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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Co-occurring Disorders and Treatment Completion: Comparison with the Criminal Justice System

Keene, Katie Anne 09 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Brottsoffer i rättskedjan : en rättsvetenskaplig studie av förhållandet mellan brottsoffers rättigheter och rättsväsendets skyldigheter

Enarsson, Therese January 2013 (has links)
In recent decades the Swedish legislature has increasingly focused on the treatment of victims of crime and the information they receive. Victimology research has also shown the importance of treating victims with respect and of keeping them informed of their rights and the progress of their case throughout the process. The requirements thus set have to be met by all judicial actors, which presuppose a level of cooperation among them. Cooperation therefore constitutes one way of meeting victims' needs. In the current study these three factors; information, good treatment and cooperation, are referred to as victims’ rights.           Studies have shown that victims experience shortcomings in the legal process regarding information and treatment. The causes of these shortcomings can be multiple, but from a legal point of view, however, the issue raises the question of whether there may be potential legal difficulties involved in incorporating adequate information and good treatment of crime victims into the judicial process. The purpose of this thesis is to study and analyse victims’ rights in the judicial process. As they are not without a legal context, these victims’ rights are analysed in relation to other legislation, principles and requirements that govern the functions of the judicial system, such as the duty of the police, prosecutors and courts to act objectively, conduct their work independently, and run an efficient legal process. The main question is whether the incorporation of victims’ rights conflicts with other rules and legal principles.         The study concludes, inter alia, that victims’ rights concerning the treatment of victims and coordination of the work with victims is vaguely regulated and the intended meaning of the requirements are not clear, which may lead to problems when these requirements are incorporated into the justice system. Regarding information, treatment of victims and coordination and cooperation, little guidance is given about how to incorporate this at the local level. Informational requirements are expressed more clearly in the legislation, but how and to what extent information to victims should be given can still be a matter of interpretation on the part of the actors. The existence of local differences is therefore likely, which can affect the actual support that individual victims gain access to. The legislature could choose to further clarify and elaborate upon how victims’ rights issues relate to other aspects of the judicial process, how priorities or balancing of interests should be handled as well as to reveal the underlying motives for such considerations. Such clarification could possibly increase the consistency of the incorporation of victims’ rights, and transform abstract goals into concrete actions.

La demi-vie des jugements

Paré, Éric 12 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en droit option Droit des technologies de l'information" / Il est reconnu, en droit, qu'un juge est fondé de s'appuyer sur les règles jurisprudentielles. En fait, il peut s'y appuyer et doit même s'y conformer: ces règles qui sont définies dans des décisions font autorité. Il doit respecter la règle du précédent et rester sur la décision (« stare decisis »). Selon cette conception, la jurisprudence s'accumule au fil du temps: de plus en plus de décisions peuvent être citées à l'appui d'un point de droit. Mais en pratique, le résultat est différent. La jurisprudence citée change. Le droit évolue. Et les jugements, un jour importants, finissent par être oubliés. Éventuellement, ils sont remplacés par la jurisprudence plus jeune. Dans ce mémoire, une approche jurimétrique est utilisée pour évaluer le rythme auquel le droit évolue. C'est-à-dire que des calculs statistiques sont effectués à l'aide de programmes informatiques afin de comparer, d'un échantillon à un autre, le rythme auquel le droit change. De façon générale, ils permettent de comptabiliser l'âge des citations dans les jugements et établissent des moyennes. Ils permettent d'établir l'âge de demi-vie des jugements et offrent, ainsi, une mesure du rythme auquel le droit évolue. / It is widely known, in law, that a judge uses mIes established in precedents for argumentation. In fact, he relies on it and has to respect the mIes that are already defined : case law materials are authoritative. He is to respect precedent law and stay on the decision (« stare decisis »). According to this conception, the available case law collection grows through time : more and more decisions can be cited to interpret a particular point of law. But reality shows a different picture. The case law that gets cited changes. Law evolves. And the judgments that were once important are, eventually, forgotten. In the end, they are replaced by recent developpements. In this thesis, jurimetrics is used to evaluate the rythm to which law evolves. Statistics are computed by using automated software in order to compare, from one sample to another, the rythm to which cited decisions change. Software is used to compute the age of citations in judgments and establish averages. It is thus possible to evaluate the half-life of case law judgments and, therefore, provide with an idea of the rythm to which law evolves.

Le double visage des proches des victimes d'homicide : approche comparée en Droit Pénal et Victimologie

Rossi, Catherine January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Jeunes femmes portant plainte ou témoignant contre leurs proxénètes : leur expérience au sein du processus pénal québécois

Damphousse, Karine 06 1900 (has links)
La présente étude porte sur l’expérience pénale de jeunes femmes ayant porté plainte ou témoigné contre un proxénète. En effectuant notre recherche, notre intention était de comprendre le vécu de ces jeunes femmes lors de leur relation avec le proxénète ainsi que de mieux saisir leurs motivations et attentes en recourant au système pénal. Nous avions également pour objectif de cerner les effets de leur expérience judiciaire sur leur vie en général. Afin de recueillir le point de vue des jeunes femmes et de rendre compte du sens qu’elles donnent à leur expérience au sein du processus pénal, nous avons effectué dix entretiens à tendance non-directive avec des jeunes femmes ayant fait cette expérience. L’analyse montre, dans un premier temps, qu’une fragilité émotionnelle conjuguée à une situation financière précaire constituent un facteur de risque de tomber sous l’emprise d’un proxénète. Malgré la présence d’une vulnérabilité les prédisposant à s’investir dans une relation d’abus, une majorité de jeunes femmes démontrent une ouverture face au monde prostitutionnel avant de faire la connaissance d’un proxénète. L’entrée dans le domaine de la prostitution ne peut donc être uniquement attribuable à l’influence d’un proxénète et constitue plutôt le corollaire d’un amalgame de facteurs. Au début de la relation, la manipulation du proxénète vise essentiellement à renforcer un intérêt à se prostituer déjà présent chez plusieurs jeunes femmes. Dans le cas de celles qui n’ont jamais envisagé de s’adonner à des activités de prostitution, c’est une dépendance affective préexistante qui les amènera à se laisser convaincre de s’engager dans cette avenue. Que la nature de la relation avec le proxénète soit professionnelle ou amoureuse, toutes les jeunes femmes que nous avons rencontrées sont rapidement confrontées à des stratégies de manipulation et font les frais de manifestations de violence visant à les assujettir. L’amorce d’une prise de conscience de la situation d’abus qui leur est imposée constitue l’élément-clé qui les amène à prendre la décision de quitter leur proxénète et à accepter de coopérer avec les policiers. Celles qui entretiennent une relation de travail avec le proxénète amorceront cette réflexion avant celles en relation de couple. Ce constat s’explique par l’amour que celles qui se considèrent en relation de couple ressentent à l’égard du proxénète qui, non seulement les rend plus vulnérables à sa manipulation, mais freine également toute tentative d’autonomisation face à lui. Le recours à l’aide des policiers ne va pas de soi pour toutes les jeunes femmes sous le joug d’un proxénète. Bien que l’influence d’une personne bienveillante joue souvent un rôle significatif sur leur décision de porter plainte, le choix de collaborer avec les intervenants judiciaires découle essentiellement de leur propre réflexion psychologique vis-à-vis de leur situation. En portant plainte, elles souhaitent généralement être délivrées de l’emprise du proxénète et être protégées par le système pénal afin d’avoir le temps nécessaire pour prendre des décisions quant à la réorganisation de leur vie. Pendant les procédures judiciaires, les jeunes femmes se disent pour la plupart anxieuses à l’idée de rendre témoignage. Leurs appréhensions sont essentiellement liées à la crainte de revoir le proxénète ainsi qu’à la peur de ne pas être crue par le juge. Les principales motivations qui poussent les interviewées à maintenir leur plainte sont le désir de démontrer au proxénète qu’il n’a plus d’emprise sur elles et de mettre un terme à cette expérience de vie. La représentation qu’elles se font du traitement reçu dans le cadre des procédures pénales est généralement positive pour peu que l’attitude des intervenants judiciaires à leur endroit ait été empreinte d’empathie et qu’elles aient été impliquées dans le dossier. Ainsi, qu’elles aient initié ou pas la démarche pénale, les jeunes femmes qui se sentent soutenues par les policiers et les intervenants judiciaires seront plus enclines à maintenir leur plainte jusqu’à la fin des procédures pénales. Suite à leur relation avec le proxénète, les jeunes femmes sont aux prises avec de multiples conséquences qui affectent différentes sphères de leur vie. Malgré leurs nombreuses séquelles psychologiques, physiques et sociales, peu sont celles qui s’impliquent jusqu'au bout d’une démarche thérapeutique. Plusieurs estiment ne pas être prêtes à se lancer dans une telle démarche, alors que d’autres ont l’impression que personne ne peut réellement les aider et préfèrent s’en remettre à leur résilience ou utiliser des moyens alternatifs pour passer au travers de cette épreuve de vie. Les jeunes femmes qui reçoivent l’aide de leurs proches et/ou d’organismes professionnels sont celles qui perçoivent le plus rapidement les effets bénéfiques de leur implication pénale. Il ressort de notre analyse que l’expérience pénale vient renforcer une autonomisation déjà amorcée par la jeune femme lors de la rupture avec le proxénète. Les impacts de l’implication pénale sont doubles : elle permet aux jeunes femmes d’augmenter l’estime qu’elles ont d’elles-mêmes, et de couper définitivement tous contacts avec le souteneur. Le système pénal comporte cependant des limites puisqu’il n’a aucun effet sur le contexte de vie des jeunes femmes et, par le fait même, sur leurs activités prostitutionnelles. Ainsi, bon nombre de jeunes femmes retournent dans leur milieu d’origine après la démarche pénale et doivent continuer à composer avec les conditions associées à leur mode de vie antérieur. Qui plus est, l’effet déstabilisant lié à l’expérience pénale a pour conséquence de retarder leur rétablissement psychologique et la réorganisation de leur existence. Celles qui arrivent à réorienter le plus rapidement leur vie sont les jeunes femmes qui reçoivent le soutien de leurs proches ainsi que celles qui n’entretenaient pas de relation amoureuse avec le proxénète. Mots-clés : proxénétisme, prostitution, système pénal, empowerment, stigmatisation. / The present study focuses on the experiences of the criminal justice system by a number of young women, all of whom have pressed charges or testified against a pimp. In carrying out our research, our objective was to understand the experiences of these young women during their relationship with the pimp, as well as gaining a better insight into their reasons and expectations when they turned to the criminal justice system. We also aimed to identify the effects such judicial experiences have had on their lives in general. In order to gather the young women’s perspectives and faithfully report the meaning they attribute to their experiences of criminal procedure, we carried out ten non-directive interviews with young women who had been through such an experience. First of all, our analysis shows that emotional fragility combined with a precarious financial situation constitute a risk factor of falling under the control of a pimp. Despite an existing vulnerability predisposing these women to become involved in an abusive relationship, the majority of such young women demonstrate an open-minded approach to the world of prostitution prior to meeting a pimp. Thus, their entrance into prostitution cannot be solely attributed to the influence of a pimp and seems rather to be the outcome of a combination of factors. At the beginning of the relationship, the pimp’s manipulation essentially aims to reinforce this interest in prostitution already present in several of the young women. In the case of those women who had never envisaged engaging in prostitution, a pre-existing affective dependence could lead them to be persuaded to follow this path. Whether the relationship with the pimp is professional or romantic, all the young women we met were quickly confronted with strategies of manipulation and were exposed to displays of violence aimed at subjugating them. The initial realisation of the abusive situation to which they are being subjected constitutes the key factor leading them to make the decision to leave their pimp and agree to cooperate with the police. Those who had a professional relationship with their pimp came to this decision before those in a romantic relationship with the pimp. This observation can be explained by the love which those who considered themselves to be in a romantic relationship felt for their pimp, which not only made them more vulnerable to his manipulation but also slowed all attempts to empower themselves against him. Turning to the police for help is not an obvious choice for all young women under a pimp’s control. While the influence of a caring person often plays a significant role in their decision to press charges, the decision to cooperate with criminal justice officials usually arises from their own psychological reflection concerning their situation. By pressing charges, they generally hope to get away from their pimp’s control and be protected by the legal system, giving them the necessary time to make decisions to turn their lives around. During the judicial procedure, most of these young women say they are anxious at the idea of testifying. Their apprehension is essentially linked with the fear of seeing the pimp again, along with fear of not being believed by the judge. The main reasons motivating interviewees to maintain their charges are the desire to show the pimp he no longer has any control over them and also to end this episode of their life. Their representations of the treatment they received during the criminal justice procedure are generally positive if legal officials have shown empathy towards them and if the women have been encouraged to be involved in the legal case. Thus, whether the women initiated the legal procedure themselves or not, those who feel supported by the police and criminal justice officials are more likely to maintain charges to the end of the legal procedure. Following their relationship with the pimp, the young women struggle with many consequences which affect different areas of their lives. Despite numerous psychological, physical and social repercussions, only a small minority ever follow through with a full course of therapy. Many feel they are not ready to undertake such measures, while others feel that nobody can really help them and prefer to rely on their own resilience or use alternative methods to get past this difficult experience. Those young women who receive help from their friends and family or professional organisations more rapidly perceive the beneficial effects of their involvement with the legal system. Our analysis finds that the experience of the legal system serves to reinforce a process of empowerment already initiated by a young woman when her relationship with her pimp ended. The impacts of the young women’s judicial involvement are twofold: it allows them to improve their self-esteem while also permanently cutting all contact with the pimp. However, the criminal justice system does have limits, as the experience has no impact on the young women’s life context nor, by this very fact, on their involvement in prostitution. Consequently, many young women return to their original environments once the criminal procedure is over and continue to face the conditions associated with their previous lifestyle. Moreover, the destabilizing effect associated with the judicial experience causes their psychological recovery and reorganisation of their lives to be delayed. Those who do manage to turn their lives around the fastest are those who receive support from people close to them and also those who were not in a romantic relationship with their pimp. Key words: pimping, prostitution, criminal justice system, empowerment, stigmatisation.

Mecanismos sociais de decisões judiciais: um desenho misto explicativo sobre a aplicação da medida socioeducativa de internação / Social mechanisms of judicial decisions: an explanatory mixed-methods research design on juvenile sentencing

Oliveira, Thiago Rodrigues 15 September 2016 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é explicar os mecanismos sociais das decisões judiciais. Em particular, a investigação centra-se no processo de tomadas de decisões de operadores do Direito no sistema de justiça juvenil em São Paulo. Busca-se, assim, verificar quais são os fatores determinantes da aplicação da medida socioeducativa de internação para adolescentes acusados de cometimento de ato infracional e o modo pelo qual se dá esse processo decisório. Desde a promulgação do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, em 1990, o sistema de justiça juvenil brasileiro passou a operar em um novo registro: as medidas socioeducativas passaram a se restringir a autores de infrações penais; e a medida de internação, em particular, a crimes cometidos com violência e/ou grave ameaça à pessoa. Mas a gravidade do ato infracional é de fato o principal preditor das decisões judiciais na justiça juvenil? Ou haveria outros fatores explicativos, como aqueles relacionados às características sociais dos adolescentes, às relações de poder inscritas nas interações sociais ou mesmo à estrutura organizacional dos tribunais? Na busca pela explicação dos mecanismos sociais dessas decisões judiciais, esta pesquisa propôs um desenho multimetodológico, integrando técnicas quantitativas e qualitativas para investigar os mecanismos das decisões e verificar os determinantes da aplicação da medida socioeducativa de internação em São Paulo. Assim, em um primeiro momento, as hipóteses citadas foram testadas por meio de modelos logísticos binomiais tendo a decisão sobre a internação como variável dependente em um cenário multivariado. Os resultados encontrados indicam um alto grau de proporcionalidade entre crime e pena, tendo os atos infracionais considerados mais graves os mais significativos efeitos sobre a probabilidade de internação; mas indicam, também, a reprodução de relações de poder - adolescentes usuários de drogas e que não trabalham nem estudam, mantidas as outras dimensões constantes, também têm maior chance de receber a medida socioeducativa de internação. Em seguida, a fim de explicar os mecanismos dos efeitos do tratamento estimados anteriormente, foram acompanhadas semanalmente as audiências de apresentação e de continuação e as oitivas informais no Fórum Brás, em São Paulo. Ao mesmo tempo em que se concluiu que as oitivas informais, centrais no processo decisório, ocorrem cerimonialmente e que as decisões são tomadas via documentos, o que explica o mecanismo de proporcionalidade encontrado anteriormente, pôde-se concluir que eventualmente os Promotores de Justiça \"voltam atrás\" de suas decisões quando há um rompimento na definição da situação, o que explica o mecanismo dos efeitos das características individuais dos adolescentes. / This research aims at investigating the social mechanisms of judicial decisions. It particularly focuses on the decision-making process of legal actors in the juvenile justice system in São Paulo. Thus, the research aims at verifying the determinants of the confinement disposition for juveniles who have been accused of a crime and the way which this decision is made by. Since the Child and Adolescent Statute was promulgated in 1990, the Brazilian juvenile justice system started working under new guidelines: dispositions are now restricted to offenders; and the confinement disposition is restricted to offenses committed with violence and/or with a threat to a person. But is the seriousness of the crime indeed the best predictor of judicial decisions? Or are there other explanatory factors, such as the ones related to the individual characteristics of the teenagers, to the power relations within social interactions, or even to the court organizational structure? Aiming at a mechanism-based explanation of these judicial decisions, this research has proposed a mixed-methods research design, integrating both quantitative and qualitative techniques to investigate mechanisms of the decision-making process and to verify the determinants of the confinement disposition in São Paulo. Thus, at first, the aforementioned hypotheses were tested with binary logistic models, presenting the decision concerning the confinement disposition as the dependent variable on a multivariable scenario. Results indicate a high degree of proportionality between crime and punishment, with the seriousness of the offenses having significant effects on the probability of confinement; but the results also indicate some reproduction of power relations - drug user youth and those who neither work nor study increase their odds of being more severely punished. After that, aiming at explaining the mechanisms of the treatment effects estimated beforehand, both judicial and informal hearings (at the State\'s Attorney office) were weekly observed at the juvenile court in São Paulo. While it was possible to conclude that the informal hearings are central to the decision-making process and occur ceremonially, with decisions being made by documents-consulting (which explains the proportionality mechanism), the research also found that the Attorneys often regret their decisions when there is a rupture of the definition of the situation. This explains the mechanism of the individual characteristics effects on juvenile sentencing.

Cinedebate como instrumento de educação em direitos humanos

Galan, Débora Regina Honório 18 December 2017 (has links)
Trata-se de relatório conclusivo de pesquisa dedicado a investigar a potencialidade do cinedebate como instrumento de Educação em Direitos Humanos utilizando-se da metodologia da pesquisa de opinião, inspirada na investigação-ação. Foram realizados cinco cursos de extensão organizados com exibição de obras cinematográficas ficcionais ou documentais previamente selecionadas dentre os temas correlatos aos produtos defendidos no Programa de Mestrado em Prestação Jurisdicional e Direitos Humanos e posterior debate crítico e interdisciplinar sobre as diversas temáticas de Direitos Humanos com debatedores provocadores e debatedores espectadores atuantes no sistema de justiça do estado do Tocantins. Este trabalho tem o duplo viés de utilizar a linguagem cinematográfica para estabelecer uma comunicação profícua à sensibilização de atores do sistema de justiça para temas de Direitos Humanos, além de disseminar e fortalecer a educação e a cultura, por meio da discussão das pesquisas realizadas no Programa de Pós- Graduação Stricto Sensu que visa, em última análise, aprimorar o serviço jurisdicional realizado no Estado, no campo das práticas de conquista de consciência e cidadania, de debate público e aberto, de aprendizado para os Direitos Humanos. / This is a conclusive report of applied research dedicated to investigate the potential of cinedebate as an instrument of education in Human Rights using the methodology of opinion research, inspired by action research. Five extension courses were organized with the exhibition of previously selected fictional or documentary cinematographic works among the themes related to the products defended in the Master program in Jurisdictional Provision and Human Rights and subsequent critical and interdisciplinary debate on the different human rights themes with provocative debaters and spectators debaters working in the justice system of the state of Tocantins. This work has the double bias of using the cinematographic language to establish a proficient communication to sensitize actors in the justice system to human rights issues, in addition to disseminating and strengthening education and culture in Human Rights, through the discussion of research carried out in the stricto sensu postgraduation program, which ultimately aims to improve the jurisdictional service carried out in the state in the field of the practice of winning awareness and citizenship, public and open debate, and learning for Human Rights.

O saber crítico-criminológico na atuação da magistratura criminal a partir da análise de sentenças proferidas no estado do Tocantins durante o ano de 2016

Morais, Andrea Cardinale Urani Oliveira de 29 January 2018 (has links)
Trata-se de pesquisa realizada em processos criminais sentenciados no ano de 2016, nas 21 varas criminais das 14 comarcas de terceira entrância do Estado do Tocantins, visando a investigar se utilizam ou não fundamentos hermenêuticos crítico-criminológicos e humanistas. Nesta dissertação, a pesquisa empírica dividese em duas partes, sendo que, na primeira, o universo amostral é 100% das sentenças (3.163) proferidas no interregno de 2016, nas comarcas selecionadas, para fins de identificação do número total de sentenças criminais e, ainda, do número de sentenças condenatórias (356) e absolutórias (150, entre próprias e impróprias). Assim, na segunda parte específica da análise são estudadas 506 sentenças proferidas nesses processos, com o objetivo de averiguar de que forma o sistema penal (material e processual) está sendo utilizado na prática dos(as) magistrados(as) tocantinenses. O trabalho é realizado a partir do instrumental metodológico oferecido pela técnica de análise do conteúdo, de Laurence Bardin, precedido de representações gráficas dos dados obtidos em sentenças absolutórias e condenatórias. A perspectiva de análise sob enfoque interdisciplinar é assegurada, eis que marca a própria vocação da Criminologia em sua vertente crítica (influenciada fortemente pelos contributos de outras ciências, principalmente da Sociologia, da Psicologia, da Psiquiatria, da Antropologia e da Filosofia). A pesquisa procura pela existência de uma postura puramente dogmática e rasa no ato de julgar, ou pela utilização de conhecimentos críticos, que sejam combativos do senso comum teórico, reprodutor da crença na função ideológica do Direito Penal como instrumento de defesa social e de ressocialização de condenados. A conclusão indica que a abordagem crítica, tão necessária ao julgar com justiça, a partir de embasamentos constitucionais e nas normas internacionais de direitos humanos, não é o padrão utilizado pela magistratura criminal tocantinense. Ao contrário, os resultados das análises revelam um grande percentual de sentenças que ainda utilizam argumentos estritamente legalistas e dogmáticos no trato de um dos mais básicos direitos humanos fundamentais, que é a liberdade das pessoas. / It is a research carried out in criminal cases sentenced in 2016, in the 21 criminal courts of the 14 third-order districts of the State of Tocantins, aiming to investigate whether they use critical-criminological and humanistic hermeneutical foundations. In this dissertation, the empirical research was divided in two parts, in the first, the sample universe is 100% of the verdicts (3.163) was given in the year of 2016, in the regions selected, for the purpose of identifying the total number of criminal sentences and the number of convictions (356) and acquittals (150, between proper and improper). Thus, in the second specific part of the analysis, 506 sentences handed down in these cases are studied, with the objective of ascertaining how the criminal (material and procedural) system is being used in the practice of the Tocantins' magistrates. The work is based on the methodological tools offered by Laurence Bardin's content analysis technique, preceded by graphical representations of the data obtained in acquittals and convictions. The perspective of analysis under an interdisciplinary approach is ensured, as it marks the very vocation of Criminology in its critical aspect (strongly influenced by the contributions of other sciences, especially Sociology, Psychology, Psychiatry, Anthropology and Philosophy). The research seeks the existence of a purely dogmatic and shallow posture in the act of judging, or by the use of critical knowledge that is combative of theoretical common sense, reproducing the belief in the ideological function of Criminal Law as an instrument of social defense and re-socialization of the condemned. The conclusion indicates that the critical approach, so necessary in judging, from constitutional foundations and international human rights norms, is not the standard used by the criminal magistrates of Tocantins. On the contrary, the results of the analyzes reveal a large percentage of sentences that still use strictly legalistic and dogmatic arguments in dealing with one of the most basic fundamental human rights, which is the freedom of the people.

Sob fogo cruzado: a gestão de mulheres e a justiça criminal paulista / Under crossfire: the management of women and the criminal justice in São Paulo

Fernanda Emy Matsuda 07 October 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho dedica-se ao estudo da gestão de mulheres em São Paulo, com especial atenção para os dispositivos mobilizados na atuação do sistema de justiça criminal. Para isso, foram adotadas duas perspectivas complementares. A primeira volta-se para a situação de mulheres como vítimas de crimes violentos, procurando resgatar de que maneira a legislação criminal incorpora e traduz as demandas das mulheres, resultando em leis que cristalizam percepções (não raro ambíguas e contraditórias) sobre mulheres e desigualdade de gênero, fenômeno que também caracteriza o momento da aplicação das leis pelos tribunais. A segunda perspectiva se volta para o problema do controle social das mulheres a partir dos mecanismos penais, mormente a privação da liberdade, incluindo a prisão processual. As estratégias de pesquisa adotadas envolvem levantamento legislativo e documental, coleta de informações de autos de processos judiciais, visitas a unidades prisionais, entrevistas com mulheres e profissionais do direito e análise de dados fornecidos pela Secretaria de Segurança Pública. Aliando as abordagens qualitativa e quantitativa, o estudo procurou enfatizar trajetórias individuais, principalmente com base em biografias judiciárias, que lançam luz sobre as especificidades do encontro entre as mulheres e o sistema de justiça criminal e evidenciam o continuum de violência que marca as vidas das mulheres. / This work is dedicated to the study of women\'s management in São Paulo, with special attention to the devices deployed in the performance of the criminal justice system. In order to do this, there were adopted two complementary perspectives. The first one turns to the situation of women as victims of violent crimes, concerning how the criminal law incorporates and translates the demands of women, resulting in laws that crystallize perceptions (often ambiguous and contradictory) on women and gender inequality, a phenomenon that also characterizes the moment of law enforcement by the courts. The second perspective turns to the problem of social control of women regarding criminal mechanisms, especially the deprivation of liberty, including pretrial detention. The adopted research strategies involve legislative and documental survey, information from lawsuits, visits in prisons, interviews with women and legal professionals and analysis of data provided by the Public Security Bureau. Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches, the study sought to emphasize individual trajectories, mainly based on judicial biographies that shed light on the specificities of the encounter between women and the criminal justice system and show the continuum of violence that marks the lives of women .

Sob fogo cruzado: a gestão de mulheres e a justiça criminal paulista / Under crossfire: the management of women and the criminal justice in São Paulo

Matsuda, Fernanda Emy 07 October 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho dedica-se ao estudo da gestão de mulheres em São Paulo, com especial atenção para os dispositivos mobilizados na atuação do sistema de justiça criminal. Para isso, foram adotadas duas perspectivas complementares. A primeira volta-se para a situação de mulheres como vítimas de crimes violentos, procurando resgatar de que maneira a legislação criminal incorpora e traduz as demandas das mulheres, resultando em leis que cristalizam percepções (não raro ambíguas e contraditórias) sobre mulheres e desigualdade de gênero, fenômeno que também caracteriza o momento da aplicação das leis pelos tribunais. A segunda perspectiva se volta para o problema do controle social das mulheres a partir dos mecanismos penais, mormente a privação da liberdade, incluindo a prisão processual. As estratégias de pesquisa adotadas envolvem levantamento legislativo e documental, coleta de informações de autos de processos judiciais, visitas a unidades prisionais, entrevistas com mulheres e profissionais do direito e análise de dados fornecidos pela Secretaria de Segurança Pública. Aliando as abordagens qualitativa e quantitativa, o estudo procurou enfatizar trajetórias individuais, principalmente com base em biografias judiciárias, que lançam luz sobre as especificidades do encontro entre as mulheres e o sistema de justiça criminal e evidenciam o continuum de violência que marca as vidas das mulheres. / This work is dedicated to the study of women\'s management in São Paulo, with special attention to the devices deployed in the performance of the criminal justice system. In order to do this, there were adopted two complementary perspectives. The first one turns to the situation of women as victims of violent crimes, concerning how the criminal law incorporates and translates the demands of women, resulting in laws that crystallize perceptions (often ambiguous and contradictory) on women and gender inequality, a phenomenon that also characterizes the moment of law enforcement by the courts. The second perspective turns to the problem of social control of women regarding criminal mechanisms, especially the deprivation of liberty, including pretrial detention. The adopted research strategies involve legislative and documental survey, information from lawsuits, visits in prisons, interviews with women and legal professionals and analysis of data provided by the Public Security Bureau. Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches, the study sought to emphasize individual trajectories, mainly based on judicial biographies that shed light on the specificities of the encounter between women and the criminal justice system and show the continuum of violence that marks the lives of women .

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