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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gazakriget i media : Nyhetsrapporteringens skillnader under sommaren 2014

Minard, Hannah January 2017 (has links)
A news story is built up by certain indicators that tell the reader where and at what time the story takes place, who participates in it, and of course, what has happened. Most of them also contain a complicated action, that changes the normal condition into a new one, as well as an outlook on the possible consequences the incident might have led to. The way a story is told, what is said and what is being left out, could have an effect on our thoughts, attitudes and opinions. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a subject that is extensively covered by the media with varying content of information. It developed into yet another war in the summer of 2014, and two of Sweden’s biggest newspapers, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, published hundreds of articles from the ongoing events in the Middle East. A total of 40 of these articles have been analyzed in this study. By using a method of narrative analysis which reveal the indicators first mentioned in this abstract, the author has been able to see the differences and similarities between the newspapers’ articles from the war. The differences in the way the events are told could have an effect people’s opinon and attitudes towards the opposite sides of the conflict.

Des pacifistes israéliens : contextualisation sociohistorique de l’émergence des camps de la paix achkenazim et haredim (1881-2009)

Séguin, Michaël 12 1900 (has links)
Facile de discourir sur la paix ; complexe, par contre, d’évaluer si paroles et gestes y contribuent vraiment. De manière critique, ce mémoire cherche à contextualiser l’émergence de la nation israélienne de 1881 à 1948, de même qu’un certain nombre de forces pacifistes juives, religieuses comme séculières, sionistes comme anti-sionistes, que cette société a engendrées ou provoquées de la fin du XIXe siècle à aujourd’hui. Dans un premier temps, quatre stratégies utilisées pour construire l’État juif sont explorées : la voie pratique (l’établissement de mochavot, kibboutzim et mochavim), la voie diplomatique (le lobbying de Herzl et Weizmann), la voie sociopolitique (la formation de syndicats, de l’Agence juive et du Va’ad Leoumi) et enfin la voie militaire (la mise sur pied d’organisations paramilitaires telles la Hagana, l’Irgoun, le Lehi et le Palmah). Cette exploration permet de mieux camper le problème de la légalité et de la légitimité des nations palestinienne et israélienne. Dans un deuxième temps, une approche conceptuelle et une approche empirique sont combinées pour mieux comprendre ce qu’est un camp de la paix. L’exploration conceptuelle remet en question les critères qu’utilisent certains chercheurs afin d’identifier si une organisation contribue, ou non, à la construction de la paix. L’exploration empirique trace les contours de deux camps de la paix israéliens : les militants de la gauche séculière achkenazi (un pacifisme qui a émergé dans les années 1970) et les religieux haredim (un pacifisme opposé à l’idéologie sioniste dès ses débuts). Ce survol permet de saisir que tout système de croyances peut provoquer la guerre autant que la paix. La conclusion discute des défis du dialogue intercivilisationnel, des défis tant intranationaux (l’harmonie sociale israélienne entre les juifs achkenazim, mizrahim, russes, éthiopiens, etc.) qu’internationaux (la paix entre les Palestiniens et les Israéliens). / It is easy to speak of peace, but much more difficult to evaluate to what extent one’s actions really contribute to it. This master’s thesis seeks to critically contextualize the emergence of the Israeli nation from 1881 to 1948 and highlight certain Jewish pacifist forces, religious and secular, zionist and anti-zionist, which this society has generated or compelled into being from the end of the XIXth century until today. First, four strategies used to build the Jewish state are explored: the practical path (setting up moshavot, kibbutzim and moshavim), the diplomatic path (Herzl and Weizmann’s lobbying), the sociopolitical path (establishing unions, the Jewish Agency and the Va’ad Leumi) and finally the military path (setting up paramilitary organizations such as Hagana, Irgun, Lehi and Palmach). This exploration allows the researcher to better frame the issue of the legality and legitimacy of the Palestinian and Israeli nations. Secondly, the notion of peace camp is investigated using a combined conceptual and empirical approach. The conceptual inquiry questions the criteria used by some scholars to determine whether an organization contributes or not to peacebuilding. The empirical inquiry examines two peace camps: the Ashkenazi secular left (a pacifism that emerged in the 1970s) and the religious Haredim (a pacifism opposed to the zionist ideology from the start). This overview highlights the fact that any belief system can incite war as well as peace. The conclusion discusses the challenges of intercivilizational dialogue, challenges that are both intranational (social harmony between Ashkenazim, Mizrachim, Russian, Ethiopian, etc. Israeli Jews) and international (peace between Palestinians and Israelis).

"Ett Herrefolk i Israel" : Debatten om Israel-Palestinakonflikten i Dagens Nyheter 1988 / "Ett Herrefolk i Israel" : The debate concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Dagens Nyheter in 1988

Keinvall, Kristoffer January 2018 (has links)
This essay focuses on analyzing the rhetoric concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in opinion pieces in the Swedish daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter in 1988. This is done using a qualitative analysis method. The theoretical basis for the essay is primarily founded on postcolonial theory and in particular on Edward Said’s claim that Israel is a new example of European colonialism. The aim is to determine how the authors of the opinion pieces, using certain rhetoric, portray Israel and the Palestinians/PLO in relation to their position of power. The justification and condemnation of violence between the parties will also be examined. The results show that the pro-Israeli authors tend to use the Jews’ history of persecution and suffering as a justification for the existence of Israel. Also, they argue that Israeli violence is a form of self-defense as a result of Arab intransigence and violence. The more pro-Palestinian authors tend to portray Israel as a violent and oppressing regime, and in some cases adhere to the view on the state as an example of European colonialism.

West-Eastern Divan Orchestra : une médiatisation à contre-courant / West-Eastern Divan Orchestra : a media coverage against the current

Fartouna Fetoui, Houda 01 December 2016 (has links)
L’orchestre symphonique du West-Eastern Divan Orchestra semble constituer un bon support de réflexion sur la possibilité d’échapper aux stéréotypes dans la communication, du fait même de sa nature qui met ensemble les deux parties d’un conflit historique à savoir le conflit israélo-palestinien. Ce sujet est par essence problématique dans le monde des médias internationaux, puisqu’il fait l’objet de censure et de diverses omissions de la part de certaines parties gênées par l’existence même de cette formation. Ce projet semble également faire l’objet de discours divergents et fournit une matière intéressante de communication non consensuelle. Comme hypothèse de travail, cette thèse postule que la médiatisation du WEDO va à contre-courant de l’image qui entoure habituellement le conflit israélo-palestinien. Cette recherche se propose de discerner les échos qui circulent autour de ce phénomène du WEDO et examiner les multiples facettes développées par les différents discours qui prennent en charge ce projet. Le résultat expérimental confirme l’hypothèse de travail et infirme l’aspect de la couverture médiatique non consensuelle. En fait, les médias sont partagés par rapport à l’image controversée de Daniel Barenboim, un personnage à contre-courant et un projet d’étude en lui-même. La présentation du WEDO, dans l’ensemble du discours médiatique, quels que soient le pays d’origine, la coloration politique et la rubrique, est entre favorable et très favorable. Également, l’aspect le plus développé est le caractère pacifique de l’orchestre ; effectivement les énoncés qui traitent de l’image médiatique de l’orchestre dénotent dans leur ensemble la représentation d’une entreprise courageuse bannissant les conflits et les atrocités de la guerre et d’une nouvelle forme de pensée empruntant à Goethe cet esprit universel pour la paix entre les hommes et fait de la musique un chant privilégié de fraternité et d’amour. / The symphony orchestra of the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra seems to be a good reflection of support on the opportunity to escape the stereotypes in communication, by virtue of its nature that puts together the two parts of a historical conflict namely the israeli-palestinian conflict. This topic is problematic for nature in the world of international media, since the subject of censorship and various omissions on the part of some parts hindered by the very existence of this composition. This project also appears to be divergent speech and provides an interesting field of non-consensual communication. As a working hypothesis, this theory posits that the media coverage of WEDO goes against the grain of the image that usually surrounds the israeli-palestinian conflict. This research aims to discern echoes that circulate around the phenomenon of the WEDO and examine the many facets developed by the various discourses that support this project. The experimental results confirm the hypothesis of work and cripple the aspect of non-consensual coverage. In fact, the media is divided over the controversial image of Daniel Barenboim, a character against the current and a research project in itself. The presentation of WEDO, throughout the media discourse, whatever the country of origin, political color and the item is between favorable and very favorable. Also, the most developed aspect is the peaceful character of the orchestra; indeed statements that deal with the media image of the orchestra as a whole indicate the representation of a brave company banishing conflicts and atrocities of war and a new way of thinking borrowed from Goethe to this universal spirit peace among men and made music a special song of brotherhood and love.

Palestinský stát: možné varianty státoprávního uspořádání / Possible forms of Palestinian State

Janeček, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with a number of selected peace plans for Israeli-Palestinian conflict and their solutions for the most crucial problems of this area. These problems are: Palestinian refugees, Israeli West Bank settlements, Lack of water resources, Jerusalem and Gaza strip. The first chapter summarizes the history of the development of this area before the formation of the state of Israel until today and also presents the current political situation of Israel. Next chapter continues with the research of these problems, which are almost always present and dealt with by new peace plans. The following chapter introduces selected peace plans and analyzes their encompassed solutions for the selected problems. The thesis ends with a chapter, in which the author attempts to suggest a suitable future scenario for the State of Palestine, which would be acceptable for both sides.

Europeizace české zahraniční politiky a vliv předsednictví v Radě EU: Případ palestinsko-izraelského konfliktu / Europeanization of the Czech Foreign policy and the impact of the Presidency in the Council of the EU: The case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Pelc, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis applies the theoretical concept of Europeanization on a research of the Czech foreign policy and its changes in relation to the presidency of the EU Council. As a case study, it analyses different Czech and EU's positions towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and then by comparison of both levels it determines the misfit between Czech and the EU's policies in the mentioned agenda. From historical point of view and from contemporary perspective as well, the Czech Republic is famous for very pro-Israeli attitudes. On the other hand, the EU is significantly focused on supporting of the Palestinians and building the Palestinian state. The research is divided into three periods: before the Czech Presidency of the EU in the years 2004-2008, during the Czech Presidency and then after the presidency until the end of 2010. The aim of the research is to evaluate changes of the misfit between the Czech domestic attitudes and the EU's positions by the example of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict's issues and then to find out whether the Czech foreign policy has been europeanized during the studied period. The main question of the thesis asks whether the Presidency of the EU Council has an impact on longer-term Europeanization of domestic foreign policy. The thesis has proved that the...

Just Coverage and the Path to Peace: Reporting Operation Protective Edge in Haaretz, BBC Online, and The New York Times

Weisman, Chad M. 05 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.

"Oj, de har bombat ett sjukhus" : Om studenters digitala och fysiska informationspraktiker kring Israel-Palestina-kriget

Koppen Björnson, Lukas, Lind, Miriam January 2024 (has links)
On October 7th, the over 75-year-long Israel-Palestine conflict escalated into an ongoing war,extensively covered by traditional and social media, global demonstrations, and politicalresponses. While previous research within library and information science regarding socialmedia has focused on information evaluation and media and information literacy, this studyaims to investigate students' digital and physical information practices in relation to theIsraeli-Palestinian war. Empirical data were collected through four semi-structured interviewswith Swedish students, resulting in two main themes and nine sub-themes. Using McKenzie'smodel of everyday information practices and Zimmerman's model of social noise, thethematic analysis reveals that passive forms of seeking and receiving information are muchmore prevalent on social media, whereas information sharing, regardless of context, can belinked to social noise, such as conflict management or cultural commitments. In physicalencounters, active seeking, receiving, and sharing of information are more common, alongwith passive forms like scanning. The conclusions show that passive information practicesdominate in digital contexts, while active practices balance passive ones in physicalencounters. Information practices are therefore context-bound, and social noise influenceswhat students share in both digital and physical environments. / Den 7 oktober eskalerade den över 75 år långa Israel-Palestina-konflikten ut i ett pågåendekrig, demonstrationer och politiska reaktioner har fått omfattande täckning i traditionella ochsociala medier. Medan tidigare forskning inom biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap omsociala medier har fokuserat på källkritik och medie- och informationskunnighet, ämnardenna studie undersöka studenters digitala och fysiska informationspraktiker i relation till detIsrael-Palestina-kriget. Empiriska data har insamlats genom fyra semistrukturerade intervjuermed svenska studenter, där resultatet gav två huvudteman och nio underteman. Med hjälp avMcKenzies modell innehållande vardagliga informationspraktiker och Zimmermans modellom socialt brus visar den tematiska analysen att passiva former av sökning och mottagandeförekommer i mycket större utsträckning på sociala medier, medan informationsdelning påoavsett kontext kan kopplas till socialt brus, som konflikthantering eller kulturella åtaganden.I fysiska möten är aktivt sökande, mottagande och delande av information vanligare,tillsammans med passiva former som skanning. Slutsatserna visar att passivainformationspraktiker dominerar i digitala kontexter, medan aktiva praktiker balanserar dessai fysiska möten. Informationspraktiker är alltså kontextbundna och socialt brus påverkar vad studenter delar i både digitala och fysiska sammanhang.

La création d'un État palestinien, une solution possible au conflit israélo-arabe?

Machon, Elodie 05 1900 (has links)
Pourquoi créer un État palestinien ? Avant tout parce qu’il s’agit de l’unique solution qui détient un fondement juridique, à travers la résolution 181 des Nations-Unies votée en 1947. Cette résolution préconisait la création de l’État israélien et celle de l’État palestinien comme deux facettes d’une unique solution. La création d’un État palestinien n’est pas seulement légale au regard du droit, elle permettrait également le partage des responsabilités revenant à chacun des acteurs du conflit. Une telle création est-elle possible en l’état actuel de la situation au Moyen-Orient ? Telle est la problématique de notre étude, qui comprend deux volets, l’un théorique, l’autre pratique. L’objectif est de revoir les règles du droit international relatives aux critères de formation d’un État palestinien, d’examiner si ces règles sont respectées et de déterminer quels sont les obstacles qui compliquent l’application d’une telle création. La première partie qui consiste à s’interroger sur la formation d’un État palestinien nous mène à examiner quatre éléments : la population permanente, le territoire déterminé, le gouvernement effectif et la capacité à entrer en relation avec les autres États. L’étude de ces éléments montre que la Palestine est un embryon d’État. Même si le concept d’un État palestinien peut être envisagé en droit, qu’en est-il de sa viabilité ? La deuxième partie de notre étude porte sur les obstacles juridiques à la création d’un État palestinien. Quatre éléments qui sont l’occupation, l’édification d’un mur entre Israël et les territoires palestiniens, les colonies de peuplement israéliennes en territoire palestinien occupé incluant la question de Jérusalem et enfin le droit au retour des réfugiés sont étudiés. Il ressort de cette recherche qu’un État palestinien pourrait être créé en droit mais sa viabilité reste conditionnée au bon vouloir d’Israël sur les questions évoquées ci-dessus. Aujourd’hui, les dimensions du conflit rendent particulièrement complexe une entente entre les deux parties. Le cadre juridique international représenté par l’ONU ne peut s’appliquer au conflit israélo-palestinien que s’il bénéficie de l’appui diplomatique clair et sincère de l’ensemble des acteurs internationaux. / Why creating a Palestinian State? Because it is the unique solution which has a legal background according to the 181 resolution of the United Nations Organization voted in 1947. This resolution recommended the creation of the State of Israel and the Palestinian one as two sides of an unique solution. The creation of a Palestinian State is not only legal, it would also allow the share of responsibilities between the protagonists of the conflict. Is this creation possible considering the current situation in the Middle-East? This is the problematic of the study which consists of two parts, the first one being theoretical and the second one looking at practical issues. The purpose is to review the rules of international law related to the criteria required for the creation of a Palestinian State and to examine if these rules are respected in order to determine which are the obstacles that make this creation difficult to achieve. The first part is analyzing if the four key requirements for the creation of a Palestinian State i.e. the population, the territory, the real government and the international legal capacity are met. The survey of these items shows that Palestine is an embryonic State. Even if the concept of a Palestinian State could be legally considered, could it be viable? The second part of the study deals with the legal obstacles of the creation of a Palestinian State. We are then reviewing four major issues which are the occupation, the building of a wall separating Israel and the Palestinian territories, the Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, including the specific situation of Jerusalem and finally the right of return of the Palestinian refugees. This study shows that a Palestinian State could be legally created but its viability would be conditioned to the willingness of Israel regarding the questions mentioned above. The various dimensions of the conflict make today an agreement between the two protagonists very difficult to achieve. The international legal scope represented by the United Nations Organization can apply to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict only if it gets a clear and strong support of all the countries.

La création d'un État palestinien, une solution possible au conflit israélo-arabe?

Machon, Elodie 05 1900 (has links)
Pourquoi créer un État palestinien ? Avant tout parce qu’il s’agit de l’unique solution qui détient un fondement juridique, à travers la résolution 181 des Nations-Unies votée en 1947. Cette résolution préconisait la création de l’État israélien et celle de l’État palestinien comme deux facettes d’une unique solution. La création d’un État palestinien n’est pas seulement légale au regard du droit, elle permettrait également le partage des responsabilités revenant à chacun des acteurs du conflit. Une telle création est-elle possible en l’état actuel de la situation au Moyen-Orient ? Telle est la problématique de notre étude, qui comprend deux volets, l’un théorique, l’autre pratique. L’objectif est de revoir les règles du droit international relatives aux critères de formation d’un État palestinien, d’examiner si ces règles sont respectées et de déterminer quels sont les obstacles qui compliquent l’application d’une telle création. La première partie qui consiste à s’interroger sur la formation d’un État palestinien nous mène à examiner quatre éléments : la population permanente, le territoire déterminé, le gouvernement effectif et la capacité à entrer en relation avec les autres États. L’étude de ces éléments montre que la Palestine est un embryon d’État. Même si le concept d’un État palestinien peut être envisagé en droit, qu’en est-il de sa viabilité ? La deuxième partie de notre étude porte sur les obstacles juridiques à la création d’un État palestinien. Quatre éléments qui sont l’occupation, l’édification d’un mur entre Israël et les territoires palestiniens, les colonies de peuplement israéliennes en territoire palestinien occupé incluant la question de Jérusalem et enfin le droit au retour des réfugiés sont étudiés. Il ressort de cette recherche qu’un État palestinien pourrait être créé en droit mais sa viabilité reste conditionnée au bon vouloir d’Israël sur les questions évoquées ci-dessus. Aujourd’hui, les dimensions du conflit rendent particulièrement complexe une entente entre les deux parties. Le cadre juridique international représenté par l’ONU ne peut s’appliquer au conflit israélo-palestinien que s’il bénéficie de l’appui diplomatique clair et sincère de l’ensemble des acteurs internationaux. / Why creating a Palestinian State? Because it is the unique solution which has a legal background according to the 181 resolution of the United Nations Organization voted in 1947. This resolution recommended the creation of the State of Israel and the Palestinian one as two sides of an unique solution. The creation of a Palestinian State is not only legal, it would also allow the share of responsibilities between the protagonists of the conflict. Is this creation possible considering the current situation in the Middle-East? This is the problematic of the study which consists of two parts, the first one being theoretical and the second one looking at practical issues. The purpose is to review the rules of international law related to the criteria required for the creation of a Palestinian State and to examine if these rules are respected in order to determine which are the obstacles that make this creation difficult to achieve. The first part is analyzing if the four key requirements for the creation of a Palestinian State i.e. the population, the territory, the real government and the international legal capacity are met. The survey of these items shows that Palestine is an embryonic State. Even if the concept of a Palestinian State could be legally considered, could it be viable? The second part of the study deals with the legal obstacles of the creation of a Palestinian State. We are then reviewing four major issues which are the occupation, the building of a wall separating Israel and the Palestinian territories, the Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, including the specific situation of Jerusalem and finally the right of return of the Palestinian refugees. This study shows that a Palestinian State could be legally created but its viability would be conditioned to the willingness of Israel regarding the questions mentioned above. The various dimensions of the conflict make today an agreement between the two protagonists very difficult to achieve. The international legal scope represented by the United Nations Organization can apply to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict only if it gets a clear and strong support of all the countries.

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