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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Instituições internacionais e educação: a agenda do Banco Mundial e do Education for All no caso brasileiro / International Institutions and Education: the World Bank and Education for All agenda in the brazilian case

Bernussi, Mariana Medeiros 12 August 2014 (has links)
A dissertação pretende explorar a agenda da educação nas relações internacionais por meio do papel das organizações internacionais. Inseridos em uma realidade multilateral, organismos como a UNESCO, a UNICEF, o PNUD, a OCDE, a OIT e o Banco Mundial ganham cada vez mais espaço na arena internacional para discutir educação, alargando as fronteiras da ação política educacional para além do âmbito nacional. O objetivo desse trabalho é traçar um panorama histórico do entendimento destas organizações internacionais sobre o tema da educação, além de identificar qual das agências é protagonista na definição de projetos e programas educacionais. Perante a ascensão do Banco Mundial com o mandato da educação, confirmada por sua liderança na iniciativa Education for All, ainda pretende-se realizar um estudo de caso sobre as propostas do Banco Mundial na educação brasileira. A dissertação está dividida em dois artigos. O primeiro consiste em uma análise da educação de acordo com a percepção que as organizações internacionais possuem do tema, com foco na UNESCO e no Banco Mundial. O segundo artigo investiga os projetos do Banco Mundial desenvolvidos para o Brasil a partir de 1990. A finalidade do estudo é analisar de que forma os objetivos do Education for All estão presentes nesses projetos e se eles contribuem para uma mudança nas regulações, práticas e prioridades nacionais, e de que forma. / The dissertation has the purpose to explore the agenda of education in international relations through the role of international organizations. Inserted in a multilateral reality, organizations such as UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, OECD, ILO and the World Bank are gaining more space in international arena to discussing education, broadening the boundaries of educational policy-making beyond the national level. The aim of this study is to chart a historical overview of the understanding that these international organizations have about the topic of education, and identify which agency is the protagonist in the definition of the educational projects and programs. Given the rise of the World Bank, with the mandate of education, confirmed by its leadership in the Education for All initiative, the text also intends to conduct a case study on the proposals of the World Bank for Brazilian education. The dissertation is divided into two papers. The first one consists of an analysis of education according to the perception that international organizations, focusing on UNESCO and the World Bank. The second article investigates the Bank projects developed in Brazil since 1990. The purpose of the study is to examine how the goals of Education for All are present in these projects and if they contribute to a change in national regulations, practices and priorities, and how.

Construire le "Bloc" par l'économie : configuration des territoires et des identités socialistes au Conseil d'Aide Economique Mutuelle (CAEM) : 1949-1989 / Shaping the "bloc" through economics : reconfigurations of socialist territories and identities in the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON) : 1949-1989

Godard, Simon 05 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse contribue à la connaissance d’une organisation internationale méconnue du système-monde socialiste entre 1949 et 1991, le Conseil d’Aide Economique Mutuelle (CAEM). Elle mobilise simultanément plusieurs fonds d’archives – du CAEM lui-même, de la RDA, de la Stasi et de l’ONU -, et rompt avec les monographies nationales sur la participation d’un Etat à son activité. Au prisme du CAEM et des réseaux d’acteurs qu’il met en place, c’est la notion même de « bloc » de l’Est qui est interrogée. L’organisation est en effet une vitrine de la cohésion et de la solidarité du monde socialiste pendant la Guerre froide. L’étude examine la place du CAEM dans un espace en construction et en quête de légitimation au cours de la seconde moitié du XXème siècle. Le rôle du CAEM dans les échanges économiques entre pays socialistes est d’abord mis en lumière. L’organisation élabore son propre modèle d’économie internationale socialiste. Pourtant, un découplage stratégique s’opère entre l’intérêt du CAEM dans l’affrontement symbolique avec le monde capitaliste et son incapacité pratique à assurer la modernisation des économies socialistes. L’étude des mécanismes de spatialisation du « bloc », de structuration de réseaux d’experts par delà les frontières et de production de discours sur l’économie internationale socialiste permet alors de proposer une socio-histoire transnationale de l’évolution des pratiques professionnelles d’une catégorie d’acteurs spécifiques. Les agents du CAEM comptent parmi les rares individus qui, dans le monde socialiste, développent une acculturation transnationale leur permettant véritablement de considérer le « bloc » comme un espace approprié. / This thesis contributes to the knowledge about the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Comecon, CMEA), the little-known international organization of the socialist world-system, from 1949 to 1991. Unlike most historical monographs analysing the individual member States’ contribution to Comecon activities, this study draws on different archive materials – from Comecon itself, the GDR, the Stasi and the UN. Analysing Comecon through the prism of the networks of actors that emerged in the institutional framework it provided, it is the very notion of an Eastern “bloc” that is questioned. The organization was a showcase of the cohesion and solidarity of the socialist world during the Cold War. The study deals with its role in a space under construction and seeking legitimation in the second half of the 20th century. It first casts a light on the role of Comecon in the economic relations of the socialist countries. The organization developed its own model of an international socialist economy. However, a strategic decoupling appeared between the importance of Comecon in the symbolic competition with the capitalist world and its helplessness to ensure the modernization of socialist economies. The study of the spatialization of the “bloc”, the structuration of expert networks beyond the national boarders and the production of discourses on international socialist economy leads to a transnational socio-histoire of specific Comecon agents. Comecon servants counted among the few people in the socialist world, who were able to develop a transnational acculturation that allowed them to truly consider the “bloc” as an appropriated term of reference and space of development.

O novo sistema do tribunal administrativo da ONU / The new system of the UN Administrative tribunal.

Vergna, José Daniel Gatti 30 March 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe-se a discutir sobre os Tribunais Administrativos de Organizações Internacionais, sua dimensão jurídica no contexto da expansão do Direito Internacional contemporâneo, seus objetivos jurisdicionais, suas características específicas, seus procedimentos internos e seu conceito, a partir da análise dos fundamentos e elementos jurídicos que preenchem o conteúdo dos tribunais internacionais. Nesse sentido, o estudo remonta ao exame do vínculo existente entre as organizações internacionais, os órgãos de organizações internacionais, os funcionários internacionais que prestam serviços laborais às organizações internacionais e os Tribunais Administrativos. Por fim, será apresentado o novo sistema administrativo de solução de controvérsias da Organização das Nações Unidas, de modo a revelar o significado e as consequências que a sua reforma introduz para o futuro dos Tribunais Administrativos e para a evolução do Direito Internacional na proteção dos indivíduos. / The following essay intends to discuss the International Administrative Tribunals of International Organizations, their legal dimension in the context of contemporary International Law expansion, its jurisdictional goals, their detailed characteristics, their internal procedures and its concept, by analyzing the reasons and legal aspects that fulfill the content of the international tribunals. To this end, the study relies on the examination of the existing connection between international organizations, the organs of international organizations, the international officials who render labor services to international organizations and the Administrative Tribunals. Finally, an approach in the new administrative dispute resolution system of the United Nations will be done, aiming to reveal the meaning and the consequences that the reform introduces to the future of the Administrative Tribunals and to the evolution of the International Law on the protection of individuals.

A inserção internacional multilateral brasileira e a participação de organizações internacionais na gestão migratória brasileira

Rosa, Marcela Tarter da January 2016 (has links)
L’objectif, dans cette dissertation, est de comprendre l'interaction des organisations internationales avec le gouvernement brésilien dans la gestion de la migration, à partir des années 2000, une période pendant laquelle le Brésil devient destination de nouveaux flux migratoires. Pour comprendre la relation entre le Brésil et les organisations internationales ainsi que la visibilité internationale comme destination de ces immigrants, on discute, d'abord, l'insertion internationale du pays grâce à sa politique étrangère multilatérale. Il semble que, après les années 2000, le Brésil gagnerait de la visibilité sur la scène internationale en raison d'une politique extérieure plus active et participative au sein de ces organisations par des partenariats avec d'autres pays émergents et de l’engagement dans les projets de coopération Sud-Sud. Ce contexte en conjonction avec d'autres variables telles que l'augmentation de la migration au niveau international, contribuerait à la perception du Brésil en tant que destination de migration et de même expliquerait la plus grande responsabilité du pays pour donner des réponses condescendantes à son implication et sa participation multilatérale. Il est pertinent, comme point de vue théorique pour l'analyse des recherches empiriques, d'étudier des organisations internationales en tant qu'acteurs capables d'exécuter des activités propres à travers leurs structures institutionnelles et l'Etat comme un acteur non-unitaire dans les relations internationales. Dans le cas de la gestion des migrations au Brésil, on s'aperçoit qu'il y a des avis divergents entre les différents acteurs nationaux responsables, en particulier en ce qui concerne le contenu d'une nouvelle loi sur l'immigration afin de remplacer le Statut de l'Étranger (Estatuto do Estrangeiro). Nous identifions que les organisations internationales, à leur tour, ont comme objectif de leurs actions, en initiatives avec des organismes gouvernementaux brésiliens, la construction d'une gouvernance internationale pour la migration qui relie d'abord la coordination nationale et régionale. Pour comprendre, dès lors, la participation des organisations internationales dans la gestion migratoire brésilienne, nous analysons l'interaction entre les intérêts de ces organisations et ceux du niveau national du gouvernement brésilien à travers les documents du gouvernement brésilien et des organisations internationales, la référence bibliographique dans le domaine ainsi que la réalisation des entretiens avec des experts du gouvernement et ces organisations internationales travaillant avec la question migratoire. / Nesta dissertação, objetiva-se compreender a interação das organizações internacionais com o governo brasileiro na gestão migratória, a partir dos anos 2000, período em que o Brasil torna-se destino de novos fluxos migratórios. Para compreensão da relação do Brasil com as organizações internacionais e também da visibilidade internacional como um destino para esses imigrantes, discorre-se, primeiramente, sobre a inserção internacional do país através da sua política externa multilateral. Constata-se que, depois dos anos 2000, o Brasil ganharia visibilidade na esfera internacional devido a uma política externa mais ativa e participativa no âmbito dessas organizações por meio de parcerias com outros países emergentes e liderança em projetos de cooperação sul-sul. Esse contexto conjuntamente com outras variáveis, como o aumento dos fluxos migratórios a nível internacional, contribuiria para a percepção do Brasil como um destino migratório e, da mesma forma, explicaria a maior responsabilidade do país em dar respostas condescendentes ao seu envolvimento e participação multilateral. Mostra-se relevante, como perspectiva teórica para a análise da pesquisa empírica, o estudo das organizações internacionais como atores capazes de executar atividades próprias por meio de suas estruturas institucionais e o Estado como um ator não unitário nas relações internacionais. No caso da gestão migratória brasileira, percebe-se que existem visões divergentes entre os diferentes atores domésticos responsáveis, sobretudo, com relação ao conteúdo de uma nova lei migratória que substitua o Estatuto do Estrangeiro. Por parte das organizações internacionais, por sua vez, identifica-se como um objetivo de sua atuação, em iniciativas com organismos governamentais brasileiros, a construção de uma governança internacional para migrações que perpassa, primeiramente, a coordenação nacional e regional. Para compreender, portanto, a participação de organizações internacionais na gestão migratória brasileira, analisa-se a interação entre os interesses dessas organizações e aqueles do nível doméstico do Estado brasileiro através de documentos do governo brasileiro e das organizações internacionais, do referencial bibliográfico na área e da realização de entrevistas com especialistas do governo e dessas organizações internacionais que trabalham com a temática migratória. / The objective of this thesis is to understand the interaction between international organizations and the Brazilian government on the issue of migration management as of the beginning of the century, when Brazil became a destination for new migration flows. To understand the relationship between Brazil and international organizations in addition to the international visibility the country has acquired as a destination for migrants, we first present Brazil’s international insertion through its multilateral foreign policies. What can be observed is that, since the 2000s, Brazil has gained visibility in the international sphere due to a more active and participatory foreign policy in the area of these organizations through partnerships with other emerging countries and leadership in projects of South-South cooperation. This context, along with other variables such as the increase in migration flows on an international scale, has contributed to the perception of Brazil as a destination for migration. This would explain the country’s heightened responsibility to respond leniently as a measure of its multilateral involvement and participation. We show that the study of international organizations, as actors who are able to carry out their own actions by means of their institutional structures, and the State as a non-unique actor in international relations is relevant as a theoretical perspective on the analysis of empirical research. In the case of Brazilian migration management, it can be seen that there exist divergent visions between the different domestic actors who are responsible, above all, for the content of a new law on migration that would replace the Statute on the Foreigner (Estatuto do Estrangeiro). As for international organizations, one of the objectives of their work, in initiatives with Brazilian government organisms, can be identified as the construction of international governance for migrations that exceed national and regional coordination. Thus, to understand the participation of international organizations in Brazilian migration management, we analyse: the interaction between the interests of these organizations and those at the domestic level of the Brazilian State through documents published by the Brazilian government and international organizations; the bibliographical references of the area; and the responses in interviews with government and international organizations specialists working on the theme of migration.

Um ator europeu: um estudo de caso da atuação da União Europeia no FMI e na OMC / An european actor: a case study of the European Union actorness in the IMF and WTO

Mario Afonso Maniére y Corrêa de Moraes Lima 12 July 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente dissertação busca demonstrar o comportamento da União Europeia como um ator unitário nas Organizações Internacionais. Com o aprofundamento da integração europeia e seus desdobramentos institucionais, é possível perceber o surgimento de um novo ator no cenário internacional, que engloba 27 Estados e vem ganhando força impactando nas negociações internacionais. Através de dois estudos de caso, a pesquisa demonstra a actorness da União Europeia e o seu comportamento em duas Organizações Internacionais, o Fundo Monetário Internacional e a Organização Mundial do Comércio. / The present dissertation seeks to analyse the European Union behaviour as a unitary actor in the International Organizations. As the European integration deepens, along with its institutional unfolding, it`s possible to perceive that a new actor has come to light in the international scenario, enclosing 27 countries and that has been strengthen up to the point to impact in international negotiations. Through two case studies, this research presents the European Union actorness and its behaviour in two International Organizations, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization.


ANY CORREIA FREITAS 19 November 2003 (has links)
[pt] Serão as instituições internacionais instrumentos a serviço dos Estados que as criaram ou, na verdade, atores dotados de fontes de poder e autoridade próprias? Durante muito tempo os debates travados entre as perspectivas teóricas dominantes em Relações Internacionais deixaram de lado a questão da capacidade de agência das instituições, simplesmente assumindo a impossibilidade de autonomia destes arranjos. Orientadas por premissas funcionalistas e utilitaristas, as instituições eram vistas como meras arenas para a resolução de controvérsias ou instrumentos de ação coletiva. A realidade, contudo, nem sempre confirma o que prediz a teoria. Na prática, um número representativo dentre estes arranjos parece atuar com considerável autonomia, afastando-se do modelo instrumental que normalmente lhe é destinado. Regimes e, em especial, cortes internacionais de direitos humanos são exemplos interessantes para se discutir a autonomia institucional. Fundada no novo institucionalismo e tomando como objeto da discussão a Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, esta dissertação se propõe a analisar como certas instituições, uma vez criadas, conseguem gradativamente se desvincular dos interesses e, principalmente, do controle estatal, adquirindo considerável autonomia no desempenho de suas competências. / [en] Are international organizations subservient to member state interests or are they endowed with sources of power and authority? For a long time, debates between mainstream theories in International Relations did not consider their capacity as actors and neglected the autonomy of such arrangements. Based on functionalist and utilitarist premises, institutions were perceived as mere arenas for dispute resolution or instruments of collective action among states. Reality, however, does not always coincide with theoretical assumptions. In fact, an increasing number of international organizations seem to shape their own mandate, moving away from the instrumental pattern which is normally assigned to them. International human rights regimes and, more precisely, international human rights courts provide an interesting entry point into the discussion on institutional autonomy. Based on a new institutionalist approach and choosing as object of investigation the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, this dissertation tries to expose how certain institutions, once created, gradually emancipate themselves from state interests - and mainly from state control - and attain a considerable degree of autonomy in exercising their mandate.

A right to leave : refugees, states, and international society

Orchard, Philip 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation investigates regime-based efforts by states to cooperate in providing assistance and protection to refugees since 1648. It argues from a constructivist perspective that state interests and identities are shaped both by other actors in the international system - including norm entrepreneurs, non-governmental organizations, and international organizations - and by the broader normative environment. Refugees are a by-product of this environment. Fundamental institutions - including territoriality, popular sovereignty, and international law - formed a system in which exit was one of the few mechanisms of survival for those who were religiously and politically persecuted. This led states to recognize that people who were so persecuted were different from ordinary migrants and had a right to flee their own state and seek accommodation elsewhere. States recognized this right to leave, but did not recognize a requirement that any given state had a responsibility to accept these refugees. This contradiction creates a dilemma in international relations, one which states have sought to solve through international cooperation. The dissertation explores policy change within the United States and Great Britain at the international and domestic levels in order to understand the tensions within current refugee protection efforts. Three regimes, based in different normative understandings, have framed state cooperation. In the first, during the 19th century, refugees were granted protections under domestic and then bilateral law through extradition treaties. The second, in the interwar period, saw states taught by norm entrepreneurs that multilateral organizations could successfully assist refugees, though states remained unwilling to provide blanket assistance and be bound by international law. These issues led to the failure of states to accommodate Jewish refugees fleeing from Germany in the 1930s. The third, since the Second World War, had a greater consistency among its norms, especially recognition by states of the need for international law. Once again, this process was shaped by other actors, including the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). This regime has been challenged by increased refugee numbers and restrictions on the part of states, but its central purpose remains robust due to the actions of actors such as the UNHCR.

Tarptautinės organizacijos kaip apsaugos šalies gyventojams teikimo subjektai / International organizations of the country people security supplying subjects

Kazimierskaitė, Kristina 26 June 2013 (has links)
Šiame baigiamajame darbe įrodinėjama, kad tarptautinių organizacijų teikiama apsauga neatitinka Kvalifikavimo direktyvos 7 str.2 d. nurodytų reikalavimų. Bendrojoje baigiamojo darbo dalyje aptariami bendrieji tarptautinių organizacijų požymiai. Specialiojoje nagrinėjama tarptautinių organizacijų, kaip apsaugos teikimo subjekto, specifika išskiriant probleminius aspektus. Pirmojoje baigiamojo darbo dalyje aptariama tarptautinių organizacijų samprata, subjektiškumas ir jo teorijos. Taip pat atkreipiamas dėmesys į tarptautinių organizacijų ir valstybių tarptautinio teisinio subjektiškumo skirtumus lyginant valstybių bei tarptautinių organizacijų gebėjimą atlikti tam tikrus teisinius veiksmus. Antrojoje baigiamojo darbo dalyje analizuojama apsaugos teikimo subjekto samprata 1951 m. konvencijoje bei Kvalifikavimo direktyvoje, išskiriant esminius šių teisės aktų skirtumus apibūdinant apsaugos teikimo subjektą. Trečiojoje baigiamojo darbo dalyje aptariami efektyvios apsaugos kriterijai bei analizuojama, ar tarptautinės organizacijos pagal savo pobūdį gali teikti efektyvią apsaugą šalies gyventojams. Ketvirtojoje baigiamojo darbo dalyje nagrinėjama kai kurių tarptautinių organizacijų veikla tam tikrose kilmės valstybėse, ir analizuojama, ar jų atliekami veiksmai yra pakankami tam, kad asmenims būtų garantuojama Kvalifikavimo direktyvos 7 str.2 d. minima apsauga. Baigiamojoje darbo dalyje autorė pateikia išvadas, kuriose apibendrinami baigiamojo darbo tyrimo rezultatai. Nurodoma... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this final work it is argued that international organizations do not provide protection that is qualified as it is required in Qualification directive article 7 second part. In the common part of this work it is discussed about common features of international organizations. In the special part there is discussed about international organizations such as the security supplying subject specifics marking out problematic aspects. In the first part of this work there is discussed about international organization conception, personality and theories. Also attention is directed to international organizations and nations of the international legal personality differences comparing nation and international organizations abilities to perform legal actions. In the second part of this work there is discussed about security supplying subjects conception that is formed in year 1951 Convention and Qualification directive, highlighting most important legal acts defying security producing subject differences. In the third part of this work there is discussed about effective security criteria and analyzing how international organizations can offer effective security for citizens by its nature. In the fourth part of this work there is discussed about some international organizations activities in some kind of countries and analyzing if their actions are sufficiently efficient for guaranteed security mentioned in article 7 second part of Qualification directive. In the end author... [to full text]


MODERANA, VALENTINA 23 March 2015 (has links)
Il tema di fondo su cui si confronta la ricerca è l'esistenza di relazioni complesse - dirette e indirette, esplicite ed implicite - tra i diversi livelli di governance dell'istruzione superiore in grado di esercitare una crescente pressione sui sistemi nazionali e sulle singole università sino a modificarne le priorità. Più nel dettaglio la ricerca indaga il rapporto tra i modelli competitivi veicolati dagli organismi internazionali, nello specifico dall'Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD, e il modo con cui ciascun ateneo interpreta i propri obiettivi di formazione - nel quadro dei vincoli e delle opportunità del sistema d'istruzione superiore italiano. L'assunto di base è che tra l'OECD e il management degli atenei ci siano delle connessioni che sono la risultante di due tendenze complementari: da una parte l'influsso dell'Organizzazione sulle politiche nazionali, locali e degli atenei; dall'altra la propensione di questi ultimi ad avvalersi, in maniera differenziata, degli studi e delle analisi statistiche e comparative prodotte dall'OECD per interpretare i fenomeni globali della higher education e supportare le proprie strategie di intervento. / The research focus upon the existence of complex relationships - both direct and indirect, explicit and implicit - between different levels of higher education governance that can exert increasing pressure on national systems and universities up to changing their priorities. In further detail, the research investigates the relationship between competitive models promoted by international bodies, specifically by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD, and the way in which each university interprets its strategic goals - in the framework of the constraints and opportunities of the Italian higher education system. It is assumed that between the OECD and the university management there are some connections resulting from two complementary trends. The first one refers to the influence of the Organization on national policies and local universities; the second one regards to the use by the university management of the OECD's comparative studies and statistical analysis to interpret the global higher education phenomena and support their intervention strategies.

A right to leave : refugees, states, and international society

Orchard, Philip 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation investigates regime-based efforts by states to cooperate in providing assistance and protection to refugees since 1648. It argues from a constructivist perspective that state interests and identities are shaped both by other actors in the international system - including norm entrepreneurs, non-governmental organizations, and international organizations - and by the broader normative environment. Refugees are a by-product of this environment. Fundamental institutions - including territoriality, popular sovereignty, and international law - formed a system in which exit was one of the few mechanisms of survival for those who were religiously and politically persecuted. This led states to recognize that people who were so persecuted were different from ordinary migrants and had a right to flee their own state and seek accommodation elsewhere. States recognized this right to leave, but did not recognize a requirement that any given state had a responsibility to accept these refugees. This contradiction creates a dilemma in international relations, one which states have sought to solve through international cooperation. The dissertation explores policy change within the United States and Great Britain at the international and domestic levels in order to understand the tensions within current refugee protection efforts. Three regimes, based in different normative understandings, have framed state cooperation. In the first, during the 19th century, refugees were granted protections under domestic and then bilateral law through extradition treaties. The second, in the interwar period, saw states taught by norm entrepreneurs that multilateral organizations could successfully assist refugees, though states remained unwilling to provide blanket assistance and be bound by international law. These issues led to the failure of states to accommodate Jewish refugees fleeing from Germany in the 1930s. The third, since the Second World War, had a greater consistency among its norms, especially recognition by states of the need for international law. Once again, this process was shaped by other actors, including the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). This regime has been challenged by increased refugee numbers and restrictions on the part of states, but its central purpose remains robust due to the actions of actors such as the UNHCR.

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