutes after SSG (Post-30min). The heart rate (HR) was monitored during the SSG and used to calculate SSG mean HR and to calculate training impulse (TRIMP); 30 minutes after the ending of SSG player answered the rate of perceived exertion of the session (Session-RPE). Internal training load (ITL) was calculated by the Session-RPE method. For data analysis a Two-way ANOVA with repeated measures (SSG\'s protocols x Moments) was conducted to evaluate tests performance, [Lac], and mean HR for each game period and rest interval. In order to analyze the game\'s mean HR, Session-RPE, TRIMP and ITL were utilized a student t-test for repeated measures. The significance level was set at 5%. Effect size was estimate through Cohen\'s d. No statistical difference was observed between pre and post measures, or between protocols to tests performance variables. [Lac] showed and increased from pre-SSG to post-SSG, with no difference between protocols. Psychophysiological variables present mean values of 88.1 ± 3.2% and 90.2 ± 3.1% to relative HR (% peak HR), 97.3 ± 4.9 and 100.5 ± 7.8 AU to TRIMP, 171.9 ± 31.2 and 172.2 ± 29.2 AU to ITL, 7.2 ± 1.4 and 6.7 ± 1.3 AU to Session-RPE and 5.4 ± 2.6 and 5.9 ± 2 mmol·l-1 to Post-SSG [lac] (SSG28x15 and SSG28x9, respectively). However, it was not observed any difference between SSG protocols and any measure. The results from the present study indicates: 1) Court size manipulation does not elicit different psychophysiological responses; 2) SSG demand was not sufficient to impair repeated sprints ability or jump ability; 3)SSG psychophysiological demand was similar to those reported to official basketball games

Best practice internal training : Factors for implementation

Myhrberg, Frida, Jonsson, Markus January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Respostas subjetivas, metabólicas e hormonais a duas sessões de exercício de força realizadas com intensidades e volumes diferentes / Perceptual, metabolic and endocrine responses to resistance exercise bouts performed with different intensities and volume

Leandro Nascimento Lodo 26 November 2013 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito de duas sessões de exercício de força executadas em diferentes intensidades (35% do valor de 1 RM contra 70% do valor de 1 RM) e volumes (10 repetições e cinco repetições) sobre a magnitude da carga interna de treinamento, e a resposta de parâmetros fisiológicos (lactato e cortisol) associados ao nível de estresse imposto ao organismo, nos diferentes gêneros. Trinta participantes (15 homens e 15 mulheres) foram submetidos a duas sessões de treinamento: uma sessão foi composta por quatro séries de cinco repetições submáximas a 70% do valor de 1 RM e a outra sessão foi constituída por quatro séries de 10 repetições submáximas a 35% do valor de 1 RM. Ambas sessões foram realizadas com os mesmos exercícios (supino e agachamento) e os mesmos intervalos entre séries (dois minutos) e entre os exercícios (três minutos). A carga total levantada na sessão (expressa pela tonelagem [TON] = séries x repetições x carga [kg]) foi equalizada para ambas as sessões. A carga interna de treinamento foi calculada pelo método da percepção subjetiva do esforço (PSE) da sessão. A análise do lactato sanguíneo foi realizada pelo método eletroquímico e a concentração de cortisol salivar foi determinada pelo método ELISA. Não foi observada diferença significante na magnitude da carga interna de treinamento entre as sessões (p>0,05). Também não foi verificada diferença no padrão de resposta do lactato sanguíneo e do cortisol salivar entre as sessões (p > 0,05). Além disso, não foi observada diferença no padrão de resposta das variáveis avaliadas (carga interna de treinamento, lactato e cortisol) entre participantes do gênero masculino e feminino, quando submetidos à mesma sessão. Os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que a equalização da carga levantada na sessão, indicador do trabalho externo realizado, é um fator importante para modular as respostas internas. Mesmo quando diferentes delineamentos são implementados pela manipulação das variáveis do treinamento de força, a equalização da carga levantada torna o estímulo externo semelhante, determinando o padrão de resposta similar dos parâmetros investigados. Os resultados do presente estudo também indicam que o gênero não influencia a magnitude da carga interna de treinamento e a respostas dos parâmetros associados ao nível de estresse (lactato e cortisol) / The aim of present study was to evaluate the effect of two sessions of resistance exercise performed at different intensities (35% of 1RM versus 70% of 1 RM) and volumes (10 repetitions and five repetitions) on the magnitude of internal training load and the response of physiological parameters (lactate and cortisol) associated with the level of stress imposed on the organism, in different genders. Thirty participants (15 men and 15 women) were submitted to two training sessions: one session consisted of four sets of five submaximal repetitions at 70% of 1 RM and the other session consisted of four sets of 10 submaximal repetitions at 35% of 1 RM. Both sessions were conducted using the same exercises (bench press and squat) and the same intervals between sets (two minutes) and between exercises (three minutes). The total load lifted in the session (express by Ton [TON] = sets x repetitions x load [kg]) was equated for both sessions. The internal training load was calculated using the session rating of perceived exertion (RPE) method. The blood lactate analysis was performed by electrochemical method and the cortisol concentration was determined by ELISA method. There was no significant difference in the magnitude of internal training load between sessions (p > 0.05). There was no difference in blood lactate and salivary cortisol responses between sessions (p > 0.05). In addition, no difference was observed in all variables (internal training load, lactate and cortisol) between males and females for the same session. The results of this study suggest that the equalization of total load lifted in the session, indicator of external work performed, is an important factor to modulate the internal responses. Even when different designs are implemented by manipulating the resistance training variables, the equalization of total load lifted induce similar external stimulus, determining similar pattern of responses for the parameters investigated. The results of this study also indicated that gender does not influence the magnitude of the internal training load and the response of parameters associated with the level of stress (lactate and cortisol)

Intern träningsbelastning under en försäsong hos ett fotbollslag i Damallsvenskan : Förhållande mellan intern träningsbelastning och wellness / Internal training load during pre-season within a football team in Damallsvenskan : Relationship between internal training load and wellness

Glas, Jessica January 2021 (has links)
Introduction: Monitoring football players training load is important, lack of recovery and high training load can result in injury or illness.Aim: Describe internal training load, acute chronic workload ratio (ACWR) and wellness of female elite football players. Investigate the relationship between daily training load and wellness.  Method: Seventeen players estimated session ratings of perceived exertion (sRPE) after each football session and muscle soreness, sleep quality and mental stress before every session during twelve weeks of pre-season training. Internal training load and ACWR were calculat- ed using sRPE multiplied by training minutes.  Results: Weekly training load for outfield players was 1697,22±632,07AU, for goalkeepers 1570,69±580,50AU. Outfield players total wellness score was 23,58±2,62, goalkeepers score was 21,2±3,35. ACWR was between 0,31-1,30 for outfield players, 0,36-1,35 for goalkeep- ers. Week correlations were seen between internal training load and muscle soreness (r=- 0,24, p<0,001) and mental stress (r=-0,18, p<0,001) in outfield players.  Conclusion: The study describes internal training load, ACWR and wellness of a female elite football team. Large variations were seen weekly training load, which could be an increased risk of injury. ACWR can be a guide when planning training load. Internal training load doesn't seem to have a big impact on the players wellbeing. / Bakgrund: Monitorering av fotbollsspelares träningsbelastning har en betydande roll då bris- tande återhämtning och hög träningsbelastning kan resultera i skada, sjukdom eller överträ- ningssyndrom.Syfte: Kartlägga intern träningsbelastning, acute chronic workload ratio (ACWR) och well- ness hos kvinnliga elitfotbollsspelare. Undersöka samband mellan daglig träningsbelastning och wellness.  Metod: Sjutton spelare från ett lag skattade ratings of percived exertion efter varje tränings- pass (sRPE) samt sleep quality, mental stress och muscle soreness inför varje träning under tolv veckors försäsongsträning. Intern träningsbelastning och ACWR beräknades genom att multiplicera sRPE med träningstid. Data analyserades separat för fjorton utespelare och tre målvakter.  Resultat: Veckovis träningsbelastning 1697,22 (±632,07)AU för utespelare, 1570,69 (±580,50)AU för målvakter. Total wellness score var 23,58±2,62 för utespelare, 21,2±3,35 för målvakter. ACWR låg mellan 0,31-1,30 för utespelare och 0,36-1,35 för målvakter. Svaga samband sågs mellan intern träningsbelastning och muscle soreness (r=-0,24, p<0,001) samt mental stress hos utespelarna (r=-0,18, p<0,001). Inga signifikanta samband sågs vid bräk- ningar av målvakternas data.  Slutsats: Studien beskriver intern träningsbelastning, ACWR och wellness hos ett kvinnligt elitfotbollslag. Stora variationer sågs i träningsbelastning mellan veckorna vilket kan utgöra ökad risk för skada. ACWR kan vara till stöd i planering av träning och återhämtning. Intern träningsbelastning verkar inte ha någon större påverkan på spelarnas välmående.

Universitetsutbildning, internutbildning och arbetserfarenheters påverkan på revisionsassistenters etiska förhållningssätt

Carlsson, Maria, Larsson, Sanna January 2017 (has links)
Redovisningsskandaler leder till ett ökat tryck på etik inom revisionsbranschen. Denna studie intresserar sig för vad som påverkar det etiska förhållningssättet hos revisionsassistenter. Syftet är att beskriva och analysera om och i så fall hur revisionsassistenters syn på etiskt förhållningssätt påverkas av universitetsutbildning, byråintern utbildning och arbetserfarenhet. Detta testades med regressionsanalyser på basis av utskickade enkäter. Urvalet bestod av 34 revisionsassistenter anställda på revisionsbyråer i Sundsvall och Östersund. Studien ger indikationer på att internutbildning har en positiv inverkan på det etiska förhållningssättet. Studien ger dock inget stöd för ett samband att en högre utbildning (magisterutbildning i förhållande till kandidatutbildning) leder till ett bättre etiskt förhållningssätt eller att anställningstid påverkar det etiska förhållningssättet till det bättre. Studien ger inga generaliserbara resultat på grund av det begränsade urvalet. / Accounting scandals leads to increased pressure on ethics in the audit industry. This study is interested in what influences the ethical approach of audit assistants. The purpose is to describe and analyze whether and, if so, how audit assistants view of ethical behavior is influenced by university education, internal agency education and work experience. This was tested with regression analyzes on basis of sent questionnaires. The sample consisted of 34 audit assistants employed at audit firms in Sundsvall and Östersund. However, the study does not provide support for a relationship that a higher education (master’s education in relation to a bachelor’s education) leads to a better ethical approach or that employment time affects the ethical approach for the better. The study does not provide generalizable results due to the limited sample.

Utvärdering av en digital internutbildning för hållbar utveckling inom byggbranschen / Evaluation of a Digital Internal Training for Sustainable Development in the Construction Industry

Ahmed, Helin January 2024 (has links)
Inom byggsektorn spelar utbildning och kunskapsöverföring en betydande roll för att främja hållbarhet. Effekten av utbildningen beror på dess implementering och kontext. En noggrann utvärdering av utbildningens användning och effektivitet är avgörande för att optimera resultaten och tillhandahålla nödvändiga kunskaper och färdigheter för att hantera hållbarhetsutmaningar. Tyvärr kan bristande balans mellan miljömässiga, ekonomiska och sociala aspekter i hållbarhetsutbildningar begränsa individens möjligheter att effektivt hantera hållbarhetsfrågor i praktiken. För att framgångsrikt främja hållbarhet inom byggsektorn krävs en djupare förståelse av utbildningens genomförande och integration av kunskap i medarbetarnas arbete. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur en digital internutbildning inom hållbar utveckling på ett stort svenskt byggbolag kan utformas och genomföras för att skapa möjlighet till utvecklad yrkespraktik i byggbranschen. Med utgångspunkt i detta har en kvalitativ och kvantitativ datainsamlingsmetod implementerats för att behandla studiens frågeställningar. En tematiskanalys av studiens kvalitativa data resulterade i sammanlagt tolv teman efter att intervjuer med utvalda individer med olika befattningar på byggbolaget genomfördes. Resultaten visar att det finns brister med byggbolagets digitala hållbarhetsutbildning vilket bidrar till att medarbetarna inte får möjlighet att utveckla önskade kunskaper, förmågor och förhållningssätt för att uppnå utbildningens syfte och genomföra hållbara affärer. Ett antal centrala aspekter som påverkar utbildningens framgång och relevans för såväl medarbetarna som bolaget i helhet har identifierats, vilket ger värdefulla insikter för framtida utbildningsstrategier. Dessa aspekter är bland annat brist på social interaktion och gemensamtlärande, inaktuellt innehåll som dessutom inte har tydliga kopplingar till praktiskt hållbarhetsarbete samt brist på uppföljande moment. Detta resulterade i ett förbättringsförslag med parametrar som kan åtgärdas och implementeras inom utbildningen för att tillgodose byggbolagets behov, tillfredsställa medarbetares behov och uppnå hög kundnöjdhet. / In the construction sector, education and knowledge transfer play a significant role in promoting sustainability. The impact of the training depends on its implementation and context. A careful evaluation of the use and effectiveness of training is essential to optimize results and provide the necessary knowledge and skills to address sustainability challenges. Unfortunately, a lack of balance between environmental, economic and social aspects in sustainability education can limit the individual's opportunities to effectively deal with sustainability issues in practice. In order to successfully promote sustainability in the construction sector, a deeper understanding of the implementation of education and the integration of knowledge into the work of employees is required. The study aims to investigate how a digital internal training in sustainable development at a large Swedish construction company can be designed and implemented to create opportunities for developed professional practice in the construction industry. Based on this, a qualitative and quantitative data collection method has been implemented to address the study's questions, and various sources have also been used to conduct a literature study. A thematic analysis of the study's qualitative data resulted in a total of twelve themes after interviews with selected individuals with various positions at the construction company were conducted. The results show that there are shortcomings with the construction company's digital sustainability training, which contributes to the fact that the employees do not get the opportunity to develop the desired knowledge, abilities and attitudes in order to achieve the purpose of the training and accomplish sustainable business. A number of central aspects that influence the success and relevance of the training for both the employees and the company as a whole have been identified, which provides valuable insights for future training strategies. These aspects include a lack of social interaction where a community of inquiry is not promoted, outdated content that does not have clear connections to practical sustainability work and a lack of follow-up steps. This resulted in an improvement proposal with parameters that can be addressed and implemented within the training to meet the needs of the construction company, satisfy the needs of employees and achieve high customer satisfaction.

Höja kompetens och medvetenhet inom miljöfrågor : En utveckling av ett utbildningsmaterial för Sandvik AB / To increase competence and awareness regarding environmental issues : A development of a training material for Sandvik AB

Jägbrandt, Sanna, Lindqvist, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Sandvik AB bedriver en verksamhet som ger upphov till störningar på miljö och människors hälsa och innefattas därför av lagkrav och andra bestämmelser för att göra dessa störningar så små som möjligt. Företaget arbetar mot visionen ”we set the industry standard” (”vi sätter industristandarden”) som visar på att de även inom hållbarhetsområdet siktar mot att överträffa lagkraven och uppnå högre satta mål för att kunna vara en ledande aktör på marknaden. På Sandvik i Sandviken har ett behov av en internmiljöutbildning uppmärksammats för att säkerställa företagets fortsatta arbete mot att uppfylla kraven och att öka kunskaper och kompentenser hos medarbetarna. Detta för att främja företagets fortsatta arbete mot att bli konkurrenskraftiga, såväl gentemot kunder som på arbetsmarknaden. Med detta som bakgrund syftar arbetet till att skapa en bild och förståelse av de anställdas kunskaper och kompetenser inom yttre miljö. Arbetet utgörs av en undersökning som återfinns i rapporten, som ligger till grund för den produkt som sedan utvecklats i form av ett utbildningsmaterial. Undersökningen har genomförts med hjälp av intervjuer med chefer och medarbetare vars arbetsuppgifter innefattar ansvar för miljöarbete. Intervjumaterialet har analyserats tematiskt utifrån de didaktiska frågorna vad, varför, för vem och hur. I analysen av intervjuerna framkommer teman för vad en miljöutbildning för företaget ska innehålla, varför detta innehåll är relevant och varför en miljöutbildning behövs, vilka det är som arbetar på företaget och deras förutsättningar samt hur en miljöutbildning kan utföras. Enligt produktutvecklingsprocessen har resultatet av undersökningen tillsammans med dokument- och litteraturstudier och fokusgrupper med medarbetare i sin tur legat till grund för utbildningsmaterialet. Det framlagda förslaget är uppdelat i sex olika block (introduktion, avfall, energi, vatten och avlopp, utsläpp till luft samt buller, utsläpp tillmark) som alla behandlar miljöaspekter som framkommit som viktiga i undersökningen. Blocken rekommenderas att genomföras ett i taget, kontinuerligt under en längre tid. Dessutom föreslås fokus ligga på deltagarnas interaktion med varandra för att främja lärandet. / Sandvik AB conducts a business which can cause harm on the environment as well onthe human health. In order to decrease these disturbances, the company is controlled by legal requirements and regulations. The company strives against the vision “we set the industry standard” which can be interpreted as if they aim to exceed the legal requirements, also in the sustainability area. These intentions seek to make the company a leading actor in the field. At Sandvik in Sandviken attention was paid to the need of an  environmental education, in order to ensure the continuous environmental work of the company. But also, to be able to meet the requirements and increase the knowledge and competences of the employees. This would be done to support the company’s continued work towards becoming competitive, both against customers and the labor market. The project was aiming to create an image and understanding of the employees’ knowledge and competencies in the external environment. At first, a study was conducted to form the basis of the product which has been developed in the form of an educational material. To complete the study, interviews have been held with employees whose duties include responsibility for environmental work at their unit. A thematical analysis has been done based on the interview material, using the didactic questions what, why, for whom and how. In the analysis of the interviews, themes emerge for what an environmental education for the company should contain, why this content is relevant and why an environmental training is needed. The analysis also showed who is working at the company, their prerequisites and how an environmental training could be carried out. According to the product development process the result of the study, together with documents and literature studies and focus group interviews with employees has been the basis for the educational material. The proposal presented is divided into six different blocks (introduction, waste, energy, water and sewage, emissions to air together with noise and emissions to land) which all deal with environmental aspects that have emerged as important in the study. The blocks are recommended to be carried out one at a time, continuously for a long time. In addition, it is proposed to focus on the participants’ interaction with each other to promote learning.

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