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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lek med lust : 'Theatertanz', genusaspekter och historieskrivning

Lundgren, Eva January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation treats the choreographic works of Julian Algo (1899-1955), a ballet master in the Royal Opera house in Stockholm 1931-1952, whose experience and education were from Theatertanz, and Swedish dance history about his works. Theoretically it is inspired by post-modern historiography (Jenkins, Munslow, White), queer theory (Sedgwick, Doty, Rosenberg) and research about masculinities in dance (Burt). The first chapter is an introductory survey of Algo’s career in Germany. It shows that in Duisburg Algo was recognized as a choreographer with ballet skills, and like other choreographers within German “Theatertanz” he tried to establish new styles through mixing old ballet and modern dance. The chapter also answers question about reception and about whom Algo cooperated with. The second chapter consists of seven analyses in which I deal with the “gusto” and “playfulness” of Algo’s works in Stockholm 1931-1938. These ballet productions are analysed with focus on the concept of queer and gender, also pointing out their good reception and that they in Stockholm were described as modern. Some of the male characters are suggested to be related to dandyism. The chapter also shows that anti-Semitism and scepticism against foreign influences were expressed in the theatre magazine Scenen [The Stage] and that it is relevant to assume that these articles influenced the development in the Opera house. The third chapter shows that Algo’s ballet productions in the book The Swedish ballet (Rootzén1945) was described from a view of classical ballet’s preferences. Now, in 1945, Algo's choreographies from the 1930 were dismissed as being of mixed-genre and lacking ballet skills. Although this chapter in the book was criticised by contemporary critics, it is obvious that it has been of great influence for authors of ballet history in the 2.nd half of the century.

Porträtteringen av Wikileaks i svensk dagspress

Davis, Joanna, Brynolfsson, Julia January 2011 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur Wikileaks agerande porträtteras i svensk dagspress, om skribenterna tar ställning för eller emot Wikileaks samt om porträtteringen har förändrats efter anklagelserna mot dess talesman Julian Assange.Vi analyserar tio ledarartiklar, framtagna genom ett obundet slumpmässigt urval som publicerats i Svenska Dagbladet och Dagens Nyheter under år 2010. Vår teoretiska ram bygger på Lars Nords teori om ledarartiklar, Baldwin van Gorp och Gaye Tuchmans teorier om framing samt Allan Grahams teorier om intertextualitet. Vår metod är en retorisk analys, kompletterat med en komparativ studie i före och efter anklagelserna.Undersökningen visar att Wikileaks porträtteras i svensk dagspress som en organisation vilken måste ta sitt ansvar. Majoriteten av ledarskribenterna tar ingen tydlig ställning för eller emot Wikileaks. Med undantag för två artiklar vars skribenter tydligt uttrycker sina åsikter. Det urskiljs ingen tydlig skillnad mellan artiklarna före och efter anklagelserna, dock visar de senare artiklarna en mer kritisk hållning mot Wikileaks.I porträtteringen av Wikileaks är det inte organisationens existens som debatteras utan snarare dess konsekvenser, ageranden och vem som bär det publicistiska ansvaret för det material som läcks.

Quality Control and Census of SMART-R Observations from the DYNAMO/CINDY2011 Field Campaign

Fliegel, Jonathan 1988- 14 March 2013 (has links)
The Shared Mobile Atmospheric Research and Teaching Radar (SMART-R) is a truck-mounted C-band, Doppler radar that was deployed during the Dynamics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (DYNAMO) / Cooperative Indian Ocean Experiment on interseasonal variability in the year 2011 (CINDY2011) campaign on Addu Atoll, Maldives. One of SMART-R’s objectives was to provide continuous volume scans of precipitating clouds during all phases of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) for the full duration of the campaign. Data from SMART-R is available for 2 October 2011 through 9 February 2012. Every 10 minutes a full volume scan was produced, which was subsequently run through quality control algorithms that, among other filters, performed a calibration correction, noise filtering, and an attenuation correction. It was observed that data from SMART-R appeared to be slanted towards the WNW, and after analysis, a 0.75◦ tilt correction was applied towards azimuth 285◦. The data was then converted into Cartesian coordinates and an additional noise filter was applied. NETCDF files with radial velocities and corrected reflectivity were produced. From the reflectivity observations, a suite of products including rain maps, echo- top heights and convective/stratiform separations were produced. A modified version of the convective/stratiform separation was developed in an attempt to classify shallow and weak convection more correctly. The modified algorithm utilizes an isolation parameter set to 10 km to the north, south, east, and west, a 10-dBz echo-top height threshold set to 9 km, and a 16-dBz reflectivity threshold at 3 km to ensure only isolated, shallow, and weak rain originally classified as stratiform, is reclassified as convection. Analyses of these products clearly suggest two MJO events occurring in October and November as indicated by the Wheeler and Hendon Multivariate MJO index. While stratiform rain almost always encompassed a larger area of the radar domain, convective rain was the larger producer of rain with the exception of active MJO periods. In addition, echo-top height counts are observed to increase in both vertical structure and frequency as the MJO initiates and becomes active over the radar domain. Possible connections are also made between echo-top height data and humidity retrievals from soundings launched on Addu Atoll. It appears that during MJO initiation, convective echo tops lead the moistening of the mid troposphere, while during suppressed phases, the convective echo tops lag behind the moistening of the mid troposphere. Wind shear also appears to be weaker during an active MJO event, and increase as the active MJO exits the region. From these observations, as well as other rain statistics including the diurnal cycle, indicators for a localized MJO index are proposed that are based on local radar and sounding data, rather than satellite and reanalysis observations of wind and outgoing long-wave radiation.

Caribbean Precipitation in Observations and IPCC AR4 Models

Martin, Elinor Ruth 2011 August 1900 (has links)
A census of 24 coupled (CMIP) and 13 uncoupled (AMIP) models from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) fourth assessment report (AR4) were compared with observations and reanalysis to show varied ability of the models to simulate Caribbean precipitation and mechanisms related to precipitation in the region. Not only were errors seen in the annual mean, with CMIP models underestimating both rainfall and sea surface temperature (SST) and AMIP models overestimating rainfall, the annual cycle was also incorrect. Large overestimates of precipitation at all SSTs (and particularly above 28 degrees C) and at vertical circulations less than -10 hPa/day (the deep convective regime) were inherent in the atmospheric models with models using spectral type convective parameterizations performing best. In coupled models, however, errors in the frequency of occurrence of SSTs (the distribution is cold biased) and deep convective vertical circulations (reduced frequency) lead to an underestimation of Caribbean mean precipitation. On daily timescales, the models were shown to produce too frequent light rainfall amounts (especially less than 1 mm/day) and dry extremes and too few heavy rainfall amounts and wet extremes. The simulation of the mid-summer drought (MSD) proved a challenge for the models, despite their ability to produce a Caribbean low-level jet (CLLJ) in the correct location. Errors in the CLLJ, such as too strong magnitude and weak semi-annual cycle, were worse in the CMIP models and were attributed to problems with the location and seasonal evolution of the North Atlantic subtropical high (NASH) in both CMIP and AMIP models. Despite these discrepancies between models and observations, the ability of the models to simulate the correlation between the CLLJ and precipitation varied based on season and region, with the connection with United States precipitation particularly problematic in the AMIP simulations. An observational study of intraseasonal precipitation in the Caribbean showed an explicit connection between the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) and Caribbean precipitation for the first time. Precipitation anomalies up to 50 percent above (below) the annual mean are observed in phases 1 and 2 (5 and 6) of the MJO and are related to changes in the CLLJ, that is also modulated by the MJO. Considerable progress has been made on identifying both problems and successes in the simulation of Caribbean climate in general circulation models, but many areas still require investigation.

Militärteorins påverkan på utvalda beslutsfattare inom Royal Navy 1914-1918

Nilsson, Per January 2006 (has links)
Floran av militärteoretiska verk är mycket omfattande och varierad avseende de idéer somframförs. Samtidigt har många debattörer ifrågasatt värdet av sjökrigsteori och dess påverkan påoperationerna. Man kan ifrågasätta om personer i position att påverka operationernasgenomförande läser litteratur om sjökrigsteori och om de i så fall applicerar dessa tankar. Syftetmed denna uppsats är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning teoretiserande kring sjökrig förefaller hanågon inverkan på krigs förande och hur sjökrigsoperationer bedrivs. De frågeställningar somavses besvaras är: vilka idéer kan sägas utgöra grunden för Corbetts och Mahans respektive teorierom sjökrig och i vilken utsträckning går det att återfinna dessa teoretikers tankar hos deundersökta befattningshavarna i samband med sjökrigsoperationerna under det första världskriget?Detta avses göras genom att analysera Corbetts och Mahans utgivna verk för att skapa en bild avderas huvudsakliga tankar. Dessa jämförs sedan för att utkristallisera skillnader dem emellan.Skillnaderna används sedan som indikatorer i den vidare utredningen vilken består av en analys avde centrala beslutsfattarnas utgivna korrespondens i syfte att klargöra vilka syften de hade medoperationerna. Uppsatsens teoretiska grund ligger i Goldstein och Keohanes tankar om idéerspåverkan på handlingsmönster.Slutsatserna som dras är att båda teoretikernas idéer verkar ha påverkat beslutsfattarna fast i olikafrågor och i olika omfattning. Tänkbara orsaker till detta diskuteras i det avslutande kapitlet. / The amount of literature about military theory is abundant and differs significantly concerningthe content. At the same time, several debaters have questioned the value of naval theory andits influence on operations. It is reasonable to raise the question of whether people in aposition to make decisions concerning the conduct of operations read this literature, and if so,do they apply these thoughts? The purpose of this essay is to analyse to what extent navaltheory seem to have an impact upon the conduct of operations. It will answer the followingquestions: which are the basic ideas concerning naval warfare in Corbett’s and Mahan’s navaltheories and to what extent are these theorists thoughts to be found in the naval operationsconducted during the First World War?The analysis will be carried out by exploring the main ideas of Julian Corbett and AlfredMahan respectively. These ideas will thereafter be compared in order to bring forward thedifferences between them. The resulting differences will be used as indicators in the followinganalysis of the selected decision-maker's correspondence with the purpose of clarifying theirobject when planning and ordering operations. The theoretical foundation is taken from thethoughts about the influence of ideas on policy presented by Goldstein and Keohane.The conclusions show that both theorists seems to have influenced the decision-makers, but indifferent issues and to a different extent. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 04-06

Intraseasonal Variability: Processes, Predictability and Prospects for Prediction

Hoyos, Carlos D. 11 April 2006 (has links)
The intraseasonal Oscillation (ISO) is a very strong and coherent mode of variability observed in the Earths climate. Rainfall variability in the intraseasonal timescale is particularly strong in the Tropics and it directly interacts with the South Asian monsoon during boreal summer and with the Australian monsoon during winter. A detailed analysis of the horizontal and vertical structure of the ISO during both summer and winter is presented in this work considering the coupled ocean-atmosphere system. In addition, the role of the intraseasonal variability of the Southeast Asian monsoon is studied in detail. From the applications point of view, the intraseasonal time scale is arguably the most important period of variability. However, extended forecasting of intraseasonal activity has proven to be a difficult task for the state of the art numerical models. In order to improve the forecasts of the ISO activity over the Southeast Asian monsoon region, a physically based empirical scheme was designed. The scheme uses wavelet banding to separate the predictand and predictors into physically significant bands where linear regression followed by recombination of the bands is used to generate the forecast. Results of the empirical scheme suggest that isolating the evolution of the intraseasonal signal from higher frequency variability and noise improve the skill of the prediction. The hypothesis is that a similar phenomenon occurs in numerical models: The strong intraseasonal signal is eroded by high frequency errors due to the model parameterizations, especially in convection. To evaluate the hypothesis, a coupled ocean-atmosphere model was run in ensemble mode for 30 day periods initialized daily for 20 days before to 20 days after major intraseasonal oscillations, allowing the examination of the skill of the model relative to the phase of the oscillation. The results, which confirm the previous hypothesis, represent well the observations for about 7 days after which the magnitude of the errors is greater than the signal itself. An integration scheme was developed for the coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model in order to mimic the philosophy of the empirical scheme and use for 30-day forecasts. The propagation features associated to ISO activity are improved.

Role of Local Thermodynamic Coupling in the Life Cycle of the Intraseasonal Oscillation in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool

Agudelo, Paula A. 23 August 2007 (has links)
Intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) are important elements of the tropical climate with time-scales of 20-80 day. The ISO is poorly simulated and predicted by numerical models. This work presents a joint diagnostic and modeling study of the ISO that examines the hypothesis that local coupling between the ocean and the atmosphere is essential to the existence and evolution of the ISO in the Indo-Pacific warm pool region. Low-level moistening during the transition phase preconditions the atmosphere for deep convection. The vertical structure of ISO from the ECMWF coupled model during different phases of the oscillation as well as the skill of the model in simulating the processes that occur during the transition phase were studied. The forecast skill of the vertical structure associated with the ISO is greater for winter than for summer events. Predictability of the convective period is poor when initialized before the transitional phase. When initialized within the transition period including lower tropospheric moistening, predictability increases substantially, although the model parameterizations appears to trigger convection quickly without allowing an adequate buildup of CAPE during the transition. The model tends to simulate a more stable atmosphere compared to data, limiting the production of deep convective events. Two different one-dimensional coupled models are used to analyze the role of local ocean-atmosphere coupling in generating ISO. The ocean component is a one-dimensional mixed layer model. In the first model the atmospheric component corresponds to the SCCM. Results suggest that convection in the model tends to be "overactive," inhibiting development of lower frequency oscillations in the atmosphere. In the second case, the atmospheric component is a semi-empirical model that allows reproducing the coupled ISO over long integration periods including only local mechanisms. In the semi-empirical scheme the rate of change of atmospheric variables is statistically related to changes in SST. The stable state of this model is a quasi-periodic oscillation with a time scale between 25 and 80 days that matches well the observed ISO. Results suggest that the period of the oscillation depends on the characteristics of the ocean mixed layer, with a higher frequency oscillation for a shallow mixed layer.

Salman, Volha 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The present thesis argues that the present era of post-postmodernism experiences a revival of revised metanarratives through &lsquo / fabulation&rsquo / , the process masterfully depicted in Julian Barnes&rsquo / s novels Metroland (1980), Flaubert&rsquo / s Parrot (1984), History of the World in 10 &frac12 / Chapters (1989) and England, England (1998). The age of postmodernism with its undermining irony, hopelessness, pessimism and the sense of the looming end could not but leave the world in a state of despair, characterised by a propagated rule of the simulacra and the subaltern, hybridism, uncertainty, absence and inconclusiveness. As a result, the world witnessed the appearance of various calls for the re-institution of metanarratives as the only cure to rescue mankind from continuous deferral of signification, which tends to feel secure only with a score of guiding narratives. The same holds true of Julian Barnes&rsquo / s fiction. While many consider the writer&rsquo / s works to be typically postmodern, it is far from being so, as alongside the propagation of multiplicity and flexibility of meaning, it emphasises the existence of the Truth and the necessity to fabulate metanarratives, which are the only guiding poles in human progress through life in post-postmodernism.

Choosing the Right Embryo : and not accepting the principle of procreative beneficence

Muullaart, Ida January 2015 (has links)
Är det möjligt att välja rätt embryo vid In-vitro fertilisering (IVF)? I sådana fall, vad innebär det att något är det rätta embryot? I denna uppsats diskuteras IVF och de moraliska dilemman som kan uppstå vid val av embryo. Vid IVF är det möjligt att ställa en preimplantorisk genetisk diagnostik (PGD) vilken kan ge information om genetiska sjukdomar och andra anlag, såväl som kön och kromosomfel. Enligt Julian Savulescu, som förespråkar the Principle of Procreative Beneficence, är vi moraliskt skyldiga att välja ett friskt embryo, vilket också anses vara det rätta embryot. I kontrast till detta ställs Christine Overall som menar att Savulescus princip innebär problem för hur vi bör se på barnafödande. Jag diskuterar vidare hur vi utifrån ett socialt och ett samhällsperspektiv kan se det som moraliskt tveksamt att förbjuda att personer med vissa anlag föds, samt försöker visa på Savulescus ignorans för hur IVF fungerar och att detta bidrar till att hans argument fallerar.

Investigations of the Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves and the Madden-Julian Oscillation

Andersen, Joseph 17 September 2012 (has links)
The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) and the Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves (CCEW) are coherent structures of convection and various large-scale fields. These phenomena are not well understood, despite their importance to the tropical climate. A toy model of the CCEW consisting of a pair of shallow water wave modes coupled by a simple convective parameterization is considered. The linear behavior of the system is analyzed, showing a growth spectrum that is similar to the spectrum that is observed. To explore the processes involved in propagation and maintenance of the MJO disturbance, we analyze the MSE budget of the disturbance within a numerical model. In an idealized experiment, the column-integrated long-wave heating is the only significant source of column-integrated MSE acting to maintain the MJO-like anomaly balanced against the combination of column-integrated horizontal and vertical advection of MSE and Latent Heat Flux. Eastward propagation of the MJO-like disturbance is associated with MSE generated by both column-integrated horizontal and vertical advection of MSE, with the column long-wave heating generating MSE that retards the propagation. The contribution to the eastward propagation by the column-integrated horizontal advection term is dominated by meridional advection of MSE by anomalous synoptic eddies caused by the suppression of eddy activity ahead of the MJO convection. This suppression is linked to the barotropic conversion mechanism; with the gradients of the low frequency wind experienced by the synoptic eddies within the MJO envelope acting to modulate the Eddy Kinetic Energy. The meridional eddy advection’s contribution to poleward propagation is dominated by the mean state’s (meridionally varying) eddy activity acting on the anomalous MSE gradients associated with the MJO. In a follow-up experiment, the variations in the propagation speed of MJO with variations in the imposed SST distribution are seen to be driven by the variations in meridional advection of the mean MSE profile by the MJO-related winds, which are in turn dominated by the variations in the mean MSE profile due to the variations of the SST. A brief investigation of the MSE budget for a more realistic case shows an increase in the MSE sink due to meridional advection as the MJO progresses from genesis over the Indian Ocean to decay in the central Pacific. The increase in this sink appears to be the cause of MJO’s demise. / Physics

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