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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uticaj komunikacije lidera i saradnika na organizacionu posvećenost zaposlenih / The influence of leader-member communication on employee organizational commitment

Konja Valentin 30 June 2014 (has links)
<p>Fenomen liderstva je star koliko i sama civilizacija, a posebno mesto u istraživanjima &scaron;irom sveta ima unazad sto godina, čemu u prilog ide činjenica da postoji skoro toliko definicija liderstva koliko i osoba koje su poku&scaron;ale da ga defini&scaron;u.<br />Srbija, kao zemlja u tranziciji, odnosno u razvoju, se trenutno nalazi pred izazovima transformacije zastarelih oblika stilova upravljanja u organizacijama u savremene oblike liderstva. Većina organizacija u Srbiji je već implementirala određene elemente liderstva u svoje procese. Međutim, retke su organizacije koje su u potpunosti implementirale koncept savremenog liderstva u svoje poslovanje.<br />Predmet istraživanja disertacije je ispitivanje i pružanje kvalitetnih podataka o jednom malom deliću izuzetno &scaron;irokog fenomena liderstva i njegovom uticaju na organizacionu posvećenost zaposlenih, jednu od osnovnih promenljivih uspe&scaron;nog funkcionisanju savremenih organizacija. Oblasti liderstva koje su istraživane u okviru ove disertacije jesu razmena između lidera i saradnika (LMX) i psiholo&scaron;ko ovla&scaron;ćivanje zaposlenih.<br />Komunikacija između lidera i saradnika, ovla&scaron;ćivanje i organizaciona posvećenost zaposlenih su varijable koje se u razvijenim zemljama intenzivno istražuju i unapređuju na osnovu rezultata istraživanja. Mnoga istraživanja su pružila dokaze da je komunikacija između lidera i saradnika povezana sa posvećeno&scaron;ću, međutim ni jedno od ovih istraživanja nije pružilo podatke o dubljoj prirodi i karakteristikama ove povezanosti. Čak ni u razvijenim zemljama nije bilo dovoljno istraživanja za potpuno potkrepljenje osnovne tvrdnje o povezanosti u različitim radnim okruženjima.<br />Cilj disertacije je da na međunarodnom nivou pruži značajan doprinos boljem razumevanju međusobnog uticaja komunikacije između lidera i saradnika, ovla&scaron;ćivanja i organizacione posvećenosti zaposlenih u okruženjima u tranziciji, i razvoju teorije i prakse ovih varijabli u okvirima organizacionog pona&scaron;anja. Sekundarni cilj istraživanja je poređenje javnih, proizvodnih i uslužnih organizacija u Srbiji i određivanje očekivanih razlika između njih vezanih za komunikaciju, ovla&scaron;ćivanje i posvećenost i pružanje kvalitetnih podataka osobama koje se bave ili će se baviti liderstvom u datim organizacijama za pobolj&scaron;anje organizacionih performansi.<br />Istraživanjem su dobijeni kvalitetni podaci o komunikaciji između lidera i saradnika, ovla&scaron;ćivanju i organizacionoj posvećenosti zaposlenih, njihovom međusobnom uticaju i relacijama, kao i o kritičnim grupama zaposlenih koje zahtevaju preduzimanje hitnih mera za pobolj&scaron;anje u Srpskim organizacijama. Primena ovih podataka u akademskim i poslovnim okruženjima može pružiti značajan doprinos u modernizaciju teorije i prakse liderstva u Srbiji.<br />Glavno pitanje na koje ova disertacija pruža odgovor je: &quot;Da li komunikacija između lidera i saradnika ima uticaj na organizacionu posvećenost zaposlenih u organizacijama u Srbiji i kakvu ulogu ovla&scaron;ćenost zaposlenih ima u interakciji između komunikacije lidera i saradnika i posvećenosti?&quot;<br />Odgovor na prethodno pitanje je jasan i nedvosmislen: &quot;Komunikacija između lidera i saradnika ima značajan uticaj na organizacionu posvećenost zaposlenih u organizacijama u Srbiji, dok ovla&scaron;ćenost zaposlenih ima ulogu medijatora u interakciji između komunikacije lidera i saradnika i posvećenosti&quot;. Ovla&scaron;ćenost zaposlenih ima i značajne direktne veze kako sa komunikacijom između lidera i saradnika i organizacionom posvećeno&scaron;ću, ali je njena uloga kao medijatora jo&scaron; značajnija.</p> / <p><span style="font-size:9px;">The phenomenon of leadership is as old as the civilization itself and it has its important place in research worldwide in the last hundred years, which is supported by the fact that there are almost as many definitions of leadership, as there are persons who tried to define it.<br />Serbia, as a country in transition, i.e. in development, is currently facing with the challenges of transformation of outdated forms of management styles in organizations into modern forms of leadership. Most organizations in Serbia already implemented certain elements of leadership in their processes. However, organizations that have implemented entirely the concept of modern leadership into their business are rare.<br />The research subject of this thesis is investigation and providing quality data on one small part of the extremely broad phenomenon of leadership and its influence on the organizational commitment of employees, which is one of the basic variables of successful functioning of modern organizations. The areas of leadership that had been researched within this thesis are the leader-member exchange (LMX) and psychological empowerment of employees.<br />Leader-member communication, empowerment and organizational commitment of employees are variables that are intensively researched and developed based on the research results in developed countries. Many researches have provided evidence that leader-member communication is linked with commitment. However, neither one of these researches had not provided data on the deeper nature and characteristics of this linkage. Further, there had not been sufficient research even in developed countries to completely corroborate the basic claim of the existence of the linkages in different working environments.<br />The aim of the thesis is to provide significant contribution at the international level to better understanding of the mutual influence of leader-member communication, empowerment and organizational commitment of employees in transitional environments, and to the development of the theory and practice of these variables within the framework of organizational behavior. The secondary aim of the research is comparing public, manufacturing and service organizations in Serbia, determining the expected differences between them regarding communication, empowerment and commitment, and providing quality data to persons who are practicing or will practice leadership in the given organizations so that they could improve organizational performance.<br />The research resulted with quality data on leader-member communication, empowerment and organizational commitment of employees, their mutual influence and relations, and also on critical groups of employees that require undertaking urgent improvement measures in Serbian organizations. The application of this data in academic and business environments can provide significant contribution to the modernization of leadership theory and practice in Serbia.<br />The main question to which this thesis gives an answer is: &quot;Whether leader-member communication has influence on the organizational commitment of employees in Serbian organizations and what is the role of empowerment in the interaction between leader-member communication and commitment?&quot;<br />The answer to the previous question is clear and unambiguous: &quot;Leader-member communication has significant influence on organizational commitment of employees in Serbian organizations, while empowerment of employees has mediating role in the interaction between leader-member communication and commitment. Empowerment of employees has also significant direct linkage with leader-member communication and also organizational commitment, but its role as a mediator is more important.</span></p>

Algoritmi za dodelu zadataka izvršiocima u bežičnim mrežama mikrokontrolerskih senzorskih uređaja i autonomnih robota / Algorithms for task assignment in wireless networks of microcontroller sensor nodes and autonomous robots

Lukić Milan 02 November 2015 (has links)
<p>U bežičnoj mreži senzora i robota, senzorski moduli vrše nadzor<br />fizičkih veličina od značaja, a roboti imaju ulogu izvršilaca<br />zadataka koji im se dodeljuju primenom odgovarajućeg algoritma. Nakon<br />detekcije događaja od strane statičkih senzorskih čvorova i<br />prosleđivanja informacija o događajima robotima, potrebno je<br />dodeliti zadatke robotima na efikasan način. Dodela zadataka vrši<br />se u skladu sa prirodom različitih scenarija koji se mogu javiti u<br />praksi. U okviru disertacije razmatran je slučaj kada se konkurentno<br />javlja više događaja kojima je potrebno dodeliti izvršioce. U pogledu<br />energetske efikasnosti, u ovakvim sistemima kao ključni problemi<br />javljaju se minimizacija ukupne dužine kretanja robota i optimizacija<br />komunikacije u mreži. Od komunikacinih protokola za otkrivanje<br />izvršilaca, u ovoj disertaciji predstavljena su poboljšanja<br />postojećeg iMesh protokola i uveden je novi vCell protokol zasnovan na<br />lokalizovanom formiranju ćelija Voronoi dijagrama. Takođe,<br />upoređene su performanse novog protokola sa postojećim (pravougaoni<br />kvorum i iMesh) u gustim mrežama, retkim mrežama i mrežama sa<br />rupama u topologiji. Uz to, uvedeni su algoritmi za ažuriranje lokacije<br />kojima mreža reaguje na kretanje robota. Rezultati simulacija pokazuju<br />da vCell postiže efikasnost blizu 100% u nalaženju najbližeg robota u<br />gustim mrežama. U retkim mrežama, efikasnost mu je do 40% bolja u<br />odnosu na ostala rešenja.</p><p>Kao glavni rezultat u disertaciji prikazani su novi algoritmi za<br />dodelu robota kao izvršilaca zadataka događajima, čime su<br />prevaziđni nedostaci više do sada poznatih rešenja ovog problema.<br />Za zadati skup događaja i skup robota, svakom događaju dodeljen je po<br />jedan robot koji je zadužen za obilazak lokacije događaja. Tokom<br />pojedinačnih rundi, robotima je dozvoljen obilazak jednog događaja<br />kada se vrši uparivanje, ili više događaja, kada se vrši<br />sekvencijalna dodela. U distribuiranom slučaju, statički senzorski<br />uređaji detektuju događaje i prijavljuju ih obližnjim robotima.<br />Algoritam PDM koji se odnosi na unapređeno uparivanje sa mogućnošću<br />razmene partnera, eliminiše dugačke ivice koje se mogu javiti<br />prilikom uparivanja. Algoritam SQD za sekvencijalnu dodelu događaja<br />robotima iterativno pronalazi par robot-događaj sa najmanjim<br />međusobnim rastojanjem, uvrštava izabrani događaj u listu za oblazak<br />izabranog robota i ažurira poziciju robota. Takođe su predložene<br />generalizacije koje omogućavaju da događaji budu posećeni od strane<br />više robota i koje uzimaju u obzir vremenska ograničenja.<br />Distribuirani algoritam MAD, koji je zasnovan na iMesh<br />informacionoj strukturi i lokalnim aukcijama u robotskoj mreži,<br />vrši dodelu robota događajima na lokalizovan i energetski efikasan<br />način. Rezultati simulacija potvrđuju prednosti predloženih<br />algoritama u odnosu na postojeća rešenja, kako u pogledu skraćivanja<br />dužina putanja robota, tako i u produženju životnog vremena sistema.</p> / <p>In a typical wireless sensor and robot network, sensor nodes monitor physical<br />values of interest, while robots perform some automated tasks. The tasks are<br />assigned to robots by means of an appropriate algorithm. Upon the<br />occurrence of events which are detected by sensor nodes, the information<br />about the events needs to be delivered to robots. Afterwards, it is necessary<br />to assign tasks to robots in an efficient way. Task assignment is performed<br />according to the nature of different scenarios which might occur in practice.<br />This thesis is focused on the case when multiple events, all of which require<br />to be visited by robots, happen simultaneously. Regarding energy efficiency,<br />the key issues which arise in such systems are minimization of robot travel<br />paths, and optimization of the network traffic. In this thesis, the following<br />service discovery protocols are presented: improvements of the existing<br />iMesh protocol, and the novel vCell protocol, which is based on localized<br />formation of an information structure which resembles Voronoi diagram.<br />Furthermore, the performaces of new vCell protocol is compared with the<br />existing protocols (Quorum and iMesh) in dense networks, sparse networks,<br />and networks with holes in topology. Also, location update algorithms are<br />introduced, which deal with robot mobility. The simulations show that vCell<br />achieves nearly 100% success rate in finding the nearest robot in dense<br />networks. In sparse networks, it outperforms the other existing solutions by up<br />to 40%.<br />As a key contributtion, the novel dispatch lgorithms have been introduced.<br />Given a set of events and a set of robots, the dispatch problem is to allocate<br />one robot for each event to visit it. In a single round, each robot may be<br />allowed to visit only one event (matching dispatch), or several events in a<br />sequence (sequence dispatch). In a distributed setting, each event is<br />discovered by a sensor and reported to a robot. In this thesis, novel<br />algorithms are presented, whichh are aimed at overcoming the shortcomings<br />of several existing solutions. Pairwise distance based matching algorithm<br />(PDM) eliminates long edges by pairwise exchanges between matching pairs.<br />Sequence dispatch algorithm (SQD) iteratively finds the closest event-robot<br />pair, includes the event in dispatch schedule of the selected robot and<br />updates its position accordingly. When event-robot distances are multiplied by<br />robot resistance (inverse of the remaining energy), the corresponding energybalanced<br />variants are obtained. Also, generalizations are introduced which<br />handle multiple visits and timing constraints. Distributed algorithm MAD is<br />based on information mesh infrastructure and local auctions within the robot<br />network for obtaining the optimal dispatch schedule for each robot. The<br />simulations conducted confirm the advantages of our algorithms over other<br />existing solutions in terms of average robot-event distance and lifetime.</p>

Individualne i socijalne determinante kvaliteta bliskih interpersonalnih odnosa: značaj osobina ličnosti, porodične interakcije i komunikacije / Individual and social determinants of quality of close interpersonal relationships: The importance of a personality, family interaction and communication.

Kuruzović Nikolina 21 August 2018 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu se ispituje fenomen&nbsp; kvaliteta 5 vrsta bliskih odnosa u odraslom dobu (majka, otac, brat/sestra, prijatelj, partner). Istraživanjem se razmatraju specifičnosti bliskih odnosa na domaćoj populaciji i razlike u kvaliteti bliskih odnosa s obzirom na nekoliko personalnih i kontekstualnih karakteristika ispitanika. Poseban akcenat se stavlja na relacije između individualnih (osobine ličnosti, afektivna vezanost, autoritarnost i stilovi komunikacije) i socijalnih (porodična interakcija sa majkom i ocem) determinanti i kvaliteta bliskih odnosa.</p> / <p>This paper examines the quality phenomenon of 5 types of close relationships in adulthood (mother, father, brother / sister, friend, partner). The research examines the specificity of close relationships on the domestic population and the differences in the quality of close relationships with regard to several personal and contextual characteristics of the respondents. Particular emphasis is put on the relationships between individual (personality traits, attachment, authoritarianism and communication styles) and social (family interaction with mother and father) determinants and quality of close relationships.</p>

Komunikacijos sistema neįgaliesiems / Communication system for disabled

Balbonas, Dainius 11 June 2004 (has links)
The developing stages of communication system for the physically disabled persons with speech and language impairments are presented in this master job. The system was developed in pursuance of international Eureka project E! 2707. The author tried to take notice of disables situation in society of 21’st century and tried to formulate the problems witch appearing then disables trying to use modern communication technologies (internet, e-mail, text typing). A review of compensation method for disables was done. Also the market of compensatory devices was reviewed. Only when analysis of users was done, compensatory methods for physically disabled person was review, and facilities was sum up, the model of communications system and the demo version of software for the physically disabled persons with speech and language impairments was created. The design software lets to type text, to use e-mail possibilities, to browse Internet. All these functions can be achieved using one or two ON-OFF buttons and virtual keyboard. The experiments shows that is possible to achieve text typing speed approximately 20 symbols per minute.

Vaikų - sveikų ir turinčių autizmo sutrikimą - socialinės sąveikos, verbalinės ir neverbalinės komunikacijos bei elgesio, tyrimas / Research of social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and behavior of healthy and autistic children

Astrauskienė, Giedrė 18 June 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo problema – vaikų, sergančių autizmu, keliami sunkumai vis labiau įtakoja šeimos gyvenimą. Norėdami išsamiau pažinti autizmo sutrikimu pasižyminčių vaikų asmenybės ir veiklos ypatumus, turime išanalizuoti ir įvertinti šių vaikų funkcionavimą artimiausioje socialinėje aplinkoje, t.y. šeimoje. Todėl mūsų darbe analizuojami vaikų, turinčių autizmo sutrikimą socialinės sąveikos, verbalinės ir neverbalinės komunikacijos bei elgesio vertinimas tėvų požiūriu. Norint nustatyti ir išryškinti autizmo sutrikimu pasižymintiems vaikams būdingus specifinius ypatumus, šios grupės duomenis palyginsime su tėvų, auginančių vaikus, kuriems nediagnozuotas vaikystės autizmo sutrikimas atitinkamais tyrimo rezultatais. Svarbu pabrėžti, kad autizmo sutrikimo problemos veda prie vis didesnių sunkumų vyresniame amžiuje, tad kuo ilgiau į jas nekreipiamas pakankamas dėmesys, tuo sunkesnių pasekmių galime tikėtis. Tikslas – nustatyti sveik��� vaikų ir vaikų turinčių autizmo sutrikimą socialinės sąveikos, verbalinės ir neverbalinės komunikacijos bei elgesio ypatumus, tėvų požiūriu. Uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti ir palyginti vaikų – sveikų ir turinčių autizmo sutrikimą socialinės sąveikos įvertinimus; analizuoti lyties ir amžiaus aspektu. 2. Įvertinti ir palyginti sveikų vaikų ir vaikų turinčių autizmo sutrikimą verbalinę ir neverbalinę komunikaciją; analizuoti lyties ir amžiaus aspektu. 3. Nustatyti ir palyginti elgesio ypatumų įvertinimus sveikų vaikų ir vaikų turinčių autizmo sutrikimą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The problem of research: the difficulties caused by children with autism more and more influence their families. It is often admitted that the child's socialization depends on two trends of processes: the child is influenced by his/her parents and he/she himself/herself develops his/her parents behavior. It’s important the members of family to introduce with peculiarity of autism. Also, estimate the needs of families. That’s why in our job we analyze the autistic children social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, behavior peculiarity in the aspect of sex and age. It’s important point, that the problems of autism leading to bigger difficulties in elder age. So, as longer we will not pay enough attention to it as we can expect worse results. The aim: to determine the peculiarities of social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and behavior of healthy and autistic children from the point of view of their parents. The tasks: 1. To analyze and compare the evaluation of social interaction of children- healthy and autistic ones; to analyze in the aspect of sex and age. 2.Evaluate and compare verbal and nonverbal communication of healthy and autistic children; to analyze in the aspect of sex and age. 3.To determine and compare evaluation of the peculiarities of healthy and autistic children in their behavior; to analyze in the aspect of sex and age. Hypothesis: the indicators of social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and behavior of... [to full text]

Politinės reklamos kūrimo procesas Lietuvoje / The process of creating political advertising in Lithuania

Brazytė, Jurgita 19 June 2008 (has links)
Taigi artėjant kiekvieniems laisviems ir nepriklausomiems rinkimams, kuomet valstybės piliečiai į valdžią išrenka savo atstovus, politinė reklama tampa neatsiejama politinių partijų rinkiminių akcijų dalis. Ypatingai ji yra svarbi politinėms partijoms, kadangi pastebima, jog kiekviena partija prieš rinkimus pastaraisiais metais gali potencialiai pretenduoti į tuos pačius rinkėjus visoje Lietuvoje, nes šie nėra prisirišę prie konkrečios partijos. Vis daugėja neapsisprendusių rinkėjų, kurie pasirenka, už ką balsuoti tik rinkimų kampanijos metu. Politinės reklamos raiška žiniasklaidoje, bei jos įtaka rinkėjams yra analizuota, bet pats politinės reklamos kūrimo procesas nėra plačiai ištyrinėtas Lietuvoje. Tai pat politinės reklamos samprata yra ganėtinai nauja Lietuvoje. Šio darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti ir paaiškinti politinės reklamos kūrimo proceso vyksmą reklaminių - rinkiminių kampanijų planavimo, organizavimo ir įgyvendinimo metu. Tai pat ištirti politinės reklamos teisinį reglamentavimą Lietuvos įstatyminėje bazėje. Tyrimo objektas - politinė reklama ir politinės reklamos kūrimo procesas Lietuvoje, jo struktūra bei ypatumai. Darbe naudojamasi Lietuvos ir užsienio mokslinės literatūros analizės, sisteminimo ir klasifikavimo metodais. Politinės reklamos teisinio reglamentavimo tyrime atliekamas dokumentų ir teisės aktų analizės metodas. Taip pat atliekamas kokybinis tyrimas – pusiau struktūruotas interviu. Pastarasis metodas pasirinktas siekiant išsamiau... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Political advertising becomes a simultaneous part of electoral process for all political parties, as common independent elections are approaching and the citizens of a country are going to vote for their representatives to the government. This process becomes especially important to political parties, as recent evidence proves that every political force in Lithuania can potentially apply for the same electors in Lithuania, as they are not devoted to one exact party. The number of such voters, who make up their decision on who to vote during the elections, is increasing. The expression and influence on the electors of political advertising in the media has widely been analysed, however, the process of creating political advertising has not been thoroughly researched in Lithuania. Therefore, the concept of political advertising is comparatively new in our country. The objectives of this work – is to analyse and explain the procedure of creating political advertising – in the process of planning, organizing and realizing it. Besides, the purpose is to research the legal regulations of political advertising on the basis of Lithuanian legitimate system. The object for the research is political advertising itself as well as the process, structure and peculiarities of creating it. The study relies on the analysis, filing and classification of Lithuanian and foreign scientific literature. In addition, the qualitative investigation, i.e. partly structural interview, is carried out... [to full text]

Mikučionytė, E., Golfo paslaugos įvedimas Le Meridien Vilnius Bakalauro baigiamasis darbas [Rankraštis]:vadyba ir verslo administravimas. Vilnius, ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas, 2009 / Mikučionytė, E., Golf Service Launch at Le Meridien Vilnius: Bachelor thesis. Management and Business adiministration. Vilnius, ISM University of management and Economics, 2009

Mikučionytė, Eglė 25 June 2009 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Šiame darbe nagrinėjamos golfo paslaugos perspektyvos Lietuvoje, pritraukiant naujus ir sudominant esamus Le Meridien klientus, ir kokios priemonės tam yra efektyviausios. Iš to kyla darbo tikslas - išsiaiškinti geriausius golfo paslaugos pristatymo būdus Lietuvos visuomenei. Pagrindiniai uždaviniai : • Atlikti viešbučių ir golfo laukų analizę. • Atlikti tyrimą, siekiant išanalizuoti golfo plėtros galimybes Lietuvoje ir visuomenės požiūrį į šią paslaugą. • Išanalizavus rezultatus, išnagrinėti, kokios yra golfo perspektyvos Lietuvoje ir kas galėtų sudominti būsimus klientus. Pirmoje darbo dalyje atlikta išsami išorinė analizė, siekiant išnagrinėti golfo paslaugos įvedimo galimybes – apžvelgti makroaplinkos elementus, konkurentus, suskirstyti vartotojus į galimas grupes pagal vartojimo poreikius bei, svarbiausia, apžvelgti rinkos tendencijas. Kita dalis – tyrimas, kuris buvo suskirstytas į du etapus, siekiant tikslesnių rezultatų. Pirma tyrimo dalis - žvalgybinio pobūdžio kokybinis tyrimas – giluminis interviu (ekspertų apklausa) , antra dalis - kiekybinis tyrimas ( potencialių klientų apklausa). Kitoje darbo dalyje nagrinėjama, kaip reiktų pristatyti paslaugą Lietuvos visuomenei, naudojant Rogers‘o Inovacijų sklaidos modelį (1995). Svarbiausia šioje dalyje buvo išskirti Le Meridien Vilnius golfo klubo paslaugos konkurencinius pranašumus, apžvelgti paslaugos kainas, palyginti su konkurentų kainomis ir galiausiai pateikti pasiūlymai, kokias komunikacijos priemones... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this work we are trying to analyse golf service perspectives in Lithuania, attracting new and engaging existing Le Meridien Vilnius clients, also deciding what implement will be most effective. From here work purpose emerge – to find out the best ways to introduce golf servise to Lithuanian community. The main objectives of the work are: • To analyse external golf market environment in Lithuania and neighbour countries. • To do research, in order to find out golf expansion potential in Lithuania and public attitude toward this service. • After analysing research results it‘s time to explore golf perspectives in Lithuania and how to attract prospective clients. In the first part of work, there is comprehensive external analysis, on purpose to explore golf service launch potential. Also to look through macro environment elements, competitors analysis; to group consumers, by their consumption habbits and the main thing to review golf service market tendency. The next part of bachelor thesis is research, which was divided into two stages, in order to get accurate results. The first stage – qualitative research – „deep“ interview (experts interview).The second stage – quantative research (potencial clients survey). The third part of work is analysing, how the service should be introduced to Lithuanian community, using Rogers Innovation Diffusion model(1995). In this part the main thing was mark Le Meridien Vilnius golf club competitives advantages and overlook services prices... [to full text]

Tarptautinių aplinkosaugos nevyriausybinių organizacijų komunikacija internetiniuose socialiniuose tinkluose / Social networking sites in organizational communication of international environmental NGOs

Skardžiūtė, Asta 02 March 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas - organizacinės komunikacijos procesas internetiniuose socialiniuose tinkluose, ryšys tarp tarptautinių nevyriausybinių organizacijų, internetinių socialinių tinklų ir jų publikų. Darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti tarptautinės komunikacijos internetiniuose socialiniuose tinkluose teorines prielaidas ir atskleisti jų galimybes aplinkosaugos nevyriausybinių organizacijų komunikacijoje. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai: išskirti komunikacijos proceso internetiniuose socialiniuose tinkluose elementus, jų tarpusavio sąveiką; identifikuoti internetinių socialinių tinklų teikiamas galimybes organizacinei komunikacijai nevyriausybiniame sektoriuje vykdyti; ištirti, kaip internetiniai socialiniai tinklai praktiškai pritaikomi aplinkosaugos nevyriausybinių organizacijų veikloje; sudaryti modelį efektyviai nevyriausybinių organizacijų komunikacijai vykdyti internetiniuose socialiniuose tinkluose. Naudojantis literatūros analizės bei sintezės metodais, atlikus struktūruotą interviu su trylika tarptautinių nevyriausybinių organizacijų darbuotojais, ištyrus tarptautinių aplinkosaugos nevyriausybinių organizacijų internetinių socialinių tinklų narių įrašus kiekybinės ir kokybinės turinio analizės metodais, prieita prie išvados, kad besivystančioje tinklaveikos visuomenėje veikiant modernioms informacinėms ir komunikacinėms technologijoms individo lygmenyje vyksta masinės ir tarpasmeninės komunikacijos bruožų turintis komunikacijos procesas. Tarptautinių aplinkosaugos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of master thesis – process of organizational communication in social networking sites, connection between international nongovernmental organizations, internet social networks and their publics. The aim of this work is to analyze theoretical background for international communication in online social networks and disclose their potential in organizational communication of international environmental NGOs. The main tasks: distinguish elements of communication‘s process in social networking sites and their reciprocity; identify the potential for organizational communication in social networking sites in nongovernmental sector; examine how NGOs use online social networks in their practice; construct a model for effective organizational communication of international NGOs in internet networking sites. In this work scientific literature analysis and synthesis, structured interview with thirteen communication specialists from international nongovernmental organizations, qualitative and quantitative content analysis of texts nongovernmental organizations’‘ profiles in social networking sites showed that in developing network society modern information and communication technologies empower new type of communication process that has both massive and interpersonal communication features. International environmental organizations’ communication in social networking sites is determined “from below” – from the supporters and fans of the organization. The profile of an... [to full text]

Profesinių santykių įtaka mokyklos veiklai / The Impact of Professional Relations on the Activity of a School

Braziulienė, Ingrida 07 September 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe pateikti konkretaus švietimo vadybos diagnostinio tyrimo rezultatai. Apibūdintos pagrindinės sąvokos, apžvelgti ir išanalizuoti darbuotojų valdymo ypatumai, sudarytas teorinis modelis, kuriuo remiantis sudarytas tyrimo instrumentas. Remiantis tyrimo objekto operacionalizacija, buvo parengta struktūruota, uždaro tipo, anketa. Anketa gali būti naudojama profesinių santykių švietimo įstaigoje kokybei nustatyti. Pagrindinis empirinės informacijos šaltinis tyrime buvo Mažeikių miesto ir rajono švietimo ugdymo įstaigų vadovų, pedagogų ir specialistų (229 respondentai) nuomonė apie profesinių santykių įtaką mokyklos veiklai. Tyrimo metu buvo suformuluoti šie probleminiai klausimai: koks psichologinis klimatas vyrauja mokyklose, kokia yra valdymo situacija ir kokią įtaką turi mokyklos veiklai; ar mokytojams sudaromos galimybės tobulėti, kelti kvalifikaciją; ar mokyklose vyksta vidinė komunikacija, užduočių delegavimas, darbuotojų įtraukimas į sprendimų priėmimą. Atlikta tyrimo analizė parodė, jog labiausiai profesiniams santykiams mokyklose daro įtaką konkurencija tarp kolegų, darbų ir užduočių paskirstymo problemos, taikoma kontrolės sistema, bendruomenės narių charakterio savybės, motyvavimo stoka. Apibendrinant atlikto tyrimo ir gautų rezultatų duomenis galima teigti, kad mokyklose yra sudaromos palankios sąlygos profesinių santykių plėtrai ir jų efektyvinimui. / The results of a specific diagnostic research into education management are presented in the paper. The key concepts are described, the peculiarities of personnel management are reviewed and analyzed, a theoretical model for designing the research instrument was developed. With reference to the operationalization of the research object a structured and closed-response type questionnaire was prepared. Such a questionnaire may be applied for the evaluation of the quality of professional relations in an educational institution. In the research, the main source of empirical data was the opinion of the heads, educators and specialists of the educational institutions of Mažeikiai town and Mažeikia region (229 respondents) regarding the impact of professional relations on the activity of a school. Research questions include the following: 1) what psychological climate is dominant in schools? 2) what is the situation in school management and what impact does it have on the activity of a school? 3) is there internal communication, task assignment and the involvement of personnel in decision-making in a school? The results of the research showed that professional relations in schools are mostly impacted by competition among colleagues, problems in work and task assignment, the control system applied, personal traits of the community members, lack of motivation. To summarize the data and the results of the research, it is possible to claim that favourable conditions for the development... [to full text]

Neurolingvistinio programavimo diegimas paslaugas teikiančiose įmonėse / Neuro-linguistic programming installation in service companies

Fraimanaitė, Gerda 03 December 2010 (has links)
Neurolingvistinis programavimas, kitaip NLP, tai sistema, metodologija ir požiūris leidžiantis žmonėms tobulėti, efektyviai bendrauti bei siekti asmeninio meistriškumo. Paslaugas teikiančios įmonės yra vertinamos kaip jos sugeba patenkinti klientų poreikius, kaip yra užmezgamas ir išlaikomas ryšys su jais. Šio magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas – pagrįsti neurolingvistinio programavimo metodologijos praktinio pritaikymo įtaką efektyviai paslaugas teikiančių įmonių veiklai. Darbas padalintas į tris dalis, kurių pirmoji teoriniame lygmenyje atskleidžia neurolingvistinio programavimo metodus bei jų praktinį pritaikymą paslaugas teikiančiose įmonėse. Antrojoje dalyje įvertinama ar paslaugas teikiančių įmonių darbuotojai savo veikloje taiko neurolingvistinio programavimo metodus bei išsiaiškinamos probleminės sritys, su kuriomis jie susiduria. Trečiojoje dalyje pagrindžiama neurolingvistinio programavimo metodologijos taikymo konstruktyvi įtaka paslaugas teikiančiose įmonėse. Įvertinti atliktos apklausos rezultatai paslaugas teikiančiose įmonėse parodė, kad darbuotojai žinantys apie NLP yra efektyvesni, nei nežinantys. Žinantys apie NLP yra labiau pasitikintys savimi stresinėse situacijose, bei naudoja daugiau įvairių metodikų, siekiant prisitaikyti prie klientų. Atsižvelgiant į gautus rezultatus, rekomenduojama neurolingvistinio programavimo metodologijos intervencija paslaugas teikiančių įmonių veikloje. Šis darbas naudingas vadovams, manantiems, kad paslaugas teikiančiose... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a system, methodology and approach that allow people to develop, communicate effectively and to achieve personal excellence. Service providing companies are valued for their ability to meet customers' needs, to establish and maintain communication with them. This thesis is - based on neuro-linguistic programming methodology for the efficient, practical applications for service providing companies. The work is divided into three parts, the first reveals theoretical level of neuro-linguistic programming techniques and their practical application for service providing companies. Second part assesses whether the services' employees use in their activities Neuro-linguistic Programming techniques, and clarifies areas of concern with which they faced. Third part of the work shows neuro-linguistic programming methodological applicability for designing a constructive influence over the enterprise. Evaluations of the results of a survey carried out on service enterprises, have shown that employees which are aware of NLP are more effective than those who not. Knowledge of NLP helps to be more confident in stressful situations and to use many techniques to adapt to the customer. Given the survey results, methodology of Neuro-linguistic programming is a recommended intervention for services providing companies. This work is useful for managers who anticipate that for the services providing companies the most important are high-quality relationship... [to full text]

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