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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Operationssjuksköterskors användning av intraoperativ kommunikation med patienter : en observationsstudie / Operating theatre nurses’ use of intraoperative communication with patients : an observational study

Wahlström, Malin, Lestander, Helén January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Aktuell forskning visar hur användning av intraoperativ kommunikation kan medföra positiva effekter för både patienter och operationssjuksköterskor. Dock saknas forskning om hur användningen ser ut i praxis. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att med stöd i yrkets kompetensbeskrivning observera hur operationssjuksköterskor använder sig av intraoperativ kommunikation med patienter i det kliniska arbetet samt orsaker till att kommunikation eventuellt inte används. Metod: Studien utfördes som en kvalitativ, etnografisk observationsstudie. 20 observationer av operationssjuksköterskor på ett sjukhus i norra Sverige genomfördes och materialet analyserades genom innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen av materialet utmynnande i tre kategorier: Att kommunicera, Att ge personcentrerad vård samt Att påverkas av arbetsmiljön, och åtta underkategorier: Att ge information, Att föra en intraoperativ dialog, Att bygga en tillfällig relation, Att identifiera omvårdnadsbehov, Att vara engagerad, Att vara frånvarande, Att ha andra arbetsuppgifter och Att påverkas av tid. Slutsats: Resultatet av denna studie tyder på att intraoperativ kommunikation knappt används i klinisk verksamhet idag och att operationssjuksköterskor av olika anledningar oftast backar undan och låter andra teammedlemmar ansvara för det nära omvårdnadsarbetet. / Background: Current research shows how the use of intraoperative communication can lead to positive effects for both patients and operating theatre nurses. However, research is missing regarding the use in practice. Aim: The aim of this study was to observe, with the support of the competence description of the profession, how operating theatre nurses use intraoperative communication with patients in their clinical work, and reasons why communication possibly is not used. Method: The study was performed as a qualitative, ethnographic, observational study. 20 observations of operating theatre nurses at a hospital in northern Sweden were made, and the material was analyzed through content analysis. Findings: The analysis of the material led to three categories: To communicate, To perform person-centered care and To be influenced by the working environment, and eight sub-categories: To provide information, To conduct an intraoperative dialogue, To build a temporary relationship, To identify caring needs, To be committed, To be absent, To have other duties and To be affected by time Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate that intraoperative communication is rarely used in clinical work today, and that operating theatre nurses, for different reasons, usually take a step back and let the other team members take responsibility for the intraoperative nursing.

Betydelsen av kommunikation mellan operationssjuksköterskan och operatören i den intraoperativa fasen : En kvalitativ observationsstudie

Persson, Sofia, Johansson, Emma January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Operationssjuksköterskan är ansvarig för patientens säkerhet i operationssalen tillsammans med det övriga teamet. Vikten av god kommunikation och teamarbete är avgörande för arbetet i operationssalen. Förekomsten av hierarkier i teamet kan skapa tveksamheter i kommunikationen vilket påverkar teamet negativt. Även stress påverkar kommunikationen och samarbetet i teamet.   Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka kommunikationens betydelse mellan operationssjuksköterskan och operatören i den intraoperativa fasen.  Metod: Semi-strukturerad observationsstudie med induktiv ansats och kvalitativ design. Datainsamlingen har skett vid totalt 10 observationer på ett sjukhus i södra Sverige. Studien är en icke-deltagande observationsstudie.   Resultat: Det framkommer under observationerna att kommunikationen är ett viktigt verktyg för att undvika missförstånd och bibehålla patientsäkerheten. En tydlig kommunikation bidrar även till ett bra arbetsflöde och en trevlig arbetsmiljö för professionerna på operationssalen. I observationerna framkom inga tydliga hierarkier utan professionerna hade respekt för varandras arbete och kunskap.   Slutsats: En god kommunikation är nyckeln för en lyckad arbetsmiljö. I kombination av ett gott samspel, en god atmosfär samt respekt för varandras professioner kan det bidra till att patientsäkerheten bibehållas genom hela operationen. / Background: The operating room nurse is responsible for the patient´s safety in the operating room together with the rest of the team. The importance of good communication and teamwork is crucial for the work in the operating room. The presence of hierarchies in the team can create uncertainties in communication, which negatively affects the team. Stress also affects communication and collaboration within the team. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate the importance of communication between the operating room nurse and the operator during the intraoperative phase.  Method: Semi-structured observational study with inductive approach and qualitative design. Data collection was conducted during a total of 10 observations at a hospital in southern Sweden. The study is a non-participatory observational study. Results: It emerges during the observations that communication is an important tool to avoid misunderstandings and maintain patient safety. Clear communication also contributes to a good work flow and a pleasant working environment for the professionals in the operating room. During the observations no clear hierarchies were observed, and the professionals showed respect for each other´s work and knowledge.  Conclusion: Good communication is the key to a successful work environment. In combination with good teamwork, a positive atmosphere, and respect for each other's professions, it can contribute to maintain patient safety throughout the entire operation.

Högerhemisfäriska funktioner : En litteraturstudie om språkliga och kommunikativa funktioner i höger hemisfär och hur dessa kan testas vid neurokirurgi i vaket tillstånd

Engström, Ilona, Cederwall, Kristina January 2015 (has links)
In neuro surgery, the expression awake surgery generally refers to tumour surgery in the brain while the patient is concious. At Akademiska Sjukhuset, Uppsala, it is today standard to perform awake surgery on tumours located in the dominant left hemisphere while awake. However, regarding awake surgery in the non-dominant right hemisphere it is not clear what functions should be tested and how this should be done. A test battery for awake surgery in the right hemisphere should be developed like the test that are used in awake surgery in the left hemisphere. Science recommends awake surgery in the right hemisphere which already being done around Europe. As patients with brain tumours have a good prognosis post operative it is important to retain, or ameliorate, their quality of life. This literature study’s main purpose is to present which functions, important for language and communication, are located in the right hemisphere. The study also intends to account for testing of these functions intraoperatively, after rightsided stroke and on persons with right hemisphere lesions. The functions are many in number, essential for maintaining the quality of life but some are difficult to test. According to the literature study, the functions that appeared most significant are neglect and pragmatic with its functional, social and communicative effects. More research on the right hemispherical functions and how they are organized is necessary. The work intends to be the basis for continued development of awake surgery tests in the right hemisphere in Akademiska Sjukhuset, Uppsala. / Inom neurokirurgin avser uttrycket vakenkirurgi oftast tumörkirurgi i hjärnan samtidigt som patienten är vid fullt medvetande under ingreppet. Vid Akademiska Sjukhuset i Uppsala är det standard att operera tumörer belägna i den språkligt dominanta vänstra hemisfären i vaket tillstånd medan man vid en del andra centra även förespråkar vakenkirurgi i den icke-språkligt dominanta högra hemisfären. Det är emellertid inte klarlagt vilka funktioner som i så fall bör testas och hur detta ska gå till. Ett testbatteri vid vakenkirurgi i höger hemisfär skulle behöva utvecklas likt det test som används vid tumörer i vänster hemisfär. Vakenkirurgi i höger hemisfär genomförs i dag på enstaka center i Europa. Då patienter med hjärntumörer kan ha en god prognos postoperativt är det angeläget att behålla, eller förbättra, deras livskvalitet. Denna litteraturstudies huvudsakliga syfte är att presentera vilka funktioner, viktiga för språk och kommunikation, som är lokaliserade i höger hemisfär. Studien redogör också för testning av dessa funktioner intraoperativt, efter högersidig stroke och på personer med högerhemisfäriska skador. Funktionerna är många till antalet, viktiga för att bibehålla livskvaliteten men en del även svårtestade. Enligt vår litteraturgenomgång är de funktioner som framstått som mest betydelsefulla neglekt och pragmatik med dess funktionella, sociala och kommuniktiva påverkan. Mer forskning om höger hemisfärs funktioner och hur dessa är organiserade behövs. Arbetet ämnar ligga till grund för fortsatt utveckling av vakenkirurgitest i höger hemisfär på Akademiska Sjukhuset i Uppsala.

Prädiktion der linksventrikulären Funktion nach Mitralklappenrekonstruktion unter Verwendung des präoperativen Tei Index

Gröger, Steffen 04 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die chirurgische Mitralklappenrekonstruktion (MKR) ist der konservativen Therapie bei signifikanter Mitralklappeninsuffizienz (MI) überlegen. Bisher fehlen sensitive präoperative Parameter zur Detektion latenter linksventrikulärer Funktionsstörungen. Aufgrund der pathophysiologisch bedingten Nachlastreduktion und Vorlaststeigerung bei MI bergen die konventionell verwendeten Ejektionsindices, Ejektionsfraktion (EF) und Fractional Area Change (FAC), die Gefahr der Überschätzung der effektiven Pumpfunktion des linken Ventrikels (LV). Der dopplersonographisch erhobene Tei Index gilt als ein Marker globaler myokardialer Funktion. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, mit dem Tei Index (bzw. dem Myokardialen Performance Index, MPI) einen sensitiveren präoperativen Parameter zur Prädiktion der postoperativen linksventrikulären Funktion zu finden. Hierzu wurden im Rahmen einer prospektiven klinischen Studie 130 Patienten mit signifikanter MI am Herzzentrum Leipzig entsprechend den ASE/SCA Leitlinien vor und nach kardiopulmonaler Bypass-Operation mittels transösophagealer echokardiographischer (TEE) Bildgebung untersucht. Die Quantifizierung der MI erfolgte durch Messung der Vena contracta (VC). Die FAC wurde in der transgastrischen midpapillären kurzen Achse und die EF im midösophagealen Zwei- sowie Vier-Kammer-Blick erfasst. Die Zeitintervalle zur Berechnung des Tei Index wurden im tiefen transgastrischen und midösophagealen Vier-Kammer-Blick erfasst. Eine statistische Korrelation zwischen präoperativen Tei Index und postoperativer EF und FAC konnte zur Validierung unserer Hypothese nicht detektiert werden. Folgend kann der Tei Index nicht als Prädiktor der effektiven linksventrikulären Funktion vor MKR gewertet werden.

Avspark på sal : En intervjustudie om operations- anestesisjuksköterskors och undersköterskors upplevelser

Skogström, Jennifer, Johansson, Emmeli January 2017 (has links)
Introduktion: I sammanhang som kräver komplexa lösningar skapas team för att tillgodose dessa komplexa behov. På en operationsavdelning består detta team av operation- och anestesisjuksköterskor och undersköterskor. Alla professioner behöver samspela för att kunna ge en god vård till patienten. Som ett hjälpmedel för teamen har ”avspark på sal” tagits i bruk, där teamet samlas på morgonen. Tidigare forskning visar på ett behov av en rutin som uppmuntrar till kommunikation i gruppen. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa hur arbetsmodellen ”avspark på sal” upplevs av operationanestesisjuksköterskor och undersköterskor inom operationsteam. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med en induktiv ansats. Studiens baseras på 15 ostrukturerade intervjuer med operation- anestesisjuksköterskor och undersköterskor. Materialet analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: ”Avspark på sal” upplevs bidra till en ökad samhörighet i teamet. Det skapas förutsättningar för ökad respekt och förståelse för varandra. Att ha information och kontroll inom teamet oavsett om det rör sig om förståelsen över professionsgränserna och veta vad som kommer hända ökar tryggheten inom teamet. Trots detta finns det svårigheter som påverkar ”avspark på sal” eller gör att det inte genomförs. Klinisk slutsats: Studiens resultat kan användas som utvärdering för vidare förbättringsarbete. Inblick kan öka förståelsen mellan medarbetarna. I liknande kontext eller andra sammanhang där teamarbete är en central del kan studiens resultat ligga till grund för införandet av likande rutiner. / Introduction: In contexts that require complex solutions teams are created to meet these complex needs. In an operation theatre this team is composed of operation- and anesthesia nurses and assistant nurses. All professions need to interact in order to provide quality care to the patient. As an aid to the teams a working model called “avspark på sal” put into use, where the team gathered in the morning. Previous research indicates a need for a routine that encourages communication in the group. Purpose/Aim: The aim was to illustrate how the working model “avspark på sal” is experienced by operation- and anesthesia nurses and assistant nurses in the surgical team. Method: A qualitative interview study with an inductive approach. The study is based on 15 unstructured interviews with operation- and anesthesia nurses and auxiliary nurses. The material was analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. Results: “Avspark på sal” is experienced to contribute to an increased affinity of the team. It creates the conditions for greater respect and understanding for each other. To have information and control within the team, whether it concerns the understanding of professional boundaries, to know what will happen to increase security within the team. Despite this, there are difficulties affecting “avspark på sal”. Clinical conclusions: The study results can be used as evaluation for further improvement. Insight can increase understanding between employees. In a similar context or other contexts where teamwork is central the study's results could provide the basis for the introduction of similar routine.

Klinička procena neuromišićne blokade intraoperativnim neurofiziološkim monitoringom / Clinical determination of neuromuscular blockade by intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring

Gavrančić Brane 11 December 2014 (has links)
<p>Ciljevi: U kliničkoj praksi se rutinski upotrebljava vizuelna metoda evaluacije TOF testa, koja ne pruža u potpunosti precizne podatke u periodu oporavka neuromi&scaron;ićne blockade. Neophodno je ispitati mogućnost upotrebe specifičnije i preciznije metode u TOF monitoring, kao &scaron;to je kvantitativna TOF metoda. Određivanje razlike između vrednosti T1 i T4 mi&scaron;ićnih kontrakcija, dobijenih kvantitativnom TOF metodom, može biti precizan pokazatelj prisustva neuromi&scaron;ićne blokade na testiranom mi&scaron;iću. Takođe, aplikacijom kvantitativne TOF metode, neophodno je utvrditi da li kod različitih mi&scaron;ića postoji različit period oporavka od prisustva neuromi&scaron;ićne blokade. Upotreba kvantitativne TOF metode, i poređenje T4 / T1 odnosa između različitih mi&scaron;ića, može biti pokazatelj postojanja razlika u oporavku od prisustva neuromi&scaron;ićne blokade. Materijal i metode: U istraživanju je analiziran oporavak od prisustva neromi&scaron;ićne blokade na m.abductor hallucis i m. interosseus dorsalis primus aplikacijom kvantitativnog TOF testa u toku ortopedskih hirur&scaron;kih procedura na kičmenom stubu uz upotrebu intraoperativnog neurofiziolo&scaron;kog monitoring kod 147 bolesnika. T4/T1 odnos je određen na testiranom mi&scaron;iću stopala i &scaron;ake, obavljena je klasifikacija ispitanika u odnosu na dozu neuromi&scaron;ićnog blokatora i proteklo vreme od apilikacije. Poređenjem T4/T1 odnosa između testiranih mi&scaron;ića utvrđene su razlike u oporavku od prisustva neuromi&scaron;ićne blokade. Vizuelnom TOF metodom je vr&scaron;ena procena neuromi&scaron;ićne blokade od strane anesteziologa, stimulacijom n.ulnaris i praćenjem kontrakcije m.adductor pollicis. Rezultati dobijeni vizuelnom TOF metodom su upoređeni sa rezultatima dobijenim kvantitativnom TOF metodom na m. interosseus dorsalis primus. Rezultati: Postoje značajne razlike u T4/T1 odnosu između testiranih mi&scaron;ića na stopalu i &scaron;aci (p&lt;0.05). T4/T1 odnos određen na m.abductor hallucis ima niže vrednosti, odnosno brži oporavak, u odnosu na m. interosseus dorsalis primus (p&lt;0.05). Kvantitativnom TOF metodom dobijeni su pouzdani rezultati o proceni neuromi&scaron;ićne blokade kod svih testiranih bolesnika, dok su vizuelnom TOF metodom dobijeni kod 40 % testiranih bolesnika. Rezultati pokazuju da postoje značajne razlike u pouzdanosti i preciznosti između kvantitativne i vizuelne TOF metode. Zaključak: Kvantitativna TOF metoda je klinički prihvatljiva i pouzdana metoda u proceni prisustva neuromi&scaron;ićne blokade. Razlike u oporavku od neuromi&scaron;ićne blokade uočene kod različitih mi&scaron;ića, ukazuju da je TOF monitoring neophodan na određenoj mi&scaron;ićnoj regiji koja pruža pouzdane i precizne podatke o neuromi&scaron;ićnoj blokadi regije na kojoj se hirur&scaron;ka procedura obavlja. Kvantitativna TOF metoda pruža preciznije podatke o stepenu prisustva neuromi&scaron;ićne blokade u odnosu na vizuelnu subjektivnu TOF metodu.</p> / <p>Purpose: In clinical practice routinely used method of TOF test is visual method of interpretation. This method does not provide completely reliable data in period of spontaneous recovery from neuromuscular blockade. It is necessary to investigate possibility of application of more specific and more accurate method in TOF monitoring, such as quantitative TOF method. Determination of difference between the values of T1 and T4 muscle contraction, obtained by quantitative TOF method, may indicate the presence of neuromuscular blockade on tested muscle. In addition to this, by application of quantitative TOF method, it is necessary to determine is there a difference in period of recovery from neuromuscular blockade between defferent muscles. Comparison of T4/T1 ratios between different muscles may indicate presence of different period of recovery from neuromuscular blockade. Methods: Study analyzed differences between recovery of foot - abductor hallucis muscle and hand - first dorsal interosseous muscle by application of quantitative TOF test on 147 patients undergoing lumbar spine surgery. T1 to T4 decrements on hand and foot TOF were determined and classified into different groups, depending of neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBA) dose and elapsed time after administration. T1 - T4 decrements were compared between hand and foot TOF and differences between muscle recovery were determined. Visual method of TOF test was performed by anesthesiologists, by using peripheral nerve stimulator and stimulating ulnar nerve. Quantitative TOF test was measured on first dorsal interosseous muscle, and compared with visual TOF results obtained on adductor pollicis muscle. Results: There are significant differences between T1 - T4 decrements obtained on tested muscles of hand and foot (p&lt;0.05). T1-T4 decrement determined on abductor hallucis muscle had lower values, respectively more rapid recovery, than first dorsal interosseous muscle (p&lt;0.05). Quantitative method of TOF test had reliable and correct results in all tested subjects, while visual interpretation of TOF method showed accurate results in 40 % of all cases. Results indicated that significant difference was present between quantitative and visual method of TOF interpretation. Conclusions: Difference between observed recovery of hand and foot muscles is indicating that quantitative TOF test should be performed on specific site for which accurate data about the level of neuromuscular blockade is needed. During lumbar spine surgery, in addition to hand TOF, foot TOF should be included as it provides more accurate data needed for neurophysiological intraoperative monitoring. Quantitative TOF method provides more accurate data about level of neuromuscular blockade if compared with subjective visual TOF method.</p>

Determinação da PEEP ideal e evolução da função pulmonar por tomografia de impedância elétrica durante o intraoperatório de cirurgia eletiva / Determination of optimal PEEP by electrical impedance tomography during the intraoperative period

Pereira, Sérgio Martins 29 April 2019 (has links)
Introdução: A individualização da pressão positiva ao final da expiração (PEEP) pode reduzir a pressão de distensão e a formação de atelectasias em pacientes sendo submetidos a cirurgia abdominal eletiva. Objetivos: Titular a PEEP e comparar a mecânica respiratória de pacientes ventilados com PEEP titulada a pacientes ventilados com PEEP de 4 cmH2O. Após a extubação, comparar a formação de atelectasias. Métodos: Pacientes submetidos à cirurgia laparoscópica ou cirurgia aberta foram incluídos de forma não consecutiva, estratificada e randomizados em dois braços: PEEP titulada (PEEPT) e PEEP de 4 cmH2O (PEEP4). A PEEP foi titulada com tomógrafo de impedância elétrica (TIE). Dados de mecânica e três gasometrias foram coletadas durante o intraoperatório. Após extubação, os pacientes realizaram a uma tomografia computadorizada de tórax. Resultados: Vinte pacientes submetidos à cirurgia laparoscópica e vinte pacientes submetidos à cirurgia aberta foram incluídos. A mediana de PEEP titulada foi 12 cmH2O (10-14), com uma ampla variação de 6-16 (IC 95% 10-14). O uso da PEEP titulada determinou uma redução da pressão de distensão (p < 0,001), melhora da complacência (p < 0,001), melhora a oxigenação (p < 0,001) apenas dos pacientes de cirurgia laparoscópica e redução da massa de tecido pulmonar não-aerada após a extubação (P < 0,05). Conclusão: A PEEP individualizada apresentou ampla distribuição. A individualização da PEEP reduziu a quantidade de atelectasia após a extubação e, também, melhorou a mecânica respiratória e a oxigenação / Rationale: Individualized PEEP may reduce driving pressure and the formation of atelectasis in patients undergoing elective abdominal surgery. Objectives: To titrate PEEP and compare respiratory mechanics of patients submitted to titrated PEEP to PEEP 4 cmH2O. After extubation, to compare the non-aerated lung mass. Methods: Patients undergoing laparoscopic or open abdominal surgery were stratified and randomized non-consecutively to titrated PEEP (PEEPT) and PEEP 4 cmH2O. PEEP was titrated using electrical impedance tomography. Respiratory mechanics arterial blood gas analysis were performed during surgery. After extubation, the patients were submitted to a chest computadorized tomography (CT) scan. Measurements and Main Results: Twenty patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery and twenty patients undergoing open abdominal surgery were included. The median PEEP was 12 cmH2O with a wide variation from 6 to 16 (IC 95% 10-14). Titrated PEEP reduced driving pressure (p < 0.001), improved respiratory system compliance (p < 0.001), improved oxygenation (p < 0.001) (only in patients being submitted to laparoscopic surgery) and reduced non-aerated lung mass on CT scan (p < 0.05) after extubation. Conclusions: Titrated PEEP had a wide variation. PEEP individualization reduced postoperative atelectasis and also improved respiratory mechanics and oxygenation

Escala de avaliação de risco para o desenvolvimento de lesões decorrentes do posicionamento cirúrgico: construção e validação / Risk assessment scale for the development of injuries due to surgical positioning: construction and validation

Lopes, Camila Mendonça de Moraes 07 February 2014 (has links)
O posicionamento cirúrgico é um procedimento que deve ser realizado com todo cuidado pela equipe cirúrgica e de enfermagem, pois implica em riscos para o paciente cirúrgico. Para sua execução é necessário o conhecimento das alterações anatômicas e fisiológicas decorrentes deste procedimento no organismo do paciente, dos equipamentos e dispositivos adequados para a implementação de intervenções efetivas para a prevenção de complicações que podem ocorrer devido à permanência prolongada do paciente em posição cirúrgica. Com o propósito de nortear a prática clínica do enfermeiro perioperatório, auxiliando na tomada de decisão sobre o cuidado do paciente durante o posicionamento cirúrgico, o presente estudo teve como objetivo geral a construção e validação da Escala de Avaliação de Risco para o Desenvolvimento de Lesões Decorrentes do Posicionamento Cirúrgico (ELPO) em pacientes adultos. Trata-se de pesquisa metodológica. A construção da ELPO foi fundamentada em evidências recentes sobre as implicações fisiológicas e possíveis complicações pós-operatórias relacionadas ao posicionamento cirúrgico do paciente no período intraoperatório. A escala tem sete itens (tipo de posição cirúrgica, tempo de cirurgia, tipo de anestesia, superfície de suporte, posição dos membros, comorbidades e idade do paciente) e cada item apresenta cinco subitens. O instrumento de medida foi submetido à validação de face e de conteúdo por 30 juízes provenientes de diferentes locais do Brasil. O Índice de Validação de Conteúdo da Escala foi igual a 0,88, assim pode-se inferir que houve consenso entre o comitê de juízes em relação ao que a ELPO se propõe a medir, demonstrando que aparenta ter cobertura da área de conteúdo que está sendo medida. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada em hospital geral, de médio porte, com amostra de 115 pacientes adultos, em contextos cirúrgicos heterogêneos. Por meio da aplicação do teste t de Student constatou-se validade de critério concorrente entre os escores da Escala de Braden e da ELPO. Para avaliar a validade de critério preditiva testou-se a associação da presença de dor e o desenvolvimento de úlcera por pressão com o escore da ELPO, sendo que os resultados do tratamento estatístico de regressão logística evidenciaram diferença estatisticamente significante. A confiabilidade interobservadores foi verificada por meio do Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse, cujo valor foi de 0,994, considerado excelente. A ELPO é um instrumento válido e confiável para a avaliação de risco para o desenvolvimento de lesões decorrentes do posicionamento cirúrgico em pacientes adultos. É um instrumento de fácil aplicação e pode ser útil na prática clínica. A avaliação da sua utilização depende da condução de novos estudos em diferentes contextos hospitalares. Espera-se que o presente estudo possa contribuir para a tomada de decisão do enfermeiro perioperatório, pois a sua condução teve como finalidade principal fornecer subsídios para a melhoria da assistência de enfermagem, bem como incentivar o desenvolvimento de protocolos de cuidados direcionados para o posicionamento cirúrgico do paciente / The surgical positioning is a procedure that must be carried out carefully by the surgical and nursing team, as it implies risks for surgical patients. For its execution, knowledge of the anatomical and physiological changes resulting from the procedure in patient\'s body, appropriate equipment and devices for the implementation of effective interventions for the prevention of complications that may occur due to patient\'s prolonged stay in surgical position, is necessary. This methodological research aimed to develop and validate the Risk Assessment Scale for the Development of Injuries due to Surgical Positioning (ELPO) in adult patients, with the purpose of guiding the clinical practice of perioperative nurses, helping on the decision making about patient care during surgical positioning. The construction of ELPO was based on recent evidences about the physiological implications and possible postoperative complications related to the surgical patient positioning during intraoperative period. It is a seven-item scale (surgical position, time of surgery, anesthesia, support surface, limb position, comorbidities and patient age) with five sub items for each item. The measuring instrument was submitted to face and content validation by 30 judges from different regions of Brazil. Scale\'s Content Validation Index was 0.88, which evidence that there was consensus among the committee of judges in relation to what ELPO proposes to measure, demonstrating it has coverage of the content area. The field research was performed in a midsized general hospital, with a sample of 115 adult patients in heterogeneous surgical settings. Concurrent validity between the Braden Scale and ELPO scores was evidenced through the use of Student t test. To evaluate predictive validity, association between the presence of pain and pressure ulcers development with ELPO scores was tested, and results of logistic regression evidenced a statistically significance difference. Inter-rater reliability was verified by the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient, whose value, 0.994, was considered excellent. ELPO is a valid and reliable instrument to assess the risk of developing injury resulting from surgical positioning in adult patients. It is an instrument easy to apply and can be useful in clinical practice. The assessment of its use in clinical practice depends on conducting new studies in different hospital settings. It is expected that this study can contribute to decision making of perioperative nurses, as its accomplishment had as main purpose to provide subsidies to improve nursing care, as well as to encourage the development of protocols of care directed to surgical patient positioning

Eficácia das tecnologias de suporte no tratamento cirúrgico dos gliomas insulares / Efficacy of assistive technologies in the surgical treatment of insular gliomas

Barbosa, Breno José Alencar Pires 08 September 2016 (has links)
Introdução: No campo do tratamento cirúrgico de Gliomas, tem se observado um interesse crescente no uso de novas tecnologias de suporte como métodos auxiliares na obtenção do equilíbrio entre radicalidade cirúrgica e preservação da funcionalidade cerebral. Na maior parte dos estudos, a localização tumoral tem sido pouco considerada e a real eficácia das tecnologias de suporte ainda está pouco investigada nos gliomas insulares. Objetivos: avaliar a eficácia da fluorescência intraoperatória com 5-ALA, monitorização neurofisiológica, neuronavegação e tractografia no grau de ressecção tumoral (GRT), escores de funcionalidade, sobrevida global e sobrevida livre de progressão em uma coorte retrospectiva de gliomas insulares. Métodos: revisamos todos os casos de tumores insulares operados no Departamento de Neurocirurgia da Universidade de Tübingen - Alemanha, entre maio de 2008 e novembro de 2013. O grau de ressecção foi avaliado por volumetria. Foram utilizados os testes de Mann Whitney, Qui-quadrado e funções de Kaplan Meier para análise do efeito de cada tecnologia nos desfechos primários e secundários. Resultados: 28 casos - 18 homens (64%) e 10 mulheres (36%); idade média 52,5 anos (12 - 59) - foram inclusos para análise. Gliomas de alto grau corresponderam a 20 casos (71%), com 8 lesões de baixo grau (29%). As tecnologias mais utilizadas foram monitorização neurofisiológica (64%) e neuronavegação (68%). 5-ALA foi a única modalidade associada a taxas de ressecção > 90% (p = 0,05). O uso de tractografia determinou melhora no KPS (50% vs 5%, p = 0,02). Houve associação positiva entre o uso de neuronavegação e sobrevida global (23 vs. 27,4 meses, p = 0,03), mas o uso de 5-ALA se associou a piora na sobrevida global (34,8 vs 21,1 meses, p = 0,01) e sobrevida livre de progressão (24,4 vs. 11,8 meses, p = 0,01). Conclusões: Considerando os gliomas insulares, o presente trabalho demonstra pioneiramente que o uso de 5-ALA tem papel na obtenção de maiores taxas de ressecção, ainda que este achado possa estar associado a piora nas sobrevidas global e livre de progressão. Tractografia e neuronavegação parecem desempenhar papel importante no tratamento dos gliomas insulares, na medida em que determinaram melhor sobrevida global e funcionalidade, respectivamente. Estudos prospectivos com uma amostra mais proeminente e análise multivariada permitirão a avaliação do benefício real destas tecnologias de suporte no tratamento dos gliomas insulares / Introduction: In the field of Glioma surgery, there has been an increasing interest in the use of assistive technologies to overcome the difficulty of preserving brain function while improving surgical radicality. In most reports, tumor localization has seldom been considered a variable and the role of intraoperative adjuncts is yet to be determined for gliomas of the insula. Objectives: to evaluate the efficacy of fluorescence-guided resection with 5-ALA, intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IOM), neuronavigation, and tractography in the Extent of Resection (EOR), functionality scores, overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) in a retrospective cohort of insular gliomas. Methods: we reviewed all cases of insular tumors operated on at the Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital of Tübingen - Germany, between May 2008 and November 2013. EOR was determined by volumetric analysis. Mann Whitney, Chi-square and Kaplan Meier functions were used for assessment of each technology\'s effect on primary and secondary outcomes. Results: 28 cases (18 men (64%) and 10 women (36%); median age at diagnosis: 52.5 years, range 12 - 59) were considered eligible for analysis. High grade and low grade gliomas accounted for 20 (71%) and 8 (29%) cases, respectively. The most used technologies were IOM (64%) and Neuronavigation (68%). 5-ALA was the only technique associated with EOR > 90% (p = 0.05). Tractography determined improvement in the Karnofsky Performance Scale (50% vs 5% cases improved, p = 0.02). There was a positive association between the use of neuronavigation and overall survival (23 vs. 27.4 months, p = 0.03), but the use of 5-ALA was associated with shorter OS (34.8 vs. 21.1 months, p = 0.01) and PFS (24.4 vs. 11.8, p = 0.01). Conclusions: we demonstrate for the first time that for insular gliomas 5-ALA plays a role in achieving higher EOR, although this technology was associated with poor OS and PFS; Also tractography and neuronavigation can be of great importance in the treatment of insular gliomas as they determined better functionality and overall survival in this study, respectively. Prospective studies with a more prominent sample and proper multivariate analysis will help determine the real benefit of these adjuncts in the setting of insular gliomas

Monitoração neurofisiológica intraoperatória em tumores de ângulo pontocerebelar: papel de parâmetros distintos na predição do resultado funcional do nervo facial / Intraoperative neurophysiology monitoring for cerebellopontine angle tumors: role of distinctive parameters in predicting the facial nerve functional outcome

Verst, Silvia Mazzali 07 June 2011 (has links)
Nas cirurgias de ressecção de tumores do ângulo pontocerebelar, a preservação do nervo facial está entre os seus principais objetivos. Diversas técnicas neurofisiológicas vêm sendo empregadas com o objetivo de predizer déficit imediato do nervo facial no pós-operatório, como a eletromiografia contínua para registro de atividade neurotônica tipo A, a estimulação direta do nervo facial no sítio tumoral e a estimulação elétrica transcraniana com captação em músculos de face. Analisamos 23 pacientes de forma prospectiva, submetidos à cranectomia retrossigmoide para ressecção de tumores em fossa posterior no período de janeiro de 2008 a março de 2010. Os pacientes foram avaliados clinicamente de acordo com a gradação de House-Brackmann para a função do nervo facial. Foram observadas a ocorrência de atividade neurotônica do tipo A, também chamada de atividade irritativa, a queda da amplitude do potencial motor do nervo facial obtido com a estimulação elétrica transcraniana e o aumento na intensidade do estímulo elétrico da estimulação elétrica transcraniana para a obtenção desse potencial. Esses dados foram relacionados à condição clínica do nervo facial no pós-operatório imediato e na última data de acompanhamento. Observamos que a queda da amplitude do nervo facial acima de 60% do seu valor inicial basal foi a variável mais sensível (89%) e com maior valor preditivo positivo (92%) para a piora clínica do nervo facial. A ocorrência de atividade irritativa isolada foi a variável menos sensível (7%) e com valor preditivo positivo de apenas 25%. O aumento na intensidade da estimulação elétrica transcraniana não mostrou significância estatística (p = 0,287). Concluímos que das variáveis estudadas, a queda na amplitude do potencial evocado motor do 7º nervo craniano acima de 60% foi a melhor na predição de piora clínica imediata do nervo facial / The preservation of facial nerve function is one of the most important goals of the cerebellopontine angle tumor resection surgeries. Valuable neurophysiologic techniques have been used to predict the facial nerve outcome, such as continuous electromyography to identify neurotonic activity type A, direct facial nerve stimulation in the vicinity of the tumor and transcranial motor evoked potential recording in face muscles. We analyzed 23 patients undergoing retrossigmoidectomy approaches for posterior fossa tumor resection between January 2008 and March 2010. Their facial nerve function was evaluated using the House-Brackmann score. We correlated the occurrence of type A neurotonic activity, facial nerve motor evoked potential amplitude obtained with transcranial electrical stimulation and increase in the electric stimulus threshold to the immediate and last follow-up facial nerve outcome. In this series, the increase in electric stimulus threshold showed no statistical significance (p = 0,287). The drop of the facial nerve motor evoked potential amplitude equal or above 60% was the most sensitive (89%) and with the highest positive predictive value (92%) in identifying poor facial nerve outcome. The occurrence of neurotonic activity type A showed to be the least sensitive (7%) and with the poorest positive predictive value (25%) of them. We conclude that among the used parameters, the drop of the final 7º nerve motor evoked potential amplitude equal or above 60% of basal recording was the best one in predicting poor facial nerve outcome

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