Spelling suggestions: "subject:"binternational cooperation"" "subject:"byinternational cooperation""
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聯合國與臺灣海埔地建設及其成效饒宇婷, Jao, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要分為三個部分,旨以聯合國(United Nations)與中華民國合作開發海埔新生地為例,分析援外機構與中華民國的互動關係,探討雙方在技術合作上的外交斡旋與成效。
第一部分「聯合國與國際合作」,從國際合作的源流角度切入,介紹聯合國成立前後如何吸納國際合作的概念,規劃各時期的合作發展政策;並且著重在冷戰框架下,分析親美國家為了拉攏新興國家,鞏固聯合國票源,如何在1950、60年代推動聯合國援外機構的成立;以及制定各項扶貧政策。第二部分「聯合國協助臺灣開發海埔新生地」,將技術合作層面轉以臺灣開發海埔地為例,首先介紹新生地的成因,敘述中華民國建設海埔新生地的背景因素。接著探討技協機構與中華民國的技術合作,論述來自聯合國的外籍專家與國內技術人員的合作情形,並以聯合國特別基金(United Nations Special Fund)的技術協助與世界糧食方案(World Food Programme)的食糧援助為主要論點。第三部分「國際合作的成效與檢討」,討論聯合國特別基金與世糧方案的開發計畫結束後,各區新生地移交給中華民國政府的維護情形。主要包含中華民國如何回應聯合國提出的建議,國內專家學者對此次合作的評價,以及中華民國政府如何藉由國際合作的名義,發展與周邊國家的關係,突破外交逆境等。
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Impediments in the promotion of the rights in the promotion of gender equality in post-apartheid South AfricaNtlama, Nomthandazo Patience 06 1900 (has links)
The adoption of the 1996 Constitution in recognition of the historic imbalances that
South Africa inherited from its past, affirms the commitment to the promotion of human
rights including the right to equality. The emphasis on the right to equality in the
Constitution and other related laws discussed in the study represents a guarantee for
both men and women the right to equal treatment and benefit of the law.
The point of departure is based on the premise that views the law as an instrument that
has the potential to effect social change. The primary purpose is to determine various
factors that are an impediment to the significance of the law for the promotion of the right
to gender equality. The objective is to establish with sufficient certainty the substantive
conception of the right to gender equality in post-apartheid South Africa.
This dissertation examines and provides a brief overview of the development and the
intersection of the principles of non-discrimination at the international and regional
spheres and their influence in broadening the scope for enforcement of gender equality
in South Africa. It provides a literature review and an analysis of the equality
jurisprudence of South Africa’s Constitutional Court and its influence to the lowest
structures of the judiciary in promoting the right to gender equality. This undertaking is
reinforced by the primary purpose in this study of examining various factors that are an
impediment to the promotion of the right to gender equality.
It discovers that the establishment of a “just society” is difficult where the significance of
the law is affected by the lack of legal knowledge and other related factors identified in
the study. It establishes that the promotion of the right to gender equality is a gradual
process that should not be undertaken overnight but on a continuous basis.
It can be drawn from the findings in this study that the law “alone” is limited in its
application in addressing socio-legal problems. Despite the limitation, the use of law is
not a goal that should be discarded as it lays the framework for the determination of the
significance of legal measures for social change.
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Expanding the European Union's Petersberg tasks: requirements and capabilitiesPapastathopoulos, Stavros 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / This thesis analyzes the "updated Petersberg tasks" included in the draft treaty establishing a Constitution for the European Union. The original Petersberg tasks called for forces capable of humanitarian and rescue missions, peacekeeping operations and tasks of combat forces in crisis management, including peacemaking. The updated tasks add conflict prevention, joint disarmament, military advice and assistance, post-conflict stabilization, and support to third countries in combating terrorism. The thesis focuses on the requirements of these tasks and the capabilities of the European Union's civilian agencies and military forces to execute them. It explores the meaning of the new missions, their specific capability requirements, and the prospects for the European Union to meet these requirements. It concludes that the European Union is currently capable of undertaking the missions that require mostly civilian tools or medium-level military forces for their conduct. The European Union does not at present have the relevant capabilities for the missions that demand more advanced military forces. / Major, Hellenic Army
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Une analyse de la sanction économique en droit internationalGagné, Krishna 04 1900 (has links)
Le principal reproche qui est adressé au droit international est la faiblesse de ses
mécanismes de sanctions. Pour cette raison, plusieurs penseurs juridiques ont conclu que
le droit international n'existait pas. Le présent mémoire vise donc à étudier la rhétorique
derrière cette affirmation et à examiner sa validité. Pour ce faire, nous analysons dans un
premier temps la relation entre la sanction et le droit à travers le cadre positiviste du
XIXe siècle. Nous étudions tour à tour les soi-disant critères constitutifs de la sanction.
Nous les comparons avec d'autres ordres non juridiques pour ensuite rejeter le postulat
positiviste qui fait de la contrainte et de la centralisation des pouvoirs les éléments
essentiels de la sanction.
Nous étudions ensuite le cadre d'adoption des sanctions économiques du Conseil de
sécurité des Nations Unies. Cette étape nous permet d'expliquer les principales faiblesses
et limitations du droit international. Parmi celles-ci, le manque de coopération
internationale, le droit de veto et le principe de la souveraineté nationale sont les éléments
qui freinent l'adoption des sanctions coopération internationale. Nous examinons ensuite
les objectifs derrière l'imposition des sanctions ainsi que leur efficacité.
Finalement, nous étudions les embargos en général et les embargos sur les armes. Cette
étude nous permet d'une part de démontrer les effets des sanctions économiques sur la
population civile et sur les États tiers. D'autre part, elle nous permet de mieux
comprendre les problèmes relatifs à l'administration d'une sanction, ainsi qu'aux mesures
de contournement des interdictions. / The fundamental criticism addressed to internationallaw denounces the weaknesses of its
sanctions mechanisms. For this reason, severallegal thinkers conc1uded to the inexistence
of international law. The present text studies the rhetoric behind this statement and
examines its validity. To do so, we analyze in the first place the relationship between
sanction and law through the positivist framework of the XIXth Century. We examine in
turn the so-called fundamental elements of sanction. We compare these elements with
different non-Iegal orders so that we can ultimately reject the positivist theory according
to which coercion and centralization ofpower are the fundamental elements of sanction.
Chapter II examines the United Nations Security Council framework for adopting
economic sanctions. This step allows us to underline the main sources ofweaknesses and
limitations of internationallaw. In this respect we observe that the lack of international
cooperation is the major weakness of internationallaw. Furthermore, an analysis of the
relevant dispositions of the United Nations Charter shows that the veto right and the
principle of international sovereignty are two elements that hamper international
cooperation. We then study the objectives behind the adoption of sanctions as well as
their effectiveness.
Finally, we study general embargoes as well as arms embargos. This inquiry allows us to
focus on the effects of economic sanctions on both civilians and third States. It also
helps us understand the problems with regard to the administration of a sanction, as well
as the ways to bypass the prohibitions.
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Les grands enjeux contemporains du droit international des espaces maritimes et fluviaux et du droit de l'environnement : de la conservation de la nature à la lutte contre la biopiraterie / Contemporary issues of international law of maritime and fluvial spaces and environmental international law : from the conservation of nature to the fight against the biopiracyPaiva Toledo, André de 25 October 2012 (has links)
Le droit international de l’environnement est fondé sur deux principes fondamentaux qui sont le principe de la souveraineté permanente sur les ressources naturelles et le principe de la conservation de la nature. La conjoncture économique contemporaine se caractérise par la systématique violation de ces normes juridiques à travers la surexploitation et la pollution des écosystèmes, ainsi que l’accès clandestin aux ressources biologiques, c’est-à-dire, la biopiraterie. Cette thèse a été développée spécialement à partir des discussions sur la gestion quantitative des ressources biologiques biotiques (la faune et la flore) et des ressources biologiques abiotiques (l’eau), ainsi qu’à partir d’analyses sur le problème de la pollution. Ces analyses sont cependant toujours en connexion avec la surexploitation et la biopiraterie, qui sont vraiment deux des grands enjeux contemporains du droit international de l’environnement. Afin de démontrer combien ces questions environnementales sont désormais de portée universelle, tous les régimes d’utilisation des ressources ont été étudiés, qu’ils soient relatifs à l’air, à la mer ou à la terre. L’on a ainsi pu vérifier l’existence d’un système juridique commun de l’utilisation des ressources biologiques fondé sur la coopération internationale, la bonne foi et le devoir de ne pas causer un préjudice aux autres États, outre les deux principes fondamentaux supra. Toutes ces normes juridiques de gestion de la nature sont matérialisées dans les accords internationaux d’utilisation d’une ressource biologique fondés sur les notions de quotas de durabilité et de quotas nationaux d’exploitation. Par conséquent, les États ont la capacité d’assurer le respect du droit international de l’environnement en assurant la conservation de la nature et la lutte contre la biopiraterie. / Environmental international law is based on two fundamental principles: the principle of permanent sovereignty over natural resources, and the principle of conservation of nature. The contemporary global economy is characterized by systematic violations of these legal norms through overexploitation and pollution of ecosystems, as well as the clandestine access to biological resources, or biopiracy. This thesis has been especially developed from discussions on the quantitative management of biotic biological resources (fauna and flora) and abiotic biological resources (water), in spite of the analysis on pollution, which can be found in the body of the thesis. The latter analysis is, however, always connected with the overexploitation and biopiracy, which are actually two major contemporary issues of environmental international law. For the demonstration of the generalization of these environmental issues, all regimes relating to the use of resources have been examined, independently of whether they concern the air, the sea, or land. That which could be verified is the existence of a common legal system for the use of biological resources based, in addition to the two fundamental principles mentioned supra, on international cooperation, good faith and the duty not to cause transboundary harm to other States. All these legal norms on nature management are established in international agreements on the use of a biological resource based on the notion of sustainability quotas and national quotas of exploitation. Therefore, States may control the compliance with environmental international law by ensuring the conservation of nature and the fight against biopiracy.
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Management interculturel : influence de la mentalité russe sur le management des entreprises et des organisations internationales / Intercultural management : impact of russian mentality on management of private companies and international organizationsSafonova, Ekaterina 30 May 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse constitue un outil permettant d’établir, développer et améliorer la coopération entre les partenaires russes et occidentaux, ainsi que d’aider les représentants des secteurs privé et public occidentaux (sociétés privées et organisations internationales) à développer leurs activités en Russie. Son objectif est de montrer le rôle de la mentalité nationale (dans notre cas, la mentalité russe) dans le développement de ces relations. La thèse constitue une étude théorique et pratique, où nous avons utilisé l’approche multidisciplinaire du concept de mentalité; nous avons recouru aux disciplines comme histoire, sciences politiques, sociales et économiques, psychologie et management interculturel. / This thesis is a tool allowing to establish, develop, and improve the cooperation between Russian and western partners, as well as help the western representatives of both sectors (private companies and international organizations) develop their activities in Russia. Its main goal is to show the role of national mentality (in our case, Russian mentality) in the development of such relations. This thesis is a theoretic and practical study for which we used multidisciplinary approach to the concept of mentality; we drew upon disciplines like history,social, political, and economic sciences, and intercultural management.
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Atribuição da guarda e suas conseqüências em direito internacional privado / Atribuição da guarda e suas conseqüências em direito internacional privadoMonaco, Gustavo Ferraz de Campos 20 October 2008 (has links)
A presente tese diz respeito à análise das hipóteses de atribuição da guarda dos filhos incapazes de pessoas que, por alguma razão, vivam separadamente, desmanchando eventual vínculo familiar entre elas existente. Corno esse fato não é apto a desfazer os vínculos entre cada um dos genitores e seus filhos, torna-se imperiosa a atribuição da guarda a um ou a ambos os pais (guarda simples, alternada ou compartilhada). A análise da questão toma em consideração os casos com elemento estrangeiro, ou seja, com algum fator que possa desvincular o caso fático de sua subsunção exclusiva ao ordenamento jurídico nacional, ligando-o, potencialmente, a outro ordenamento jurídico, quer pelo fato de um dos pais ser nacional de ou domiciliado em Estado estrangeiro, quer porque a criança seja estrangeira, ou, ainda, por um dos genitores manifestar a intenção de passar a residir no exterior, mesmo que todos os elementos até então existentes indicassem conexão exclusiva com o ordenamento brasileiro. Além da atribuição da guarda, outras conseqüências podem advir dessa relação fática, como a manutenção ou não do poder familiar, a regulamentação do direito de visitas, a estipulação do valor da pensão alimentícia etc. Torna-se necessário, assim, decidir qual a lei aplicável para a regulação da questão, bem como de suas conseqüências imediatas, vale dizer, a regulamentação do regime de visitas para o genitor afastado da convivência diuturna com os filhos, além da fixação da quantia necessária para a subsistência das crianças, por meio da pensão alimentícia a que façam jus. O estudo considera o direito à convivência familiar plena enquanto princípio maior e reitor da questão. O tema envolve, assim, urna série de institutos jurídicos ligados, em última análise, à proteção da criança em suas relações privadas (familiares), sejam elas de âmbito eminentemente pessoal, sejam, por outro lado, de âmbito patrimonial, englobando-se, desse modo, os direitos humanos e o direito internacional privado. Levou-se em conta o direito internacional privado convencional existente, mas ainda não ratificado pelo Estado brasileiro, indicando a eventual pertinência no que respeita a urna futura ratificação. A existência de uma série de convenções internacionais sobre o tema ainda não ratificadas pelo Brasil exigiu uma análise da questão não apenas do ponto de vista do direito interno, mas também, e principalmente, relativa à regulamentação sugerida pela sociedade internacional. O objetivo maior foi dar tratamento sistemático à matéria e indicar ao legislador nacional e ao Poder Executivo - dotado de competência para representar o país nas relações internacionais - um caminho que pode ser seguido pelo Estado brasileiro no que concerne à ratificação ou não dos tratados internacionais existentes sobre o assunto. A falta de estudos sistemáticos no Brasil a respeito do tema tem o condão de justificar a escolha empreendida, indicando a sua importância e sua originalidade, mormente quando se pretende indicar aos órgãos competentes as vantagens e/ou desvantagens que o sistema é capaz de proporcionar, seja na eleição do elemento de conexão posto em relevo para a escolha da lei aplicável à hipótese, seja nos aspectos procedimentais e de cooperação internacional envolvidos. O trabalho, em razão dos preceitos legislativos abrangidos, exigiu fossem seguidas duas metodologias distintas: uma de raiz e cunho dogmáticos a respeito dos institutos jurídicos conexos à questão e outra, de raiz e cunho comparativos a respeito da colação entre os sistemas existentes, qual seja, o sistema vigente no país e o sistema indicado pela sociedade internacional como o mais adequado para regular a questão. O método comparativo não se confunde com a mera descrição dos ordenamentos jurídicos (nacional e internacional), exigindo, isso sim, a análise de cada um dos fatores considerados relevantes em ambos os ordenamentos, procedendo-se a quadros comparativos que permitam ao intérprete atingir qual o sistema legislativo mais adequado para a hipótese. Não é recomendável, na aplicação de tal método, a análise de muitos ordenamentos jurídicos, daí por que a limitação do trabalho. Assim, não se perverte o método, conservando-se a cientificidade que o trabalho visou realizar. / The present thesis concerns the analysis of hypotheses on attributing the custody of children to people who, for some reason, live separately, undoing the possible family bond existing between them. As this fact is cannot undo the bonds between each of the parents and their children, the attribution of custody to one or to both parents (simple, alternate or shared custody) becomes imperious. The analysis of the matter takes into consideration the cases with a foreign element, that is, with a factor that may disentail the phatic case from its exclusive subsunction to the national legal system, potentially linking it to another legal system, be it for the fact of one of the parents being a foreign citizen or domiciled in a foreign country, be it for the child being a foreigner, or, still, for one of the parents manifesting the intention of living abroad, even if all the elements existing until then indicate exclusive connection with the Brazilian legal system. Besides the attribution of custody, other consequences may derive from this phatic relationship, such as the maintenance or not of the family power, the regulation of visit rights, the stipulation of the fee, etc. It turns thus necessary to decide what law is applicable to regulate the matter, as well as their immediate consequences, that is, the regulation of the visit regime for the parent removed from the daily coexistence with the children, besides the establishment of the necessary sum for the childrens subsistence, by means of the alimony they are entitled to. The study considers the full family coexistence right, while a major principle and ruler of the matter. The theme thus involves a number of legal institutions, in a final analysis, linked to children protection in their private (family) relationships, either of eminently personal ambit, or, conversely, of patrimonial ambit, thus comprehending human rights and private international law. The work took into consideration conventional existing private international law, not yet ratified by Brazil, indicating the possible pertinence concerning a future ratification. The existence of a number of international conventions on the theme, not yet ratified by Brazil, required an analysis of the matter, not only from the point of view of domestic right, but also - and mainly - related to the regulation suggested by international society. The major purpose was to provide a systematic treatment to the matter and to indicate to the national lawmaker and to the Executive Power endowed with competence to represent Brazil in international affairs a path that may be followed by Brazil concerning the ratification or not of the existing international treaties on the matter. The lack of systematic studies on the theme in Brazil have the prerogative of justifying the choice undertaken, indicating its importance and originality, specially when intending to indicate to the competent organisms the advantages and/or disadvantages the system is capable of providing, be it in the choice of the connecting factor detached for choosing the law applicable to the hypothesis, be it in the procedural and international cooperation aspects involved. The work, owing to the legislative rules encompassed, required two distinct methodologies to be followed: one of dogmatic root and character with respect to the legal institutions connected to the matter and another, of comparative root and character with respect to the collation of the existing systems, which is the system in force in Brazil and the system indicated by the international society as the most adequate to regulate the matter. The comparative method is not to be confounded with the mere description of (national and international) law systems, but one requiring the analysis of each of the factors considered relevant in both systems, referring to comparative tables that allow the interpreter to decide on the most adequate legal system for the hypothesis. In the application of the method, the analysis of different legal systems is not advisable, hence the limitation of the work. Therefore, the method is not perverted, preserving the scientificity aimed at by the work.
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Reciprocidades nas relações de interdependência: cooperação internacional em saúde / Reciprocities in interdependence: international cooperation in healthHolanda, Isabelle Nathacha de Oliveira Machado de 08 April 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo visa analisar o contexto internacional na produção estratégica de insumos nucleares para a área da saúde e como o processo de crescente interação política entre os países influencia na tomada de decisão dos gestores dos sistemas nacionais de saúde, tendo em vista a importância de alcançarem maiores graus de autonomia frente aos oligopólios mundiais que dominam a produção de equipamentos para a saúde. Neste contexto, utilizou-se a abordagem teórica fornecida pelo estudo do Complexo Industrial em Saúde (GADELHA, 2003), que fornece elementos para discutir a interação entre o sistema de saúde e o sistema econômico-industrial, mostrando a dicotomia existente na relação entre ambos, que se exprime na deterioração do potencial de inovação do país e na vulnerabilidade externa da política de saúde. Para tanto, a escolha pela investigação do caso empírico de criação do Reator Multipropósito Brasileiro se deu pelo envolvimento de diferentes setores institucionais no processo e que influenciam diretamente na estruturação de um parque de alta densidade tecnológica e científica ligado à área da saúde que poderiam elevar o país a um patamar diferenciado em termos de cooperação internacional e estratégia geopolítica. Os métodos utilizados incluíram pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema e análise de dados secundários que circundam o processo de incorporação da tecnologia estudada / This study aims to analyze the international context in the production of strategic nuclear supplies to the health sector and how the process of increasing political interaction between countries influence in decision-making of managers of the national health systems, in view of the importance of achieving greater degrees of autonomy against the oligopolies that dominate the world production of equipment for health. In this context, the theoretical approach was provided by the study of the health Industrial complex (GADELHA, 2003), which provides elements to discuss the interaction between the health system and the economicindustrial system, showing the dichotomy that exists in the relationship between the two, which is expressed in the deterioration of the innovation potential of the country and in the external vulnerability of health policy. For both, the choice by the empirical case investigation of Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor took place by the involvement of different institutional sectors in the process and that influence directly in the structuring of a high scientific and technological density linked to healthcare that could elevate the country to a plateau in terms of international cooperation and geopolitical strategy. The methods used included bibliographical research and secondary data analysis that surround the process of incorporation of technology
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South Africa’s response in fulfilling her obligations to meet the legal measures of wetland conservation and wise useLemine, Bramley Jemain January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Environmental Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2018. / South Africa is a signatory to the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat of 1971 (referred to as the Ramsar Convention), which is an international convention making provision for protection and wise use of wetlands. Article 3 of the Ramsar Convention requires signatories to formulate and implement their planning to promote wise use of wetlands within their jurisdiction. “Wise use of wetlands” is defined as “the maintenance of their ecological character, achieved through the implementation of ecosystem approaches, within the context of sustainable development” (Birnie & Boyle, 2009: 674). The concept of wise use has been interpreted to mean sustainable development (de Klemm & Shine, 1999: 47; Birnie & Boyle, 2009: 49; Kiss & Shelton, 2007: 93; Birnie & Boyle, 2009: 674; Sands, 2003: 604), as it pertains to wetlands. Having said this, the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 (NEMA) sets out principles of sustainable development that every organ of state must apply in the execution of their duties. Due to the wise use-sustainable development link, two NEMA principles have been considered to form the basis of this study, i.e. sections 2(4)(l) and 2(4)(r). The first principle places an obligation upon the state to ensure that there is intergovernmental coordination and harmonisation of policies, legislation and action relating to the environment (read to include a wetland); and the second principle is to ensure that specific attention in the management and planning are had to wetlands. Ironically, factors that are identified as hindering wise use include, but are not limited to: conflicting and incomplete sectoral law, absence of monitoring procedures, the absence of legal measures for environmental management of water quantity and quality. Therefore, an analysis will be undertaken to determine the extent to which South Africa’s legislative framework regulating wetland conservation is fulfilling the requirements for the promotion of wise use, through these two principles. Focus was had to environmental and related legislation, policies and regulations that promote and/or constrain wetland conservation and wise use. This study identifies the flaws within the law; and proposes streamlining and, where apposite, amendments to the existing legislative framework regulating wetlands in order for South Africa to fulfil her obligations.
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A cooperação internacional como instrumento jurídico de prevenção e combate à corrupção / International cooperation as a legal instrument in the prevention and fight against corruptionNunes, Antonio Carlos Ozório 15 December 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-12-15 / The study analyses the importance of international cooperation as a legal
instrument in the prevention and fight against corruption. Starting from the research into
international relations through a cooperate view, we built an approach regarding the
contemporary international order, whose actors cohabit under conditions of
interdependency, in a scenario that demands bigger institutionalization and cooperation
ties, namely in the restrain of complex and global topics, such as the subject of corruption.
Corruption is one of the main topics in the international agenda and because it
causes such unwanted effects to the economy and to the economic and social development
of countries, especially the developing ones, the fight against it has gained in the last years,
deserved prominence in the international circuit, with no less than six International
Conventions about the subject, highlighting the United Nations Convention against
Corruption, in 2003, which is the most comprehensive legally binding document,
demanding efforts and mechanisms from the Estates in the fight against the phenomenon.
The study looks at the need for a global effort to prevent and fight corruption,
especially through international cooperation, focusing on two cooperative outlooks which
can be effective mechanisms in the fight against the problem: the international technical
cooperation, through which the Estates will be able to collaborate among each other in the
acquisition, transfer and dissemination of technical knowledge for the qualification of its
human resources and the strengthening of its institutions; and the international legal
cooperation, destined to the combined facing of the problem by the Estates, which will
strive in the efforts to punish the ones responsible, in the fight against money laundering
and to recover the assets diverted to other countries, due to the practice of corruption,
concluding that international cooperation has ceased being a courtesy among the Estates to
become a necessity and an obligation in present days / O trabalho analisa a importância da cooperação internacional como instrumento
jurídico de prevenção e de combate à corrupção. Partindo do estudo das relações
internacionais sob a ótica da cooperação, construímos uma abordagem sobre a ordem
internacional contemporânea, cujos atores convivem em condições de interdependência,
num cenário que demanda maiores laços de cooperação e de institucionalização,
nomeadamente no enfrentamento dos temas globais e complexos, como é a questão da
A corrupção é um dos temas prioritários na agenda internacional e por causar
efeitos indesejáveis à economia e ao desenvolvimento econômico e social dos países,
sobretudo aqueles em desenvolvimento, o seu combate passou, nos últimos anos, a ter um
destaque merecido no âmbito internacional, com nada menos que seis Convenções
Internacionais sobre o assunto, destacando-se a Convenção das Nações Unidas contra a
Corrupção, de 2003, que é o mais abrangente documento juridicamente vinculante, a exigir
dos Estados esforços e mecanismos na luta contra o fenômeno.
O estudo aborda a necessidade de um esforço global para prevenir e combater a
corrupção, sobretudo através da cooperação internacional, enfocando duas vertentes
cooperativas que podem ser eficientes mecanismos no combate ao problema: a cooperação
técnica internacional, através da qual os Estados poderão colaborar entre si na obtenção,
transferência e disseminação de conhecimentos técnicos para a capacitação de seus
recursos humanos e ao fortalecimento de suas instituições; e a cooperação jurídica
internacional, destinada ao enfrentamento conjunto do problema pelos Estados, que
envidarão esforços para a punição dos responsáveis, para combater a lavagem de dinheiro e
para recuperar os ativos desviados para outros países, em decorrência da prática da
corrupção, concluindo que a cooperação internacional deixou de ser uma gentileza entre os
Estados para se tornar uma necessidade e uma obrigação presentes nos tempos atuais
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